A Legal Framework for Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in Poland and Germany
:1. Introduction
- Spatial Planning and Development Act (Poland)—SPDA;
- Environmental Protection Act (Poland)—EPA;
- Act on Providing Information on the Environment and its Protection (Poland)—API;
- Federal Building Act (Germany)—FBA;
- Federal Land Use Ordinance (Germany)—FLUO.
2. Materials and Methods
3. General Legal Framework for Urban Space Management
3.1. Protection from Climate Change in the Basic Laws
Interim Conclusions
3.2. Legal Instruments of Spatial Planning at the Local Level
Interim Conclusions
3.3. Climate Protection in Local Development Plans
Interim Conclusions
3.4. The Planning Authority of the Municipality and Its Limits
Interim Conclusions
3.5. Environmental Impact Forecast
Interim Conclusions
4. Specific Urban Planning Laws—An Overview
- Spatial Planning and Development Act (Poland)—SPDA;
- Federal Building Act (Germany)—FBA;
- Federal Land Use Ordinance (Germany)—FLUO.
4.1. Features, Parameters and Indicators of Planned Development
4.2. Limitation of Building Intensity and Location of Buildings on the Plot
4.3. Restrictions on Burning Solid Fuels, Their Installations and Laws on Renewable Energy Sources
4.4. Green Areas
4.5. Water Management
4.6. New Development and Use of Existing Development
4.7. Supporting Public Transportation and the Concept of a City of Small Distances
4.8. Reducing Light Pollution
4.9. Measures of Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in the EU Context
5. Conclusions
5.1. General Conclusions
- There are similarities in the principles of environmental protection and sustainable development at the level of basic laws, with neither of them explicitly referring to climate and its protection.
- The provisions of national laws contain orders to take into account environmental protection requirements, including climate protection, in spatial management.
- Spatial management by means of legally binding instruments is carried out at the municipal level, with this taking place in two stages, and the planning acts enacted must be consistent with each other, although they do not have to be identical.
- In Poland, no provision allows local authorities to introduce additional regulations regarding the permissible content of the local plan, beyond what is provided in the SPDA, since there are no partially autonomous states.
- Municipalities enjoy autonomy in shaping the space on their territory, limited, however, by the provisions of laws and the constitution and the obligation to weigh public and private interests, and there is no top-down primacy of any of these interests.
- In both Polish and German law, there is an obligation to prepare an environmental impact forecast, but not in every case of preparing a spatial development plan.
- In order to strengthen climate protection, it is worth considering a reform of the basic laws in the form of including climate directly among the protected goods (values).
- It is worth considering the introduction into the Polish SPDA of a directly expressed order to take measures to counteract climate change and to adapt to the occurring climate change on the model of the German § 1a(5) sentence 1 of the FBA.
- Any form of accelerated, simplified procedure for the adoption of development plans for urban areas, limiting the requirements for environmental protection, should not be introduced/should be abandoned, as they reduce the level of its protection, especially since in cities. Due to the intensity of development, certain types of impact on its various zones or investments in relation to neighbouring areas will always take place.
5.2. Specific Conclusions
- In both countries, the provisions of the laws allow the characteristics, parameters and indicators of the planned development to be determined in the spatial development plans, which makes it possible to effectively promote energy-conscious land management.
- In Germany, a ban on burning specific fuels can be determined by the municipality in the spatial development plan; in Poland, this is determined by another local government body—the sejmik of the province.
- In Poland, the prohibition of solid fuel installations in the local plan is permissible, while in Germany it is currently assumed that there is no such possibility.
- In Germany, it is possible in the local plan to mandate the use of certain installations of renewable energy sources, while in Poland the regulations do not provide for this.
- German regulations provide a greater range of tools for municipalities in the management of greenery in cities, which in local plans can also specify orders for the use of certain plantings, including on roofs and facades, and an order to maintain certain plants on plots, while in Poland there is no such statutory regulation.
- Both Polish and German regulations provide adequate instrumentation to specify water management in local plans.
- Neither of the legal orders allows specifying in the local development plan an order to preserve the existing development, but they contain general provisions that can motivate the use of the existing development and order for the economical management of space and soil.
- Both countries provide legal instruments to implement the idea of a “city of short distances”.
- In Germany, it would be worth considering the introduction of a provision authorising municipalities to ban solid fuel installations in the development plan.
- In Poland, it would be worth considering a more detailed regulation in the law regarding the issue of green areas in local plans, including the introduction of their legal definition in the SPDA.
