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The Effect of Eco-Preneurship and Green Technology Management on Greenhouse Gas Discharge: An Analysis on East Asian Economies

College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2100 Godollo, Hungary
Department of Business Studies, Bahria Business School, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi 75260, Pakistan
Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University, P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia
Department of Management Sciences, University of Okara, Lahore 56300, Pakistan
School of International Relations, Minhaj University, Lahore 54770, Pakistan
Hungarian National Bank—Research Center, John von Neumann University, 6000 Kecskemét, Hungary
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(8), 6747;
Submission received: 5 March 2023 / Revised: 7 April 2023 / Accepted: 12 April 2023 / Published: 17 April 2023


This study finds that eco-preneurship and green technology initiatives have the potential to improve the environmental quality of selected East Asian economies in the short term, but in the long term, the impact is negative, and there is a need for a better understanding of their effects on greenhouse gas emissions. The pressing need to address the negative impact of human activity on the environment has given rise these initiatives worldwide. However, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of these initiatives in East Asian economies. In this study, we examine the short-term and long-term effects of eco-preneurship and green technology on greenhouse gas emissions in China and Japan. The results show that in the short term, both linear and non-linear estimations of eco-preneurship have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in China and Japan. Similarly, short-term linear estimations are significant in both China and Japan, but non-linear estimates are only significant in Japan. The same is true for positive shocks related to green technology in China and Japan, although the estimated coefficient for negative shocks is negative only in Japan. Taken together, these results indicate that eco-preneurship and green technology can improve the environmental quality of these selected economies in East Asia to some extent.

1. Introduction

In recent decades, climate change and greenhouse gas discharges, despite being two very distinct terms, have become an intricate part of an average person’s daily life [1]. From a minute aspect of one’s life such as heavy torrential rain affecting daily productivity to a macro perspective such as a country’s agricultural and production capacity to overall industrial and entrepreneurial growth being affected by recurring excessive floods, events are in one way or another linked to climate change as a result of greenhouse gas discharges [2].
Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change go beyond simple environmental concerns [3]. Nearly all of what we do as a culture is intimately affected by greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Enterprises all over the world are already affected, with bigger impacts in the future [4]. Increased business risk due to extremes in climate change have driven up insurance rates for many organizations internationally, which is among the most obvious ways in which businesses have been affected [5]. A rise in global temperatures, for instance, causes a decline in the need for heating oil as well as other winter goods, causing changes in market demand [2]. Additionally, consumers are prioritizing sustainability while making purchases, which is boosting demand. Temperature rises and weather pattern changes affect the working conditions of certain industries [6]. Health and safety concerns in these industries will rise, making physical jobs, especially those performed outside, more difficult to execute. As a result, prices in these industries will increase.
Extreme weather conditions may disrupt supply chains, making it more challenging for businesses to acquire the materials and services they need. Crop shortages for food, clothes, and other items might be caused by drought and changes in weather patterns [7]. Transporting goods may become more expensive due to rising electricity and transportation expenses [8]. Regulations on climate-related products might lead to price increases. Resources may be in short supply, forcing enterprises to use alternative products and recycle more waste [9].
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is among several nations and economies that have been negatively impacted by greenhouse gas emissions and climate change in recent few years [10]. The country has previously seen severe weather, most notably in 2010, when record monsoon rains left widespread destruction [11]. The National Disaster Management Authority has classified 40 districts as “flood-affected,” and the other half of the country as “calamity-hit”, affecting75% of the Pakistani population directly or indirectly [12].
Businesses and institutions are significant to a country since they play an important role in a country’s economic development; they also come with significant societal and environmental concerns. Therefore, they pose a significant long-term impediment to economic advancement. To decrease business-related discharges, a tight environmental policy as well as strict legislation and regulations are required. To decrease the impact of pollution in such an environment, businesses must adhere to environmental guidelines [13]. Unfortunately, excessive participation of governments and non-governmental organizations in this process restricts corporations’ position in society and undermines their economic status.
Thus, Green Entrepreneurship, also known as Eco-preneurship, is advocated by a sustainable environment since it necessitates the creation of both environmental and commercial value for traditional firms [14]. Usually, these firms’ environmental aims are frequently less than or equivalent to the development of commercial benefits. Given its emphasis on correcting environmental-related market failures and examining the possibilities for offering economic and environmental benefits, eco-preneurship is seen as a separate sort of entrepreneurship [15].
For eco-preneurship to prosper, there is a dire need for green technology and green markets. For market-oriented and ecologically conscientious businesses, green technology is the first step [16]. Green technologies are being used by businesses to decrease the waste that harms the environment [17,18]. Solar energy companies are the best examples of green technology businesses in any country [18]. Solar technology relies on the renewable and non-depleting energy of the sun to generate heat or electricity, as opposed to the combustion of fossil fuels, which produces air pollution and has other negative environmental consequences [19]. As a better option, the technology adds value to the environment while also enhancing economic value [20].
Through investigating the extent of the effect of industrial and entrepreneurial growth on greenhouse gas discharges [21], with greenhouse gas emissions as the indicator, the aim is to study the assumption that climate change and greenhouse gas discharges are indeed significant in showing an adverse growth trend in the industrial and the entrepreneurial growth within a country’s economy [22].

