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A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing

Ophthalmology, Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Lund University, Skane University Hospital, 221 85 Lund, Sweden
S:t Erik Eye Hospital, 171 64 Solna, Sweden
Novartis Sverige AB, 164 40 Stockholm, Sweden
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Genes 2023, 14(7), 1413;
Submission received: 11 May 2023 / Revised: 5 July 2023 / Accepted: 6 July 2023 / Published: 8 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Genetics in Retinal Diseases)


In the present era of evolving gene-based therapies for inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs), it has become increasingly important to verify the genotype in every case, to identify all subjects eligible for treatment. Moreover, combined insight concerning phenotypes and genotypes is crucial for improved understanding of thevisual impairment, prognosis, and inheritance. The objective of this study was to investigate to what extent renewed comprehensive genetic testing of patients diagnosed with IRD but with previously inconclusive DNA test results can verify the genotype, if confirmation of the genotype has an impact on the understanding of the clinical picture, and, to describe the genetic spectrum encountered in a Swedish IRD cohort. The study included 279 patients from the retinitis pigmentosa research registry (comprising diagnosis within the whole IRD spectrum), hosted at the Department of Ophthalmology, Skåne University hospital, Sweden. The phenotypes had already been evaluated with electrophysiology and other clinical tests, e.g., visual acuity, Goldmann perimetry, and fundus imaging at the first visit, sometime between 1988–2015 and the previous—in many cases, multiple—genetic testing, performed between 1995 and 2020 had been inconclusive. All patients were aged 0–25 years at the time of their first visit. Renewed genetic testing was performed using a next generation sequencing (NGS) IRD panel including 322 genes (Blueprint Genetics). Class 5 and 4 variants, according to ACMG guidelines, were considered pathogenic. Of the 279 samples tested, a confirmed genotype was determined in 182 (65%). The cohort was genetically heterogenous, including 65 different genes. The most prevailing were ABCA4 (16.5%), RPGR (6%), CEP290 (6%), and RS1 (5.5%). Other prevalent genes were CACNA1F (3%), PROM1 (3%), CHM (3%), and NYX (3%). In 7% of the patients there was a discrepancy between the diagnosis made based on phenotypical or genotypical findings alone. To conclude, repeated DNA-analysis was beneficial also in previously tested patients and improved our ability to verify the genotype–phenotype association increasing the understanding of how visual impairment manifests, prognosis, and the inheritance pattern. Moreover, repeated testing using a widely available method could identify additional patients eligible for future gene-based therapies.

1. Introduction

Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) are one of the most common causes of serious visual impairment in children and young adults in developed countries [1,2]. Until quite recently, IRDs have been untreatable, but during the last decades, extensive research concerning gene-based therapies [3,4,5,6,7] has evolved and the first gene augmentation therapy, Voretigene Neparvovec for treatment of RPE65-associated retinal dystrophies [8,9], was approved in USA in 2017 and in Europe 2018. Since the novel therapies such as gene augmentation/replacement, gene silencing, antisense oligonucleotides (AONs), and gene editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system [3,5,6,7] are all based on correcting the specific genetic defect; verification of the genotype is essential nowadays. Moreover, there is a complicated overlap of genotypes and phenotypes in the sense that the same pathogenic genetic variant can cause several different clinical manifestations, e.g., either retinitis pigmentosa (RP), first engaging rods and, after some time, also cones, or Lebers congenital amaurosis (LCA) with early-onset rod and cone engagement, but also cone–rod dystrophy (CRD) with the cones affected primarily and rod secondarily [10,11,12]. Similarly, one phenotype, RP, can be caused by mutations in many different genes, (with over 60 currently known [13]). Concerning the whole spectrum of IRDs, over 300 causative genes [14] are known presently and they can be linked with over 50 separate phenotypes [13]. In this setting, careful mapping of the genetic cause of IRDs has become more important and lately, our ability to assess genotypes has improved significantly. Over the years, the procedure for DNA-analysis has evolved from single gene testing with the first gene associated with X-linked RP described in 1984 [15,16], via the APEX technique, to NGS panels and whole exome as well as whole genome sequencing (WES and WGS) [17]. Although modern procedures such as NGS panels, WES, and WGS are used, the diagnostic yield is not complete but ranges between 50–75% [14]. Thus, to optimize our ability to make the accurate diagnosis in each patient and thereby enable better understanding of the type of visual impairment, prognosis, and inheritance patterns, we must combine thorough clinical assessments and genetic testing. And, when it comes to finding patients eligible for gene-based therapies, genotyping is crucial, both the approved one and for therapies in clinical trials [3,4,6,7,18]. At the Department of Ophthalmology of Skåne University Hospital, we have, since the mid-1990s, had the ambition to verify the genotype in all patients, but that has not yet been fully possible. In this study, we wanted to investigate to what extent renewed comprehensive genetic testing with a widely available, broad NGS panel for IRDs, could verify the genotype in patients where previous genetic testing had been inconclusive and if confirmation of the genotype has an impact on the understanding of the clinical picture. Moreover, we aimed to describe the spectrum of genes encountered in a Swedish cohort of IRD patients.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Subjects

The study included 279 patients, with inconclusive previous DNA test results, from the retinitis pigmentosa research registry hosted at the Department of Ophthalmology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Despite the name, the registry includes subjects with the whole spectrum of IRDs. The patients had made their first visit to the department between 1988 and 2015 and the initial appointment included a thorough clinical examination that mapped the phenotype carefully. Among the most prevalent diagnoses (based on the phenotype) were RP (94 subjects), CRD (38 subjects), Stargardt diseases (STGD) (24 subjects), X-linked juvenile retinoschisis (XLRS) (22 subjects), LCA (14 subjects), cone dystrophy (CD) (12 subjects), congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) (11 subjects), macular dystrophy (11 subjects), and Usher syndrome (9 subjects). Previous DNA analyses were performed between 1995 and 2020 in cooperation with several collaborators, using both research laboratories and commercial facilities. Over time, the available techniques have developed from single gene tests and APEX panels to NGS panels and WES. Of the subjects, 122 had been tested with single-gene analysis, often including a range of genes on several occasions and in many different laboratories, while 157 of the patients that were investigated more recently had been tested with APEX—or NGS panels. A few cases with unsolved genotypes had also been tested with WES in addition to any of the other methods. In many cases, several DNA tests have been carried out over time. In this study, the term, inconclusive test results, means that either no pathogenic variant at all had been identified with previous tests or that only one pathogenic variant had been detected in a gene that is known to cause autosomal recessive disease. The study included 117 females and 162 males. They were all between 0 and 25 years of age at the time of their first visit (median 10 and mean 11 with standard deviation 6). Patients from widely distributed parts of Sweden are represented in the cohort, in which 60% had been referred from areas outside the department’s own region, Skåne. Hence, these results provide information about the genetic characteristics of Swedish IRD patients on a national level rather than on a regional level. The study was conducted in accordance with the Tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and it was approved by the Ethical Committee for Medical Research at Lund University (nr 2015/602). All subjects gave their informed consent concerning the study including the DNA analysis.

