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The Linkage between Renewable Energy and Project Management: What Do We Already Know, and What Are the Future Directions of Research?

Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej
Mariusz Sołtysik
Szymon Jarosz
2 and
Ryszard Pukała
Department of Labor, Capital and Innovation, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
College of Management Sciences and Quality, Krakow University of Economics, Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland
Institute of Economics and Management, Bronislaw Markiewicz State University of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw, Czarnieckiego 16, 37-500 Jaroslaw, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2023, 16(12), 4609;
Submission received: 10 May 2023 / Revised: 31 May 2023 / Accepted: 7 June 2023 / Published: 9 June 2023
(This article belongs to the Section A: Sustainable Energy)


Although the development and the implementation of Renewable Energy (RE) solutions are crucial for the transformation of countries towards sustainability, Project Management (PM) may help companies to introduce these solutions, although no study analyzes and synthetizes previous research on the interplay between PM and RE. The article aims to fill this gap by presenting an analysis of publications that address the analyzed issue and are indexed in the Scopus database. The article utilizes bibliometric analysis, network analyses, and in-depth qualitative studies published before 2023. The first method examines research productivity in the context of authors, institutions, and designations. The second method examines the authors’ and keywords’ networks. The third is more comprehensive and focuses on contributions to both project management and the technological domain provided by articles, which constitute H (Hirsch)-Core in this research field. Based on the bibliometric analysis, it can be concluded that the scientific structure of the “project management–renewable energy” (PM-RE) field consists of 335 documents, which were published, in total, by 672 authors and in 135 journals. There are four keyword clusters, with blurred boundaries between them. In the PM area, organizational issues, focusing on project effectiveness, cooperation with stakeholders, and project evaluation methods were discussed. In the RE area, the main focus was on wind energy, technological issues, and the implementation of technologies in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids, photovoltaic systems, biomass projects, or the exploitation of geothermal resources. The article directly indicates the areas that should be addressed in future research. This study is the first literature review that explores the PM–RE research field. It provides knowledge that can be the subject of improving technologies and project management issues in the energy industry.

1. Introduction

Crises in food, climate, biodiversity, and energy are critical to deal with, not only on a local, but also on a global, scale [1,2]. Thus, the modern global economy is obligated to save limited natural resources and reduce environmental pollution. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel imports, and the creation of a sustainable energy system are not possible without the use of renewable energy [3,4]. Furthermore, companies and organizations have to implement environmentally sustainable innovations [5]. These factors strongly apply to their carbon footprint and use of green energy [6]. Sustainable innovation is associated with the process of developing new ideas, technologies, and products that contribute to a reduction in environmental impact [7]. Noppers et al. [8] are convincde that, of utmost importance are innovations related to renewable energy sources.
At the same time, there is increasing importance of project-based undertakings in different areas [9], which stems from the fact that business activities are more complex and flexible [10,11]. Projects are about value, which is defined as not only successfully delivering a complex project in terms of time, cost, and quality, or even six constraints (time, cost, scope, quality, resources, and risks) [12], but also as the value which connects projects with a long-term effect on society and organizations [13]. This truth should also apply when it comes to the renewable energy (RE) area. Since renewable energy projects have to face many challenges [3] and investments in alternative energy, projects are not sufficiently developed [14], and these problems require urgent attention from researchers and practitioners.
Project management in the renewable energy area has attracted the interest of academia and practices worldwide. Since scientific production increases, it is worth collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing previous findings periodically. This is one of scholars’ leading roles [15]. As Paul and Criado [15] stated, review articles are “supposed to thoroughly synthesize a significant and important research area.”. They also should synthesize prior research in a transparent and reproducible manner [16].
The attention in the previous literature reviews on renewable energy has been focused on single specialist technological issues, such as, for example, the value of wind as a distributed energy source, planning of photovoltaic systems and solar batteries for the grid-connected housing sector [17], or social issues, such as policy challenges for EU civic energy [18], decarbonization models and their potential for policy-making [19], sustainability issues related to a given country (e.g., the use of wind energy in Iran) [20], or issues supporting the project management process, such as: carbon dioxide valuation and development of a decision-making process to identify promising internal pricing methods for the organization [21], energy management of microgrids [22], and use of artificial intelligence in self-management of energy in intelligent buildings [23]. However, there are no articles that comprehensively cover the issues of project management in renewable energy, indicating both the already developed areas and the areas to be addressed. Therefore, this study aims to fill this gap.
This article was driven by the need to comprehensively understand the intersection of project management (PM) and renewable energy (RE)—a pressing area of interest for the global economy, considering the escalating climate crisis and the increasing role of renewable energy. Our investigation is motivated by the observation that, while renewable energy projects are proliferating worldwide, the project management strategies used in this particular context are not adequately researched or understood. This article aims to fill the gap in the literature about project management and renewable energy by presenting an analysis of publications that simultaneously address both analyzed issues and are indexed in the Scopus database. For this study, the following research questions were formulated:
RQ1: “What is the bibliometric structure of the ‘project management–renewable energy’ (PM-RE) research field?”
RQ2: “What PM and technological aspects are covered by the core studies?”
RQ3: “What are the main contributions in this research field?”
RQ4: “What are the future research directions in the analyzed field of knowledge?”
In recent years, evidence-based practice has been growing in popularity, with an increasing need to implement and use reliable methods for summarizing knowledge from different scientific disciplines [24]. In this study, a systematic, transparent, and reproducible study review process was carried out. Moreover, the authors used a triple-method approach towards the literature review, linking bibliometric studies, network analyses, and in-depth content analyses, which were based on the H(Hirsch)-Classics approach. The first method has been used for a long time in the literature studies on management [25], and it can help evaluate research trends, hotspots, characteristics, and status [26]. The second method allows for the identification of detailed research areas [27]. The last method determines the most influential papers in a given research domain [28]. This paper contributes to the development of knowledge by providing a holistic analysis of the ‘project-management–renewable energy’ (PM–RE) research field, which has not been done in the previous—above-presented—study reviews on the topic. Its scientific contribution lies in a properly conducted systematic review that reliably summarizes the current state of knowledge, reporting on gaps in the literature and the need for new research.
The article is organized as follows. In the next section, the steps of the methodology of the literature review are presented. Then, the authors show research results of the PM–RE research field, dividing them into results from bibliometric analyses, results referring to keywords network comments, and findings from in-depth studies. After that, the authors discuss their findings, taking into account the field of project management in the field of renewable energy projects. In-depth content analysis of the 39 most-cited texts was divided into two areas: Contribution to the Project Management Domain and Contribution to the Technology Domain. The paper ends with conclusions, limitations, and directions for further research.

