Challenges and Opportunities for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in EU Energy Transition Efforts—An Overview
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
Literature Filtering and Selection
3. Results
3.1. Temporal Trends in Research
3.2. Geographic Distribution of Research
3.3. Theme-Oriented Literature Review
3.3.1. Prior Review Papers
3.3.2. Potential for ATES
3.3.3. Economic Properties
3.3.4. Environmental Impacts
3.3.5. Simulation
4. ATES Implementation in Europe
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
IEA | International Energy Agency |
ATES | Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage |
PRISMA | Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses |
IGA | International Geothermal Association |
MDPI | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure |
OPEX | Operational Expenditure |
HT-UTES | High-Temperature Underground Thermal Energy Storage |
TES | Thermal Energy Storage |
SEUM | Southern European Union Member |
BHE | Borehole Heat Exchanger |
BTES | Borehole Thermal Energy Storage |
LCOE | Levelized Cost of Energy |
LCOH | Levelized Cost of Heat |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
WUR | Wageningen University & Research |
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Inclusion Criteria | Exclusion Criteria |
Full-text available online | Duplicate records |
Published in English | Books and chapters |
Papers that are related to aquifer thermal energy storage | Publication year before 1999 |
Reference | |
[9] | Comprehensive overview of the global status, applications, and challenges of ATES technology. |
[26] | The paper reviews the literature to identify relevant life cycle phases for HT-ATES systems, highlighting key environmental and economic factors, with a focus on construction and operation phases as the most impactful. |
[27] | Reviews the existing literature on the influence of ATES systems on groundwater chemistry. |
[28] | Reviews studies on ATES system performance, focusing on thermal performance, environmental impact, and economic feasibility. |
[29] | Reviews studies addressing thermal imbalances in ATES systems, focusing on system components, heating and cooling dominance, injection temperatures, and global applications. |
[30] | The paper reviews various numerical models and software used to simulate groundwater flow and heat transport in ATES systems. |
[31] | Reviews and evaluates modeling approaches for STES (including ATES) in energy systems, focusing on co-simulation methods and energy system tools. |
[32] | Summarizes prior studies that utilized analytical models and data-driven models to evaluate ATES potential, highlighting their methodologies and applications. |
[33] | Provides an overview of the application and development of ATES systems in Flanders, Belgium. |
CAPEX (k€) | OPEX (k€/y) |
HT-ATES wells | Maintenance of the wells |
Surface plant | Maintenance of the surface plant |
Permits, Engineering and Construction Contingency | Water treatment Monitoring |
Electricity costs |
Project Name | Duration | Countries | Specific Objectives | Ref. |
E-USE (aq) | 2016–2020 | ES, IT, BE, DK, NL |
| [47] |
HEATSTORE | 2018–2022 | NL, BE, DK, FR, DE, IS, CH, PT, ES |
| [48] |
PUSH-IT | 2022–2026 | NL, DE, CZ, UK |
| [49] |
ATES-SEUM | 2021–2024 | NL, ES, IT, GR |
| [50] |
MUSE | 2018–2021 | SI, SE, ES, HR, DK, CZ, AT, UK, SK, IE, BE, PL |
| [51] |
InnoGeoPot | 2024–2028 | HR, SI, CH |
| [52] |
TRANSGEO | 2023–2026 | DE, AT, HU, HR, SI |
| [53] |
Reference | Factors for Cost Reduction in ATES Systems | Explanation |
Zhou et al. [54] | Higher operational efficiency | Improved efficiency reduces operational costs and maximizes energy utilization over time. |
Weeselink et al. [55] | Longer operational lifetimes | Distributes the upfront CAPEX over more years, reducing the LCOE. |
Weeselink et al. [55] | Higher annual heat demand | Improves system utilization, lowering the LCOE and LCOH. |
Birdsell et al. [56] | Optimized well spacing and flow rates | Ensures efficient heat extraction and minimizes operational costs. |
Birdsell et al. [56] | Higher aquifer transmissivity | Facilitates efficient heat transfer and reduces the need for additional infrastructure |
Schmidt et al. [57] | Economies of scale (larger storage volumes) | Larger systems benefit from lower specific investment costs, improving cost-effectiveness. |
Bloemendal et al. [58] | Adaptive governance strategies | Reduces regulatory barriers and allows more efficient subsurface utilization. |
Ding et al. [59] | Shorter distances between wells and end-users | Reduces infrastructure costs for pipelines and heat transfer losses. |
