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Multilevel Middle Point Clamped (MMPC) Converter for DC Wind Power Applications

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2024, 16(17), 7563; (registering DOI)
Submission received: 28 April 2024 / Revised: 26 July 2024 / Accepted: 9 August 2024 / Published: 1 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Energy Sustainability)


This manuscript introduces a novel multilevel middle point clamped (MMPC) DC-DC converter and its associated switching scheme aimed at maintaining the desired medium-voltage DC (MVDC) collector grid within offshore all-DC wind farms. Building upon previous work by the authors, which proposed an all-DC structure serving as a benchmark system, this study explores the application of the MMPC DC-DC converter within this framework. Within the all-DC wind generation system, a 9-phase hybrid generator (HG) integrated into the wind turbine is linked to the MVDC collector grid through an AC-DC stage, which is a passive rectifier. This passive rectifier offers elevated voltage ratings and protection against back power flow. The conventional neutral point clamped (NPC) converter concept has been thoroughly investigated and expanded upon to develop the proposed MMPC DC-DC converter. The proposed MMPC DC-DC converter integrates boosting capabilities, facilitating the connection of the generator’s rectified voltage to the MVDC collector grid while regulating variable rectified voltage to a fixed MVDC collector grid voltage. The MVDC collector grid is further interconnected with high-voltage DC (HVDC) through a DC-DC converter situated in an offshore substation. This paper further provides a comprehensive overview of the proposed MMPC DC-DC converter, detailing its operational modes and corresponding switching schemes. Through an in-depth examination of operational modes, duty cycles for each switch and mode are defined, subsequently establishing the relationship between rectified input voltage and MVDC output voltage for the MMPC DC-DC converter. Utilizing the middle point clamped architecture, this innovative converter offers several advantages, including low ripple voltage, a modular structure, and reduced switching stress because of the multilevel voltage and the incorporation of a hard point, which also facilitates the capacitor voltage balancing. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed converter is evaluated via simulation studies of a wind turbine conversion system utilizing two cascaded MMPC DC-DC converters operating under variable input voltage conditions. The simulations confirm its efficacy, supported by promising results, and validating its performance.