2. Methodology

Proper conducting of the literature studies starts by determining search terms and databases [29]. The authors decided to use the Scopus database because it is the largest database of peer-reviewed academic literature in different research domains [18]. The authors used the following search strategy: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“project management” AND “renewable energy”). It resulted in 836 documents. Then, the authors used additional queries, such as: (EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2023)) AND (LIMITTO (PUBSTAGE, “final”)) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “ar”)) AND (LIMIT TO (LANGUAGE, “English”)). The final sample consisted of 335 documents. They were the subjects of further bibliometric, network, and content analyses.
The *.CSV file, downloaded from the Scopus database, was used as an input file for bibliometric and network analyses. Bibliometric analyses focused on the number of publications and the number of citations were advocated by Khan et al. [30]. VOSViewer software [31] was used to conduct network analyses. These analyses provided, i.a., exciting information about keywords clusters, which were further used in the in-depth qualitative studies.
To select a paper for in-depth qualitative studies, the authors used the H-Classic methodology. This methodology objectivizes the identification of core knowledge. It assumes that the most important scientific findings are elaborated in the papers which are most frequently cited [28]. The authors made a ranking of the articles from the initial sample in which the first place had a paper with the highest number of citations. Then, they determined the breaking point at which the number in the ranking was the same as the number of citations received [32]. Since the 39th publication on the list received 40 citations and the 40th one received 37 citations, the H-Core was set at 39. The 39 most-cited articles are shown in Table A1 in the Appendix A. They were analyzed with a focus on their contribution to both PM and technological domains, as well as future research directions, indicated by their authors.
As presented in the Introduction, to avoid duplication of analyses, the authors also searched with the use of the following strategy: TITLE-ABS-KEY (“project management” AND “renewable energy”) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, “re”)). The obtained 125 literature reviews were manually scanned, focusing on titles and abstracts to find studies that simultaneously address issues related to project management in renewable energy. They were further used in the discussion section.

3. Results

3.1. Bibliometric Analyses of the PM–RE Research Field

The analyzed sample included articles dated between 1994 and 2022 (Figure 1). In 1994, seven articles were published. They have subsequently received from 0 (e.g., an article written by Pitchford and Clyne) to 16 citations (an article written by Duckers).
Considering the analyzed period, one can state that the interest in the PM–RE field of knowledge has been growing. This growth is, however, not constant. There are years when the number of articles is lower than in previous and forthcoming years (e.g., 2000, 2010).
As Figure 2 shows, the majority of publications come from North America. However, also, Western European and East Asian countries, as well as Australia, are included on the list of the most represented research destinations.
The total number of authors is 672. Up to eight persons authored the articles. Figure 3 presents the most productive authors regarding the number of articles they wrote.
The most productive two authors are scarcely cited. For example, Asmus received only two citations, whereas Draisey was cited only once. The most cited authors are Walker and Devine-Wright. They published, as coauthors, two highly cited articles, which received a total of 738 citations. At this point, it is worth mentioning that the total number of citations received by all articles in the sample was 6.578. Thus, the above-mentioned authors collected 11.22% of all citations.
The 335 articles were published in 135 journals (in total). The most productive two authors (Asmus and Draisey) published their papers in Refocus, which is the most productive journal in the sample (Table 1). This journal is also one of the most cited journals. The most cited journal is, however, Energy Policy—obtaining 2089 citations (31.76% of all citations).
Table 1 shows the nine most productive journals because each of the journals, which were listed with numbers from 10 to 15, published three papers. Table 1 provides evidence that few journals specialize in the PM–RE field of knowledge.
The journal title usually reflects the scope of a journal. Scopus also categorizes the articles according to research areas, as shown in Figure 4. Energy is followed by Environmental Sciences and Engineering. These three research areas, as many others presented in Figure 4, cover technological issues, whereas, e.g., Social Science and Business, Management, and Accounting, should focus on managerial implications.

3.2. The Results of Keyword Network Analyses

The analysis of the authors’ network was started by setting two documents as the minimum for an author, and it was shown that 26 authors met the threshold. The largest set of connected items consisted of three items, which included such names as N. Enzensberger, W. Fichtner, and O. Rentz (Figure 5). These authors published, together, two papers. Four pairs of authors coauthored one to two papers. showed that, in total, 12,457 words were included in all types of keywords in the sample. The keyword network analysis was performed by considering all keywords. The total number of keywords was 2563. The authors set 10 as the minimum number of occurrences, resulting in 65 keywords. Then, the author excluded keywords that were used as search terms in Scopus (their synonyms and plural forms), general terms, such as electricity and article, as well as the names of countries. This allowed for the identification of four research clusters, which are marked with different colors in Figure 6.
Cluster 1 includes such keywords as “decision-making”, “energy conservation”, “planning and utilization”, “fossil fuels”, “investment(s)”, “photovoltaic cells/system”, “research and development”, “risk assessment”, “solar energy/power”, “stakeholders”, and “sustainable development”. Cluster 2 includes such keywords as “biomass”, “costs”, “cost-benefit analysis/effectiveness”, “environmental protection”, “geothermal energy”, “industrial economics”, “laws and legislation”, “marketing”, “power plants”, “public policy”, and “waste management”. Cluster 3 consists of such keywords as “carbon dioxide”, “climate change”, “construction industry”, “economic and social effect”, “economics”, “environmental impact”, “gas emissions”, “mathematical models”, and “wind turbines”. Finally, Cluster 4 includes the following keywords: “electric utilities”, “energy policy”, “finance”, “hydroelectric power”, “planning”, “rural areas”, “societies and institutions”, “strategic power”, and “wind power”.
The density map (Figure 7) shows how much the keywords are explored. The prevailing keyword and, thus, the prevailing topic, are both “energy policy”.
One may also notice that some of the keywords are strictly connected with the PM domain (“stakeholders”, “cost-effectiveness”), whereas the others are connected with technologies (e.g., “biomass”, “solar power”, “hydroelectric power”). Therefore, further in-depth studies focused on the analyzed works’ contributions to both PM and technological aspects. The authors also attempted to identify future research directions in the H-Core articles in terms of PM and technological issues.

3.3. Findings from H-Core Articles

The in-depth content analysis of the 39 most-cited texts was divided into two areas: contribution to the project management domain and contribution to the technological domain. In the PM area, organizational issues, focusing on project effectiveness, cooperation with stakeholders, as well as project evaluation methods, were discussed. In the technological domain, specific technical solutions used in projects, as well as technological aspects that are useful in the implementation of renewable energy solutions, were indicated.

