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RETRACTED: Prediction of Consumption of Local Wine in Italian Consumers Based on Theory of Planned Behavior

Nicole Campos-Arteaga
Aldo Alvarez-Risco
Alexandra Gonzales-Vásquez
Fabrizio Rios-La-Torre
Jaasiel Melillo-Espinoza-Chueca
Maria de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario
Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales
Christian R. Mejia
3 and
Jaime A. Yáñez
Carrera de Negocios Internacionales Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas, Universidad de Lima, Lima 15023, Peru
Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Lima 15024, Peru
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Continental, Lima 15046, Peru
Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Universidad Norbert Wiener, Lima 15046, Peru
Gerencia Corporativa de Asuntos Científicos y Regulatorios, Teoma Global, Lima 15073, Peru
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(22), 14769;
Submission received: 28 July 2022 / Revised: 6 September 2022 / Accepted: 27 September 2022 / Published: 9 November 2022 / Retracted: 10 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in COVID-19 Pandemic Times)


The consumption of local wine positively influences a country’s economy by providing jobs while preserving the environment. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of complementary factors, based on an extended model of the Theory of Planned Behavior, in consumer behavior toward local wine by evaluating the antecedents of Italian local wine consumption. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. For the study, a survey was sent to a total sample of 404 people residing in Italy. The results showed a relationship between purchase intention and perceived behavioral control. In addition, ethnocentric personality was found to have a positive influence, and cosmopolitan personality was found to have a negative influence. It was also confirmed that personal norms and place identity were related to attitudes toward this behavior. This study contributes to the literature in a way that adds constructs to the theory relevant to local wine consumption. Similarly, for those involved in the internal and external marketing of local products, it addresses and provides implications that can be considered.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the consumption of local foods has become a part of the consumption patterns of modern society, not only due to the high accessibility of these products but also because of the growing social awareness in areas related to health, environmental care and sustainability [1,2]. Additionally, consumers are more aware of the importance of foods’ bioactive compounds and the correlation they have with disease prevention [3], which became more evident during the COVID-19 pandemic [4,5,6,7] when higher episodic drinking [8], binge eating [9] and eating disorders [10] were reported, which accompanied a decrease in physical activity [11] that resulted in higher body weight [12,13,14,15]. Furthermore, many people had anxiety and mental distress because of the death of family and friends [16]. University students also were affected by experiencing increased technostress [17]. Younger children were also impacted due to the high number of child and adolescent COVID-19 cases [7]. Disinformation [18] and anti-vaccine movements [19,20] led people to self-medicate [18] and use medicinal plants [21].
The governments of emerging economies seek to promote and support the consumption of indigenous products because they represent the sector’s development [22,23]. In the academic field, different studies have sought to explain consumer perceptions and their influence on the preference for locally sourced foods. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that the beliefs and attitudes of individuals significantly influence their purchasing behavior [24,25,26,27,28,29]. In some countries, such as Spain [30] or Italy [31], wine consumption is traditional, and new consumers are also entering the market [32]. It has been reported that wine contains bioactive compounds such as resveratrol, pterostilbene, rhapontigenin, piceatannol and pinosylvin [3] that have disease prevention properties [3,33,34,35,36,37]. Furthermore, it has been recognized that attitudes toward winemaking [38,39,40] affect technological innovation [41,42,43,44] in the field.
In this context, we have found a paucity of research on the effects that the Theory of Planned Behavior has on local wine consumption. To remedy that deficiency, the current study proposes a model to explain and predict consumer patterns and behavior toward the consumption of local products. The critical implication of this study is to know what variables companies can affect to generate an increase in purchase intention and sales volume.
The structure of this research article is the following. Section 2 focuses on the conceptual framework and definition of our proposed model. Moreover, we examine the relations studied by previous researchers and define the existing knowledge gap. Section 3 describes the methodology of the research. Section 4 presents the results and findings. Finally, Section 5 is related to theoretical, practical and research limitations discovered in this study.

2. Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis

2.1. Review of the Theory of Planned Behavior

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) originated from the Theory of Reasoned Action, which related attitudes, convictions, social pressure and intentions to human behavior. This theory seeks to explain all the behaviors of individuals that they perform of their own free will. Both models are based on the premise that humans make reasoned and logical decisions to behave in a certain way based on the information they perceive from their environment [45].
TPB was developed in 1985 and continues to be one of the psychosocial models employed by different researchers to explain, analyze and predict behavior, being applied in studies of product consumption, consumption predictions in a group of individuals and purchase intentions [46,47,48,49,50]. TPB postulates that the relative importance of its components in predicting intention varies across behaviors and situations [51]. It is hypothesized that intention is a set of intrinsic factors: subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and attitude.

2.1.1. Attitude toward Local Wine Consumption

TPB examines the disposition a person has to behave in a certain way toward objects, people, behaviors or situations, determining if an intention is positive or negative. Based on TPB theory, personal attitudes are the level to which a person considers a behavior as favorable or unfavorable, considering the possible outcomes of the behavior.
In the food industry, market research on consumer behavior shows that attitudes toward a particular product strongly influence the final purchase decision. In short, the more positive the users attitudes toward a local product, the more likely they are to purchase it. Therefore, taking into consideration price studies and results of wine consumption habits, the following hypothesis was proposed for this study:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). 
Attitude has a positive and significant effect on the intention of local wine consumption.

2.1.2. Perceived Behavioral Control

The Theory of the Strength of Attitudes (TSA), a model based on the contributions of Petty and Krosnick [52], considers attitude and behavioral control as fundamental determinants of purchase intention. The research on leisure behaviors, such as those conducted by Ajzen and Driver in 1991 [53] or Chatzisarantis and Biddle in 1998 [54], demonstrated the relevance of behavioral control as an antecedent of intention [55]. In the study published by Capitello, Agnoli, and Begalli [56], the significant correlation between perceived behavioral control (PBC) and the intention to consume wine was confirmed. Ease of access and availability of the local product are two of the decisive factors increasing consumer preference. In this context, the following hypotheses are formulated:
Hypothesis 2 (H2). 
Perceived behavioral control has a positive and significant effect on the intention to consume local wine.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). 
Perceived behavioral control has a positive and significant effect on local wine consumption.

2.1.3. Subjective Norms

According to Ajzen [53], subjective norms can be defined as the social conditioning that influences behavior and decides whether it is right to engage in a specific action. Similarly, the importance of these norms on health relates to one’s opinion of what others should do [57]. In sum, James et al. [58] noted that people prefer local produce; i.e., this factor influences an individual’s future behavior. In the context of purchasing local wine, subjective norms influence the perspective of others by joining with a significant predictor [59,60,61,62].
In addition, the subjective norm has concordance in a meaningful way with consumers’ behavioral intentions. According to Silva et al. [63], evidence of this is the wine consumption of Millennials (24 to 40 years old) due to social pressure and acceptance. On the other hand, Scuderi et al. [59] proved the relationship between subjective norms and consumer behavior because the wine they consume is part of their identity and influences their behavioral intention. With all this, the premise is formed that subjective norms also influence the consumption of local wine, in this case, Italian wine.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). 
Subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on the intention to consume local wine.
Shin et al. [64], through their survey of 695 U.S. consumers, again confirmed that subjective norms are directly related to purchasing intention. It is worth mentioning that Scuderi et al. [59] added perceived behavioral control as part of subjective norms. Therefore, the present research intends to demonstrate the relationship of subjective norms to attitudes to localness and perceived behavioral control.
Hypothesis 5 (H5). 
Subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on local wine consumption.
Hypothesis 6 (H6). 
Subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on perceived behavioral control.

2.1.4. Intention

Behavioral intention is the plausibility of performing a particular action. It is accompanied by TPB, which is consistent with the above. Capitello et al. [56] confirmed the intention to determine Italian wine behavior based on the Generation Y sample. Maksan et al. [62] agreed with the abovementioned study by Capitello [56].
Hypothesis 7 (H7). 
Intention of local wine consumption has a positive and significant effect on local wine consumption behavior.

2.2. Literature Review: Antecedents of Attitude toward Local Wine Consumption

Regarding consumer behavior toward local products and despite the explanatory power of the Theory of Planned Behavior, some researchers suggest adding more predictors to increase TPB’s power to explain the model [64]. TPB can include more variables if they impact intention. In this paper, from the perspective of Social Identity Theory (SIT) [65], three precursors of attitudes toward behavior were added: personal norms, satisfaction with the place and identity with place. SIT is the interaction between social and personal identity. A person’s social identity is intricately linked to their self-image; each person often joins different communities to obtain their own identity. Likewise, in the present study we consider the national and international offerings that a product such as wine provides, for which local consumption (ethnocentrism) and global consumption (cosmopolitan) are both vital.

