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Advancing Primary Education through Active Teaching Methods and ICT for Increasing Knowledge

Master’s Program in Innovation Education, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito 170525, Ecuador
Master’s Program in ICT for Education, Smart Grid Research Group, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito 170525, Ecuador
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Current address: Postgraduate Department, Girón Campus, Av. 12 de Octubre N 23-52, Quito 170525, Ecuador.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Sustainability 2023, 15(12), 9551;
Submission received: 25 April 2023 / Revised: 6 June 2023 / Accepted: 8 June 2023 / Published: 14 June 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Sustainable Education and Approaches)


This article is based on enhancing online interaction while integrating it with face-to-face interaction and promoting access to and development of information and communication technologies (ICT). The aim was to implement digital tools for researching and developing school assignments. The study employed a mixed method approach, incorporating qualitative–quantitative techniques—such as surveys and observations—to analyze documents related to the investigation. The article elucidates the conceptual and theoretical framework, methodological criteria, and interdisciplinary approach that aligns with the investigated group’s profile. The applicability of the proposed methodology was demonstrated in practice, indicating its effectiveness in reaching a superior level of understanding, competence, and behavior. The outcomes substantiate that applying active tools and methodologies grounded in the knowledge of society can reinforce the notion that education is the cornerstone of social development, including ICT.

1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed complex challenges in all aspects of daily life, including education at all levels [1]. To adapt, many countries worldwide have turned to alternative methods of virtualizing teaching [2].
Gradually these technologies have been implemented to promote, foster, and build learning in an active and participatory manner.
The implementation of educational practices that incorporate information and communication technologies (ICTs) can bring students closer to a conscious and responsible interpretation of their environment, enabling them to become agents that use technology, science, engineering, and mathematics to generate change, visualize new knowledge, and build an environment that allows them to participate in institutional and social solutions at multiple levels [3].
The use of ICTs considers the pedagogical possibilities they offer to adapt to the classroom environment, the characteristics of the students, the purpose, and the education content. They allow teachers to become a guide for students for their learning as well as autonomous and collaborative work.
Education based on a positive approach can provide a platform to enhance these skills and opportunities to become proficient in team building, interaction, and interdisciplinary skills [4]. Pedagogically sound audiovisual learning encourages a learner-centered, self-paced approach to learning at all levels [5,6].
It is a model in which education is delivered exclusively in a digital environment, although there may be physical face-to-face contact between students and teachers [7,8]. As a result, the learning process has been systematically modified and improved to achieve better results, forming reflective, critical, and empowered students who excel academically and expand their knowledge [9].
Because of the importance of developing digital competence in students, of what they should know and be able to do to learn effectively, different organizations and experts in the area have established ICT models and standards classified into various categories to facilitate their use. For example, Canada’s International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has defined standards such as creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, critical thinking, and digital citizenship. These are benchmarks in which students demonstrate knowledge of computer control and self-literacy skills on the network.
Public policy should address the population’s needs to ensure the provision of socially necessary and desirable goods or services. Therefore, it is worth reviewing the set of laws, regulations, decisions, and actions by the government to promote the right of Ecuadorian society to access knowledge as a fundamental citizen’s right [10,11].
Before the Fourth Industrial Revolution, evidence suggested that future careers would require individuals to have expertise in information management to predict and infer the results of the development of models and elements of artificial intelligence programmed to achieve the nation’s growth and its impact on the economy, responsible sustainability at the political and environmental level for the benefit of society [12].
Research is crucial in the educational institution to identify problems and provide practical and immediate resources to address situations in which students are immersed. It is essential to have more knowledge about using innovative tools in research and performance of academic tasks [13].
Technology development consolidates the online education model in the educational system. However, it is constantly changing and adapting to the evolution of technology and the political and social environment. It directly impacts the development of new paradigms and tools, leading to the need for exponential advancement in the planning and implementation of the learning process [3]. In response to these changes, the educational process is dynamic and adapts to technological changes [14,15].
Initiatives integrating technology into education and transitioning from administration to traditional distance education have influenced the emergence of educational phenomena such as Electronic University and Virtual University [16,17].
Methodological references in qualitative research in the humanities are considered comparatively simple and concrete because they promote the generation and activation of higher levels of thinking [18]. Applying these references can contribute to implementing active research methodologies, enabling students to develop their school activities better and integrate into their work groups.
Teaching methods and strategies supported by ICT are effective in acquiring new communication tools suitable for developing competencies in student-centered educational models [19]. Integrating new digital didactic resources is pertinent to improving the teaching–learning process [20,21].
Education has significantly changed by implementing various information and communication technology tools. Virtual scenarios have improved the interaction between teachers and students, significantly contributing to their training. Progressive pedagogical designs value student participation as essential, and guided and accompanied, they can search, analyze, and classify information [22,23]. To achieve this objective, teachers must meet predetermined requirements to become learning catalysts [24].
This work aims to implement active methodologies, tools, applications, and information search platforms to motivate student research and become valuable mechanisms for education at all levels. Many societies strive to improve the quality of education by promoting learner-centered approaches within system-wide reforms for sustainable development [25].
In the realm of learning, using ICTs not only facilitates the construction of knowledge but also fosters mental interrelationships by providing more accessible, more effective, and creative ways to impart knowledge and address research difficulties [26,27]. As such, the teacher must understand the student’s physiological structure and brain functioning to develop the student’s capacity to learn.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant upheaval, leading to a public health emergency. Although there has been some controversy about the virus’s origin and intermediate host, it is clear that it has caused significant disruptions [28]. It can be attributed to the lack of exposure to different technological devices and the academic constraints imposed by the pandemic-induced confinement [29,30]. The study of student perception regarding ICTs reveals that they often use electronic media for leisure rather than as a learning tool.
The adoption of ICTs can transform education, fostering critical and reflective learning that is both meaningful and innovative [31]. By leveraging these tools, students can develop better digital media literacy, interact virtually with peers and work teams, and engage in more interactive and collaborative learning experiences. Furthermore, using technology in education broadens students’ investigative capabilities and exposes them to diverse information, thus enabling the construction of meaningful and innovative knowledge [3].
Incorporating technology in education also encourages frequent interaction between teachers and students, thus enhancing the acquisition of various skills [32,33]. It facilitates universal access to knowledge and information, enabling students to develop independent work, take on greater responsibility, and develop the skills and abilities necessary to acquire knowledge [3].
Figure 1 depicts how a teacher’s guidance can stimulate individual and teamwork, promoting the construction of knowledge. In light of these benefits, this article seeks to demonstrate the applicability of teaching through the integration of ICTs and active methodologies in basic school research, breaking away from traditional teaching methods.
Regarding the organization of this article, related work is presented in Section 2. The problem formulation and methodology are in Section 3, the results and analysis are in Section 4, and the conclusions are presented in Section 5.