3.3.1. Contribution to a PM Domain

Yang et al. [33] introduced a method that has been utilized in the design of a hybrid project. This project has been constructed to provide power for a telecommunication relay station located on a remote island along the southeast coast of China. Research from Walker and Devine-Wright [34] suggests that renewable energy projects can become more locally divisive and controversial if benefits are not generally shared among local people.
Analysis has also shown that scientists often address stakeholders and trust in green solutions. Ek [35] focused on stakeholder aspects in his research, arguing that public opinion is generally positive about wind energy projects, andthe probability of finding an average person supporting wind energy decreases with age and income, but people interested in environmental issues are more likely to be positive about wind energy than the average person. Additionally, Walker et al. [36] carried out case studies regarding stakeholders, namely, trust and community, when it comes to the context of community renewable energy. The analysis further points out that deliberately backing projects, which aim to actively and directly involve local individuals, and which concentrate on achieving a broad range of collective results, could potentially yield significant benefits. Zografak et al. [37] studied energy consciousness and ‘triggered’ energy-efficient behavior that needed to be ingrained via repeated emphasis during the school years when the project was being implemented. This can also be achieved through the repetition of similar projects in subsequent school years, or it can be related to broader energy information or awareness projects targeted at young individuals or citizens.
Social participation is also a factor of paramount importance. Arıoğlu Akan et al. [38] noted that one way to deal with the prosperity and sustainability dilemma is to encourage actors to use environmentally friendly ways to complete things. In this regard, regulators and government bodies can have a significant influence. Their article showed, for example, that requiring or encouraging suppliers and companies to submit emission reduction plans using alternative cement types, alternative aggregate substitutes that reduce water consumption, and the use of processed industrial waste encourages the contractor to seek suppliers nearby, which will reduce emissions from transport to the gate, which has a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. If these criteria and factors had to be considered when awarding a public procurement, it would force contracting firms and suppliers to explore cleaner ways to perform their tasks, which include consideration of environmental and potentially social factors. Tongsopit and Greacen [39] noted that the lack of a unified energy policy makes RES (Renewable Energy Sources) expansion discontinuous and subject to the will and preferences of any new political administration taking control of the Thai government policy and regulatory framework for FiT: FiT implementation has been crippled by immediate reactions to problems as they arise. Generally, the landscape of RES support can be characterized. Research by Walker and Devine-Wright [34] suggests that renewable energy projects may become more controversial and locally controversial if benefits are not shared among the local population. Walker et al. [36] conducted case studies on trust and community in the context of local renewable energy. The presented analysis also shows that deliberately supporting projects that seek active and direct involvement of the local community and are geared towards achieving a rich set of collective results can pay dividends. Martins et al. [40] provided reliable and high-quality information to policymakers, politicians, investors, and stakeholders to facilitate clean energy development in developing countries.
In contrast, Jaramillo and Matthews [41] estimated the breakeven point for government subsidies that would be required to make such projects economically viable from a private and social perspective compared to current subsidies. Hain et al. [42], in their research, proposed scenarios for renewable energy sources in Great Britain, with particular emphasis on the government’s policy to support the production of energy from renewable sources. Information from primary and secondary research suggests that people living in regions where RES will be located may generally be inclined to support the wider use of renewable energy in these regions. Small-scale renewables can make a significant cumulative contribution to the RES mix. The results presented in the paper support the idea that the government could go further toward its goals through rural-oriented changes to its energy incentive programs [42].
When it comes to political mechanisms, Butler and Neuhoff [43] indicated that, while, in theory, the UK schemes should be lower cost mechanisms when compared to the German ones, this, in practice, is not the case. The German feed-in tariff has, to date, managed cheaper prices paid per wind energy delivered, greater competition, and more deployment. Sauter, Reiche, and Bechberger [44] indicated several reasons for the success of countries using feed-in tariffs, such as Germany or Spain, which have, until now, been mostly recognizable with regard to the increased use of wind power, as well as photovoltaic power. Bird et al. [45] pointed out that it is impossible to discern one single driver for wind power project development in the United States; instead, numerous drivers function as a package and influence one another’s effectiveness.
Aaberg [46] and Goumas [47] indicate that, when organizing, creating, and assessing a geothermal energy initiative, a range of parameters, encompassing technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects, must be factored in. In contrast, Goumas et al. [47] noted that many technical, economic, social, and environmental parameters should be considered when planning, designing, and evaluating a geothermal energy project. In turn, Muster-Slawitsch et al. [48] proposed a proprietary methodology for the Green Brewery, which includes detailed energy balancing, calculation of the minimum heat energy demand, process optimization, heat integration, and finally, the integration of renewable energy based on exoergic considerations. The concept of the Green Brewery was formulated as a means to diminish emissions and provide a roadmap for substantial steps to enhance energy efficiency. It is intended to be a dynamic tool that can be continually expanded and updated, in keeping with the finest engineering practices.
Regarding energy and economic efficiency methodology, Farinelli et al. [36] developed guidelines for designing and implementing energy efficiency measures. Similarly, Vanetsanos et al. [49] defined a framework for the evaluation of energy projects under uncertainty in a competitive market environment, focusing on electricity from renewable energy sources. Carneiro and Ferreira [50], on the other hand, focused on assessing the economic, strategic, and environmental interests of biomass energy projects based on dedicated energy crops in Portugal. Their analysis showed that, by being in this innovative sector, investing in it can bring significant strategic benefits to investing companies, leading to appropriate economic and social contributions. Vanhoucke et al. [51], in their paper, proposed actions to maximize the project’s net present value without compromising resource availability subject to the project’s deadline. In contrast, Alnatheer [52] quantified the costs, savings, and environmental benefits of renewable energy. Brent and Rogers (2010) proposed a sustainability assessment methodology that predicts the results of interventions through a learning model using experts in economics, sociology, ecosystem sustainability, institutional management, and the physics and chemistry of energy conversion processes. Consonni [53] noted that it is practically impossible to define a formal optimization problem. Therefore, the search for the most attractive recovery strategy was carried out by comparing four scenarios in terms of mass and energy flows, technological features, and environmental and economic impact. In turn, Zhang et al. (2006) provided an alternative methodology for the analysis and planning of construction project schedules. Giugliano et al. [54] highlighted the importance of correctly determining, in addition to the design value adopted for separate collections as a whole, also the efficiency of each recovered material. On the other hand, Kämpf [55] proposed a hybrid research algorithm to simulate and optimize the sustainable development of cities. The algorithm is used to optimize the geometric form of a hypothetical urban development, following a simple efficiency function—the availability of solar radiation. Algorithms can be used in comparative tests and as an alternative multi-criteria optimization tool in the case of the problem of solar optimization. Wind energy seems to be an important issue in the domain of PM input.
Jami and Walsh [56] identified the factors and limitations that influenced the public Contribution to the development of wind farm projects. They provide guidelines for improving public consultation when making decisions about the development of wind farm projects. Christophe et al. [57] review wind energy financing in Australia in light of recent political and financial trends. The article identifies three main barriers to project financing: regulatory risk related to legislation, semi-privatization of electricity sellers, and limited availability of capital due to the recent global credit crisis. Bird et al. [45] indicated that there is no single factor driving the development of wind energy projects. They pointed out that many factors come together and interact with each other. Similarly, Zografak et al. [37] indicated that energy awareness and ‘provoked’ energy-saving behavior must be developed by repeating project implementation during school years and by repeating similar projects in subsequent school years and/or through more general energy information/awareness-raising projects for young people or citizens. In turn, Gosens and Lu [58] showed that many project managers who were focused on the global market indicated that these quality requirements are expressed in terms of project development financing.
Costs aspects of the renewable project are also crucial matters. Reiche and Bechberger [44] pointed out that insufficient technologies and higher costs are significant problems for photovoltaics and energy from tides or waves. However, they indicated that wind energy shows that vast technological development is possible within only one decade. When it comes to cost optimization, Yang et al. [33] proposed one optimum match design sizing method for a hybrid solar–wind system, based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA), which can attain the global optimum with relative computational simplicity. Research from Bird et al. (2005) regarded the key factors at play in the 12 states in which a substantial amount of wind energy capacity has been developed or planned. The matter of evaluation and improvements of the project is also crucial.
Ek [35] noted, in his research, that people interested in environmental issues who regularly buy “green” products are more likely to have a positive attitude towards wind energy than the average person who does not regularly buy “green” products. Farinelli [59], under the EU SAVE program, reviewed policies and measures to promote energy efficiency, which included an analysis of experiences with already existing instruments and an evaluation of proposed innovative instruments. In particular, the practicality of using “white certificates” (energy efficiency) on the same basis as “green certificates” (renewable energy) was examined. Jami and Walsh [56] pay attention to potential technological, economic, social, or public barriers to investments in renewable energy. At the same time, Hain et al. [42] made a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and consequences of changes in renewable policy.

