1. Introduction
Solving nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDEs) is an important issue in many problems from mathematical physics. This is mainly related to the fact that the integrability of these equations is a problem in itself and there are not any clear prescriptions or algorithms that can be used for solving such equations. Many approaches have been proposed, both for establishing if the equations are integrable or not, and for solving the integrable ones. It is important to mention that the same NPDE could present many classes of solutions, depending on the values of the parameters appearing in the equation.
An important class of solutions is represented by the traveling wave solutions. They are very important in the theory of solitons and are related to a symmetry transformation, which leads to a one-dimensional, nonlinear ordinary differential equation (NODE) [
1]. This is obtained by using the wave variable and a whole symmetry group accepted by the initial equation. Let us consider that the variable
defined in a
space satisfies an NPDE of the following form:
Traditionally, the wave variable includes the wave velocity
V, and has the following form:
It transforms (
1) into a NODE of the form:
. In principle, solving (
3) is simpler than solving (
1) and then, by pulling back the solutions of (
3) to the initial variables {
}, one can find solutions of the NPDE (
Many approaches for finding traveling wave solutions have been proposed and are currently used in literature. Some of them have a strong theoretical basis and are related to approaches such as the inverse scattering method [
2], Lax operators [
4], Hirota and super-Hirota biliniarization [
8], Lie symmetry theory [
10], the ghost field method [
14], the homotopy technique [
15], etc. There are also direct approaches, trying to see if the investigated NPDE accepts traveling wave solutions with a pre-defined mathematical form: harmonic solutions expressed through sine–cosine [
16], hyperbolic solutions expressed by cosh or tanh [
18], the first integral method [
20], etc. These attempts were generated by the fact that such solutions correspond to important equations from soliton theory, such as Riccati [
21] or Jacobi [
23] equations. These were only a step before the invention of the so-called auxiliary equation method for solving NPDEs [
24]. In this case the NPDE solutions
have to be expressed as combinations or expansions of any of the known solutions
of these basic “auxiliary” equations. Many investigation methods based on auxiliary equations have been proposed, such as the exponential method [
26] or the Kudryashov method [
28]. In the last mentioned case, the following is supposed:
represents a solution of the Riccati equation:
As the Riccati equation is a very simple, first order equation, the solution (
4) depends on
only, having at the end the following form:
Many other types of auxiliary equations have been considered in the literature, some of them being of higher differential orders. For example, if a second order auxiliary equation,
is considered, the solution
will also depend on the first derivative of
and it should be expressed as follows:
The question is how the Kudryashov method can be extended in the case of second order auxiliary equations. Many authors use the
-method, in its classic form [
29], or in various extended or generalized versions [
31]. In this approach the solution (
6) has to mainly be considered as an expansion with constant or function coefficients
of the following form:
The method does not offer a clear answer as to why the only possible combination is in the form of (
7) and if other extended forms are still possible: answering these questions was the main aim of this work. The starting point is represented by our previous paper [
32], where the functional expansion method was proposed. This approach can be seen as an extension of many other approaches, including the Kudryashov method, and it has been shown that for models such as KdV, Gardner and Kundu–Mukherjee–Naskar (KMN) [
33], more general solutions other than
can be generated that use a linear second order ODE as an auxiliary equation. Here, the Dodd–Bullough–Mikhailov (DBM) equation was used as an exemplifying model.
As many other methods can obtain traveling wave solutions, the functional expansion method has two important ingredients: (i) transformation of the NPDE into a NODE using the wave variable; (ii) finding solutions of the NODE in terms of the known solutions of the auxiliary equation. Both ingredients bring specific aspects and could generate intensive analysis and discussions. The NPDE solutions strongly depend on how these ingredients are chosen. We will see that the functional expansion method supposes a very specific (double) balancing procedure that creates the differences between this and the other approaches.
The paper is structured in the following sections: after these general ideas, the functional expansion method will be briefly reviewed in the next section. A second order auxiliary equation and a specific class of NPDEs will be considered, which is quite a general class of equations, including models such as Korteweg de Vries, nonlinear Schrödinger, Klein–Gordon, etc. As we already mentioned, to illustrate how the functional expansion works, a specific case belonging to the mentioned class of equations, namely the DBM equation, will be considered in the third section of the paper. We obtain traveling wave solutions for the model and we try to prove if they are new ones or if they can be reduced to already-known solutions for the same model. This checking is very important [
34], and we will comment on it at the end of the paper.