2. Literature Review

There has been an upsurge in empirical research focused on the influence of entrepreneurial activity on environmental integrity in a range of nations and places in recent years, though the conclusions are conflicting, inconclusive, and variable [23]. The initial research revealed a negative link between entrepreneurship and environmental integrity. For example, Brown et al. [24] studied data from 69 nations with varying income levels and discovered that entrepreneurship had a minor impact on carbon dioxide discharges in high-remuneration-paying economies. Furthermore, the statistics reveal that while entrepreneurship initially raises carbon dioxide emissions, the discharges eventually begin to decline as entrepreneurship expands in the economy [25].
Aliyu et al. [26] developed the idea of eco-preneurship as a subset of the larger concept of sustainable entrepreneurship and gave options for entrepreneurial action by combining theories from the literature on entrepreneurship, ecology, and economic well-being. Environmental concerns have been resolved by reducing barriers to the efficient operation of environmental resource markets [27]. They argue that environmental market failures (public goods, externalities, monopolistic power, incorrect government intervention, and a lack of knowledge) provide opportunities [28]. Profits must be maximized while environmentally harmful economic activities should be limited.
One study states that specific prerequisites must be met before the manifestation of the beneficial impacts of entrepreneurship on environmental quality [25]. Green technology and improved institutions are two of these prerequisites since they both help entrepreneurship improve environmental quality and so achieve the objective of sustainable development.
Conversely, several nations, such as Malaysia, have implemented sustainable entrepreneurship plans to reap long-term benefits from entrepreneurial operations while conserving the environment and communal life [29]. Sustainable entrepreneurship may be defined as the process of identifying, developing, and utilizing potentials to generate future goods and services that contribute to the preservation of natural and/or societal settings while also providing population development advantages at a broader scale [30].
One study analyses entrepreneurship and the environment using the co-integrating regression (COINTREG) or Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) technique over the period 2017–2022 [31]. The FMOLS findings revealed the presence of a long-term association between entrepreneurship and carbon dioxide per capita, an indicator of environmental sustainability. The findings support the presence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve [32].
Another study proposes a conceptual model for future research based on the existing literature on green entrepreneurship and sustainable development [33]. Green commodities, green design, green logistics management, and a green manufacturing process all contribute to a green ecosystem, resulting in greener firms and green entrepreneurship, according to their research. Experts believe that based on research and market competition, the shift from downstream environmental protection to energy solutions is closely related to green growth and a green society [34]. Furthermore, they note a growing interest in rethinking lifestyles beyond sustainable production and consumption goals, and the need to move beyond the old dichotomy between idealistic and systems approaches [35].. Some development and business that “supports” policy and academic literature integrates the sustainable development narrative with the industrial policy narrative for scoring solutions to cycles of justice, growth, and wealth. Modern agriculture rapidly increases production at high cost, such as excessive consumption of energy and resources. The degradation of agricultural growth by environmentalists and the wrong ways of agricultural output make environmentalists more vulnerable and severely limit the sustainable development of green logistics and a green ecosystem. All of these initiatives will help company owners to undertake sustainable operations, meeting the three primary pillars of environmental sustainability: inclusive economic growth, environmental conservation, and resale value [36]. Considering the high-intensity environmental hazards, a sustainable economic cycle system should have five characteristics.
  • The development and utilization of energy should be changed to that of alternative green energy as much as possible.
  • Minimal use of input materials and increased use of recycled resources for green logistics management, in addition to a green manufacturing process.
  • Simple packaging for products.
  • Recycling of all kinds of industrial waste as completely as possible by green logistics management, and a green manufacturing process.
  • Post-consumer collection and recycling operations to reduce the amount of household waste disposed of in landfills and incinerators. Figure 1 illustrates the circular economy.
Therefore, this work, reviewing green commodities, green design, green logistics management, and a green manufacturing process, as a whole, helps to study not only published trends and statistical characteristics of authors and institutions [37], but also the distribution of disciplines recorded in the literature and affinities among disciplines. Specifically, the interdisciplinary literature is usually documented simultaneously in different disciplines, and knowledge flow between disciplines is usually measured by citations between publications, which means that green commodities, green design, green logistics management, and green manufacturing process topics may generate overlapping areas in different disciplines, which makes the relationship between disciplines similar [38]. The knowledge relationships among disciplines to identify characteristics of interdisciplinary research, e.g., interdisciplinarity in a field, or knowledge structure, scientific productivity, author collaboration, and disciplinary-regional collaboration is explored [39]. By filling this gap, green commodity, green design, green logistics management, and green manufacturing process industries can become acquainted with the development of scientific knowledge and grasp key topics related to greenhouse gases that are being debated across different disciplines [40]. Furthermore, the selection bias inherent in the subjectivity of exhaustive literature searches and reviews is minimized by employing a replicable, scientific, and transparent bibliometric process [41].
After studying previous work in eco-preneurship, there are gaps in those studies that this research endeavors to address within its framework [42].