2. Related Works

The development and implementation of interactive methodologies in education are of great significance as they motivate teachers to continually train themselves to contribute effectively to constructing knowledge with their students. This approach enables them to overcome research difficulties and embark on the search for broader and more factual knowledge. Then to enhance the learning process, it is necessary to break with traditional teaching methods and allow students to take a more active and dominant role in their education. It involves closely weaving network systems with technology [34,35].
Teacher performance is a critical factor in education, particularly concerning the development of student group learning [36]. Two basic teaching processes can be employed using online teaching systems: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous teaching involves continuous connection to the network, real-time communication between teachers and students, and teaching in a virtual classroom. On the other hand, asynchronous instruction involves communication via email or forums, transfer of learning materials to the computer, and implementation of part of the teaching process offline [37].
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) in research aim to modernize, enrich, and develop digital competencies, guaranteeing and strengthening students’ acquisition of these competencies. It seeks to encourage participation, collaboration, creativity, and reflection. A positive approach promotes participatory attitudes in the learning process, and online educational platforms become more personal scenarios of interaction and communication as teachers develop strategies that benefit the needs of each student [38]. From an academic perspective, this balance must be created and used to ensure that future generations acquire the digital skills necessary to function fully in the knowledge society [39].
The emergence and development of ICTs pose challenges to exploring new ways of constructing learning and using these tools more effectively in the educational process [40]. ICTs become a tool for educational-technological development that modifies the mental and organizational structure to optimize resources, incorporate our students into the knowledge society, and promote competencies development. Both teachers and students use ICT tools in the learning process, emphasizing the need to acquire basic skills to structure learning from other scenarios that facilitate better interaction between teachers and students [41].
The emergence and use of new educational software promote individual and group learning, foster creativity, and increase knowledge and skills to solve scientific and social problems. They have become increasingly relevant and essential in research work at all levels, representing a significant advance in the development of online communications and the interactive processes they facilitate. These digital tools include teacher training and must be accompanied by organizational and methodological change. Everything should be framed in a new awareness and sensitization of the protagonists of the educational environment [42].
On the other hand, active methodologies in research involve experiential, cooperative, and competency-based work, where values such as creativity, critical thinking, and motivation are fundamental, allowing students to build their learning. These methodologies align with the accelerated changes our increasingly globalized, diverse, and digitalized society is experiencing. It cannot be denied that today’s world is best described as global, diverse, and interconnected [43].
Figure 2 presents the data evaluated in the bibliometric analysis using VosViewer from the Scopus database, including development and technology as keywords, which have determined the relevance based on the number of articles published and citations. The figure indicates that the countries with the most developed active teaching methodologies are the United States, China, and India globally and in the Latin American region, Brazil. It added to the tremendous technological potential of these nations and justified their enormous development thanks to the application of active methodologies in their educational programs. Table 1 shows the summary of state of the art with works related to the object of study of this research.

