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Impact of Economic Awareness on Sustainable Energy Consumption: Results of Research in a Segment of Polish Households

Bożena Gajdzik
Magdalena Jaciow
Kinga Hoffmann-Burdzińska
Robert Wolny
Radosław Wolniak
3,* and
Wiesław Wes Grebski
Department of Industrial Informatics, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Department of Digital Economy Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Katowice, 40-287 Katowice, Poland
Faculty of Organization and Management, Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Penn State Hazleton, Pennsylvania State University, 76 University Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2024, 17(11), 2483;
Submission received: 26 April 2024 / Revised: 14 May 2024 / Accepted: 20 May 2024 / Published: 22 May 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Energy Consumption in the EU Countries: 3rd Edition)


This manuscript explores the relationship between the economic awareness (as a part of energy awareness) of Polish households and their sustainable energy consumption practices. Sustainable consumption is measured by the frequency of behaviors such as turning off electrical devices when not in use, removing mobile device chargers from sockets, switching off lights when leaving a room, preferring showers over baths, using washing machines and dishwashers only when full, and purchasing energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Economic awareness is gauged through variables such as knowledge of electricity tariffs, understanding of electric bill components, awareness of electricity prices, exact knowledge of electricity expenses, electricity usage in kWh, knowledge of effective energy-saving methods, and familiarity with the energy efficiency classes of appliances and light bulbs. This study presents profiles of households with high and low economic awareness regarding their electricity expenditures and examines how these profiles differ in their sustainable energy consumption behaviors. This research is based on a survey of 1407 Polish households conducted online in 2023. Data collected from the survey were subjected to statistical analysis and are presented in tables and graphs. The findings are discussed in the context of the existing literature in the field, highlighting the implications of economic awareness on sustainable energy consumption practices. This research contributes to understanding how economic knowledge influences energy-saving behaviors among Polish households, providing insights for policymakers and energy conservation initiatives. One of the key findings of this paper is the significant association between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and the adoption of sustainable energy consumption behaviors among Polish households. This study reveals that households with higher levels of economic awareness demonstrate a notably higher frequency of practices related to sustainable energy consumption compared to those with lower economic awareness. Similarly, households equipped with greater knowledge about energy-saving techniques exhibit a higher propensity to adopt energy-efficient behaviors. This underscores important roles of economic literacy and education in fostering behavioral changes towards more sustainable energy practices, highlighting the importance of targeted interventions and educational campaigns aimed at enhancing economic awareness and promoting energy-saving knowledge among consumers.

1. Introduction

The conscientious management of energy resources to fulfill current requirements without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations to fulfill their own needs is a fundamental element of contemporary life, encapsulating the concept of sustainable energy consumption. It involves adopting practices and technologies that minimize environmental impacts, promote energy efficiency, and utilize renewable energy sources [1,2,3,4]. Positive results of human impact on the environment are produced during the involvement of organizations, governments, and leaders in raising the energy awareness of societies.
In recent years, the discourse surrounding sustainable energy practices has gained increasing prominence globally, driven by growing concerns about climate change, environmental degradation, and energy security. Poland, like many other countries, is grappling with the imperative to transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape while balancing economic development and energy affordability [2,3]. However, Poland’s energy mix has traditionally been dominated by coal, presenting challenges in aligning with international climate goals and transitioning towards cleaner, renewable energy sources [5].
Despite these challenges, Poland has made strides in recent years to diversify its energy portfolio and promote sustainability [5]. The country has seen a significant increase in its renewable energy capacity, particularly in wind and solar power, driven by supportive policies and incentives for renewable energy investments. Additionally, Poland has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency as part of its obligations under the European Union’s climate targets [6].
The transition to sustainable energy practices in Poland and other countries is not without obstacles. Economic considerations, energy infrastructure constraints, and social acceptance of renewable energy technologies all play crucial roles in shaping the trajectory of energy transitions. Additionally, the pace and scale of renewable energy deployment must accelerate to meet the ambitious climate targets outlined in international agreements such as the Paris Agreement [7,8,9]. Beyond Poland, countries around the world are also grappling with similar challenges and opportunities in advancing sustainable energy practices [10]. Some nations have made significant strides in renewable energy deployment and decarbonization efforts, serving as examples of best practices and lessons learned for others. It should be stated that disparities in economic development, technological capacity, and political priorities can influence the adoption and implementation of sustainable energy policies across different regions [11].
In light of the urgent need to address climate change and promote sustainable development, there is growing momentum for international cooperation and knowledge sharing in the realm of energy sustainability. Initiatives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement provide frameworks for global collaboration on energy-related issues, emphasizing the importance of inclusive and equitable approaches to energy transitions [11]. Moving forward, it is essential for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and civil society to work collaboratively to overcome barriers to sustainable energy adoption and accelerate the transition towards a more resilient, low-carbon energy future. This entails fostering innovation, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency measures, and enhancing public awareness of and engagement with sustainability issues. By leveraging the collective expertise and resources of diverse stakeholders, countries can chart a course towards a more sustainable and prosperous energy future for all [12].
The energy consciousness of societies is becoming increasingly important due to the continued projected increase in global energy consumption and the increasing consequences of climate change resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. People who are energy conscious save energy and invest in RES technologies [2,3,4]. The energy consciousness of societies is becoming increasingly important due to the continued projected increase in global energy consumption (predicted to rise by 50% by 2050 according to the International Energy Agency [IEA] [13]) and the increasing consequences of climate change resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. People who are energy conscious save energy and invest in RES technologies. However, a significant gap exists between those who can afford energy-efficient practices and those who struggle financially.
The problem of households’ economic awareness concerning their electricity expenditures revolves around the lack of understanding or consideration of the financial implications of energy consumption [14]. This phenomenon may stem from various factors, including limited access to information, cognitive biases, and socio-economic disparities. Specifically, households with low economic awareness may fail to grasp the significance of electricity costs in their overall budgetary allocations or may underestimate the potential savings associated with energy-efficient practices [15]. Consequently, they may inadvertently engage in inefficient energy consumption behaviors, resulting in higher electricity bills and unnecessary financial burdens [16,17].
Addressing the issue of households’ limited economic awareness concerning electricity expenditures requires a multifaceted approach aimed at promoting access to information, addressing cognitive biases, and reducing socio-economic disparities. One potential solution is to implement educational campaigns and outreach initiatives focused on raising awareness about the financial implications of energy consumption. These campaigns could utilize various communication channels, such as social media, community workshops, and informational materials distributed through utility companies, to disseminate information about electricity costs, energy-saving tips, and available financial assistance programs [16]. Efforts to address cognitive biases and behavioral barriers could involve implementing behavioral interventions based on insights from behavioral economics. Nudging techniques, such as providing personalized energy usage feedback, setting default energy-saving settings on appliances, and offering incentives for energy-efficient behavior, can help individuals overcome inertia and make more informed choices about their energy consumption. Moreover, leveraging social norms and peer effects through community-based programs and social marketing campaigns can encourage households to adopt energy-efficient practices by highlighting the behaviors of others in their social networks [17].
To reduce socio-economic disparities in economic awareness and access to energy-saving resources, targeted interventions may be necessary to reach underserved or marginalized communities. These could involve providing financial assistance, subsidies, or rebates for energy-efficient upgrades to low-income households, as well as investing in energy efficiency programs in affordable housing developments. Additionally, improving access to energy literacy programs and financial education resources in schools and community centers can empower individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds to make more informed decisions about energy consumption and budget management [4,14,15,16,17,18].
This paper adopts the following understanding of energy awareness in conjunction with economics. Energy awareness is a general predisposition and, at the same time, competence to undertake desirable behaviors in the sphere of energy consumption, i.e., those that are characterized by efficiency, economy, and care for the environment. It includes both knowledge and economic motivation factors in energy conservation (energy price differentiation) [18]. In addition, informed consumers invest in energy-saving devices, and over time, make strategic decisions for their households to use RESs, as prosumers of the energy market.
The primary aim of this article is to examine the relationship between the economic awareness of Polish households and their practices in the field of sustainable energy consumption. Based on electricity expenditure, households with high and low economic awareness were distinguished and it was analyzed how this awareness affects their behavior towards sustainable energy consumption.

