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A Systematic Literature Review on Energy Efficiency Analysis of Building Energy Management

Minglu Fang
Mohd Saidin Misnan
*,† and
Nur Hajarul Falahi Abdul Halim
Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Johor, Malaysia
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Buildings 2024, 14(10), 3136;
Submission received: 6 August 2024 / Revised: 23 September 2024 / Accepted: 25 September 2024 / Published: 1 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Building Energy, Physics, Environment, and Systems)


Government agencies, energy consumers, and other societal groups have all shown concern and attention for the energy management of buildings. Relevant statistical data, however, indicate that most public buildings continue to consume large amounts of energy overall and that the issues of low energy usage and energy waste have not materially improved. As a result, this study reviewed the state of progress and potential directions for future research in the field of building energy management in public buildings using a data-driven approach. Relevant studies were obtained from three databases—Web of Science, Scopus, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure—based on certain search phrases. The text mining program VOS viewer was then used to examine the material. We provide a thorough examination of the study techniques and material, as well as a visual representation of the keywords and current state of the field. According to this study, the range of data processing outcomes; the flexibility of research system standards; and the availability of a comprehensive, unified assessment system are the main factors contributing to the practical issues facing building energy management today. Based on the geographic distribution and state of energy development, this study is the first to examine possible research avenues for building energy management in public buildings through cross-fusion research on passive energy-saving design and subjective behavioral energy-saving. It offers a foundation for developing the building energy management system best practice model in the future.

1. Introduction

Climate change and energy shortages are major concerns that are becoming more widely known. Governments everywhere must act quickly to meet the challenges that the energy and environmental sectors face [1]. Although there has been a great deal of volatility in the global energy market over the last 12 months, the problems of changing the global energy system are still pressing and difficult [2]. A paper detailing the strategy for reaching net zero emissions by 2050 has been produced by the IEA [3]. Despite a continuous rise, global pledges and efforts are still far behind what is needed to sustain the 1.5 °C increase objective and prevent the effects of climate change. The “2050 Net Zero Emissions Roadmap” lays out a plan for accomplishing this objective by establishing more than 400 benchmarks for the amount of labor and time needed to decarbonize the world economy in less than a few years [4]. Among them are (1) the widespread use of accessible clean energy technologies by 2030 [5]; (2) electricity’s emergence as the energy system’s central component [6]; and (3) the widespread use of technology to boost energy efficiency in sectors like manufacturing and building [7].

1.1. Background of Energy Policy

Millions of people have died and been displaced globally as a result of the escalating disasters brought on by climate change [8], making this a pressing issue that threatens human life. Addressing the worldwide issues posed by climate change is imperative [9]. There is global agreement on the need to increase international collaboration in the field of energy technology [10], quicken the flow of creative resources around the globe, share creative successes and experiences, fully realize the potential of innovation, and combine the knowledge of all nations to collaboratively address global challenges [11] With the “European Green Deal,” the EU hopes to “achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55% of 1990 levels by 2030” [12]. In 2020, China formally declared its efforts to achieve “carbon peak” before 2030 and “carbon neutrality” before 2060 [13]. The US government has developed the “Nationally Determined Contributions” (NDC) plan to achieve zero carbon in the US power system by 2035 and zero carbon in the entire society by 2050 [14]. The People’s Republic of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and its Long-Term Goals plan to vigorously combat climate change and advance the low-carbon transition in the building, transportation, and industrial sectors by 2035. China has to plan and encourage creativity from a global viewpoint as it accelerates its development into a creative nation and a worldwide leader in science and technology [15]. Every day, there is a growing need for extensive international collaboration in scientific and technical innovation [16]. In the future, increasing the proportion of renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency will be necessary decisions made by the building sector in its pursuit of carbon neutrality.

