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Peer-Review Record

Analyzing the Impact of Metaverse Technology on Social Development: A Field Study on Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates

Soc. Sci. 2024, 13(9), 446;
by Enaam Youssef 1,2,3,*, Mervat Medhat 4,5, Soumaya Abdellatif 1,3 and Nagwa Babiker Yousif 1,3
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Reviewer 2: Anonymous
Soc. Sci. 2024, 13(9), 446;
Submission received: 1 June 2024 / Revised: 10 August 2024 / Accepted: 20 August 2024 / Published: 27 August 2024

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The aim of the paper -  "investigate the impact of the Metaverse on social development and psychological wellbeing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)"-  is certainly important and relevant. However I think that the paper needs to be improved in the methodology, in the structure and in the writing.

"This research examined the impact of Metaverse Technology on the social development and psychological well-being of Generation Z in the UAE, driven by Technology Determinism Theory" p. 11.

However is not clear what the author means by using the expression "social development and psychological well-being". At one point the author talks about improvements in people with social disorders and refers also to "mental health". What improvements? And in what ways? Another problem is that there are numerous repetitions and some sentences are not clear.


p. 2: "The Technology Determinism Theory supports this research technology determinism theory".

p. 5: "Thus, this research hypothesized that". I think would be better to formulate the hypothesis at the basis of the research in a more accurate and structured way.

p. 9: "the goodness of fit indicates a good fit of the study model". I see a repetition not a clear statement.

p. 9: the study of Mello & Collins 2001, is the more recent to mention as reference to verify the "discriminant validity"? This is a study of 23 years ago.

p. 11: "hence the second hypothesis is also accepted". What is the second hypothesis? Maybe in order to help the reader to navigate the paper is better to state clearly to what we are referring in our discourse.

p. 12: "further regarding the H2 of the study "H1...". The author is talking of H2 or H1?

p. 13: I cannot understand why the author is mentioning Korea.

 In addition, I think would be useful to add a legend of the acronyms of the indicators used to analyze the data so it can be easier for the reader to find his or her way around.

Finally, I would like inviting the author to consider the "limitations" listed in the conclusions as further development of the research. In my opinion conducting a study focused on a specific group of people in a specific region is good, because this help to have a clear knowledge of that specific context. Of course in the future the research can be extended.

Comments on the Quality of English Language

I think that English need to be revised by a native speaker. Some statements are not clear.

Author Response

  1. The aim of the paper - "investigate the impact of the Metaverse on social development and psychological wellbeing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)"-  is certainly important and relevant. However I think that the paper needs to be improved in the methodology, in the structure and in the writing.

Thank you for your kind consideration and suggestions. We have revised the paper as per your suggestions that are also addressed in the following comments. We hope that you will find the revised version of the manuscript comparatively better.


  1. This research examined the impact of Metaverse Technology on the social development and psychological well-being of Generation Z in the UAE, driven by Technology Determinism Theory" p. 11. However, is not clear what the author means by using the expression "social development and psychological well-being". At one point the author talks about improvements in people with social disorders and refers also to "mental health". What improvements? And in what ways?
    • Thank you for raising this concern. To further elaborate and simplify, we have added the following statement to ensure clarity in our approach on Page 3 1.2 Research Aims and Gaps

“Notably, "social development" and "psychological well-being" refer to different aspects of how individuals interact with others and sustain their mental health. In this research, "social development" involves how Generation Z in the UAE builds relationships, communicates, and engages with their community through metaverse technology. This includes enhanced social skills, i.e., increased confidence in social interactions and improved ability to form and maintain relationships. Psychological well-being" encompasses individuals' overall mental health and emotional state. This research highlights how metaverse technology affects feelings of happiness, stress levels, and the ability to cope with mental health challenges. Particularly, the study examines how the use of metaverse technology can lead to improvements in individuals with social disorders by providing virtual space for interaction that may feel safer and more controlled than face-to-face interactions. Further, it investigates how these virtual interactions can reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety, thus contributing to better mental health outcomes.”


  1. Another problem is that there are numerous repetitions, and some sentences are not clear. Examples:
  2. 2: "The Technology Determinism Theory supports this research technology determinism theory".

We have revised this statement and apologize for the mistake, as follows.