2.2.1. Personal Norm

Thogersen and Olander [66] showed the effects of personal norms on the intention to purchase local wine [66,67]. They examined the perceptions and moral obligations that led people to perform or refrain from specific actions in an ethical or moral sense [68]. Activated personal norms are experienced as feelings of moral obligation [69]. In addition, Thogersen [70], in an evaluation of organic wine consumption, found that personal norms can increase the likelihood of purchasing the product. In essence, personal norms lead consumers to view certain purchases as moral responsibilities, in this case, the consumption of local products.
Hypothesis 8a (H8a). 
Personal norms have a positive and significant effect on attitudes toward local wine consumption.

2.2.2. Place Satisfaction

Place satisfaction refers to the evaluation and judgment that people make regarding the perceived quality of a place, which meets or exceeds their needs and desires [71]. Some studies have suggested the existence of relationships between people’s satisfaction with a place and consumer behavior that supports local products [72].
Hypothesis 8b (H8b). 
Satisfaction with the place has a positive and significant effect on attitude toward local wine consumption.

2.2.3. Place Identity

This variable was studied as the national identity to refer to the degree to which people identify with and have positive feelings of closeness to their country. It is a dimension of self-identity that defines “who we are” about “where we are” that can be determined as a person’s sense of self in a physical environment [73]. Therefore, the following hypothesis is intended to be confirmed:
Hypothesis 8c (H8c). 
Identity with the place has a positive and significant effect on attitudes toward local wine consumption.

2.3. Effect of Consumer Profile on Consumption Intention and Behavior

Many authors have found that personality strongly influences local product consumption since this causes consumers to purchase a product because of some aspect that they consider to be more important to their sense of well-being. Two personality variables have been identified in the case of local products are ethnocentric or cosmopolitan orientation.

2.3.1. Ethnocentrism

Consumer ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to reject others who are culturally different and favor those who are similar. Ethnocentrism also causes consumers to become protectionist toward their own country’s economy and the employment of their compatriots [74]. It also negatively influences purchase intentions and evaluations of foreign products. Taking into consideration the variation in the degree of ethnocentrism that each culture and country may possess [75], this variable is essential in understanding the behavior of a country’s consumers.
Hypothesis 9a (H9a). 
An ethnocentric profile has a positive and significant effect on local wine consumption intention.
Hypothesis 9b (H9b). 
An ethnocentric profile has a positive and significant effect on local wine consumption.

2.3.2. Cosmopolitanism

Cosmopolitanism refers to individuals who consider every corner of the planet as their homeland since they reject the patriotic identity and recognize themselves as independent citizens of the world. Cosmopolitan consumers demonstrate openness toward foreign countries, cultures, and their products. This behavior can also be perceived as the opposite extreme of ethnocentrism [76] since it is not necessarily considered more attractive to acquire a national product and can lead to more international purchases. All the above lead us to generate the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 10a (H10a). 
A cosmopolitan profile has a negative and significant effect on the intention to consume local wine.
Hypothesis 10b (H10b). 
A cosmopolitan profile has a negative and significant effect on local wine consumption.

2.4. Theoretical Model of the Study

The theoretical review, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Theory of Social Identity (SIT) [65] have a decisive influence on the model since, by integrating 10 constructs, it is possible to predict the consumption of Italian wine at the local level.
Figure 1 shows the direct and positive relationship between the 10 constructs. As seen in the image, the constructs of personal norms, satisfaction with the place and identity with the place, located on the left side, are linked to the Theory of Social Identity (SIT) [65], while attitude toward local wine, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intention to consume local wine and local identity are related to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). In addition to the eight constructs mentioned above, the ethnocentric and cosmopolitan consumer profiles were added.

