Distributed Real-Time Feedback Optimization for Renewable Energy Sources and Vehicle-to-Grid Power Compensation of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Distribution Systems
:1. Introduction
- It unleashes the real-time grid support capability of EV chargers. The current literature usually optimizes the charging schedule of EV charges over a long time window. The flexibility in battery charging to offer real-time bus voltage magnitude regulation service is neglected. On the other hand, the proposed controller optimizes the control signals to EV chargers in real time to regulate the CB voltage magnitudes, which are vulnerable to time-varying fluctuating power outputs from RESs.
- It avoids the potential control conflicts between RESs and other controllable devices by formulating their control targets in a single optimization problem. RESs are generally controlled as grid-following inverters to follow their power injection setpoints with cascaded PI controllers. This control strategy does not consider other control targets in the distribution system and lacks coordination with other controllable devices. On the other hand, in the proposed optimization-based controller, their power setpoint tracking requirements are formulated alongside other control targets, i.e., CB voltage magnitude regulation, in a single optimization problem. EV chargers and RESs are controlled synergistically to achieve their control targets.
2. Literature Review
3. Model Description
3.1. Electric Vehicle Charger Model
3.2. Renewable Energy Source Model
3.3. Distribution Line Model
3.4. Load Model
3.5. Bus Model
3.6. Interconnected System Model
4. Optimization Problem Formulation
- Interface with Preset Optimal EV Active Power Charging Schedule: The proposed controller can interface with the preset EV active power consumption schedules by setting the and in (13) to the scheduled active power consumption, i.e., driving the active power consumption of the EVs to follow the preset active charging profiles computed by other optimization algorithms. In this case, the proposed controller still optimizes the EV chargers’ reactive power consumption to offer real-time grid ancillary service to the distribution systems.
- Battery Degradation Consideration: V2G technology inevitably accelerates the degradation of EV batteries. Their charging and discharging rates need to be carefully controlled to relieve their aging problem. The proposed controller can slow down the aging problem by setting the and as functions of their state of charge. For example, when the state of charge of EV i is low, then can be set to zero, i.e., it stops drawing energy from them to avoid damaging the battery.
5. Proposed Feedback Optimization-Based Controller
6. Case Studies
- The proposed controller was applied to the dynamic system model in Section 3. The communication time interval between each device was set to 0.1 s, i.e., the control input to EVs and RESs were updated every 0.1 s. The RLC dynamics of the distribution system were simulated.
- Optimization problem (13) was solved every second, with in (13d) being set to the corresponding MPPT profiles. This case study is a benchmark to test whether the proposed controller can drive the distribution system to the optimal steady state condition defined in (13) at each second. Note that this case study does not consider the dynamics of the system. The results are the steady state optimal condition of the distribution system with the corresponding RESs’ power injection setpoints in each second.
- Algebraic Equations (13b) to (13e) were solved every second, with in (13d) being set to the corresponding MPPT profiles and the active and reactive power injections of the EVs being set to their average values in case study 2. This case study demonstrates the existing approach in optimizing the EV charging schedule, i.e., the power injection commands to the EV chargers are fixed within each time window, which was assumed to be 1 h in this case study. Note that this case study does not consider the dynamics of the system. The results are the steady state condition of the distribution system with the corresponding EV chargers’ power injections and the RESs’ power injection setpoints in each second.
- Algebraic Equations (13b) to (13e) were solved every second, with in (13d) being set to the corresponding MPPT profiles and the active and reactive power injections of the EV chargers being set to 20,000 W and 0 Var, respectively. In this case study, the EV chargers were charged at the full rate of 20,000 W. This case study demonstrates the scenario where the charging process of EVs is uncoordinated. Again, this case study does not consider the dynamics of the system. The results are the steady state condition of the distribution system with the corresponding EV chargers’ power injections and the RESs’ power injection setpoints in each second.
6.1. Simulation Results
6.1.1. Renewable Energy Sources
6.1.2. Electric Vehicle Chargers
6.1.3. Bus Voltage Magnitudes
6.2. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Correction Statement
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Cheng, Y.; Ching, T.W. Distributed Real-Time Feedback Optimization for Renewable Energy Sources and Vehicle-to-Grid Power Compensation of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Distribution Systems. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2432. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16062432
Cheng Y, Ching TW. Distributed Real-Time Feedback Optimization for Renewable Energy Sources and Vehicle-to-Grid Power Compensation of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Distribution Systems. Sustainability. 2024; 16(6):2432. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16062432
Chicago/Turabian StyleCheng, Y., and T. W. Ching. 2024. "Distributed Real-Time Feedback Optimization for Renewable Energy Sources and Vehicle-to-Grid Power Compensation of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Distribution Systems" Sustainability 16, no. 6: 2432. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16062432
APA StyleCheng, Y., & Ching, T. W. (2024). Distributed Real-Time Feedback Optimization for Renewable Energy Sources and Vehicle-to-Grid Power Compensation of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Distribution Systems. Sustainability, 16(6), 2432. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16062432