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Critical Factors Driving Construction Project Performance in Integrated 5D Building Information Modeling

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou 535000, China
School of Housing, Building and Planning, Universitiy Sains Malaysia, Gelugor 11800, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Urban Digital Twin Lab, School of Modeling, Simulation & Training, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32826, USA
School of Natural Resources and Surveying, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, China
Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Resource Use in Beibu Gulf, Ministry of Education, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Buildings 2024, 14(9), 2807;
Submission received: 30 June 2024 / Revised: 19 August 2024 / Accepted: 22 August 2024 / Published: 6 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization)


Timeliness, budget consciousness, and quality are critical to the success of a project, and become increasingly challenging with increased project complexity. Five-dimensional building information modeling (BIM) integrates cost and schedule data with a 3D model, and enhances project management by addressing budgeting, timelines, and visualization simultaneously. However, a comprehensive assessment of 5D BIM’s impact on key performance indicators is currently lacking. This research aims to identify the critical factors influencing the adoption of 5D BIM and its impact on key project performance indicators. A thorough systematic literature review and qualitative analysis were conducted to achieve this goal. Relevant articles from the past decade (2014–2023) were examined from the Scopus and Web of Science databases, of which 222 were selected and screened using PRISMA procedures. This research found consistent and rapid updating of keywords, highlighting the dynamic evolution of 5D BIM and its expanding applications in the construction industry. Thirty critical factors affecting the adoption of 5D BIM were identified and categorized into the following six groups based on the technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework: technology, organization, environment, operator, project, and government policy. The 15 factors driving construction project performance in integrated 5D BIM were divided into cost, time, and quality performance based on key performance indicators. This review offers innovative insights into 5D BIM adoption, and can aid stakeholders in developing effective 5D BIM implementations.

1. Introduction

Timely completion of a project within budget while adhering to specified quality standards is critical for success in the construction industry [1,2,3,4]. The decision to initiate a project hinges on the estimated time and budget, which underscores the critical importance of defining clear success indicators and criteria to ensure precise estimations of the cost and duration of a project [5]. The implementation of and continuous improvements in quality programs are critical to the successful planning, design, delivery, and operation of construction projects [6]. Quality is one of the major tangible criteria for determining the success of a project, and forms one of three constraints, along with time and cost [7]. As global urbanization accelerates, the rapid expansion of the construction industry is amplifying the scale, complexity, and technological demands of projects [8,9], thereby complicating the pursuit of optimal project performance [10,11]. Digitalization enhances project performance by reducing paperwork, eliminating repetitive tasks, improving digital skills, optimizing time management, and ensuring transparent financial management [12,13,14], especially in the context of complex projects [15].
Building information modeling (BIM) is an important digital process in the construction industry, as it enables the creation of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics [16,17]. In BIM, a shared digital representation of built-environment data is generated, which simplifies the building process as a whole [18]. Five-dimensional (5D) BIM combines a traditional 3D model with time (4D) and cost (5D) aspects, allowing for better cost control and project management [19]. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness, from design to operation and maintenance, thereby reducing rework, coordination problems, and paperwork [20]. In addition, the application of 5D BIM in the construction phase effectively improves management, reduces project waste, and ensures construction quality and progress, contributing to sustainable economic and environmental development [21,22,23]. It promotes sustainable industrialization and fosters innovation, thus ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns [24].
Despite extensive research highlighting its numerous benefits, obstacles still hinder the full adoption of 5D BIM [21,25,26,27]. In China’s 2017 BIM Report, 17.2% of businesses were reported to have BIM-trained employees, and 9.6% were satisfied with the implementation of BIM [28]. The extent of implementation of 5D BIM remains low globally, including in the USA [29] and various European countries, with varying degrees of adoption [30]. In 2020, the European Construction Institute reported that only 8% of firms in the residential construction sector had comprehensively adopted 5D BIM practices [31]. A national poll conducted in Spain found that although the experts who responded claimed to have three years of expertise with 5D BIM, the method of communication used was email, which is incompatible with the collaborative work demanded by BIM [32]. However, according to Hosamo [21] and Sattineni and Macdonald [33], 5D BIM significantly enhances the precision of cost estimations and reduces financial over-runs in complex construction projects, and an industry shift towards broader adoption was indicated. It is therefore necessary to clarify the evolution of 5D BIM to promote its adoption, which has not been achieved to date.
Stanley and Thurnell [34] and Thurairajah and Goucher [35] found that most quantity surveyors identified the need for extensive training as an essential but challenging aspect of 5D BIM implementation that is critical to its widespread adoption. Hasan and Hasan [36] reported that a low level of adoption of 5D BIM in the Iraqi construction industry resulted from multiple factors, including cultural resistance, a lack of qualified staff, and insufficient BIM contracts. In previous research, numerous factors hindering 5D BIM adoption have been identified, including incomplete design data, a lack of electronic measurement standards, legal issues, insufficient government support [37,38], initial software expenses [39], cultural resistance [40], and inadequate training for quantity surveyors [41]. However, the degree of influence of these factors on the adoption of 5D BIM differs, and the critical factors affecting its adoption remain unclear, thus impacting its implementation.
Although architects and civil engineers are frequent users of BIM within the AEC sector, their views on its advantages, challenges, usefulness, and application levels differ [42]. Despite its well-documented advantages, the extent of awareness among major investors remains relatively modest [43]; increasing investor awareness is therefore crucial to drive broader acceptance and integration of these innovations [44]. Project performance is crucial to achieve project success, as it directly influences the achievement of the project’s goals and objectives [45], and is measured based on factors such as safety, cost, scheduling, and quality, which are essential for successful project completion [39]. It is anticipated that the implementation of 5D BIM in construction would improve project cost performance [46]. According to Herdyana and Suroso [47], the success factors affecting the implementation of 5D BIM with respect to the time and cost performance of high-rise construction projects at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya are tender documents, human resources, BIM software, planning processes, and production processes. However, cost, time, and quality performances have been identified as the most important key performance indicators (KPIs) in construction project management [48,49,50]. Minimizing the cost of a project often leads to an extended duration and may compromise quality, while minimizing the duration may result in additional cost and quality issues [29,51]. Achieving a balance between cost, time, and quality in construction projects is essential for success [52,53,54]. A comprehensive assessment of the impact of 5D BIM applications on key project performance indicators is therefore needed to fill this research gap. It is anticipated that the use of BIM 5D technology can expedite and simplify the drawn-out series of construction processes. To improve project performance in the construction industry, determination of the critical factors affecting the implementation of 5D BIM is important. Adriaanse et al. [55,56] emphasized the importance of motivating components when incorporating new technology such as BIM into the AEC industry. The adoption of emerging technologies such as digital innovations has the potential to contribute to socio-economic growth and innovation in various sectors [57].
In view of the above discussion, the use of the TOE framework and KPIs will be important to address the current research gap. This research identifies the critical factors affecting the adoption of 5D BIM, thereby providing a synthesized understanding of the prevailing trends in 5D BIM adoption. Moreover, new insights in terms of project performance influencing 5D BIM implementation were revealed based on KPIs. To reduce bias and guarantee the reliability of the results, a systematic literature review (SLR) [58,59] is conducted. The critical factors affecting 5D BIM adoption in the construction industry are then identified by scanning the full text of the relevant papers. The TOE framework [60,61] offers criteria for identifying these critical factors. Recent research has extended the TOE framework by incorporating strategic orientation as an important aspect of decision making in the adoption of organizational technology [62]. Lastly, the effect on project performance of 5D BIM in construction projects is revealed based on KPIs from a review of previous research papers.

