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Agroindustrial Complex to Promote the Economic and Social Development of Agricultural Producers of the Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru 2023

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ricardo Palma University (URP), Santiago de Surco, Lima 15039, Peru
Research Laboratory for Formative Investigation and Architectural Innovation (LABIFIARQ), Ricardo Palma University (URP), Santiago de Surco, Lima 15039, Peru
Facultad de Ingenieria Geografica, Ambiental y Ecoturismo, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV), Lima 15082, Peru
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(13), 5744;
Submission received: 20 May 2024 / Revised: 29 June 2024 / Accepted: 2 July 2024 / Published: 5 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Agricultural Economy: Challenges and Opportunities)


The objective of this research is to propose an architectural design of an agroindustrial complex to promote the social economic development of agricultural producers in Callejón de Huaylas, Áncash, Peru 2023. This includes the application of clean energy elements to reduce environmental impact and preserve existing biodiversity. Agriculture is not a stable market for the development of small producers and exporters; despite having a widely productive territory, there is no government support, and there is evidently insufficient infrastructure for the sale and promotion of agricultural products, leading these producers to sell and transport their products informally. As a methodology, it was approached from the standpoint of the importance of agriculture, the climatic characterization of the study location, and the application of sustainable design strategies, supported by digital tools (Autocad, Sketchup, Sunpath3d, Illustrator, and Photoshop). Results were generated in permeable spaces in search of multipurpose spatial integration, thus allowing productive, economic, educational, and social development in a sustainable manner. The agroindustrial complex allows an improvement in the quality of life of workers in the agricultural sector through a reduction in informality, and the promotion of inclusion and equity.

