Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced with Optimized Volumes of Calcined Clay and Rice Husk Ash—Emphasis on Rheology, Flowability Retention and Durability
:1. Introduction
2. Research Gap
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Research Materials
3.2. Methods
3.2.1. Self-Compacting Paste, Mortar and Concrete Mix Design
3.2.2. Batching and Mixing of Self-Compacting Paste, Mortar and Concrete Constituents
3.2.3. Fresh SCC Properties and Segregation Resistance
3.2.4. Rheology and Flowability Retention Assessment
3.2.5. Portlandite Consumption, Plastic and Drying Shrinkage of Self-Compacting Paste, and Mortar
3.2.6. Compressive Strength and Chloride Migration Resistance of SCC
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Optimization of SCC Mix Design with the Blend of CC and RHA
4.2. Influence of CC and RHA on the Segregation Resistance of SCC
4.3. Rheological and Flowability Retention of SCC
4.4. Formation of Hydrate Phases from the Hardened SCP
4.5. Plastic and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Mortar and Concrete
4.5.1. Effect of CC and RHA on Plastic and Total Shrinkage of Self-Compacting Mortar
4.5.2. Compressive Strength and Rapid Chloride Migration Assessment of SCC
4.6. Rapid Chloride Resistance of SCC
5. Summary and Conclusions
- The study investigated the potential use of up to 40 vol-% CC and RHA as a partial replacement for PLC in SCP. Partial replacement of PLC with CC, as used in this study, is possible up to 40 vol-% and can be achieved with the same Vw/Vp used for the PLC system, with an increase in SP dosages. The use of RHA as a partial replacement for PLC, on the other hand, requires urgent adjustment of the Vw/Vp even at a lower replacement level of 5 vol-% to achieve similar deformability to the PLC systems; SP adjustment alone cannot provide the required degree of deformability. Therefore, for the application in SCC, the partial replacement of PLC by RHA should be kept at 20 vol-%;
- By adjusting the SP dosages, self-compactability can be achieved with PLC partial replacement with 20 vol-%CC, 20 vol-% RHA and 10 vol-% CC + 10 vol-% RHA, using a Vw/Vp = 1.275;
- The deformability and short-term segregation resistance of the binary and ternary mix design with 20 vol-% CC, 20 vol-% RHA and 10 vol-% CC + 10 vol-% RHA are within acceptable limits, and therefore, the binary and ternary blends of CC and RHA could use in practice up to 20 vol-% as PLC partial replacement;
- At an increased SP dosage, PLC partial replacement with 20 vol-% CC has less impact than the binary and ternary blend of 20 vol-% RHA and 10 vol-% CC + 10 vol-% RHA on flowability retention of SCC up to 60 min, and therefore, SCC-1-20CC can be used to produce both precast and ready-mix SCC. However, the use of 20 vol-% RHA and the ternary blend 10CC+10RHA developed high flow resistance and showed rapid loss of flowability after 30 min of mixing. Therefore, their flowability retention needs to be improved for applications beyond 30 min. SCC with high content of RHA, 20 vol-% and above, is recommended for the production of precast SCC elements only due to the short flowability retention window required by precast SCC compared to ready-mix SCC. Although additional treatment may be required to improve the early strength development of RHA SCC;
- SCC produced with RHA as PLC partial replacement showed higher flow resistance and viscosity and increased both the static and dynamic yield stress of SCC. This effect is reduced to some extent by ternary blending CC and RHA. Therefore, the proportion of RHA shall always be kept low, perhaps at 5 vol-%, in the binary and ternary blended SCC mixture, when flowability retention beyond 30 min is required, for example, in the ready-mix concrete;
- Partial replacement of PLC with 20 vol-% CC reduced the plastic shrinkage of SC-M by 4%, 20 vol-% RHA reduced the plastic shrinkage of SC-M by 26%, while the ternary blend of 10 vol-% CC+10 vol-% RHA reduced the plastic shrinkage by 11%. Partial replacement of PLC with 20 vol-% CC had no effect on the total shrinkage of SC-M at 28 days of curing, while the binary and ternary blends of RHA, CC and RHA increased the total shrinkage of SC-M by 8 and 16%, respectively. Therefore, RHA could be an effective SCM to reduce hairline cracking that occurs at an early time in concrete due to the use of a high amount of cement per m3 of concrete;
