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Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations

Christian Lanconelli
Fabrizio Cappucci
Jennifer Susan Adams
3 and
Nadine Gobron
UniSystems, 20145 Milan, Italy
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), 21027 Ispra, Italy
Remote Sensing Laboratories, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Remote Sens. 2024, 16(23), 4552;
Submission received: 16 October 2024 / Revised: 22 November 2024 / Accepted: 25 November 2024 / Published: 4 December 2024


The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) is one of the bio-geophysical Essential Climate Variables assessed through remote sensing observations and distributed globally by space and environmental agencies. Any reliable remote sensing product should be benchmarked against a reference, which is normally determined by means of ground-based measurements. They should generally be aggregated spatially to be compared with remote sensing products at different resolutions. In this work, the effectiveness of various in situ sampling methods proposed to assess FAPAR from flux measurements was evaluated using a three-dimensional radiative transfer framework over eight virtual vegetated landscapes, including dense forests (leaf-on and leaf-off models), open canopies, sparse vegetation, and agricultural fields with a nominal extension of 1 hectare. The reference FAPAR value was determined by summing the absorbed PAR-equivalent photons by either all canopy components, both branches and leaves, or by only the leaves. The incoming and upwelling PAR fluxes were simulated in different illumination conditions and at a high spatial resolution (50 cm). They served to replicate in situ virtual FAPAR measurements, which were carried out using either stationary sensor networks or transects. The focus was on examining the inherent advantages and drawbacks of in situ measurement protocols against GCOS requirements. Consequently, the proficiency of each sampling technique in reflecting the distribution of incident and reflected PAR fluxes—essential for calculating FAPAR—was assessed. This study aims to support activities related to the validation of remote sensing FAPAR products by assessing the potential uncertainty associated with in situ determination of the reference values. Among the sampling schemes considered in our work, the cross shaped sampling schemes showed a particular efficiency in properly representing the pixel scale FAPAR over most of the scenario considered.

1. Introduction

The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) is a crucial biophysical parameter in ecological, environmental, and climate studies, playing a central role in the energy and carbon exchanges between biosphere and atmosphere. It expresses the capacity of a canopy to absorb energy and is one of the few variables that can link canopy functioning processes such as photosynthesis, gas exchange, and evapotranspiration rates with canopy structure [1]. As such, it was listed among the Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) [2]. Earth Observation (EO) is the only means to provide global observations of FAPAR at the spatial and temporal scales required for ingestion into bio-geochemical process models that determine carbon fluxes and exchange [3], as well as for climate risk analyses, crop yield forecasting or carbon storage assessment, among other applications.
The fitness for purpose of EO FAPAR products for the aforementioned applications, as well as for decision making purposes, is inextricably linked to the product’s quality [4,5,6]. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Land Product Validation (LPV) subgroup proposed protocols for Leaf Area Index [7], but no protocol has been defined yet for FAPAR [8,9].
The primary goal of effective sampling is to estimate FAPAR with high accuracy—meaning the estimated value should be as close as possible to the true absorption—and with high precision, indicated by a low scatter in the sample value distribution, all from a limited number of measurements.
A limited set of measurements distributed across the validation plot defines either a transect-based or a grid-based sampling, distinguished by (1) the number of samples, and (2) the dynamics and limits in time against a static, but continuous, acquisition approach. Some of them are commonly adopted in real field validation campaigns [10,11]. For example, Putzenlechner et al. [12] choose a hexagonal static sampling scheme, arranged to maximize the sensing area covered by predefined number of nodes, to ensure signal quality and connectivity [13], and to limit the effects of the direction of the direct light source (solar azimuth angle) when compared to transect sampling approaches [14,15]. Gielen et al. [16] defined the strategy implemented in the frame of the Integrated Carbon Observing System (ICOS) consisting of a grid of five by five points equally distanced by 6 m and arranged in a square grid with 30 m boundaries. Similarly, the NEON sampling strategy consists of five points arranged to form a plus shaped array, with a distance between the points of 30 / 2 m. Occasionally, four additional points could be added to the structure with a halved distance between individual points.
Ground-based measurements are still sparse, often based on single-point measurements taken from towers [17], lacking the recommended full-uncertainty traceability as recently established by the Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) concept [6,18,19]. For instance, the DIRECT 2.0 database described in Garrigues et al. [20], contains daily ground-based values, which do not represent the seasonality of EO pixel resolution and include different measurements techniques based on digital hemispherical photography (DHP) or flux measurements. The Copernicus Global Land Service Ground-based Validation (GBOV) component provides more data that encompass seasonal variations ( (accessed on 24 November 2024), [21]). The raw data products here are mainly based on DHP collected by NEON [22,23] and up-scaled to hecto-metric pixel dimensions using decametric satellite data from Sentinel-2 and/or Landsat-8 platforms [21]. In these studies, FAPAR measurements were approximated by using the Fraction of Intercepted PAR (FIPAR). Other studies showed that the number and quality of radiometers, as well as their position in the field, influence the representativeness of the measurement, especially in highly heterogeneous canopies [8,9,21]. While such recent approaches highlight the efforts spent by the committee to produce reliable data, additional work is needed to meet FRM requirements [18,19]. In particular, associating traceable uncertainty estimates based on metrological principles should be reinforced to guarantee the robustness and fitness for purposes of the in situ and remote sensing environmental products, for better support of climate research, society applications and policy decisions [24].
The seventh framework programmes’ European project—Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables (QA4ECV) (Grant number 607405)—aimed to assess the uncertainties and fitness for the purpose of in situ as well as remote sensing retrieval protocols for selected atmospheric and land ECVs. A radiative transfer modelling approach was implemented by adopting a set of virtual canopy scenarios, with well-known reference benchmark values for surface albedo (α), FAPAR, and Leaf Area Index (LAI). While the LAI was intrinsically defined by the sum of the leaf area instantiated in the virtual scene, α and FAPAR were calculated using Raytran, a 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer reference model [25,26]. The approach followed for the albedo, described in Adams et al. [27], consisted of the calculation of the ratio between the upwelling (Fλ ↑) and downwelling (Fλ ↓) spectral fluxes at the full scene scale and Top of the Canopy (ToC) in different illumination conditions, mimicking the black-sky albedo at various sun zenith angles (θS), and the white-sky albedo under diffuse illumination. Spectral flux measurements at a local scale, i.e., across a 10 × 10 cm squared area distributed over the canopy in a grid, and from different heights above the canopy, were used to simulate the real measurements. Adams et al. [28] discussed the positive effect on the albedo assessment produced by increasing the installation height and the number of measurements points. It was demonstrated that the Global Climate Observing System GCOS uncertainty target requirement of 3% could be met over all scenarios from a minimum normalized height of two (with the normalization based on the height of canopy). A general rule of thumb was to increase the height over very inhomogeneous areas. The study demonstrated that the overall uncertainty can be reduced by using two albedometers rather than of a single instrument.
Brown et al. [21], Putzenlechner et al. [29], and Gobron et al. [30] used 3D-RT modelling to assess uncertainties in the retrieval algorithm of EOS/MODIS and Sentinel-3 OLCI land products, respectively. In these studies, the influence of the sampling schemes of choice were not investigated as they either adopted a single sampling scheme combined with an upscaling procedure based on high resolution remote sensing imagery or evaluated the FAPAR from full scene flux simulations cancelling the problem related to sampling.
This work aims to contribute to the assessment of the FAPAR in situ uncertainty related to the sampling schemes over various types of synthetic scenarios, with a nominal one-hectare extension. Different schemes of sampling were considered, being either high spatial frequency (~50 cm) transect measurements or distributed grid of sensors measurements. We aimed to characterize the sampling performance per se, without considering any upscaling step, which would rely on third party remote sensing data and upscaling procedures based on transfer functions, which contribute with additional terms to the total FAPAR uncertainty budget.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Three-DimensionalRTM Uncertainty Assessment Framework

The 3D radiative transfer modelling (3D RTM) approach [9,14,26], consisted of the following steps: (1) the definition of different virtual canopies with well-defined structural and optical characteristics, some of which were adopted from the Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison exercise [8], (2) the calculation of the absorbed photons by either the branches and foliage elements to define a benchmark for the “true FAPAR”, (3) the simulation of upwelling and downwelling PAR fluxes at top-of-canopy (ToC) and the bottom-of-canopy (BoC) at high spatial resolution (50 cm), (4) the aggregation of these measurements into a derived product considered representative of the average properties of the canopy (sampling strategy, or plan), and finally, (5) the assessment of the ground-based products with respect to the benchmarks defined in step (2) above.

