Compensating Data Shortages in Manufacturing with Monotonicity Knowledge
:1. Introduction
2. Semi-Infinite Optimization Approach to Monotonic Regression
2.1. Semi-Infinite Optimization Formulation of Monotonic Regression
- and indicate that is expected to be, respectively, monotonically increasing or decreasing in the jth coordinate direction;
- indicates that one has no monotonicity knowledge in the jth coordinate direction.
2.2. Adaptive Solution Strategy
2.3. Algorithm and Implementation Details
Algorithm 1. Adaptive discretization algorithm for monotonic regression. |
Choose a coarse (but non-empty) rectangular grid in X. Set and iterate over k.
3. Applications in Manufacturing
3.1. Laser Glass Bending
3.2. Forming and Press Hardening of Sheet Metal
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Informed Machine Learning Models for Laser Glass Bending
4.2. Informed Machine Learning Models for Forming and Press Hardening
5. Conclusions and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
SIAMOR | Semi-infinite optimization approach to monotonic regression |
GPR | Gaussian process regression |
RBF | Radial basis function |
RMSE | Root mean squared error |
Appendix A. Computing Monotonic Projections
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Variable | Min | Max | Phys. Unit |
480 | 560 | C | |
40 | 50 | — |
Variable | Min | Max | Phys. Unit |
871 | 933 | C | |
0 | 4 | s | |
1750 | 2250 | kN | |
2 | 6 | s |
Monotonic Regression Type | RMSE [] |
projection [24] | 1.3822 |
rearrangement [22] | 1.8432 |
SIAMOR | 1.1598 |
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Kurnatowski, M.v.; Schmid, J.; Link, P.; Zache, R.; Morand, L.; Kraft, T.; Schmidt, I.; Schwientek, J.; Stoll, A. Compensating Data Shortages in Manufacturing with Monotonicity Knowledge. Algorithms 2021, 14, 345.
Kurnatowski Mv, Schmid J, Link P, Zache R, Morand L, Kraft T, Schmidt I, Schwientek J, Stoll A. Compensating Data Shortages in Manufacturing with Monotonicity Knowledge. Algorithms. 2021; 14(12):345.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKurnatowski, Martin von, Jochen Schmid, Patrick Link, Rebekka Zache, Lukas Morand, Torsten Kraft, Ingo Schmidt, Jan Schwientek, and Anke Stoll. 2021. "Compensating Data Shortages in Manufacturing with Monotonicity Knowledge" Algorithms 14, no. 12: 345.
APA StyleKurnatowski, M. v., Schmid, J., Link, P., Zache, R., Morand, L., Kraft, T., Schmidt, I., Schwientek, J., & Stoll, A. (2021). Compensating Data Shortages in Manufacturing with Monotonicity Knowledge. Algorithms, 14(12), 345.