2. Background of Analysis

A key objective of sustainable energy consumption is diminishing dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. These resources not only diminish over time but also heavily contribute to air and water pollution, along with greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, sustainable energy endeavors prioritize the utilization of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, which are naturally replenished and pose minimal environmental harm. Energy efficiency plays a central role in sustainable consumption practices [17,18,19]. This involves optimizing energy use across various sectors, including transportation, industry, residential, and commercial buildings. Through measures such as improved insulation, energy-efficient appliances, and advanced lighting systems, significant reductions in energy consumption can be achieved without sacrificing comfort or productivity [20,21,22].
Another key aspect of sustainable energy consumption is the promotion of energy conservation and behavioral changes [23]. Encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt simple yet effective practices, such as turning off lights when not in use, unplugging electronics, carpooling, and telecommuting, can lead to substantial energy savings over time [24]. Additionally, sustainable energy consumption requires holistic planning and policy interventions at the governmental and institutional levels [25,26]. These include implementing regulatory frameworks, incentives, and subsidies to promote renewable energy deployment, investing in research and development of clean energy technologies, and integrating sustainability principles into urban planning and infrastructure development [27,28].
Poland has implemented several notable programs and campaigns aimed at encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt energy-saving practices. One such initiative is the “Clean Air” program, which was launched to address air pollution issues by promoting the replacement of old, inefficient heating systems with more eco-friendly alternatives, such as heat pumps and biomass boilers. This program offers financial incentives, subsidies, and grants to support households and businesses in transitioning to cleaner heating technologies. The outcomes of the “Clean Air” program include a significant reduction in emissions from heating sources, improved air quality, and increased adoption of renewable energy systems across the country [29,30].
Another noteworthy program is the “My Electricity” initiative, which focuses on promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy adoption among residential consumers [31]. This program offers financial support, technical assistance, and educational resources to help individuals reduce their electricity consumption, invest in energy-efficient appliances, and install solar panels or other renewable energy systems. The “My Electricity” initiative has led to widespread awareness about energy-saving practices, increased the adoption of solar power systems, and reduced electricity bills for participating households [32].
Additionally, Poland has implemented various energy efficiency programs targeting businesses and industries. These programs provide financial incentives, technical assistance, and training opportunities to help companies improve their energy management practices, upgrade to more efficient equipment, and implement energy-saving measures. These initiatives have resulted in significant energy savings, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and increased competitiveness for participating businesses [33,34,35,36].
By embracing sustainable energy consumption practices, societies can achieve multiple benefits, including reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, enhanced energy security, and economic growth, through the creation of green jobs and industries [37]. Moreover, transitioning to a sustainable energy future is essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensuring a more resilient and equitable society for future generations [38]. EU economies have adopted three primary decarbonization strategies: enhancing energy efficiency, boosting renewable energy consumption, and curtailing fossil fuel consumption. The aim is to evaluate which of these strategies wield a significant influence on the attainment of decarbonization objectives within EU countries [39]. Different segments of the market adopt different operating strategies based on their specific environmental impact and overarching policies. At the level of householders, policymakers are aiming for a state in which all consumers will use low-energy-intensity appliances and interactive tools to monitor and manage energy consumption, as well as invest in RESs and become direct participants in the energy market through generation and storage, such as in the form of energy cooperatives [40]. Of course, it is important to realize that after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as during the escalation of the global energy crisis [41], investment in many industries was hampered as a result of falling demand and trade restrictions. In addition to these conditions, it should also be remembered that the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, which also has a major impact on events in the energy market. No less assiduously, politicians around the world are promoting sustainable production and consumption as a strategy to achieve the goal of an environment for us and for future generations [42].
In Table 1, there is a description of factors of sustainable consumption in households. Sustainable energy consumption can be defined as a two-pronged approach that balances meeting our current energy needs with minimizing environmental impacts for future generations [43,44].
Sustainable consumption within households is influenced by a multitude of factors rooted in both individual behaviors and broader socio-economic contexts. Energy efficiency stands as a cornerstone, encompassing the adoption of appliances and systems designed to minimize energy consumption, thereby reducing environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions [45,46]. Waste reduction and recycling strategies play a pivotal role, extending the lifespan of materials and promoting a circular economy ethos [47]. Sustainable transportation choices, including the utilization of eco-friendly options such as walking, biking, or electric vehicles, contribute to mitigating carbon emissions and enhancing air quality [48].
Water conservation practices, characterized by the implementation of water-saving fixtures and landscaping techniques, help preserve freshwater resources and alleviate pressure on water sources [49,50]. The preference for ethical and fair trade products underscores a commitment to responsible production and consumption, ensuring equitable treatment of workers and fostering sustainable livelihoods [51]. Local and seasonal food choices not only reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation but also support regional economies and biodiversity conservation efforts [52].
Eco-friendly home design principles, integrating passive solar heating, efficient insulation, and renewable materials, enhance energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality while reducing operational costs [53]. Conscious consumer behavior, marked by mindful purchasing decisions, durable product selection, and support for environmentally responsible brands, cultivates a culture of responsible resource stewardship and fosters a transition towards sustainable consumption patterns [54].
It can be stated that these factors reflect the intricate interplay between individual choices, societal norms, and environmental imperatives, shaping the trajectory of sustainable consumption within households [55]. Embracing these factors not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also fosters resilience, equity, and well-being within communities and ecosystems [56].
The nexus between economic awareness and sustainable consumption is a complex domain encapsulating the interplay of economic theory, consumer behavior, and environmental sustainability imperatives. Economic awareness denotes the comprehension of economic precepts such as resource allocation, market mechanisms, and the ramifications of individual choices on broader socio-economic paradigms [72,73]. Sustainable consumption, conversely, entails the deliberate selection of consumption patterns that minimize environmental degradation, conserve finite resources, and engender long-term ecological integrity [73,74,75,76,77].
Integral to understanding the synergy between economic awareness and sustainable consumption is the recognition that conventional economic frameworks often inadequately internalize the externalities associated with production and consumption activities [78]. These externalities manifest as unaccounted-for social and environmental costs, resulting in suboptimal resource allocation, environmental degradation, and socio-economic imbalances [79]. Thus, economic awareness serves as a catalyst for sustainable consumption by elucidating the holistic implications of consumption decisions, fostering an appreciation for the full life cycle costs, and the benefits of goods and services [79].
Economic awareness profoundly influences sustainable consumption through price signaling mechanisms. A heightened understanding of the environmental and social costs embedded within commodities incentivizes consumers to opt for products with lower ecological footprints or produced via socially responsible practices [80]. This inclination is underscored by the recognition that individual consumption decisions exert cumulative effects on environmental sustainability and societal welfare, aligning with the principles of ecological economics [81].
In addition, economic awareness fosters an environment conducive to innovation and market dynamics favoring sustainable consumption patterns. As consumers increasingly prioritize environmentally responsible products and services, firms are spurred to invest in green technologies, sustainable supply chains, and eco-friendly practices to capitalize on emerging market opportunities [82]. This symbiotic relationship between economic awareness and sustainable consumption drives the proliferation of sustainable alternatives, thus facilitating the transition towards a circular economy characterized by resource efficiency and environmental stewardship [83].
It should be stated that the relationship between economic awareness and sustainable consumption is not devoid of challenges. Market failures, policy distortions, and socio-economic disparities may impede the adoption of sustainable consumption practices, necessitating targeted interventions at both macroeconomic and microeconomic levels [84]. Policy instruments, such as regulatory frameworks, fiscal incentives, and public awareness campaigns, play pivotal roles in mitigating these barriers and fostering an enabling environment for sustainable consumption [85,86]. The relations between the sustainable consumption and economic awareness of customers are presented in Table 2.
European Union (EU) policies play an important role in shaping sustainable energy usage within households, drawing upon scientific research and technological advancements to drive the transition towards low-carbon and energy-efficient practices. One significant aspect of EU policies is the implementation of stringent energy efficiency standards and regulations for household appliances and buildings. These policies are informed by scientific insights into energy consumption patterns, building physics, and technological innovation, aiming to reduce the energy demand, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance energy security [92,93].
EU directives on energy performance in buildings prioritize sustainable building design and renovation, incorporating principles such as passive solar heating, efficient insulation, and renewable energy integration [94]. Scientific research underpins these policies, demonstrating the environmental and economic benefits of energy-efficient building practices, including reduced energy bills, improved indoor comfort, and lower carbon footprints. By incentivizing energy-efficient building designs and renovations, the EU seeks to promote sustainable energy usage and mitigate the environmental impacts of residential energy consumption [95]. In addition to building-related policies, the EU implements measures to promote renewable energy deployment and decentralized energy production within households. Scientific evidence supports the transition towards renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass, highlighting their potential to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change, and enhance energy resilience [96]. EU policies support the adoption of renewable energy technologies by offering financial incentives, establishing regulatory frameworks, and investing in research and development programs. These measures empower households to produce clean energy locally, thus aiding in the decarbonization of the energy system [97].
Many EU initiatives focus on empowering consumers through energy efficiency labeling schemes, energy performance certificates, and information campaigns aimed at raising awareness of sustainable energy practices. Scientific research informs the design and implementation of these initiatives, emphasizing the roles of consumer behavior, decision-making processes, and socio-economic factors in shaping energy consumption patterns. By promoting energy literacy and consumer empowerment, the EU aims to facilitate the adoption of energy-efficient behaviors and technologies in households, thereby driving the transition towards sustainable energy usage [98].
The New Green Deal introduces a set of policy measures designed to facilitate the shift towards a more sustainable energy framework, potentially influencing the energy consumption patterns of households (Table 3). The objective of the New Green Deal is to notably boost the generation of renewable energy, encompassing sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal energy. This endeavor seeks to furnish households with an environmentally cleaner and more sustainable electricity source. As the proportion of renewables integrated into the grid expands, it is anticipated that the overall carbon footprint associated with household energy consumption will diminish. Consequently, households stand to benefit from both reduced environmental impacts and enhanced energy sustainability through increased reliance on renewable energy sources.
The implementation of the New Green Deal may offer incentives for enhancing energy efficiency within households. These incentives could encompass financial assistance aimed at fostering the adoption of technologies such as high-efficiency appliances, enhanced building insulation, and smart grid infrastructure [99]. By embracing these upgrades, households could experience a decrease in their overall energy consumption, thereby lessening their dependence on conventional energy sources. This shift towards energy-efficient practices aligns with the overarching goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable energy usage within residential settings [100,101].
The New Green Deal may prioritize endeavors aimed at educating households on sustainable energy practices. These initiatives might include public awareness campaigns, educational programs, and financial incentives to encourage the adoption of energy-saving behaviors. Through such concerted efforts, there is the potential to foster responsible energy consumption patterns among households, thereby exerting a positive influence on overall energy usage. By equipping individuals with knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about energy consumption, the New Green Deal aims to facilitate a widespread transition towards more sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyles [102].
Allocations towards smart grid technology have the potential to revolutionize energy distribution systems, rendering them more agile and effective. This enhanced infrastructure could facilitate improved handling of peak demand intervals, potentially resulting in reduced energy expenses for households [107]. Moreover, the integration of smart meters into households could furnish real-time insights into energy consumption, empowering individuals to make educated decisions and, in turn, potentially curtail their energy usage. Such advancements not only optimize energy management but also offer households the tools necessary to actively engage in sustainable consumption practices, aligning with the broader objectives of energy efficiency and environmental conservation [108]. The implementation of the New Green Deal may advocate for the adoption of electric vehicles and appliances, potentially altering household energy consumption dynamics. This transition could entail a substitution of fossil fuels with electricity for transportation and heating needs within households. Nonetheless, facilitating this shift necessitates the establishment of a resilient and sustainable electric grid infrastructure capable of accommodating the heightened demand. By embracing electric vehicles and appliances, households can contribute to mitigating carbon emissions and fostering a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape. However, ensuring the readiness and sustainability of the electric grid infrastructure remains paramount for the successful realization of this transition [109,110].
Policymakers and energy conservation initiatives in Poland can take several steps to enhance economic awareness and promote sustainable energy consumption practices among households. Firstly, there should be a focus on increasing access to information about energy-saving techniques, benefits, and available incentives through targeted educational campaigns and outreach programs. These initiatives can leverage various channels, such as mass media, online platforms, community events, and partnerships with local organizations, to reach a wide audience and raise awareness about the importance of energy efficiency [5,6,34].
Secondly, efforts should be made to address cognitive biases and behavioral barriers that hinder the adoption of energy-saving practices. They could involve designing interventions based on insights from behavioral economics, such as implementing nudges, default options, and social comparisons, to encourage desired behaviors. By framing energy-saving actions as socially desirable, easy, and beneficial, policymakers can help overcome inertia and resistance to change among households. Additionally, there is a need to reduce [6,35]. This may entail providing financial assistance, subsidies, or tax incentives to low-income households to invest in energy-saving upgrades or renewable energy systems. Moreover, targeted support should be provided to vulnerable populations, such as renters, elderly individuals, and those living in rural areas, to ensure equitable access to energy-saving resources and services [7,36].
It can be observed that policymakers can incentivize energy efficiency investments through regulatory measures, such as building codes, energy performance standards, and appliance labeling requirements. By setting clear benchmarks and standards for energy efficiency, policymakers can create a supportive environment for sustainable energy practices and encourage market-driven innovation in energy-saving technologies [35].
To effectively implement these recommendations, policymakers and energy conservation initiatives should adopt a multi-stakeholder approach that involves collaboration with government agencies, utilities, businesses, non-profit organizations, and community groups. By fostering partnerships and coordination among diverse stakeholders, it is possible to leverage resources, expertise, and networks to amplify the impact of energy awareness and efficiency initiatives. Ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms should be established to assess the effectiveness of interventions and make necessary adjustments based on feedback from stakeholders and evaluation results. By continuously monitoring progress and adapting strategies based on lessons learned, policymakers can ensure that efforts to enhance economic awareness and promote sustainable energy consumption practices are responsive to evolving needs and challenges [8,9,10,12,13,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36].