1.2. Current Development Status

The present EMS industry has a large market space and a wide variety of applications in industries including transportation, healthcare, education, and other professions in addition to commercial, industrial, and residential areas [17]. Buildings now function as intelligent systems because of the quick advancements in technology [18]. This encourages people to utilize energy wisely, lower their carbon footprint, increase energy efficiency, and improve comfort. The green development route for building energy conservation, as seen through the lens of building energy consumption analysis, concentrates on the energy used in the regular functioning of structures [19]. Managing energy-saving systems or data related to energy consumption is the essence of building energy consumption management. In addition to methodically examining the strategic, organizational, financial, and spatial management of building energy after completion, building energy management also becomes involved in the planning and design of buildings [20]. Energy consumption data are repurposed and applied to the trend analysis of building energy through energy audit and monitoring analysis, [21] emphasizing innovative technologies and concepts for energy-saving in the building industry. The global climate change agenda places a high priority on lowering energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency. Green buildings, zero energy buildings, and zero carbon buildings all demand effective, energy-saving, and low-carbon energy management [22]. Energy management standards may assist businesses in setting up a process and system to increase the energy management effectiveness of energy-consuming businesses, decrease energy waste, and improve energy efficiency. Energy usage efficiency, energy consumption costs, and greenhouse gas emissions may all be decreased with effective energy system management [23]. According to the authors of [24], an energy management system should be created and expanded in accordance with the demands of the construction unit, while maintaining a set of essential functions.

2. Methodology

Literature reviews may be conducted in a variety of ways, using both established and cutting-edge techniques [25]. The benefits and functions of various literature review techniques vary in the advancement of scholarly inquiry. There are six commonly used methods for reviewing the literature, according to current research [26]. Among these, narrative and systematic reviews have reached a relatively mature stage of development [27]; bibliometric and meta-analyses are developing quickly, while qualitative research synthesis and historical econometric analyses are still in their infancy. A research topic’s early phases can benefit more from narrative reviews; its development phase can benefit more from qualitative research synthesis and historical econometric analysis; and its maturity period can benefit more from systematic literature reviews, meta-analyses, and bibliometric analyses. The best literature review techniques are chosen based on the requirements of developing research topics and the goals of the review in order to optimize its worth and encourage the growth and innovation of discipline ideas [28]. In order to examine and arrange the existing state of affairs and concerns surrounding the advancement of building energy management, this study used a methodical quantitative methodology. The breadth and size of multidisciplinary research carried out in diverse settings and utilizing a range of study approaches may be integrated via a systematic quantitative evaluation. Since the topic of building energy management encompasses research from other disciplines, using this approach is also seen as an appropriate technique.
The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses) methodological framework was used in this study to filter pertinent material and perform systematic analysis on the chosen studies [29]. Identification, screening, assessment, and integration are the four processes that PRISMA involves in the process of screening the literature [30]. It is a model of research that entails a thorough literature integration and screening. This approach has the benefit of ensuring the validity of study findings and enhancing the transparency of literature collection.
In order to understand the current theoretical and empirical research on building energy management both domestically and internationally, the following research questions were identified in this study:
  • What is the current energy management practice in public buildings?
  • What is the best practice energy management system in public buildings?
  • What are the components of the best energy management practices in public buildings?
  • How can we develop best practice energy management systems in public buildings?

2.1. Literature Retrieval Strategy

Firstly, it is necessary to develop appropriate search strategies, determine the scope of the literature review, identify specific keywords, and choose appropriate database sources in order to find the most suitable studies [31]. This study focuses on the current situation of building energy management in China, and therefore uses the Web of Science Core Collection, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Scopus International Literature Index databases as its literature source. Secondly, in the process of initiating the search for relevant studies, the “building block” method must be used to identify relevant keywords. The selection of studies is based on the keywords contained in the title and abstract [32], with “energy management, public building, energy saving, best practice” as the filtering criteria, using “AND” and “OR” connections. There is no starting time limit in all three databases, and the end time limit is set to 31 December 2024.