3.3.2. Contribution to the Technological Domain

Many papers regarded technological aspects of different kinds. For example, Lobashov [60] mainly focused on the technological aspect and implementing technology in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids. Otterpohl et al. [61] focused on the technical aspects of implementing the sustainable sanitary system, and Dicorato et al. [62] investigated the planning and operation of a combined wind storage system, and Fuchs et al. (2009) estimated Above-Ground Carbon (AGC) and modeled its spatial variability by combining multispectral high-resolution remote sensing imagery.
Otterpohl et al. [61] focused on the technological aspects of implementing a sustainable system, and Dicorato et al. [62] studied the planning and operation of a combined wind energy storage system, and Fuchs et al. [63] estimated Terrestrial Carbon (AGC) and modeled its spatial variability by combining high-resolution multispectral remote sensing images. Sauter and Lobashov [60] focused mainly on the technological aspect and technology implementation in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids. Reiche and Bechberger [44] pointed out that several reasons for the success of feed-in-tariff countries, such as Germany and Spain, are recognized mainly in the increased use of wind energy and photovoltaics. Zahedi [64] argued that, in addition to grid-connected rooftop PV systems, solar PV offers a solution for delivering electricity to remote communities and facilities inaccessible to utility companies—this is part of sustainable management.
It is also essential, in technological matters, to accept new solutions. Neill and Hashemi [65] discovered much more significant uncertainty in the Northwest European shelf wave resource during October to March, in contrast to the period April to September. In the more energetic regions of the NW European shelf seas, e.g., to the northwest of Scotland, the uncertainty was considerably more significant. Islam et al. [66] discussed the impact of various renewables, such as solar and biomass, and to a limited extent, wind and hydropower. Jaramillo and Matthews [41] assessed landfill gas’s private and social benefits to energy projects. Meanwhile, Alnatheer [52] concluded that, when certain non-market benefits of renewable energy are factored into their comprehensive cost-benefit analysis, an expansion plan incorporating wind and solar resources can deliver energy services to the Kingdom at a lesser social cost compared to the “Business as Usual” plan that solely utilizes fossil fuel-based production resources. Carneiro and Ferreira [50] showed that the lack of experience in energy crops and the still required research efforts in the selection, development, and processing of crops can delay the successful implementation of these projects, thus also questioning the involvement of farmers in these projects and the use of their land for the cultivation of energy crops. Fuel cost is an important weakness that can hamper the economic payback of a project under current pricing conditions. The findings propose that extra support schemes are needed to enhance the appeal of biomass energy projects, based on dedicated energy crops to private investors, thereby fostering necessary investment attractiveness.
In turn, Zhang et al. [67] introduced a Resource-Constrained Multimode Resource Planning (MRCPSP) methodology based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) that was not used to solve this and other design problems. In their research, Vanhoucke et al. [51] introduced a branch and link to a depth algorithm that uses additional precedence relationships to resolve a series of resource conflicts and a fast recursive search algorithm for the max-npv problem to compute upper bounds. Kämpf and Robinson [55], on the other hand, proposed a hybrid optimization algorithm, CMA-ES/HDE, and compared it with other selected methods (DE, HDE, ES, CSA-ES, and CMA-ES) on two standard benchmark functions. Arıoğlu et al. [38] developed a way to measure the effect of greenhouse gas emissions during the use of concrete in construction. In turn, Zahedi (2006) presented the latest developments in photovoltaic solar energy systems to discuss the long-term perspective of solar PV energy as a sustainable energy supply. On the technical side, Deb [68] presented the structure of the DSSC device, morphology, particle size and crystal structure, electron transport in TiO2 DSSC, injection of electrons at the dye-TiO2 interface, the effect of UV radiation on DSSC, alternative dyes, new ideas for collecting light, a novel approach to sensitization, semiconductor DSSC and photo electrochromic device, while Brent and Rogers (2010) applied a rural mini-hybrid off-grid electrification system model to determine sustainable development outcomes in Africa. Goumas et al. [47] presented the application of decision methods developed in operational research for the optimal exploitation of geothermal resources. In their research, Muster-Slawitsch et al. [48] demonstrated the possibilities of reducing thermal energy consumption in breweries, significantly reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, as well as developing a specialized tool, providing a strategic approach to achieving this reduction. Consonni et al. [53], on the other hand, proposed to optimize the division between material recovery and energy recovery from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) as part of Integrated Waste Management Systems (IWMS). Christophe et al. [57] proposed the GreenLab model to estimate economic strength by optimizing biomass measurements. Aaberg [46] noted, in his research, that mixing freshwater and seawater where a river flows into a salty ocean releases large amounts of energy. In his considerations, the question arises whether this energy can be used for commercial energy production on a large scale. Suppose freshwater and saltwater are separated by a suitable semi-permeable membrane. In that case, freshwater will spontaneously migrate through the membrane and dilute the salt water due to the difference in chemical potentials.
Other research focused tightly on technological solutions. Otterpoh et al. [61] proposed a sustainable sanitary system, based on vacuum toilets and vacuum sewage, whereas Dicorato et al. [62] proposed an approach for planning and operating an energy storage system for a wind farm in the electricity market. The objective of the Fuchs et al. [63] study was to estimate aboveground carbon (AGC) and assess and model its spatial variability by combining multispectral high-resolution remote sensing imagery and sample-based field inventory data using the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) technique and linear regression. Sauter and Lobashov [60] described a communication system that was successfully implemented by the REMPLI project, including support for the IEC 1107, M-Bus, and IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocols. Then, they extended this to support several other protocols in the automated measurement domain.

