Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hot Torsion Process of the Hardly Deformable 5XXX Series Aluminium Alloy
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials and Process Parameters
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Numerical Research: Mathematical Model Using FORGE 2011® Software
2.2.2. Experimental Research
2.2.3. Metallographic Analysis and Microhardness Measurements
3. Results
3.1. Analysis of the Numerical Research Results: Problem with the Mathematical Model’s Accuracy
3.2. Analysis of the Experimental Research Results
4. Directions of Future Studies
5. Discussion and Conclusions
- The condition for the correct determination of the strain parameters’ distribution and the stress intensity in the torsion test is the high accuracy of the mathematical model describing the rheological properties of the tested material and the correct determination of the initial and boundary conditions, consistent with the experimental tests;
- As representative radii, defining the area in which the values of strain and stress parameters correspond to the average values on the cross-section of the torsion samples and, at the same time, to the values obtained in experimental tests, radii equal to 0.67 r and 0.724 r can be taken;
- Using the coefficients of the rheological properties model presented in Table 2, a high agreement was obtained between the recorded and the calculated values of the torsion moment and the yield stress;
- The heating and temperature control system installed in the STD 812 torsion plastometer ensures an even temperature distribution along the length and cross-section of the measurement base of the torsion samples;
- As a result of deformation in the hot torsion process, a significant fragmentation of the microstructure of the tested alloy was obtained. It was proved that the grain size distribution on the sample cross-section was inhomogeneous and typical for a torsion test. The diversity of the microstructure on the cross-section after the hot torsion results from the inhomogeneity of the strain parameters such as strain intensity, strain rate intensity and stress inhomogeneity. The largest grains occurred in the sample axis, where the strain intensity value was the smallest, and the smallest in the surface area, where the strain intensity value reached its maximum value;
- No significant differences were found in the level of the microhardness of the material after homogenisation and after the hot torsion process. However, it has been shown that the distribution of microhardness on the sample cross-section after the hot torsion was more inhomogeneous, which is caused by a greater differentiation of the grain size on the cross-section. The lack of diversity in the level of microhardness is related to the fact that under the conditions of hot deformation of aluminium alloys, the strengthening effect caused by plastic deformation was eliminated by softening as a consequence of the structural renewal processes;
- The results of the EBSD analysis after the hot torsion present that the sample axis was dominated by the directions around the <001> pole. At a distance of 2.68 mm from the centre of the sample (0.67 r), the distribution of the texture intensity was focused around the <111> pole, while at a distance of 2.9 mm from the centre (0.724 r), the intensity distributions were centred around the <112> and <111> poles. In addition, it was proved that the fraction of large disorientation angles increased along with the distance from the sample axis, and the share of large disorientation angles above 15° was comparable for the distance from the sample axis of 2.68 mm (0.67 r) and 2.9 mm (0.724 r) and amounted to about 75% in the axis of the sample, large angles of disorientation constituted 60% of the studied population;
- The obtained results of metallographic analyses confirm the necessity to define a representative area for the assessment of the microstructure of the material after the torsion process as well as indicate the need to analyse the microstructure of the torsion samples in a strictly defined zone, for which local values of the strain intensity, strain rate intensity and stress intensity should be determined.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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A | m1 | m2 | m3 | m4 | m5 | m7 | m8 | m9 |
0.271553 | −0.00957753 | −0.0823773 | −0.246413 | −0.000573716 | 0.000622463 | −0.164103 | 0.00101501 | 1.65143 |
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Laber, K.B.; Leszczyńska-Madej, B. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hot Torsion Process of the Hardly Deformable 5XXX Series Aluminium Alloy. Materials 2021, 14, 3508.
Laber KB, Leszczyńska-Madej B. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hot Torsion Process of the Hardly Deformable 5XXX Series Aluminium Alloy. Materials. 2021; 14(13):3508.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLaber, Konrad Błażej, and Beata Leszczyńska-Madej. 2021. "Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hot Torsion Process of the Hardly Deformable 5XXX Series Aluminium Alloy" Materials 14, no. 13: 3508.
APA StyleLaber, K. B., & Leszczyńska-Madej, B. (2021). Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Hot Torsion Process of the Hardly Deformable 5XXX Series Aluminium Alloy. Materials, 14(13), 3508.