Todorov et al. [60] | Efficient balancing of heating and cooling loads | Improves overall system utilization and reduces energy waste. |
Pakosy et al. [61] and Perera et al. [62] | Integration with other renewable energy sources | Enhances economic viability by reducing dependency on fossil fuels and improving environmental outcomes. |
Software | Numerical Scheme | Publications Selected | References |
PHREEQC | Finite Difference | Hydrogeochemical modeling | [74,87,88,89] |
DeepStor | Not Specified | Specialized for deep storage | [79] |
COMSOL | Finite Element/Finite Volume | Multiphysics processes | [29,67,86,90,91,92,93,94] |
TOUGH2,MP/EOS3 | Finite Volume | Fluid and heat flow | [78] |
FLAC3D | Finite Difference | Geo-mechanical modeling | [78] |
MT3D-USGS | Finite Difference | Contaminant transport | [95,96,97,98,99,100,101] |
FEFLOW | Finite Element | Groundwater modeling | [102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109] |
SEAWAT | Finite Difference | Flow and transport of heat and solutes | [58,98,110,111,112,113] |
Dumux | Finite Volume | Multi-phase flow | [114,115] |
SWATER3di | Finite Volume | Thermal and water systems | [76] |
MOOSE | Finite Element | Thermal, hydrological, mechanical | [43,56] |
CSMP++ and Nexus.sim | Finite Volume | Geoscientific simulations | [116] |
SGS SUTRA 3D | Finite Volume | Heat and solute transport | [117] |
MARTHE model | Finite Volume | Hydrodynamics and thermal | [118] |
GeoSIAM | Finite Difference | Geosystem simulation | [119] |
TRNSYS 18 | Component-based | Thermal energy systems | [56,90,120] |
MT3DMS | Finite Difference | Contaminant transport | [88,121] |
MATLAB | Finite Difference | Reservoir simulations | [4,56,111,121,122,123] |
MODPATH | Particle Tracking | Particle tracking analysis | [101] |
SGeMS | Geostatistical | Geostatistical simulations | [105] |
ModelMuse | GUI for MODFLOW | Model interface | [101] |
Python | Framework-based | Simulation framework | [56] |
OpenGeoSys | Finite Element | Numerical modeling in geology | [124,125] |
Modelica | Equation-based Modeling | Simulation of systems | [122] |
IC-FERST | Finite Element | Reservoir simulations | [126] |
ROSIM v0.22 | Finite Difference | Specialized simulations | [127] |
MODFLOW | Finite Difference | Groundwater flow modeling, modular structure | [58,60,88,90,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,111,120,128,129,130] |
Country | Location | Year | Capacity [MWt] | Aquifer Thickness [m] | Lithology | Depth [m] | Well Number | Ref. |
Germany | Reichstag Building | 1999 | 0.68 | 25–30 | Siltstones | 60/300 | 12 | [107,131,132,133,134,135,136] |
Neubrandenburg | 2004 | 0.982 | 100 | Sandstone | 1200–1300 | 2 | [135,136,137] | |
Netherlands | Heuvelgalerie Shopping Mall | 1992 | 1.8 | - | - | 25–80 | 2 | [25] |
Dolfinarium Harderwijk | 1997 | 4.7 | - | - | - | - | [25] | |
Haarlem | 2002 | 2.0 | - | - | - | - | [25] | |
Eindhoven, TU/e | 2002 | 20 | - | - | 28–80 | 36 | [136,137] | |
NIOO, Wageningen | 2011 | 1.5 | - | - | - | - | [25] | |
WUR | 2011 | - | - | Sand | 90 | 18 | [138] | |
Westland | 2015 | 0.44 | - | Sand | - | - | [123] | |
Van Duin, Steenbergen | 2016 | 2 | - | - | - | - | [25] | |
Koppert Cress, Monster | 2017 | - | - | - | 50–180 | 28 | [25,139] | |
Middenmeer | 2021 | 8 | 23 | Sand | 360 | 2 | [127,140] | |
Sweden | Malmö | 2001 | 0.44 | - | - | 30–60 | 10 | [141] |
Arlanda Airport | 2009 | 10 | - | Sand, gravel | - | 11 | [14,142] | |
Stockholm, Office buildings | 2016 | 0.11 | 8–15 | Sand, gravel | 12–20 | 6 | [143] | |
Norway | Oslo airprot | 1998 | 7 | - | Sand, gravel | 45–50 | 18 | [144] |
Belgium | Belgium Hospital | 2000 | 1 | 30–40 | - | 65 | 2 | [68,145] |
Denmark | Crowne Plaza Hotel | 2010 | 6.5 | - | - | - | 10 | [146] |
Copenhagen Airport | 2015 | 2.5 | - | - | 130 | 10 | [147] |
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Marojević, K.; Kurevija, T.; Macenić, M. Challenges and Opportunities for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in EU Energy Transition Efforts—An Overview. Energies 2025, 18, 1001.
Marojević K, Kurevija T, Macenić M. Challenges and Opportunities for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in EU Energy Transition Efforts—An Overview. Energies. 2025; 18(4):1001.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarojević, Katarina, Tomislav Kurevija, and Marija Macenić. 2025. "Challenges and Opportunities for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in EU Energy Transition Efforts—An Overview" Energies 18, no. 4: 1001.
APA StyleMarojević, K., Kurevija, T., & Macenić, M. (2025). Challenges and Opportunities for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) in EU Energy Transition Efforts—An Overview. Energies, 18(4), 1001.