2. Materials and Methods

The aim of this research was to investigate the key factors influencing the implementation of 5D BIM in project performance within the construction industry. Due to the complexity of this research problem and the need to combine knowledge from various sources, an SLR was employed. The goals of this SLR were to discover and evaluate relevant papers, and to provide a response to a specific research question by combining all empirical data that satisfied predetermined eligibility requirements, as described by Creswell [63]. There are both benefits and drawbacks to an SLR methodology. The primary benefit is that a literature evaluation is mostly based on internet sources and is not location-dependent; in addition, an online literature review allows researchers to iteratively improve the search and analysis [64]. To ensure the reliability and validity of our SLR methodology, two measures were implemented; the findings were cross-referenced with industry experts to confirm the relevance and accuracy of the data, and the results were then validated using bibliometric tools such as VOSviewer 1.6.20 and CiteSpace v.6.2.R6 (64-bit) Advanced.

2.1. Procedure for the Systematic Literature Review

According to Moher et al. [65], “The development of a protocol is a crucial step in the systematic review process; it guarantees that a systematic review is thoroughly organized and that everything planned is clearly documented prior to the review’s commencement, thereby encouraging uniform behavior among the review team, accountability, research integrity, and transparency of the final completed review”. Using this protocol, we establish inclusion and exclusion criteria, with a focus on the years 2014–2023, and explain our reasoning for the proposed techniques for the review, including the designated bounds. Following the methodology of Pawson et al. [66], our SLR was based on a five-stage evaluation process, as shown in Figure 1 below.
The steps in this process were as follows: (1) defining the research issue or questions; (2) searching for appropriate literature; (3) identifying pertinent literature; (4) evaluating the quality of the accepted literature; and (5) synthesizing the outcomes of the accepted literature.
The SLR findings were reported using the flow chart and recommended reporting of items based on the systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) criteria [67]. PRISMA defines the minimal collection of evidence-based elements needed for the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses to ensure that the reporting process is transparent and comprehensive. The use of this process in our research entailed identifying, selecting, and assessing the quality of pertinent papers, followed by systematizing our findings in terms of the evolution and adoption of 5D BIM.

2.2. Search Strategy

Research questions were created as the initial step in our SLR, as shown in Table 1. The primary objectives of this research were to summarize the factors related to 5D BIM adoption in project performance via an SLR and to deconstruct and generate three research questions. The following table summarizes the questions considered in this research.
This research searched for related articles using phrases such as “5D-building information modeling”, “5-dimensional building information modeling”, “5D building information modeling (BIM)”, “the fifth dimension (5D) of BIM”, “building information modelling (BIM) 5D”, “BIM 5D”, and “5D-BIM”. This research then attempted to ascertain the trends in 5D BIM practices over the previous 10 years. Well-known databases were used to search for articles published between 2014 and 2023; the last search was conducted on 31 December 2023 for each database, as shown in Table 2. This period was chosen to ensure that our review captured the most recent and relevant developments in the field, thereby reflecting current trends, technologies, and methodologies in 5D BIM. Focusing on studies published from 2014 onward allowed us to concentrate on the advancements made during a time of significant growth and innovation in 5D BIM technologies. Earlier research may contain foundational theories or practices that continue to influence the field; our research focused on more recent literature and aimed to provide a current perspective, and overlooking publications before 2014 is not likely to affect the comprehensive analysis of the topic.
To assess the selected articles, quality assessment metrics were applied, based on the relevance, publication in English, research scope, page count and format standardization of the articles, to ensure their reliability and relevance. A total of 222 articles were selected for review using these criteria. The criteria outlined in Table 3 were thoroughly considered and carefully integrated into the analysis process to ensure accuracy.

2.3. Tools and Software

In order to obtain, process, and export the data, a variety of software offerings were used, as shown in Table 4 below.

2.4. Data Resources

The most recent papers on 5D BIM were drawn from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus, both of which contained numerous articles from a wide range of disciplines and sources, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the subject matter. WoS is one of the three oldest academic databases, and was first developed in 1964 as an information retrieval tool by Eugene Garfield of the Institute of Scientific Information [71]. It is a widely used and authoritative database, with selective, balanced, and complete coverage of around 34,000 journals, making it a valuable resource for researchers worldwide [72]. The Scopus database was developed by Elsevier in 2004, and has been described as one of the largest and most carefully selected databases, as it encompasses books, scientific journals, conference papers, and other content chosen through a selection process that involves constant re-evaluation [71]. Scopus indexes a larger number of journals in the field of social sciences and humanities compared to other databases, making it a preferred choice for researchers in these disciplines [73].

2.5. PRISMA Flow for Systematic Review

The PRISMA flow chart in Figure 2 outlines the initial search process, which provided a total of 354 papers from two databases, Scopus and WOS. The first phase of the screening process focused on removing duplicate articles. All records were exported into the reference management software Zotero 6.0.36. After combining the records, a total of 354 articles were identified. Using Zotero’s automated duplication removal function and manual screening functions, 93 duplicate files were detected and removed. Several articles originating from the healthcare and medical sphere emerged, even after search filters were applied. The inclusion criteria listed in Table 3 were taken into consideration during a blind review, along with the relevance of the articles to the study domain. A total of 261 articles were considered during the title and abstract screening process, using the eligibility standards for inclusion. In response to Question 1 in Table 1, 222 papers were chosen, whereas 39 papers were excluded, as they did not match the criteria in Table 3. Several research areas were excluded, such as optics, the physics of condensed matter, regional urban planning, robotics, physical geography, multidisciplinary geosciences, history, the history and philosophy of science, mathematics interdisciplinary applications, and experimental medical research. Lastly, a screening stage based on a reading of the full text was conducted to address the three research questions. At this stage, publications related to content such as the factors motivating the implementation of 5D BIM, the factors hindering the implementation of 5D BIM, the factors related to 5D BIM that affect performance, and the project performance affected by 5D BIM were included for a full-text review. As a result of this third screening stage, 38 publications were retained for further analysis to address Questions 2 and 3 in Table 1.

2.6. Network Analysis

A network analysis was carried out in two steps. In the first, networks were built by examining the co-occurrence of keywords using VOSviewer 1.6.20, which was also used in the qualitative analysis to visualize the co-occurrence network map [74]. This research used the software to explore the network of articles, journals, researchers, organizations, nations, keywords, or concepts [75], and also to examine and visualize the 5D BIM co-occurrence network. The next step was to create maps with CiteSpace v.6.2.R6 (64-bit) Advanced to identify trends and patterns, extract relevant data, and make sense of the created networks. This phase involved using the items found in the mapped cluster as samples for a qualitative analysis.

3. Results

3.1. Development Trends for 5D BIM in the Construction Industry

In this section, the development trends in the use of 5D BIM in the construction industry are explored from four perspectives: number of publications per year, major countries or regions studied in the research, key productive authors, and the identification of keyword co-occurrences and clusters.

3.1.1. Publications Per Year

The quantity of articles in the literature provides useful information on the dimensions, pace, and results related to this topic of research. The research trends and advancements in a given field can be explored by conducting an analysis of the quantity of publications [70]. The numbers of articles indexed by WoS and Scopus in each year are shown in Figure 3, and the research trends in 5D BIM over the years 2014–2023 can be seen. It was determined that an average of 22 documents were published annually, although the publication trends show fluctuating growth over the years. According to Figure 3, the number of articles on the development of 5D BIM reached its peak in 2020, with 35 papers, and its lowest point was in 2015, with six documents. The influence of COVID-19 may have been the cause for the decline in 5D BIM publications in 2021 and 2022, as the travel, social, and financial constraints imposed during the pandemic resulted in major global losses for scientific research, and COVID-19 was deliberately given priority over all other research endeavors in terms of researchers and resources. The general trend in research on this topic is still rising. The construction industry’s evolutionary process of disciplinary development and the role of 5D BIM developments in generating research output is consistent with this trend of progressive growth, as shown in Figure 3.