1. Introduction

The emergence of agriculture worldwide marked a historic turning point by transforming the human way of life and ensuring its sustenance. The development of agriculture and livestock emerged gradually, starting from the Neolithic period, which represents a significant economic change characterized by the gradual abandonment of economic activities based on hunting and gathering [1].
This development originates from the centers of origin of cultivated plants according to the theory proposed by Nikolai Vavilov, which could be referred to as the first cultivation centers located in different geographical areas worldwide. Vavilov was able to demonstrate the creative capacity possessed by the early inhabitants in each center where endemic crops developed, as it occurred independently and did not adapt from one center to another [2].
Figure 1 highlights that Central Andes in South America is identified as a primary center of origin for cultivated plants, as it is part of the autonomous center composed of Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. This is the center of origin for potatoes, avocados, Andean grains, roots, vegetables, cherimoya, other fruit species, and medicinal plants [3].
The Central Andes are a key region worldwide for cultural interaction and the development of civilizations. Environmental and geological limitations acted as stimuli for landscape transformation, improving the environment with agricultural systems such as terraces and platforms. These systems were fundamental for the survival and progress of Andean culture, giving rise to notable civilizations such as Tiahuanaco, Huari, and Inca [4].
Currently, Latin America is home to 50% of the world’s biodiversity and five of the nine megadiverse countries, including Peru. Additionally, it possesses more than 200 of the 712 domesticated plants in the world. This wealth makes it a global powerhouse in biodiversity-related businesses [5].
Agriculture represents a crucial legacy for meeting basic needs, offering the opportunity to influence the growth conditions of other species to fulfill various purposes. It also plays a fundamental role for humans by providing basic needs such as food, fiber, and energy; activities that are almost exclusively provided by agriculture. This legacy plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change by promoting resilient agricultural sectors and making strategic investments in small-scale farmers to generate a significant impact [6,7].
Farmers develop methods of sustainable agriculture adapted to their communities and local conditions. These practices not only address hunger but can also mitigate issues such as migration, soil erosion, pollution, and sustainable resource management. For these practices to be widely adopted, farmers need to acquire new skills and see immediate results in agricultural productivity, while ensuring long-term sustainable management of natural resources. In summary, farmers are agents of change in promoting sustainable agriculture, with both local and global benefits [8].
Particularly in cases of limited market development in the mountain agriculture sector, the production chain is composed of multiple intermediaries, where the marketing process involves a minimum of seven links, as shown in Figure 2, where different methods can be observed according to the type of sale where farmers are also key players within the production chain [9].
As part of food security, agriculture plays a crucial role in driving various income streams such as exports and in fostering rural development in most developing countries. Around 70% of the low-income rural population worldwide depends primarily on agriculture, with the majority being small-scale farmers. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the contribution of agriculture is of utmost importance, as export revenues are critical for improving the welfare of the population, which is closely linked to the agricultural capacity available in the region [10].
In Peru, the development of family farming represents the well-being and economic accessibility of approximately a quarter of the Peruvian population, and it is also the backbone of the population’s food supply. According to the aforementioned National Agricultural Survey, it is evident that, out of the total agricultural producers in Peru, only 4% are internal market-oriented enterprises, while family farming represents 96% of the 2.2 million producers in the country. Of these, it is estimated that 82% is primarily produced for the domestic market, with the remainder destined for export [11].
Studies indicate that accessing foreign markets significantly impacts the adoption of conservation practices, such as biological control, a viable technique for small farmers wishing to export. Therefore, it is crucial to provide advice and training to this sector of the population. In a megadiverse country like Peru, where environmental concerns are integral to economic growth, investing in biodiversity is not only essential but also profitable [5,12].
In Peru, the agricultural area covers 11,649,716 hectares, as shown in Figure 3. The Andean region has the largest agricultural area with 5,172,954 hectares, representing 46% of the national land dedicated to crop production. The Ancash region has 498,617 hectares of agricultural land, which represents 4.4% of the total national area, with 165,971 producers classified within family agriculture. The statistical information available on the agricultural sector is based on the last Agricultural Census of 2012, which was carried out with the support of international organizations such as the FAO [13].
The commercial development of Ancash is supported by its agro-export potential and strategic location in the north of the country, serving as a transit point between the north and Lima, with access to the sea and significant agricultural potential yet to be fully developed [14].
In Ancash, the main activity is subsistence family farming, accounting for 80%, primarily based on traditional crops for self-consumption in the region. This area is considered productive, with export capacity. In recent years, there has been a favorable growth in agro-export activity, which has driven job creation and influenced development and economic activity [15,16].
In the region the Callejón de Huaylas stands out; it has capabilities in agriculture, livestock, and mining. This sub-region, comprising Recuay, Huaylas-Caraz, Yungay, and Carhuaz, stretches along the Santa River. According to a study, Huaraz province, with 169,477 inhabitants, should be prioritized for economic initiatives, while actions against poverty and social inclusion should focus on Huaylas, which has a poverty rate of 18.8% [14,17].
The main regional center in Ancash is Huaraz City, which holds the status of a major city, according to the SICCEP. This city serves as the primary driver of the regional urban system, acting as a hub for various commercial, tourist, and administrative activities [18] (Figure 4).
Considering that subsistence family farming is a key economic activity within agricultural activities in the Ancash region, alongside its capacity for agro-exportation, it is important to train and promote sustainable agriculture to enhance agricultural capacity and increase production for the foreign market. Export revenues are crucial for improving the economic welfare of the population and small agricultural producers.
The objective of this research is to propose an architectural design for an agro-industrial complex located in the capital city of Huaraz, a project aimed at improving economic conditions and social inclusion for agricultural producers in the Callejón de Huaylas. The design responds to an architectural program that includes spaces for training, social, and cultural interaction, as well as economic and industrial exchange. It incorporates elements of clean energy to reduce environmental impact and preserve existing biodiversity.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Sustainable Agriculture

The increase of sustainable agriculture worldwide involves maximizing agricultural productivity without compromising natural resources or the ability of future generations to meet their own food and resource needs [12].
In Figure 5, various schemes illustrate different ways to efficiently use natural resources. Some of the capture strategies presented include water harvesting, wind energy capture, and river water capture. Given that the global landscape is evolving and past achievements may not guarantee future advancements, climate change represents a significant challenge in the current era. It is recognized that sustainable agriculture requires more efficient management of natural resources to produce more with less, especially in the face of increasingly extreme weather conditions and heightened competition for resources [19].