1. Introduction

Wind generation systems have seen increasing installations over the past decade, where the capacity of wind power grew to over 900 GW globally in 2022 [1,2,3,4]. Traditionally, the wind power systems use AC technologies for their collector and transmission grids. The high-voltage AC (HVAC) systems are well-established technologies; they are efficient over short distances, usually do not employ power electronics, and are well suited for AC grid integration. However, high-voltage DC (HVDC) systems have become popular for transmission grids, particularly in offshore farms, due to their flexibility, controllability, and improved performance, and the cost of high-voltage power electronics systems continuously reducing, which makes the DC system competitive with their AC counterpart [5,6,7,8,9]. There are different studies comparing HVDC and HVAC systems [10,11,12]: HVAC benefits from mature technology, efficiency over short distances, lower converter costs, and seamless integration into AC grids. However, its reliance on reactive power leads to higher transmission losses, necessitates substantial upgrades for renewable energy integration, and faces stability challenges over longer distances, contributing to higher carbon emissions. In contrast, HVDC offers advantages such as lower transmission losses, reduced carbon emissions, efficiency over longer distances, enhanced control capabilities, and the ability to interconnect asynchronous grids. Nevertheless, HVDC systems incur higher initial costs, require complex converter stations, are less economically viable for short-distance applications, and face limitations in equipment supply and specialized expertise.
Figure 1a illustrates the existing state-of-the-art wind turbine conversion system featuring a three-stage connection process for linking the wind turbine to the medium-voltage AC (MVAC) collector grid, which typically operates between 33 kV and 66 kV. Modern wind turbine conversion systems, as depicted in Figure 1a, utilize a direct drive mechanism, commonly incorporating a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) (rated at 400 V, 480 V, or 690 V) interfaced to two back-to-back voltage source converters (VSCs) (rated at 1000 V) that includes a machine side converter that controls the PMSG for maximum power point tracking, and a grid side converter that controls a fixed DC-link voltage and controls the active/reactive power flow. The output of the grid side converter is then stepped-up before connection to an MVAC collector grid (33 kV to 66 kV) [13,14,15,16,17]. An offshore substation collects the power from all wind turbines and sends the wind farm total power to the shore station via a transmission line, typically a high-voltage AC (HVAC) system ranging from 132 kV to 320 kV, or an HVDC link where most common systems are rated around 320 kV to 525 kV.
The authors in [30,31,32,33] present a comprehensive review of different architectures for wind power systems, concluding that the HVDC overcomes the major problems of the HVAC systems including reactive power, losses, and limited controls. In addition to transmission grids, there has recently been growing interest in using DC systems for the wind collector grids, which together with HVDC transmission grids, make the wind generation an ‘all-DC system’ [33,34,35,36,37]. An all-DC grid can be divided into three major DC parts: (i) a wind turbine with a DC output, (ii) a medium-voltage DC (MVDC) collector grid that collects the power from wind turbines and sends it to an offshore substation, and (iii) an HVDC transmission grid that transfers the power from the offshore substation to the shore before connection to the AC terrestrial grid [38,39,40,41,42].
The existing wind turbine conversion systems may be converted into a system suitable for connection to an MVDC collector grid by adding an AC-DC stage at the output of the transformer as shown in Figure 1b [18,19]. The challenges with the all-DC scheme in Figure 1b include the following: (i) This adds a fourth stage of conversion to the wind turbine, significantly reducing the overall efficiency of the wind turbine. (ii) As the power electronics switches are not available at high voltages and currents, the AC-DC stage (33 kV–66 kV AC to 40 kV–100 kV DC) will need to be constructed by a parallel/series connection of switches and in multilevel and/or modular configuration [43,44,45,46,47], which makes it bulky and costly [48,49,50]. Figure 1c shows a wind turbine conversion system where a DC-DC converter replaces the grid side converter in the existing scheme to step-up the wind turbine DC-link voltage [20,21,22,23]. In this scheme, to achieve suitable voltages, a number of wind turbines are connected in series before connection to an MVDC collector grid. Note, as the DC-DC converter topologies with a high step-up ratio are not suitable for confined space within the wind turbine, the series connection of wind turbines is necessary to achieve