3.1.2. Major Countries or Regions Undertaking Research

The use of 5D BIM in the construction industry and related research has distinct characteristics in different countries and regions. An analysis of the locations in which the articles were published can therefore provide insight into the most influential outlets of this research, international collaboration, and academic status [76]. The nations with the greatest number of 5D BIM publications in the construction industry are shown in Figure 4, based on bibliometric studies from Scopus. Data from 52 countries were analyzed using VOSviewer 1.6.20. The colors in the country co-occurrence analysis typically represent different groups of countries that have similar patterns of collaboration or research focus. These groups are formed based on the strength of co-occurrence links between countries. Figure 4 highlights the important association between Australia and the United Kingdom, showing that strong links may exist between different countries as a consequence of regional collaboration networks.
Based on the results from WoS, 35 countries and regions were identified, as displayed in Figure 5. Australia stands out as the country with the most publications, with a total of 20, and also the highest number of cited articles on 5D BIM in the construction industry, with a total of 562. China and the UK follow closely, with 19 and 12 relevant articles, respectively. Publications in the UK had a higher number of citations (390) than those in China (200). The quality of the publications of these three countries is superior to those from the other countries, as evidenced by the higher numbers of citations. Germany was the next best, with ten articles, followed by Spain, Iran, and South Korea, each contributing nine, eight, and seven articles. For India and Portugal, the number of publications was only two, but with 89 and 90 citations, respectively. The outputs of Australia, the UK, and China can also be seen to be similar to one another in Figure 5 below, which shows that research collaborations are active, especially between the UK and Australia, as indicated by the thicker connecting line.
These results give rise to several significant findings. In the construction industry, both developed and developing nations are endeavoring to implement 5D BIM, and Australia, the UK, and China are particularly recognized for their significant research in this field. The rise in the use of BIM in the UK is now one of the fastest in the world. Since the UK government published BIM-related policies in 2011, remarkable achievements have been achieved after more than four years of efforts. The rapid development of BIM in the UK is linked to the following three factors: policy support by the government; the activities carried out by many official organizations or groups to promote the development of BIM; and the fact that many of the world’s leading design companies are headquartered in London (with the European headquarters of many leading design companies also being located in London), meaning that UK design companies are ahead of the curve in terms of the implementation of BIM. Hence, British design companies are more advanced in regard to the implementation of BIM. Between 2011 and 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China issued documents promoting the development of BIM technology. In addition to national policy support, China’s institutions and scientific research institutes are also committed to the development of BIM research; for example, Tsinghua University proposed the China Building Information Modeling Standard Framework (CBIMS) based on a combination of practical research in China. Several colleges and universities have also set up training programs on BIM to educate professionals in China.
Although research on 5D BIM implementation in the construction sector is heavily concentrated in certain countries, such as Australia, the UK, and China, it is important to recognize that 5D BIM implementation is a worldwide issue, and that different nations and regions may have varying issues and research requirements. International cooperation and information exchange therefore continues to be essential for the building industry’s adoption of 5D BIM.
Figure 6 offers a comprehensive overview of the global distribution of publications by country. Unlike Figure 4 and Figure 5, which highlight only the most active countries, Figure 6 presents a worldwide perspective. Using the wrapper data mining platform, an analysis was conducted based on the lead author’s country of origin, and incorporating relevant data. The results indicate that apart from the few countries shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, the majority of countries have not significantly focused on 5D BIM research.

3.1.3. Key Productive Authors

The relationships among articles and the scientific cooperation among authors are essential components of a co-authorship analysis. In this research field, 637 authors were found to have contributed to this work from data analysis using VOSviewer 1.6.20. Table 5 lists the top nine most active authors in this field, who published 34 articles over the entire research period.
Leading the list is M. R. Hosseini, who had published six papers and had been cited 285 times at the end of December 2023. Following closely, S. Abrishami and F. Elghaish had published five papers each, which had been cited 273 times and 224 times, respectively, by the end of 2023. The remaining authors had each contributed three articles. The number of citations does not necessarily equate to the total number of papers published, and it is important to keep this in mind. The articles published by M. Gaterell had been cited 100 times, indicating that these were more influential than the articles published by the authors lower in Table 5. The citation counts of the top four writers match the production of their articles, indicating that these are the most influential researchers in the area and should be given more attention. All 10 of these writers are from nations ranked in the top 10, suggesting that factors other than simply author productivity, such as university location, may also affect research productivity.

3.1.4. Keyword Co-Occurrence and Cluster Identification

Keywords that are used with high frequency tend to highlight prevalent problems associated with a research topic. The keywords identified as part of a literature review function as the core of the research, as they provide a high-level summary of the subject area. In Figure 7, the size of each keyword in the network represents its utilization frequency, while its color highlights different keyword clusters, helping users more easily identify and analyze the co-occurrence relationships among keywords in the literature. In this network, each keyword represents a node, and the edges are formed by the connections between the nodes. “Co-occurrence” was employed as a normalization technique in a keyword analysis that was generated incorporating a combination of keywords. This analysis of keywords helps to identify key research topics in the domain of 5D BIM-related research. The co-occurrence network of the core data, created with VOSviewer 1.6.20, is shown in Figure 7, and demonstrates the way in which 5D BIM-related research appeared from 2014 to 2023. The co-occurrence analysis results for author keywords appearing more than five times are also shown, where the node size indicates the keyword frequency. Eight distinct color-coded clusters can be seen.
The eight clusters are derived from VOSviewer 1.6.20, and represent an emerging core of BIM applications in recent years. In Cluster 1, there are 31 items related to 5D BIM, cost, and risk. Cluster 2 contains 28 items associated with quantity management and quantity surveying. In Cluster 3, there are 20 items related to building life and sustainability, while in Cluster 4, there are 17 items in the area of architectural design, construction process infrastructure project, and visualization. Cluster 5 contains 16 items related to decision making and tracking, and Cluster 6 contains 16 items associated with cost control and value engineering. In Cluster 7, there are 10 items linked to big data, the blockchain, and digital twins. In Cluster 8, there are nine items associated with construction cost, cost and control, and process control.
The frequency of the keywords is shown in Figure 8. Architectural design, construction, project management and construction projects are the most frequently occurring keywords, and these are distributed in the red areas of Figure 8, indicating a significant presence and importance in the research field. The next most prevalent are cost estimation, costs, information management, construction management, decision making, cost–benefit analysis, life cycle, and scheduling, in order of occurrence frequency. The keywords with the lowest frequencies are environmental impact, interoperability, risk assessment, and efficiency. From this keyword analysis, it can be inferred that the applications of 5D BIM are extensive and diverse, and that the core applications of 5D BIM revolve around construction process management.

3.2. Factors Significantly Affecting the Adoption of 5D BIM

The application of 5D BIM technology spans the entire construction project life cycle, and can contribute to improved efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and collaboration among project stakeholders. The ultimate objective involves developing and refining 5D BIM technology for adoption and utilization by AEC firms. Industry associations and professional bodies have been pivotal in leading the market towards BIM adoption by developing best practices and facilitating knowledge sharing [77], while academic institutions are conducting essential research that advances BIM technologies and explores new applications and methodologies. The successful adoption and implementation of 5D BIM in the construction industry will require coordinated efforts from the government, industry, and academia. To foster better collaboration among stakeholders and promote adoption, a novel TOE framework is used here to explore the factors influencing 5D BIM adoption. Table 6 summarizes factors significantly affecting the adoption of 5D BIM identified from the literature.

3.3. Key Project Performance Factors Affected by the Implementation of 5D BIM

The performance of the construction industry significantly impacts the national budget [87]. Project implementation plays a crucial role in the overall success of a project [88], and numerous discussions in the literature on construction management have explored the issue of performance of construction projects. According to Zhu et al. [10], project performance now encompasses the dynamics within stakeholder satisfaction, project team relationships, and project value levels due to ongoing advancements in project research and practice. In general, building projects are defined as initiatives carried out to achieve specific, predetermined goals. Each project performance criterion is interconnected, as it both influences and is influenced by the others; for example, managing a construction project beyond its scheduled completion time often leads to increased construction costs [89]. Quality, schedule, and cost are the three primary factors commonly used to measure project performance [10]. Key performance indicators integrated 5D BIM in construction projects that were directly related to these three categories were determined and are listed in Table 7.