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Methodological Approach

The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between the economic awareness of Polish households and their sustainable energy consumption practices. These studies will identify profile households with high and low economic awareness regarding their electricity expenditures and examine how economic awareness influences sustainable energy consumption behaviors. The other aim is to provide insights for policymakers and energy conservation initiatives on leveraging economic awareness to promote sustainable energy consumption.
The development process of this study was segmented into six phases: 1. conducting desk research; 2. creating the research questions (RQs); 3. building a conceptual model for the research framework; 4. developing research hypotheses (RHs); 5. conducting field research, which included designing survey questions for a Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) system; and 6. gathering and analyzing data.
The research questions posed were as follows:
What is the level of economic awareness and knowledge about energy saving in Polish households?
What is the relationship between the economic awareness of Polish households and their sustainable energy consumption behaviours?
How do households with high and low economic awareness differ in terms of their sustainable energy consumption practices?
Drawing from the literature review, the research model depicted in Figure 1 was suggested.
The following research hypotheses (RHs) were formulated:
There is a positive relationship between the level of economic awareness of Polish households and their sustainable energy consumption practices. Households with higher economic awareness are more likely to engage in behaviors that promote sustainable energy consumption.
Households with high economic awareness demonstrate a higher level of practices related to sustainable energy consumption compared to households with low economic awareness.

3.2. Questionnaire Development

Scale items to measure the constructs were created (Table 4). The design of the questionnaires was based on the literature. Economic awareness was determined based on the consumer energy awareness scales and knowledge on energy saving scales. The 14 scale items used to measure the construct of curtailment customer behavior scale were partially derived from Keiser and Wilson [111] and partially from exploratory research utilizing empirical materials [112]. The scales for measuring energy efficiency behavior were adopted from Khare and Keiser and Wilson [110,111].
In this research, structured surveys were employed along with a standardized Likert scale (a five-step scale, ranging from “strongly disagree” (1) to “strongly agree” (5)) to evaluate all measurement scale items as latent variables (CB, EEB, CEA, and KES).