2.2. Genetic Analysis

In 2021, DNA samples from all 279 patients were sent for renewed genetic testing with an NGS IRD panel including 322 genes at Blueprint Genetics, a College of American Pathologists- and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments-certified laboratory. Investigated genes are listed in Table 1. Class 5 and 4 variants according to ACMG guidelines were considered pathogenic. In a few cases (Table 2), a class 3 variant was upgraded to a class 4 by the geneticists at Blueprint Genetics. The analysis also included assessment copy number variations (CNVs) as well as evaluation of the maternally inherited mitochondrial genome. In addition to the coding regions, the panel targeted 20 base pairs at the intron/exon boundaries and noncoding variants previously reported as disease-causing in association with IRD.
Bioinformatics and quality control were performed as follows. Base called raw sequencing data was transformed into FASTQ format using Illumina’s software (bcl2fastq) v2.20. Sequence reads of each sample were mapped to the human reference genome (GRCh37/hg19). Burrows–Wheeler Aligner (BWA-MEM) software was used for read alignment. Duplicate read marking, local realignment around indels, base quality v0.7.12 score recalibration and variant calling were performed using GATK algorithms (Sentieon) for nDNA. Variant data was annotated using a collection of tools (VcfAnno and VEP) with a variety of public variant databases including, but not limited to, gnomAD, ClinVar and HGMD. The median sequencing depth and coverage across the target regions for the tested sample were calculated based on MQ0 aligned reads. The sequencing run was included in process reference sample(s) for quality control, which passed our thresholds for sensitivity and specificity. The patient’s sample was subjected to thorough quality control measures including assessments for contamination and sample mix-up. Copy number variations (CNVs), defined as single exon or larger deletions or duplications (Del/Dups), were detected from the sequence analysis data using a commercially available bioinformatic pipeline CNVkit and a proprietary, in-house-developed deletion caller based on read depth to improve the detection of small CNVs. The difference between observed and expected sequencing depth at the targeted genomic regions was calculated and regions were divided into segments with variable DNA copy number. The expected sequencing depth was obtained by using other samples processed in the same sequence analysis as a guiding reference. The sequence data were adjusted to account for the effects of varying guanine and cytosine content.

2.3. DNA Extraction

DNA was extracted from venous blood drawn from the precubital vein. Buffy coats of nucleated cells obtained from anticoagulated blood (EDTA) were resuspended in 15 mL polypropylene centrifugation tubes with 3 mL of nuclei lysis buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 400 mM NaCl and 2 mM Na2EDTA, pH 8.2). The cell lysates were digested overnight at 37 °C with 0.2 mL of 10% SDS and 0.5 mL of a protease K solution (1 mg protease K in 1% SDS and 2 mM Na2EDTA). After digestion was complete, 1 mL of saturated NaCl (approximately 6 M) was added to each tube and shaken vigorously for 15 s, followed by centrifugation at 2500 rpm for 15 min. The precipitated protein pellet was left at the bottom of the tube and the supernatant containing the DNA was transferred to another 15 mL polypropylene tube. Exactly 2 volumes of room temperature absolute ethanol were added, and the tubes inverted numerous times until the DNA precipitated. The precipitated DNA strands were removed with a plastic spatula or pipette and transferred to a 1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube containing 100–200 pl TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 0.2 mM Na2EDTA, pH 7.5). The DNA was allowed to dissolve for 2 h at 37 °C before quantitating.

2.4. Ophthalmological Examinations

For assessment of overall retinal function, full-field electroretinograms (ffERG) according to the ISCEV standards at the time [19,20] were recorded in all of the patients. In subjects that had their appointment after the multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) technique had been introduced (from 2002), macular function was measured with mfERG according to the ISCEV standards of the time [21,22]. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was tested monocularly on a decimal letter chart at 5 or 3 m (m) and visual fields were mapped with a Goldmann perimeter, likewise monocularly, with standardized objects V4e, I4e, 04e, 03e, and 02e. For structural analysis, fundus color and red free photographs, and during later years, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and autofluorescence (FAF) images were also obtained. Moreover, slit lamp and fundus examinations were conducted.

3. Results

Pathogenic class 4 or 5 genetic variants explaining the phenotype were found in 182 of the 279 (65%) samples that were re-analyzed with the NGS retinal dystrophy panel. A description of the pathogenic variants as well as data concerning age at first examination, gender, genotype, and phenotype at first examination are presented in Table 2. The cohort was genetically heterogenous showing disease -causing variants in 65 different genes (Figure 1 and Table 3). The most frequently mutated gene was the ABCA4 gene with pathogen variants in 30 of the 182 (16.5%) cases with a verified genotype. Other prevalent causative genes in this Swedish cohort were CEP290 (11 out of 182, 6%), RPGR (11 out of 182, 6%), RS1 (10 out of 182, 5.5%), CACNA1F (6 out of 182, 3%), CHM (6 out of 182, 3%), NYX (6 out of 182, 3%), and PROM1 (6 out of 182, 3%).
In 13 out of the 182 (7%) patients, there was a discrepancy between the diagnosis based on phenotypical or genotypical findings alone. The most common error was that CSNB initially was considered to be XLRS or choroideremia or that early choroideremia was mistaken for RP. In two cases, Bardet–Biedl syndrome initially was interpreted as achromatopsia before more general symptoms such as obesity and renal problems were apparent.