“The Technology Determinism Theory, which asserts that technological advancements shape human behaviour and societal structures, underpins this research by providing a framework to apprehend how metaverse technology affects Generation Z's social development and psychological well-being in the UAE.”

  1. 5: "Thus, this research hypothesized that". I think would be better to formulate the hypothesis at the basis of the research in a more accurate and structured way.

We have revised the hypotheses as per our standing. Please check and let us know. The following revisions are made.

H1: The use of metaverse technology positively impacts the social development of Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates. Specifically, increased engagement with metaverse platforms improves social skills, facilitates relationship-building, and encourages more effective communication among young individuals in this demographic.

"H2: The use of metaverse technology positively affects the psychological well-being of Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates. Specifically, increased engagement with metaverse platforms decreases anxiety, improves mood, and improves overall mental health among young individuals in this demographic.”


  1. 9: "the goodness of fit indicates a good fit of the study model". I see a repetition not a clear statement.

Thank you for raising this concern. We have revised the relevant statement as follows.

“The goodness of fit suggests that the study model accurately represents the observed data.”

  1. 9: the study of Mello & Collins 2001, is the more recent to mention as reference to verify the "discriminant validity"? This is a study of 23 years ago.

Thank you. We have replaced it with “Rönkkö, M., & Cho, E. (2022). An Updated Guideline for Assessing Discriminant Validity. Organizational Research Methods, 25(1), 6–14.”


  1. 11: "hence the second hypothesis is also accepted". What is the second hypothesis? Maybe in order to help the reader to navigate the paper is better to state clearly to what we are referring in our discourse.

Thank you for raising this concern. I have mentioned the hypothesis there as follows.

“Hence, the second hypothesis proposing “The use of metaverse technology positively impacts the social development of Generation Z in the United Arab Emirates. Specifically, increased engagement with metaverse platforms improves social skills, facilitates relationship-building, and encourages more effective communication among young individuals in this demographic, is accepted. Table 7 and Figure 3 represent the results of path analysis.”


  1. 12: "further regarding the H2 of the study "H1...". The author is talking of H2 or H1?

Thank you for highlighting this typo. We have revised it as follows.

Further regarding the H1 of the study …”


  1. 13: I cannot understand why the author is mentioning Korea.

It was solely to indicate the geographical region where the cited study is conducted. However, we have removed it.


 In addition, I think would be useful to add a legend of the acronyms of the indicators used to analyze the data so it can be easier for the reader to find his or her way around.

Thank you for raising this consideration. We have added relevant legend as follows.

“Note: SRMR is Standardized Root Mean Square, NFI is Non-Fit Index, TLI is Ticker and Lewis”

“Note: MET is Metaverse Technology, SED is Social Development, WEL is Psychological Well-being”


Finally, I would like inviting the author to consider the "limitations" listed in the conclusions as further development of the research. In my opinion conducting a study focused on a specific group of people in a specific region is good, because this help to have a clear knowledge of that specific context. Of course, in the future the research can be extended.

Thank you for your kind suggestion. We have added the suggested revisions in the heading entitled “6.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research”

Finally, this limitation involves the geographical generalizability of results. As this research is conducted in the UAE, the generalizability of results can be questioned as a major limitation. Future researchers can replicate the current research design and conduct research in different regions to delimit this scope. Finally, while this study provides valuable insights into the impact of metaverse technology on Generation Z's social development and psychological well-being in the UAE, it is important to acknowledge its limitations. The research is focused on a specific demographic within a specific region, which allows for a detailed understanding of that context but may limit the generalizability of the findings. Given these considerations, future research could extend this study to include a more diverse range of participants from different regions and backgrounds. This expansion would validate the findings across various contexts and provide a more comprehensive understanding of how global metaverse technology influences social development and psychological well-being. By addressing these broader perspectives, future studies can build on the foundation laid by this research and contribute to a more nuanced and extensive body of knowledge.”


Comments on the Quality of English Language

I think that English need to be revised by a native speaker. Some statements are not clear.

After the first round of revisions, we have sent this manuscript for the further proofreading. We will also go through another round of formatting and English editing after the final acceptance.

Reviewer 2 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

1.      Title

The title is clear and specific, indicating a primary focus on Metaverse technology, social development, and Generation Z in the UAE.


2.      Abstract

The abstract provides a concise summary of the study’s purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions.