3. The Example of the Dodd–Boullogh–Mikhailov Equation
To see explicitly how the previous assertions functioned we considered a specific model of 2D NPDEs, leading, when the wave variable (
2) was introduced, to a particular case of (
23), namely to (
18); this is the Dodd–Bullough–Mikhailov (DBM) equation, with the following form:
With the change in variable
the previous equation takes the following form:
This is an important equation, with many applications in hydrodynamics and quantum field theory. Various types of periodic, hyperbolic or rational solutions, of traveling wave or of soliton types, were pointed out, using methods such as the tanh method [
41], the exp-function method [
42] or the
method [
44]. Here the equation is investigated using the functional expansion method and, as we will see, this approach allows the recovery of all the mentioned solutions, and, moreover, enables new solutions, larger that the
solutions, for example, to be found.
As we already mentioned, the first step of the functional expansion method consists of the reduction of (
32) to an ODE using the wave variable (
2). This reduction leads to (
18), that can be re-written as follows:
3.1. The Determining System for the Functionals
Let us look for solutions of the DBM equation of the form (
12). We use the expression in (
33) and we apply the first balancing procedure for determining the number of terms to be considered in the expansion. Taking into account the term with a second order derivative and third order nonlinearity, the balancing leads to
, so the sought DBM solution has the following form:
Finding the DBM solutions allows
to be found as functionals depending on the solutions
of an auxiliary equation. We choose here, as an auxiliary equation, a general second order differential equation:
From (
35), equating the coefficients of the different powers of
to zero, we obtain by hand, but also using Wolfram Mathematica, a determining system of seven ordinary differential equations for
Remark 3. The last Equation (42) from the previous generating system can be rewritten as follows: As shown below, this equation leads, in all the cases, to a constraint showing that the parameters λ and μ from the auxiliary equation cannot take any values; they are related to each other and to the wave velocity V. The same constraint also appears when solutions are considered.
Remark 4. A first attempt at directly solving the previous obtained system would probably lead to the most general solution accepted by the DBM model. It is quite easy to verify, for example, that the first Equation (36) accepts the following as a solution: For and the equation becomes Using (45), (37) can be solved, obtaining the solution for : Unfortunately, this approach of finding DBM solutions by directly solving the determining system (
36)–(42) fails when trying to find
from the remaining Equations (38)–(42). It seems that it is not possible, at least for the DBM model, to obtain general
that are compatible with the whole system. This is why another approach is needed to find solutions, with the functionals chosen as in (
An important step is determining the limits
in the expansions of the numerator and the denominator of each {
}. For this purpose the second balancing procedure is used, applied this time to the determining Equations (
36)–(42). Taking into account that for DBM we obtained
, from (
29) we obtain
. Similarly, we conclude that the degrees attached to the functionals {
} by (
16) have to be as follows:
These are the only constraints, and, as we already mentioned (see Remark 2 in the previous section), they can be achieved by many choices. For example,
means that we may have the following in (
No restrictions on
N, meaning it may be
, asking for a third order denominator or that it may be
, imposes a quadratic denominator. The simplest choice in the last case is
and it corresponds to what the
-method is offers. The relation (
47) asks, in this case, for the following:
The limited constraints (
47) offer a large freedom in the choice of the mathematical form of the functionals
. Correspondingly, larger classes of DBM solutions may be generated through the functional expansion method. As a proof, in the next subsection we analyze three choices that are more general than those considered in the
Case I: The functionals {} have numerators of degree zero: .
Case II: The functionals {} have numerators of degree one:
Case III: The functionals {} have quadratic and identical denominators: .
Remark 5. Let us mention again that, in all the three cases, the simplest choice corresponds to the following: The DBM solution (34) has exactly the form given by the -approaches: It is obvious that the choices (48)–(50) are more general. 3.2. Examples of DBM Solutions Generated through the Functional Expansion
We will now show how our proposed method effectively functioned, to see if more general solutions, such as those arising in the
method, could be generated. The procedure was quite simple and obvious: we introduced the chosen forms for the functionals
in the determining system (
36)–(42), taking into consideration the explicit form of the auxiliary Equation (
35). A set of algebraic equations arose, relating the parameters {
} from
with the wave velocity
V from the main Equation (
33) and with the parameters {
} from the auxiliary equation. All the compatible solutions of this algebraic system led to solutions for the functionals {
}, and, implicitly, for the DBM Equation.