2.2. FAPAR from Flux Measurements

Strictly applying the radiative energy balance on a canopy sector delimited by a bounding-box as shown in Figure 1, the absorbed photons (i.e., the FAPAR) can be defined as the difference between photons entering and exiting the bounding-box from any of its facets. It is common, in radiative transfer modelling and EO, to distinguish between ToC and BoC net fluxes, and the lateral net flux, which can be combined as follows, to formalize the energy balance equation:
F = 1 R T o C T ρ s T B o C + H .
In Equation (1), all terms are normalized to the incoming ToC photons indicated by term 1; R is the reflected radiation at ToC, T the transmission at BoC, ρ s T the reflected component at BoC, and H represents the lateral net flux, which is generally not collected in field campaigns. Widlowski et al. [31] showed that the relative contribution of the term H increases with increasing vertical-to-horizontal proportions of the scene under investigation, and with decreasing canopy density (as the mean free path increases with decreasing interceptions).
Depending on the number of fluxes measured in field activities, a variety of different approaches can be adopted to assess F [12,14]. The 4-flux approach [32] neglects the net horizontal (e.g., lateral) flux term H , and can be expressed as
F 4 = 1 R T o C T ρ s T B o C .
Excluding the formulation that includes lateral boundary losses, Equation (2) should be considered as the most complete scheme to measure the FAPAR. It only neglects the contribution of fluxes across the lateral faces of the canopy bounding box. However, we can easily argue that this contribution is minor to the total budget, especially when the lateral surface is considerably smaller than the horizontal surface. Additionally, these fluxes are expected to produce a null budget, particularly over homogeneous canopies. [14]. On the full scene scale, the modelling approach overcomes energy leaks because any photons exiting a lateral boundary are artificially reissued on the opposite bounding-box side.
A few simplifications of the 4-flux measurement approach were documented in the literature as follows: a 3-fluxes-based simplification of Equation (2) assumes a ground reflectance equal to the ToC reflectance (ρS = R), which allows us to neglect upwelling flux measurements at the ground level [32,33]:
F 3 a = ( 1 R ) ( T R T )  
or, eventually, by setting the term RT = 0 at the surface for dense canopies, when T << 1 [34,35,36]:
F 3 b = 1 R T .
Since, over dense canopies, the term T of Equation (2) is low, it attenuates any error made on the evaluation of the ground reflectance. This assumption can, of course, be incorrect for sparse vegetation, and potentially affected by appreciable errors, and should be avoided in such cases.
Furthermore, for its ease of implementation, a 2-fluxes-based approach consisting of the measurement of ToC (1) and transmitted flux (T) only, is one of the most adopted implementations in field operations [37,38]:
F 2 = 1 T .
In the context of modelling simulations, the incoming radiation at the ToC is indicated by the term 1, appearing in all the formulations given in Equations (1)–(5) above. This normalization factor is determined by the model operator and is normally large enough to obtain converging and stable output results for the computed transmission and reflectance terms.
It should be stated that all the terms appearing in Equations (1)–(5) refer to their average value over the entire virtual scene. They are relatively easy to compute in a modelling approach; however, in reality, they can only be estimated from a subset of values originating from a sampling plan. In this work we indicated, with capital letters, the average values at the full scene scale (F, T, RS, R), with the corresponding indexed letters (Fi, Ti, RSi, Ri) the samples at high-resolution, and with F , ¯ T ¯ , R ¯ , their averages over the sample elements.

2.3. Definition of the FAPAR Benchmarks, Full Scene Absorption and 4-Flux Methodology

In situ FAPAR estimations are performed using different combinations of PAR flux-meters as shown in the previous section [38]. We simulated flux measurements in the PAR range (i.e., 0.4–0.7 µm) using the Raytran 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer model [25]. Raytran operates monochromatically, and the reflectance, absorption and transmittance of all geometric primitives were defined by means of the convolution of the extra-terrestrial solar spectrum E0(λ), with the spectral reflectance (transmittance) rλ (tλ) of the canopy elements (stored at 5 nm resolution), and with an ideal sensor response S over the 0.4–0.7 µm range equal to 1. It can be represented mathematically as:
ρ ¯ = 0.4 0.7 S λ E 0 λ ρ λ d λ 0.4 0.7 S λ E 0 λ d λ .
Internal tests, performed to verify the difference between this approach and the line-by-line calculation confirmed that errors deriving from this assumption lay below 1% [27].

2.3.1. Full Scene Absorption Measurements

To assess the uncertainties of in situ sampling strategies, the reference benchmark values F B   were defined for each virtual scene. As 3D ray tracing models allow us to record photon history, the definition of the exact reference values relies on the counting of photons which, by transfer their energy to a canopy element, are considered as absorbed. The model used in this study can distinguish the photons absorbed by leaves, which provide the reference value for the foliage FAPAR ( F B F ), from the ones absorbed by the remaining canopy components, including branches and trunks. The number of photons absorbed by both foliage and branches, but excluding the ground surface, defined, here, the reference value for total FAPAR ( F B T ). The computation of the total absorption, foliage absorption, and of the flux were performed for isotropic diffuse illumination and for direct illumination over the whole solar zenith angles’ range in steps of 1° (0° ≤ θS ≤ 89°) at full scene spatial resolution. For instance, the simulations of total absorption, presented in Section 3.1 were used to define the reference values FBT both for black-sky (purely direct illumination) and white-sky (purely diffuse) conditions. Corresponding values were defined also for the foliage absorption FBF. They are defined as the ratio of the number of photons, over the normalization term, that terminate their life cycle on a canopy element (excluding surface), or on foliage only, respectively.

2.3.2. Full Scene Vertical Fluxes

The upwelling and downwelling fluxes were computed at full scale resolution with a vertical resolution of 50 cm from the ground to the top of the canopy. In Raytran, for full scene scale simulations, the horizontal term in Equation (1) converges to zero ( H     0 ) , because any photon exiting from a lateral boundary is re-emitted on the opposite side of the scene with the same propagation properties. This approach is equivalent to considering scene replications on the horizontal dimension. The FAPAR was calculated using Equation (2), assuming the lower layer (BoC) at a height of 50 cm, representative of the level of measurement instruments in realistic operational conditions. We quantified the differences in FAPAR, as obtained with the 4-flux method, with the total absorption calculations, to determine the absorptions of the lower layer of the canopy (namely the Understory in Figure 1). This depends on the scene and is an indication of the bias of the 4-flux methodology related to neglecting the understory absorption. It is dependent on the illumination angle and expressed by the equation:
u U θ s = F 4 F B T .
The results are presented in Section 3.1.

2.4. Assessment of the Sampling Methods with High Spatial Resolution Fluxes

The upwelling and downwelling PAR-equivalent flux measurements were simulated over an array of cubes (voxels) at 50 cm resolution within the canopy, over a subset bounding-box of a horizontal subset of 100 × 100 × H m3 represented in Figure 1 by the red rectangle, for a total of 40,000 (200 × 200) horizontal voxels per layer. For each facet of the cubes, the entering and exiting number of photons were recorded and used to obtain FAPAR estimators by combining the flux values corresponding to a set of specific sampling strategies (or plans), defined analytically in Table 1 and, graphically, in Figure 2. These high-resolution simulations were performed over a subset of 14 solar zenith angles θ s between 5° and 85° under direct illumination. Their aim was to mimic TRAC/ceptometer measurements which are typically taken under direct illumination, in contrast with digital hemispherical measurements that should be preferably collected under homogeneous diffuse light conditions (overcast sky) to facilitate image analysis. Some representations of the high-resolution flux are given in Section 3.2. Section 3.3 describes the results obtained for the FAPAR at high resolution obtained by combining the high-resolution fluxes, by means of the Equations listed in Table 2. Typically, the ToC measurements are performed from one tower (rarely more) by a single instrument. Hence, for every sampling strategy, we considered, in this study, the average value of the reflected radiation R ¯ , with an uncertainty equal to the population’s standard deviation ( σ R ). In other words, we did not consider here modern techniques such as those based on the involvement of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), which have the capability of sampling the ToC-exiting flux, but only the point estimation made from a tower. For the time being, this is by far the most adopted operational approach from bio-geophysical operational networks such as ICOS or Fluxnet [16,39].
The best estimation of the BoC downwelling and upwelling fluxes, T and ρ s T , were calculated as the average of the sample elements determined by a specific strategy. Each sample was extracted 50 times with different starting points over the 200 × 200 voxel array, and the average values were compared with the full population estimators to obtain the uncertainty associated with the sampling approach, for each of the flux combinations defined in Equations (11a)–(11d) listed in Table 2. The standard deviations associated with the population average T ¯ and R ¯ S characterize the flux variability and are indicated with as σ T and σ R S , respectively.

2.4.1. Uncertainty Due to Horizontal Losses

In Raytran simulations, the scene is artificially replicated to an extension guaranteeing a null lateral net radiation and ensuring radiant energy conservation. The extension of the scenes considered in this study was slightly higher than 1 ha (up to +10%), so that some horizontal energy transfer towards/from the thin lateral edges surrounding the 100 × 100 m (200 × 200 voxels) bounding-box likely broke the conservation of energy expressed by Equation (1). From there, a certain bias of the FAPAR calculated by averaging the 40,000 cells and the full scene values described in Section 2.3.2 was expected, as the horizontal fluxes were not considered by Equation (2), as they are not measured in field. If we indicate with F 4 ¯ the flux FAPAR obtained over the bounding-box subset, as calculated with Equation (2), and set N to 40,000, we obtain
F 4 ¯ = 1 N i = 1 N [ 1 i R i T i R S i ] .
The difference between the quantity represented by Equation (8) and the full scene scale quantity represented by Equation (2) is
u H = F 4 ¯ F 4 ,
which represents the bias related to the representativeness of the selected bounding-box of the entire slightly larger scene, over which F4 and FBT are computed. In other words, it represents the term H as averaged over the whole lateral area of the bounding-box, above the reference level of 50 cm (Figure 1). In our experimental setup, the position of the bounding-box within the scene was not variable, and our single estimation of uH could assume either positive or negative values in a deterministic way, and it should be taken with care.