3.      Introduction

The introduction sets the context effectively by discussing the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their impact on daily life, especially for the current generation. It explores the relationship between society and technology, establishing the Metaverse as a key area of focus. The section transitions well into a detailed examination of the Metaverse and its potential effects on the social and psychological aspects of Generation Z.

To enhance clarity and flow, the introduction could benefit from a more structured organization. Breaking down the content into smaller, focused paragraphs—addressing specific aspects such as the impact of ICTs, generational shifts, and Metaverse technology—would improve readability. Additionally, including a brief overview of the research questions or objectives at the end of the introduction would clearly outline the study’s focus. Defining key terms like "Metaverse" and "Technology Determinism Theory" early in the introduction would also ensure clarity and avoid redundancy.


4.      Clarify the Empirical Gap

The mention of a "significant empirical gap" needs more detail. The study should clearly articulate the specific gap in existing literature that it aims to address, such as a lack of research on the Metaverse's impact on Generation Z in the UAE or the overlooked aspects of social development and psychological well-being. More details should be provided on how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced technology use, particularly the Metaverse, in the UAE and among Generation Z. Additionally, the reciprocal relationship between Metaverse technology use, social development, and psychological well-being should be better explained, with a clear outline of how this relationship will be examined in the study.


5.      Lines 23-27 Revision

To support claims about the role of smartphones and tablets in daily life, include relevant statistics or studies. For instance, provide data on smartphone penetration rates or average time spent on digital devices. Additionally, expand on the background of ICTs, Metaverse technology, and Generation Z by referencing existing studies in more detail. Address conflicting findings or gaps in previous research to underscore the necessity of this study. Conclude the introduction with clear research objectives or hypotheses to set a focused direction for the study and inform the reader about what to expect. Define key terms such as "Metaverse" and "Technology Determinism Theory" early in the introduction to ensure clarity.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form


6.      Lines 38-44 Revision

The distinction between the two types of metaverses is valuable. However, the sentence could be clearer. For example: "Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that users can build from scratch and another that offers a pre-existing environment for immediate exploration."


7.      Methodology

-          Population and Sampling

Specify the sampling method used (e.g., random sampling, convenience sampling) to provide a clearer understanding of sample selection and ensure representativeness. While the sample size calculation is mentioned, a brief explanation of why a sample size of 385 was chosen and how it aligns with the study objectives would enhance clarity. Additionally, discuss how demographic factors such as age, gender, and locality might influence the findings, for instance, how a higher proportion of males or urban residents might impact the results.


-          Instrument

Discuss the validity and reliability of the survey instrument. Explain how the validity of the questions was ensured and whether any pre-tests or pilot studies were conducted to assess reliability.


-          Broaden Implications

Discuss the broader implications of the findings for various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and mental health professionals. How can they leverage the benefits of Metaverse technology while mitigating potential risks? Provide specific recommendations for effectively using the Metaverse in educational or mental health contexts based on the study’s findings.


8.      Improve Presentation

Aim for a more concise and focused discussion by avoiding repetition and ensuring that each point clearly supports the research objectives. Identify and discuss other potential limitations, such as the cross-sectional nature of the study, which prevents causal inferences. Suggest how future longitudinal studies could address these limitations and propose alternative research designs or methodologies that could provide additional insights or further validate the findings.

Comments on the Quality of English Language

Overall, the passage demonstrates a strong grasp of English and communicates its ideas effectively. However, there are several areas where the quality of the writing can be improved for clarity, coherence, and readability. Here are some specific comments and suggestions:

  1. Clarity and Conciseness: Some sentences are quite complex and may benefit from simplification. Breaking down lengthy sentences into shorter, more direct ones can improve readability.
    • Example: "The capability to re- main frequently connected has dramatically increased users' time online, making web and mobile applications a ubiquitous part of their lives" could be revised to "The ability to stay constantly connected has significantly increased the time users spend online, making web and mobile applications an integral part of their daily lives."
  2. Consistency and Terminology: Ensure consistent use of terminology and avoid redundancy. For instance, "Metaverse" is mentioned multiple times, but its definition and scope could be clarified earlier in the passage to avoid repetition.
    • Example: Introduce the term "Metaverse" with a brief definition or explanation before discussing its various aspects.
  3. Grammar and Syntax: There are a few minor grammatical issues and awkward phrases that can be improved.
    • Example: "Typically, there are two metaverses: one that enables users to build the environment from scratch and another with a pre-existing environment that users can immediately probe" can be revised to "Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that allows users to build the environment from scratch, and another with a pre-existing environment that users can explore."
  4. Citation and Referencing: Ensure that citations are properly formatted and placed consistently. For academic writing, it's crucial to follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).
    • Example: The use of "(Kathuria, 2023)" is clear, but ensure that all citations are formatted consistently and appropriately according to your chosen style guide.
  5. Logical Flow: Improve transitions between sections to ensure a smooth flow of ideas. Sometimes, the passage jumps between topics without clear connections.
    • Example: The transition between discussing the impact of ICTs on daily life and the specifics of the Metaverse could be smoother. You might add a sentence or two that links the general impact of technology to the specific example of the Metaverse.
  6. Repetitive Phrases: Avoid repetition of phrases and ideas. Some concepts are mentioned more than once, which can make the text seem redundant.
    • Example: The idea of "social presence" is discussed in several places. It might be useful to consolidate these discussions to avoid repetition.
  7. Tone and Style: Maintain a formal and academic tone throughout the passage. Avoid colloquial expressions and ensure that the language is appropriate for the intended audience.
    • Example: Instead of "This presents a captivating prospect for the users," you might say, "This offers a compelling opportunity for users."

Author Response


  1. Title

The title is clear and specific, indicating a primary focus on Metaverse technology, social development, and Generation Z in the UAE.

We thank you for your encouragement.


  1. Abstract

The abstract provides a concise summary of the study’s purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions.

Thank you so much.


  1. Introduction


The introduction sets the context effectively by discussing the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their impact on daily life, especially for the current generation. It explores the relationship between society and technology, establishing the Metaverse as a key area of focus. The section transitions well into a detailed examination of the Metaverse and its potential effects on the social and psychological aspects of Generation Z.


To enhance clarity and flow, the introduction could benefit from a more structured organization. Breaking down the content into smaller, focused paragraphs—addressing specific aspects such as the impact of ICTs, generational shifts, and Metaverse technology—would improve readability. Additionally, including a brief overview of the research questions or objectives at the end of the introduction would clearly outline the study’s focus. Defining key terms like "Metaverse" and "Technology Determinism Theory" early in the introduction would also ensure clarity and avoid redundancy.

Thank you for your consideration. We have revised and structured the introduction as follows. We have also added primary research questions accordingly.

“The immediate advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in recent years has made smartphones, tablets, and their applications critical to daily life, especially among the current generation (Kathuria, 2023). The capability to remain frequently connected has dramatically increased users' time online, making web and mobile applications a ubiquitous part of their lives (Popaitoon, 2022).

This widespread use of digital applications has greatly changed how users interact with their peers, access information, and build social relationships (Benvenuti et al., 2023). It has also profoundly influenced their health and well-being, including their cognitive development and attention span while accomplishing tasks. Consequently, the generational transformations within communities are mainly driven by shifts occurring on a global scale.

Notably, the relationship between society and technology characterizes a continuous interaction between social needs and desires and the abilities of technological systems. Society drives technological innovation, and in turn, technology shapes the world's normative and social fabric, values, and norms. (Iqbal & Campbell, 2023) stated that the future advanced Metaverse aims to provide users with a more immersive digital experience. Typically, there are two metaverses: one that enables users to build the environment from scratch and another with a pre-existing environment that users can immediately probe.

Users can interact within the Metaverse just as they would in the physical world, allowing them to create and invest across different platforms. This presents a captivating prospect for the users. Having grown up with the internet and the rise of smartphones, Generation Z is deemed a digital native (Lamba et al., 2021). According to a recent study, they spend more time online or connected to smart devices than earlier generations, averaging about three hours per day (Tankovic et al., 2022). Many organizations also use new technologies to improve efficiency and speed, improving user engagement and experiences. The advancement in IT has enabled digitalization in services, enabling social growth and development. Thus, with its capability to deliver improved realism and presence, the Metaverse provides a promising new platform for significantly improving the social needs of young people as public events and social interactions have declined significantly. Research has shown that social interactions contribute significantly to psychological well-being through the exchange of social support (Oh et al., 2023).