3. Methodology

3.1. Data Collection and Measurements

An electronic survey was conducted online and was self-managed from 17 December 17 2021 until the first week of January 2022. The filter file of the study sample was people over 18 years of age (the legitimacy of age in the consumption of alcoholic beverages) residing in Italy (considering the 20 regions) who consume national wine. Liu et al. [77] investigated the measurement information system by PROMIS to compare probabilistic data with Internet data. Based on non-probabilistic sampling, participants were recruited through text messages, where we were allowed to know their perspectives and use allusive data regarding the topic. It was verified in the investigation that the search for the wine was conducted using big data; moreover, each subgroup represented a specific brand, according to the choice of Italian consumers [78].
The sample consisted of 400 consumers, 212 women (40.6%) and 178 men (59.4%). Snowball online sampling was used, with 95% reliability and a 5% margin of error. In this way, it was possible to obtain a representative sample of the total population. It consisted of 35 questions in total, divided into four parts: filter and wine consumption habits (6 questions), TPB intention and background (25 questions), cosmopolitan and ethnocentric consumer profile (6 questions), and classification data. A Likert scale was used for the measurement of behavioral data, intention, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, personal norm, satisfaction, and identification in place and ethnocentric consumer. Maksan et al. [62] conducted a study where the influence of ethnocentrism on the purchase of domestic wine was evaluated to measure the factors of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) using the scale of Shimp and Sharma [79]. In contrast, the Cannon study measured the cosmopolitan personality [76].
In our study, collected data was considered valid when the consumers agreed to participate in the study by accepting the statements: “I have freely decided to participate in the study”, “I understand that my participation is voluntary” and “I have received information about the objectives of the study”. The data quality was monitored by ensuring the originality of the source and discarding incomplete questionnaires.

3.2. Data Processing

The profile of the respondents is analyzed in Table 1. The population surveyed consisted of 40.6% women and 59.4% men. The groups were divided into age ranges: 35.4% were between 18 and 24 years old, 32.9% were between 25 and 34 years old, 12.4% were between 35 and 44 years old, 6.7% were between 45 and 54 years old and 12.6% were 55 years old or older. Regarding the level of education, no respondents had only primary education, 22.5% had completed secondary education, high school or vocational training, 46% had university studies, and 31.4% had a postgraduate degree.
In addition, the participants were from the following regions: 1.5% from Abruzzo, 2.5% from Apulia, 2% from Basilicata, 3% from Calabria, 6.4% from Campania, 6.4% from Emilia Romagna, 5.9% from Friuli Venezia Giulia, 6.9% from Lazio, 5.4% from Liguria, 6.4% from Lombardy, 4% from Marche, 2.7% from Molise, 4. 2% from Piedmont, 23.5% from Sardinia, 3.2% from Sicily, 3.2% from Tuscany, 4.2% from Trentino-Alto Adige, 2% from Umbria, 3% from Valle d’Aosta and 3% from Veneto. Regarding social status, 55.7% had an average income, 33.9% above average income, and 10.4% below average. The frequency of consumption showed that 25.5% consumed wine once every 15 days, 25% at least once a week; 32.7% several times a week; and 16.8% daily.
The study comprised 404 participants, 240 men (59.4%) and 164 women (40.6%), with ages ranging from 18. The average age was between 18 and 24 years, with 35.4% of the total. Thus, the sample focused on people from Italy who are regular consumers of Italian wine. Likewise, for ethical reasons, the criterion for inclusion was over 18 years of age; for this reason, there were no Italians with primary or basic education.

4. Results

4.1. Overall Model Evaluation

The results revealed the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) model fit values of 0.057, and a value below 0.08 can be considered acceptable for the PLS-SEM. No evidence of multicollinearity between the antecedent variables of each endogenous construct was reported since all VIF (variance inflation factor) values were less than five. Finally, common method bias (CMB) was not evident since there was no single factor (five distinct factors accounted for 69.4% of the total variance), and the first factor did not account for most of the variance (it accounted for 43.9%).

4.2. Measurement Model Analysis

As shown in Table 2, all the Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values were more significant than the minimum acceptable value to demonstrate a good consistency of the scale used in the survey. The mean-variance extracted from each variable analyzed in the questionnaire complied with the minimum required parameter, being more significant than 0.5 in all cases. Similarly, Spearman’s correlation coefficients in the results obtained showed a strong and positive correlation between the variables since the values obtained were close to one. On the other hand, Table 3 shows that the latent constructs exceeded the correlation requirements of the heterotrait–monotrait ratio (HTMT) criterion, with values greater than 0. These results show that the measurement model used for the study was satisfactory and suggested sufficient evidence regarding reliability, convergence and discriminant validity.