3.3. Data Collections

This study presented was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) method, aimed at exploring the impact of household economic awareness on their practices in sustainable energy consumption. In the initial stage of the research process, to ensure the high quality of the research tool, a preliminary analysis of the questionnaire (pilot study) was carried out. Thirty households were selected to test the initial version of the survey, which allowed the evaluation of the content and relevance of the questions included. The feedback received indicated the need for minor linguistic corrections in the Polish wording of the EEB scale (items 1 and 5) to improve the readability and comprehensibility of the tool, which ultimately resulted in the development of an improved questionnaire.
Before the commencement of the main study, participants were presented with a declaration of anonymity and confidentiality, and the purpose and scope of this study were described in detail. The anonymity of personal information and data of the participants was guaranteed. The choice of the CAWI method was motivated by its wide range and the ability to reach respondents from across the country, which was a key aspect of this study. This study was based on a nationwide, representative sample of 1409 Polish consumers aged 18 years and older. The field work was led by a team of 10 coordinators, each responsible for a different region of Poland. These coordinators sent survey invitations via email and made them available to private groups, including networks of family, acquaintances, friends and students, ensuring a diverse sample in each region, also for age and gender. The sample selection was non-random and aimed at ensuring representativeness for specific age groups in Poland, with a particular emphasis on generations X and Y, to maximize its representativeness. The total initial sample size was 1500 participants. After thoroughly cleaning the data to ensure the accuracy and completeness of responses, the final sample for analysis was narrowed to 1409 respondents. Responses containing missing data were excluded from the final analysis to maintain the integrity and validity of our findings. This research took place from February to March 2022 and provided insights into economic awareness and deliberate sustainable energy use among Polish households.

3.4. Sample

This research was conducted among representatives of Polish households. Adults (over 18 years of age) participated in this study. A non-random sampling method was employed to select participants for the investigation. The selection was dictated primarily by logistical constraints that precluded the use of a random sampling method, in particular the lack of a comprehensive sampling frame from which participants could be randomly selected. Given these limitations, the best available alternative was chosen to maintain the integrity of the study objectives. A purposive sampling technique was used that was carefully designed to include participants in the target age and gender groups, thereby attempting to maintain age and gender representativeness within the constraints imposed by our sampling context. This approach allowed the collection of data from a cross-section of demographics relevant to the research questions, despite recognized limitations in achieving full representativeness of the population. The resultant sample comprised 1409 households. An extensive delineation of the social and demographic attributes of the survey respondents, alongside data pertaining to housing conditions, energy costs, and related variables, are presented in Table 5.

4. Results

In order to verify the hypotheses set forth in this research, the results from direct surveys underwent analysis. This study employed statistical multivariate analysis methods, including cluster analysis and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance).

4.1. Cluster Analysis

The CEA and KES variables were subjected to cluster analysis using the k-means method. In the area of consumer economic awareness, three groups of respondents were identified (low, medium, and high). With regard to the level of knowledge on energy saving, three groups of respondents were also identified (Table 6).
An analysis of the significance of the relationships between households’ behaviors (CB and EEB) and the level of economic awareness and level of knowledge of energy conservation (CEA and KES) was carried out using a non-parametric chi-square test. Each relationship was analyzed separately. The results of the analysis are presented in Table 7.
The analysis of the relationship between energy-saving behaviour and the level of economic awareness of consumers shows that there is a statistically significant relationship for most energy-saving behaviours. Cross-tabulations show differences in the responses of respondents with different levels of economic awareness. The higher the level of economic awareness, the higher the frequency of energy-saving behaviours. For behaviours numbered CB_4, 8, 9, 10, and 11, there is no statistically significant relationship.
For energy efficiency behaviours, there is a statistically significant relationship between the level of economic awareness and the frequency of these behaviours. This means that the higher the level of economic awareness, the more often the respondents behave in the manner described on the scale.
The level of knowledge about energy saving is statistically significantly related to most of the energy-saving behaviours presented by the consumers surveyed. There is no statistically significant relationship in the case of the behaviour concerning ventilation of rooms in winter (CB_4).
Regarding the relationship between the respondents’ level of knowledge and the behaviour directed towards higher energy efficiency, there is a statistically significant relationship in every case.
With regard to the strength of the examined relationships, only in the case of two variables (KES vs. EEB_1 and KES vs. EEB_2) is it moderate. In the remaining cases, the strength of the statistically significant relationships is relatively weak.

4.2. Multivariate Analysis of Variance

To investigate the relationship between the economic awareness of Polish households and their behaviors regarding sustainable energy consumption, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted. MANOVA is a statistical technique used to compare the means of more than one dependent variable across groups based on one or more sets of independent variables. The primary goal of the analysis is to determine whether the independent variables (factors) have an impact on the combination of dependent variables. This allows an understanding of whether changes in the independent variables lead to changes in several dependent variables simultaneously, which is particularly useful when the dependent variables being studied are related to each other. The analysis was carried out separately for CEA and KES.
The MANOVA results reveal a statistically significant relationship between the level of CEA and practices of SEC. The analysis demonstrates statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) across all tested statistics: Pillai’s Trace, Wilks’ Lambda, Hotelling’s Trace, and Roy’s Largest Root. The Pillai’s Trace value of 0.967 suggests a solid relationship between the independent and dependent variables in the model. The closeness of this value to one indicates a clear influence of the independent variables on the dependent ones, which, in this context, means a significant impact of CEA on SEC. Furthermore, a Wilks’ Lambda value of 0.033 denotes significant differences between groups. This means that households show variability in sustainable energy consumption practices depending on their level of CEA. Hotelling’s Trace serves as an additional test for comparing means across multiple groups. In this case, a Hotelling’s Trace value of 28.924 indicates a significant divergence between the mean vectors of the dependent variables at different CEA levels. This provides additional evidence of the significant impact that CEA has on SEC. Roy’s Largest Root, focusing on the maximum possible influence of the independent variables on the dependent ones, confirms the results of the preceding indicators. A value of 28.924 further attests to the significant influence of CEA on behaviors related to energy consumption, emphasizing the key role that consumer awareness plays in promoting sustainable energy practices (Table 8).
The MANOVA results show very strong statistical significance (p < 0.001), meaning that KES also has a significant impact on SEC in households. The Pillai’s Trace index is 0.914, which suggests a strong relationship between the variables studied. This result confirms that differences in KES significantly influence behaviors related to SEC. Hence, households with greater knowledge about energy saving undertake more actions in this direction. Wilks’ Lambda is 0.086, which also indicates a significant dependency between groups. This index tests the hypothesis that groups have the same mean vectors of dependent variables. The low value of Wilks’ Lambda in this context suggests that households differing in the level of knowledge on energy saving exhibit significant differences in energy consumption practices. Hotelling’s Trace, at 10.605, is another measure of differences between groups. This value, with p < 0.001, indicates a very strong relationship between the independent and dependent variables. This also confirms that the level of KES influences the way households manage energy consumption. Roy’s Largest Root is 10.605, indicating a significant impact of KES on practices of sustainable energy consumption. It is the most conservative statistic in MANOVA tests, focusing on the largest single eigenvalue (the largest source of variance). This outcome again emphasizes that households with higher KES significantly differ from those with lower KES in terms of energy consumption practices (Table 9).
The combined results of both MANOVAs unequivocally confirm research hypothesis RH1. In both instances, there is a statistically significant impact of economic awareness on energy consumption practices, with p-values < 0.001 for all key indicators (Pillai’s Trace, Wilks’ Lambda, Hotelling’s Trace, and Roy’s Largest Root). This indicates a strong and positive relationship between the level of economic awareness and the adoption of behaviors by households that promote sustainable energy consumption. The joint analysis also confirms research hypothesis RH2. The results from both data sets show that households with higher economic awareness indeed exhibit a higher level of practices related to sustainable energy consumption. This is a consequence of greater knowledge about energy saving.