2.2. Efficient Management of Natural Resources

One of these resources is water, which is widely consumed worldwide, with agriculture being the main user, representing 70% of the total extracted. Since water is a vital, renewable, fragile, and unequally distributed resource on the planet, its scarcity in some regions is generating the need to explore new perspectives and solutions to address future scarcity issues. It is projected that by 2050, with a population of 10 billion, a 60% increase in food production will be required compared with current consumption levels [20,21].
In addition to effective resource management, it is crucial to reduce food waste, as this directly affects the food security of low-income people, as well as the quality and safety of food, economic development, and the environment. Food waste leads to unnecessary CO2 emissions and exerts a significant influence on the water footprint and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), leading to global warming and climate change [22]. The impact of food losses and waste on natural resources and the environment raises serious concerns, as it involves the improper management of limited natural resources and constitutes a significant environmental problem [23,24].

2.3. Biological Diversity

Biological diversity is essential for the Peruvian economy, as it underpins agricultural production, supports rural communities, and ensures economic and food security. Moreover, it serves as a foundation for industrial production and is crucial for the global economy, representing wealth and long-term development. It is imperative to educate and promote the conservation of biological diversity among residents, offering them products and economic opportunities derived from these natural resources. In this way, residents become the primary defenders of these resources, ensuring their preservation for future generations [6].

2.4. Agro-Exportation Potential

The presence of microclimates in Ancash allows for a wide range of crops according to altitude, including potatoes, corn, sugar cane, paprika, vegetables, and fruit. This diversity of crops creates a potential for agro-exportation, offering the opportunity to develop new products adapted to climate change. The main export products in the region are potatoes, blueberries, avocados, mangoes, and asparagus, whose production has progressively increased over the last few years [15,25].
During the first semester of 2023, agro-exportation in the region experienced a 7% increase, driven by the rise in sales of blueberries (+40%), avocados (+21%), and asparagus (+25%) [15].
Figure 6 shows the exports in US dollars of the most representative products of the agricultural sector, where blueberries and avocados stand out with significant growth, tripling and doubling their exports respectively from 2019 to 2022. On the other hand, products such as mangoes, figs, grapes, asparagus, and peas have experienced a more gradual growth in the last four years. So, it can be deduced that there is a growing economic income for the agricultural export market in the Ancash region.

2.5. Research Gaps

In support of small-scale agricultural producers, the XIII National Meeting of the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)-2023 was held in the city of Huaraz. As part of the promotion and dissemination activities for various agricultural products, economic events were organized to foster sales and promotion of agricultural products. These events took place at various locations throughout the city, including plazas, bridges, and the city’s cultural center, through mobile stalls. Consistent promotion of these activities by the governmental entity is important and should be carried out regularly [26] (Figure 7).
Due to the lack of regular agricultural commercialization, informal street vending by agricultural producer associations occurs in the city, where they appropriate a space to sell their products (Figure 7). This is because the government is ineffective in guaranteeing and ensuring formal sales, leading to informal vending. Despite the inconvenience of occupying inadequate spaces, these vendors have customers who, despite the discomfort, see this activity as their primary purchasing option [27,28].
Agriculture, despite its potential for job creation, is one of the sectors with the lowest labor productivity. This is attributed to the low educational level of the workforce in this field. Although it employs 26% of the Economically Active Population (EAP) nationwide and 65.5% of the EAP in rural areas, its efficiency in job creation contrasts with its potential capacity [29].
Since 2005, the agricultural sector has shown little development, compounded by the international crisis. This can be attributed to four main factors: lack of competitiveness and profitability in agriculture, unsustainable use of natural resources, limited availability of basic-productive services, and inadequate institutionalization of the agricultural sector [30].
To preserve our agricultural heritage, it is necessary to train and promote sustainable agriculture, which is fundamentally based on the proper use of natural resources, to preserve the biological diversity we have, as it is the food and economic foundation of the region and, therefore, the country. The small farmer of the Callejón de Huaylas, who is the main agent, has a low educational level and relies primarily on the sale of agricultural products, which, due to insufficient architectural infrastructure, carries out this commercial exchange in public spaces or vacant lots, generating street vending of agricultural products.
The proposal for an agro-industrial complex aims to promote the economic development of small agricultural producers in the Callejón de Huaylas through agro-industry and a collection center. It is primarily supported by a training center for farmers, as well as research and outreach spaces that promote the conservation and importance of biological diversity. Additionally, it provides infrastructure with areas for the sale of agricultural products, to eradicate street vending of farm products in the city, thus boosting the economic and social development of the small producers of the Callejón de Huaylas.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Methodological Phase