4. Discussion

4.1. Evolution of 5D BIM in the Construction Industry

As part of this critical review, this research identified citation bursts (Figure 9) and visualized the overlay of keywords (Figure 10), as a visual representation of the importance or frequency of specific keywords during this period in the field.

4.1.1. Citation Bursts and Trend Evaluation

A citation burst occurs in rapidly expanding research fields, and indicates activity on a certain topic, based on the frequency with which specific words occur in published publications over an extended period [108]. A citation burst analysis is currently an important tool for mining literature content, as it reflects active or cutting-edge research nodes. A keyword burst refers to keywords that appear with extremely high frequency in published articles within a short period. From the beginning to the end of the keyword burst, red segments indicate the importance and level of attention of the keyword in the research field instead of blue segments representing outside the burst phase. The longer the duration of the burst, the more important the keyword, and the more likely it is to be at the cutting edge. The fields of project cost management, quantity surveying, construction management, project management, and construction progress are well-established areas of research that received significant attention between 2014 and 2023, as shown in Figure 9.
The frequency of keyword updates related to 5D BIM is notably high, with new terms emerging every year. As 5D BIM technology has evolved and improved, the number of new terms has increased significantly; there was one term in 2014, but six in 2023, representing a fivefold increase. The timeline of keyword emergence can be divided into three phases, as described below.
Initial phase (2014–2016):
The first term, “project cost management”, appeared in 2014, while terms such as “quantity surveying”, “information theory”, and “construction management” emerged in 2015 and 2016. Although new terms emerged each year, they consistently focused on cost management in construction projects.
Stable development phase (2017–2020):
Terms such as “risk management” and “BIM adoption” appeared during this period. The core term from the initial phase, “project cost management”, evolved into “cost management”, “cost estimation”, and “cost estimation (5D)”. The application of 5D BIM expanded to include risk management, enhancing project quality and efficiency. “BIM adoption” also emerged as a keyword during this phase, with a significant burst in 2020.
Continuous development phase (2021–2023):
There was a notable surge in the emergence of new terms in this phase, including “deep learning”, “internet of things”, and “digital twin”. The core term from the initial phase, “project cost management”, evolved into new forms such as “quantity take-off” and “cash flow optimization”. During this phase, 5D BIM applications were extended to emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, resulting in more efficient construction project management. The consistent and rapid updating of these keywords highlights the dynamic nature of 5D BIM technology and its expanding applications in the construction industry.
Figure 10 provides deeper insight into these findings. The contrast between the results was automatically adjusted by VOSviewer 1.6.20, and revealed that before 2018, topics related to cost management and project management had already been extensively researched for several decades, resulting in a well-established body of literature and empirical evidence.

4.1.2. Cluster Analysis

Clustering is a common and valuable approach in SLRs, as it helps to categorize and synthesize large volumes of information into meaningful groups. This method allows us to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within data, which is particularly important for understanding complex topics such as 5D BIM adoption. Through the use of clusters, this research can carry out a structured and comprehensive analysis, making it easier to highlight the critical factors and their interconnections within the research field. This approach directly relates to our research objective of synthesizing the existing literature to identify and understand the key factors influencing 5D BIM adoption and project performance. Cluster analysis involves comparing data or information with similar attributes. Rather than relying on a standard conspicuous grouping network, CiteSpace, v.6.2.R6 (64-bit) Advanced provides accurate visualizations of clustered data, and highlights the attributes of clusters by assigning labels based on their size; the cluster density may also be indicated in the graph area [109,110]. Ten categories were used to group the terms in the CiteSpace v.6.2.R6 (64-bit) Advanced analysis report. Figure 11 shows the frequency of the terms within each cluster, where a wider range indicates more occurrences of the relevant keyword.
Values for the modularity Q = 0.7834, weighted mean silhouette S = 0.9107, and harmonic mean (Q,S) = 0.8423 were found by examining the keyword density. It is widely recognized that a clustering modularity of Q > 0.3 signifies a significant clustering structure, while a modularity value of S > 0.5 indicates that the clustering structure falls within an acceptable range. Consequently, it can be inferred that the keyword network clustering structure of 5D BIM research is both significant and satisfactory, with relationships between the terms that are coherent and logical. In Figure 11, there are 10 clusters, which can be categorized into five distinct and interrelated categories: construction, intelligent construction technology, cost estimating, industry-based curriculum, and building information modeling.
The construction industry is represented by Cluster 0, and contains keywords such as developing country, construction stakeholders, technological innovation, and technological development. These refer to the lack of technological innovation in developing countries [98], resistance to change from stakeholders, and inadequate organizational support, which are identified as major barriers to the adoption of BIM in the construction industry [27].
Clusters 2, 8, and 9 fall into the category of intelligent construction technology. Keywords such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), VR technology, large space building, and quality control are included in this category, which relates to the integration of 5D BIM with smart building technology, resulting in increased productivity and improved project quality. The integration of 5D BIM with digital twin technology can lead to enhanced project quality, efficiency, and competitiveness [107], while the integration of BIM with AR is believed to significantly increase the applicability of BIM to fieldwork, as it allows for a more immersive and interactive experience [111]. Integration with intelligent construction technology broadens the range of application of 5D BIM and increases the adoption of 5D BIM.
Cluster 6 relates to cost estimation, and includes keywords such as building performance, energy performance, integrated project delivery, and performance. The integration of 5D BIM in construction projects has effectively improved the level of refined management, leading to improvements in construction quality, time, and cost [22]; 5D BIM helped with the early detection of design errors and the numbers of repeat customers, with positive impacts on project performance [99].
Cluster 5 represents an industry-based topic, and includes keywords such as technology acceptance. This shows that the promotion of 5D BIM needs more professional and technical talent. The construction industry faces a serious lack of professional and technical expertise with BIM technology [112], which hinders its ability to fully leverage the benefits of 5D BIM.
Clusters 1, 3, 4, and 7 fall into the category of building information modeling, which contains keywords such as process integration, design optimization, multidisciplinary design optimization, and parametric modeling. This shows that the application of 5D BIM is built on the integrity of the model. Although 5D BIM can offer benefits such as increased efficiency and visualization, barriers to implementation include incomplete design, insufficient model object data, a lack of standards for electronic measurement, legal issues, and a lack of government support [37,38].
In summary, barriers to the adoption of 5D BIM in the construction sector include limited technological innovation in developing countries, stakeholder resistance, and insufficient organizational support. An expert shortage hinders the industry’s ability to fully leverage the benefits of 5D BIM. The application of 5D BIM is built on the integrity of the model, and the integration of 5D BIM with smart building technology can result in increased productivity and improved project quality.