We have to keep in mind that the solution of (
35) could be written as in [
Depending on the relation between and , we have three different situations:
- (i)
we have the following:
Here, as well as in the forthcoming expression, we used the notations and , respectively.
- (ii)
, the solution (
53) could be written as
- (iii)
the solution (
53) is:
3.2.1. Examples of Solutions in Case I
The functionals {
} have numerators of degree zero:
. To observe the constraints (
47), the denominators of the functionals have to be
. Choosing simplified notations for the coefficients appearing in (
48)–(50), we consider the following:
We note that with the choice in (
57), Equation (42) in the determining system leads to the following constraint:
Many DBM solutions can be generated with these choices. Some of them correspond to the already-reported solutions, obtained through the
-method. For example, one of the solutions accepted by the determining system (
36)–(42) is of the following form:
This corresponds to the case
, and it leads to the solution of (
33) of the following form:
On the other hand, even observing the constraint in (
58), non-standard solutions of the determining system appear as follows, for example:
The corresponding solution of (
33) becomes the following:
Other solutions, apparently more complex than (
62), are as follows:
Although, when (
58) is imposed, these solutions take the form of (
3.2.2. Examples of Solutions in the Case II
When the functionals {
} have numerators of degree one,
the constraint in (
47) asks for
. Again, considering simplified notation for the coefficients in (
48)–(50), we choose the following:
We also consider here that
. The algebraic equations generated by the determining system (
36)–(42) lead to the relations among the parameters {
} and allow the functionals
to be in a simpler form:
Compatibility conditions impose, in this case too, the following supplementary constraint:
Similarly to (
58), it restricts the possible values of the parameters in the auxiliary equation. As the velocity is a real quantity, and, as we have seen, the solutions of the auxiliary equation ask
to also be real (positive, negative or zero), we retain from (
68) the following situation:
We note that only two situations, (
54) and (
55), can be fulfilled, considering adequate values, positive or negative, for the velocity
V. Correspondingly, we have to consider only these two types of solutions, harmonic and hyperbolic, for the auxiliary equation. There are no realistic velocities leading to
Let us also note that for
, the functionals (
67) become the following:
The final DBM solution of Equation (
33) becomes, in this case, the already-known expressions provided by the
Another remark is that, when (
68) is observed, the expressions (
66) and (
67) take the simple forms from (
61) mentioned in Case I.
3.2.3. Examples of Solutions in Case III
Consider now the case when all the functionals
have identical quadratic denominators:
. The relation in (
47) imposes that
. We may choose
as having the following forms:
The procedure mentioned before leads, in this case too, to non-standard
-solutions. It is interesting that, again, Equation (42) is fulfilled if and only if the wave velocity is related to
from (
35) by a relation of the same form as in the two previous cases:
. In fact (
69) and Equation (
72) now also take the following simplified forms:
Again, because of (
69), we should consider only the harmonic and the hyperbolic solutions of auxiliary Equation (
35), that is (
54), respectively (
55). For example, for negative velocities, we have
, and for positive velocities,
Below some comments on DBM solutions are giventhat were obtained through the functional expansion method, in the three examples that were considered before; there were some similarities that did not depend on the chosen form of the functionals
. Equation (42) generates, in all the cases, the following constraint:
In all the cases the general solutions obtained could be, at the end, reduced to the same expressions:
Using the expressions in (
34), they led to DBM solutions that were different from those that the
approach generated.
Apparently, the non-standard
-solutions (
75) are related to the factor
in (
35). It is important to note that such non-standard solutions appear even if
. It is simple to check, for example, the following two solutions for the determining system (
36)–(42) corresponding to
These are also different from what was obtained by the approach.