suitable voltages at the output of wind turbines in the scheme shown in Figure 1c. However, if one of the series connections fails, the power is shut from the entire group, hence making this scheme infeasible for practical applications. The existing wind turbines, Figure 1a–c, and the attempts in the literature to convert them to a system suitable for connection to an MVDC collector grid all use low-voltage conversion systems. In a fundamentally different approach, the authors in [24,25,26,27,51] have introduced a high-voltage wind turbine conversion system where a high-voltage PMSG is interfaced to an MVDC collector grid via a multilevel converter as shown in Figure 1d. The features of this system include the following: (i) Unlike conventional wind turbine generators, the machine in this topology must use high-voltage winding, where its per-phase voltage is suitable for connection to a 40 kV–100 kV MVDC collector grid. (ii) Due to limitations on the availability of high-voltage switches, a multilevel converter (3-level or 5-level) is used to support higher voltages. Note that in this scheme, as the number of converters is reduced, the degree of control is less. The multilevel converter controls the high-voltage PMSG for MPPT, while the MVDC voltage is controlled to be fixed via the offshore substation. This is essential for the correct operation of the multilevel converter [52,53].
Table 1 lists some of the commonly used commercially available switches. Although there are switches designed for higher voltages in limited numbers, the commercially available switches are limited to 6.5 kV that necessitates high-voltage converters to become multilevel and/or modular, which makes them bulky and costly. In an attempt to move away from these converters, the authors of [28,29,51,54,55,56] proposed a high-voltage wind turbine conversion system that uses a 9-phase hybrid generator (HG) interfaced to a 9-phase passive rectifier presented in Figure 1e. The HG uses a two-rotor topology, a PM rotor that is the primary rotor of the machine, and a wound field rotor that is mounted on the same shaft as the PM rotor. Since the passive rectifier is an uncontrolled device, the wind turbine MPPT control is shifted to the HG, which is achieved by controlling the wound field rotor via adjusting a DC current [51,57,58,59]. Although the proposed system in [28,29,51,54,55,56] simplifies the power electronics in a wind turbine, it poses the following challenges: (i) It adds complexity for the generator, as the HG uses a two-rotor topology. (ii) At low velocities, a large wound field current is required to maintain a desired power; this result is large-size wound field design that increases the HG volume and mass while reducing the overall HG efficiency, particularly at low speed. (iii) At each wind velocity, the MVDC voltage is required to match the rectified voltage of the wind turbine with the lowest velocity to avoid the turn-off of the rectifiers in parallel connected wind turbines. To enhance these aspects and provide an active control over the wind turbine output, this paper takes the 9-phase HG and rectifier scheme in [28,29,51,54,55,56] and proposes a modified middle point clamped (MMPC) converter as schematically shown in Figure 2. In this scheme, the output of the HG is interfaced to two parallel passive rectifiers, whose output is connected to two cascaded MMPC converters before interfacing to an MVDC collector grid. The contributions of this scheme include the following: (i) The control that was solely shifted to HG is now implemented by the MMPC converter, i.e., MPPT control as well as maintaining a fixed MVDC voltage at the output of the wind turbine. (ii) In this topology, the rectified voltage is allowed to vary since the modulation of the MMPC converter can be adjusted to take the variable voltage and control a fixed output voltage for the wind turbine. This reduces the requirements for the wound field of the HG, making it significantly smaller in volume and mass. (iii) The MMPC converter does not require a step-up transformer, and it utilizes off-the-shelf commercially available silicon carbide (SiC) switches. In this paper, the specification of a wind turbine and MVDC grid are adopted from [28,29,51,54,55,56] and listed in Table 2. As SiC devices with voltage ratings of 10 kV are developing and are available for specific applications [60,61,62,63,64], the proposed MMPC converter uses only two modules to meet the wind turbine ratings.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 1 presents the introduction, providing an overview of existing wind turbine conversion schemes. Section 2 details the proposed MMPC converter, explaining its topology development, operational modes, switching scheme construction, and mathematical derivations. Section 3 presents comprehensive simulation results and associated discussions regarding the voltage boosting capabilities of the MMPC converter. Finally, Section 4 offers concluding remarks.