3. Methodology

3.1. Models and Methods

Through the analysis of recent literature, we present a conceptual model, based on which we have created the statistical/econometric model for the analysis.
Conceptual Framework (Figure 2):
Econometric Model 1:
G H t = β 0 + β 1   E P t + β 2   G r T t + t
where greenhouse gas discharges are dependent on eco-preneurship (EP) and green technology (GrT). Equation (1) is then recast into an ARDL model, in the language of the error correction procedure, as shown below in the form of Equation (2) as proposed by [43,44]:
Econometric Model 2:
Δ G H t = β 0 + k = 1 n 1 k Δ G H t k + k = 0 n 2 k Δ E P t k + k = 1 n 3 k Δ G r T t k + τ 1   G H t 1 + τ 2   E P t 1 + τ 3   G r T t 1 + t
This method yields estimates for both the short and long term. The estimates linked with the first difference variables in the second equation represent the short-term outcomes. On the other hand, they may infer long-term outcomes through the estimate from the same equation. The long-term results, on the other hand, are credible if the co-integration of the long-run estimates is demonstrated using the F-test [45]. For this very reason, this must demonstrate that the estimated F-test results exceed the tabular value.
This paper’s main goal is to evaluate the disproportionate influence of eco-preneurship and green technology on greenhouse gas discharges in selected East Asian countries, namely Japan and China [46]. The dependent variable greenhouse gas discharges are taken as kilotons of carbon dioxide discharges. The independent variables used in this analysis include eco-preneurship (taken as the production of nuclear, renewable, and other BTUs) and green technology (taken as the development of environment-related technologies, in the percentage of all technologies).
This utilizes partial sum techniques to segregate the eco-preneurship and green inventions variables into positive and negative categories. As shown below, this utilizes the Equation 3(a–d) to represent the technique used:
Econometric Model 3(a–d):
E P t + = n = 1 t Δ E P t + = n = 1 t max ( E P t + , 0 )
E P t = n = 1 t Δ E P t = n = 1 t min ( E P t , 0 )
G r T t + = n = 1 t Δ G r T t + = n = 1 t max ( G r T t + , 0 )
G r T t = n = 1 t Δ G r T t = n = 1 t max ( G r T t , 0 )
Substituting the partial sum variables into Equation (2) yields the following result:
Econometric Model 4:
Δ G H t = β 0 + k = 1 n β 1 k   Δ G H t + k = 0 n β 2 k   Δ E P t k + + k = 0 n β 3 k   δ E P t k + k = 0 n β 4 k   Δ G r T t k + + k = 0 n β 5 k   δ G r T t k + τ 1   G H t 1 + τ 2   E P + t 1 + τ 3   E P t 1 + τ 4   G r T + t 1 + τ 5   G r T t 1 + t

3.2. Data and Sources

The following table (Table 1) highlights the variables used for the models and their sources and descriptions. The proposed Hypothesis are described in Table 2.