3.3. Recovering the Main Types of DBM Solutions
The DBM solutions obtained using functional expansion had the general form (
34). We effectively wrote down a few of these solutions, using the expressions (
77) for the functionals {
}. It was interesting to note that, whatever expression was used, we obtained quite similar DBM solutions. They depended on the wave velocities and all the parameters appearing in (
77) were captured in two other parameters that are denoted below by
, respectively. As already mentioned, only two cases arose and they corresponded to the solutions of (
55) and (
54), respectively, of auxiliary Equation (
35). We prove here that these two cases, corresponding to negative and, respectively, positive wave velocities, practically allowed the recovery of all the important types of DBM solutions.
negative velocities,
, the auxiliary equation admits the solution of (
55), and it leads to the DBM solution (
are integration constants):
Figure 1a this solution is represented for
and for any
. It has the form of a bright soliton, which is the type of solution already reported in the literature for the DBM model. Its specific mathematical form is as follows:
and any
, the solution is plotted in
Figure 1b. It is the typical dark soliton accepted by DBM and can be re-written as follows:
If we considered bigger values for the two constants,
, the solution profile (
78) changed. It took the form of periodic peaks propagating in time and along the
x-axis. The peaks could have unbounded amplitudes and a periodicity depending on the effective values of
. This behaviour is illustrated by the two specific solutions plotted in
Figure 2. In principle, bigger values of the constants
led to decreased wave periods and amplitudes. We noticed that the amplitudes changed from ∼
Figure 1b to ∼
Figure 2.
For positive velocities,
, the auxiliary equation admitted the solution in (
54). In this case the DBM solution took the following form:
, the solution (
81) for
is plotted in
Figure 3a. It had the form of many propagating periodic waves. For bigger values of the two constants,
, the wave amplitudes and frequencies decreased, as can be seen in
Figure 3.
with opposite signs, the solution had a similar shape: many waves propagating along the axis. From
Figure 4a,b, made for different values of
, we note that there was not a high dependency on the values of these constants. This was quite normal considering the mathematical form of the solution.
4. Conclusions
This paper presented in detail how the functional expansion method proposed in [
32] functioned for a large and important class of equations that can be expressed as in (
17). Such nonlinear equations have important applications in various fields, such as optics and plasma physics [
48], for example. Our claim was that this approach for solving NPDEs was more general than almost all the others based on the use of an auxiliary equation. Two such approaches were specially considered: the Kudryashov method, which is suitable when first order auxiliary equations are considered and the
method, which is the traditional approach in the case when the focus is on second order auxiliary equations. Compared with previously published papers, the novelty this paper brings was related to the explicit presentation of the balancing procedure that, in the case of the functional expansion method, required a double balance: the first one gave the maximal term in the expansion of (
12), and the second one was used for determining the functionals
, as is explained in
Section 3.1. The application of the functional expansion to the DBM model represented another novelty of this paper.
The method was based on expansions of the type in (
10), or, more exactly, of the type in (
12). These were in fact the most general possible forms of solutions and they included almost all the choices used in various approaches to the direct finding of exact solutions for nonlinear differential equations. The method presented many advantages, one of them being that it generalized other approaches to the direct solving of NPDEs. Here we considered the Kudryashov and
methods [
28]. The choice of (
15) is similar to what Kudryashov method considers. Practically, the functional expansion approach extended the Kudryashov approach to second order auxiliary equations, and it allowed more general solutions, as in the (
) approach, to be obtained. This was another important merit of out method and it was illustrated for the DBM equation using the non-standard solutions of type (
77). Expressions containing the
ratio appear now in the most natural way, as particular sub-cases of more general solutions. It was true that the non-standard form of solutions were limited to first order denominators; this introduced a limitation to our method, at least for the DBM model.
Another important issue approached in the paper was related to the balancing procedures that were traditionally applied to limit the number of terms considered in the expansions. It was pointed out that the functional expansion asks for two different balancing procedures: one following the powers of
and a second one following the powers of
G. The connection between the two, as well as the relation with the form of the equations, were investigated for equations belonging to the class in (
17). The outcome expressed through (
27) was quite important for investigating equations such as KdV, nonlinear Schrödinger, Klein–Gordon, KMN [
33] or Benjamin–Bona–Mahony. Limits of the method in investigating special types of equations, such as Chaffe–Infante or Fisher, for example, were also mentioned. How these limitations could be overcome using alternative approaches will be tackled in future works.