5. Discussion

The study findings shed light on the intricate relationship between economic awareness and sustainable energy consumption practices among Polish households. By delving into the implications and interpretations of the results obtained from the data analysis, we can discern key insights into how economic factors influence behaviors related to energy usage and conservation.
The cluster analysis uncovered distinct groups of respondents based on their levels of economic awareness and knowledge of energy saving. This segmentation provides a nuanced understanding of consumer behavior regarding energy consumption. Notably, higher levels of economic awareness and knowledge correlated with more frequent engagement in energy-saving behaviors. This suggests that awareness and education play pivotal roles in shaping consumer actions towards sustainability.
The chi-square analysis unveiled statistically significant relationships between economic awareness, knowledge of energy saving, and energy consumption behaviors. It revealed that households with higher economic awareness and knowledge exhibited a greater propensity for adopting sustainable energy practices. This underscores the importance of enhancing economic literacy and promoting energy-saving education initiatives to foster sustainable behaviors among consumers. Additionally, the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) underscored the substantial impact of economic awareness and knowledge on sustainable energy consumption practices. The results indicated that households with heightened economic awareness and knowledge demonstrated more proactive engagement in behaviors conducive to energy conservation. This underscores the significance of empowering consumers with economic insights and energy-saving knowledge to drive meaningful changes in energy consumption patterns.
This study’s findings underscore the critical roles of economic awareness and knowledge in shaping sustainable energy consumption practices among households. They highlight the need for targeted interventions and educational campaigns aimed at enhancing economic literacy and promoting energy-saving behaviors. By equipping consumers with the necessary tools and knowledge, policymakers and energy conservation initiatives can effectively catalyze the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape.
Results provided in this paper offer valuable insights into the frequency of sustainable energy consumption behaviors and economic awareness among Polish households, complementing the main findings of this study. By delving deeper into specific indicators related to energy-saving practices and consumer knowledge, these results provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing household behaviors and attitudes towards sustainable energy consumption. After analyzing the frequency of sustainable energy consumption behaviors, the data reveal a mixed landscape of engagement among respondents. Some behaviors, such as turning off lights when leaving a room and using energy-efficient household devices, appear to be relatively common among surveyed households, indicating a certain level of awareness and adoption of energy-saving practices. However, other behaviors, such as leaving windows open for extended periods in winter and using a clothes dryer, have lower frequencies, suggesting potential areas for improvement in energy efficiency practices. These findings underscore the importance of targeted interventions and awareness campaigns to promote a broader adoption of sustainable energy consumption behaviors across different aspects of daily life.
Additionally, examining economic awareness among respondents sheds light on the varying levels of knowledge and understanding regarding energy-related matters. While a considerable proportion of households report awareness of their electricity tariff and energy bill details, fewer demonstrate familiarity with electricity prices and energy efficiency ratings of household appliances. This highlights a need for enhanced consumer education initiatives to empower households with the necessary information to make informed decisions about energy consumption and cost-saving opportunities. Strengthening economic awareness can not only help households optimize their energy usage but also contribute to overall energy conservation efforts and sustainability goals.
The results of our investigation closely align with the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) [113,114], which offers a comprehensive model for elucidating the manner in which attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control shape individuals’ intentions and actions [115,116]. In the context of sustainable energy consumption, economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge can be regarded as key determinants shaping these psychological factors and ultimately driving behavioral outcomes.
Firstly, the TPB posits that individuals’ attitudes towards a behavior significantly influence their intentions to engage in that behavior [117,118,119]. In our study, households with higher economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge demonstrated more positive attitudes towards sustainable energy consumption practices. This aligns with the TPB’s assertion that individuals who perceive energy-saving behaviors favorably are more likely to intend to adopt them. By understanding the economic benefits and environmental advantages of energy conservation, households may develop more positive attitudes towards sustainable energy practices, thus increasing their likelihood of implementation.
Secondly, the TPB emphasizes the role of subjective norms [120,121], which refer to individuals’ perceptions of social pressures and expectations regarding a particular behavior [122,123,124,125]. Our study suggests that economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge may shape subjective norms related to sustainable energy consumption within households. As individuals become more informed about energy-saving strategies and their economic implications, they may perceive greater social approval for adopting such behaviors from their peers, family members, or broader societal norms. Consequently, households with higher economic awareness may feel more compelled to align their energy consumption habits with perceived social expectations, thus reinforcing their intention to engage in sustainable practices. Conscious residents should purchase energy-saving devices. Creativity in the use of appliances in the household is just as necessary as in the company [126].
Thirdly, the TPB highlights the importance of perceived behavioral control [127], which refers to individuals’ perceptions of their ability to perform a behavior successfully [128,129,130]. Economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge can significantly influence perceived behavioral control by providing individuals with the necessary information and skills to enact energy-saving practices effectively. Our study indicates that households with higher economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge are more likely to engage in a wide range of energy-saving behaviors, suggesting a greater sense of confidence and self-efficacy in managing their energy consumption. By empowering individuals with the knowledge and resources to implement energy-saving measures, policymakers and energy conservation initiatives can enhance perceived behavioral control and facilitate the adoption of sustainable energy practices.
The findings of our study can be analyzed through the lens of behavioral economics [131], which offers insights into how cognitive biases and decision-making heuristics influence human behavior, particularly in the context of energy consumption [132]. One key aspect of behavioral economics is the concept of bounded rationality, which suggests that individuals often make decisions that are influenced by cognitive limitations and information asymmetry. In the context of sustainable energy consumption, households may exhibit bounded rationality by failing to fully consider the long-term benefits of energy-saving behaviors due to cognitive biases such as present bias and status quo bias [133]. Present bias leads individuals to prioritize immediate rewards over future gains, potentially hindering the adoption of energy-saving measures that require upfront investment or effort. Similarly, status quo bias predisposes individuals to stick with familiar routines and habits, even if alternative options may be more energy-efficient [134]. Our study findings suggest that households with higher economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge are more likely to overcome these cognitive biases and adopt energy-saving behaviors, indicating the importance of informed decision-making in mitigating the effects of bounded rationality.
Saving energy by households is important in the economic crisis, and this came after the COVID-19 pandemic. Energy prices soared rapidly, and despite the government’s protection of the consumer market, energy had to be saved [135].
Additionally, behavioral economics highlights the roles of social influences and peer effects in shaping individual behavior [136]. Social norms and social proof can significantly impact energy consumption habits, as individuals may adjust their behavior to conform to perceived societal expectations or imitate the actions of others [137]. Our study suggests that economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge may amplify the influence of social norms by providing households with information about energy-saving practices and their benefits. As households become more aware of the economic and environmental advantages of energy conservation, they may be more inclined to adopt energy-saving behaviors in line with prevailing social norms, thus reinforcing a virtuous cycle of sustainable consumption.
Behavioral economics emphasizes the significance of choice architecture in shaping decision-making outcomes [138]. Nudges, which are interventions designed to steer individuals towards desirable choices without restricting their freedom, can be effective in promoting energy-saving behaviors [139,140]. Our research findings suggest that economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge serve as important components of choice architecture by equipping households with the information and incentives needed to make informed decisions about energy consumption. By leveraging behavioral insights and designing interventions that capitalize on individuals’ cognitive biases and decision-making heuristics, policymakers and energy conservation initiatives can facilitate the adoption of energy-saving behaviors and promote a more sustainable energy landscape.
The findings of our study can be examined in the context of the Diffusion of Innovation theory, which posits that the adoption of new ideas, products, or behaviors follows a predictable pattern characterized by the diffusion process across different segments of a population [141,142]. As per the theory, individuals are classified into different groups, including innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards, depending on their readiness to embrace innovations [143].
In our study, economic awareness and knowledge about energy-saving practices can be seen as facilitating factors that influence the diffusion process of sustainable energy consumption behaviors among households. Innovators, representing the first group to adopt new ideas or technologies, may be individuals who possess high economic awareness and a deep understanding of energy-saving practices. These innovators are likely to embrace sustainable energy consumption behaviors early on, serving as influential role models for others in their social networks.
Early adopters, who tend to follow innovators and adopt innovations relatively quickly, may include households with moderate levels of economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge. These early adopters are receptive to information about the economic and environmental benefits of energy conservation and are willing to invest time and effort in implementing energy-saving measures within their households. Moreover, they are able to take initiative, such as creating energy cooperatives [40]. As an example, Gajdzik et al. [40] present a cooperative that operates in a highly industrialized region in Poland (Silesia) and is an initiative of the inhabitants of municipalities.
As the diffusion process progresses, the early majority, representing a larger segment of the population, begins to adopt sustainable energy consumption behaviors [144,145,146,147]. These households may have varying levels of economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge but are influenced by the social norms and peer effects established by innovators and early adopters. They are more likely to adopt energy-saving behaviors when they perceive them as socially acceptable and beneficial.
The late majority, comprising individuals who adopt innovations after the majority of the population, may include households with lower levels of economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge [148,149]. These individuals are influenced by the widespread adoption of sustainable energy practices within their social networks and may be motivated to emulate the behaviors of others. Finally, laggards, representing the last group to adopt innovations, may consist of households with limited economic awareness and resistance to change. These households may require additional incentives or interventions to overcome barriers to adopting sustainable energy consumption behaviors.
The results of this study align with findings from similar research conducted in other European countries [150,151] and provide valuable insights into the factors influencing sustainable energy consumption practices. Across the EU, efforts to promote energy efficiency and conservation have been a focal point of policy initiatives aimed at addressing climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Like Poland, many EU member states have implemented programs and campaigns to encourage individuals and businesses to adopt energy-saving practices, with varying degrees of success.
Matuszewska-Janica et al. [150] have conducted research about the situation of households on the energy market in the European Union. This and our study share a common goal of examining the factors influencing energy consumption and sustainability within households. However, our paper specifically focuses on the relationship between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and sustainable energy consumption behaviors among Polish households. While the Matuszewska-Janica paper offers a broader analysis of EU countries and their energy market dynamics, our study delves deeper into the specific mechanisms and drivers of sustainable energy consumption at the household level within a Polish context. Our paper gives instead a broader in-depth analysis of the situation in the Polish market.
A similar situation is the paper written by Piekut [151]. The study aims to determine the development of patterns in RES usage, recognize the state of development and functioning of the household sector, and identify successes and shortcomings in the observed reality. Both studies share a common goal of assessing the utilization of renewable energy sources within the household sector. Our paper delves into the factors influencing energy consumption behaviors, such as social norms, choice architecture, and the diffusion of innovation theory, to provide insights into promoting energy-saving behaviors.
In the case of Poland, the findings of this study resonate with the country’s broader energy transition efforts and the challenges it faces in promoting sustainable energy consumption. Despite being one of the largest coal consumers in the EU, Poland has increasingly recognized the importance of diversifying its energy mix and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels [152]. Initiatives such as the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and the Clean Air Program demonstrate the government’s commitment to improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions [153].
As highlighted in this study, enhancing economic awareness and promoting energy-saving knowledge remain critical aspects of achieving meaningful progress in sustainable energy consumption. While Poland has made strides in promoting renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency standards [154,155], addressing barriers such as limited access to information, cognitive biases, and socio-economic disparities is essential for maximizing the impacts of these efforts.
By contextualizing this study’s results within the broader framework of EU energy policy and Poland’s energy transition goals, policymakers and stakeholders can gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with promoting sustainable energy consumption. Drawing parallels with similar studies conducted in other EU countries [150,151,156,157,158] can provide additional context and comparative data to inform policy decisions and guide future initiatives aimed at enhancing energy efficiency and conservation efforts in Poland and beyond.