4. Results and Discussions

The NARDL model is an improved version of the ARDL model. As a result, NARDL does not necessitate the use of any unique estimating approaches and may be handled using ARDL modeling methodologies and procedures [47,48]. This must determine whether or not asymmetric impacts occur in the short and long run.
This research paper investigates the symmetric and asymmetric effects of eco-preneurship and green technology on greenhouse gas discharges in the selected East Asian economies, namely China and Japan. This section also includes coefficient estimates for each nation. In the short term, linear estimation of eco-preneurship is significant in China. While short-term non-linear estimates of eco-preneurship show significance in the Chinese and Japanese economies. Similarly, short-term linear estimations of green technology are significant in China and Japan, while coefficients for non-linear estimates of green technology appear to be significant only in Japan. In the long run, linear estimations of eco-preneurship, it is negative and significant in both of the selected countries. Likewise, estimates of green technology are negative in both economies, yet also significant. In the non-linear model, the coefficient estimated for the positive shocks of eco-preneurship is significant and negative for China and Japan. These results indicate that positive shocks to eco-preneurship reduce greenhouse gas discharges in most East Asian economies. The estimated coefficients of positive shocks for green technology in China and Japan are significant and negative; however, the estimated negative shock of green technology is negative in the case of Japan. Taken together, these results indicate that eco-preneurship and green technology can improve the environmental quality of these selected economies in East Asia to some extent.
Businesses and enterprises are critical to enhancing economic productivity and raising people’s living standards. The scale impact created by these institutions and businesses will raise the environmental burden. However, there is a possibility that significant corporations and entrepreneurs in the sector may add novel concepts and technology into the manufacturing process to make it more energy efficient and ecologically friendly. The research shows that eco-preneurship is a critical need since it contributes to large reductions in greenhouse gas discharges in the economies studied. These findings suggest that eco-preneurship may alleviate a variety of environmental and social problems while also serving as a significant driver of sustainable development. When conducting business and building any company plan, sustainable entrepreneurs prioritize the environment. The devotion of eco-entrepreneurs to producing green technology and goods, pioneering green and sustainable manufacturing systems, and significantly benefiting the environment is their most notable characteristic. In addition, investing in research and development efforts that advance green technology can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and alleviate the environmental burden. Policy makers should allocate resources to support research and development efforts that focus on developing and promoting green technologies. By investing in research and development, policy makers can help create the necessary conditions for the widespread adoption of eco-friendly technologies.
Unit Root Testing—Since the chosen variants may be altered structurally and asymmetrically, unit root tests with and without structural breaks were undertaken in this investigation. To produce more reliable conclusions, these unit root tests are utilized to find the characteristics of the data that are invariant. Table 3 displays the findings of the two-unit root tests for each of the chosen economies, namely China and Japan. The two radical unit tests show that all variables are either fixed at (0) or fixed at for all given economies (1). As a consequence, the ARDL approach is legitimate and may be utilized for further analysis, according to the findings of the unit root test.
ARDL Estimates—Long-term coefficient estimates from the ARDL model suggest that eco-preneurship has a large negative influence on greenhouse gas discharges in China and Japan, as shown in Table 4. It demonstrates that a 1% increase in eco-preneurship reduces greenhouse gas discharges by 0.008% in Japan and 0.024% in China. In terms of green technology, the results reveal that in the long run, green technology tends to reduce the impacts of greenhouse gas discharges and, by extension, the consequences of global warming in all chosen economies. It shows that for every 1% rise in green technology, Japan’s greenhouse gas discharges decrease by 0.016%, and China’s decreases by 0.135%. Estimates of the ARDL model’s short-run coefficient reveal that eco-preneurship and green technology lead to decreased greenhouse gas discharges in China, but have minimal influence in Japan. The findings differ in the short and long run, and almost all research uses ARDL models.
NARDL Estimates—Long-term coefficient estimates for all asymmetric models in Table 5 reveal that a positive eco-preneurship shock has a negative effect on greenhouse discharges in all examined economies, showing that a positive eco-preneurship shock enhances environmental quality. The research estimates show that a 1% rise in the positive shock of environmental entrepreneurship reduced greenhouse gas discharges in Japan by 0.03% and in China by 0.054%. Positive developments in environmental entrepreneurship had a stronger influence on Japan’s environmental performance, according to these findings. Detrimental changes in eco-preneurship have a minor effect, indicating that their negative influence on environmental quality is minimal. In conclusion, positive improvements in the influence of eco-preneurship are more noticeable than negative changes. Positive shocks from green technologies cut greenhouse gas discharges in all chosen economies in the long term, whereas negative shocks from green technology raise greenhouse gas discharges in only Japan. According to the research estimates, a 1% increase in the positive effect of green technology results in a 0.020% reduction in greenhouse gas discharges in China and a 0.012% reduction in Japan. In Japan, a 1% reduction in green technology increases greenhouse gas discharges by 0.008%. The findings demonstrate that positive and negative changes in green technology have diverse consequences on greenhouse gas discharges. Green technology enhances environmental quality, whereas diminishing green technology degrades environmental performance.
Short-term estimates from NARDL models show that positive shocks to eco-preneurship reduce greenhouse discharges in all chosen economies, but negative shocks have insignificant effects on greenhouse gas discharges across all models. A positive shock of green technology will only cut Japan’s greenhouse gas discharges in the short run. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NARDL provides more evidence for the short- and long-term consequences of eco-preneurship and green technology than linear ARDL.
Diagnostic Findings—The diagnostic results for the ARDL and NARDL models revealed that all variables had shared long-term co-integration, as shown by the F-stat and ECM terms. Autocorrelation issues were not detected in any of the chosen economies, as evidenced by the LM test findings. Ramsey RESET results reveal that the error term in the ARDL and NARDL models is normally distributed over two economies. The findings of the two CUSUM tests demonstrate that all of the tested economies of scale in the ARDL and NARDL models meet the stability criterion. The Wald test verified the long-term asymmetry as well.