3.3.3. Research Directions Identified in H-Core Studies

The authors summarized further research directions regarding the contributions to PM and technology domains. Based on the results of H-Core studies in Table A1 in the Appendix A, future research directions for both the PM and technological domains have been distinguished.
When analyzing further research directions for the PM domain, it should be noticed that the authors of scientific articles indicate, i.a., areas that should be examined: wind power projects and green projects. According to research directions concerned about wind power projects, the authors recommended to: perform benchmarking of specifications for such projects [33], study obtaining the individual, community, and regional support for the deployment of wind turbines (Butler and Neuhoff, 2008), study technological aspects and investigate the planning and operation of wind storage system [62], and use a map-based software application for identifying potential areas for wind and solar energy projects [40]. Furthermore, Ek [35] suggested investigating which of the markets for green electricity could be limited. Zahedi [64] indicated the need for extensive research projects for harnessing renewable sources of energy. Based on their achievements, the authors also defined research directions in sustainability. Otterpoh et al. [61], in their research directions, referred to technological aspects of implementing sustainable sanitary systems. Zografakis et al. [37] recommended a project for schools to introduce a sustainable energy-related module. Brent and Rogers [69] also mentioned studies on socio-institutional complexity understanding.
In addition, in the PM domain, scientists also indicated the need for further research in the field of implementation of technologies in the end-to-end communication architecture for intelligent networks [60], identification of several success conditions for increased use of RES [44], the effectiveness of the RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standards) state policy [45], and estimation of how wave resources will change over time [65]. Others referred to directions related to research in planning new material recovery processes and management systems [54], as well as cost analysis of current technology state [70]. Venetsanos et al. [49] pointed to the need for consideration of uncertainty increases the value of an option and options create value. One article also suggested innovative research and technology development to increase the potential commercial success of the DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells) device [68]. Vanhoucke et al. [51] analyzed the possibilities of using the branch-and-bound procedure. Research directions recommended by Jaramillo and Matthews [41] concerned estimating the total private and social benefits of landfill gas to energy projects. They suggested that this method could be applied to other renewable energy technologies.
Additionally, Alnatheer [52] indicated designs, new materials, and better forecasting possibilities for renewable energy producers as areas of future research directions in the PM domain. Gosens and Lu [58], in their article related to Technological Innovation Systems, presented technological evolution and the science–industry complex as directions warranting further research. Walker and Devine-Wright [34] recommended significant involvement of the local population as stakeholders to provide acceptance of the new technology.
In the entire sample of articles, there were also those in which the authors did not provide any indications for further research in the field of PM domain or technological domain. However, regarding the technological domain, the authors of the articles indicated further research directions, such as the system optimum project configuration [33] and optimization of material and energy recovery activities [54]. Shakya et al. [70], in their article, suggested estimating resources for Australian regions and comparison with results in Cooma.
Among future research directions, authors also emphasized improvements in NPV (Net Present Value) maximization [62], comparison of linear regression, and k-NN prediction [63]. In addition, the need for a review of electricity infrastructure investments was highlighted [52], and the development of privately and socially cost-effective projects [41] was mentioned. Venetsanos et al. [49] claimed that the future operating outcomes of a wind energy project could be influenced by future decisions, depending on the inherent operational options.
The authors of the analyzed articles suggested taking up the matter of resilience parameters and associated factors for the design of technological systems [69], studying the effects of aerosols emitted and refining techniques for determining cloud cover in regions [40], and accelerating the growth of RET utilization [66] in further research. As one of the research directions in the technological domain, Zahedi [64] distinguished the use of solar energy to ensure large-scale domestic and environmentally friendly electricity.
The article by Deb [68] stood out in terms of the number of proposed further research directions. The author indicated the following areas of research in the technological domain: increasing the efficiency of energy conversion, development of semiconductor devices instead of the currently used liquid electrolyte, and development of radically new ideas, such as the use of QD (quantum dots) for spectral sensitization, production of large-size modules, and problems with long-term stability.

4. Discussion

This article contributes to the body of academic knowledge by presenting the theoretical and empirical links between project management and the energy industry. It shows the growing interest in the PM–RE. Considering RQ1, the conducted analyses show that the bibliometric structure of the PM–RE field consists of 335 documents, published in total by 672 authors and in 135 journals. The articles come mainly from North America. Scopus assigned different research areas to the analyzed articles. The letter and the content of the four keywords’ cluster (blurred boundaries between clusters) provide evidence that many different topics are undertaken in the analyzed field of knowledge.
The presented science mapping shows that sustainable development is one of the most popular issues. Therefore, this research can be supplemented with conclusions by Gorzeń-Mitka and Wieczorek-Kosmala [71], which have identified that the key issue in terms of sustainable development will be energy transition. Li et al. [72], in their analyses, mapped solely the scientific structure and evolution of renewable energy for sustainable development.
Considering previous research on the issues of project management and renewable energy, this study contributes to a better understanding of trends and research evolution in this area, pointing out in particular that the research concerns two areas: management (renewable energy project management) and technology (RQ2, RQ3). In the area of PM, attention was paid to organizational issues focusing on, among others, project effectiveness, cooperation with stakeholders, and project evaluation methods. In the technological area, examples of technical solutions used in projects were indicated that are useful in implementing renewable energy solutions.
The deliberations put forward are in sync with the broader trend observed in renewable energy research. While the propagation of renewable energy technologies is frequently recommended as a means to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, the focus typically lies on projects of a larger scale. Embracing renewable energy at a local level opens avenues for both decentralized energy systems and residential microgeneration. However, alternative models of ownership, management, and operation are still in their infancy. To guarantee the fulfillment of needs, locally managed energy solutions have to cater to diverse end-user demands, thereby emphasizing the necessity to understand the varying types of end-users as a fundamental step towards constructing sturdy business models. This is suggested by Piterou and Coles [73], who provided an overview of existing models of decentralized energy generation, in which entities, such as social groups, energy cooperatives, charities, and municipalities, participate as owners and co-producers. End-users can engage in the design, development, and provision of energy services in a variety of ways. The emphasis is on active user involvement through co-design, co-production, and co-provision of energy services. This analysis is used to reflect and refine the understanding of the relationship between technical, financial, and operational constructs in decentralized energy generation models that can contribute to social and environmental benefits.
Niroumand et al. [74] pointed out that current renewable energy projects are increasingly affected by the challenge of seemingly alternating acceptance by stakeholders. Parameters of attitudes adopted by some of those social groups that, especially at the beginning of such planning processes, seemingly lean towards “acceptance”, such as “uncertainty” or “conditional acceptance”, are above-average risk factors from the point of view of planning and the costs of the designer’s certainty. This is all the truer if either the expected conditions or the corresponding compensatory measures for these social groups are not or cannot be implemented noticeably, causing the latter to change to a negative attitude towards the project in a way that often surprises the project initiator.
One of the key issues is also minimizing costs. This is probably the most important criterion when deciding on the construction of energy infrastructure. The chosen design typically emerges from comparable alternatives, selected based on the lowest LCO, because, all else being equal, economies of scale decrease the per-unit energy cost. Consequently, megaprojects, defined here as those with costs exceeding $1 billion, are perceived as more competitive than smaller-scale alternatives. Nevertheless, megaprojects are susceptible to cost overruns and delays during construction, which, if considered beforehand, could modify the decision-making optimization for a specific project. Köberle et al. [75] hypothesized that optimistic assumptions about the techno-economic performance of megaprojects favor their inclusion in the Integrated Assessment Models (IAM) solution, preventing a higher share of non-hydro renewables, energy efficiency, and other low-carbon options. As a result of the work, it was found that delays and cost overruns affect Brazil’s energy security and increase imports of petroleum products. Non-hydro renewables fill the gap, indicating they should be the preferred ex-ante option.
In addition, renewable energy solutions are suitable for both on-grid and off-grid applications, supporting the power grid or rural areas without expanding costly and difficult grid infrastructure. As a result, hybrid renewables have become a popular option for grid-connected or stand-alone systems. Agajie et al. [76] pointed out that a key challenge in achieving a reliable, clean, and cost-effective system is determining the optimal size of hybrid renewable energy sources (HRES). Additionally, to determine the best dimensioning approach that can be used in HRES, one should consider key components, parameters, methods, and data. Furthermore, objective functions, design constraints, system components, optimization software tools, and metaheuristic algorithm methodologies are highlighted for available research in this current state-of-the-art summary. In addition, current problems resulting from HRES scaling were identified and discussed. The latest trends and advances in planning problems are thoroughly discussed.
When it comes to PM–RE projects, findings about the growing importance of stakeholder acceptance in renewable energy projects can significantly impact how such projects are managed in the industry. Project managers can use this insight to develop strategies to gain and maintain stakeholder support throughout their projects, thereby increasing their chances of success. A transition towards a renewable energy system within the construction industry is an intricate process. It encompasses multiple technological components and is shaped by numerous stakeholders and varying roles. The chance of successful implementation is jeopardized without an explanation of how technical systems are embedded in social components. Weerasinghe et al. [77] analyzed the impact of social engineering elements on the use of renewable energy in construction. This research adopts a sociotechnical network viewpoint and suggests the use of meta-grid analysis—a method focusing on multiple connections and nodes—for evaluating intricate sociotechnical systems. It employs Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) as a practical example to illustrate this methodology. The findings uncover significant social engineering components, such as adopters or customers, governments, BIPV panels, energy storage systems, and the building itself. Factors, such as system efficiency, uniformity in standards, building codes and regulations, stakeholder cooperation, incentives, and initial costs, play crucial roles in influencing the execution of such systems
As far as RQ4 is concerned, this study shows that the main research area that will need further exploration is presented in Table 2.
Table 2 categorizes the future research directions identified in the study within the areas of Project Management (PM) and technological development. In the PM domain, the key areas for further exploration include the development of wind and green energy projects, end-to-end communication technology for smart grids, defining success conditions for increased use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), the effectiveness of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) policy, and cost-benefit analysis of landfill gas for energy projects, among others.
Meanwhile, in the technological domain, the identified research directions focus on optimal system design configuration, activities related to materials and energy recovery, maximization of Net Present Value (NPV), linear regression and k-NN prediction comparison, reviewing electricity infrastructure investments, and developing socially viable projects.
The authors recommend future researchers from these domains work together to use heterogeneous knowledge, bringing benefits for both domains and society. Based on bibliometric analysis, it can also be concluded that a more developed collaboration between scientists is needed, with an emphasis on scientists from Central and Eastern Europe. For instance, researchers can further explore the identified issues of stakeholder acceptance and cost minimization in renewable energy projects, perhaps through case studies or experimental research. Researchers can also use findings to develop hypotheses for further testing and exploration.