2. Proposed MMPC Converter

2.1. Topology and Operational Modes

Figure 3 shows the circuit topology for the proposed DC-DC MMPC converter, which includes (i) two legs connected in parallel in a half-bridge topology and (ii) each leg contains five switches, being S1, S2, S3(a,b), and S4 for the first leg and S5, S6(a,b), S7, and S8 for the second leg; (iii) a middle point of each leg that is connected to two series diodes and clamped to the middle point of two DC-link capacitors; (iv) an inductor (Lb) that is in series with a leg, an output diode (Db), and a capacitor (Cb) at the output terminals. The inductor acts as a temporary energy storage providing the MMPC converter with boosting capabilities. Placing Lb only on leg one gives boost capability, and it also seems and behaves like a conventional boost converter, which can be easily analyzed from operational modes for charging and discharging of the inductor depicted in Figure 4. It is worthwhile to note that it is possible to include two inductors, one per leg, but it is not required here as it complicates the analyses as well as overall cost and size of the proposed converter.
Compared to a conventional half-bridge, the proposed MMPC converter has two distinct features: (i) The output voltage has a 3-level waveshape, enabling a move towards higher-voltage applications. (ii) The middle of the two clamping diodes is tied to the middle of the DC-link capacitor, point ‘O’ in Figure 3. This provides a hard-point neutral for the converter and hence facilitates capacitor voltage balancing, an issue that is exacerbated in low-speed wind turbine operation [52,65,66]. Because of the hard-point “O”, the voltage stress on switches in MMPC topology is half as compared to half-bridge topology. The input to the proposed MMPC converter is the rectified output voltage of the wind turbine passive rectifier denoted as Vrdc, Figure 2, while its output cascaded with a second MMPC converter forms the wind turbine output voltage, VMVDC. Note that in the proposed topology, switches S3 and S6 are formed by the series connection of two switches (S3a and S3b, and S6a and S6b, respectively, as shown in Figure 3). This is to ensure that the voltage stress across all the switches will be equal to half of the DC-link voltage analyzed in [59]. There are four modes of operations for the proposed MMPC converter detailed below, while Table 3 lists the switching states and respective mode duty cycles.
  • Mode I: Figure 4a—Switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 turn ON, while S5, S6, S7, and S8 turn OFF. The energy will be stored in the inductor (Lb). Therefore, the input voltage ( V r d c ) will appear across the inductor as
V L = V r d c = L d i L ( O N ) 1 d t
where i L ( O N ) 1 is the inductor current during the ON state of switches S1, S2, S3, and S4, which can be expressed as
d i L ( O N ) 1 = d t L V r d c
  • Mode II: Figure 4b—S1, S2, and S7 turn ON while the rest of the switches turn OFF. The energy will be delivered to the load, i.e., MVDC grid, through the capacitor (C1), and diode (Db). In this mode, the inductor voltage and current are expressed as
V L = V r d c 2 V M V D C
L d i L ( O F F ) 2 d t = V r d c 2 V M V D C
where d i L ( O F F ) 2 is the inductor current during the ON state of switches S1, S2, and S7. The negative sign in (4) shows that the slope of the current waveform is negative; i.e., the inductor current is decreasing and hence depleting the energy in the inductor.
  • Mode III: Figure 4c—S1, S2, S7, and S8 will turn ON while the rest of the switches turn OFF. The energy will be delivered to the load through capacitors (C1, C2), and the diode (Db). In this mode, the inductor voltage and current are expressed as
V L = V r d c V M V D C
L d i L ( O F F ) 3 d t = V r d c V M V D C
where d i L ( O F F ) 3 is the inductor current during the ON state of switches S1, S2, S7, and S8.
  • Mode IV: Figure 4d—S2, S7, and S8 turn ON while the rest of the switches turn OFF. The energy will be delivered to the load through the capacitor (C2), and diodes (D1, Db). In this mode, the voltage across the inductor is the same as Mode II, i.e., (3)–(4), except the switching scheme is different. Hence,
L d i L ( O F F ) 4 d t = V r d c 2 V M V D C