- In both systems, it would also be reasonable to introduce more detailed regulations, implementing in certain areas, especially the city centre and downtown, provisions that prescribe or promote the preservation of existing buildings (with the possibility of their modernisation or expansion).
- The introduction of artificial light to the Polish definition of “pollution” as one of its exemplary forms.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Development | Height, Width, Depth, Cubic Capacity of the Building; Number of Floors | Shape of the Building and Its Parts, Compact Body of the Building | Shape and Geometry of the Roof | |
Poland | Art. 15 (2) Nos. 1 and 6 SPDA | Art. 15(2) No. 6 SPDA | Art. 15(2) No. 6 SPDA | Art. 15(2) No. 6 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 1 and 2 FBA | § 9(1) No. 3 FBA in conjunction with §§ 18, 20, 23 FLUO | § 9(1) Nos. 1 and 2 FBA in conjunction with § 23(3) sentence 2 FLUO | No possibility under FBA; reference to state laws in § 9(4) FLUO |
Building Boundaries and Building Line | Method of Location of Objects on the Plot, Orientation of Buildings | Building Intensity and Building Area | Minimum Area of New Plots | Areas Free from Development | |
Poland | Art. 15(2) No. 6 SPDA | Art. 15(2) Nos. 6 and 8 SPDA | Art. 15 (2) No. 6 SPDA | Art. 15(3) No. 10 SPDA | Art. 15(2) No. 9 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 1 and 2 FBA, § 23 FLUO | § 9(1) No. 2 FBA, § 23 FLUO | § 9(1) No. 1 i 2 FBA, §§ 16, 22 FLUO, § 9(1) No. 2a FBA | § 9(1) No. 3 FBA | § 9(1) Nos. 10 and 24 FBA |
Prohibition of Specific Fuels | Prohibition of Solid Fuel Installations | Obligation to Use Renewable Energy Installations | |
Poland | No possibility, competence of another local authority | Possible, on the basis of environmental regulations in conjunction with the SPDA | No legal basis |
Germany | § 9(1) No. 23(a) FBA | No legal basis | § 9(1) No. 23(b) FBA |
Determination of Green Areas | Obligation of Specific Plantings | Obligation to Preserve Certain Types of Plants | Obligation to Introduce Green Roofs or Facades | |
Poland | Art. 1(2) Nos. 3, 9 Art. 15(2) Nos. 3, 3a, 5, 9 SPDA | No legal basis | No legal basis; in the case of trees, this is regulated in the Nature Protection Act | As for the façade, there are no statutory grounds; as for the roof -potentially on the basis of Art. 15(3) No. 8 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 10, 15, 18, 20, 25 FBA | § 9(1) No. 25(a) FBA | § 9(1)No. 25(b) FBA | § 9(1) No. 25(a) FBA |
Method of Draining and Collecting Rainwater | Equipment and Installations | Management of Areas Due to Flood Risk | |
Poland | Art. 15(2) Nos. 6, 9 SPDA | Art. 15(2) Nos. 3, 9, 10 SPDA | Art. 15(2) Nos. 7, 9 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 10, 16, 24 FBA | § 9(1) Nos. 14, 16, 20, 24 FBA | § 9 (1) No. 16 FBA |
An order to Preserve the Existing Development | Economical Management of Space and Promotion of the Use of Existing Buildings | |
Poland | No legal basis | Art. 1(2) No. 6, Art. 1(4) No. 4, Art. 15(2) No. 6 SPDA |
Germany | No legal basis | § 16 et seq., § 23 FLUO § 1a(2) FBA |
Measures to Implement the Idea of a Short-Distance City | |
Poland | Art. 1(4) Nos. 1–4 SPDA Art. 15(2) Nos. 1, 3, 6, 10 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 1, 11, 12, 20, 23(b) FBA |
Measures for Reducing Light Pollution | |
Poland | Art. 15(2) Nos. 3, 3a, 5, 10 SPDA |
Germany | § 9(1) Nos. 20, 24 FBA |
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Sachanbińska-Dobrzyńska, O. A Legal Framework for Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in Poland and Germany. Energies 2023, 16, 6428. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186428
Sachanbińska-Dobrzyńska O. A Legal Framework for Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in Poland and Germany. Energies. 2023; 16(18):6428. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186428
Chicago/Turabian StyleSachanbińska-Dobrzyńska, Olga. 2023. "A Legal Framework for Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in Poland and Germany" Energies 16, no. 18: 6428. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186428
APA StyleSachanbińska-Dobrzyńska, O. (2023). A Legal Framework for Energy-Conscious Urban Planning in Poland and Germany. Energies, 16(18), 6428. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16186428