4. Discussion

Since gene-based treatments like gene augmentation/replacement [8,9,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31], gene silencing, AONs [32,33], and gene editing using the CRISPR/Cas9 system [3,5,6,7] may be the future for patients with IRDs, confirmation of the genotype has become even more crucial during the last years. In our department, we have, since the 1990s, strived to both perform careful phenotyping and to verify the genotype in all our IRD patients. However, we have failed to identify the causative genetic background in quite a few of them and therefore, we wanted to investigate if it is beneficial to perform genetic re-testing with a widely available broad NGS panel for IRDs. WES or WGS could possibly have revealed more pathogenic variants, but in this study, we wanted to test a method that is affordable in a clinical setting and for the health care systems in different countries. In these patients, that had previously been investigated with various techniques such as single-gene analysis, APEX panels, NGS panels, and WES with inconclusive results, the renewed testing with a comprehensive NGS panel revealed the presence of the genotype in 182 individuals (65%). Thus, the success rate was approximately the same as the general yield described for first time-testing using NGS (50–71%) [34,35] although our subjects were selected unsolved cases. This means that it is of great value to re-test IRDs patients with unsolved genotypes using a broad NGS panel for IRDs. When it comes to the cases with compound heterozygosity it would, of course, be ideal to perform segregation analyses for all of them, but in this study, it was not possible to make contact with and test relatives of all of the patients. In many cases, NGS data could confirm that the variants were in trans and in all cases we were very careful in the interpretation of the genetic data only considering the genotype as causative if it was completely consistent with the phenotype. It is difficult to set a proper interval for DNA re-testing. In our study, the positive yield of testing for the patients with the shortest re-test interval (previously tested between 2016–2020 with APEX or NGS panels) was 32 out of 49 samples (65%), which means a similar positive success rate as for the whole group, indicating the usefulness of re-testing with quite short intervals.
When it comes to the prevalence of different causative genes in this Swedish cohort, which to our knowledge is the first larger cohort investigated concerning the genetic spectrum in Sweden, the ABCA4 gene was the most common gene, encountered in 16.5% of the patients. This is in line with both an international estimate by Schneider, 2022 called the Global Retinal Inherited Disease (GRID) dataset [13], and with reports from separate countries, although the absolute percentage varies slightly: GRID 25%, USA 14% [36], Canada 20% [36], Brazil 21% [37], Taiwan 15% [38], and Italy 26% [39]. Our second-most common genes were RPGR and CEP290, which were found in 6% of the patients, respectively. RGPR is also among the most prevalent genes in other studies; fourth-most common in the GRID dataset (3.4%) [13], in USA and Canada it was the third-most common gene (10% and 4%) [36], the fourth-most common in Brazil (5%) [37], fifth-most common in Taiwan (5%) [38], and in the Italian cohort, it was the third-most common gene (5%) [39]. CEP 290, on the other hand, is only represented to the same extent in the Brazilian cohort (5.5%) [37], while it is less common in the other cohorts (1–3%) [13,36,38,39]. Another difference is that USH2A is quite common in the other studies, being the second-most prevalent gene in the GRID dataset (15%) [13] as well as in the Italian (11%) [39] and the Canadian (6%) [36] cohorts, the third-most prevalent gene in Taiwan and Brazil (10% and 5%, respectively) [37,38], and found in 3% of American IRD patients [36], while it was found in only two of our 182 patients (1.1%) with a verified genotype. It is well known that genes have different prevalences in various countries and geographic areas, but most of the difference concerning the USH2A gene in our study can be explained by the fact that the patients with Usher syndrome type 2A are referred to us at an older age (mean age 39 at genotypic diagnosis in our registry) than the investigated group, since their visual decline becomes evident somewhat later in life. EYS was also among the more common genes in some of the other cohorts; e.g., second-most common among the Taiwanese subjects (12%) [38], third-most common in the GRID dataset (4.4%) [13,36], and was found in 4% of Brazilian IRD patients [37], while it was actually absent from our study as well as from the American and Canadian cohorts [36]. Concerning RS1, the setting was the opposite. It was among the more common genes in our cohort, verified in 5.5% of the subjects, but less prevalent in the other studies, in which it was described in only 0.5–2% of the patients [37,39,40] or was not specified at all [13,36]. Thus, these data indicate that to an extent, the same genes are the most prevalent across different cohorts with the exception of certain genes, e.g., RS1, CEP290, and EYS, that show more inconsistent distribution. This is of special interest when it comes to introducing gene-based therapies, since particular genes have a more urgent need to be dealt with in some populations than in others. Figure 2 shows the genotypic pattern of the 201 patients with established genotypes belonging to the same age group in the RP registry. In this group, 45 different genotypes were demonstrated. It can be noted from Figure 1 and Figure 2 that some genes such as CNGB3, RHO, CLN3, BEST1, BCM, and GUCY2D were quite well covered in the former analyses and not many new cases were encountered in the re-analysis. For ABCA4, RPGR, and RS1, new variants were discovered in rather many subjects although these genes were among the most prevalent causative genotypes also in the registry cohort and thus the coverage of those genes has improved. It is also noteworthy that CEP290, CACNA1F, CHM, and NYX are much better covered in the newer genetic work-up identifying many more subjects than in the registry cohort.
In the re-analyzed material, the gender distribution was slightly skewed, which can be explained by the occurrence of X-linked disorders that were encountered in 40 of the subjects (22% of the subjects with a verified genotype).
The basis for the choice of age range of 25 years or younger in the study was that younger patients are more suitable for future treatments, since many of the IRDs are progressive and thus, early detection is essential for enough viable retinal cells to be left for decent treatment results. Moreover, it is very important for young patients to obtain a correct diagnosis as early as possible, in order to enable adequate visual habilitation including visual aids, as well as fair expectations concerning the course of the visual impairment. In line with this, we can confirm the importance of a combined phenotypic and genotypic work-up, since in 7% of the patients, the result of genetic testing or clinical examinations alone led to different diagnoses, delaying correct counselling. For instance, in some early cases, X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) due to CACNA1F variants was diagnosed as X-linked RP with the risk of giving the family incorrect information concerning the progression of the disease over time, since CSNB is a stationary and XLRP a progressive disorder. In some cases, the genetic result was also important for the confirmation of the inheritance pattern.
To conclude, renewed DNA-analysis was also beneficial in previously tested patients with inconclusive genetic test results, and it improved our ability to verify the genotype–phenotype association increasing the understanding of visual impairment, disease prognosis, and sometimes the inheritance pattern. Thus, repeated testing using a widely available method may identify additional patients eligible for future gene-based therapies.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.A., S.K., S.A., A.Ö., L.G. and U.K.; methodology, M.A., S.A., A.Ö. and U.K.; software, S.A. and U.K.; validation, M.A., S.K., S.A., A.Ö., L.G. and U.K.; formal analysis, M.A., S.A. and U.K.; investigation, M.A., S.A. and U.K.; resources, M.A., S.A., A.Ö., L.G. and U.K.; data curation, M.A., S.A. and U.K.; writing—original draft preparation, M.A. and U.K.; writing—review and editing, M.A., S.K., S.A., A.Ö., L.G. and U.K.; visualization, S.A. and U.K.; supervision, S.A. and U.K.; project administration, S.A., L.G. and U.K.; funding acquisition, M.A., S.A., A.Ö. and U.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The work was supported by the Medical Faculty, Lund University, and grants from; Stiftelsen för synskadade i f.d. Malmöhus län 2020-3, Helfrid och Lorentz Nilssons stiftelse 2021-1, and Stiftelsen Synfrämjandets Forskningsfond/Ögonfonden 2020-04-27. The study was partially funded by Novartis Sverige AB.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and it was approved by the Ethical Committee for Medical Research at Lund University (2015/602, 10 September 2015).