5. Conclusions, Further Recommendation, and Limitations

Eco-preneurship and the use of eco-related items may result in a unique ecosystem with eco-friendly products. Additionally, eco-preneurship and the growing use of renewable energy have significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The eco-preneurship promotes the development of green technologies, which are environmentally friendly technology that minimizes greenhouse gas discharges into the atmosphere. To achieve this goal, policy makers must prioritize the development of policies and initiatives that encourage the adoption of eco-friendly practices and technologies. For example, policy makers can create tax incentives or offer subsidies to businesses that adopt green technologies or implement sustainable practices. Additionally, policy makers should reduce administrative hurdles that make it difficult for green entrepreneurs to establish and grow their businesses. In conclusion, the recommendations provided by this research can guide policy makers in their efforts to strengthen and expand the environmental policy. By prioritizing the development of policies and initiatives that encourage the adoption of eco-friendly practices and technologies, reducing administrative hurdles for green entrepreneurs, investing in public awareness campaigns, and allocating resources to support research and development efforts, policy makers can create a more sustainable future for the investigated bloc.
The policy examined in this study is currently limited in its scope and impact, and policy makers must consider the recommendations provided by this research to strengthen and expand the environmental policy. The findings suggest that policy makers should focus on creating an environment that encourages eco-preneurship and green technology, while also supporting businesses that promote environmental conservation through easy access to funding and technical support.
Future studies could consider including more East Asian countries to expand the analysis and provide more comprehensive results. This study only considered two independent variables. Future studies could incorporate additional independent variables that may be relevant to the analysis, such as economic growth, population growth, and energy consumption patterns.
Summary: This study found that eco-preneurship and green technology can improve environmental quality in selected East Asian economies in the short and long term and that policy makers should focus on creating an environment that encourages eco-preneurship and green technology, while also supporting environmentally sustainable businesses through tax incentives, subsidies, and reduced bureaucratic obstacles. Public awareness campaigns and investment in research and development for green technology are also recommended to create a more sustainable future.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.S. (Md Sahabuddin), M.B.H., C.B.I. and M.K.; Data curation, M.S. (Mohamed Sharaf), S.E. and F.E.; Formal analysis, M.S. (Md Sahabuddin), M.K. and S.E.; Investigation, M.B.H., M.K. and M.S. (Mohamed Sharaf); Methodology, M.K., M.B.H., S.E. and F.E.; Project administration, M.B.H., C.B.I. and F.E.; Resources, S.E., M.K. and M.S. (Mohamed Sharaf); Supervision, C.B.I.; Validation, C.B.I., M.B.H., F.E. and M.K.; Visualization, M.S. (Mohamed Sharaf), M.S. (Md Sahabuddin), M.B.H. and S.E.; Writing—original draft, M.S. (Md Sahabuddin) and M.K. and S.E.; Writing—review and editing, M.B.H., F.E., M.S. (Md Sahabuddin) and C.B.I. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data is provided by the authors at the time of requirement.


