Fire Resistance Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete: An Overview
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Impact of Fire on Concrete
3.1. Physico-Chemical Modifications
3.2. Spalling of Concrete
4. Post-Fire Properties
4.1. Residue Compressive Strength
4.2. Post-Heating Visual Observation of Samples
4.3. Pore Structure
4.4. Flexural Behaviour
4.5. Chemical Stability
4.6. Volume Stability, Mass Loss and Shrinkage
4.7. Sustainability and Stability of Geopolymer Composite
4.8. Impact of Thermal Creep on Compressive Strength
4.9. Elastic Modulus
4.10. Stress-Strain Behaviour
4.11. Progression of Adhesion Bonding
5. Life Cycle Assessment
6. Micro-Structural Behaviour
7. Conclusions and Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Observations |
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Duan et al. [103] | The compressive resistance of geopolymers diminished during thermal cycles. The losses in mass and compressive strength amplified with rise in temperature. |
Zhang et al. [104] | The geopolymer samples prepared with metakaolin and fly ash display analogous bending and compressive performance, both at ambient temperatures and after exposure to high temperatures as for OPC specimens. In practical building applications, geopolymers based on metakaolin and fly ash therefore deliver a viable alternate to traditional OPC. |
Lahoti et al. [105] | The geopolymer with potassium was substantially amended (30–40%) as well as the geopolymer made with sodium was declined (10%) and after exposure to elevated temperatures, the strength of a mixed sodium and of a potassium geopolymer remained unaffected. |
Kong and Sanjayan [43] | The research designates the two major features for geopolymer activity at a high temperature (800 °C) i.e., specimen and aggregate sizes. The size of aggregates greater than 10 mm lead to in healthier strength at low and high temperatures. The thermal instability between the geopolymer matrix and aggregates is the outcome of a heavy loss of geopolymer concrete at elevated temperatures. |
Samal [106] | The geopolymers had a significant effect on thermal shrinkage decline as Si/Al ratios amplified due to trim down in porosity during the process of dehydroxylation as well as sintering. |
Sarker et al. [83] | Following the fire exposures, less harm was observed to the geopolymer concrete samples as regards cracking than to the OPC concrete specimens. There was considerable spalling in the concrete cylinders of the OPC for exposures between 800 and 1000 °C though geopolymer concrete samples were not spalled. In particular, the samples of geopolymer concrete maintained higher strength than the specimens of OPC. |
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Luhar, S.; Nicolaides, D.; Luhar, I. Fire Resistance Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete: An Overview. Buildings 2021, 11, 82.
Luhar S, Nicolaides D, Luhar I. Fire Resistance Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete: An Overview. Buildings. 2021; 11(3):82.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLuhar, Salmabanu, Demetris Nicolaides, and Ismail Luhar. 2021. "Fire Resistance Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete: An Overview" Buildings 11, no. 3: 82.
APA StyleLuhar, S., Nicolaides, D., & Luhar, I. (2021). Fire Resistance Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete: An Overview. Buildings, 11(3), 82.