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

The authors have full control of all primary data and agree to allow the journal to review the data on request.


We would like to thank Ing-Marie Holst and Boel Nilsson for their skillful technical assistance, as well as Vesna Ponjavic and Louise Eksandh for their fruitful collaboration.

Conflicts of Interest

The study was partially funded by Novartis Sverige AB. A.Ö. was an employee of Novartis Sverige AB, Kista, Sweden at the time of the DNA re-analysis, but is no longer. The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Showing the frequency of mutated genes that were found in the study.
Figure 1. Showing the frequency of mutated genes that were found in the study.
Genes 14 01413 g001
Figure 2. Showing the frequency of the most prevalent mutated genes in patients aged 0–25 years with established genotype in the retinitis pigmentosa research registry.
Figure 2. Showing the frequency of the most prevalent mutated genes in patients aged 0–25 years with established genotype in the retinitis pigmentosa research registry.
Genes 14 01413 g002
Table 1. Listing the genes that were investigated in the NGS retinal dystrophy panel.
Table 1. Listing the genes that were investigated in the NGS retinal dystrophy panel.
Table 2. Showing demographic data as well as genotype and phenotype for the patients with conclusive genetic re-testing.
Table 2. Showing demographic data as well as genotype and phenotype for the patients with conclusive genetic re-testing.
PatientGenderAge at First ExaminationGenotypeDescription of Pathogenic VariantsPhenotype at Initial Examination
RP145LUK12ABC4Aheterozygous for the missense variant, ABCA4 c.2915C > A, p.(Thr972Asn), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for the frameshift variant, ABCA4 c.4042del, p.(Thr1348Hisfs*41), which is likely pathogenic.STGD
RP146LUM8ABC4Aheterozygous for ABCA4 c.2915C > A, p.(Thr972Asn), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4042del, p.(Thr1348Hisfs*41), which is likely pathogenicSTGD
RP173LUK14ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenic heterozygous for ABCA4 c.768G > T, p.(Val256=), which is pathogenic.CD
RP125LUM4ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2588G > C, p.(Gly863Ala) classified as pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile) classified as a risk factorCRD
RP135LUM15ABCA4homozygous for a deletion, ABCA4 c.2918 + 11_3522 + 86del which encompasses exons 20–23 classified as pathogenicCRD
RP209LUK8ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.768G > T, p.(Val256=), which is pathogenicCRD
RP253LUK10ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.319C > T, p.(Arg107*), which is pathogenicCRD
RP5LUK7ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.768G > T, p.(Val256=) which is pathogenicCRD
RP161LUK20ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4773 + 3A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.768G > T, p.(Val256=), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP162LUM10ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.6286G > A, p.(Glu2096Lys), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5461–10T > C, which is pathogenic and for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is risk factorSTGD
RP170LUK14ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4139C > T, p.(Pro1380Leu), which is pathogenic. heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenic. heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is a risk factorSTGD
RP171LUK15ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.6181_6184del, p.(Thr2061Serfs*53), which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.3322C > T, p.(Arg1108Cys), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is a risk factorSTGD
RP18LUK12ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.319C > T, p.(Arg107*), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP200LUK17ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.3322C > T, p.(Arg1108Cys), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.768G > T, p.(Val256=), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP206LUK18ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4601del, p.(Leu1534Trpfs*2), which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2588G > C, p.(Gly863Ala), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is risk factorSTGD
RP215LUK19ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5461-10T > C, which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is a risk factorSTGD
RP224LUM11ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4139C > T, p.(Pro1380Leu), which is pathogenic heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2599del, p.(Thr867Profs*34), which is likely pathogenic.STGD
RP242LUK13ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.1610G > A, p.(Arg537His), which is likely pathogenicSTGD
RP261LUM10ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.5584G > C, p.(Gly1862Arg), which is likely pathogenicSTGD
RP287LUK19ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.6088C > T, p.(Arg2030*), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5882G > A, p.(Gly1961Glu), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP94LUM11ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.868C > T, p.(Arg290Trp), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP48LUK25ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.3322C > T, p.(Arg1108Cys), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.2894A > G, p.(Asn965Ser), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP85LUK25ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.5882G > A, p.(Gly1961Glu), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP191LUK16ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.1804C > T, p.(Arg602Trp), which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.3113C > T, p.(Ala1038Val), which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.1622T > C, p.(Leu541Pro), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is a risk factorCD