2.4.2. Assessment of the Performance of the Sampling Strategy

For each sampling plan listed in Table 1, we extracted 50 samples of M elements, with M depending on the plan, with different initial positions over the 200 × 200 pixel array. Then, we calculated the FAPAR estimator ϕ k as the average of all the elements of a certain sample k, by means of Equations (11a)–(11d) listed in Table 2. The term representing the net radiation at ToC (NToC), was obtained by averaging 1-Ri over 40,000 pixels for every sampling strategy, as we assume it is collected from the top of the tower only. The equations look like Equation (8), but the BoC terms are averaged over the M elements belonging to the individual sample k. According to the central-limit theorem, ϕ k are normally distributed around the average of the fifty FAPAR estimators indicated with ϕ ¯ , which converges to F ¯ 4 , the average of the population distribution. We verified whether the sampling schemes were unbiased on each single extraction k (of 50) by means of the following equation:
u S , k = ϕ k F ¯ 4 ,
by verifying the fraction of |uS,k| compliant with GCOS goal target requirements [2]. In other words, instead of focusing on the value of ϕ ¯ , we assessed the dispersion of ϕ k , because a stable and robust sampling should not differ “considerably” from the chosen (or random) starting position, as, in field operations, either a few or only one transect is performed. According to the central-limit theorem, the standard deviation σ ϕ multiplied by a factor k = 2 provides an estimation of the uncertainty associated with the sampling plan at 95% level. This evaluation was carried out by means of the coefficient-of-variation C V ϕ , which combines the dispersion σ ϕ   in relation to the average value of the estimators ϕ ¯ . Its dependency on (i) the 10 sampling strategies listed in Table 1, (ii) two different combinations of fluxes expressed by Equations (11a) and (11d) (Table 2), and (iii) the sun’s zenith angles considered in high resolution simulations (ranging from 5° to 85°) is presented in Section 3.4 [2]. The results are summarized in Section 3.4.2. Finally, an analysis of the capability of the different plans to mimic the population distribution was performed by means of the classical Chi-Squared ( χ 2 ) metric, and the results were reported in Section 3.4.3.
Table 1. Definition of the sampling plans following QA4ECV. The Masking equations are used to extract the pixels from the population. Considering a resolution of 0.5 m, the sample coordinates range from 0 (0 m) to 200 pixels (100 m) in both the X and Y axes. The centre of the scene is fixed at Xc = 100, Yc = 100. M is the number of elements for each sample, and the last column Δ D indicates the spatial distance among individual pixels, in metres. The Item labelled with (*) appeared also indicated in VALERI [40,41,42] and (**) adopted by [12].
Table 1. Definition of the sampling plans following QA4ECV. The Masking equations are used to extract the pixels from the population. Considering a resolution of 0.5 m, the sample coordinates range from 0 (0 m) to 200 pixels (100 m) in both the X and Y axes. The centre of the scene is fixed at Xc = 100, Yc = 100. M is the number of elements for each sample, and the last column Δ D indicates the spatial distance among individual pixels, in metres. The Item labelled with (*) appeared also indicated in VALERI [40,41,42] and (**) adopted by [12].
ItemIDShort NameMasking EquationMΔD (m)
Walking Transects at high spatial resolution (ceptometers, TRAC, …)
1OLOblTransTL x = y 200 0.5 2
2OROblTransTR x = L y 200 0.5 2
3 (*)XOOCross x = y     O R     x = L y 400 0.5 2
4 (*)XVVCross x = L / 2   O R   y = L / 2 4000.5
5SESinTransEW y = L 2 + L 3   c o s   x 400 0.5   ÷   0.5 2
6SNSinTransNS x = L 2 + L 3 cos y 400 0.5   ÷   0.5 2
Fixed network of sensors/lower spatial resolution (silicon PAR sensors, …)
7GRGridSquare grid10010
8RNRandRandomly piked20variable
9 (**)E6ExagonsHexagonal grid1610
10CRCircle 2 x x c 2 + y y c 2 = r 2 ; r = 25 m20~8
Figure 2. Graphical representation of the sampling strategies investigated in this work.
Figure 2. Graphical representation of the sampling strategies investigated in this work.
Remotesensing 16 04552 g002
Table 2. Predicting equations as applied to the individual sampling. The term NToC represents the averaged net flux at ToC. Please note that we used the symbols ϕ   to indicate the average of the sample of dimension (M << N), and F ¯ to indicate the average as computed over the entire population (N). The arguments of the sums in the second terms of each equation intrinsically define the elements F i , as a combination of the spatial fluxes Ti, Rsi, and Ri. In the text, we referred to this table (and Equations) also when referring to the spatial distribution of Fi and not only on their average values.
Table 2. Predicting equations as applied to the individual sampling. The term NToC represents the averaged net flux at ToC. Please note that we used the symbols ϕ   to indicate the average of the sample of dimension (M << N), and F ¯ to indicate the average as computed over the entire population (N). The arguments of the sums in the second terms of each equation intrinsically define the elements F i , as a combination of the spatial fluxes Ti, Rsi, and Ri. In the text, we referred to this table (and Equations) also when referring to the spatial distribution of Fi and not only on their average values.
ApproxPredicting Equation
4-fluxes (Equation (2)) ϕ k = 1 1 M i = 1 M R i   1 M i = 1 M T i R S i k (11)
4 - fluxes ,   1 - measure   at   ToC :   R ¯ ϕ k = N T o C 1 M i = 1 M T i R S i k (11a)
3 - fluxes   ( Equation   ( 3 ) ) ,   R s = R ¯ ϕ k = N T o C ( 1 R ¯ ) 1 M i = 1 M T i k (11b)
3 - fluxes   ( Equation   ( 4 ) )   R s T = 0 ϕ k = N T o C 1 M i = 1 M T i k (11c)
2 - fluxes   ( Equation   ( 5 ) )   R S = R = 0 ϕ k = 1 1 M i = 1 M T i k (11d)

2.5. Virtual Scenes

The 3D virtual scenes used in this work are listed in Table 3. They were defined by a full description of the canopy in terms of fundamental primitives (such as leaves, trunks, and branches), with well-defined spectral reflectance and transmittance properties, as described in [8].
The Järvselja pine forest and birch forest models were based on field inventories collected by Kuusk et al. [43,44,45] in Järvselja forest (Estonia), which include trees’ locations and their crown radii, lengths, and heights, used to generate virtual trees with the Xfrog software package version 3.5 (, accessed on 24 November 2024) [46,47].
The summer version of the pine forest (PSS) contains 1120 trees with 11 individual tree representations, ten of which are Scots pine models (Pinus sylvestris) and one of which is a birch model (Betula pendula) [48]. These individuals were replicated according to measured spatial distribution, resulting in 1114 Scots pines and 6 birches. The winter version of the pine forest (PSW) is based on measurements collected in the eastern Ofenpass valley of Switzerland by [49]. The trees were generated using tree crown information extracted from LiDAR measurements. Tree models were generated based on height range information collected at the site, for 12 living and 1 dead Mountain pine (Pinus montana) tree. In total, 991 live trees and 120 dead trees were placed within the scene. Foliage and bark spectral properties were measured using the ASD FieldSpec Pro Spectroradiometer (Analytic Spectral Devices, Boulder CO), and ground reflectance was measured in transects of 10–40 measurement points, constituting a mix of both vegetated and soil understory.
The summer birch forest (BSS) contains 1029 trees, consisting of 7 species, comprising 1 maple (Acer platenoides), 4 birch (Betula pendula), 4 alder (Almus glutinosa), 5 linden (Tilio cordata), 2 poplar (Populus tremuloides), 1 Norway spruce (Picea abies), and 1 ash (Fraxinus exelsior). The winter canopy (BSW) was generated by representing leaf-off conditions for deciduous trees, leaving foliage elements for the Norway spruce trees only. Foliage and bark spectra (Directional hemispherical reflectance) were measured for each species using an ASD FieldSpec Pro Spectroradiometer. Ground reflectance was derived from the average measurements of 9 points covering both bare soil and understory vegetation. A snow reflectance model was adopted for the soil reflectance of the birch winter scene.
A tropical forest (TRP) was assumed to be composed of a uniform understory and an upper layer of individual trees [26]. The abstract trees have ellipsoidal crowns, trunks with variable diameter at breast height (DBH) larger than 20 cm and seven main branches with a constant azimuth distance separation of 2π/7. Twelve individual tree models were created and distributed randomly on a square area of 9 ha avoiding crown intersections. The total LAI of this layer was 3.3 m2/m2 with a tree density of 245 per hectare. Circular leaves of 9 cm in diameter are used to populate the crowns. The understory was represented by a discrete media formed by a uniform distribution of discs of radius 9 cm, with a first sub-layer extending between the ground and 3 m height to obtain a LAI of 0.5 m2/m2, and a second sub-layer ranging between 3 and 10 m with an LAI of 1.5 m2/m2, for a total canopy LAI of 5.3 m2/m2.
A shrub canopy (SHR) was generated using an in-house scene generator tool, that places 3D tree models within a scene depending on user-defined parameters such as LAI, fractional coverage (fCOV), number of trees, tree distribution (random, regular) and statistical representation of clumping distributions. The shrub canopy was based on the Janina FLUXNET site in Australia, which has a land cover classification of open shrubland [50]. Fractional coverage was extracted from MODIS land cover classifications over the site, and a total of 203 trees comprising 11 individual 3D models were placed within a 100 × 100 m2 scene to ensure an fCOV of 0.167 and a maximum overlap between individual trees of 10%.
A savanna scene (SAV) [51] was developed as part of the European Space Agency (ESA)-funded project “Radiative Transfer Modelling for the characterisation of natural burnt surfaces”. It was developed using detailed field measurements made at Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, during October 2008, carried out over two different plots at Skukuza (25.11°S, 31.42°E) and Pretoriuskop (25.16°S, 31.23°E), corresponding to high and low tree cover cases (LAI∼1.2 and ∼0.3, respectively). Both sites correspond to long-term fire ecology experimental plots in the KNP, and while measurements were made both pre- and post-fire, only the pre-fire case was considered here. This savanna scene is composed of two types of trees, Combretum and Sclerocarya, generated using the OnyxTREE software package (, accessed on 24 November 2024) and input parameters collected during the field campaign. The scene also contains an explicit grassy understory composed of 5 grass structures, each modelled using 7 cylinders oriented in different upwelling directions with a radius of 0.0025 m and a mean length from 0.76 ± 0.24 m to 1.08 ± 0.18 m.
The Wellington Citrus Orchard (CIT) was generated based on information collected from a field campaign conducted during 2006/2007 in Wellington, South Africa [52,53]. Virtual tree models were created using the Arbaro software package [54] to reconstruct 10 individual representations of the Citrus sinensis L. species (with tree heights ranging from 2.86 to 4.11 m), where a total of 1115 trees were placed in the scene. Contrarily with respect to previous scenes, this represents a structured canopy, in which trees are organized in rows oriented along the North–South direction.
A few examples of a Rayshade version 4.0.9 (, accessed on 24 November 2024)-based rendering for the tropical forest and pine stand models are given in Figure 3. Additional details on the scene setup can be found for both on the RAMI website (, accessed on 24 November 2024).

