Emerging Concepts and Novel Strategies in Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal Cancer Management
:1. Introduction
2. Early-Stage Glottic Cancer (I–II)
2.1. Carotid-Sparing IMRT
2.2. Single Vocal Cord Irradiation
2.3. Moderate–Extreme Hypofractionation
2.4. Partial Laryngeal IMRT
3. Locally Advanced Stage (III–IV)
3.1. Tumor Volume
3.2. Pretreatment Organ Function
3.3. Selective Nodal Irradiation
3.4. Adaptive Radiotherapy
3.5. Unilateral Neck Irradiation
3.6. Omission of Resected Neck—Radiation to the Primary Surgical Bed Only
3.7. Radiation to Neck(s) Only
3.8. Nanoparticle Therapy
3.9. Deep Machine Learning: Radiomics
3.10. Tumor Heterogeneity
3.11. MRI-Guided Radiotherapy
3.12. Ultra-High-Dose-Rate (FLASH) Radiotherapy
3.13. Radiotherapy Coupled with Biological Agents
4. Future Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Gamez, M.E.; Blakaj, A.; Zoller, W.; Bonomi, M.; Blakaj, D.M. Emerging Concepts and Novel Strategies in Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal Cancer Management. Cancers 2020, 12, 1651. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12061651
Gamez ME, Blakaj A, Zoller W, Bonomi M, Blakaj DM. Emerging Concepts and Novel Strategies in Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal Cancer Management. Cancers. 2020; 12(6):1651. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12061651
Chicago/Turabian StyleGamez, Mauricio E., Adriana Blakaj, Wesley Zoller, Marcelo Bonomi, and Dukagjin M. Blakaj. 2020. "Emerging Concepts and Novel Strategies in Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal Cancer Management" Cancers 12, no. 6: 1651. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12061651
APA StyleGamez, M. E., Blakaj, A., Zoller, W., Bonomi, M., & Blakaj, D. M. (2020). Emerging Concepts and Novel Strategies in Radiation Therapy for Laryngeal Cancer Management. Cancers, 12(6), 1651. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12061651