- Both CC and RHA consumed CH due to their pozzolanic reactivity. Partial replacement of 20 vol-% PLC with CC had no significant effect on the 28-day compressive strength and chloride migration resistance of SCC. While the SCC produced with RHA and the blend of CC and RHA increased the 28-day compressive strength of SCC by 5%. The chloride migration resistance of 20 vol-% RHA is 3 times that of SCC produced with only PLC, while that of the ternary blend 10 vol-% CC + 10 vol-% RHA is 2 times that of SCC produced with only PLC. RHA is capable of improving the chloride migration resistance of SCC and should be used to improve the microstructural densification of SCC produced with only PLC.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Materials | C3S | C2S | C3A | C4AF | Calcite | Sulfates | Quartz |
OPC | 61.6 | 18.2 | 5.8 | 9.0 | 0.6 | 3.2 | - |
LP | - | - | - | - | 99.8 | - | 0.2 |
Properties | Methodology | OPC | LP | CC | RHA |
Specific surface area, m2/g | DIN ISO 9277 [38] | 1.0 | 1.6 | 3.9 | 160 |
Water demand, wt.% | Puntke method [39] | 29 | 20 | 38 | 96 |
Particle density, g/cm3 | DIN EN ISO 17892-3 [40] | 3.29 | 2.81 | 2.65 | 2.4 |
d10, µm | Bettersizer 3D instrument [26] | 2.6 | 0.8 | 1.9 | 5.4 |
d50, µm | 16.0 | 4.6 | 12.7 | 23.7 | |
d90, µm | 42.8 | 20.7 | 33.7 | 56.5 |
CC | 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | |
RHA | ||||||||||
0 | 0.87 | 0.87 | 0.91 | 0.94 | 0.98 | |||||
5 | 1.1 | 1.08 | 1.12 | 1.17 | ||||||
10 | 1.10 | 1.16 | 1.2 | 1.24 | ||||||
15 | 1.21 | 1.25 | 1.27 | |||||||
20 | 1.26 | 1.3 | 1.35 | |||||||
25 | 1.34 | 1.42 | ||||||||
30 | 1.37 | 1.47 | ||||||||
35 | 1.50 | |||||||||
40 | 1.51 |
Mix Designation | Constituent (Measured in dm3/m3) | Constituent (Measured in kg/m3) | |||||||||||
Vw/Vp | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | Water | w/b | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | Water | SP [wt-%] | |
SC-P | 1.275 | 374 | 66 | - | - | 560 | 0.4 | 1231 | 185 | - | - | 560 | 0.05 |
SC-P-20CC | 1.275 | 299 | 53 | 88 | - | 560 | 0.4 | 984 | 148 | 233 | - | 560 | 0.1 |
SC-P-20RHA | 1.275 | 299 | 53 | - | 88 | 560 | 0.4 | 984 | 148 | - | 211 | 560 | 0.3 |
SC-P-10CC+10RHA | 1.275 | 299 | 53 | 44 | 44 | 560 | 0.4 | 984 | 148 | 116 | 106 | 560 | 0.2 |
Mix Designation | Constituent (Measured in dm3/m3) | Constituent (Measured in kg/m3) | |||||||||||||
Vw/Vp | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | Water | FA | w/b | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | FA | Water | SP [wt-%] | |
SC-M-1 | 1.275 | 224 | 40 | - | - | 336 | 400 | 0.4 | 738 | 111 | - | - | 1104 | 336 | 0.15 |
SC-M-1-20CC | 1.275 | 179 | 32 | 53 | - | 336 | 400 | 0.4 | 591 | 89 | 140 | - | 1104 | 336 | 0.2 |
SC-M-1-20RHA | 1.275 | 179 | 32 | - | 53 | 336 | 400 | 0.4 | 591 | 89 | - | 127 | 1104 | 336 | 0.4 |
SC-M-1-10CC+10RHA | 1.275 | 179 | 32 | 26 | 26 | 336 | 400 | 0.4 | 591 | 89 | 70 | 63 | 1104 | 336 | 0.3 |
Mix Designation | Constituent (Measured in dm3/m3) | ||||||||
Vw/Vp | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | Water | FA | CA | Va | |
SCC-1 | 1.275 | 137 | 24 | - | - | 206 | 289 | 323 | 20 |
SCC-1-20CC | 1.275 | 110 | 19 | 32 | - | 206 | 289 | 323 | 20 |
SCC-1-20RHA | 1.275 | 110 | 19 | - | 32 | 206 | 289 | 323 | 20 |
SCC-1-10CC+10RHA | 1.275 | 110 | 19 | 16 | 16 | 206 | 289 | 323 | 20 |
Mix Designation | Constituent (Measured in kg/m3) | ||||||||
w/b | OPC | LP | CC | RHA | Water | FA | CA | SP [wt-%] | |
SCC-1 | 0.4 | 452 | 68 | - | - | 206 | 798 | 867 | 0.25 |
SCC-1-20CC | 0.4 | 362 | 54 | 86 | - | 206 | 798 | 867 | 0.3 |
SCC-1-20RHA | 0.4 | 362 | 54 | - | 78 | 206 | 798 | 867 | 0.7 |
SCC-1-10CC+10RHA | 0.4 | 362 | 54 | 43 | 39 | 206 | 798 | 867 | 0.5 |
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Muhammad, A.; Thienel, K.-C. Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced with Optimized Volumes of Calcined Clay and Rice Husk Ash—Emphasis on Rheology, Flowability Retention and Durability. Materials 2023, 16, 5513.
Muhammad A, Thienel K-C. Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced with Optimized Volumes of Calcined Clay and Rice Husk Ash—Emphasis on Rheology, Flowability Retention and Durability. Materials. 2023; 16(16):5513.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMuhammad, Abubakar, and Karl-Christian Thienel. 2023. "Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced with Optimized Volumes of Calcined Clay and Rice Husk Ash—Emphasis on Rheology, Flowability Retention and Durability" Materials 16, no. 16: 5513.
APA StyleMuhammad, A., & Thienel, K.-C. (2023). Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Produced with Optimized Volumes of Calcined Clay and Rice Husk Ash—Emphasis on Rheology, Flowability Retention and Durability. Materials, 16(16), 5513.