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Reference FAPAR Results

The reference FAPAR values were computed using the PAR photons absorbed by any element of the canopy (FBT), or by the foliage only (FBF), both computed at the full scene scale and excluding the ground absorption. Directly identifying the absorbed photons is a modelling prerogative (the so-called Monte Carlo truth). Such quantity can only be estimated indirectly from flux measurements, assuming energy conservation.
Figure 4 shows the FBT and FBF obtained under purely direct (or black-sky conditions) and diffuse (white-sky) illumination, for all the scenes listed in Table 3. The full scene black-sky FAPAR (F4), as calculated with the 4-flux method given by Equation (2), was calculated by assuming a level of 50 cm as the bottom of the canopy layer, considering that instruments in real conditions are typically installed on a tripod and not on the ground. Figure 4 shows also the average and range of the FAPAR as calculated with the 4-flux method over the 40,000 high resolution pixels pertaining to the bounding-box ( F 4 ¯ ), used as the reference to assess the impact of the sampling strategy on the FAPAR estimator (Equation (10)). The bias related to the assumption of a ground level at 50 cm is highlighted by the difference between FBT and F4.
The full scene 4–flux approach to calculate FAPAR (F4) mimics, within negligible error ranges, the total absorption FBT for most of the scenes, except savanna. The slight underestimation of the benchmark values obtained from absorption occur because of the residual absorption of the understory/biomass below 50 cm, which is assumed as the level of the BoC measurement. For instance, in the case of the savanna model, a considerable number of photons were absorbed by the understory (grass) which lay in the bottom canopy’s first layer. This has less influence when concerning the dense tropical forest, as the absorption of the lower layer is, in more absolute terms, mostly prevented by low transmission.
Table 4 and Table 5 contain a numerical summary of Figure 4 content for diffuse and direct illumination, respectively. Under diffuse illumination, the total FAPAR varied from 0.26 (CIT) to 0.95 (TRP), and from 0.006 of the deciduous winter forest (BSW) to 0.76 of the tropical forest (TRP). Excluding the deciduous BSW forest, which has almost no leaves in the winter model, the ratio between foliage to total FAPAR varied from 42%, associated with the pine stand winter model (PSW), to 92% for the citrus orchard (CIT). The difference between the 4-flux methodology and the total absorption benchmark (uU%) varied, from a minimum of 0.2% for dense forests (BSS and TRP) to 4.7% for the pine stand winter forest (excluding the particular case of savanna, for which a considerable amount of absorption, related to grass absorption, occurs below 50 cm BoC level). Figure 4 reveals also that white-sky values of absorbed PAR often coincide with the black-sky values calculated around a sun zenith angle of 45°, for both total and foliage absorption. Hence, in the absence of measurements taken in diffuse sky conditions, measurements with a sun zenith angle around 45° can be considered representative of white-sky FAPAR within a few percent for all virtual models considered in this study.
The benchmark black-sky total and foliage FAPAR increase with the sun zenith angle for all canopies. Table 5 shows the minimum and maximum values of FBT and FBF for each canopy and their range of variability with the sun zenith angle. The minimum dependence of the FBT from sun position was shown by the tropical forest model (∆FBT = 5 and ∆FBF = 19), while the maximum was shown by shrubland, with ∆F = 69 for both the total and foliage absorptions. ∆FBF were similar or higher than the corresponding total values, except over savanna. Excluding the leaf-off birch stand winter scenario (for which only few residual leaves are kept), the relative contribution of foliage absorption to the white-sky FAPAR (reported by the FBF/FBT columns) varied from 44 ± 4% for the pine stand winter forest (PSW) to 92 ± 1% for shrubland (SHR), in lines with the values obtained for diffuse illumination.
The difference between F4 and FBT (uU%) was by far higher than the threshold of 5% set by GCOS [2] for the savanna simulations over the whole sun zenith angle range. This was related to the fact that the four-flux method cannot catch the absorption of the grass laying below the 50 cm level, assumed as BoC, and the experiment would deserve a specific setting for any further evaluation. For the remaining scenarios, the consistency between the direct (absorption) and indirect (F4) estimations lay mostly below 2%. As an exception, the 5.5% for the PSW scenario was likely related to the high reflectivity of the ground and the relatively higher absorption of wooden components with respect to the foliage component. For PSW, foliage absorption contributed only 44% of the total absorption, against values above 80% for most of the other scenes.

3.2. Flux Measurements at High-Spatial Resolution (Population Distribution)

As described in Section 2.4, the fluxes at 50 cm resolution over a horizontal subset of one hectare area and a volume of 10,000 by canopy-height m3 have been simulated and used to compute various statistics on the samples representing different sampling plans. The simulations were performed for direct flux at fourteen solar zenith angles from 5° to 85°. A nominal photon density of ∼2000 photons/m2 has been used in this study. The entering and exiting fluxes for each face of the voxels were stored and used to compute all the relative terms, Ti, RSi, and Ri, appearing in of Equation (11) at BoC and ToC, and simulate any experiment with different subset extraction, among which we selected the ones presented in Table 1.
To illustrate the modelling outputs used, Figure 5 shows three horizontal slices of the incoming photons’ density normalized to the incoming photon density for the birch stand leaf-on model (BSS), in the case of a black-sky illumination with a low solar zenith angle θS = 5°. Such a high sun position enhances the heterogeneity of transmittance T, the crown shadows being cast just below the trees (panel a). The different panels (a–c) reveal the spatial variability of the downwelling and upwelling terms of Equation (2), driven by the distribution of tree crowns and the sun zenith angle. For the selected example, representative of a dense forest, most of the information on spatial distribution is associated with the T component, while the upwelling terms appear lower, being attenuated by a relatively low surface reflectance (typically around 0.2). They are also rather uniform, as the direct component of the radiation disappears in all upwelling flux, as all photons already interacted diffusively with at least an element of the canopy. We assumed Lambertian backgrounds, neglecting anisotropic bidirectional reflectance features and specular reflectance. Over sparse canopies, such as shrubland or savanna (panels d–f), the reflected terms were rather uniform. In these conditions, collecting a single value of R from a tower may be enough; otherwise, measuring R spatial fields with drones following optimal strategy is advised. This approach is currently limited to exploratory field campaigns [55], and although in principle feasible, is far from being implemented operationally for obvious logistical issues such as costs, drone flight governance, and unattended automatizations.
The spatial distribution of the incoming radiation density (indicated as “1” in Equation (1)) as computed over the 40,000 pixels, followed a Gaussian model for all canopies and solar angles, and its relative variability expressed as coefficient of variation in percentual ranged from 3% to 5%.
Figure 6 shows that, for an illumination angle of 5°, chosen to highlight the heterogeneity of the flux component, the standard deviation of the spatial distribution of the T at BoC varies between 0.14 for the tropical forest (TRP) and 0.42 for the citrus orchard (CIT). For the BoC reflectance, the same quantity varies between 0.01 and 0.04 for all scenes except for winter models (~0.2) because of the high snow reflectance (~0.8). Finally, the σ R of ToC reflectance R lays between 0.007 and 0.017 for all scenes except the winter ones, for which it varies between 0.04 and 0.05. At higher sun zenith angles the variability typically decreases. At θS = 60° for example, σT varied from 0.04 over TRP to 0.38 over SHR. Shrubs have a peculiar behaviour, as σT is monotonically increasing with θS rather than decreasing, as in most of the other scenarios related to closed forests. SAV presented a rather constant σTS). In conclusion, the values presented in Figure 6 confirm that most of the information regarding the flux variability affects the T terms, by at least one order of magnitude with respect to the upwelling fluxes. It is then important to represent this information with adequate sampling strategy approaches.