Figure 8 depicts the graphic summarizing the methodological process applied in the research. It is divided into four stages, starting with the information review phase, where the importance of the topic is identified through a review of historical and qualitative bibliographic information, supported by photographs. In the second phase, it is crucial to understand the existing physical context in which the project is proposed. The subsequent phase presents the outcome, and the final architectural proposal, and the final stage involves discussion and conclusion.

3.2. Study Area

The complex proposed in this research is located in the city of Huaraz, the capital of the Ancash department, which belongs to the province of the same name with an area of 2492.91 square kilometers. It comprises 12 districts, and this city is part of the Callejón de Huaylas subsystem, consisting of the provinces of Recuay, Huaylas-Caraz, Yungay, and Carhuaz. Ancash has 20 provinces and 166 districts [17,31] (Figure 9).

3.3. Climatic Analysis

The altitude of the Ancash territory ranges from 2000 m above sea level (masl) to 6746 masl, with the capital city Huaraz situated at 2987 masl, at a latitude of 9°28′25.5″ S and a longitude of 77°32′8.4″ W. Due to its altitude and the presence of the Cordillera Blanca, Huaraz experiences a cold climate throughout the year. From May to November, the average comfortable temperature reaches 24 °C. Being in the high Andean zone, Huaraz has low humidity levels, resulting in distinct temperature changes between day and night. Rainfall occurs year-round, with higher intensity from January to March and decreasing in July [31,32].
In Figure 10, we can observe that the wind direction is predominantly from the southeast, with speeds ranging between 5.5–9 kwh/m2. Although there is a slight inclination towards the north, the solar incidence remains perpendicular. It is important to consider systems for both solar energy protection and capture on rooftops. Additionally, the solar incidence from the north side should be taken into account [32].

3.4. Flora

Naturalist Antonio Raimondi was among the first to observe and study the flora in Ancash. In 1860, he visited the Callejón de Huaylas and Conchucos, laying the groundwork for floristic inventories that have been updated over the years. The climate in the Callejón de Huaylas region allows for a diverse array of flora, with various specimens thriving due to the microclimates present in the mountain range, (Figure 11) provides a classification of trees (such as molle, aliso, quenual, eucalyptus, and pine), fruit (including blueberry, prickly pear, avocado, peach, and mango), and flowers (such as lluvia, orchids, retama, bougainvillea, and lilies). These species are distributed throughout the Callejón de Huaylas [33].

4. Results

4.1. Location of Proposal

Figure 12 highlights the location of the terrain in the Monterrey Community, which is considered a strategic point. To the south, it has a direct connection to the urban center of Huaraz City via Centenario Avenue, while on the other side, it connects to the agricultural areas of the region (Caraz, Carhuaz, and Yungay). This strategic location, influenced by the dynamic center of Huaraz City, benefits the integration between small producers from the Callejón de Huaylas and consumers.
According to the Urban Development Plan (UDP), the area where the project is located is regulated as a Special Regulation Zone (SRZ) ZRE12 A-B. These zones encompass urban areas and urban expansion areas, whether developed or undeveloped, that have particular characteristics related to physical, environmental, social, or economic aspects. They are subject to urban development plans aimed at maintaining or enhancing their urban and environmental development processes [34].
Figure 13 depicts the location of the land within a special regulation zone, which allows for various activities such as industry, primary extraction, commerce, accommodation, recreation, and education. The yellow zone is zoned as RDM3 (Medium Density Residence 3), and there is also significant influence from tourist commerce along the road, making this area very active and busy. Access from the center of Huaraz city is direct via Centenario Avenue, which in turn connects to the other provinces of the Callejon de Huaylas.