2.2. Mathematical Models

Figure 5a shows the generation of switching signals for the MMPC converter, where the triangular waveform, denoted as (Vtri), represents the carrier signal in pulse width modulation (PWM), while the control signal (Vc) represents the desired MVDC output voltage of the MMPC converter. Note that to ensure generic applicability, the signals are normalized. The time period of Vtri is denoted by Ts, which is further divided into turn ON (TON) and turn OFF (TOFF) times. TON is the time when Vc is greater than Vtri: during this interval, all the switches in leg 1, i.e., S1, S2, S3, and S4, are ON while leg two switches S5, S6, S7, and S8 are OFF. This period defined earlier is characterized as Mode I, wherein the inductor is fully charged as the source terminals are shorted via the inductor. Consequently, the duty cycle of switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 in this mode is represented by d1:
T S = T O N + T O F F
d 1 = T O N T S
Similarly, TOFF represents the duration when Vc is less than Vtri. Given the proposed MMPC topology, which features a middle point clamped configuration comprising two input capacitors C1 and C2, there exist three potential methods to utilize the TOFF: (i) utilizing exclusively the voltage across C1 to produce the output voltage VMVDC when switches S1, S2, and S7 turn ON, i.e., Mode II, with the corresponding duty cycle denoted as d2; (ii) employing both capacitor C1 and C2 voltages collectively to generate the output voltage VMVDC when switches S1, S2, S7, and S8 turn ON, i.e., Mode III, with the respective duty cycle denoted as d3; (iii) solely utilizing the voltage across C2 to produce the output voltage VMVDC, designated as Mode IV, with the corresponding duty cycle denoted as d4. Consequently, for each of the three distinct modes, TOFF is divided into three equal periods (TOFF/3) to facilitate the utilization of each mode. The duty cycles are expressed as
d 2 = d 3 = d 4 = T O F F / 3 T S
Using (8), (10) can be rewritten as
d 2 = d 3 = d 4 = ( T S T O N ) / 3 T S
d 2 = d 3 = d 4 = 1 d 1 3  
It is important to note that switch S2 is employed across all modes, signifying its continuous ON state, while switches S5 and S6 remain OFF throughout, ensuring a positive output voltage. Conversely, these switches can be engaged when a negative output voltage is needed. Furthermore, a single switch may be activated across multiple modes; thus, it is important to not confuse the duty cycle of each switch with the duty cycle of each mode, as they may or may not be the same.
Figure 5b illustrates the switching signal for switch S1, with its duty cycle represented as dS1. To compute dS1 in terms of duty cycle d1, which is defined for Mode I, the following is derived based on Figure 5b:
d S 1 = ( T S T O F F 3 ) T S = ( T S T S T O N 3 ) T S
Using (11) and (12), (13) becomes
d S 1 = 1 1 d 1 3 = 2 + d 1 3
The duty cycle of switches S3 and S4 denoted by dS3–S4 in Figure 5c is the same as duty cycle d1 computed in (9) since they exclusively turn ON during Mode I:
d 1 = T O N T S = d S 3 S 4
Figure 5d displays the switching signal of switch S7, which is the complement of the switching signal of switches S3 and S4. Consequently, the duty cycle of S7, denoted as dS7, will be the complement of dS3–S4 expressed as
d S 7 = 1 d 1
Figure 5e illustrates the switching signal of switch S8, with its duty cycle denoted as dS8 and described as
d S 8 = T O F F 3 + T O F F 3 T S = 2 × T O F F 3 × T S
d S 8 = 2 × ( T S T O N ) 3 × T S
Based on (11) and (12), (18) can be further simplified as
d S 8 = 2 × ( 1 d 1 ) 3
To establish the correlation between the input voltage Vrdc and output voltage VMVDC in terms of d1, Figure 5f,g are referenced. These figures, respectively, depict the inductor voltage and inductor currents in each operational mode. Referring to Figure 4a when switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 are ON, which is Mode I, the voltage across the inductor is equal to the MMPC converter input voltage, i.e., V L = V r d c , and the inductor current increases to a maximum I L ( m a x ) . However, in Mode II, switches S1, S2, and S7 are ON to discharge capacitor C1, leading to a decrease in the inductor current as it discharges into a load via Db and Cb, as illustrated in Figure 5g. The corresponding inductor voltage is depicted in Figure 6f.
Similarly, in Mode III, switches S1, S2, S7, and S8 are ON, causing both capacitors C1 and C2 to discharge, gradually charging the inductor with a slight slope, as shown in Figure 5g. The corresponding voltage is illustrated in Figure 6f. Likewise, in Mode IV, switches S2, S7, and S8 are ON to discharge capacitor C2, leading to a decrease in the inductor current as it discharges into a load via Db and Cb, reaching its minimum value I L ( m i n ) , as depicted in Figure 5g, and the respective inductor voltage is shown in Figure 6f.
Considering TS as the switching period and d1, d2, d3, and d4 as the duty cycles in Mode I, Mode II, Mode III, and Mode IV, respectively, the current across the inductor in each mode can be calculated from Equations (2), (4), (6), and (7). For Mode I, the inductor current d i L ( O F F ) 1 from (2) is
d i L ( O N ) 1 = d 1 T S L V r d c
For Mode II, the inductor current d i L ( O F F ) 2 from (4) is
d i L ( O F F ) 2 = V r d c 2 V M V D C × d 2 T s L
For Mode III, the inductor current d i L ( O F F ) 3 from (6) is
i L ( O F F ) 3 = V r d c V M V D C × d 3 T s L
For Mode III, the inductor current d i L ( O F F ) 4 from (7) is
d i L ( O F F ) 4 = V r d c 2 V M V D C × d 4 T s L
Using the inherent property of an inductor, which resists changes in the current passing through it, the change in current flow through the inductor before and after turning ON of the switches should be the same, as expressed by
d i L ( O N ) = d i L ( O F F ) 1 + d i L ( O F F ) 2 + d i L ( O F F ) 3 ,
By substituting all changes in currents in each mode into (24), given d2 = d3 = d4 = (1 − d1)/3, and subsequently simplifying, the following equation results:
V M V D C V r d c = 3 × d 1 1 d 1
Therefore, (25) provides the duty cycle equation necessary for computing the output voltage of the proposed converter. When V r d c = V M V D C , then (25) becomes
3 × d 1 1 d 1 = 1
d 1 = 0.25
Thus, the proposed converter will function as a boost converter for d 1 > 0.25 and as a buck converter for d 1 < 0.25 . To compute the minimum inductance required for continuous conduction mode (CCM) operation, assuming a resistive load R, one can equate the ideal DC-DC converter input power Pin to the output power Pout, expressed as
P i n = P o u t
V r d c I L = V M V D C × I M V D C
I L I M V D C = V M V D C V r d c
where I L is the inductor current, the same as input current, and I M V D C is the output current. Substituting (25) into (28) results in
I L I M V D C = V M V D C V r d c = 3 × d 1 1 d 1
Substituting I M V D C = V M V D C R into (29) results in
I L = V M V D C × I M V D C V r d c = V M V D C × V M V D C V r d c × R
Substituting V M V D C from (25) into (30) gives
I L = V M V D C 2 V r d c × R = 3 × d 1 1 d 1 × V r d c 2 × 1 V r d c R
I L = 3 d 1 1 d 1 2 × V r d c R
To compute minimum inductance L m i n for the converter to operate in CCM, it can be expressed as
I L Δ I L 2 = 0
Substituting Δ I L = d i L ( O N ) = d 1 T s L V r d c and I L from (32) into (33) gives
3 × d 1 1 d 1 2 × V r d c R d 1 T s 2 × L V r d c = 0
L m i n = R × T s × ( 1 d 1 ) 2 18 × d 1
L m i n = R ( 1 d 1 ) 2 18 × d 1 × f s