5. Conclusions

5.1. Contributions

Building on previous research on the issues of project management and renewable energy, this study contributes to a better understanding of trends and research evolution in this area, pointing out in particular that the research concerns two areas: management (renewable energy project management) and technology. In the PM area, organizational issues focusing on project effectiveness, cooperation with stakeholders, and project evaluation methods were discussed. In the RE area, the main focus was on wind energy, technological issues, and the implementation of technologies in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids, photovoltaic systems, biomass projects, or the exploitation of geothermal resources.
The article directly indicates the areas that should be addressed in future research. Renewable and low-carbon energy technologies are considered the main alternative pathway toward sustainability, and consequently, significant political and industrial efforts should be made to increase their share in global energy consumption [78]. Many governments around the world aim to invest heavily in renewable energy to meet the fossil fuel energy reduction targets set out in the Paris Agreement [79,80]. Therefore, the authors anticipate intensifying the use of the project approach in innovations oriented toward designing and launching renewable energy solutions.
In the technological domain, our study draws attention to the importance of optimizing system design and maximizing the Net Present Value (NPV) in renewable energy projects. These findings may be of particular interest to industry professionals engaged in project planning and financial decision-making. Moreover, our call for a comprehensive review of investments in electricity infrastructure underscores the need for industry-wide efforts to foster sustainable and socially viable projects.
This study also contributes to bridging the gap between project management and renewable energy research. It identifies key areas of overlap, thus paving the way for future interdisciplinary studies. By bringing together insights from both fields, it provides a comprehensive overview of current trends and future directions, enabling researchers to build upon the existing knowledge base and propose innovative solutions to the challenges in the renewable energy sector. As such, this study serves as a catalyst for increased research activity at the intersection of project management and renewable energy.
This study provides knowledge that can be the subject of improving technologies and project management issues in the energy industry. It provides managers with knowledge of the PM–RE domain. This knowledge may improve the process of company management toward environmental transformation. Social implications are related to practical implications because companies’ pro-environmental activities result in a higher level of health in society. This article also provides practitioners with information on where (in which academic journals) to search for knowledge in the PM–RE area. Finally, it also provides educational institutions with the knowledge that may be taught in courses to increase environmental awareness.

5.2. Limitations

When it comes to the limitations of this study, one can state that they are mainly connected to the tidal character of bibliometric data. This review presents articles for the end of 2022. The number of their citations may change every day. Moreover, new articles are being published. Therefore, further analyses covering papers published in 2023 with the use of the same methodology are required.
The way of searching may leave some articles which address the analyzed issues out of the sample if the articles are not indexed in the Scopus database. The future literature reviews may complete the present study with the results obtained in different databases, such as IEEE Xplore, Dimensions, and Web of Science. A similar situation of not including relevant papers maybe warranted if their authors did not use the search terms in the keywords, title, or abstract. Future research may use also other—e.g., more general—terms—such as “project” and “energy”.
Finally, the authors focused on the core publications in the research field. They used the H-Classics methodology, which objectively selects the most contributive papers in a given research field [28]. However, new articles have been published (e.g., the papers on government support for renewable energy projects [81,82]), which can be included in a broader review of the literature.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.P.-S. and M.S.; methodology, K.P.-S.; writing—original draft preparation, K.P.-S., M.S., S.J., and R.P.; writing—review and editing, K.P.-S., M.S., S.J., and R.P.; visualization, K.P.-S.; supervision, K.P.-S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Publication financed by the Krakow University of Economics as part of the Conference Activity Support—WAK 2023 program.

Data Availability Statement

All the presented data can be found in the Scopus database.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.