Online supportive interactions similarly improve users' social presence and psychological well-being (e.g., Oh, Ozkaya, & LaRose, 2014; Shaw & Gant, 2004). Unlike text-based communication platforms, the Metaverse's 3D virtual environment provides an increased sense of social presence. According to (Dionisio et al., 2013), 3D environments provide users with precise visual cues about their surroundings, improving their communication by moving across different settings and manipulating the space. Avatar-mediated communication in the Metaverse generates rich communication cues, i.e., appearance, gesture, and behaviour. This sense of co-existence and cue-rich communication creates a social presence, making users feel that others are physically present in the same environment (Dong & Lee, 2022). This social illusion encourages positive interactions by motivating individuals to preserve a good impression and aim for social approval from others (Naikoo et al., 2018).


Generally, generations are named based on the prevalent industry or technology during their formative years (Ajmain, 2020). For instance, during the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, societal changes were affected by digital technology and the internet. The current generation's attitude, perspectives, and culture are deeply interwoven with these digital advancements, shaping their behavior significantly (Răduț, 2021).

Therefore, social and psychological changes and technology have become central topics for Generation Z. For example, (Jeljeli & Farhi, 2024) consider metaverse technology accompanied by immersive experiences as prominent aspects of technology, particularly for Generation Z. In this context, one of the critical elements that could drive the success of the Metaverse is its constant activity and real-time existence. Considering the utmost importance and impact of technology, this research aims to address the preceding questions about its impacts on the Gen Z. This study focuses on addressing (i) how does metaverse technology impact social development of Gen Z in the UAE, and (ii) how does metaverse technology impact psychological wellbeing of Gen Z in the UAE.”



  1. Clarify the Empirical Gap


The mention of a "significant empirical gap" needs more detail. The study should clearly articulate the specific gap in existing literature that it aims to address, such as a lack of research on the Metaverse's impact on Generation Z in the UAE or the overlooked aspects of social development and psychological well-being. More details should be provided on how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced technology use, particularly the Metaverse, in the UAE and among Generation Z. Additionally, the reciprocal relationship between Metaverse technology use, social development, and psychological well-being should be better explained, with a clear outline of how this relationship will be examined in the study.

Thank you. We have further revised and elaborated the highlighted part as follows.

“Notably, this research addresses a significant empirical gap in the existing literature. Specifically, there needs to be more research on the impact of metaverse technology on Generation Z in the UAE, especially concerning their social development and psychological well-being. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of various technologies (Farhi, 2024; Farhi et al., 2023), including the Metaverse, leading to a transformative digital shift. However, the specific consequences of this shift on the UAE's younger population have yet to be thoroughly examined. This study aims to fill this gap by examining how the increased use of metaverse technology during and after the pandemic has influenced Generation Z's social interactions and mental health in this region. Also, the research will analyze the reciprocal relationship between metaverse technology use, social development, and psychological well-being, thoroughly analyzing how these factors interplay and impact one another”.



  1. Lines 23-27 Revision


To support claims about the role of smartphones and tablets in daily life, include relevant statistics or studies. For instance, provide data on smartphone penetration rates or average time spent on digital devices. Additionally, expand on the background of ICTs, Metaverse technology, and Generation Z by referencing existing studies in more detail. Address conflicting findings or gaps in previous research to underscore the necessity of this study. Conclude the introduction with clear research objectives or hypotheses to set a focused direction for the study and inform the reader about what to expect. Define key terms such as "Metaverse" and "Technology Determinism Theory" early in the introduction to ensure clarity.

Thnak you for the suggestion. First, we have added statistics about the metaverse technology use in the UAE, as follows.

“Consequently today, Metaverse technology is becoming increasingly popular In the UAE. Recent statistics show that around 25% of residents have engaged with metaverse technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The UAE government is actively promoting the metaverse, with Dubai’s Metaverse Strategy aiming to create 40,000 virtual jobs and attract over $4 billion in investments by 2030. The industry is experiencing rapid growth, with investments expected to surpass $1.5 billion by 2025. Additionally, virtual real estate transactions are rising, placing the UAE among the leading countries in investing in digital assets. Notably, around 40% of Generation Z in the UAE regularly use metaverse platforms for activities like socializing, gaming, and education, highlighting significant engagement among young people.”