3. Simulation Studies

To validate the functionality of the proposed MMPC DC-DC boost converter and assess its efficiency, a simulation platform is developed using Matlab R2022a Simulink, replicating the wind turbine generation system depicted in Figure 2. The simulation spanned 10 s with a sampling frequency of 1 kHz, and the results are analyzed based on the simulation results presented in Figure 6. Table 4 provides all the components and respective characteristics of the proposed MMPC DC-DC converter developed for simulation.
The variability (6.5 kV to 18.5 kV) of rectified input voltage to the proposed MMPC DC-DC converter is presented in Table 4 with the respective simulation times, which in turn shows the variable output voltage of the passive rectifier connected to HG based on cut-in and cut-out wind velocities of 4 m/s and 25 m/s, respectively. This variability is based on wind speed characteristics vs. turbine power for the Siemens SWT-3.6-107 turbine, as detailed in [56], where the MPPT power is tracked from cut-in speed of 3–4 m/s to around 15 m/s. From wind velocity of 15 m/s to cut-out wind velocity of 25 m/s, the turbine speed is controlled to maintain a fixed output power of 3.6 MW. The detailed mathematical relationship between wind velocity v, turbine power Pt, and rectified voltage Vrdc is presented by the authors of [51]. The turbine power is related to turbine power coefficient Cp and Cp itself is a function of two parameters: blade pitch angle β and blade tip speed ratio λ. The respective relationships between Pt, Cp, β , and λ are given below as
λ = u v = R ω v
where u is the tangential velocity of the blade tip and R is the rotor radius.
C p λ , β = c 1 c 2 c 3 β c 4 β x c 5 e c 6 + c 7 λ
For further details, a look at [48] provides exact values of Cp parameters.
The turbine power and wind velocity relationship is mathematically given as
P t = 0                                                                                                                                                         v   v c u t i n 1 2 ρ π R 5 ω 3 C p λ , β                                                             v c u t i n v v r a t e d   P n o m i n a l                                                                                                     v r a t e d v v c u t o u t 0                                                                                                                                                 v v c u t o u t
To reflect the same variability, three distinct scenarios are considered during simulation: (i) a rectified input voltage Vrdc of 18.5 kV during periods 0–2 s and 8–10 s, corresponding to the cut-out wind velocity of 25 m/s; (ii) a Vrdc of 12.5 kV during periods 2–4 s and 6–8 s, representing a wind velocity of 15 m/s where constant power output from the HG begins; and (iii) a Vrdc of 6.5 kV during period 4–6 s, reflecting a cut-in wind velocity of 4 m/s. In the proposed system shown in Figure 2, the MVDC bus voltage is maintained at 37 kV, while the output from each rectifier varies between 6.5 kV and 18.5 kV. Consequently, the cascaded MMPC converter ensures a stable MVDC interconnection by regulating the output voltage to 37 kV across all input variabilities. The output MVDC current is expected to remain fixed around 97.3 A for the considered 3.6 MW nominally rated wind power system.
The proposed cascaded MMPC DC-DC converters are designed with two independent inputs as depicted in Figure 2, accommodating the output of the two-port hybrid generator. Each output from the HG is connected to an independent 9-phase rectifier, with each rectifier’s variable output Vrdc feeding into the two independent inputs of the cascaded MMPC converters for MVDC interconnection. The results of the implemented simulation model are illustrated in Figure 6, depicting the variable input voltage and corresponding duty cycle for each variability, along with the output from each MMPC module. These outputs from each module collectively contribute to the total VMVDC and IMVDC outputs. Figure 6b illustrates the variable rectified input Vrdc ranging from 6.5 kV to 18.5 kV across each MMPC module. Since the proposed MMPC topology employs a middle point clamped architecture, the voltage distribution across each input capacitor within a module is half of the rectified input voltage, i.e., Vrdc/2, as depicted in Figure 3. These input capacitors discharge based on the defined operational modes outlined in Figure 4. For the fixed VMVDC, the output from each module of the proposed cascaded MMPC converter must be 18.5 kV irrespective of the input variability to ensure a total output of 37 kV for stable MVDC collector grid connection. As the input voltage to the proposed MMPC converter is variable, the duty cycle d1, as per Equation (25), varies for each case to output the fixed VMVDC. Figure 6a zooms in on the d1 of 0.25, 0.33, and 0.48 for each case, respectively. During the duration of 0–2 s, with Vrdc at 18.5 kV, the d1 should be 0.25 to maintain a fixed VMVDC of 18.5 kV across each module. For the duration of 2–4 s, with Vrdc at 12.5 kV, the d1 should be 0.33 to maintain a fixed VMVDC of 18.5 kV across each module. Also, for the duration of 4–6 s, with Vrdc at 6.5 kV, the d1 should be 0.48 to maintain a fixed VMVDC of 18.5 kV across each module. Similarly, throughout the simulation duration of 6–10 s, the same variations in input Vrdc are repeated, leading to corresponding adjustments in d1. This adjustment of d1 is depicted in Figure 6a based on input Vrdc variability in Figure 6b. Consequently, Figure 6c,d show constant output voltages VM1 and VM2 of 18.5 kV from each module of the proposed MMPC DC-DC converter, summing up to a total output voltage VMVDC of 37 kV for stable MVDC collector grid connection. Hence, Figure 6e illustrates a fixed VMVDC of 37 kV, meeting the requirements of the considered wind power system with a rating of 3.6 MW. Finally, Figure 6f demonstrates a constant MVDC current IMVDC of approximately 97.3 A, aligning with the system’s specifications. The variability of Vrdc and the respective adjustment of d1 for each simulated case to output fixed VMVDC and fixed IMVDC are tabulated in Table 5.
Hence, results of Figure 6 show that the proposed converter addresses issues in the latest topology as depicted in Figure 1e. The identified issues associated with the topology in Figure 1e are outlined as follows: (i) The output voltage exhibits variability corresponding to wind velocity. (ii) At lower wind velocities, adjustment of the output voltage to its rated values necessitates increasing the wound field current, thereby augmenting the overall dimensions of the HG. (iii) For MVDC collection interconnection, a fixed MVDC voltage is recommended over variable MVDC voltage. Consequently, the proposed topology incorporates boosting capability and effectively mitigates the aforementioned issues by ensuring a consistent output voltage. One of its key advantages lies in its modular structure, facilitating scalability to accommodate higher-voltage applications in the future.