Appendix A

Table A1. Brief characteristics of findings from H-Core articles.
Table A1. Brief characteristics of findings from H-Core articles.
Article No.AuthorsYear of PublicationNumber of Citations ReceivedContribution—PM DomainContribution—Technological DomainFuture Research Directions—PM DomainFuture Research Directions—Technological Domain
1[33]2009449- The applied method has to design one hybrid project to supply power for a telecommunication relay station.- optimum match design sizing method for hybrid solar–wind system based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA)-specifications for wind power project, possible benchmark- The model can be used to calculate the system optimum project configuration.
2[34]2008402- Stakeholder: renewable energy projects can become more locally divisive and controversial if benefits are not generally shared among local people.- The paper focuses on community, and there is no contribution to the technological domain.- More cases need to be examined.- acceptance for new technologies (stakeholders): substantial involvement of local people
3[36]2010336- case studies regarding trust and community when it comes to the context of community renewable energy- Technological aspects were not the point in this study.- need to guard against simplistic prescriptions of “what works” and the notion that community projects can simply be replicated from place to place- Technological aspects were not the point in this study.
4[35]2005282- Stakeholder aspects: the public is generally positive towards wind power projects.- implications for green technology in context of its acceptance- The potential of markets for ‘‘green’’ electricity may be limited.- Future research in technological domain aspect was not the point in this study.
5[43]2008279- UK schemes should be lower-cost mechanisms when
compared to the German ones.
- paper-focused, rather than focused on the technological aspect, focus on assessing the outcomes of the different policies with a focus on onshore wind- obtaining the individual, community, or regional support for additional deployment of wind turbines- paper-focused, rather than focused on technological aspect, focus on assessing the outcomes of the different policies with a focus on onshore wind
6[60]2011243- The research mainly focused on technological aspect and implementing technology in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids.- successfully implemented communication within the REMPLI project, including the support for the IEC 1107, M-Bus, and the IEC 60870-5-101/104- The research mainly focused on technological aspect and implementing technology in the end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids.- The top-level routing mechanism over IP (at the de/mux layer) even allows integrating different field-level networks at the same time. Thus, there might be dedicated APs for, e.g., nodes reachable over PLC and over GSM, respectively
7[44]2004203- several reasons for the success of countries using feed-in tariffs- Insufficient technologies and higher costs are significant problems for photovoltaic energy sources and energy from tides or waves.- identifying a number of success conditions for an increased use of RES- grid capacity—a very important obstacle in promoting renewable energy technology
8[45]2005178- impossible to discern one single driver for wind power project development in the United States- key factors at play in the 12 states in which a substantial amount of wind energy capacity has been developed or planned- The RPS state policy appears to be the most effective.- State policy must operate in the general context of the wind resource.
9[61]1997137- The paper focuses on technological aspects of implementing a sustainable sanitary system.- sustainable sanitary system basing on vacuum toilets and vacuum sewage- The paper focuses on technological aspects of implementing a sustainable sanitary system.- Existing sewerage and treatment plants are technically written off
10[62]2012130- The paper focuses on technological aspects and investigates the planning and operation of combined wind storage systems.- proposing an approach for planning and operating an energy storage system for a wind farm- The paper focuses on technological aspects and investigates the planning and operation of combined wind storage systems.- Further improvements of the method can consider an overall maximization of NPV.
11[63]2009116- Project management aspects were not the point in this study.- estimating aboveground carbon (AGC) and assess and model its spatial variability by combining multispectral high resolution remote sensing imagery- Project management aspects were not the point in this study.- comparison of linear regression and k-NN prediction showed advantages for the regression approach
12[37]2008114- The energy awareness and ‘‘provoked’’ energy-efficient behavior must be established through repetition during school years.- Technological aspects were not the case in the context of this paper.- the introduction of a sustainable energy-related module at schools- Technological aspects were not the case in the context of this paper.
13[65]2013107- uncertainty in the NW European shelf wave resource- applying the third-generation wave model SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) at high resolution- It may be possible to estimate how the European wave resource will similarly vary over periods.- The model improves the representation of the physical processes, particularly the non-linear wave–wave interactions.
14[54]201199- importance of properly defining, beyond the design value, also the yields of each material recovered.- production of residues and material recovery, optimization the overall efficiency of the IWMS- planning a new MSW management system, material recovery process- optimization of material and energy recovery activities
15Shakya [70]200597- parameters used for financial analysis of the project- the technical feasibility and perform the financial analysis of hybrid wind system- Costs referred to the current state of technology.- estimation resources for Australian regions and comparison with results in Cooma
16[69]201095- sustainability assessment methodology and prediction the outcomes of the interventions by learning model- model on rural mini-hybrid off-grid electrification system to determine the sustainability performance- understanding the complexity of social-institutional (and ecological) systems- resilience parameters and associated factors for the design of technological systems
17[40]200794- information about facilitating clean energy development in developing countries- means of daily solar irradiation maps- usage of a map-based software application for decision making and policy analysis, identifying potential areas for wind and solar energy projects-studying the effects of aerosols emitted,
- refining techniques for determining cloud cover in regions
18[64]200692- Grid-connected rooftop PV systems and solar photovoltaic energy offer a solution for supplying electricity to remote located communities and facilities.- developments in the area of solar photovoltaic energy systems
- energy as a sustainable energy supply
-undertaken extensive research projects for harnessing renewable energy sources- Harness the sun’s energy to provide large-scale, domestically secure, and environmentally friendly electricity.
19[49]200291- framework for the appraisal of power projects under uncertainty- a case study of the wind energy-to-electricity production- consideration if uncertainty increases the value of an option and options create value- The future operating outcomes of a WE project can be influenced by future decisions, depending on the inherent operating options.
20[67]200688- methodology to solve the MRCPSP by utilizing the features of PSO- methodology for solving the Multimode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MRCPSP)- no research direction in project management domain- consideration of stochastic activity duration and other application of PSO in the construction field
21[68]200585- no contribution to project management domain.- DSSC device structure,
- electron transport in TiO2 DSSC,
- electron injection of dye–TiO2 interface, UV irradiation effect on DSSC, alternative dyes
- conducting innovative research and technology development to make this potentially low-cost DSSC device commercially successful-pushing the energy conversion efficiency to 15%,
-developing all solid-state devices in preference to the liquid electrolyte that is currently used
- pursuing radically new ideas such as use of QDs for spectral sensitization
- solving issues related to large-scale module fabrication
-addressing long-term stability issues
22[66]200682-review of renewable energy projects realized by government-discussion about effects of various renewable sources, solar, and biomass- no research direction in project management domain.- acceleration the growth of RETs utilization
23[51]200173- schedule the activities to maximize the net present value- depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for the max-npv problem- The branch-and-bound procedure is able to optimally solve instances with up to 30 activities and four resource types in a reasonable time limit.- no research direction in technological domain
24[41]200567- breakeven government subsidies- evaluation total private and social benefits of landfill-gas-to-energy projects- The method presented in the paper could be applied to other renewable energy technologies.- Privately and socially cost-effective projects could and should be developed.
25[52]200566- quantitative assessment of the costs, savings, and environmental benefits of renewable energy- need to consider the non-market benefits of renewable energy in the assessment of overall costs and benefits,
- plan for the expansion of the supply of wind and solar resources and the role of fossil fuels
-designs, new materials and better forecasting possibilities for renewable energy producers- review of electricity infrastructure investments highlights
26[58]201365- difficulty in gaining funding for poor performing turbine projects- usage the TIS framework to evaluate the emergence of wind power innovation system- evolutions in the technological issues
- strengthening domestic science–industry complex
- A current list of TIS system functions could be used to analyze and visualize the formation and development of latecomer wind power TIS.
27[50]201263- the evaluation of the economic, strategic, and environmental interest of biomass power projectscrop selection, development and processing of their lands to energy crops cultivation, additional support schemes are required to promote the necessary attractiveness of private investors for biomass power projects based on dedicated energy crops,- Additional support schemes are required to promote the necessary attractiveness of private investors for biomass power projects based on dedicated energy crops. A guaranteed feed-in tariff is required to tackle the still perceive risk of these projects.- the evaluation of the economic, strategic and environmental interest of biomass power projects
28[55]200963- hybrid algorithm within of research to simulate and optimize thO29:R31e sustainability of urban developments. the algorithm to optimize the geometric form of a hypothetical urban development according to a simple fitness function—solar radiation availability.Hybrid CMA-ES/HDE optimisation algorithm is proposed and compared with other selected methods (DE, HDE, ES, CSA-ES and CMA-ES) on two standards benchmarksfunctions: Ackley and Rastrigin. - hybrid algorithm within of research to simulate and optimise thO29:R31e sustainability of urban developments
- an algorithm to optimize the geometric form of a hypothetical urban development according to a simple fitness function—solar radiation availability.
29[42]200562- scenario, with a particular focus on the government policy for support of renewable generation.This paper employs both primary and secondary evidence to analyze the benefits and implications of changes to renewable policies that could support small-scale and community-based renewables more effectively.- If more support was given to smaller RE generation, then this could make a significant contribution to the RE generation mix. The primary and secondary data gathered here indicate that rural communities may be ready to embrace such policies.- scenario, with a particular focus on the government policy for support of renewable generation.
30[42]200361 “The mixing of freshwater and seawater where a river flows into the salty ocean releases large amounts of energy. This phenomenon is known as osmosis. “
31[47]199959- planning, design and evaluation of a geothermal energy projectThe application of decision-making methods developed in operational research for the optimum exploitation of geothermal resources is considered.
The economic evaluation of projects is considered.
- In the case of multicriteria analysis, the main difficulty arises in the estimation of the required parameters that express personal preference.- planning, design, and evaluation of a geothermal energy project.
32[48]201158- energy balancing, calculation of minimal thermal energy demand, process optimization, heat integration, and, finally, the integration of renewable energy based on energetic considerations, a tool to reduce emissions and to give guidance for decisive actions in order to improve thermal energy efficiency.- demonstrate the potential for reducing thermal energy consumption in breweries, to substantially lower fossil CO2 emissions and to develop an expert tool in order to provide a strategic approach to reach this reduction- As technological change influences the thermal energy demand and hot water management of breweries significantly, process models for evaluating the best suitable technologies and operating conditions for an ideal heat integrated production site will be necessary.- energy balancing, calculation of minimal thermal energy demand, process optimization, heat integration, and, finally, the integration of renewable energy based on energetic considerations
- a tool to reduce emissions and to give guidance for decisive actions in order to improve thermal energy efficiency.
33[53]201157- optimization of mass and energy flows- identifying the optimal breakdown between material recovery and energy recovery from municipal solid waste (MSW) in the framework of integrated waste management systems (IWMS) - optimization of mass and energy flows
34[38]201751- that requiring or incentivizing suppliers and companies to come with plans to reduce the emissions using alternative cement types, alternative aggregate substitutes that reduce water usage and use recycled industrial waste, encouraging the contracting company to seek suppliers close by to reduce the emissions resulting from the transportation to the gate does have significant impact on reduction of GHG emissions.- a method to measure the impact of GHG emissions when concrete is used in construction.- environmental supply chain and materials design research to solve this critical issue facing emerging economies- This involves requiring or incentivizing suppliers and companies to come with plans to reduce the emissions using alternative cement types, alternative aggregate substitutes that reduce water usage and use recycled industrial waste, encouraging the contracting company to seek suppliers close by to reduce the emissions resulting from the transportation to the gate does have significant impact on reduction of GHG emissions.
35[39]201347- energy policy of the political administration in the field of renewable energy- overview of the country’s feed-in tariff- The planning process for an updated FiT scheme (currently underway) should incorporate lessons from the regulation of successful FiT schemes in other countries and practice light-handed regulation wherever possible.- energy policy of the political administration in the field of renewable energy
36[59]200547- regulatory framework, guidelines on the design and implementation of energy efficiency measures- policies and measures to promote energy efficiency, which involved analyzing the experience with instruments that are already implemented, and assessing innovative instruments that are proposed. In particular, the practicability of using ‘‘White Certificates’’ (energy efficiency) along the same lines as ‘‘Green Certificates’’ (renewable energy) was explored.”“Guidelines on the design and implementation of energy efficiency measures, and in particular of the White Certificate systems, should be issued at the EU level, and the performance of the different systems at country and regional level monitored and benchmarked, so as to help in their further development and diffusion. The evaluation of projects should be standardized as much as possible and be based on simple and agreed criteria to calculate the baseline, as done in the UKand proposed for most technologies in Italy so as tosimplify procedures and reduce transaction costs.Due to the importance of transaction costs for the success of WhC schemes, R&D in this direction is recommended. Progressive implementation of the WhC scheme, gradually introducing new technologies and new sectors, may be considered.”- regulatory framework, guidelines on the design and implementation of energy efficiency measures
37[56]201446- identifies the facilitators and constraints that influenced the public contribution to the development of wind projects and provides guidelines for improving public consultation in decision-making regarding wind project development. - technological, economic, social, or public barriers to renewable energy investment.- still a need for further research on resolving social conflicts of wind project development.- identifies the facilitators and constraints that influenced the public ontribution to the development of wind projects and provides guidelines for improving public consultation in decision-making regarding wind project development.
38[57]200843- optimization- The model was adapted from the GreenLab model and was used to estimate organ sink strengths by optimization against biomass measurements. - optimization


