The Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methods
- 1.
- Evaluation of the excess phase model. Our model employs MSISE-90 (Mass-Spectrometer-Incoherent-Scatter Model Extended) [37], which describes the dry atmosphere. We complement MSISE-90 refractivity profiles with a constant relative humidity of 90% below 15 km. This model has been used for a long period of time, and it is proven to predict the Doppler frequency within 25 Hz [38]. From the model refractivity profile, we evaluate the bending angle profile , where is the bending angle and is the ray impact parameter. This profile is exponentially extrapolated below the Earth’s surface. Given orbit data, this profile can be transformed into the parametric form using geometric–optical equations [6]. Because the model refractivity profile is a smooth function, this guarantees that both functions of time are single-valued. The extrapolation is used in order to cover the whole occultation including the shadow zone. From the extended bending angle profile, we evaluate the model excess phase by inverting the standard geometric optical (GO) procedure of the evaluation of the bending angle from the excess phase [39]. The resulting excess phase model satisfies the requirements formulated by Sokolovskiy [38]: it is capable of describing the Doppler frequency with the accuracy of 10–15 Hz, which falls within the −25–25 Hz range corresponding to a 50 Hz sampling rate.
- 2.
- Based on the above model of the signal, we evaluate two characteristics of the amplitude record: the mean SNR in the 60–80 km height range, and the Noise Floor (NF). The NF is evaluated by averaging the SNR for the samples with a model impact parameter below km. The 60–80 km height range encompasses the ionospheric D-layer and is optimal to estimate the signal strength that would be observed in the absence of an atmosphere. It is high enough for the attenuation due to the regular atmospheric refraction to be negligible. On the other hand, the influence of the ionosphere at these heights manifests itself in small-scale fluctuations that do not influence the average value. This height range does not reach the E-layer, where the amplitude perturbation can be stronger [40,41]. The average SNR in this height range as a measure of the signal strength was introduced in [31].
- 3.
- The removal of navigation bits (demodulation) [30]. This step is necessary for COSMIC and Spire data. Navigation bits are supplied by CDAAC in the gpsBit data product. COSMIC-2 data are supplied in conPhs format, which contains the demodulated excess phase. METOP data, although provided in atmPhs format, are also already demodulated.
- 4.
- The evaluation of the Badness Score (BS) [36] employs the radio holographic analysis of the complex wave field , where is the wavenumber, are the channel frequencies, c is the light speed in a vacuum, and is the satellite-to-satellite distance. The model excess phase is used to down-convert the frequency. The BS is estimated from the spectral width of the signal, and it provides the basis for the Quality Control (QC). We specify a fixed BS threshold, which is found empirically and equals 35. The events with a BS below the threshold pass our QC.
- 5.
- The evaluation of the GO bending angle (BA) profile [39]. This procedure is based on the assumption of single-ray propagation. Both the bending angle and impact parameter p are evaluated from the derivative of the excess phase.
- 6.
- The evaluation of the wave optical (WO) BA profile [34]. We apply the Canonical Transform of Type 2 (CT2) in order to evaluate the tropospheric part of the BA profile below 20 km. The lower point of the BA profile, or the shadow border, is determined from the amplitude of the wave field transformed to the representation of the impact parameter, referred to as the CT amplitude. Because in this representation, the multipath effects are mostly eliminated and the variations of amplitude are only caused by the horizontal gradients, we evaluate the cutoff height of the BA profile from the maximum of the correlation of the CT amplitude with the Heaviside step function [36,42].
- 7.
- GO and WO BA profiles are combined and undergo the ionospheric correction combined with the statistical optimization [8]. The resulting neutral atmospheric BA profile , where p is the impact parameter, is inverted to produce the refractivity profile , where z is the altitude above the geoid. The retrieved refractivities are used to evaluate the penetration.
3. Results
3.1. The Statistical Ensemble
3.3. COSMIC-2
3.4. Spire
3.5. METOP-B
3.6. All the Missions, SNR = 70
3.7. All the Missions, Median SNR
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BA | Bending Angle |
BS | Badness Score |
CDAAC | COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center |
COSMIC | Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate |
CT2 | Canonical Transform |
GFS | Global Forecast System |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite Signal System |
GO | Geometric Optics |
LEO | Low Earth Orbiter |
MSISE | Mass-Spectrometer-Incoherent-Scatter model Extended |
MSL | Mean Sea Level |
NCEP | of National Centers for Environmental Prediction |
NF | Noise Floor |
NWP | Numerical Weather Prediction |
PBL | Planetary Boundary Layer |
QC | Quality Control |
RO | Radio Occultation |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
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Median Dynamic SNR | |
COSMIC | 55 |
COSMIC-2 | 66 |
METOP-B | 41 |
Spire | 26 |
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Gorbunov, M.; Irisov, V.; Rocken, C. The Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2742.
Gorbunov M, Irisov V, Rocken C. The Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(12):2742.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGorbunov, Michael, Vladimir Irisov, and Christian Rocken. 2022. "The Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals" Remote Sensing 14, no. 12: 2742.
APA StyleGorbunov, M., Irisov, V., & Rocken, C. (2022). The Influence of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio upon Radio Occultation Retrievals. Remote Sensing, 14(12), 2742.