6. Conclusions

This realized study sheds light on the relationship between economic awareness, knowledge about energy-saving practices, and sustainable energy consumption behaviors among Polish households. Through a comprehensive analysis of survey data from 1409 participants, we found significant associations between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and the adoption of behaviors conducive to sustainable energy consumption.
The findings indicate that households with higher levels of economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge are more likely to engage in behaviors that promote energy efficiency and conservation. Specifically, households with high economic awareness demonstrated a significantly higher frequency of practices related to sustainable energy consumption compared to those with low economic awareness. Similarly, households with greater knowledge about energy-saving techniques exhibited a higher propensity to adopt energy-efficient behaviors.
The results of our study underscore the importance of economic awareness and education in promoting sustainable energy consumption practices. By equipping households with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions about energy usage, policymakers and energy conservation initiatives can empower individuals to reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
Additionally, our findings have implications for policy development and energy conservation efforts in Poland and beyond. By targeting interventions towards improving economic awareness and providing education on energy-saving practices, policymakers can stimulate greater adoption of sustainable energy behaviors across diverse segments of the population. This, in turn, can lead to significant reductions in energy consumption, lower household expenses, and positive environmental outcomes.
In light of these findings, it is imperative for policymakers, energy companies, and community organizations to prioritize initiatives that enhance economic awareness and promote energy-saving knowledge among households. Through collaborative efforts and targeted interventions, we can accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape, benefitting both current and future generations.
The primary scientific merit of this paper is its thorough investigation into the correlations among economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and behaviors promoting sustainable energy consumption within households in Poland. By employing a robust methodological approach encompassing survey data collection and multivariate analysis techniques, this study offers valuable insights into the factors influencing energy consumption patterns at the household level. Through the identification of statistically significant correlations between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and sustainable energy consumption behaviors, this paper contributes to the existing body of literature on energy economics and consumer behavior. Furthermore, the findings underscore the importance of economic awareness and education in driving behavioral changes towards more sustainable energy practices.
By elucidating the roles of economic awareness and energy-saving knowledge in shaping household energy consumption behaviors, this paper provides actionable insights for policymakers, energy conservation initiatives, and other stakeholders in the energy sector. These insights can inform the development of targeted interventions and educational programs aimed at promoting sustainable energy consumption practices and achieving broader energy efficiency and environmental conservation goals.
This paper makes several novel contributions to the field of sustainable energy consumption, shedding light on previously unexplored aspects and offering valuable insights that advance our understanding of the complex interplay between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and household behaviors. This paper provides empirical evidence from a comprehensive study involving 1409 households in Poland, offering a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing energy consumption patterns at the household level. By employing robust methodological approaches, including survey data collection, cluster analysis, chi-square analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance, this study offers a rigorous examination of the relationships between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and sustainable energy consumption behaviors.
It also extends existing theoretical frameworks, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Diffusion of Innovation theory, by integrating insights from behavioral economics and choice architecture. By incorporating concepts such as cognitive biases, social influences, and choice architecture into the analysis, this paper provides a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological, social, and contextual factors that shape household energy consumption decisions. This research highlights the role of economic awareness as a key determinant of energy-saving behaviors, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to enhance economic literacy and promote energy-saving education initiatives. By identifying the barriers to economic awareness, such as limited access to information and cognitive biases, this paper offers actionable recommendations for policymakers and energy conservation initiatives to address these challenges and foster a more informed and empowered consumer base.
It can be stated that this paper underscores the importance of addressing socio-economic disparities and barriers to participation in energy efficiency programs, advocating for inclusive and equitable approaches to promoting sustainable energy consumption practices. By emphasizing the need to provide targeted support to vulnerable populations and reduce barriers to access, this paper contributes to efforts aimed at ensuring that the benefits of energy efficiency are shared equitably across society.
This research conducted by the authors in Poland holds significant value. Firstly, it addresses a pressing global issue—the transition towards sustainable energy consumption—in a specific context: Polish households. While the importance of sustainable energy practices is widely recognized, there is a need for context-specific research to understand the factors influencing energy consumption behaviors at the local level. By focusing on Poland, this research fills a gap in the literature and provides insights that are relevant not only to policymakers and energy conservation initiatives in Poland but also to researchers and practitioners worldwide.
Secondly, this study employs a rigorous methodological approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative techniques to investigate the relationships between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and household behaviors. The use of robust analytical tools, such as cluster analysis, chi-square analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance, enhances the credibility and reliability of the findings, ensuring that this research contributes valuable empirical evidence to the field.
Thirdly, this research offers novel insights by extending existing theoretical frameworks, such as the Theory of Planned Behavior and Diffusion of Innovation theory, to incorporate concepts from behavioral economics and choice architecture. By integrating psychological, social, and contextual factors into the analysis, this study provides a more nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics driving energy consumption decisions, thereby advancing theoretical knowledge in the field. Additionally, this study’s emphasis on practical implications and actionable recommendations underscores its relevance and applicability to real-world settings. By identifying barriers to economic awareness and proposing strategies to address them, this research offers tangible solutions that can inform policy development and energy conservation efforts in Poland and beyond. The focus on inclusive and equitable approaches to promoting sustainable energy consumption practices further enhances this study’s significance, highlighting the importance of considering socio-economic disparities in energy policy interventions.
Other scientists can leverage the results of this research conducted in Poland as a foundation for further investigation and analysis. They can build upon the findings by conducting similar studies in different geographical contexts or cultural settings to assess the generalizability of the observed relationships between economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and sustainable energy consumption behaviors. By replicating this study across diverse populations, researchers can validate the robustness of the findings and identify potential variations or nuances that may exist across different socio-cultural contexts.
Scientists can extend this research by exploring additional factors that may influence household energy consumption behaviors, such as demographic characteristics, psychological traits, or contextual variables. By incorporating a broader range of variables into their analyses, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the drivers and barriers to sustainable energy practices, thereby enriching the existing body of knowledge on the topic.
Researchers can utilize the findings of this study to design and implement targeted interventions or policy initiatives aimed at promoting economic awareness and encouraging energy-efficient behaviors among households. By integrating behavioral insights and evidence-based strategies into their interventions, scientists can contribute to the development of effective solutions for promoting sustainable energy consumption at the individual and community levels. Additionally, other scientists can employ these research findings to inform the development of theoretical frameworks or conceptual models that seek to explain and predict energy consumption behaviors. By integrating the empirical evidence from this study into existing theoretical frameworks or proposing new models, researchers can advance theoretical knowledge in the field and provide valuable insights for future research endeavors.