4. Conclusions

This paper is focused on an attempt to interconnect wind turbine generator variable output to an MVDC grid through a proposed wind turbine conversion system. Initially, the shortcomings and challenges of existing MVAC collector grid-based wind conversion systems are outlined, paving the way for discussions on transitioning to MVDC collector grid-based systems within the framework of an all-DC wind generation approach. The transition from an MVAC collector grid to MVDC collector grid and the respective wind turbine conversion systems are presented following the concept of an all-DC wind generation system. However, this transition increases the number of conversion stages in MVDC collector grid-based systems, which poses efficiency and switching rating limitations, necessitating the use of MMC modules. Therefore, this study explores high-voltage generator- and HG-based wind turbine conversion systems from the existing literature, where a single conversion stage suffices for connecting wind turbines to MVDC collector grids. Contrasting the simplicity and reliability of HG-based passive rectifiers’ conversion system with the complexity of a high-voltage generator-based multilevel converter conversion system, the passive rectifier-based conversion system using HG is more effective and practical. The HG-based conversion system gives variable output based on cut-in and cut-out speed; however, the voltage is fixed in modern MVDC collector grids. Moreover, in all-DC wind generation systems employing HG-based turbines, significant wound field current is required at low speeds, leading to bulkier turbines and voltage mismatch in parallel rectifiers in parallelly connected wind turbines. To address these challenges, this paper proposed a cascaded MMPC DC-DC converter that adapts variable voltage outputs from wind turbine rectifiers to the fixed-voltage MVDC collector grid. Unlike simple two-level DC-DC converters with limitations in ripple factors and voltage/current ratings, the proposed MMPC boost converter topology utilizes modular design and off-the-shelf semiconductors to achieve high-voltage, high-power conversion while minimizing waveform distortion and ripple effects. By enabling the direct connection of wind turbines to MVDC collector grids, the proposed boost converter streamlines the conversion process, thereby reducing the number of conversion stages and enhancing overall system efficiency and stability. The proposed MMPC DC-DC converter enables an all-DC wind generation system by eliminating the need for multiple conversion stages required to interface with a fixed-voltage MVDC bus. Further research is necessary to adapt the MMPC DC-DC converter for integration with a fixed-voltage HVDC bus to support HVDC transmission systems.