4.2. Critical Factors Influencing the Implementation of 5D BIM

The ultimate aim of advancing and iterating 5D BIM technology is to ensure its adoption and utilization by AEC firms. The TOE framework offers a theoretical foundation for examining how companies adopt technological innovations; it was initially introduced by Tornatzky in 1990, and focuses on the processes involved in technological innovation [61]. Guangbin et al. [60] highlighted this framework as a critical factor in the adoption of new technologies by businesses. TOE offers a systematic approach to understanding, analyzing, and implementing technology. In the context of 5D BIM technology, the TOE framework should be appropriately extended to include adoption behaviors within the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.
By combining a comprehensive review of existing literature with the specific characteristics of the AEC industry, three additional factors, related to the operator, project, and government, can be included in the standard TOE framework. Organizational, management, technical, and personnel factors have been found to impact the productivity of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) installation works in BIM-based coordination [113]. Operator-related factors such as teamwork, coordination, and information sharing also play a pivotal role in 5D BIM implementation, whereas a lack of personnel who are adequately trained on BIM is a significant constraint hindering wider adoption of the technology in the construction industry [27]. These operational factors therefore need to be considered. Project-related factors were incorporated because most work in the AEC industry is project-based, and the characteristics, complexity, and duration of these projects significantly influence the adoption of 5D BIM technology. In addition, government mandates and regulations play a critical role in the adoption of 5D BIM; regions in which governments have established BIM standards and requirements for projects have higher adoption rates of 5D BIM [114]. Critical BIM strategies for public construction projects include strategic IT infrastructure, the availability of standards, and government policies [115,116].As a result, project and government policy were identified as the fifth and sixth extended factors influencing 5D BIM adoption.
To facilitate the widespread adoption and effective implementation of 5D BIM, a novel TOE framework was developed that took into account a more comprehensive range of factors, as shown in Figure 12, as well as collaboration between the government, industry, and academia, ensuring that the research aligns with practical needs. Factors that occurred two or more times in the literature were considered to be critical, and are included in Table 6. It is clear that diverse economic, technological, regulatory, and cultural aspects play a significant role in shaping regional development and competitiveness, leading to different rankings of critical factors in various geographical regions [117,118,119]; these critical factors therefore have different rankings in various geographical regions, due to the diversity of economic, technological, regulatory, and cultural contexts. Our findings from the literature provide a comprehensive overview of the critical factors influencing 5D BIM adoption, although the variation across different geographical regions is not considered. Notably, larger Norwegian contractors with varying degrees of complexity and integration, such as Veidekke, Skanska, and AF, have been highlighted as early users of 5D BIM [21]. The adoption of 5D BIM is of high interest to stakeholders in large projects, due to its potential to enhance the precision of cost estimation, improve cost management, and provide a framework for efficient project governance and standards [120]. The 5D BIM approach was employed in the refurbishment of the Shanghai Tower and Sydney Opera House, which required extensive cost estimation and scheduling, effective communication among stakeholders, and on-time project delivery. Smaller projects show gradual cost savings, and the impact of 5D BIM is less significant due to their reduced scope and complexity [21].

4.2.1. Technology Factors

Despite the benefits of BIM, there are several barriers to adoption that prevent it from being widely used. The rise in BIM usage in the global construction industry is influenced by the availability of appropriate software and hardware tools [33], and a need for technology, such as hardware, software, and networks, is one of the issues in this area [78]. The implementation of 5D BIM methods requires a significant shift in the way construction companies operate, which can impact the compatibility between software and the availability of IT support [33].
Stanley and Thurnell [34] report that software compatibility is crucial for achieving full interoperability, and represents a significant barrier to the implementation of 5D BIM in the construction industry. This conclusion is not unexpected, as numerous researchers have consistently identified it as a significant challenge in BIM implementation [36,47]. The Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) project faced numerous challenges that are typical of large-scale construction, including software interoperability, data integration issues, and hardware requirements [121]. The integrated project delivery method, BIM 360 platform, and cloud computing can be used to manage the large BIM models and datasets, in order to address these challenges and ensure the timely and cost-effective completion of a project. Alhasan et al. [39] described several challenges such as the transition from AutoCAD to BIM, which requires specific changes in hardware, software, and personnel. Survey participants also concurred that the absence of integrated models, which are crucial for interoperability and collaboration, is restricting BIM’s full potential. Some participants reported issues with data exchange, particularly in regard to the inaccurate transfer of data from Revit files to IFC (Industry Foundation Class) file types. Despite the compatibility of IFCs with the company’s estimating software, the company under study ceased using IFCs due to data loss and inaccuracies during the exchange process from Revit files [37].
Technical problems related to data transfer and inconsistencies in translation result in dissatisfaction and increased workloads [122]. For example, in quantity surveying, translating data from 2D drawings into bills of quantities (BOQs) can lead to errors and misunderstandings, making it challenging for subcontractors to price the project accurately and reflect its true scope. Despite advancements, computers still struggle to convey the intricate details of construction effectively [81]. In addition, the transition from traditional costing methods to modern techniques based on new technology requires significant adjustments, making the adoption and implementation of 5D BIM complex for stakeholders [80].

4.2.2. Organizational Factors

The successful adoption of BIM requires a robust product and service infrastructure, effective leadership, and diverse human resources [78]. The organizational structure and processes significantly impact the adoption and utilization of 5D BIM technology [123], and proactive leadership and effective change management are crucial for the successful adoption of BIM [124], which is initiated by senior management [33]. By fostering an innovative culture and investing in the necessary resources, organizations can navigate these complexities and enhance efficiency and collaboration [124].
However, the adoption of 5D BIM may entail a substantial increase in investment costs for stakeholders, and the economic returns are not immediately apparent. Stanley and Thurnell [34] proposed that the initial costs associated with setting up 5D hinder its adoption, including expenses related to software, training, and hardware. Hence, any changes in product costs (5D) will result in expenses that clients or contractors are unwilling to bear [84]. Aibinu and Venkatesh [81] identified barriers to utilizing BIM features, where implementation costs were the most commonly mentioned. These costs encompass the software licensing, ongoing maintenance fees, and server capacity required for data storage, which pose a significant hurdle for many small businesses within the AEC sector, given their constrained cash flow [90]. In view of this, SMEs should start with small pilot projects to mitigate the risks and learn from their initial experiences; they should also explore grants and subsidies that support digital transformation in construction and cloud-based BIM solutions, as these can reduce the upfront costs and offer scalable resources, making them ideal for SMEs. By carefully planning the adoption process and considering both initial costs and long-term benefits, SMEs can effectively integrate 5D BIM to enhance project performance and achieve substantial cost savings.
The endorsement received from experts involved in project delivery across various organizations is crucial for the nationwide adoption of BIM. Management can play a pivotal role by facilitating staff training and investing in initiatives that foster the adoption of BIM [40]. In addition, since the ethical implications of data sharing among stakeholders are important, particularly in international projects, it must be recognized that differing data privacy laws and cultural norms can complicate the ethical landscape. Organizations should adopt a cautious and transparent approach to data sharing, to ensure that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations under the applicable laws. Moreover, organizations should consider establishing a cross-border data governance framework that respects local regulations while facilitating the secure and ethical exchange of information.

4.2.3. Environmental Factors

Previous studies have identified five dimensions of risk associated with the use of BIM 5D: technical factors, management factors, environmental factors, financial factors, legal factors, and environmental factors [46]. The surrounding cultural environment poses a significant challenge for BIM implementation, as robust innovation and effective management are required. In addition to the need for a favorable marketplace, the adoption of BIM necessitates a thorough understanding of and responsiveness to the client’s needs and demands [78]. Client demands can play a pivotal role in propelling the adoption of BIM technology within the construction industry. By articulating their requirements for more efficient project delivery, improved collaboration, and enhanced data management, clients can incentivize stakeholders to invest in the implementation of BIM [125].
Moreover, the evolution of technology and the capacity of firms to adjust to these changes must be assessed from a cultural standpoint [81]. The culture or project dynamics may present an additional obstacle to the successful adoption and utilization of 5D BIM. Cultural transformation poses a significantly greater challenge compared to any technological hurdles stemming from BIM [34]. Research results have indicated that cultural resistance is perceived as the most significant potential challenge to BIM application, according to the respondents’ perspectives [36]. Furthermore, it has been shown that sustainability considerations play a pivotal role in BIM-DT (refers to the integration of Building Information Modeling and Digital Twin technologies) adoption, with a focus on cost optimization and resource management [126]. Stakeholders need to assemble more precise information and execute simulations that can give rise to high CO2 emissions and carbon footprints, as these factors significantly influence the design of a BIM environment [84]. Sustainability concepts should be considered across all stages of the decision-making process when creating residential buildings, and these concepts can be improved with BIM activities [127].