RP21LUK18ABCA4homozygous ABCA4c.5882G > A, p.(Gly1961Glu pathogenic. homozygous for ABCA4 c.634C > T, p.(Arg212Cys), which is pathogenicCD
RP22LUK10ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4773 + 1G > A, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.53G > A, p.(Arg18Gln), which is pathogenicCRD
RP172LUK8ABCA4homozygous for ABCA4 c.3113C > T, p.(Ala1038Val), which is pathogenic and homozygous for ABCA4 c.1622T > C, p.(Leu541Pro), which is pathogenicCRD
RP20LUK14ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5413A > G, p.(Asn1805Asp), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.6159G > A, p.(Trp2053*), which is likely pathogenicSTGD
RP34LUM18ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5461-10T > C, which is pathogenic, heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5196 + 1137G > A, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.5603A > T, p.(Asn1868Ile), which is risk factorSTGD
RP41LUM15ABCA4heterozygous for ABCA4 c.6079C > T, p.(Leu2027Phe), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for ABCA4 c.4139C > T, p.(Pro1380Leu), which is pathogenicSTGD
RP273LUM1AIPL1heterozygous for AIPL1 c.834G > A, p.(Trp278*), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for AIPL1 c.537del, p.(Val180Serfs*29), which is likely pathogenicLCA
RP181LUK18BBS1homozygous for BBS1 c.1169T > G, p.(Met390Arg), which is pathogenicRP
RP12LUM3BBS10homozygous BBS10 c.271dup, p.(Cys91Leufs*5), which is pathogenicBardet–Biedl
RP154LUK13BBS10homozygous for BBS10 c.1244del, p.(His415Leufs*16), which is pathogenicBardet–Biedl
RP155LUK14BBS10homozygous for BBS10 c.271dup, p.(Cys91Leufs*5), which is pathogenicBardet–Biedl
RP190LUK8BBS10homozygous for BBS10 c.271dup, p.(Cys91Leufs*5), which is pathogenicBardet–Biedl
RP236LUM12BBS5homozygous for BBS5 c.790G > A, p.(Gly264Arg), which is pathogenicachromatopsia
RP30LUK8BBS5homozygous for BBS5 c.790G > A, p.(Gly264Arg), which is pathogenicachromatopsia
RP76LUM16BBS9homozygous for BBS9 c.1561C > T, p.(Arg521*), which is pathogenicBardet–Biedl
RP1LUM10CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.4156C > T, p.(Gln1386*) which is likely pathogenicCHM
RP205LUM6CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.3895C > T, p.(Arg1299*), which is pathogenicCSNB
RP195LUM7CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.4134–1G > C, which is pathogenicXLRS
RP23LUM8CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.3542_3548del, p.(Tyr1181Cysfs*5), which is likely pathogenicXLRS
RP166LUM8CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.952_954del, p.(Phe318del), which is pathogenicXLRS
RP50LUM2CACNA1Fhemizygous for CACNA1F c.2071C > T, p.(Arg691*), which is pathogenicXLRS
RP65LUM19CACNA2D4homozygous for CACNA2D4 c.1564C > T, p.(Arg522*), which is likely pathogenicCD
RP123LUK6CDH23homozygous for CDH2 c.8733del, p.(Asp2911Glufs*41), which is likely pathogenicUsher
RP108LUM12CDH3heterozygous for CDH3 c.1795 + 1G > A, which is likely pathogenic and heterozygous for CDH3 c.1643C > G, p.(Pro548Arg), which is a VUS; however, this variant is absent in control populations and predicted to be deleterious via in silico tools and NGS data strongly suggest that these variants are in trans, thus interpreted as causativemacular dystrophy
RP221LUK19CDHR1heterozygous for CDHR1 c.783G > A, p.(Pro261=), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CDHR1 c.2522_2528del, p.(Ile841Serfs*119), which is pathogenicRP
RP106LUM1CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.4661_4663del, p.(Glu1554del), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.2052 + 1_2052 + 2del, which is pathogenicLCA
RP116LUK3CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.4661_4663del, p.(Glu1554del), pathogenic. heterozygous for CEP290 c.955del, p.(Ser319Leufs*16), likely pathogenicLCA
RP137LUK1CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.1992del, p.(Pro665Leufs*10), which is pathogenicLCA
RP150LUM1CEP290homozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenicLCA
RP156LUK1CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.384_387del, p.(Asp128Glufs*34), which is pathogenicLCA
RP157LUK0CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic. heterozygous for CEP290 c.170C > A, p.(Ser57*), which is likely pathogenicLCA
RP249LUK7CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.3249dup, p.(Arg1084Thrfs*11), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.1065 + 1G > A, which is likely pathogenicLCA
RP294LUM19CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.384_387del, p.(Asp128Glufs*34), which is pathogenicLCA
RP66LUK0CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.1681C > T, p.(Gln561*), which is likely pathogenic.LCA
RP82LUM1CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.2991 + 1655A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.1992del, p.(Pro665Leufs*10), which is pathogenicLCA
RP262LUM5CEP290heterozygous for CEP290 c.4438–3del, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CEP290 c.164_167del, p.(Thr55Serfs*3), which is pathogenicRP
RP258LUK5CFAP410homozygous for CFAP410 c.33_34insAGCTGCACAGCGTGCA, p.(Ala12Serfs*60), which is pathogenicCD
RP59LUK5CFAP410homozygous for CFAP410 c.218G > C, p.(Arg73Pro) which is pathogenicCD
RP64LUK11CFAP410homozygous for deletion CFAP410 c.(?_-1)_(*1_?)del, which is pathogenicCD
RP80LUK14CFAP410homozygous for a deletion CFAP410 c.(?_-1)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses the whole CFAP410 gene and is pathogenicCD
RP256LUK10CFAP410homozygous for CFAP410 c.218G > C, p.(Arg73Pro), which is pathogenicRP
RP288LUM24CHMhemizygous for CHM c.1244 + 1G > C, which is likely pathogenicCHM
RP49LUM16CHMhemizygous for CHM c.1144G > T, p.(Glu382*), which is pathogenicCHM