2.2. Literature Screening Criteria

This study formulated literature inclusion criteria, as shown in Table 1, for the 244 initially retrieved studies (32 retrieved from WOS, 107 retrieved from CNKI, and 105 retrieved from Scopus) in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the literature analysis results and accurately present the theoretical and empirical research on building energy management at home and abroad, based on the research questions. After the title and abstract screening, a second search was carried out that added 29 additional studies to the results, ensuring a more thorough review. The manuscript was exported to Zotero for methodical screening in order to guarantee the validity and reliability of the research sample. Article 5 rigorously reviews the abstract and title, and the search term will also be eliminated if it appears in the “index keywords” rather than the “keywords provided by the author” list. Article 6’s goal is to narrow down the study subject of the literature in the area of architecture. The following studies will be eliminated as the examination goes on: those that concentrate on energy-related issues as opposed to energy management; those that, instead of looking into the building industry, go into the industrial or transportation sectors; and those that provide specific responses to the study’s questions and submit energy management with an emphasis on contract energy management.

2.3. Conducting the Review

As seen in Figure 1, the PRISMA flowchart [33] depicts the search procedure and findings. A total of 56 articles were found to be appropriate for the literature review after screening. This study used Zotero7 software to conduct coding analysis based on the 56 selected studies. The dimensions that were analyzed were author, year, nation, journal, research topic, conceptual framework, research subjects, research methods, measurement techniques, influencing factors, and research findings.

3. Analysis and Discussion

3.1. Based on Bibliometric Analysis

Based on the literature publication, author distribution, research design, and research methods, this study specifically analyzes the basic characteristics of 56 domestic and foreign studies in the field of construction management. The authors of [34] pointed out that VOS viewer 1.6.20 software is used for data analysis and processing, providing research findings in the form of charts and graphs.

3.1.1. Keyword Analysis

The fundamental components of research are keywords. Keywords like “energy management, public building, energy saving, and best practice” are utilized as filtering criteria while looking for studies. However, several other keywords surfaced during the literature scanning procedure. The VOS viewer program was utilized to analyze contributions and display how they relate to one another, as seen in Figure 2. An illustration of the produced keyword network is shown in the image. The degree of relationship between two keywords is shown by the lines connecting the nodes, and the size of each node in the network reflects the frequency of the occurrence of the term. The graphic shows that the keywords are grouped into six groups according to the colors used. Energy efficiency is the keyword that appears the most frequently.
The purple cluster’s keywords primarily originate from the CNKI database, and there is a discernible search gap between Chinese and English, which accounts for part of the purple cluster’s greater distance from the other five clusters. Furthermore, it suggests that the majority of the literature places little value on the categorization of building types, particularly when it comes to the empirical research process, which is more concerned with the examination of a single structure. A further explanation of this part will be provided in the literature content analysis. The terms energy efficiency and saving were discovered to be in the core of the five rather dense clusters. This shape suggests that research is more concentrated on building energy efficiency and the efficiency of several modern technology methods for energy conservation. The bulk of the study area is focused in China, as shown by the term “China”, which also occurs in the graph’s core region. This region is large, with a variety of terrains and temperatures that lead to numerous construction possibilities. Simultaneously, building energy management is impacted by the energy use in every location.
It was discovered from the red clustering study that energy conservation and efficiency link energy management and consumption to other clusters. Energy efficiency and advantages related to energy conservation were used by researchers to assess the use of energy management. However, the presence of system terms related to conservation and energy efficiency also supports the previous conclusion. Following the keyword analysis of these 55 articles, Table 2 displays the frequency of the occurrence of each term; the statistical findings of color clustering are displayed in the following table.
Regarding each individual term, Figure 3 makes it clear that the examination of Chinese public buildings’ energy efficiency is the main emphasis of the research. This phenomena is partially explained by the search results’ screening process and partially by China’s very complicated energy structure, which includes several energy efficiency variables in public buildings. As a result, this group is typically the focus of the investigation.

