An Overview of the Recyclability of Alternative Materials for Building Surface Courses at Pavement Structures
:1. Introduction
- What are the most frequently used waste materials in pavement engineering, especially for surface layer construction?
- What is the evidence so far from structural and functional performance features considering both laboratory and field experiments?
- What are the most common problems or gaps faced by researchers and practitioners in the domain of waste material reuse, and what are the future research trends toward a more holistic utilization of these?
2. Waste Materials for Building Asphalt Pavement Surfaces
2.1. Outline and Methods
2.2. Waste Plastic
2.3. Waste Tires
2.4. Waste Glass
2.5. Steel Slag
2.6. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
2.6.1. Overview
2.6.2. Challenges Related to the Use of RAP
2.6.3. Performance Features of RAP Mixtures
2.6.4. RAP Combination with Other Waste Materials
2.6.5. RAP in Airfield Pavement Surfaces
3. Challenges and Perspectives on the Use of Waste Materials
3.1. Conventional Mixtures and Reference Status
3.2. Material Availability and Local Conditions
3.3. Life Cycle Analysis
3.4. Legislative Issues
3.5. Synopsis
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Material | Waste Plastic | Waste Tires | Waste Glass | Steel Slag | RAP |
No. of References | 37 | 28 | 21 | 33 | 67 |
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Gkyrtis, K.; Pomoni, M. An Overview of the Recyclability of Alternative Materials for Building Surface Courses at Pavement Structures. Buildings 2024, 14, 1571.
Gkyrtis K, Pomoni M. An Overview of the Recyclability of Alternative Materials for Building Surface Courses at Pavement Structures. Buildings. 2024; 14(6):1571.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGkyrtis, Konstantinos, and Maria Pomoni. 2024. "An Overview of the Recyclability of Alternative Materials for Building Surface Courses at Pavement Structures" Buildings 14, no. 6: 1571.
APA StyleGkyrtis, K., & Pomoni, M. (2024). An Overview of the Recyclability of Alternative Materials for Building Surface Courses at Pavement Structures. Buildings, 14(6), 1571.