4.2. Design Strategies

The building is permeable, rising above its space with a transparent, homogeneous, and floating character. The goal is to create a connection between spaces within the project, generating fluid architecture. Permeability is a fundamental concept in contemporary architecture, aiming to establish a harmonious relationship with the environment. It involves an architecture adaptable to the topography, blurring the boundaries between interior and exterior, transforming the architectural program into an integral design element. Drawing from the theory of fuzzy boundaries, ideas related to renewable energies are explored to challenge the notion of monumentality in architectural projects [35].
Flexible architecture is closely linked to adaptability. This architectural approach can be transformed to meet the user’s needs. Key concepts such as spaciousness, transformation, adaptation, interchange, and variety are emphasized in this architecture, which aims to accommodate the changing needs of both the environment and users [36].
In Figure 14, the project is depicted with elevated volumes that allow passage. The prominent penetrating route is called the agricultural axis, which originates from the lowest point of the terrain and traverses the entire project alongside agricultural planting spaces represented by the purple-colored line. The mass volume is slightly rotated, considering the importance of receiving direct sunlight in the area. This ensures that the western sun can directly illuminate two sides of the project, while also allowing for direct solar gain throughout the day when the eastern sun rises in the mornings.

4.3. Master Plan

As part of productive agriculture, an agro-industrial complex is proposed to foster the productive, economic, and social development of agricultural producers in the Huaylas Valley. The agro-industrial complex comprises various facilities designed for the training, production, and marketing of agriculturally processed products, as well as spaces for dissemination, research, education, and exhibition.
Figure 15 illustrates the elements proposed as strategies for clean or renewable energy design. These elements integrate various productive plantations, which are part of the green areas within the project. Other strategies outlined in the project include the harvesting of natural elements such as water and solar energy, along with the reuse of recyclable materials. Together, they form part of sustainable design strategies.
In Figure 16, the projected productive plantations within the agro-industrial complex can be identified, considering the classification of each product that is part of the main routes, exhibition spaces, and education areas.
In the project, water harvesting is proposed as a solution for clean energy. This ancient technique resurfaces as a promising response to the challenges of climate change [37]. It involves installing collection systems on roofs and impermeable surfaces to channel water into storage tanks. These tanks can have capacities of 5, 10, or 20 m3 and start operating from day one. A 5 m3 tank is sufficient to store water in the building and is more cost-effective in terms of investment [38,39] (Figure 17).
Piezoelectricity harnesses the movement of vehicles and people to generate electrical energy. Although several prototypes with piezoelectric generators have been created, their commercialization and use have not yet become widespread. It is estimated that a person weighing 60 kg on a tile can generate approximately 9930 watts of electrical energy [40] (Figure 17).
The integration of photovoltaic tiles into architecture not only adds a new aesthetic and functional dimension but also generates electrical energy, providing an independent energy source and reducing energy consumption. These tiles meet rigorous safety standards, flexibility, double insulation, and UV resistance, making them durable and suitable for outdoor use [41] (Figure 18).
Figure 19 shows the facade design, which is composed of two systems: the first one is based on a structured skin system made from recycled organic elements, creating a closed system that can be installed in both existing buildings and new architectural projects [42]. The second one is a photovoltaic system. This design consists of modules integrating photovoltaic glass and electronic systems for operation. The energy-generating windows are made with glass sheets of various thicknesses ranging from 3 to 19 mm. In addition to their primary function of generating clean electricity through photovoltaic glass or a luminescent solar concentrator, these windows can be adjusted to improve sound insulation, providing greater acoustic insulation [43]. Given the wide variation in temperatures between day and night, considering a construction system with high thermal inertia is a sustainable strategy, as it corrects and moderates extreme temperatures. The density of the walls allows for storing energy to stabilize indoor temperatures, thereby reducing fluctuations [44].
The majority of the agricultural population engages in subsistence farming, which is crucial for food security, sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity conservation. However, these farmers lack training, and decent sales spaces, and face high levels of poverty. The government must recognize the critical importance of properly supporting small agricultural producers in the Callejón de Huaylas and similar regions, and take action to strengthen the agricultural sector.