3.1.2. Literature Publication and Citation Status

Regarding each individual term, Figure 4 makes it clear that the examination of Chinese public buildings’ energy efficiency is the main emphasis of the research. This phenomena is partially explained by the search results’ screening process and partially by China’s very complicated energy structure, which includes several energy efficiency 190 variables in public buildings. As a result, this group is typically the focus of the investigation. VOS viewer found the 55 chosen articles based on publication dates ranging from 2010 to 2024 in order to look at current trends. The coloring scenario indicates that research on artificial intelligence, smart cities, building sustainability, and energy conservation aligns with many development criteria, including those for green and intelligent buildings. The two are complementary in everything from concept development to technological advancement. The current scientific landscape trend has formed similarities to past advancements. Two approaches to studying the intelligent building cluster model have been taken—one is from the architectural design viewpoint and the other is from the building management standpoint. It suggests that academics are now concentrating on building energy management from the viewpoints of managing existing structures as well as building design.

3.2. Based on Literature Research Characteristics Analysis

3.2.1. Research Object

Public buildings are located at a distance from the other five clusters when seen through the lens of clustering observation, according to the keyword analysis of the literature mentioned above. This study initially categorized and statistically examined the research objects before carrying out an examination of the complete literature. Public structures, residential buildings, zero energy buildings, religious buildings, and buildings with ambiguous building categories are among the building types covered in the 55 publications. The results are displayed in Figure 5. It is evident from the figure that civil constructions are the subject of the inquiry. The primary focus of the literature is on the study of public buildings, which is not surprising given that the term “public building” was used throughout the literature screening procedure. But why do other kinds of structures, including residential ones, continue to exist? It was discovered through a review of the literature that while various building types cannot be totally separated from one another, building type may affect how buildings manage their energy. The inferences made from various building kinds can also be applied to other building types at the same time.
In addition to building type, the environment, local laws, and lifestyle choices all have an impact on how energy-efficient a structure is. In order to give future research projects a focused foundation, this study chose 55 research locations. Figure 6 displays the spread of study fields.
Regarding the categorization of the 14 nations, some material is broken down by geographic area, particularly in relation to the European region, which is primarily concerned with the building’s climatic environment. As a result, it can be concluded from the data above that there are comparatively more studies available in relation to China and the United States, where the climatic environment is more complicated and influenced by the region’s energy supplies. Concurrently, research was discovered to have been carried out in the study region utilizing climate as a characteristic, supporting the previous assertion.

