Home Sweet Home? The Mediating Role of Human Resource Management Practices in the Relationship between Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking in the Public Sector
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework and Study Hypotheses
2.1. Leadership and Human Resource Management Practices
2.2. Human Resource Management Practices and Quality of Life in Teleworking
2.3. Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking
2.4. Leadership, Human Resource Management Practices, and Quality of Life in Teleworking
3. Methods
4. Results
4.1. Test of the General Model Composed of the Measurement Models
4.2. Testing Hypotheses and the Mediation Model
5. Discussion, Implications, Limitations, and Agenda
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scale | Factors | Number of Items | Reliability Index * |
HLS Scale | Focus on People (FP) | 07 | 0.90 1 |
Focus on Results (FR) | 04 | 0.82 1 | |
Public HRMPS | Relationship (REL) | 08 | 0.90 1/0.90 2 |
Training, Development, and Education (TD & E) | 03 | 0.81 1/0.81 2 | |
Performance and Skills Assessment (PSA) | 03 | 0.77 1/0.76 2 | |
QoLT Scale | Work Self-Management (WSM) | 11 | 0.83 1 |
Context of Teleworking (CT) | 06 | 0.79 1 | |
Work Infrastructure (WI) | 03 | 0.79 1 | |
Technological Structure (TS) | 03 | 0.88 1 | |
Work Overload (WO) | 04 | 0.73 1 |
Parameters | Reference Literature | General Model Result |
NC (χ2/DF) | ≥2 and ≤3.0 | 2.54 |
CFI | ≥0.9 | 0.97 |
GFI | ≥0.9 | 0.96 |
RMSEA | ≤0.08 | 0.08 |
SRMR | ≤0.08 | 0.04 |
Dimension | Factor | Charge Standardized | Standard Error | Critical Reason | Cargo Quality | R2 | Composite Reliability (Jöreskog’s Rho) | Extracted Variance |
Leadership | FR | 0.814 ** | - | - | Excellent | - | 0.86 | 0.75 |
FP | 0.917 ** | 0.102 | 11,835 | Excellent | ||||
HRM Practices | TDE | 0.717 ** | - | - | Excellent | 47.4% | 0.81 | 0.60 |
REL | 0.884 ** | 0.099 | 11,209 | Excellent | ||||
PSA | 0.703 ** | 0.099 | 9850 | Excellent | ||||
QoLT | WSM | 0.769 ** | - | - | Excellent | 9% | 0.84 | 0.64 |
TS | 0.780 ** | 0.093 | 11,305 | Excellent | ||||
WI | 0.849 ** | 0.113 | 11,635 | Excellent |
Factor | L | HRM Practices | QoLT |
Leadership | 0.75 a | ||
HRM Practices | 0.47 | 0.60 a | |
QoLT | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.64 a |
Hypotheses | Relations | β |
H1 | Leadership → HRM Practices | 0.542 *** |
H2 | HRM Practices → QoLT | 0.248 *** |
H3 | Leadership → QoLT | 0.239 *** |
Effect | Standardized Estimation | p-Value | Result |
Total | 0.27 | 0.003 | Significant Impact |
Direct | 0.17 | 0.003 | Significant Impact |
Indirect | 0.10 | 0.009 | Significant Impact |
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Share and Cite
Melo, T.A.d.; Demo, G. Home Sweet Home? The Mediating Role of Human Resource Management Practices in the Relationship between Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking in the Public Sector. Sustainability 2024, 16, 5006. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16125006
Melo TAd, Demo G. Home Sweet Home? The Mediating Role of Human Resource Management Practices in the Relationship between Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking in the Public Sector. Sustainability. 2024; 16(12):5006. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16125006
Chicago/Turabian StyleMelo, Tatiane Alves de, and Gisela Demo. 2024. "Home Sweet Home? The Mediating Role of Human Resource Management Practices in the Relationship between Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking in the Public Sector" Sustainability 16, no. 12: 5006. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16125006
APA StyleMelo, T. A. d., & Demo, G. (2024). Home Sweet Home? The Mediating Role of Human Resource Management Practices in the Relationship between Leadership and Quality of Life in Teleworking in the Public Sector. Sustainability, 16(12), 5006. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16125006