3.3. FAPAR Measurements at High Spatial Resolution

Figure 7 shows the spatial distribution of FAPAR at 50 cm resolution (F{2,3a,3b,4R}i) as computed by means of Equation (11a) (four-fluxes) to Equation (11d) (two-fluxes) for SAV with a sun zenith angle of 5°. Similar images have been produced for all the scenes, and a selection of them have been made available in the Supplementary Materials (Figures S1–S8). The bottom panels of Figure 7 show the difference in the various flux combination used to determine the FAPAR at high spatial distribution (F{a,3a,3b,4R}i) with respect to the F 4 i   terms (Equation (11)). The difference between Equations (11a) and (11) is related to the fact that for the reference value, F is calculated with Ri at high spatial resolution, while in Equation (11a) (and all the other combinations) the average value of R was used. The higher local spatial variability was observed for the two-flux estimator, while considering that additional flux terms increase spatial homogeneity, given the fact that the reflected terms contain information related to the diffuse reflectance of adjacent pixels.

FAPAR Population Distributions

Figure 8 shows the spatial distribution of local FAPAR as calculated with Equation (11d) ( F 4 R ¯ i ) over the 40,000 voxels. It considerably deviates from a gaussian distribution and strongly depends on the sun zenith angle. In most cases, for sun zenith angles up to θ0∼30°, the relative maximum of the distribution located at low FAPAR ranges describes the sunlight fraction reaching the ground surface without interacting with the crowns in partially open canopies. For the case of the tropical forest (TRP) model, the abovementioned local maximum of the FAPAR distribution frequency disappears, indicating that the direct radiation cannot hit the ground already at θS = 5°, while it is well defined over open canopies (SHR and SAV). The FAPAR density distribution is rather flat at intermediate FAPAR ranges, though this feature was enhanced by the logarithmic scale. Exceptions were the very dense canopy (TRP) and the winter models, which presented rather narrow flat ranges. With increasing sun zenith angles, the probability of the photons being intercepted by crowns increases, especially for closed forests. In general, as the sun angle increases, the distribution shifts towards higher FAPAR values, and the first local maximum becomes weaker, in favour of a second maximum describing the absorption. This suggests that the shape of the distribution is the result of two different terms, weighted by the value of the sun zenith angle, representing, on one hand, the photons travelling without hitting the crown, which appears well described by a gaussian distribution with an amplitude attenuated by increasing θS, and likely dependent on LAI and the optical properties of the leaves. On the other hand, the shape of the superimposed distribution describing absorptions showed an amplitude increasing with θS, especially over dense forests, while it remains stable over sparse vegetation such as shrubs (SHR), up to θS∼70°. Its shape was not thoroughly investigated here, though gamma Γ or exponential distributions (in x = 1 − F) might deserve to be tested in additional studies.
Figure 9 summarizes the statistics of the spatial distribution of F{2,4R} for three selected illuminations, with increasing θS of 5°, 32°, and 60°, for both the four-flux (Equation (11d)) and two-flux (Equation (11a)) estimators. Table 6 reports the average and standard deviation of FAPAR as calculated with Equation (11a) over the 40,000 pixels. It also reports, for the same illumination conditions represented in Figure 9, the relative spatial variability, expressed in terms of the coefficient of variation (CV)—defined as the ratio between the standard deviation and the average value of the variable F4. It is intuitive that the lower the variability of FAPAR over the scene is, the lower the sampling efforts could be in terms of the number of elements to be collected to obtain a reliable estimation of the FAPAR. While the FAPAR increases with the sun zenith angle because of the increasing optical path, the CV decreased from 0.72 (θS = 5°) to 0.13 (θS = 60°) for the BSS scene, and from 0.73 to 0.26 for the PSS. The corresponding winter scenes span narrower ranges of CV, with 0.19–0.14 and around ~0.32, respectively, indicating that smaller efforts to characterize the whole population might suffice. For the tropical forests (TRP), mainly because of the low transmittance in any illumination conditions, the CV varied between 0.04 (θS = 5°) and 0.14 (θS = 60°). For sparse vegetation models the dispersion was the highest, with the coefficient of variation ranging between 0.83 and 0.47 (SAV) and 1.62–1.20 (SHR). Over citrus crops (CIT) the CV varied between 0.93 and 0.30, an intermediate range between sparse canopies and closed forests. Figure 9 also confirms the asymmetric shape of the distribution, with average and median values always being rather different, with average FAPAR higher than the median at a low zenith angle and vice versa for higher sun angles.
Figure 10 shows the relative difference in the average FAPAR as computed over the whole population with different combination of fluxes F ¯ { 2 , 3 a , 3 b } against F ¯ 4 R ¯ , as a function of the sun zenith angle. For the dense forests (BSS, PSS, TRP) the relative differences lay mostly between ±2%. The two-flux method may lead to both overestimation or underestimation depending on the sun zenith angle and scenario. The three-flux combinations underestimate F ¯ 4 R ¯ , especially at low sun angles, and F ¯ 3 a should be preferred to F ¯ 3 b for the lower bias over either open or closed forests. Due to the considerable amount of radiation reflected by the ground surface of winter scenarios, using less than four components produces unreliable values, especially at low zenith angles when the direct light has more probability to hit the ground surface. For open canopies (SAV, SHR, and CIT) relative differences up to 10% were observed for the F 2 ¯ , and up to 60% for the F ¯ 3 b combination. The difference Δ F ¯ depends monotonically by the sun zenith angle, suggesting that a correction function could be adopted to mimic F ¯ 4 R ¯ when some fluxes is missing, or fails, during continuous operations.

3.4. Sampling Strategy Assessments (Sample Distributions)

A reliable sampling strategy accurately assesses the actual population distributions presented in Figure 8, and in turn allows to perform good estimations of the population average. Assuming the population average F 4 ¯ as our benchmark, we discuss here the performance obtained by adopting the various sampling strategies presented in and Table 1 and Figure 2.

3.4.1. Bootstrapping, Bias, and Sample Dispersion

We extracted up to 50 samples per sampling scheme by varying the starting point of the scheme across the 200 × 200 array. For each of them, we calculated the bias of the FAPAR as obtained with either F2 or F4 combinations, and its variability, which provided information on the reliability or robustness of the sampling scheme against different starting positions. Our evaluation of the sampling performance was not based on the average value of the 50 samples ϕ ¯ , as it merely converges to the FAPAR population average because of the central limit theorem. Its standard deviation σ ϕ ¯   is more interesting because, being the distribution of ϕ i ¯   normal, it quantitatively describes the probability of an individual extraction to lay within a certain range. For instance, with a confidence of 95%, our estimation of FAPAR will fall within a range given by ± 2 σ ϕ ¯   . The coefficient of variation C V ϕ ¯ expresses the dispersion of the estimators over the extracted samples and gives us an idea of the relative uncertainty to accept on a single extraction made with a specific sampling scheme. Figure 11 shows C V ϕ ¯   for all scenes and all sampling schemes, as a function of the sun zenith angle, in percentages and for FAPAR calculated by Equation (11d) (4-fluxes). The coefficient of variation ranges from 0 to 5% for the dense and homogeneous tropical forest (TRP), to 0–50% for an open canopy, such as for shrubs, for low sun zenith angles (~5°). The figure indicates that the uncertainty related to the position of the sampling mask across the forest decreases with increasing sun zenith angle in an almost linear relation, except for the winter models (BSW and PSW) for which the maximum C V ϕ ¯ are confined within 10%. The linearity dependence is extended to winter scenes when only two fluxes are considered (Equation (11a)) as shown in Figure 12.
Comparing the results of Figure 11 and Figure 12, the major differences occur over the high reflective winter scenarios (BSW and PSW). The C V ϕ ¯ depends on the sampling approach also because of the standard deviation among different sampling averages σ ϕ ¯ is proportional to 1 / M with M the dimension of the samples. From Table 1 we see that it varies from 400 (for XO and XV) to approx. 20 for RN, CR, and E6, and the figures reflect this statistical rule. Nevertheless, for sampling with common M such as oblique or sinusoidal shape, or the cross sampling themselves, is still possible to observe that one appears to be more stable (against sampling with similar M) depending on the scene under investigation. Considering the different scales of C V ϕ ¯ in Figure 11 and Figure 12 we observed that over BSS, PSS, and TRP (and CIT) most of the transect sampling with more than 100 values have a variability of less than 10% across the whole sun zenith range. This indicates a probability of <68% that, from a single sample, we can assess the FAPAR population within this grade of uncertainty. The oblique cross section (XO) with M = 400 is preferable to the XV (which relies on the same number of samples) in most cases. Over row-structured scenarios such as CIT, a sampling such as XV must be excluded. The fact that XO appeared better than XV, might look strange as we do not have any a priori indication that a direction of scanning would be preferable to another. This result is related to the fact that the length of the XO sampling was a factor of 2   l o n g e r than the one of XV (see Table 1), and thus more able to catch the different cases. For a similar reason, the regular grid array covering the whole scene (GR, M = 100) gave a more stable evaluation for all cases; as such, an array of virtual sensors is able to evenly sample all parts of the forest. Nevertheless, this is hardly feasible in reality because of its cost and maintenance, but it was considered in this study as an ideal uniform sampling scenario. For the open forests, such as SHR and SAV, all sampling (excluding GR) has, generally, a coefficient of variability above 10%, with XO appearing the most reliable in these cases also. Any (fixed) network sampling strategy relying on a lower number of individual collections of the order of M~20, namely the random (RN, M = 20), circular (CR, with diameter d = 50 m and M = 20), and hexagon array (E6, M = 14), produces variable estimations within 10% and 40% and should be treated with particular care. For the winter scenarios, for the 4-flux combination only, all the sampling strategies, including RN, CR, and E6, mentioned above showed a variability of less than 10%. This limit decreases below 5% for all sampling strategies for TRP, and for all sampling excluding RN, CR, and E6 for BSW and PSW (Figure 11).
These considerations, combined with the features observed in Figure 10, may be used to support the user with choices that may depend on budget headings, operational constraints, and uncertainty requirements.