7. Limitations and Future Research

7.1. Limitations

A limitation of this study is associated with its reliance on survey data, which opens up the potential for response bias and social desirability bias. This means that respondents might offer answers they believe are socially desirable instead of accurately reflecting their true behaviors. Additionally, the use of self-reported measures for economic awareness, energy-saving knowledge, and energy consumption behaviors may introduce inaccuracies or inconsistencies due to respondents’ subjective interpretations. Moreover, this study’s focus on Polish households may restrict the generalizability of its findings to other geographical contexts or cultural settings. Cultural, economic, and regulatory differences across countries may influence household energy consumption patterns differently, warranting caution when extrapolating the results to broader populations.
This study’s methodology, employing a non-random sampling strategy due to constraints in accessing a comprehensive sampling frame, introduces several limitations that must be considered. Primarily, the selection process could bias the sample towards individuals who are already somewhat aware of or interested in sustainable practices, particularly those accessible via email and private groups, potentially underrepresenting less engaged segments of the population.
Despite efforts to maintain age representativeness, the non-random nature of the sample limits the generalizability of the findings to all Polish households. As such, these results should be interpreted with caution and may not fully reflect the broader population’s behaviors and attitudes towards sustainable energy consumption.

7.2. Future Research

In light of the limitations identified, future research should consider employing a randomized sampling approach, where feasible, to enhance the representativeness and generalizability of the findings. Additionally, expanding the study to include more diverse demographic and socioeconomic groups across different regions of Poland could provide deeper insights into the various factors influencing sustainable energy consumption.
Subsequent studies could also benefit from integrating qualitative methods, such as interviews or focus groups, to gain a more nuanced understanding of why households with different levels of economic awareness might adopt or resist sustainable energy consumption practices. This approach would help elucidate the motivations, barriers, and contextual factors influencing individual behaviors, providing a richer dataset from which to draw more detailed conclusions.
Given the critical nature of sustainable energy practices in mitigating climate change impacts, further research is encouraged to explore comparative studies across different demographic settings or even internationally. This would allow the examination of cultural and economic influences on sustainable consumption behaviors, potentially leading to more effective policy interventions tailored to specific needs and contexts.
Lastly, considering the dynamic nature of energy markets and technologies, ongoing research should aim to keep pace with developments in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies to continually update and validate this study’s findings. Engagement with policymakers and stakeholders in designing these studies could ensure that the research remains relevant and directly applicable to shaping effective energy conservation initiatives.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny) and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak); methodology, M.J., K.H.-B. and R.W. (Robert Wolny); validation, B.G., M.J., R.W. (Robert Wolny) and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak); formal analysis, K.H.-B. and R.W. (Robert Wolny); investigation, M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny), R.W. (Radosław Wolniak) and B.G.; resources, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny) and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak); data curation, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny), R.W. (Radosław Wolniak) and W.W.G.; writing—original draft preparation, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny) and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak); writing—review and editing, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny), R.W. (Radosław Wolniak) and W.W.G.; visualization, B.G., M.J., K.H.-B., R.W. (Robert Wolny) and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak); supervision, B.G. and W.W.G.; funding acquisition, B.G. and R.W. (Radosław Wolniak). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request.


The participation of B.G. in this research was the result of a research internship at the University of Economics in Katowice (2024).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


SDGsUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals
RESsRenewable Energy Sources
IEAInternational Energy Agency
EUEuropean Union
CAWIComputer-Assisted Web Interviewing
RQsResearch Questions
RHsResearch Hypotheses
CBCurtailment Behavior
EEBEnergy Efficiency Behavior
CEAConsumer Energy Awareness
KESKnowledge on Energy Saving
MANOVAMultivariate Analysis of Variance
SECSustainable Energy Consumption
TPBTheory of Planned Behavior


