PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping
:1. Introduction
- An innovative flower-shaped design for a modular tracking PVSD system intended for integration in coverages of large urban spaces is proposed.
- The flower shape (opened flower petals) increases the electric production of a fixed PV system and has a shade function for the crowded location, not neglecting the architectural aspects.
- Its applicability to a real case study is verified.
- Detailed simulation of the tracking PVSD system is performed using:
- A comparison of the proposed tracking PVSD system with equivalent fixed systems is provided in terms of electricity generation.
- The first small-scale interactive prototype of the system is presented.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Photovoltaics
2.2. Solar Tracking Photovoltaics
2.3. Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV)
2.4. Photovoltaic Shading Devices (PVSDs)
3. Methodology and Case Study
3.1. Design of a Modular Tracking PV System Integrated in Coverages of Large Urban Spaces
3.2. Climate Data
- Air temperature (°C)
- Wind speed (m/s)
- Direct normal irradiance (DNI) (W/m2)
- Diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) (W/m2)
- Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) (W/m2)
3.3. PV Performance Simulation
- : current of the cell (A)
- : current generated by photovoltaic effect (A)
- : current lost due to recombination (A)
- : current lost due to shunt resistances (A).
- : diode reverse saturation current (A)
- : elementary charge (1.602 × 10−19 C)
- : diode voltage (V)
- : diode ideality factor
- : Boltzmann constant (1.381 × 10−23 J/K)
- : temperature [K]
- : potential of the cell (V)
- : series resistance (Ω).
- : current of the module (A)
- : voltage of the module (V)
- : number of cells in series.
3.4. I–V Parameter Extraction: 5 Parameter Model
- : total absorbed irradiance (W/m2)
- : total absorbed irradiance at STC (W/m2)
- : air mass modifier
- : air mass modifier at STC
- : photocurrent at reference conditions (A)
- : temperature coefficient of short-circuit current (%/°C)
- : temperature of the cell (K)
- : temperature of the cell at reference conditions (K).
- : diode reverse saturation current (A)
- : temperature-dependent bandgap at (eV)
- : temperature-dependent bandgap at reference conditions (eV).
- : shunt resistance at reference conditions (Ω)
- : total irradiance on the horizontal surface (W/m2).
- : irradiance at STC (W/m2)
- : beam component of total irradiance on the horizontal surface (W/m2)
- : diffuse component of total irradiance on the horizontal surface (W/m2)
- : ratio of beam radiation on a tilted surface to that on a horizontal surface (W/m2)
- : incidence angle modifier at beam incidence angle
- : incidence angle modifier for the diffuse component
- : incidence angle modifier for ground reflected component
- : angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the sunbeam vector (°)
- : tilt angle of the panel (°)
- : ground albedo (in this study equal at the albedo of asphalt 0.12).
- : constant parameter (0.05)
- : angle of incidence between the module normal vector and the sunbeam vector (°).
- : angular losses coefficient (typical value for a monocrystalline silicon module is 0.17)
- : fitting parameter
- : fitting parameter (for ).
- : zenith angle
- , , , , : constants available for different PV cell types from Sandia National Laboratories [109].
3.5. Module Temperature Modeling
- : cell temperature (K)
- : ambient air temperature (K)
- : incident irradiance on the plane of array (W/m2)
- : constant heat transfer component (W/(m2K))
- : convective heat transfer component (Ws/(m3K))
- : wind speed (m/s).
3.6. DC/AC Inverter Model
- : nominal inverter efficiency
- : reference inverter efficiency (0.9637)
- and
- : DC power (W)
- : DC power limit of the inverter (W)
- and
3.7. PV Module Parameters
3.8. Case Study
3.9. Prototype
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Acronyms | |
BAPV | Building Applied Photovoltaic |
BIPV | Building Integrated Photovoltaic |
EPBD | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive |
HVAC | Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning |
IPE | Interactive Prototyping Environment |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
MPPT | Maximum Power Point Tracking |
nZEB | Nearly Zero Energy Building |
NZEB | Net Zero Energy Building |
POA | Plane of Array |
PVSD | Photovoltaic Shading Device |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RES | Renewable Energy Sources |
STC | Standard Test Conditions |
TMY | Typical Meteorological Year |
ZEB | Zero Energy Building |
Parameters | |
AC | Alternating current (A) |
DC | Direct current (A) |
DHI | Diffuse horizontal irradiance (W/m2) |
DNI | Direct normal irradiance (W/m2) |
GHI | Global horizontal irradiance (W/m2) |
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PV Module Manufacturer Parameters | |
Cell Type | Monocrystalline Silicon |
Maximum power (PMAX) (W) | 120 |
Voltage at maximum power point (VMPP) (V) | 18 |
Current at maximum power point (IMPP) (A) | 6.67 |
Open circuit voltage (VOC) (V) | 21.6 |
Short circuit current (ISC) (A) | 7.72 |
Temperature coefficient of ISC (%/°C) | 0.035 |
Temperature coefficient of VOC (%/°C) | 0.37 |
Cells in series | 4 × 9 |
STC cell temperature (°C) | 25 |
STC irradiance (W/m2) | 1000 |
STC air mass | 1.5 |
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Minelli, F.; D’Agostino, D.; Migliozzi, M.; Minichiello, F.; D’Agostino, P. PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping. Energies 2023, 16, 5786.
Minelli F, D’Agostino D, Migliozzi M, Minichiello F, D’Agostino P. PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping. Energies. 2023; 16(15):5786.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMinelli, Federico, Diana D’Agostino, Maria Migliozzi, Francesco Minichiello, and Pierpaolo D’Agostino. 2023. "PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping" Energies 16, no. 15: 5786.
APA StyleMinelli, F., D’Agostino, D., Migliozzi, M., Minichiello, F., & D’Agostino, P. (2023). PhloVer: A Modular and Integrated Tracking Photovoltaic Shading Device for Sustainable Large Urban Spaces—Preliminary Study and Prototyping. Energies, 16(15), 5786.