3.4.2. Sampling by Attributes and Compliance, with GCOS Requirements

To extend the analysis made in the previous section, we evaluated how many, out of the 50 items per sampling strategy, were compliant with a certain requirement. Adopting the language used by [56] about principles of sampling (Chapter 10, e.g., for the evaluation of commercial lots), we defined as non-defective any FAPAR measurements laying within the GCOS’s acceptable errors, from the reference value F 4 ¯ . We considered two different levels of reliability as indicated by the most updated GCOS implementation plan [2], defined for FAPAR essential climate variable as max 0 F 1 ( 0.005 , 10 % ) and max 0 F 1 ( 0.0025 ,   5 % ) as the threshold and goal, respectively. Sampling by attributes, to be differentiated from sampling by variables, requires defining a rule to which any individual extraction is compared against, from which point it should qualitatively labelled as defective or not, and then counted and ranked against the others. Figure 13 shows the results of our analysis aimed at ranking the sampling plans according to the average number of extractions that satisfy the GCOS goal and threshold requirements. Each heatmap, corresponding to the individual scenario, shows the number of compliant extractions as a function of the sun zenith angle, and from upper to lower lines the best and worst sampling plans, on average. Full blue indicates that all the samples (50) of a certain plan accomplished the GCOS requirements. This figure confirms the results shown in the previous section, with the best performances achieved for large zenith angles. Further, it indicates the best plan to be adopted for each scene, providing an estimation of the risk of obtaining a not reliable sample.
In more detail, when four-fluxes are available (upper panel), over tropical forest TRP and BSW scenarios, most of the sampling plans, except at extremely low sun angles, can be adopted to accomplish the goal requirements set by GCOS (5%). For the other combinations, particular care must be adopted considering also the season and geographical position, which determine the range of sun zenith angles during the operations. Generally, the regular grid of 100 points with an average distance from each node of 10 m (GR) is the most reliable for all scenes (except for PSW, 2nd), while we already mentioned that it is not easy to be implemented either as in an individual campaign (for which the time spent to identify a regular grid could be a limitation), or a network of sensors (for the cost that it implies). Oblique cross sampling (XO) belongs consistently to the top rank except over sparse vegetation, such as with SHR. Single oblique transects (OR and OL) follow XO, especially over dense forests. They are not reliable over open forests, for which none of the plans appear to provide results as reliable as GR sampling, unless at very high sun zenith angles, when spatial distribution is strongly smoothed by shadows. The sinusoidal samples (SN and SE), as well as the random approach (RN with N = 20 points), pertain to the medium range of the ranking for each scene. For the two-flux combination, which is reported against the GCOS threshold target (10%) to adapt our results to activities pertaining to lower tiers in terms of requirements and funding supports, we obtained similar results. It should be remarked that these results do not highlight the fact that, over winter scenes, two-flux is not reliable at all because of the lack of important upwelling fluxes, which determines a considerable bias with respect to the benchmarks, as highlighted in Figure 9. Over the other scenarios, it is worth concluding that, at high sun zenith angles, the risk of unreliable sampling is lower. Under extremely dense canopy, such as in TRP, all single extraction methods, whatever the sampling approach considered, in this study, satisfy the 10% uncertainty target. Contrarily, over sparse canopies such as SAV or SHR, identifying a suitable methodology different from the grid (GR) ideal methodology is rather difficult, as the risk of obtaining unreliable sampling is higher. In these cases, increasing the number of transects or adopting an upscaling approach should always be considered.

3.4.3. Chi-Squared Test ( χ 2 )

The capability of the sampling strategy to mimic the actual distributions presented in Section 3.2 are tested by means of the Chi-Squared metric. As seen in Table 1, the number of elements of a sampling plan M depends on implemented strategy, and it varied from a minimum of 14–20 (networks of sensors) to a maximum of 400 values (dense transects). We calculate the value of χ j 2 , as
χ j 2 = i = 1 n O i E i 2 / E i ,
for each sample (with j varying from 1 to 50), using a subdivision of the FAPAR domain into n bins with width of 0.1, extending the range of FAPAR from −0.2 to 1.2 to include physically impossible cases related to uncertainty propagation. The expected values E i were obtained by rescaling the full population results to the number of samples of the specific plan—multiplying it by N/40,000. The 95th percentile of χ 2   (P95) has been computed and is shown in Figure 14. Each panel is ordered from bottom to top with increasing median values of the P95 as computed over all sun zenith angles for each sampling plan. As for χ 2   >> 1, it indicates bad agreement between the samples and the expected population distribution (known). It is worth observing that the XV plan showed the worst behaviour over all scenes, in partial agreement with our previous findings. Transects such as OR, OL, and XO are supported by optimal metric values χ 2 1 , indicating that these sampling approaches can represent the population at the 95% confidence level.
Finally, for each scene, and for each combination of sun zenith angle and sampling plan, each χ j 2 value has been compared with the critical value corresponding to a 95% confidence level, considering proper degrees of freedom. In other words, for an individual sample, this means that there is a probability lower than 5% to observe a χ j 2 higher than the one observed, and the sample is counted as fit for purpose, or is otherwise rejected. The fraction of the 50 samples, per scene, sampling plan, and sun zenith angle are shown in Figure 14 (lower panel) and the results are quite specular relative to those given in the upper part of the figure. In both the representations, as the distributions become rather narrow at high sun zenith angles (Figure 8), the number of bins containing values reduced to a few, even for the population distribution, so that the Chi-Squared test could not be reliably applied, and the corresponding cells were set to empty. This was typically the case for   θ s > 7 0° for dense forests.

4. Conclusions

The performances of ten sampling plans adopted to measure the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation from in situ PAR flux measurements were assessed over eight virtual vegetated canopies representative of open and closed forests and shrubs. The experiment was conducted with a 3D radiative transfer model, without atmospheric perturbations (black-sky), in different illumination conditions, with the sun zenith angle varying from 5° to 85°.
To benchmark the sampling plans, a reference (or true) FAPAR for each scene and illumination condition (both black- and white-sky) was estimated at full spatial scale from direct absorption computations for both foliage and total canopy components. We found that the four-flux approach was the most complete for mimicking absorption properties, when excluding the net flux through lateral boundaries. Selection of the reference was affected by different levels of bias resulting from residual absorption from the understory, which cannot be observed by instruments located at 50cm above the ground, as considered in our experimental setup. The absolute bias of F4 against the total absorption lay below 1% for most of the scenes, excluding PSW (<5%). Our results over the savanna scene (bias up to 20% in diffuse light conditions, Table 4) highlighted the importance of characterizing the absorption occurring in photosynthetically active understory over open canopies, as it may consist of a large portion of the overall vegetation absorption. The worst performances under direct illumination were similar, ranging between 0.2 and 1.6%, except for PSW (5.5%) and SAV (30%), in absolute terms (Table 5). For our scenes the foliage contribution to the total absorption ranges between 67% (PSS) and 92% (CIT), except for winter scenes, where leaves almost do not exist (1%, BSW) or are less impactful (44%, PSW). Knowing the percentual foliage contribution (Figure 4, Table 4 and Table 5), the results obtained from flux measurements, which are of course not distinguishing between green and “brown” components of the vegetation, would provide a benchmark for the validation of satellite algorithms, which often are targeted to derive the green FAPAR related to the photo-synthetically active elements of the canopy [30].
Our results indicate that selection of the flux method (F2, F3, F4) and expected bias depended on the canopy type. For very high reflective scenarios, such as winter scenes (BSW and PSW), the four-fluxes-based assessment (F4) was mandatory to evaluate a correct PAR absorption. Here, we obtained underestimation of up to 100% (BSW) and 200% (PSW), especially at the lower sun angles (Figure 10). On the other hand, over dense forests such as TRP and BSS, the differences with the F4 assessment are typically below 2–3%, confirming that the upwelling fluxes contributes less to the assessment (e.g., the terms Rs and R cancel out within 2–3% in Equation (1)). For the other scenes, the two-flux method (F2) should be preferred to the three-flux combinations, which underperformed against F2 and F4, especially under the assumption of Rs = 0 (Equation (4)).
We verified that the average of the 50 samples, generally, was unbiased for all the schemes, according to the central-limit theorem.
It has been observed that most of the information on spatial distribution is incorporated in the transmission T terms, reinforcing its role in Equation (1), and confirming that sampling it with a proper approach is crucial for obtaining good in situ FAPAR estimations. This finding also supported the operational approach to the measurement of upwelling fluxes, which, especially for the term R (ToC reflectance), are collected from a single point only (Figure 5). The spatial heterogeneity of the fluxes, and then of the derived FAPAR, was higher at low sun zenith angles (Figure 6 and Figure 7). The FAPAR frequency distribution presented two maxima corresponding to photons that bypass the crown and photons that engage with the crown. The density of these maxima at higher (lower) FAPAR increases (decreases) with increasing sun zenith angle, and appear more separated in open canopies (Figure 8). The FAPAR distributions calculated with the F4 or F2 methods are considerably different only during winter scenarios. The median values are typically substantially different from the averages and cannot be considered as a statistically robust alternative to the definition of FAPAR (Figure 9).
The credibility of the sampling plans has been assessed in terms of the coefficient of variation as calculated over the 50 sample averages (Figure 11 and Figure 12), in terms of the number of samples respecting the GCOS thresholds (10%) and goal (5%) uncertainties (Figure 13), and, finally, in terms of the capability of reproducing the population distributions, though the Chi-Squared ( χ 2 ) metric (Figure 14). The oblique cross transect (XO), which can be interpreted also as the combination of two sequential oblique transects (OL or OR), appeared the most reliable in terms of reproducibility of the results. One could argue that XO based approach could not be distinguished from the vertical cross transect (XV), which, contrarily, underperformed among the high-frequency sampling transects. This could be attributed to two possible causes: (1) the fixed sun–transect direction of 0° or 90° against the ±45° transect of the XV cross design, and (2) the relatively lower length of the XV transect, relative to the XO (a factor of 2 ) . Additional studies, including more realistic daily sun azimuth angle evolutions, could be appropriate to identify the problem, and be useful to support the evaluation of temporal integrations of the FAPAR.
The number of extractions (per sample plan) fitting with GCOS requirements increases with increasing sun zenith angles. This implies that a reliable assessment based on a single sample should be programmed at sun zenith angles, which guarantees the credibility of the single sample average value. Figure 12 and Figure 13 from this study could be used to define the sampling strategy based on the plan of choice, minimum zenith angle, and scene. Over open canopies such as savanna and shrubland, only the dense grid (10 m spatial resolution with 100 samples) fit the requirements; hence, a full upscaling approach including information from third-party datasets (typically high-resolution satellite imagery) should always be preferred. Nevertheless, the upscaling approach is related to the definition of a transfer function that should be based on a robust relationship between the FAPAR (in our case) and a predicting variable (typically a vegetation index), which are not always trivially to defined [55]. Hence, a self-exhaustive approach based on in situ sampling might still be considered useful (e.g., fitting the uncertainty requirements) especially over dense canopies, like most of the scenarios considered in this study.
To further expand this study, we recognize that simulations should include the sun azimuth daily variability, especially for scenarios such as CIT which present row-structured features. For this specific case, additional investigations should be conducted, considering specific sampling approaches designed and implemented to minimize the predictable effects of bright and shadowed areas due to tree rows. We fixed the number of elements per sample in our study, while a similar study could be conducted by varying the number of sensors in a grid of sensors, or alternatively the length of a transect scan, until certain uncertainty requirements are achieved. A dedicated effort, although outside of the main scope of this study, should be spent to determine the impact of horizontal flux in the determination of areal FAPAR.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: Figures S1–S8.