3. Problem Formulation and Methodology

As a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a need to adapt to new teaching practices that address the challenges of remote learning and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) tools for research and school activities. This need has been particularly pronounced in secondary education, where many students need more knowledge and experience in these areas.
Then, to meet these challenges, traditional teaching methods must be reexamined and updated. The present research employs a hybrid approach, which includes quantitative analysis of statistical data to assess knowledge acquisition before and after applying new teaching methods incorporating ICT and active learning methodologies.
This work is important because it aims to guide and motivate the use of technological tools by elementary school students who have yet to have access to them to integrate them into the universe of research and knowledge progressively.
The perception of using ICTs by sixth-grade students was investigated, finding that they need more knowledge and access to these tools to research their school work. Thus, after the application of the methodology and its results, it was determined that students report a more significant development of their digital competencies, especially in the management and processing of information to solve their research needs and, at the same time, the development and strengthening of communication skills with their classmates and teachers.
Additionally, qualitative analysis is employed to explore the teaching and learning process, focusing on constructing new mental models and the impact of ICT on this process. The study’s results, as illustrated in Figure 3, demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach, which promotes peer interaction and increases student–teacher engagement. Overall, this study highlights the importance of adapting teaching practices to the changing needs of students in the context of rapidly evolving technology and global crises.
For the development of this research work, high-level bibliographic searches were carried out for articles from MDPI, Sciences Direct, SAGE, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, PLOS, IEEE Xplore, and Springer, among others, and supported in the Mendeley repository, compiling relevant definitions and information in articles, books, and conferences that contribute significantly to the construction of this article.
Figure 4 shows that the principal authors on ICT-mediated active methodologies are Asian, and the spheres’ size can show the number of publications. They have been referenced worldwide in related articles.
Initially, an observation technique was used to investigate, apply, and develop the present work in sixth-grade students, who represented 17 percent of the total population of the year, which was 266; this percentage was the amount tutored by one of the authors. The group generally needed more knowledge about using and applying technological tools to research and develop academic activities.
Given the circumstances of the pandemic and the gradual return to face-to-face classes, this research presented challenges in the development of the student’s school work. Some needed more space or technological tools in their educational institutions. On the other hand, due to their economic situation, they belonged to low-income, lower-middle-class families whose parents or guardians could not provide them with such devices at home.
Secondly, a survey was conducted to collect data on the student’s level of knowledge and accessibility to these tools. The survey utilized a 4-point Likert scale (Never, Sometimes, Almost always, Always) and consisted of 15 questions, as presented in Table 2. The questions covered topics such as the availability of the Internet in their educational institution, the student’s familiarity with computers and their peripheral devices, their understanding of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their significance in academic training, as well as their awareness of technological tools and applications for research and school work.
The survey results provided a glimpse of the student’s knowledge needs regarding these tools and, above all, after confirmation of these needs through experimentation, guided the way forward for methodological implementation.
After identifying the low level of knowledge of technological tools used in education, primarily online, through the first survey, some agencies were prioritized and selected based on their virtual environment, ease of use, and potential to contribute to solving the described situations. These tools demonstrated the ability to meet the objectives of the learning process across various areas of knowledge.
During the second semester, some of the selected tools, such as Play Posit and Blendspace for Natural Sciences and Social Studies, were utilized for research and homework. These tools facilitated the reflection phase and helped relate previous knowledge to new concepts through interactive videos with questions.
Piktochart and Genially were utilized for Mathematics, contributing to conceptualizing operations with decimal and fractional numbers through interactive content and games. For Language and Literature, Quizziz and Symbaloo allowed for exploring local and universal literature by accessing different windows simultaneously, resulting in a more enjoyable searches for information.
These technological tools were crucial in contributing to developing and constructing meaningful learning. Upon the return to face-to-face classes, the methodology was applied, incorporating these tools into the micro-curricular planning, reinforcing research and development of school tasks, and identifying their impact on school development.