RP257LUM18CHMhemizygous for a deletion CHM c.(314 + 1_315 − 1)_(1166 + 1_1167 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 5–8 of CHM, classified as pathogenicRP
RP264LUM10CHMhemizygous for a 6 Mb deletion, seq[GRCh37] del(X)(q21.1q21.2), chrX:g.79270061–85302755del, encompassing the entire panel gene CHM and classified as pathogenic.RP
RP129LUK8CHMheterozygous for CHM c.1411del, p.(Gln471Argfs*5), which is likely pathogenicCHM carrier
RP42LUK13CHMheterozygous for CHM c.1144G > T, p.(Glu382*), which is pathogenicCHM carrier
RP227LUK7CLN3homozygous for deletion CLN3 c.(460 + 1_461 − 1)_(677 + 1_678 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 8–9 of CLN3 and is classified as pathogenicCLN3
RP234LUM7CLN3homozygous for deletion CLN3 c.(460 + 1_461 − 1)_(677 + 1_678 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 8–9 of CLN3 and is classified as pathogenicCLN3
RP220LUM6CLN3homozygous for a deletion CLN3 c.(460 + 1_461 − 1)_(677 + 1_678 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 8–9 of CLN3 and is classified as pathogenicRP
RP68LUM18CNGB1heterozygous for CNGB1 c.2957A > T, p.(Asn986Ile), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CNGB1 c.2293C > T, p.(Arg765Cys), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP26LUM10CNGB3heterozygous for CNGB3 c.1285dup, p.(Ser429Phefs*33), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CNGB3 c.819_826del, p.(Arg274Valfs*13), which is pathogenicachromatopsia
RP27LUM1CNGB3heterozygous for CNGB3 c.1148del, p.(Thr383Ilefs*13), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for CNGB3 c.1643G > T, p.(Gly548Val), which is VUS, however, CNGB3 c.1643G > T, p.(Gly548Val) is absent in control populations and predicted to be deleterious by insilico tools and thus compound heterozygosity of the variants would explain the phenotypeachromatopsia
RP15LUK6COL18A1homozygous for COL18A1 c.2157 + 2T > C, which is likely pathogenicKnobloch syndrome
RP132LUM2COL18A1homozygous for COL18A1 c.3514_3515del, p.(Leu1172Valfs*72), which is pathogenicLCA
RP244LUK12COL18A1homozygous for COL18A1 c.874del, p.(Glu292Lysfs*17), which is likely pathogenicmacular dystrophy
RP207LUM10COL18A1heterozygous for COL18A1 c.3666_3682del, p.(Ala1223Glnfs*19), which is likely pathogenic and heterozygous for COL18A1 c.3809 + 2T > C, which is likely pathogenicvitreoretinal dystrophy
RP140LUM13CRXheterozygous for CRX c.413del, p.(Ile138Thrfs*49), which is pathogenicCRD
RP92LUK5CRXheterozygous for CRX c.413del, p.(Ile138Thrfs*49), which is pathogenicCRD
RP117LUM4CRXheterozygous frameshift variant CRX c.413del, p.(Ile138Thrfs*49) which is pathogenic RP
RP114LUK1GUCA1Aheterozygous for GUCA1A c.332A > T, p.(Glu111Val), which is likely pathogenicCRD
RP134LUM13GUCY2Dheterozygous for GUCY2D c.2377del, p.(Glu793Asnfs*42), which is likely pathogenic and heterozygous for GUCY2D c.1567-17T > A, which is a VUS, however, these GUCY2D variants are consistent with the patient’s phenotype, and GUCY2D c.1567-17T > A is rare in control populations and predicted to affect splicing by in silico tools, thus compound heterozygosity of the variants could explain the phenotypeCRD
RP148LUM3GUCY2Dheterozygous for GUCY2D c.2944 + 1del, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for GUCY2D c.2965G > C, p.(Val989Leu), which is a VUS, however, these GUCY2D variants are consistent with the patient’s phenotype, and GUCY2D c.2965G > C, p.(Val989Leu) is absent in control populations and predicted to be deleterious by in silico tools, NGS data suggests that these variants are in trans in thispatient, which could explain the patient’s clinical presentationCRD
RP176LUK18GUCY2Dheterozygous for GUCY2D c.2944 + 1del, which is pathogenic. heterozygous for GUCY2D c.1982G > T, p.(Gly661Val), which is a VUS, however, these GUCY2D variants are consistent with the patient’s phenotype, and GUCY2D c.1982G > T, p.(Gly661Val) is absent in control populations and predicted to be deleterious by in silico tools, compound heterozygosity of the variants would explain the patient’s clinical presentationCRD
RP24LUM6GUCY2Dheterozygous for GUCY2D c.2302C > T, p.(Arg768Trp), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for GUCY2D c.1567-17T > A, which is a VUS, however, these GUCY2D variants are consistent with the patient’s phenotype, and GUCY2D c.1567-17T > A is rare in control populations and predicted to affect splicing by in silico tools, compound heterozygosity of the variants could explain the patient’s clinical presentationCRD
RP217LUM16IMPDH1heterozygous for IMPDH1 c.931G > A, p.(Asp311Asn), which is pathogenicRP
RP40LUK2IQCB1heterozygous for IQCB1 c.1332G > A, p.(Trp444*), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for IQCB1 c.424_425del, p.(Phe142Profs*5), which is pathogenicSenior–Loken
RP104LUM16KCNV2homozygous for the nonsense variant KCNV2 c.427G > T, p.(Glu143*), which is pathogenicCRD
RP112LUK13KCNV2homozygous for KCNV2 c.427G > T, p.(Glu143*), which is pathogenicCRD
RP98LUM11KCNV2homozygous for KCNV2 c.427G > T, p.(Glu143*), which is pathogenicCRD
RP43LUK1KIF11heterozygous for KIF11 c.1985T > A, p.(Leu662*), which is pathogenicmicrocephaly and RD
RP78LUK20KLHL7heterozygous for KLHL7 c.422T > C, p.(Val141Ala) which is likely pathogenicRP
RP91LUK21LRAThomozygous for LRAT c.470T > C, p.(Leu157Pro), which is likely pathogenicEORD
RP266LUM17LRAThomozygous for LRAT c.470T > C, p.(Leu157Pro), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP121LUM9MERTKhomozygous for MERTK c.2302G > A, p.(Ala768Thr), which is pathogenicRP
RP290LUM13MERTKhomozygous for MERTK c.1960 + 1G > A, which is likely pathogenicRP
RP71LUM12MERTKheterozygous for MERTK c.345C > G, p.(Cys115Trp), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for MERTK c.1377_1379delinsAGCC, p.(Arg460Alafs*15), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP238LUM19MFN2heterozygous for deletion MFN2 c.(474 + 1_475 − 1)_(816 + 1_817 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 6–8 of MFN2. This alteration is classified as likely pathogenicmacular dystrophy