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Figure 1. A number of publications from 1994 to 2022 are indexed in Scopus.
Figure 1. A number of publications from 1994 to 2022 are indexed in Scopus.
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Figure 2. Ten most productive countries in the “PM–RE” research field.
Figure 2. Ten most productive countries in the “PM–RE” research field.
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Figure 3. Ten most productive authors in the “PM–RE” research field.
Figure 3. Ten most productive authors in the “PM–RE” research field.
Energies 16 04609 g003
Figure 4. Scopus research areas, which cover the “PM–RE” research.
Figure 4. Scopus research areas, which cover the “PM–RE” research.
Energies 16 04609 g004
Figure 5. The PM–RE authors’ network map was created in VOSViewer, based on Scopus data.
Figure 5. The PM–RE authors’ network map was created in VOSViewer, based on Scopus data.
Energies 16 04609 g005
Figure 6. The PM–RE keywords’ network map, which was created in VOSViewer, based on data from Scopus.
Figure 6. The PM–RE keywords’ network map, which was created in VOSViewer, based on data from Scopus.
Energies 16 04609 g006
Figure 7. The clusters’ density map, which was created in VOSViewer, based on data from Scopus.
Figure 7. The clusters’ density map, which was created in VOSViewer, based on data from Scopus.
Energies 16 04609 g007
Table 1. The most productive journals in the sample.
Table 1. The most productive journals in the sample.
Journal TitleNumber of Articles% of Articles in the SampleNumber of Citations Received% of Citations in the Sample
Renewable Energy3811.34%107816.39
Energy Policy267.76%208931.76
International Water Power and Dam Construction92.69% 0.00
Journal of Cleaner Production82.39%1842.80
International Journal of Environmental Studies41.19%290.44
Sustainability (Switzerland)41.19%600.91
Waste Management41.19%2023.07
Table 2. Future Research Directions in the Fields of Renewable Energy Project Management and Technology.
Table 2. Future Research Directions in the Fields of Renewable Energy Project Management and Technology.
DomainAreas Needing Further Exploration
PM Domain 1. Development of wind energy projects and green projects
2. Implementation of technology in end-to-end communication architecture for smart grids
3. Defining success conditions for increased use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
4. Evaluation of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) policy effectiveness
5. Planning of new material recovery process and management systems
6. Cost analysis of the current state of technology
7. Methods for estimating total private and social benefits of landfill gas for energy projects
Technological Domain 1. Optimal configuration of the system design
2. Optimization of activities related to the recovery of materials and energy
3. Improving maximization of Net Present Value (NPV)
4. Comparison of linear regression and k-NN prediction
5. Review of investments in electricity infrastructure
6. Development of privately and socially viable projects
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MDPI and ACS Style

Piwowar-Sulej, K.; Sołtysik, M.; Jarosz, S.; Pukała, R. The Linkage between Renewable Energy and Project Management: What Do We Already Know, and What Are the Future Directions of Research? Energies 2023, 16, 4609.

AMA Style

Piwowar-Sulej K, Sołtysik M, Jarosz S, Pukała R. The Linkage between Renewable Energy and Project Management: What Do We Already Know, and What Are the Future Directions of Research? Energies. 2023; 16(12):4609.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Piwowar-Sulej, Katarzyna, Mariusz Sołtysik, Szymon Jarosz, and Ryszard Pukała. 2023. "The Linkage between Renewable Energy and Project Management: What Do We Already Know, and What Are the Future Directions of Research?" Energies 16, no. 12: 4609.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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