Author Contributions

Writing—original draft preparation, A.K.; writing—review and editing, A.K., O.B. and M.G.; conceptualization, A.K., M.G. and M.H.; methodology, A.K. and O.B.; simulation, A.K., M.H. and M.O.M.; formal analysis and investigation, A.K., O.B. and M.O.M.; resources, A.K., M.G., M.H. and M.O.M.; data curation, A.K.; supervision and project administration, O.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data used during the study is available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. A list of wind power conversion configurations to connect a wind turbine with an MVDC bus. (a) Existing wind turbine conversion systems connecting to an AC collector grid [13,14]; (b) converting existing wind turbines for connection to an MVDC collector grid by adding an AC-DC stage at the output of the turbine transformer [18,19]; (c) the series connection of wind turbines with a DC-DC converter for connecting to an MVDC collector gird [20,21,22,23]; (d) a wind turbine conversion system with a high-voltage PMSG, and a multilevel AC-DC converter connecting to an MVDC collector grid [24,25,26,27]; (e) a wind turbine conversion system with a multiphase high-voltage HG and a multiphase passive rectifier connecting to an MVDC collector grid [28,29].
Figure 1. A list of wind power conversion configurations to connect a wind turbine with an MVDC bus. (a) Existing wind turbine conversion systems connecting to an AC collector grid [13,14]; (b) converting existing wind turbines for connection to an MVDC collector grid by adding an AC-DC stage at the output of the turbine transformer [18,19]; (c) the series connection of wind turbines with a DC-DC converter for connecting to an MVDC collector gird [20,21,22,23]; (d) a wind turbine conversion system with a high-voltage PMSG, and a multilevel AC-DC converter connecting to an MVDC collector grid [24,25,26,27]; (e) a wind turbine conversion system with a multiphase high-voltage HG and a multiphase passive rectifier connecting to an MVDC collector grid [28,29].
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Figure 2. All-DC wind power system using proposed cascaded boost converter.
Figure 2. All-DC wind power system using proposed cascaded boost converter.
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Figure 3. Proposed MMPC converter topology.
Figure 3. Proposed MMPC converter topology.
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Figure 4. Operational modes of the proposed MMPC DC-DC boost converter.
Figure 4. Operational modes of the proposed MMPC DC-DC boost converter.
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Figure 5. MMPC converter waveforms. (a) PWM triangular and MVDC control signal; (b) duty cycle DS1 for switch S1 based on duty cycle D; (c) duty cycle D for principal switches S3 and S4; (d) complementary duty cycle D ¯ for switch S7; (e) duty cycle DS8 for switch S8 based on duty cycle D; (f) inductor voltage; (g) inductor current.
Figure 5. MMPC converter waveforms. (a) PWM triangular and MVDC control signal; (b) duty cycle DS1 for switch S1 based on duty cycle D; (c) duty cycle D for principal switches S3 and S4; (d) complementary duty cycle D ¯ for switch S7; (e) duty cycle DS8 for switch S8 based on duty cycle D; (f) inductor voltage; (g) inductor current.
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Figure 6. Simulation results of the proposed MMPC boost converter: (a) duty cycle D for each case, (b) variable rectified input voltage V r d c , (c) output voltage across module 1 V M 1 , (d) output voltage across module 2 V M 2 , (e) output voltage V M V D C , and (f) output current I M V D C .
Figure 6. Simulation results of the proposed MMPC boost converter: (a) duty cycle D for each case, (b) variable rectified input voltage V r d c , (c) output voltage across module 1 V M 1 , (d) output voltage across module 2 V M 2 , (e) output voltage V M V D C , and (f) output current I M V D C .
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Table 1. Rating of commercially easily available high-voltage switches.
Table 1. Rating of commercially easily available high-voltage switches.
Company NameModuleVoltage (kV)Current (A)Package
POWEREXQID65080016.585Half-Bridge IGBT
POWEREXCM600HA-28H1.4600Single IGBT
WOLFSPEEDCAB500M17HM31.7500Half-Bridge SiC
Table 2. Specifications of HG.
Table 2. Specifications of HG.
Nominal power3.6 MW
Rated speed600 RPM
Phase RMS voltage10.45 kV
Number of phases9-phase
Number of poles10
Efficiency 95%
Per-phase resistance 0.306 Ω
Per-phase inductance75 mH
Table 3. Inductor voltage, duty cycle, and switching strategy for each operational mode.
Table 3. Inductor voltage, duty cycle, and switching strategy for each operational mode.
Inductor Voltage StatesS1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8Duty Cycle
V L = V r d c 11110000 d 1
V L = V r d c 2 V M V D C 11000110 d 2 = 1 d 1 3
V L = V r d c V M V D C 11000011 d 3 = 1 d 1 3
V L = V r d c 2 V M V D C 01000011 d 4 = 1 d 1 3
Switching Strategy
Duty CycleSwitching GroupComplementaryMode
d 1 S1, S2, S3, S4S5, S6, S7, S8I
d 2 S1, S2, S6, S7S3, S4, S5, S8II
d 3 S1, S2, S7, S8S3, S4, S5, S6III
d 4 S2, S7, S8S1, S3, S4, S5, S6IV
Table 4. Specifications of Proposed MMPC DC-DC Converter.
Table 4. Specifications of Proposed MMPC DC-DC Converter.
Nominal Power 3.6 MW
Rectified Input VoltageVrdcCasesVoltageSimulation Time (s)
118.5 kV0–2, 8–10
212.5 kV2–4, 6–8
36.5 kV4–6
Output MVDC Voltage VMVDC37 kV
Output MVDC CurrentIMVDC97.3 A
Input CapacitorsC1, C210 μF, 10 μF
InductorLb3.3 mH
Output CapacitorCb2200 μF
Table 5. Variable Input voltage and the respective duty cycles for fixed VMVDC and IMVDC.
Table 5. Variable Input voltage and the respective duty cycles for fixed VMVDC and IMVDC.
Input Voltage Vrdc
Duty Cycle d1Output Voltage VMVDC
Output Current IMVDC
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MDPI and ACS Style

Karni, A.; Beik, O.; Gholamian, M.; Homaeinezhad, M.; Manzoor, M.O. Multilevel Middle Point Clamped (MMPC) Converter for DC Wind Power Applications. Sustainability 2024, 16, 7563.

AMA Style

Karni A, Beik O, Gholamian M, Homaeinezhad M, Manzoor MO. Multilevel Middle Point Clamped (MMPC) Converter for DC Wind Power Applications. Sustainability. 2024; 16(17):7563.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Karni, Awais, Omid Beik, Mahzad Gholamian, Mahdi Homaeinezhad, and Muhammad Owais Manzoor. 2024. "Multilevel Middle Point Clamped (MMPC) Converter for DC Wind Power Applications" Sustainability 16, no. 17: 7563.

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