4.2.4. Operator Factors

The adoption of BIM in developing countries is hindered by a number of issues, including a lack of funding for training and technology and a reluctance to abandon traditional methods and instruments [38]. The application of 5D BIM requires a robust product and service infrastructure, strong leadership, and diverse human resources [78]. The availability of experts in 5D BIM is limited, due to the extensive training and development process required for professionals. Given the costly nature of capacity development, only a small fraction of individuals are afforded the chance to delve into this specialized field [40]. Smith [79] reported that a lack of experience and expertise in identifying problems within BIM models results in significant issues, including a distrust of the automatically generated quantities due to concerns over the quality of the model. In response to a survey of quantity surveyors regarding the benefits and barriers of 5D BIM implementation, most respondents emphasized the significant need for training. Despite its time-consuming and challenging nature, due to the limited number of experts, this training is deemed essential for the successful adoption of BIM [34]. According to Herdyana and Suroso [47], crucial factors for 5D BIM adoption include personnel with knowledge and experience of BIM software who are well-informed about the project’s scope. In another study, interviewees raised concerns about whether the younger generation of quantity surveyors was advancing too rapidly with technology adoption without first developing essential competencies and skills in quantity surveying [34,36,47,83]. A survey revealed that there were initial challenges with software implementation and changes in work practices, and that “ultimately, it depends on the person being trained”; in addition, there was a need for “integrating and upskilling relevant stakeholders during the BIM implementation process” [80]. The low level of adoption of BIM among cost professionals is often attributed to challenges related to skill acquisition, difficulties in BIM education and training, and a lack of awareness regarding the capabilities of BIM applications in quantity surveying and commercial management practices [41].
The primary barriers hindering the adoption of BIM include a lack of enthusiasm among practitioners and insufficient standardization and technology support [39]. According to Hasan and Rasheed [36], the primary challenges to BIM adoption include cultural resistance and the belief that current software and traditional methods are sufficient, rendering 5D BIM tools unnecessary. The key challenges impeding progress include the absence of a shared foundation between the design team and quantity surveyors in order to generate useful and efficient information, the associated costs and time required for implementation, and the resistance of staff to change [81]. Barriers to BIM adoption also include resistance to change by construction stakeholders, a lack of industry standards for BIM, insufficient project data, poor government support, a lack of BIM research and related courses in universities, a lack of information, training, and awareness, and apprehensions regarding the technology [27].
The training of 5D BIM experts via government, industry, and academia requires a collaborative approach to address the complexities and advancements in the construction industry. The provision of financial support for training programs through grants or subsidies can help organizations and educational institutions to develop comprehensive BIM training programs; companies can invest in in-house training programs, in which experts are brought in to train their staff on 5D BIM practices and software, whereas academic institutions can collaborate with industry and government bodies to conduct research on the latest developments and challenges in 5D BIM, thus ensuring that training programs are aligned with real-world needs.

4.2.5. Project Factors

Due to concerns surrounding revenue and privacy, many project stakeholders within the AEC sector are reluctant to share project information via the 5D BIM platform. Efficient adoption of 5D BIM hinges on collaborative efforts and integrated data, and disagreements over data sharing can impede the successful deployment of this technology [40]. However, a further challenge has emerged, as ensuring the accuracy of documentation has become more difficult, even with advancements in clash detection within BIM models [79]. The effectiveness of BIM, and especially 5D BIM, depends on collaboration, database integration, and the commitment of companies to utilize BIM software. Regarding efficiency, it seems that the generation of a model that is suitable for quantity take-off and estimation poses a significant challenge that must be resolved before quantity surveyors will widely embrace the functionalities of BIM [81]. The use of 5D BIM presents difficulties related to poor design quality, delays in finalizing design details, and the absence of an integrated model design [36]. At present, no single software on the market can fully execute all the functions enabled by BIM. Thus, alongside integrating 5D BIM, the stakeholders also need to support their projects utilizing 3D clash detection and 4D simulation functionalities [33]. Since these aspects remain isolated and fragmented, the potential of 5D BIM is significantly limited [34,127]. The importance of the BIM execution plan lies in its role in ensuring consistency of information delivery right from the start of a project. The establishment of an industry-wide protocol for information delivery that aligns with standards relating to levels of development and levels of information can enhance efficiency across the design, construction, and operation phases of built assets [41,80,128]; 5D BIM is dependent on the availability and accuracy of data, meaning that there is a need to clean and prepare the data for usage in the simulation model [21]. A lack of the information required to estimate quantities further complicates its effective use [47].

4.2.6. Government Policy

In one study, interviewees agreed that the development of consistent modeling standards should be driven by clients in both the private and public sectors [79]. It has also been reported that there is a lack of documents providing contractors and consultants with clear guidelines or benchmarks, making it challenging to determine if their work meets internal or external requirements [80]. The most significant obstacles that create a gap between awareness and practical application of BIM benefits have been identified as a lack of standardization and inadequate technology [39]. The challenges associated with 5D BIM include a lack of established protocols and criteria related to BIM [81,82], as well as the need to formulate contracts specifically associated with BIM [36]. The implementation of BIM and the allocation of sufficient time for its execution depend on the contract established between the parties involved, for example, the client or customer [80].
In addition, it has been reported that the current lack of government intervention is restricting the implementation of BIM [37,129]. The public sector plays a crucial role in providing the necessary leadership for successful implementation [79]. Legislative support from the government to encourage the adoption of BIM, for instance, by awarding engineering design contracts to companies utilizing BIM, would facilitate its widespread application [36]. To ensure that its implementation is successful and delivers on its promised benefits, a strategy must be established and developed [130]. However, the construction industry faces legal issues and risks related to intellectual property rights in the context of BIM [131]. Architectural designs, including those based on 5D BIM, fall under copyright protection, but the development of cyberinfrastructure and cloud-based BIM platforms has added complexity to this issue [132]. The current lack of adequate literature and established legal standards specifically addressing digital intellectual properties poses significant challenges; for example, BIM models present a challenge in terms of safeguarding intellectual property rights [132], which will affect the advancement of 5D BIM implementation [34]. Legislative ambiguities are particularly prevalent in corporate law, contract and procurement law, design standards, codes of practice, design manuals, Eurocodes, tax regulations, and import–export laws [84]. In Singapore, the Building and Construction Authority has formulated a comprehensive BIM roadmap to steer industry-wide adoption through initiatives such as incentivizing early adopters, public sector leadership, and facilitating the transition from 2D CAD to BIM [133].

4.3. Key Performance Indicators Affected by the Implementation of 5D BIM

KPIs are widely used to monitor, measure, and evaluate the performance and production of project management teams in the construction industry [134]. They are essential for measuring construction performance, as they provide visibility of high-performing and low-performing areas that need to be addressed [135]. According to a statistical analysis of the papers considered here, when measuring a construction project, the most frequently discussed metrics were cost performance and schedule/time performance (15 articles each), and quality performance and customer satisfaction (12 publications each) [48]. The KPIs of construction projects are indeed based on time, cost, and quality indicators [49]. Hence, in this research, the KPIs of construction projects were found to focus on project cost performance, project time performance, and project quality performance. The baseline standards ensure that KPIs are measured consistently and that projects meet the appropriate benchmarks for success. Implementing these standards helps in achieving optimal project performance by ensuring adherence to industry best practices. In this research, these standards provide a rule for evaluating project outcomes, enabling consistent measurement and comparison. Future projects assessing past performance can serve as a mechanism of forecasting to ensure accurate budgets, scheduling, and quality, as shown in Table 8.