Author Contributions

C.L., N.G. and J.S.A. conceived and designed the experiment. C.L. and J.S.A. ran the 3D RT simulations. C.L. and F.C. implemented the software for the FAPAR sampling. C.L. wrote the first manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article and Supplementary Materials.


The support provided by DG DEFIS, i.e., the European Commission Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and the Copernicus Programme is gratefully acknowledged. J.A. is supported by the ESA PRODEX Trishna T-SEC project (PEA C4000133711).

Conflicts of Interest

The author Christian Lanconelli was employed by Unisystems, Milan, Italy. All authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. FAPAR in situ estimators from flux measurement strategies. All values are normalized to the incoming radiation at the ToC (1), T is the transmitted flux, and ρS is the surface reflectance, while R is the reflectance at the ToC. Horizontal net flux through the lateral boundaries of the bounding-box is indicated with H. The region considered for high resolution flux assessment (100 m × 100 m × canopy height) is indicated by the red rectangle. For most of the scenes considered in this study, the bounding-box horizontal dimension (L = 100m) was lower than the full scene dimension by approximately 10%. Typically, the upwelling flux R is collected from a single instrument mounted on an instrumented tower.
Figure 1. FAPAR in situ estimators from flux measurement strategies. All values are normalized to the incoming radiation at the ToC (1), T is the transmitted flux, and ρS is the surface reflectance, while R is the reflectance at the ToC. Horizontal net flux through the lateral boundaries of the bounding-box is indicated with H. The region considered for high resolution flux assessment (100 m × 100 m × canopy height) is indicated by the red rectangle. For most of the scenes considered in this study, the bounding-box horizontal dimension (L = 100m) was lower than the full scene dimension by approximately 10%. Typically, the upwelling flux R is collected from a single instrument mounted on an instrumented tower.
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Figure 3. Rayshade rendering of the tropical forest (left) and pine stand forest (right) used in this work.
Figure 3. Rayshade rendering of the tropical forest (left) and pine stand forest (right) used in this work.
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Figure 4. Reference values of the black-sky total (black) FBT and foliage (green) FBF FAPAR as obtained from absorption simulations. The black dashed lines indicate the black-sky F4 calculated with the four-flux methodology applied over the entire scene. At the arbitrarily abscissa of θS = 45°, the total (squares) and foliage (triangles) FAPAR for diffuse illumination are drawn. The shadows indicate the range of variability of the 4-flux FAPAR as simulated at 50cm spatial resolution for a 100 × 100 m2 subset as described in the text, with the solid violet lines representing the average values ( F 4 ¯ ), available from 5° to 85°.
Figure 4. Reference values of the black-sky total (black) FBT and foliage (green) FBF FAPAR as obtained from absorption simulations. The black dashed lines indicate the black-sky F4 calculated with the four-flux methodology applied over the entire scene. At the arbitrarily abscissa of θS = 45°, the total (squares) and foliage (triangles) FAPAR for diffuse illumination are drawn. The shadows indicate the range of variability of the 4-flux FAPAR as simulated at 50cm spatial resolution for a 100 × 100 m2 subset as described in the text, with the solid violet lines representing the average values ( F 4 ¯ ), available from 5° to 85°.
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Figure 5. Panel (a) illustrates the distribution of the transmittance T at 50 cm resolution at ground level (BoC) for the birch stand leaf-on forest model (BSS) for a direct illumination and a Sun zenith angle θS = 5°. Panel (b) represents the spatial distribution of the BoC reflected flux (ρS T), and panel (c) represents the reflectance at the top of the canopy (R) for the same scene. Panels (df) show the same quantities for the savanna model (SAV) and θS = 32°.
Figure 5. Panel (a) illustrates the distribution of the transmittance T at 50 cm resolution at ground level (BoC) for the birch stand leaf-on forest model (BSS) for a direct illumination and a Sun zenith angle θS = 5°. Panel (b) represents the spatial distribution of the BoC reflected flux (ρS T), and panel (c) represents the reflectance at the top of the canopy (R) for the same scene. Panels (df) show the same quantities for the savanna model (SAV) and θS = 32°.
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Figure 6. Average values (a) and spatial heterogeneity, expressed by means of 1σ (b) of the BoC transmittance (T), BoC reflectance (RS), and of ToC reflectance (R) for all sun zenith angles considered in the high resolution simulations on 100 × 100 m2 subsets. All the labels in the heatmap are reported in percents.
Figure 6. Average values (a) and spatial heterogeneity, expressed by means of 1σ (b) of the BoC transmittance (T), BoC reflectance (RS), and of ToC reflectance (R) for all sun zenith angles considered in the high resolution simulations on 100 × 100 m2 subsets. All the labels in the heatmap are reported in percents.
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Figure 7. FAPAR at a high spatial resolution (50 cm) for the savanna scene and θS = 5°, as computed with the five different combinations of ToC and BoC fluxes presented in Equation (11) (reference), and Equations (11a)–(11d) (with M = 40,000). The bottom figures show the corresponding local difference in the FAPAR from the 4-flux methodology, and the values labelling each panel refer to mean bias and the standard deviation of the differences.
Figure 7. FAPAR at a high spatial resolution (50 cm) for the savanna scene and θS = 5°, as computed with the five different combinations of ToC and BoC fluxes presented in Equation (11) (reference), and Equations (11a)–(11d) (with M = 40,000). The bottom figures show the corresponding local difference in the FAPAR from the 4-flux methodology, and the values labelling each panel refer to mean bias and the standard deviation of the differences.
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Figure 8. Kernel Density function representing the distribution of the FAPAR as calculated with Equation (11d) ( F 4 R ¯ i ) at 50 cm resolution. The colour code indicates a sun zenith angle (θS) varying from 5° (red tones) to 85° (pink). The density scale is logarithmic to highlight the features of the distribution at the extremes of the FAPAR range.
Figure 8. Kernel Density function representing the distribution of the FAPAR as calculated with Equation (11d) ( F 4 R ¯ i ) at 50 cm resolution. The colour code indicates a sun zenith angle (θS) varying from 5° (red tones) to 85° (pink). The density scale is logarithmic to highlight the features of the distribution at the extremes of the FAPAR range.
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Figure 9. Boxplot representation of the FAPAR distribution as calculated with the 4-flux method (Equation (11d), grey bars, e.g., F 4 R ¯ i ) and the 2-flux method (Equation (11a), in white, F 2 i ) for three selected sun zenith angles. Whiskers and boxes indicate 5th, 25th, median (in orange), 75th and 95th percentiles. The green lines indicate the average value ( F ¯ 4 R ¯ ).
Figure 9. Boxplot representation of the FAPAR distribution as calculated with the 4-flux method (Equation (11d), grey bars, e.g., F 4 R ¯ i ) and the 2-flux method (Equation (11a), in white, F 2 i ) for three selected sun zenith angles. Whiskers and boxes indicate 5th, 25th, median (in orange), 75th and 95th percentiles. The green lines indicate the average value ( F ¯ 4 R ¯ ).
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Figure 10. Relative difference (%), as a function of the sun zenith angle, between the population average values of F ¯ 2 (circles), F ¯ 3 a (squares), F ¯ 3 b (triangles), with respect to the reference F ¯ 4 R ¯ (note that on average F ¯ 4 R ¯ = F ¯ 4 ). The colour of F ¯ 2 refers to the absolute value of F ¯ 4 R ¯ . Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