4.3. Structural Model Assessment

The variance inflation factor (VIF) registered per item ranged between 1.976 and 3.235, focusing on formative assessment and confirming multi-collinearity. The finalization step in the process was related to the statistical significance of relations (Table 4).
The path coefficients represent the level of effect that one variable has on another, estimating the relationship between factors in the structural model. The significance level of the effects was evaluated using the bootstrapping method: (1) a one-sided Student’s t distribution test with n − 1 degree of freedom (n = 404 respondents); and (2) the construction and analysis of confidence intervals. As seen in Table 5 and Figure 2, local wine consumption intention had the highest significance level of effect on local wine consumption behavior (β = 0.47, p = 0.000). Following this, we observed that perceived behavioral control also correlated highly with local wine consumption (β = 0.323, p = 0.000). Even though cosmopolitan consumers had a positive direct relationship with consumer behavior, the effect level was lower than previously mentioned (β = 0.217, p = 0.006).
Consumption intention, behavioral control, and cosmopolitan consumer were empirically validated, the ethnocentric consumer being the variable that rejects the hypothesis and demonstrates a weak and negative correlation with consumption behavior. Regarding the hypotheses made to evaluate the direct relationship of the variables concerning the intention to consume local wine, attitudes toward local wine had the highest effect (β = 0.491, p = 0.000). The ethnocentric consumer profile also correlated significantly positively with this variable (β = 0.261, p = 0.028). On the other hand, cosmopolitan consumer profile, perceived behavioral control and subjective consumer norms showed a negative correlation, suggesting a null effect on local wine consumption intention.
Attitudes toward local wine showed a strong relationship with subjective norms (β = 0.354, p = 0.000), personal norm (β = 0.350, p = 0.001) and place satisfaction (β = 0.181, p = 0.013). In contrast, identification with place evidenced a negative relationship with this variable, rejecting the hypothesis. Finally, there was sufficient evidence to affirm a strong correlation between subjective norms and perceived behavioral control (β = 0.817, p = 0.000), possessing the highest T-Student coefficient (t = 23.680) with the strongest evidence against the null hypothesis.

5. Discussion

This research showed the strong influence of the behavioral intention of wine consumption as a formula of the Theory of Planned Behavior. These results helped corroborate the findings previously examined by Maksan [62], where it was concluded that intention is a decisive and important factor in substantial and significant behavior related to wine consumption. It is also related to the study of Colino [80], who pointed out through an analysis that the motivational elements for purchase are not only external but can also be internal as these two go hand in hand and have a significant influence on their purchase in the wine sector.
Subjective norms affected the attitude toward local wine but not the intention to consume this product. This finding is different from the results established by Capitello [56], who saw a positive relationship between subjective norms and the intention to consume local wine as he discovered that both possessed the same weight, which confirms the influence of the ethnocentric consumer profile on the decision of local consumers. Moreover, it is something that can also be seen in the study of Pozo Rubio [81], who through analysis of the Spanish market discovered a preference to support local vineyards. It also coincides with the research of Garcia-Gallego et al. [82] who revealed the positive relationship between ethnocentrism and the consumer and purchasing regional wines. However, it contrasts with Fountain and Lamb [83] who discovered that New Zealand consumers preferred to support imported wines due to their internationalist mentality.

5.1. Evaluation of the General Model

The present research has made several contributions to the literature. First, in discussing the TPB, it incorporated Social Identity Theory [65] that could help explain Italian wine drinking behaviors. Secondly, cosmopolitanism and ethnocentrism were incorporated to analyze whether this behavior influenced consumers’ consumption and behavior. Finally, some additional constructs included could be helpful in other research to explain the impact on the purchase of a local product.

5.2. Management Implications

The results can serve as a reference for developing strategies for promoting wine and local agricultural product consumption. First, it is crucial to point out that it is relevant to consider the importance of the perceived social pressure to purchase local products, such as wine; public campaigns should be strengthened to highlight the importance of individual behavior regarding local products. Likewise, the substantial participation of opinion leaders and social influencers in such campaigns should be highlighted, as their role is fundamental and relevant in terms of subjective norms. Similarly, perceived behavioral control is one of the variables that should be acted upon because of its potential for influence and improvement.