4.3.1. Project Cost Performance

The advantages of 5D BIM include minimizing project costs, lowering insurance expenses, and reducing the likelihood of claims. In addition, a thorough analysis carried out in the initial phase of a construction project can decrease the amount of unused resources and cut labor costs caused by miscommunication [78]. At the detailed cost plan stage, 5D BIM enables more efficient quantity generation for cost planning than manual take-off and standard QS software [34]. Many companies assert that the cost savings from implementing 5D BIM are modest, and that the financial benefits will only become apparent upon completion of the project [40]. The BIM Initiative offers a research-based alternative to top-down BIM deployment policies, providing an innovative and consistent approach to the opportunities and challenges of BIM adoption [104]. It employs an integrated methodology and modular language for performance evaluation and process optimization at all organizational levels [91,94,100]. The data necessary to assess the overall financial performance of a project can be extracted from a 5D BIM model [93]. In one study, performance metrics were employed to manage costs (5D) [96,102], and the 5D-PROMPT workflow resulted in the continuous representation of project performance status, as consistently displayed by the 5D BIM model [95]. A framework was developed to encourage the integration of diverse process knowledge into BIM-based construction cost control [82]. As 5D BIM solutions become integrated into cost management practices, frameworks such as this can be valuable to practitioners, and can aid them in making informed decisions [85]. Akbar and Latief [46] explore valuable insights into the risks that need to be addressed to minimize potential issues when employing 5D BIM, which can consequently enhance consumption of resource accuracy. The use of 5D BIM in construction projects is anticipated to improve the cost performance of such endeavors [46]. A 5D assessment allows for the review of project progress and status by applying earned value principles, such as the cost performance index and schedule performance index [103]. With a focus on the embodied and operating stages of a building’s life cycle, Heydari and Heravi [151] provided a BIM-based framework for lowering building emissions, which can be utilized to optimize both cost and carbon emissions, thus demonstrating that 5D BIM can be extended to incorporate sustainability metrics.

4.3.2. Project Time Performance

The majority of authors in the literature report that time and schedule performance are the most critical factors influencing project success, as they impact the attainment of other performance criteria [152]. The quality of completed projects is enhanced as users uphold high data standards within BIM models, which shorten work time and improve efficiency [34]. Digital representation enhances comprehension of the project, leading to more accurate cost and time estimates [36]. BIM can significantly enhance the performance of building professionals. Historical data on the performance of quantity surveying tasks provide substantial evidence of how BIM has transformed the methodology, speed, and efficiency of quantity surveyors’ duties [39]. Both 4D and 5D BIM can effectively facilitate completion of the planning phase, which in turn influences the programming phase. This process takes models in an interoperable format as input, and produces computations from parametric design and modeling as output [104]. Spatial conflicts were identified in one study by importing a schedule into a 5D CAD model, and the ideal timetable was determined through time–cost trade-off research [100]; 5D BIM emerges as a potential solution to this issue (the 5D cost extraction process from BIM is clearly defined), providing a tool for improved and more efficient cost management [79,91,97,153]. It has been found that BIM-assisted estimation outperforms traditional methods in terms of generality, flexibility, efficiency, and accuracy [92]. The 5D-PROMPT method also offers promising enhancements to project organization and schedule reliability [95]. This approach relies on a 5D building information model in which the individual model objects are tightly integrated with the corresponding construction costs and time effort values.

4.3.3. Project Quality Performance

Performance evaluation in construction projects has evolved beyond traditional approaches based on quality, time, and cost, giving rise to a need for a more comprehensive assessment [154]. The BIM method offers extensive advantages, such as enhanced project quality, improved management efficiency, and streamlined workflow. Using 5D BIM, the cost and quantity take-off data for architectural projects can be integrated into 3D models [155]. The quality of the completed project improves when users maintain high data standards within BIM models [34]. BIM can be used to create information visualizations that are displayed on a monitor, and can be constantly referred to by the construction project group [78]. In the construction business, BIM is becoming a more well-known and established procedure for cooperation with quantity surveying, and has the potential to enhance the performance of building professionals [39]. Periodic quantitative and qualitative controls, also known as field BIM, can be conducted using real-time management applications, to produce documentary information on quantity, quality, time, cost, health, safety, environment, and compliance, and can be performed jointly by professionals in a timely, geo-referenced, and documented manner [104]. Advancements in 5D BIM have led to new and potential enhancements in efficiency, quality, and precision within cost management processes [91]. The goal of 5D BIM for design and construction, according to Nicolas [105] and Mitchell [153], is to offer an explicit framework so that the best judgments may be made in terms of quality.

5. Limitations and Future Research Directions

This research aimed to determine the critical factors driving construction project performance in integrated 5D BIM, following a structured method, to ensure comprehensive data acquisition and accurate analysis processes. However, there are some limitations that should be considered.
The selected publications were systematically reviewed, and offered a comprehensive set of key directions for future research on the evolution of 5D BIM. Extensive efforts were made to consider a broad range of pertinent sources, including conference proceedings and book chapters, to ensure a thorough examination of the existing literature. Despite these efforts, however, some publications may have been inadvertently omitted due to the vast scope of the subject matter. This study specifically focused on identifying the critical factors that drive construction project performance within integrated 5D BIM. Future research should extend to related fields, such as infrastructure and facility management, to provide a more holistic and nuanced understanding of 5D BIM applications.
The publications considered here give rise to findings across diverse contexts; however, economies and environments are not identical across countries or regions, and these factors have different levels of influence under different conditions. In future research, factor analyses should be conducted in varied contexts, for example, by differentiating between developing and developed countries, to refine the list of factors discussed here. A quantitative analysis of the potential relationships between these factors would be an issue for future research. Focusing on factor prioritization, examining deterrent factors, and investigating potential causal relationships can lead to more precise solutions for overcoming these problems.
This research is limited to the impact of 5D BIM implementation on key project performance in the construction industry. KPIs are essential for measuring construction project success, and are based on the traditional “golden/iron triangle” of time, budget, and quality [142]. However, according to Ingle and Mahesh [87], several other performance areas can affect project performance, including customer relations, safety, schedule, cost, quality, productivity, finance, communication, collaboration, the environment, and stakeholder satisfaction. Moreover, the use of 5D BIM throughout the building phase guarantees the quality and progress of the construction process, decreases waste from the project, and enhances diligent management, all of which support long-term environmental and economic growth [21,22,23]. Further research should be devoted to the impact of 5D BIM on global project performance, as this will ultimately contribute to the advancement of construction project management and performance.

6. Conclusions

This paper has presented evidence that research interest in 5D BIM is increasing annually, through an analysis of papers on 5D BIM published between January 2014 and December 2023. The geographical distribution of these publications revealed varying levels of adoption across countries, suggesting that while some nations are actively contributing to the 5D BIM literature, others face barriers to 5D BIM adoption or have low levels of interest. An evaluation of citation bursts and trends highlighted the evolution of 5D BIM through its developmental stages, and showed that the integration of intelligent construction technologies can further enhance its application. A cluster analysis was conducted to identify the barriers to adopting 5D BIM in construction, which included limited technological innovation in developing countries, stakeholder resistance, and inadequate organizational support, compounded by a shortage of skilled experts.
The effectiveness of 5D BIM hinges on robust model integrity and its integration with smart building technology, as this enhances productivity and project quality. Finally, the critical factors influencing the adoption of 5D BIM and the KPIs affected by 5D BIM were determined. The critical factors affecting the adoption of 5D BIM in the construction industry were confirmed using the TOE framework, a comprehensive review of the existing literature, and the specific characteristics of the AEC industry. The 30 critical factors were categorized into six groups: technological factors, organizational factors, environmental factors, operator factors, project factors, and government policy. A total of 15 factors driving construction project performance in integrated 5D BIM were identified based on the KPIs of project cost performance, project time performance, and project quality performance.
In summary, the findings of this review offer a foundation for future research and insightful information for stakeholders implementing 5D BIM. AEC stakeholders will benefit from these insights as they develop effective 5D BIM implementations. This research will promote the adoption and implementation of 5D BIM in the construction industry, which will foster sustainability by enhancing resource efficiency, improving energy performance, managing life cycle sustainability, reducing carbon footprints, and facilitating better collaboration. These benefits demonstrate the critical role of 5D BIM in achieving sustainable construction goals.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.S., T.J.K. and M.E.; methodology, H.S.; software, J.L.; validation, J.L. and H.S.; formal analysis, H.S.; investigation, H.S.; resources, H.S.; data curation, H.S.; writing—original draft preparation, H.S.; writing—review and editing, T.J.K. and A.M.; visualization, H.S.; supervision, T.J.K., M.E. and A.M.; project administration, J.L. funding acquisition, J.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was supported by the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (No. 2018JJA130034), High-level Talents Research Initiation Project of Beibu Gulf University (Nos.2018KYQD13 and 2018KYQD14), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41930537 and 42071135).