The author presents their appreciation to King Saud University for funding this research through the Researchers Supporting Program number (RSPD2023R704), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Circular economy illustration. Source: Self source.
Figure 1. Circular economy illustration. Source: Self source.
Sustainability 15 06747 g001
Figure 2. Conceptual framework.
Figure 2. Conceptual framework.
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Table 1. Variables, descriptions, and data sources.
Table 1. Variables, descriptions, and data sources.
Greenhouse gas dischargesGHCO2 discharges (kt)World Bank
Eco-preneurshipEPNuclear, renewables, and other energy sources (quad Btu)EIA
Green technologyGrTDevelopment of environment-related technologies, % all technologiesOECD
Table 2. Hypotheses.
Table 2. Hypotheses.
Short Run Hypotheses
(H0: Null Hypothesis)
(H1: Alternative Hypothesis)
Eco-PreneurshipGreen Technology
Linear EstimatesH0Short-term linear estimates of eco-preneurship are insignificantShort-term linear estimates of green technology are insignificant
H1Short-term linear estimates of eco-preneurship are significantShort-term linear estimates of green technology are significant
Non-linear EstimatesH0Short-term non-linear estimates of eco-preneurship are insignificantShort-term non-linear estimates of green technology are insignificant
H1Eco-preneurship has strong short-term non-linear estimations.Green technology forecasts over the short run are considerable
Long run
Linear EstimatesH0Long-term eco-preneurship linear estimates are negligible.Long-term linear estimates of green technology are insignificant
H1Long-term linear estimates of eco-preneurship are significantGreen technology’s long-term linear estimates are noteworthy.
Non-linear EstimatesH0The predicted positive shock coefficients in the non-linear model are insignificant.The non-linear model predicts negligible positive shock coefficients.
H1The predicted positive shock coefficients in the non-linear model are significant.The non-linear model makes substantial predictions for positive shock coefficients.
H0The predicted negative shock coefficients in the non-linear model are insignificant.The predicted negative shock coefficients in the non-linear model are insignificant.
H1The non-linear model makes substantial predictions about negative shock coefficients.The predicted negative shock coefficients in the non-linear model are significant.
Table 3. Unit root testing.
Table 3. Unit root testing.
Unit Root without BreakUnit Root with Break
I(0)I(1) I(0)Break DateI(1)Break Date
GH−2.779 I(0)−4.3622001 I(0)
EP−1.278−3.568I(1)−6.5342011 I(0)
GrT−0.863−5.421I(1) 2008−7.2352016I(1)
Table 4. Estimates of greenhouse discharges (ARDL).
Table 4. Estimates of greenhouse discharges (ARDL).
VariablesJapan Coefficientt-StatChina Coefficientt-Stat
Short run
Long run
F-test8.322 6.653
LM1.327 1.322
RESET0.887 1.034
Table 5. Short- and long-run estimates of greenhouse gas discharges (NARDL).
Table 5. Short- and long-run estimates of greenhouse gas discharges (NARDL).
VariablesJapan Coefficientt-StatChina Coefficientt-Stat
Short run
Long run
F-test7.355 4.124
LM1.335 0.764
RESET0.967 1.021
Wald-Short-EP0.386 3.014
Wald-Long-EP3.244 3.987
Wald-Short-GrT1.099 1.022
Wald-Long-GrT3.885 4.326
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MDPI and ACS Style

Sahabuddin, M.; Hossain, M.B.; Khokhar, M.; Sharaf, M.; Ejaz, S.; Ejaz, F.; Illés, C.B. The Effect of Eco-Preneurship and Green Technology Management on Greenhouse Gas Discharge: An Analysis on East Asian Economies. Sustainability 2023, 15, 6747.

AMA Style

Sahabuddin M, Hossain MB, Khokhar M, Sharaf M, Ejaz S, Ejaz F, Illés CB. The Effect of Eco-Preneurship and Green Technology Management on Greenhouse Gas Discharge: An Analysis on East Asian Economies. Sustainability. 2023; 15(8):6747.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sahabuddin, Md, Md Billal Hossain, Maryam Khokhar, Mohamed Sharaf, Sarmad Ejaz, Faisal Ejaz, and Csaba Bálint Illés. 2023. "The Effect of Eco-Preneurship and Green Technology Management on Greenhouse Gas Discharge: An Analysis on East Asian Economies" Sustainability 15, no. 8: 6747.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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