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Figure 1. Conceptual research model. Source: own work.
Figure 1. Conceptual research model. Source: own work.
Energies 17 02483 g001
Table 1. Factors of sustainable consumptions in households.
Table 1. Factors of sustainable consumptions in households.
Energy EfficiencyHousehold appliances and systems are designed to consume less energy, reducing electricity usage and environmental impacts. Energy-efficient practices contribute to lower utility bills and decreased greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste Reduction and RecyclingImplementation of waste reduction strategies such as recycling, composting, and reducing single-use items minimizes landfill waste and conserves resources. It promotes a circular economy by extending the lifespan of materials.
Sustainable TransportationUtilization of eco-friendly transportation options such as walking, biking, public transit, or electric vehicles reduces carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. It contributes to improved air quality and reduced traffic congestion.
Water ConservationAdoption of water-saving fixtures, practices, and landscaping techniques helps conserve freshwater resources and reduces water consumption. It mitigates pressure on water sources and promotes ecological balance.
Ethical and Fair Trade ProductsPreference for products sourced from ethical and fair trade practices supports responsible production and consumption. It ensures equitable treatment of workers, promotes social justice, and fosters sustainable livelihoods.
Local and Seasonal Food ChoicesSelection of locally sourced and seasonal foods reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and supports regional economies. It promotes biodiversity, reduces food miles, and fosters community resilience.
Eco-Friendly Home DesignIncorporation of sustainable design principles such as passive solar heating, efficient insulation, and use of renewable materials minimizes environmental impacts and enhances energy efficiency. It promotes healthier indoor environments and reduces operational costs.
Conscious Consumer BehaviorMindful purchasing decisions, such as buying durable and repairable products, avoiding overconsumption, and supporting environmentally responsible brands, contribute to sustainable consumption patterns. They foster a culture of conscious consumerism and promote responsible resource stewardship.
Source: Authors’ own work based on [45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71].
Table 2. Relations between the sustainable consumption and economic awareness of customers.
Table 2. Relations between the sustainable consumption and economic awareness of customers.
Sustainable ConsumptionEconomic Awareness Description
Adoption of Green ProductsUnderstanding of Environmental CostsCustomers with heightened economic awareness comprehend the environmental costs associated with products. They are more likely to opt for green products, considering the broader ecological implications of their consumption choices.
Preference for Energy-Efficient AppliancesRecognition of Long-Term SavingsEconomically aware customers appreciate the long-term cost savings associated with energy-efficient appliances. They prioritize products that offer higher efficiency, considering the potential reduction in utility bills and life-cycle costs.
Embrace of Sustainable PackagingValuing Circular Economy PrinciplesCustomers with economic awareness recognize the inefficiencies of traditional linear production–consumption models. They prioritize products with sustainable packaging, supporting circular economy principles and minimizing waste generation.
Investment in Eco-Friendly TransportationUnderstanding the Total Cost of OwnershipEconomically aware customers factor in the total cost of ownership, including maintenance, fuel, and environmental impacts, when selecting transportation options. They may choose eco-friendly alternatives such as electric vehicles or public transit to optimize long-term costs.
Support for Fair Trade and Ethical ProductsConsideration of Social CostsCustomers with economic awareness acknowledge the social costs associated with production processes, including labor conditions and supply chain ethics. They prefer fair trade and ethically sourced products aligning with their values and principles.
Participation in Sharing Economy PlatformsMaximizing Utilization and Cost EfficiencyEconomically aware customers seek to optimize resource utilization and minimize costs. They embrace sharing economy platforms such as ride-sharing and accommodation-sharing services, recognizing the economic and environmental benefits of collaborative consumption.
Source: Authors’ own work based on [71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91].
Table 3. The New Green Deal and sustainable energy usage in households.
Table 3. The New Green Deal and sustainable energy usage in households.
Area of ImpactDescription
Increased Supply of Renewable EnergyThe New Green Deal aims to significantly increase the production of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. This provides households with a cleaner and more sustainable source of electricity. As the share of renewables in the grid rises, the overall carbon footprint of household energy consumption is likely to decrease.
Energy Efficiency ImprovementsThe New Green Deal might incentivize energy efficiency upgrades in households through financial support for technologies like high-efficiency appliances, improved building insulation, and smart grid infrastructure. These upgrades could lead to a reduction in overall household energy demand, lowering reliance on traditional energy sources.
Behavioral Change and EducationThe New Green Deal might prioritize initiatives to educate households about sustainable energy practices. They could involve public awareness campaigns, educational programs, and financial incentives for adopting energy-saving behaviors. Such efforts could promote responsible energy consumption patterns and potentially influence household energy usage.
Smart Grid InfrastructureInvestments in smart grid technology could allow for a more dynamic and efficient energy distribution system. This would enable better management of peak demand periods and potentially lead to lower energy costs for households. Additionally, smart meters could provide households with real-time feedback on their energy consumption, empowering them to make informed choices and potentially reduce their energy usage.
Electrification of Appliances and TransportationThe New Green Deal might promote the transition towards electric vehicles and appliances. This could lead to a shift in household energy consumption patterns, with electricity replacing fossil fuels for transportation and heating purposes. However, this transition would require a robust and sustainable electric grid infrastructure to support the increased demand.
Source: Authors’ own work based on [96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106].
Table 4. Measurement scale items.
Table 4. Measurement scale items.
Measurement Scale Items
Curtailment Behavior (CB)
CB_1: Electrical appliances are left on standby in our home.
CB_2: When not in use, we unplug chargers for electronic devices such as tablets, phones, and laptops.
CB_3: We make a point to switch off lights upon exiting a room.
CB_4: During winter, I keep windows open extensively to allow fresh air in.
CB_5: I opt for showers over baths.
CB_6: Laundry is washed only when there is a full load.
CB_7: I wash clothes without using a prewash cycle.
CB_8: At hotels, I request daily towel changes.
CB_9: A clothes dryer is utilized.
CB_10: I lower the heating when leaving the apartment for more than four hours in winter.
CB_11: Throughout winter, heating is maintained to avoid wearing sweaters.
CB_12: We select ECO programs on the washing machine/dishwasher.
CB_13: Only the necessary amount of water is boiled in the kettle.
CB_14: Lids are used during cooking.
Energy Efficiency Behavior (EEB)
EEB_1: When acquiring new RTV/household appliances, I prioritize the highest energy efficiency.
EEB_2: I have invested in more costly light bulbs that conserve energy.
EEB_3: My household appliances are energy efficient.
EEB_4: I only open the fridge when I need to; I don’t leave it open for no reason.
EEB_5: I make sure to clean/defrost the fridge regularly.
EEB_6: I place the products in the fridge in such a way that it consumes as little electricity as possible.
EEB_7: I only run the dishwasher when it’s full.
Consumer Energy Awareness (CEA)
CEA_1: I am aware of the electricity tariff I am on.
CEA_2: I understand the charges on my energy bill.
CEA_3: I am informed about electricity rates.
CEA_4: I am familiar with my electricity expenditure.
CEA_5: I am aware of my electricity consumption.
Knowledge on Energy Saving (KES)
KES_1: I am familiar with several effective methods for energy conservation.
KES_2: I understand the energy ratings for household appliances and consumer electronics.
KES_3: I have knowledge of the energy efficiency classifications for light bulbs.
Source: own work based on [110,111,112].
Table 5. Sample characteristics (%).
Table 5. Sample characteristics (%).
No answer2.3
Age (years)18–2322.6
53 and older19.4
Number of household members1 person9.6
2 persons25.6
3 persons22.2
4 persons27.4
5 persons10.2
6 persons or more5.0
Self-assessment of the material situationVery bad1.1
Very good13.4
Place of residenceRural area24.8
City, up to 100,000 residents26.7
City, 101,000–500,000 residents31.6
City, over 501,000 residents16.9
Property typeDetached house41.6
Terraced house8.3
Flat in a multi-family building50.1
Usable floor spaceMinimum20.0
Heat sourceCentral heating42.7
Coal heating17.0
Gas heating26.4
Electric heating3.9
Heat pump5.7
Monthly Electricity Costs (in €)Up to 23.317.2
70 and more22.5
Source: own study.
Table 6. Distribution of respondents by level of economic awareness and knowledge of saving.
Table 6. Distribution of respondents by level of economic awareness and knowledge of saving.
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 7. The results of the chi-square analysis of the following variables: CEA vs. CB, CEA vs. EEB, KES vs. CB, and KES vs. EEB.
Table 7. The results of the chi-square analysis of the following variables: CEA vs. CB, CEA vs. EEB, KES vs. CB, and KES vs. EEB.
CEA vs. CBΧ2pCn
CEA vs. EEBΧ2pCn
KES vs. CBΧ2pCn
KES vs. EEBΧ2pCn
Source: Own elaboration.
Table 8. Multivariate tests of the impact of consumer energy awareness (CEA) on sustainable energy consumption (SEC).
Table 8. Multivariate tests of the impact of consumer energy awareness (CEA) on sustainable energy consumption (SEC).
IndicatorValueFHypothesis dfError dfSig.
Pillai’s Trace0.967571.58621.000415.000<0.001
Wilks’ Lambda0.033571.58621.000415.000<0.001
Hotelling’s Trace28.924571.58621.000415.000<0.001
Roy’s Largest Root28.924571.58621.000415.000<0.001
Source: own study.
Table 9. Multivariate tests of the impact of knowledge on energy saving (KES) on sustainable energy consumption (SEC).
Table 9. Multivariate tests of the impact of knowledge on energy saving (KES) on sustainable energy consumption (SEC).
IndicatorValueFHypothesis dfError dfSig.
Pillai’s Trace0.914334.29621.000662.000<0.001
Wilks’ Lambda0.086334.29621.000662.000<0.001
Hotelling’s Trace10.605334.29621.000662.000<0.001
Roy’s Largest Root10.605334.29621.000662.000<0.001
Source: own study.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Gajdzik, B.; Jaciow, M.; Hoffmann-Burdzińska, K.; Wolny, R.; Wolniak, R.; Grebski, W.W. Impact of Economic Awareness on Sustainable Energy Consumption: Results of Research in a Segment of Polish Households. Energies 2024, 17, 2483.

AMA Style

Gajdzik B, Jaciow M, Hoffmann-Burdzińska K, Wolny R, Wolniak R, Grebski WW. Impact of Economic Awareness on Sustainable Energy Consumption: Results of Research in a Segment of Polish Households. Energies. 2024; 17(11):2483.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Gajdzik, Bożena, Magdalena Jaciow, Kinga Hoffmann-Burdzińska, Robert Wolny, Radosław Wolniak, and Wiesław Wes Grebski. 2024. "Impact of Economic Awareness on Sustainable Energy Consumption: Results of Research in a Segment of Polish Households" Energies 17, no. 11: 2483.

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