3.2.2. Research Methods

This study categorizes the research methodologies into three groups—mixed methods, quantitative methods, and qualitative methods. This will enable a better utilization of the accomplishments of building energy management research both domestically and internationally.
Experimental and quasi-experimental research methodologies, survey research methodologies (questionnaire and interview surveys), statistical analysis methodologies (descriptive and inferential statistics) [35], and content analysis methodologies are all included in quantitative research. Edwards et al. [36] show that both speculative and qualitative research methods are included in qualitative research (ethnographic, narrative, action, grounded theory, case studies, text analysis, observational methods, etc.), and historical, comparative, literary, and semantic analysis are examples of speculative research methods. Only categorization techniques and qualitative and quantitative research are inextricably linked and cannot be separated from one another [37]. The use of quantitative research frequently compromises the comprehensiveness of the complete study result owing to insufficient sample data, according to an examination of the flaws in 55 studies. Qualitative research case studies may exhibit bias towards English research, which makes it challenging to account for variations in various external settings. Thus, the mixed methods research paradigm is the current study trend [38]. Mixing includes gathering both quantitative and qualitative data, but it also refers—and this is more crucial—to integrating techniques.
It was discovered that 27 articles used empirical case analysis, survey questionnaires, and other methods for quantitative analysis; 10 articles used literature reviews for qualitative research; and 16 articles used mixed analysis methods after the research paradigms and data analysis techniques of 55 articles were examined, as indicated in Table 3. In general, mixed research methodologies (n = 16, 29%) and quantitative research (n = 27, 49%) are used in the majority of studies.
Which research techniques, based on the statistical information from the 55 publications listed above, are appropriate for building energy management? According to best practice research on energy management in public buildings, employing a single study strategy to provide the desired findings is challenging and has little bearing on how public building energy management should be developed. As such, it is important to incorporate several research methodologies. However, as the energy management system is still in its infancy, it is becoming feasible to understand and resolve occurrences and issues in this area by incorporating and using techniques from other disciplines. In terms of internal interactions in diverse industries, it is essential to comprehend energy management from numerous industry viewpoints and employing varied industry methodologies. Cross-fusion research has emerged as a novel strategy and technique in the context of the modern day for resolving very complicated and all-encompassing issues, and the use of research methodologies has to change with the times.
A thorough and precise grasp of the study issue has been established through literature review, providing the groundwork for an analysis of the best practices of the energy management systems now in use in public buildings. Second, by gathering and classifying data from Chinese national standards and international energy management standards, professional assistance is given in the examination of the elements of the energy management system for public buildings. Lastly, the direction for resolving research issues was identified in the section analyzing the best practices for implementing energy management in public buildings. This was accomplished by gathering, organizing, and researching a substantial amount of domestic and foreign studies, which effectively supported expert interviews and questionnaire surveys.
Furthermore, because of pragmatism, research techniques are seen as instruments or ways to accomplish research objectives, and as a result, it is simple to undervalue their intrinsic humanistic value. Energy management is impacted by human behavior in addition to different mechanical equipment factors. The essential instruments for carrying out scientific investigation and research procedures also serve as a foundation for scientific reasoning and assessment. This study uses a hybrid research paradigm, with qualitative research serving as a supplement to quantitative research for analysis.

3.3. Based on Literature Content Analysis

3.3.1. Research Conclusion Analysis

Out of the 55 publications, 29 papers made recommendations or standards that were in line with the findings of the study [39]. They looked at how energy-efficient religious buildings were and suggested guidelines and procedures for setting energy benchmarks. Juaidi et al. [40] examined data samples from shopping malls in commercial buildings and created an energy benchmark for commercial buildings in the Gulf Coast area. From a design standpoint, the authors of [41] offered useful advice for optimizing building energy use based on the effects of climate change and the environment.
However, from the building energy management implementation stage onward, some scholarly works have put forth appropriate techniques for specific system components [42]. Through investigation and analysis, energy-saving techniques have been put forth based on the building lighting system to increase the system’s efficiency. Wan et al. [43] suggested a comprehensive approach for the energy-efficient renovation of large office buildings during the renovation process of existing buildings, in addition to the design phase of new buildings. This approach aims to identify feasible energy-saving technologies and measure their overall performance. Hwang et al. [44] conducted research on energy audits and data-driven analysis programs for hospital buildings in South Korea. The study also suggested energy-saving technology and operational variables for hospital buildings. Anderson [45], Jing et al. [46], and Papadopoulos et al. [47] have all studied building energy management as a whole, proposing a comprehensive system model or establishing a comprehensive framework, and putting forward best practices and recommendations. This is in contrast to studying the local aspects of building energy management.
In addition to conducting research and analysis on building energy management systems from passive design and other perspectives, Lester [48] proposed an energy management strategy centered on behavior change from the perspective of the energy-saving behavior of managers and users, which subverts traditional concepts and emphasizes the importance of low-tech solutions in energy conservation. Finally, various studies have focused on providing recommendations for the corresponding policy environment. Both Ebekozien et al. [49] and Wang et al. [50] have proposed feasible policy recommendations based on their own research results. Hu [51], Liu et al. [52], and Xu et al. [53] have also provided corresponding guidance and references for the design, construction, renovation, and operation management of actual projects in their research.
Associated standards and guidelines have also been proposed based on the research content in the literature that clearly states the research object as residential buildings or does not specify what type of building it is. These have been proposed in addition to the literature analysis specifically targeting public buildings, as mentioned above.