5. Discussion

Rural systems are essential for sustainable development in regions with large agro-industrial and commercial complexes. In the case of coffee production in Brazil, it is noteworthy that large agro-industrial and commercial complexes require the integration of multiple disciplines due to the complexity of the problems they address. The main perspectives considered relevant are: the evolution of productive and cultural activities, projecting themselves as a modern, professional, and highly productive business agriculture, and the efficient management of water, energy, and environmental resources in an integrated system [45].
Integrating natural resource energy systems such as solar and wind into an agro-industrial complex boosts the economic development of farmers. Sustainable building facilitates exports to demanding markets such as the European one, generating a direct effect on agricultural growth, and thus on poverty reduction and improving the quality of life for small farmers [46]. Given Ancash’s agro-export potential, it is crucial to propose an agro-industrial complex with clean energy and sustainable resource management.
The insufficient agricultural commercial infrastructure forces vendors into informal spaces, impacting the rural economy. However, staying in the informal market is convenient for small farmers due to their lack of knowledge about the formal market, economic risks, and the high standards it presents. Despite this, some small producers manage to access formal global markets, especially for organic products with health guarantees, through intermediaries or organizations [47]. Formalization can represent a limitation and economic risk for small farmers, so it is crucial to understand these limitations and study strategies to design policies that promote benefits, well-being, and social cohesion.
The integration into a formal market at the local level with fewer economic gaps and limitations and commercial intermediaries is introduced with a collection center as part of the project program, similar to the case of Plaza de Mercado Gramalote in Colombia. This center allows small producers to join in a centralized collection point, which has resulted in reduced agricultural product losses and better organization among local producers. Additionally, the project incorporates rainwater collection systems for crop irrigation, thus promoting the project’s energy efficiency [48].