4. Analysis of Results

Once the application of the methodology, based on a systemic approach that pursues systematization and logic of the process, is completed, inference in the development of knowledge, skills, and functionality that this paper presents is exposed.
After overcoming the possible risks of COVID-19 contagion by returning to face-to-face teaching and including the methodology in the curricular planning of the different essential areas for the sixth year of general primary education, during the three blocks of the second trimester, the progress of the students was evidenced by their access to digital didactic materials. The comparative results of academic performance between the two periods showed this.
Figure 5 depicts the impact of the methodological implementation during the second period on the student’s grades. The results indicate that the student’s competence improved significantly, with an average rate of 8.9 compared to 7.9 in the first period. However, the use and application of synchronous–asynchronous connectivity were only moderately deep, while research and development of academic activities were utterly neglected.
The transition from one block of learning and skill development with performance criteria (DCD) to the next was associated with increased student confidence, as evidenced by a representative sample of 38 participants. This finding supports the hypothesis that ICT assimilation could play a critical and innovative role in constructing knowledge and serve as an instrument for research and development of academic tasks.
Interestingly, students who regularly practiced their expertise using this methodology achieved higher scores and added value than their peers who relied on traditional techniques that required improvements in the use of ICT.
In light of these results, a survey comprising 15 questions with a Likert-type structure was developed to assess these techniques’ benefits and potential inclusion in future educational processes. The survey included five parameters, ranging from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree”, through which the participants expressed their opinions regarding the impact of ICT on learning, research, and the resolution of academic tasks. The results of the survey, presented in Table 3, highlighted the most representative questions that were analyzed to obtain the respective metrics.
Overall, the results suggest that using ICT in educational processes could lead to a digital transformation of the learning experience, facilitating better understanding and assimilation of knowledge and contributing to the research and resolution of school tasks.
Microsoft Power BI allowed for making graphs of the relationship with the data entered, ranking the results in the level of satisfaction, conformity, and assimilation of new knowledge based on ICT and contrasting the different aspects of the research and its applicability.
The The graphs correspond to the most relevant questions for the comprehensive study analysis and allow us to identify aspects related to student satisfaction with the use and application of the methodology.
Figure 6 shows that digital tools help to organize and manage time effectively, optimizing it to invest it in other activities related to their condition.
The desire to acquire more knowledge by implementing and using practical and immediate resources through ICT motivates significant learning in many students, as shown in Figure 7.
As shown in Figure 8, the research for developing school tasks was more fun and motivating, promoting their inclusion in didactic planning and exponential use.
Motivation is a crucial factor for acquiring and assimilating new knowledge, particularly in a significant percentage of students, as illustrated in Figure 9 and emphasized in the objective of this research. Interactive tools foster motivation, making their use particularly valuable in educational settings.
Innovative methodologies incorporating technology can enhance students’ satisfaction and engagement with their academic tasks, enabling them to explore more comprehensive and substantive knowledge. Figure 10 provides additional insight into this phenomenon.

5. Conclusions

Integrating ICTs in the classroom is imperative as it implies a transformation in the educational model, transitioning from a teaching-focused approach to a learning-centered process that promotes motivation and stimulates the desire to seek access to universal knowledge.
Including ICTs in sixth-grade classrooms has resulted in incorporating improved, more engaging, and motivating educational resources and acquiring valuable skills to manage and maximize their utilization. This technology has empowered students to learn, from uncertainty regarding the management and utilization of technological tools to a phase where they can confidently leverage the technology to enhance their learning. Students confirmed that the performance of technology in their daily school activities resulted in improved grades.
Implementing active methodologies, including the management, application, and development of ICTs, has opened up many possibilities for exploring and solving school tasks and problems. This shift from rote to interactive learning has changed virtual and face-to-face classrooms, allowing for permanent communication from teacher to student among peers and other educational actors.
The data support the results of this study, emphasizing the importance of investigating new didactic resources, increasing capacity for ICT utilization in general primary education, and promoting improved communication, learning, information processing, and cognitive development to achieve exceptional academic achievements. These skills will enable students to confront present and future challenges in the information and knowledge society.
Implementing active methodologies through digital tools to motivate student research is very important because it implies a change in the educational model. It will favor improvements in communication, the construction and processing of information, and cognitive development. It demands more attractive and motivating didactic resources and gives transcendental importance to acquiring digital competencies and information processing skills.