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. The procedure of the systematic literature review [66].
Figure 1. The procedure of the systematic literature review [66].
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Figure 2. The methodology of this research followed the PRISMA guidelines.
Figure 2. The methodology of this research followed the PRISMA guidelines.
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Figure 3. Published articles on 5D BIM over the ten years (2014–2023).
Figure 3. Published articles on 5D BIM over the ten years (2014–2023).
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Figure 4. Active countries with 5D BIM publication network visualization.
Figure 4. Active countries with 5D BIM publication network visualization.
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Figure 5. Active countries with 5D BIM publications.
Figure 5. Active countries with 5D BIM publications.
Buildings 14 02807 g005
Figure 6. Distribution of publications by country.
Figure 6. Distribution of publications by country.
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Figure 7. Keyword network visualization.
Figure 7. Keyword network visualization.
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Figure 8. Keyword occurrence frequency.
Figure 8. Keyword occurrence frequency.
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Figure 9. Top 25 keywords with the strongest citation bursts.
Figure 9. Top 25 keywords with the strongest citation bursts.
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Figure 10. Keyword overlay visualization.
Figure 10. Keyword overlay visualization.
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Figure 11. Key network clusters.
Figure 11. Key network clusters.
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Figure 12. The novel technology–organization–environment framework.
Figure 12. The novel technology–organization–environment framework.
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Table 1. List of research questions.
Table 1. List of research questions.
1How has 5D BIM evolved in the construction industry over the past decade?
2Which factors significantly influence the adoption of 5D BIM in the construction industry?
3In what ways does 5D BIM impact project performance indicators?
Table 2. Search string used.
Table 2. Search string used.
Search string(TITLE-ABS-KEY (“5D BIM”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“BIM 5D”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“5D Building Information Modeling”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“the fifth dimension of BIM”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“5 Dimensional Building Information Modeling”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“Building Information Modeling 5D”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“5D”) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (“BIM”)) AND ((EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2007) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2008) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2010) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2011) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2012) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2013) OR EXCLUDE (PUBYEAR, 2024))
Table 3. Eligibility standards for inclusion.
Table 3. Eligibility standards for inclusion.
No.Eligibility for Inclusion
1Studies addressing the topic of 5D BIM or other synonyms
2Studies published in the English language
3Studies directly related to construction
4Peer-reviewed publications (to ensure the inclusion of high-quality research)
5Studies with a length of at least three pages
6Articles with an explicit research title, abstract, and keywords
Table 4. Software used for research.
Table 4. Software used for research.
Software/ToolFunction (s)Reference
VOSviewer 1.6.20 Visualization and analysis of SLR data[68]
CiteSpace v.6.2.R6 (64-bit) AdvancedSLR cluster analysis/development path recording[69]
Microsoft ExcelGathering, preserving, and displaying data[70]
Zotero 6.0.36Literature management[70]
Table 5. Top nine authors in terms of the number of publications (total number of articles >2).
Table 5. Top nine authors in terms of the number of publications (total number of articles >2).
AuthorDocumentsTotal CitationsProportion
Hosseini, M. Reza62852.70%
Abrishami, Sepehr52732.25%
Elghaish, Faris52242.25%
Gaterell, Mark31001.35%
Li, Hua3271.35%
Brioso, Xavier3131.35%
Pan, Yangshao391.35%
Guan, Changsheng321.35%
Vitasek, Stanislav361.35%
Total citations: Cumulative number of citations at the end of 31 December 2023. Proportion = No. of articles/total no. of articles collected for this paper.
Table 6. Critical factors influencing the implementation of 5D BIM.
Table 6. Critical factors influencing the implementation of 5D BIM.
Factor CategorySub-CategoriesReferences
People/operational factors Experts with training in operating tools [34,36,38,40,47,78,79]
Awareness of the project’s scope [41,47,79,80]
Prior experience partnering on 5D BIM projects[47,79]
Willingness to use 5D BIM[38,39,40,41,81]
Collaboration concept among relevant stakeholders [33,34,36,40,41,82,83]
Technological factorsCapacity of technology infrastructure [34,39,78,84]
Conflicting implementation strategies of conventional approaches and 5D BIM [34,80,81]
Availability of IT support[34,78,84]
Compatibility with current industry standards [34,37]
Compatibility between software [34,36,47,83]
Organizational factors Awareness of company [34,36,39,40,84]
Rationalization of the organizational structure of construction projects [40,78]
Level of project data management[34,36]
Costs related to BIM technology[33,34,36,39,40,81]
Project-related factors Provision of 3D modeling/design [33,41,79,81]
Provision of 4D modeling/schedule of constructionactivities[33,47]
Difficulty in checking documents caused by conflict detection [47,79,81]
Incomplete/inaccurate data [34,36,47,79]
Predictability of project outcomes [34,36,84]
Environmental factorsMarket demand [78,84]
Increasing competition in the construction industry [46,85]
Demand for sustainable urbanization [23,84,86]
Business situation [78,81]
Cultural resistance preventing adoption [34,36,81]
Standards and guidelines related to BIM [34,36,37,39,80,81,82,83,84]
Contract standards for projects with BIM [36,41,78,81,83]
Dispute settlement mechanisms for projects with BIM[41,79,84]
Publicity and promotion for BIM[36,37,78,84]
Protection for intellectual property rights related to 5D BIM[34,79,84]
Table 7. Key project performance factors that are affected by the implementation of 5D BIM.
Table 7. Key project performance factors that are affected by the implementation of 5D BIM.
Factor CategorySub-CategoryReferences
Project cost performance Cost estimation[34,39,40,46,78,81,82,85,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99]
Cost control [39,40,78,79,82,85,90,91,92,93,94,96,100,101,102]
Cost budgeting[34,40,81,82,85,91,94,95,96,97,103]
Quantity takeoff [34,39,81,91,93,95,96,97]
Claims [78,85,91,96]
Project time performance Enhanced decision making [34,36,39,91]
Scheduled variance analysis [34,36,37,39,78,92,104]
Shorter project times through coordination[36,39,78]
Time risk management[34,36,37,39,92,100,104]
Time-efficient construction delivery [39,91]
Project quality performance Sustainable development of the construction project[39,91]
Continuous improvement/process optimization [104,105,106,107]
Quality of data documentation [34,39,92,100]
Reductions in defects and quality errors [39,106]
Satisfactory workplace environment [34,39,105]
Table 8. Baseline standards for KPIs.
Table 8. Baseline standards for KPIs.
Project cost performance indicatorsCost performance[136,137]
Cost predictability[138,139]
Project cost growth [140]
Change cost factor [136,141]
Project budget factor[137,138]
Project time performance indicatorsTime predictability[142,143]
Schedule performance[134,144]
Change in project schedule[143,145]
Project quality performance indicatorsQuality/high-quality performance [146,147]
Rework [146,148]
Defects and quality errors[149,150]
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

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MDPI and ACS Style

Sun, H.; Khoo, T.J.; Esa, M.; Mahdiyar, A.; Li, J. Critical Factors Driving Construction Project Performance in Integrated 5D Building Information Modeling. Buildings 2024, 14, 2807.

AMA Style

Sun H, Khoo TJ, Esa M, Mahdiyar A, Li J. Critical Factors Driving Construction Project Performance in Integrated 5D Building Information Modeling. Buildings. 2024; 14(9):2807.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sun, Hui, Terh Jing Khoo, Muneera Esa, Amir Mahdiyar, and Jiguang Li. 2024. "Critical Factors Driving Construction Project Performance in Integrated 5D Building Information Modeling" Buildings 14, no. 9: 2807.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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