5.3. Practical Implications

The novelty of this study is that it allows companies to know whether heightened consumer satisfaction is related to location, ultimately leading to greater consumption of wine. Knowing the impact of ethnocentrism on the intention to purchase local wine can help local companies increase the intention to purchase local wine by developing marketing campaigns that target ethnocentrism. Previous studies have focused on consumption but only in a specific group such as Millennials [84] by using other analysis methods such as the Tobit regression model [85] rather than the PLS-SEM technique that allows determination of the route of effects and was used in the present study.

5.4. Future Research

In future studies, other consumer variables, such as social influence, can be tested to learn how much influence friends and family have on the intention and behavior of buying local wine. Likewise, the model could improve by asking about the influence of internal promotion by the government. On the other hand, the model can benefit from moderating variables such as age and sex.

6. Conclusions

Purchase intention, the willingness in terms of effort and action to purchase a particular product, significantly influences the user’s final purchase decision. Attitudes and consumption of local foods are strongly related; higher consumption can be explained by a positive attitude toward a region’s local products. This favorable perception is supported by easy accessibility, low market prices, confidence in national production and years of history and tradition. The risk perceptions that people hold for alcohol affect the product’s purchase intention; thus, a country with a higher social tolerance for alcoholic beverages, such as Italy, demonstrates a habitual and admissible notion of wine consumption, especially when considered essential accompaniment to various meals. While the cosmopolitan profile showed a negative and weak relationship about the intention to consume local wine, the ethnocentric consumer stands out for presenting a greater intention to consume his own region’s products. European countries tend to highly value their culture, appreciating their customs over external or foreign ones. The years of tradition of local wine consumption, where a formidable and balanced taste stands out, traditional viticulture where winemaking techniques are very significant and rigorous and marketing positioned in the mind of the local consumer have been a motive for Italians’ preference for their own wine.
Subjective norms strongly influence the consumer’s attitude toward local wine but do not predominate in final consumption intention. It can be observed that in the Italian community, there is solid social pressure and positive attitudes toward local wine consumption, explained by the strong sense of national identity. However, this factor was rejected as an influencer in the purchase intention of the habitual consumer. The perceived behavioral control is associated with the preferential consumption of local wine, given the greater accessibility and availability of Italian wine.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, N.C.-A., A.A.-R., M.d.l.M.A.-S., S.D.-A.-A. and J.A.Y.; Data curation, N.C.-A., A.G.-V. and J.M.-E.-C.; Formal analysis, N.C.-A., A.A.-R., A.G.-V., F.R.-L.-T., J.M.-E.-C., M.d.l.M.A.-S., S.D.-A.-A. and C.R.M.; Funding acquisition, J.A.Y.; Investigation, N.C.-A., A.A.-R., A.G.-V., F.R.-L.-T., J.M.-E.-C., M.d.l.M.A.-S. and S.D.-A.-A.; Methodology, N.C.-A., A.A.-R., A.G.-V., F.R.-L.-T., J.M.-E.-C., M.d.l.M.A.-S. and J.A.Y.; Project administration, N.C.-A., A.A.-R. and M.d.l.M.A.-S.; Resources, J.M.-E.-C. and M.d.l.M.A.-S.; Software, A.A.-R.; Supervision, A.A.-R. and S.D.-A.-A.; Validation, A.A.-R. and C.R.M.; Visualization, C.R.M.; Writing—original draft, N.C.-A., A.A.-R., A.G.-V., M.d.l.M.A.-S., S.D.-A.-A. and J.A.Y.; Writing—review & editing, A.A.-R., S.D.-A.-A., C.R.M. and J.A.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Ethical review and approval were waived for this study due to the study does not involve any risk to the life or health of the participants. No substance has been tested on the participants or put them in danger at any time.