Figure 10. Relative difference (%), as a function of the sun zenith angle, between the population average values of F ¯ 2 (circles), F ¯ 3 a (squares), F ¯ 3 b (triangles), with respect to the reference F ¯ 4 R ¯ (note that on average F ¯ 4 R ¯ = F ¯ 4 ). The colour of F ¯ 2 refers to the absolute value of F ¯ 4 R ¯ . Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
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Figure 11. Coefficient of variation C V ϕ ¯ as a function of the sun zenith angle for all the scenes and different sampling strategies. The figure refers to the FAPAR assessed with the 4-flux combination (Equation (11d)). The labels of all sampling strategies were defined in Table 1. Note that the ordinate scale ranges are different. Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
Figure 11. Coefficient of variation C V ϕ ¯ as a function of the sun zenith angle for all the scenes and different sampling strategies. The figure refers to the FAPAR assessed with the 4-flux combination (Equation (11d)). The labels of all sampling strategies were defined in Table 1. Note that the ordinate scale ranges are different. Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
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Figure 12. As in Figure 11 but for 2-flux combination (Equation (11a)). Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
Figure 12. As in Figure 11 but for 2-flux combination (Equation (11a)). Please note the different scales of Δ F ¯ .
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Figure 13. The number of GCOS compliant extractions (up to 50) per scene, per sampling plan, and per sun zenith angles. The GCOS target was set to 5% (Goal) and the 4-flux combination were considered in the upper panel, while the GCOS threshold target (10%) and 2-flux combinations’ results were reported in the lower panel. Notice that the y-axes are ordered from bottom to top according to the average value of valid extraction (Sun zenith angles’ wise).
Figure 13. The number of GCOS compliant extractions (up to 50) per scene, per sampling plan, and per sun zenith angles. The GCOS target was set to 5% (Goal) and the 4-flux combination were considered in the upper panel, while the GCOS threshold target (10%) and 2-flux combinations’ results were reported in the lower panel. Notice that the y-axes are ordered from bottom to top according to the average value of valid extraction (Sun zenith angles’ wise).
Remotesensing 16 04552 g013
Figure 14. The upper panel shows the 95th percentiles of the reduced Chi-Squared χ ~ 2 for each scene, per sampling plan and sun zenith angle. The empty cells correspond to cases for which the valid number of bins was less than 4, a limit assumed to have a reliable output from the Chi-Squared test. The lower panel: the fraction of the samples for which the probability of obtaining a χ ~ 2 higher than the observed ones was lower than 5%.
Figure 14. The upper panel shows the 95th percentiles of the reduced Chi-Squared χ ~ 2 for each scene, per sampling plan and sun zenith angle. The empty cells correspond to cases for which the valid number of bins was less than 4, a limit assumed to have a reliable output from the Chi-Squared test. The lower panel: the fraction of the samples for which the probability of obtaining a χ ~ 2 higher than the observed ones was lower than 5%.
Remotesensing 16 04552 g014aRemotesensing 16 04552 g014b
Table 3. Characteristics of the canopy scenes. The corresponding RAMI-V scene is indicated in the third column. Names in parenthesis are reported for the scenes not included in RAMI IV. L1 × L2 and H are the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the scene. The density column (Td) stores the number of trees per hectare, the fractional coverage (fCOV) is the ratio between the vertical projected area of all canopy elements and the horizontal area of the model, and LAI is the Leaf Area Index. The LAI indicated in parenthesis is the one associated with the understory, where it is explicitly modelled.
Table 3. Characteristics of the canopy scenes. The corresponding RAMI-V scene is indicated in the third column. Names in parenthesis are reported for the scenes not included in RAMI IV. L1 × L2 and H are the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the scene. The density column (Td) stores the number of trees per hectare, the fractional coverage (fCOV) is the ratio between the vertical projected area of all canopy elements and the horizontal area of the model, and LAI is the Leaf Area Index. The LAI indicated in parenthesis is the one associated with the understory, where it is explicitly modelled.
RAMI-V NameL1 × L2
[m] × [m]
[m2 m−2]
Birch forestBSSHET09105.5 × 106.230.59190.503.44
Birch winBSWHET15105.5 × 106.230.59190.250.0356
Pine forestPSSHET07105.9 × 106.118.59960.412.30
Pine winterPSWHET08103.1 × 103.215.09910.130.75
Trop. for.TRP 100.2 × 100.2442670.725.30 (2.0)
SavannaSAVHET50109.4 × 108.411960.371.119 (1.043)
ShrubSCH 100.2 × 100.192030.172.10
Citrus orchardCITHET14108.3 × 103.949910.392.69
Table 4. Total and foliage absorption (FBT and FBF), full scene 4-flux (F4) and 2-flux (F2) FAPAR estimators’ values in diffuse illumination conditions. The difference between the full scene 4-flux estimator (F4) and the total absorption FBT (note the scale factor) is reported in absolute terms (uU) and in percent (uU%) (Equation (7)).
Table 4. Total and foliage absorption (FBT and FBF), full scene 4-flux (F4) and 2-flux (F2) FAPAR estimators’ values in diffuse illumination conditions. The difference between the full scene 4-flux estimator (F4) and the total absorption FBT (note the scale factor) is reported in absolute terms (uU) and in percent (uU%) (Equation (7)).
% × 10 3 %
Table 5. Ranges of uU (Equation (7)) and uH (Equation (9)), the total (FBT), and foliage absorption (FBF) from black-sky simulations. The worst relative values for uU% and uH% are reported. The index of variability ∆FBT and ∆FBF are calculated using the normalized ratio between the difference and the sum of the extremes. The average and standard deviation of the ratio between foliage and total absorption are given in the last column.
Table 5. Ranges of uU (Equation (7)) and uH (Equation (9)), the total (FBT), and foliage absorption (FBF) from black-sky simulations. The worst relative values for uU% and uH% are reported. The index of variability ∆FBT and ∆FBF are calculated using the normalized ratio between the difference and the sum of the extremes. The average and standard deviation of the ratio between foliage and total absorption are given in the last column.
SceneuUuU%uHuH% Range   F B T Δ F B T Range   F B F Δ F B F F B F / F B T
× 10 3 Worst × 10 3 Worst %
BSS−2 ÷ 0−0.233 ÷ 5110.10.497 ÷ 0.948310.418 ÷ 0.7622976 ± 3
BSW−10 ÷ −1−1.57 ÷ 141.90.595 ÷ 0.88420<0.001 ÷ 0.008891 ± (<1)
PSS−3 ÷ 0−0.430 ÷ 449.80.415 ÷ 0.944390.290 ÷ 0.8234867 ± 6
PSW−27 ÷ −1−5.52 ÷ 71.40.367 ÷ 0.950440.176 ÷ 0.6565844 ± 4
TRP−4 ÷ 0−0.41 ÷ 30.30.889 ÷ 0.97950.663 ÷ 0.9661981 ± 7
SAV−139 ÷ −5−29.946 ÷ 6218.50.354 ÷ 0.905430.308 ÷ 0.6213480 ± 7
SHR1 ÷ 15+1.60 ÷ 41.70.166 ÷ 0.923690.145 ÷ 0.7856986 ± 1
CIT−10 ÷ 0−1.52 ÷ 233.30.419 ÷ 0.957390.388 ÷ 0.9284192 ± 1
Table 6. Average and standard deviation of the population distribution of F4i (Equation (8)) as computed over the bounding-box for all canopies and three different geometries. CV is the coefficient of variation, defined as σ / F 4 ¯ .
Table 6. Average and standard deviation of the population distribution of F4i (Equation (8)) as computed over the bounding-box for all canopies and three different geometries. CV is the coefficient of variation, defined as σ / F 4 ¯ .
SceneθS = 5°θS = 32°θS = 60°
F 4 ¯ σ CV F 4 ¯ σ CV F 4 ¯ σ CV
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MDPI and ACS Style

Lanconelli, C.; Cappucci, F.; Adams, J.S.; Gobron, N. Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 4552.

AMA Style

Lanconelli C, Cappucci F, Adams JS, Gobron N. Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(23):4552.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Lanconelli, Christian, Fabrizio Cappucci, Jennifer Susan Adams, and Nadine Gobron. 2024. "Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations" Remote Sensing 16, no. 23: 4552.

APA Style

Lanconelli, C., Cappucci, F., Adams, J. S., & Gobron, N. (2024). Evaluation of In Situ FAPAR Measurement Protocols Using 3D Radiative Transfer Simulations. Remote Sensing, 16(23), 4552.

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