3.3.2. Research Gaps

Following a review and screening of the contents of 55 publications, it was discovered that the identification of research-related concerns exposed a number of significant gaps in the state of the field. The following is a summary of these gaps.
Promotional challenges arise from the following:
A comprehensive, uniform assessment system is lacking;
The area of applicability for data processing findings is not defined;
The lack of theoretical study on the flexibility of energy management system standards.
The goal of building energy management research is to improve the assessment of public building energy management systems’ best practices [54]. It is evident from the aforementioned problems that the energy management system is comparatively comprehensive outside of the building industry [55]. Nevertheless, this assessment method cannot be fully replicated because of the disparate businesses. Additionally, the standards’ objectives and national regulations influence the assessment criteria for energy management systems [56]. The focus and results of the research also vary according to the geographical location of the research, which is based on just 55 samples from this literature study. As a result, it is essential to evaluate the cases of existing best practices and compile the best practices from them [57]. Energy technology and management behavior, among other things, have impacted the essential unification of the components of energy management [58], even though their real application scenarios vary. In order to create the best practice model and allocate the weights of the contributing elements, the study will employ both qualitative and quantitative analysis. This will help to better encourage the development of energy-efficient, low-carbon, and effective public building energy management systems.

3.3.3. Future Research Directions

Following the “double carbon” goal, a number of policies and initiatives have been put forth in an effort to improve and maximize the energy management of public buildings [59]. These include lowering energy consumption, creating a low-carbon and energy-saving society, and supporting “zero carbon” buildings [60]. Furthermore, advances in science and technology like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, and the Internet have made data processing, statistical analysis, and decision support in building energy management easier [61]. Subtle ways in which public buildings might be made energy-efficient can be explored through research on building energy management and an analysis of the components that influence building energy management.
The technical component of energy conservation, as well as the managers’ or users’ subjective behavior in terms of energy conservation, are examined apart from the evaluation of energy conservation [62]. The development of passive energy-saving design and subjective behavior energy-saving is a new trend for public building energy management, based on the use of new energy and new technology.
It is feasible to accomplish intelligent building energy management, lower operational energy consumption costs, and suitably match system equipment, according to the benefits of intelligent building energy management analysis [63]. The present energy management system’s ideal energy-saving effect from the viewpoints of FM and EMC was analyzed and assessed. The benefits and drawbacks of various operating modes under various business models and external policy contexts were discovered, which encourages the widespread deployment of the EMS theoretical system’s techniques and contributes to its improvement.

4. Conclusions

An extensive analysis of the state of research and development in building energy management is given in this report. Researchers presently address building energy management from the perspectives of both building design and existing building management, according to a quantitative statistical study of literature data. It is impossible to fully isolate distinct building kinds, and inferences made from one form of structure can also be applied to another. The literature is broken down geographically, especially in relation to the European continent, which is mostly concerned with the building’s surroundings and climate. This also explains why there are more literature data from China in the number of chosen works of literature for this study.
It was discovered via the study of research design that employing a single research approach is not always easy to reach the desired outcomes in best practice research on energy management in public buildings. Cross-fusion research has emerged as a fresh approach to solving intricate and all-encompassing issues in the modern period, and research methodology should adapt to current needs. According to study content analysis, the chosen literature’s theoretical criteria, data applicability, and assessment system all have some research gaps. This serves as a guide for upcoming study projects in the building energy management sector. The coordination of passive energy-saving design and subjective behavioral energy-saving is a new route for the development of energy management, based on the use of new energy and new technology. Further research directions include enhancing the building energy management system and harmonizing standards, which are based on the benefits and drawbacks of various operating modes under various business models and external policy contexts.
In the topic of building energy management, there are ideas such as energy, energy conservation, energy management, public buildings, best practices, and energy management systems. Building energy management may be developed by researching worldwide energy management standards, analyzing the development patterns of energy management systems and their relationships with buildings, and more. The best practice examples from four perspectives were determined through a methodical assessment of the literature, namely conservation-oriented, updating-oriented, optimum management-oriented, and business collaboration-oriented. Five components make up energy management—roles and responsibilities, energy efficiency improvement strategy, energy policy, energy aims, and objectives—as well as measurement, analysis, and monitoring. The development of building energy management may go much more quickly if an architecture for the energy management system is created that takes into account the state of development at the time. This is very valuable not just for academics, researchers, and industry players, but also for government organizations, the general public, and institutions that deal with building management.