RP4LUK17MFRPhomozygous for MFRP c.1090_1091del, p.(Thr364Glnfs*27), which is pathogenicRP
RP203LUM4MYO7Aheterozygous for MYO7A c.1556G > A, p.(Gly519Asp), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for MYO7A c.3719G > A, p.(Arg1240Gln), which is pathogenicUsher
RP300LUM2MYO7Aheterozygous for MYO7A c.401T > A, p.(Ile134Asn), which is pathogenic. heterozygous for MYO7A c.6558 + 1G > T, which is likely pathogenicUsher
RP115LUK1NMNAT1heterozygous for NMNAT1 c.196C > T, p.(Arg66Trp) and heterozygous for NMNAT1 c.769G > A, p.(Glu257Lys), which are both pathogenicLCA
RP90LUK9NPHP1homozygous for a deletion NPHP1 c.(?_-1)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses the whole NPHP1 gene, which is classified as pathogenicRP and renal failure
RP194LUK11NR2E3heterozygous for NR2E3 c.119-2A > C and heterozygous for NR2E3 c.349 + 5G > C, which are both pathogenicRP
RP216LUM5NR2E3heterozygous for NR2E3 c.119-2A > C, and NR2E3 c.932G > A, p.(Arg311Gln), which are both pathogenicRP
RP136LUM6NYXhemizygous for NYX c.85_108del, p.(Arg29_Ala36del), which is pathogenicCSNB
RP138LUM9NYXhemizygous for NYX c.559_560delinsAA, p.(Ala187Lys), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP84LUM2NYXhemizygous for NYX c.559_560delinsAA, p.(Ala187Lys), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP185LUM8NYXhemizygous for NYX c.559_560delinsAA, p.(Ala187Lys), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP201LUM6NYXhemizygous for NYX c.559_560delinsAA, p.(Ala187Lys), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP233LUM5NYXhemizygous for NYX c.559_560delinsAA, p.(Ala187Lys), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP160LUM4OPA1heterozygous for OPA1 c.983A > G, p.(Lys328Arg), which is pathogenicoptic atrophy
RP184LUM8OPA1heterozygous for a deletion OPA1 c.(?_-1)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses the whole OPA1 geneoptic atrophy
RP286LUK24OPA1heterozygous for OPA1 c.2497-4_2557del, which is likely pathogenicoptic atrophy
RP107LUM2OPA1heterozygous for OPA1 c.703C > T, p.(Arg235*), which is pathogenicRP
RP149LUM13OTX2heterozygous for OTX2 c.483dup, p.(Asp162Argfs*25), which is likely pathogenicEORD
RP131LUK9PANK2heterozygous for PANK2 c.981 + 1G > C, which is likely pathogenic and heterozygous for PANK2 c.1512dup, p.(Ala505Serfs*7), which is likely pathogenicRP and neurological symptoms
RP44LUM9PCAREhomozygous for PCARE c.1541del, p.(Pro514Hisfs*27), which is pathogenicRP
RP83LUK18PCDH15heterozygous for PCDH15 c.310del, p.(Asp104Ilefs*6) and PCDH15 c.3761dup, p.(Asn1254Lysfs*54), which are likely pathogenicUsher
RP99LUM2PCDH15homozygous for PCDH15 c.3441dup, p.(Phe1148Ilefs*8), which is pathogenicUsher
RP120LUM12PDE6Bheterozygous for PDE6B c.1580T > C, p.(Leu527Pro) and PDE6B c.2193 + 1G > A which are both pathogenicRP
RP235LUM2PDE6Cheterozygous for PDE6C c.826C > T, p.(Arg276*) and PDE6C c.2457T > A, p.(Tyr819*), which are both likely pathogenicCD
RP2LUM8PNPLA6heterozygous for PNPLA6 c.(2143 + 1_2144-1)_(2351 + 1_2352 − 1)del, which is likely pathogenic and heterozygous for PNPLA6 c.3625T > C, p.(Trp1209Arg), which is a VUS; however, these PNPLA6 variants are consistent with the patient’s phenotype, and PNPLA6 c.3625T > C, p.(Trp1209Arg) is rare in control populations and predicted to be deleterious by in silico tools, compound heterozygosity of the variants would explain the patient’s clinical presentationRP
RP37LUK12POC1Bheterozygous for POC1B c.1331_1332dup, p.(Thr445Argfs*10), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for POC1B c.52A > T, p.(Lys18*), which is likely pathogenicachromatopsia
RP177LUM4POMGNT1homozygous for POMGNT1 c.1539 + 1G > A, which is pathogenicMuscle–Eye–Brain Disease
RP67LUK10PROM1heterozygous for a deletion PROM1 c.(?-1)_(220 + 1_221 − 1)del, which encompasses exon 1 of PROM1 and is classified as likely pathogenicCD
RP198LUM12PROM1heterozygous for PROM1 c.2050C > T, p.(Arg684*), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for PROM1 c.1632G > T, p.(Gly544=), which is pathogenicCRD
RP29LUM18PROM1heterozygous for a deletion PROM1 c.(?-1)_(220 + 1_221 − 1)del, which encompasses exon 1 of PROM1 and is classified as likely pathogenicRP
RP32LUM23PROM1heterozygous for a deletion PROM1 c.(?-1)_(220 + 1_221 − 1)del, which encompasses exon 1 of PROM1 and is likely pathogenic RP
RP31LUK10PROM1homozygous for PROM1 c.1909C > T, p.(Gln637*), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP47LUK18PROM1homozygous for PROM1 c.1909C > T, p.(Gln637*), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP245LUM15PRPF31heterozygous for a deletion PRPF31 c.(?_-396)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses the whole PRPF31 gene and is classified as pathogenicRP
RP270LUK22PRPF31heterozygous for a deletion PRPF31 c.(?_-396)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses the entire PRPF31 gene and is classified as pathogenicRP
RP103LUM12PRPF8heterozygous for PRPF8 c.5804G > A, p.(Arg1935His), which is pathogenicRP
RP188LUK20PRPF8heterozygous for PRPF8 c.6901C > T, p.(Pro2301Ser), which is pathogenicRP
RP248LUM5PRPF8heterozygous for PRPF8 c.6926A > T, p.(His2309Leu), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP179LUM14PRPH2heterozygous for PRPH2 c.633C > G, p.(Phe211Leu), which is pathogenicRP
RP8LUM19RDH12homozygous for RDH12 c.481C > T, p.(Arg161Trp), which pathogenicCRD
RP7LUK9RDH5homozygous for RDH5 c.382G > A, p.(Asp128Asn), which is pathogenicFundus albipunctatus
RP11LUM10RHOheterozygous for RHO c.541G > A, p.(Glu181Lys), which is pathogenicAaland eye disease
RP74LUK19RLBP1Homozygous for RLBP1 c.286_297del p.(Phe96_Phe99del), which is pathogenicRP with maculopathy
RP292LUK8RP1heterozygous for RP1 c.1498_1499del, p.(Met500Valfs*7), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for RP1 c.1601_1604del, p.(Lys534Argfs*11), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP189LUM13RP1heterozygous for RP1 c.271del, p.(Ser91Alafs*25), and RP1 c.753C > A, p.(Tyr251*), which are both likely pathogenicRP