Author Contributions

P.G. conceptualized the study, analyzed the data, and wrote the initial draft. E.I. analyzed the data and revised the draft. P.G. provided critical feedback and edited the manuscript. E.I. provided Zoom support and critical feedback. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and GIREI supported this work, Smart Grid Research Group, under the project Project-Based Learning and Information and Communication Technologies for Education. The Smart Grid and Smart Cities Research Group, RECI-IUS. also provided funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent is obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


This work was supported by Universidad Politécnica Salesiana and GIREI—Smart Grid Research Group and the master’s program in Educational Innovation. The Network IUS also provided the funding—RECI-Smart Grid and Smart Cities.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Integration of active methodologies generates more knowledge. Source: Authors.
Figure 1. Integration of active methodologies generates more knowledge. Source: Authors.
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Figure 2. Countries that stand out in the use of these methodologies. Source: Authors.
Figure 2. Countries that stand out in the use of these methodologies. Source: Authors.
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Figure 3. Research approach focused on developing the methodology to transform thinking. Source: Authors.
Figure 3. Research approach focused on developing the methodology to transform thinking. Source: Authors.
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Figure 4. Main authors Source: Authors.
Figure 4. Main authors Source: Authors.
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Figure 5. Comparative results of grades for the two quarters Source: Authors.
Figure 5. Comparative results of grades for the two quarters Source: Authors.
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Figure 6. When you used these tools, did you feel organized and manage your time better? Source: Authors.
Figure 6. When you used these tools, did you feel organized and manage your time better? Source: Authors.
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Figure 7. Did you experience a desire to know and learn more when using the interactive tools? Source: Authors.
Figure 7. Did you experience a desire to know and learn more when using the interactive tools? Source: Authors.
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Figure 8. Did these tools help you research and develop your tasks more easily? Source: Authors.
Figure 8. Did these tools help you research and develop your tasks more easily? Source: Authors.
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Figure 9. Did you feel motivated to use the interactive tools? Source: Authors.
Figure 9. Did you feel motivated to use the interactive tools? Source: Authors.
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Figure 10. Did you experience satisfaction when using digital tools? Source: Authors.
Figure 10. Did you experience satisfaction when using digital tools? Source: Authors.
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Table 1. Summary of works related to Peer Instruction and Learning Engineering.
Table 1. Summary of works related to Peer Instruction and Learning Engineering.
AuthorActive MethodologiesStudent ParticipationEducational ProcessesVirtual educationVirtual platformsTechnological KnowledgePedagogical KnowledgeMotivationInteractive Learning
Rocha, 2020 [2]
Buenaño, 2021 [3]
MendozaZambrano, 2023 [9]
Lassoued, 2020 [16]
Rubio, 2021 [43]
Saldivia, 2019 [19]
Hernandez, 2019 [18]
Martinez, 2022 [1]
Braso, 2019 [42]
Valdivieso, 2020 [10]
Proposal Authors
Table 2. Survey based on 4-point Likert scale by Students.
Table 2. Survey based on 4-point Likert scale by Students.
1. Do you have internet at home?24524
2. Is your home internet used by several family members?13625
3. Have you used a computer and its peripherals such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, and CPU?46520
4. Do you use cell phones, tablets, or laptops at home or school to review material related to your school activities?47816
5. Do you know what ICT is, and do you apply it in your school work?89126
6. Do you consider ICT to be important in your academic training?43919
7. Are ICTs challenging to understand and use?810125
8. Can ICT replace traditional educational resources such as notebooks and the chalkboard?59138
9. Are ICTs only for leisure and free time?91196
10. Are ICTs useful tools to develop school work and activities?331514
11. Are ICTs a means of fostering interpersonal relationships among students?49139
12. Are ICTs support to complement your knowledge?251414
13. Would you like the challenge of being able to use ICT?241217
14. Would you like to apply the knowledge acquired through ICT?15722
15. Would you like to exchange opinions about school activities in chat rooms or forums with classmates and teachers?341117
Table 3. Satisfaction of students in the 6th year of primary education.
Table 3. Satisfaction of students in the 6th year of primary education.
QuestionsStrongly Disagree SurveyDisagreeAgreeVery Much in AgreementTotally Agree
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MDPI and ACS Style

Garzon, P.; Inga, E. Advancing Primary Education through Active Teaching Methods and ICT for Increasing Knowledge. Sustainability 2023, 15, 9551.

AMA Style

Garzon P, Inga E. Advancing Primary Education through Active Teaching Methods and ICT for Increasing Knowledge. Sustainability. 2023; 15(12):9551.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Garzon, Paul, and Esteban Inga. 2023. "Advancing Primary Education through Active Teaching Methods and ICT for Increasing Knowledge" Sustainability 15, no. 12: 9551.

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