Informed Consent Statement

All the survey participants were well versed in the study intentions and were required to consent before enrollment.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Research model.
Figure 1. Research model.
Sustainability 14 14769 g001
Figure 2. Model tested.
Figure 2. Model tested.
Sustainability 14 14769 g002
Table 1. Respondent profile.
Table 1. Respondent profile.
Education level
High School22.6%
City of residence
Emilia Romagna6.4%
Friuli Venezia Giulia5.9%
Trentino—Alto Adige4.2%
Valle de Aosta3.0%
Frequency of consumption
Each 15 days25.5%
Weekly 25.0%
Many times a week32.7%
Table 2. Evaluation of the model.
Table 2. Evaluation of the model.
ConstructCronbach´s Alpharho_AComposite ReliabilityAverage Variance Extracted
1. Attitude toward local wine consumption0.8820.8830.9270.810
2. Cosmopolitanism0.8980.8980.9360.830
3. Ethnocentrism0.9000.9010.9370.833
4. Intention of local wine consumption0.9040.9040.9400.838
5. Local wine consumption0.9180.9190.9480.860
6. Perceived behavioral control0.8250.8250.9200.851
7. Personal norm0.8720.8750.9220.797
8. Place identity0.9060.9070.9410.842
9. Place satisfaction0.8910.8910.9330.822
10. Subjective norms0.8600.8610.9140.781
Table 3. Discriminant validity.
Table 3. Discriminant validity.
1. Attitude toward local wine consumption; 2. cosmopolitanism; 3. ethnocentrism; 4. intention of local wine consumption; 5. Local wine consumption; 6. perceived behavioral control; 7. standard staff; 8. place identity; 9. place satisfaction; 10. subjective norms.
Table 4. Variance inflation factor (VIF).
Table 4. Variance inflation factor (VIF).
Att: attitude toward local wine consumption; Beha: behavior consumption; CC: cosmopolitanism; EC: ethnocentrism; INT: intention of local wine consumption; PBC: perceived behavioral control; PID: place identity; PN: personal norm; PS: place satisfaction; SN: subjective norms.
Table 5. Hypothesis testing.
Table 5. Hypothesis testing.
HHypothesisOriginal SampleMean SampleStandard DeviationT-Statisticsp-ValueTest
H1ATTI → INTE0.4910.4730.1074.6020.000Supported
H2PERC → INTE0.1240.1320.0891.4000.162Not supported
H3PERC → CONSUM0.3230.3100.0694.6440.000Supported
H4SUBJE → INTE0.0780.0900.0880.8840.377Not supported
H5SUBJE → ATTI0.3540.3550.0724.8950.000Supported
H6SUBJE → PERC0.8170.8150.03523.6820.000Supported
H7INTE → CONSUM0.4700.4760.0696.8090.000Supported
H8aPERS → ATTI0.3500.3470.1023.4410.001Supported
H8bPLASA → ATTI0.1810.1710.0732.4760.013Supported
H8cPLACID → ATTI0.0800.0920.0910.8810.378Not supported
H9aETHN → INTE0.2610.2400.1192.1910.028Supported
H9bETHN → CONSUM−0.073−0.0570.0840.8670.386Not supported
H10aCOSM → CONSUM0.0080.0270.0770.1030.918Not supported
H10bCOSM → INTE0.2170.2090.0792.7650.006Supported
ATTI: attitude toward local wine consumption; COSM: cosmopolitanism; ETHN: ethnocentrism; INTE: intention of local wine consumption; CONSUM: local wine consumption; PERC: perceived behavioral control; PERS: personal norm; PLACID: place identity; PLASA: place satisfaction; SUBJE: subjective norms.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Campos-Arteaga, N.; Alvarez-Risco, A.; Gonzales-Vásquez, A.; Rios-La-Torre, F.; Melillo-Espinoza-Chueca, J.; Anderson-Seminario, M.d.l.M.; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, S.; Mejia, C.R.; Yáñez, J.A. RETRACTED: Prediction of Consumption of Local Wine in Italian Consumers Based on Theory of Planned Behavior. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14769.

AMA Style

Campos-Arteaga N, Alvarez-Risco A, Gonzales-Vásquez A, Rios-La-Torre F, Melillo-Espinoza-Chueca J, Anderson-Seminario MdlM, Del-Aguila-Arcentales S, Mejia CR, Yáñez JA. RETRACTED: Prediction of Consumption of Local Wine in Italian Consumers Based on Theory of Planned Behavior. Sustainability. 2022; 14(22):14769.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Campos-Arteaga, Nicole, Aldo Alvarez-Risco, Alexandra Gonzales-Vásquez, Fabrizio Rios-La-Torre, Jaasiel Melillo-Espinoza-Chueca, Maria de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario, Shyla Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Christian R. Mejia, and Jaime A. Yáñez. 2022. "RETRACTED: Prediction of Consumption of Local Wine in Italian Consumers Based on Theory of Planned Behavior" Sustainability 14, no. 22: 14769.

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