RP124LUM13RP1L1heterozygous for RP1L1 c.133C > T, p.(Arg45Trp), which is pathogenicmacular dystrophy
RP219LUM16RP2hemizygous for RP2 c.400C > T, p.(Gln134*), which is pathogenicRP
RP86LUK1RPE65heterozygous for RPE65 c.886dup, p.(Arg296Lysfs*7), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for RPE65 c.612C > A, p.(Tyr204*), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP16LUK16RPGRheterozygous for RPGR c.2641G > T, p.(Glu881*), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP225LUM15RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.764C > T, p.(Thr255Ile), which is likely pathogenicRP
RP60LUM20RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.2730_2731del, p.(Glu911Glyfs*167), which is pathogenicRP
RP63LUM16RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.2405_2406del, p.(Glu802Glyfs*32), which is pathogenicRP
RP113LUM8RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.2252_2255del, p.(Lys751Argfs*63), which is pathogenicRP
RP192LUM10RPGRhemizygous for the deletion RPGR c.(1572 + 1_1573 − 1)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses exons 14–19 of RPGR and is classified as pathogenicRP
RP199LUM12RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.1573-8A > G, which is likely pathogenicRP
RP222LUM15RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.2426_2427del, p.(Glu809Glyfs*25), which is pathogenicRP
RP251LUM20RPGRhemizygous for a deletion RPGR c.(1414 + 1_1415 − 1)_(*1_?)del, which encompasses exons 12–15 of RPGR and is classified as pathogenicRP
RP100LUM8RPGRhemizygous for a deletion RPGR c.(778 + 1_779 − 1)_(1245 + 1_1246 − 1)del, which encompasses exons 8–10 of RPGR and is classified as pathogenic.RP
RP52LUM16RPGRhemizygous for RPGR c.3300_3301del, p.(His1100Glnfs*10), which is pathogenicmacular dystrophy
RP167LUM9RS1hemizygous for RS1 c.416del, p.(Gln139Argfs*10) which is classified as pathogenicXLRS
RP168LUM5RS1hemizygous for a deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, encompassing exon 1 of RS1, which is classified as pathogenicXLRS
RP193LUM18RS1hemizygous for RS1 c.214G > A, p.(Glu72Lys), which is pathogenicXLRS
RP223LUM10RS1hemizygous for deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, which encompasses exon 1 of RS1 and is pathogenicXLRS
RP226LUM19RS1hemizygous for a deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, encompassing exon 1 of RS1, classified as pathogenicXLRS
RP33LUM10RS1hemizygous for RS1 c.149G > A, p.(Trp50*), which is pathogenicXLRS
RP35LUM10RS1hemizygous for RS1 c.366G > A, p.(Trp122*), which is pathogenicXLRS
RP36LUM11RS1hemizygous for a deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, encompassing exon 1 of RS1, which is pathogenicXLRS
RP79LUM19RS1hemizygous for a deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, encompassing exon 1 of RS1, which pathogenicXLRS
RP95LUM6RS1hemizygous for a deletion RS1 c.(?_-1)_(52 + 1_53 − 1)del, encompassing exon 1 of RS1, which is pathogenicXLRS
RP232LUK15TIMM8Aheterozygous for TIMM8A c.116del, p.(Met39Argfs*26), which is pathogeniccarrier of Mohr–Tranebjaerg syndrome
RP126LUK1TRPM1heterozygous for the deletion TRPM1 c.(−64 + 1_−63 − 1)_(899 + 1_900 − 1)del, encompassing exons 2 (first coding exon) to 7, which is classified as pathogenic and heterozygous for TRPM1 c.3607_3608del, p.(Glu1203Asnfs*11), which is likely pathogenicCSNB
RP13LUK7TRPM1homozygous for TRPM1 c.2629C > T, p.(Arg877*), which is pathogenicCSNB
RP243LUM8TRPM1homozygous for TRPM1 c.2629C > T, p.(Arg877*), which is pathogenicCSNB
RP169LUM3TULP1homozygous for TULP1 c.148del, p.(Glu50Asnfs*59), which is pathogenicLCA
RP75LUK11TULP1homozygous for TULP1 c.1153G > A, p.(Gly385Arg), which is pathogenicRP
RP61LUK7USH1Cheterozygous for USH1C c.496 + 1G > T, and USH1C c.238dup, p.(Arg80Profs*69), which are pathogenicUsher
RP197LUM8USH2Aheterozygous for USH2A c.10450C > T, p.(Arg3484*), and USH2A c.779T > G, p.(Leu260*), whichare pathogenicUsher
RP291LUM1USH2Aheterozygous for USH2A c.8682-9A > G, which is pathogenic and heterozygous for USH2A c.1070_1071del, p.(Asn357Serfs*9), which is likely pathogenicUsher
RP159LUK13WFS1heterozygous for WFS1 c.1673G > A, p.(Arg558His), which is pathogenic and heterozygous for WFS1 c.2149G > A, p.(Glu717Lys), which is pathogenicoptic atrophy
RP9LUK17WFS1heterozygous for WFS1 c.1673G > A, p.(Arg558His), and WFS1 c.2149G > A, p.(Glu717Lys), which are pathogenicoptic atrophy
Table 3. Showing the spectrum of mutated genes that were found in the Swedish cohort of IRDs patients and the number of patients with pathogen variants in each specific gene.
Table 3. Showing the spectrum of mutated genes that were found in the Swedish cohort of IRDs patients and the number of patients with pathogen variants in each specific gene.
GeneNumber of Patients
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MDPI and ACS Style

Areblom, M.; Kjellström, S.; Andréasson, S.; Öhberg, A.; Gränse, L.; Kjellström, U. A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing. Genes 2023, 14, 1413.

AMA Style

Areblom M, Kjellström S, Andréasson S, Öhberg A, Gränse L, Kjellström U. A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing. Genes. 2023; 14(7):1413.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Areblom, Maria, Sten Kjellström, Sten Andréasson, Anders Öhberg, Lotta Gränse, and Ulrika Kjellström. 2023. "A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing" Genes 14, no. 7: 1413.

APA Style

Areblom, M., Kjellström, S., Andréasson, S., Öhberg, A., Gränse, L., & Kjellström, U. (2023). A Description of the Yield of Genetic Reinvestigation in Patients with Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Previous Inconclusive Genetic Testing. Genes, 14(7), 1413.

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