Author Contributions

Writing—review & editing, M.F.; Supervision, M.S.M. and N.H.F.A.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors. The data presented in this study are available in [China Statistical Yearbook].

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. PRISMA 2020 protocol adopted for this study.
Figure 1. PRISMA 2020 protocol adopted for this study.
Buildings 14 03136 g001
Figure 2. Mapping of co-occurrence of keywords.
Figure 2. Mapping of co-occurrence of keywords.
Buildings 14 03136 g002
Figure 3. Statistical chart of the quantity of each keyword.
Figure 3. Statistical chart of the quantity of each keyword.
Buildings 14 03136 g003
Figure 4. Map of keywords based on publication dates.
Figure 4. Map of keywords based on publication dates.
Buildings 14 03136 g004
Figure 5. Statistical chart of building type quantity.
Figure 5. Statistical chart of building type quantity.
Buildings 14 03136 g005
Figure 6. Number of articles published in different regions.
Figure 6. Number of articles published in different regions.
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Table 1. The literature inclusion criteria.
Table 1. The literature inclusion criteria.
NoInclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
1Full text availableFull text not available
2Articles are journal publicationsNon-journal publications (e.g., book reviews, commentaries, editorial notes, conference papers, and book chapters)
3Articles should contain at least three pagesArticles are posters, short papers, or have an introduction of less than three pages
4The article title only appears onceRepetitive title
5Research includes clear research questions, research methods, and research conclusionsResearch did not present clear research questions, methods, and conclusions
6The research topic is closely related to building energy managementThe research subjects are in the fields of industry and transportation
Table 2. Statistical table for analyzing color clustering of keywords.
Table 2. Statistical table for analyzing color clustering of keywords.
ClusterResearch TopicObserved KeywordsNr of Keywords
cyanEnergy efficiencyEnergy efficiency, energy saving, sustainability15
blueperformancePerformance, conservation, electricity consumption, sustainable buildings, systems12
greensavingsSavings, buildings energy, occupant behavior, stakeholders11
yellowbuildingsBuildings, design, energy benchmarking, machine learning, smart cities12
redChinaChina, artificial intelligence, energy consumption, energy management, renewable energy, smart grid17
PurplePublic buildingPublic building, energy saving potential6
Table 3. Methods and research approaches used.
Table 3. Methods and research approaches used.
Research Methods and ApproachesNo. of StudiesProportion (%)
Experimental Design14
Survey research3
Statistical analysis2
Data Analysis8
Speculative research7
Qualitative research3
Mixed methods1629%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fang, M.; Misnan, M.S.; Halim, N.H.F.A. A Systematic Literature Review on Energy Efficiency Analysis of Building Energy Management. Buildings 2024, 14, 3136.

AMA Style

Fang M, Misnan MS, Halim NHFA. A Systematic Literature Review on Energy Efficiency Analysis of Building Energy Management. Buildings. 2024; 14(10):3136.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fang, Minglu, Mohd Saidin Misnan, and Nur Hajarul Falahi Abdul Halim. 2024. "A Systematic Literature Review on Energy Efficiency Analysis of Building Energy Management" Buildings 14, no. 10: 3136.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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