6. Conclusions

The Callejón de Huaylas faces a scarcity of agro-industrial infrastructure, attributed to various factors including insufficient public investment, limited promotion and support for agricultural activities, and inadequate urban planning that fails to address the needs of the population seeking training and development in the agricultural sector.
Despite the significant potential of agricultural products of the Callejón de Huaylas at the national and export levels, with fruit products such as blueberries, mangoes, and avocados having increased their exports in recent years, the lack of government support to strengthen the sector, through plans, promotion, education, credits, and infrastructure, is hindering its growth. Evidence of this includes the absence of spaces providing consistent training, as well as the lack of promoted projects to support the agro-industry.
Additionally, small-scale producers with export potential sell their products in inadequate places and engage in informal sales on the streets, squares, and vacant lots of Huaraz City, leading to disorder and improper management of agricultural waste. This causes an important figure like the agricultural producer to be seen as an informal agent contributing to disorder and agricultural waste in the city. This jeopardizes the continuity and development of farmers in the sector, as the meager profits they receive are insufficient to sustain their production and lower economy.
The proposal of the Agroindustrial Complex to drive the economic development of agricultural producers in the Callejón de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru, is of paramount importance, as it would have a direct positive impact on the agricultural sector, contributing to the economic development of producers. This complex would include facilities for industry, storage of products for small producers, technical training, and necessary agricultural dissemination in the area, with sustainable components in its construction. This would create opportunities to harness the agricultural potential of the Ancash region, allowing both small and large producers to grow economically, train, and improve their interaction with public space, instead of being forced to resort to street vending.
Additionally, the proposal integrates elements of clean energy to reduce the environmental impact generated by the industry. It includes design strategies such as recycling river water and harvesting rainwater through green roofs and rainwater collection systems. Furthermore, solar capture is utilized to generate energy via photovoltaic panels installed on the ground and photovoltaic glass on the facade. The construction system incorporates dense walls, which improve thermal transfer to manage extreme diurnal temperature variations, and also incorporates the use of recycled materials in the facade.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.C.; methodology, D.E.; software R.M.; validation, D.E; investigation, C.R., supervision, P.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data are in the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Map of centers of the origin of cultivated plants worldwide between the period of 10,000 BC–1000 BC.
Figure 1. Map of centers of the origin of cultivated plants worldwide between the period of 10,000 BC–1000 BC.
Sustainability 16 05744 g001
Figure 2. Seven agricultural intermediation links—adapted [9].
Figure 2. Seven agricultural intermediation links—adapted [9].
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Figure 3. Map of national agricultural surface by department.
Figure 3. Map of national agricultural surface by department.
Sustainability 16 05744 g003
Figure 4. The provinces of Callejón de Huaylas.
Figure 4. The provinces of Callejón de Huaylas.
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Figure 5. Diagram of sustainable agriculture generation.
Figure 5. Diagram of sustainable agriculture generation.
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Figure 6. Ancash: Export agricultural products in millions.
Figure 6. Ancash: Export agricultural products in millions.
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Figure 7. Collage of photos depicting the types of sales and promotion of agricultural products in Huaraz city.
Figure 7. Collage of photos depicting the types of sales and promotion of agricultural products in Huaraz city.
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Figure 8. Methodological scheme.
Figure 8. Methodological scheme.
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Figure 9. Urban sector map of Huaraz.
Figure 9. Urban sector map of Huaraz.
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Figure 10. Climate analysis.
Figure 10. Climate analysis.
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Figure 11. Flora of the Callejon de Huaylas.
Figure 11. Flora of the Callejon de Huaylas.
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Figure 12. Map. Project Location.
Figure 12. Map. Project Location.
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Figure 13. Map of land use surrounding the project site.
Figure 13. Map of land use surrounding the project site.
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Figure 14. Zoning scheme of the project with the application of polyvalence and permeability theories.
Figure 14. Zoning scheme of the project with the application of polyvalence and permeability theories.
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Figure 15. Clean energy elements applied in the project.
Figure 15. Clean energy elements applied in the project.
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Figure 16. Plantation layout scheme in the project.
Figure 16. Plantation layout scheme in the project.
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Figure 17. Clean energy elements are applied in multipurpose squares.
Figure 17. Clean energy elements are applied in multipurpose squares.
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Figure 18. Clean energy elements applied in the festival square.
Figure 18. Clean energy elements applied in the festival square.
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Figure 19. Application of dense construction system and recycled and photovoltaic system facade structure.
Figure 19. Application of dense construction system and recycled and photovoltaic system facade structure.
Sustainability 16 05744 g019
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MDPI and ACS Style

Castillo, L.; Rebagliatti, C.; Esenarro, D.; Mendez, R.; Cobeñas, P. Agroindustrial Complex to Promote the Economic and Social Development of Agricultural Producers of the Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru 2023. Sustainability 2024, 16, 5744.

AMA Style

Castillo L, Rebagliatti C, Esenarro D, Mendez R, Cobeñas P. Agroindustrial Complex to Promote the Economic and Social Development of Agricultural Producers of the Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru 2023. Sustainability. 2024; 16(13):5744.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Castillo, Luz, Carla Rebagliatti, Doris Esenarro, Raul Mendez, and Pablo Cobeñas. 2024. "Agroindustrial Complex to Promote the Economic and Social Development of Agricultural Producers of the Callejon de Huaylas, Ancash, Peru 2023" Sustainability 16, no. 13: 5744.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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