Then we have added our aims and questions at the end of the introduction as follows.

“The primary aim of this research is to investigate the influence of metaverse technology on Generation Z's social development and psychological well-being in the UAE. The relevant study further addresses two primary research questions:  (i) how does metaverse technology impact social development of Gen Z in the UAE, and (ii) how does metaverse technology impact psychological wellbeing of Gen Z in the UAE.”

Further, metaverse technology and technology determinism are define as follows

“Metaverse technology is define as a collective virtual shared space created by converging virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual reality. It comprises a range of digital environments and interactions facilitated by advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and blockchain. In the metaverse, users can interact with a computer-generated world and other users in real-time, using avatars and digital interfaces. This technology enables immersive experiences where individuals can socialize, work, play, and create within a seamless, interconnected virtual realm beyond traditional digital platforms.”


“In this regard, technology determinism supports the idea of adoption and use of metaverse technology among the Gen Z. Technology determinism is the idea that technological advancements shape and determine the way societies evolve and individuals behave. It suggests that the development and use of technology have a direct influence on social structures, cultural norms, and human interactions, essentially driving changes in how people live and think. This concept emphasizes that technology is a primary force in shaping human experiences and societal transformations (Hallström & Kaijser, 2022).”

  1. Lines 38-44 Revision

The distinction between the two types of metaverses is valuable. However, the sentence could be clearer. For example: "Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that users can build from scratch and another that offers a pre-existing environment for immediate exploration."

Thank you for raising this concern. The relevant argumentation is revised as follows.

“. Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that users can build from scratch and another that offers a pre-existing environment for immediate exploration.”



  1. Methodology


-          Population and Sampling


Specify the sampling method used (e.g., random sampling, convenience sampling) to provide a clearer understanding of sample selection and ensure representativeness. While the sample size calculation is mentioned, a brief explanation of why a sample size of 385 was chosen and how it aligns with the study objectives would enhance clarity. Additionally, discuss how demographic factors such as age, gender, and locality might influence the findings, for instance, how a higher proportion of males or urban residents might impact the results.

Thank you. We have added the following details accordingly.

“The study selected a sample size of 385 participants based on a power analysis to ensure adequate statistical power for detecting meaningful effects in the relationships between metaverse technology, social development, and psychological well-being. This sample size aligns with the study objectives by providing a strong representation of Generation Z in the UAE, allowing for reliable analysis of the impact of metaverse technology on these results. By choosing this sample size, the aim was to balance statistical significance and practical feasibility, ensuring that results are precise and generalizable within the study context.”

“Further, simple random sampling was employed to select participants from Generation Z in the UAE in this research. This method ensured that every individual within the target demographic had an equal probability of being included in the study, providing a representative sample of Generation Z and allowing for generalizable insights into the impact of metaverse technology on this age group.”

“However, while interpreting this study's findings, it is essential to consider the influence of demographic factors, i.e., gender, age, locality, and education. Our sample shows a higher proportion of males (64.5%) than females (35.5%), which may affect the findings, especially regarding how different genders engage with and perceive metaverse technology. Gender-specific preferences and usage patterns could affect the results, making it crucial to recognize these potential biases when discussing the impacts of metaverse technology.

The age distribution also indicates that most respondents are between 19 and 22 (54.5%). This age group is highly active and likely more engaged with emerging technologies, which might influence their experiences and perceptions of the metaverse. Thus, the results may particularly reflect this younger segment of Generation Z, and further research could explore the experiences of slightly older or younger individuals to provide a more comprehensive view.

With 97.0% of respondents living in urban areas, the study's outcomes may be skewed toward the experiences of urban residents, who likely have greater access to and engagement with metaverse technologies than those in rural areas. This urban bias should be considered when generalizing the findings to the broader population of Generation Z in the UAE.

Educational background among respondents varies, with a significant portion having higher secondary education or below (38.6%). This diversity in education levels may influence familiarity with and usage of metaverse platforms, impacting the study's findings on social development and psychological well-being. Lastly, the geographic distribution shows a predominance of respondents from Dubai (50.1%) and Sharjah (31.1%). While this provides insight into these major urban centers, future research should consider including more respondents from other emirates to ensure the findings represent the entire UAE.

These demographic factors are considerable when interpreting the study's results, as they provide context for the observed impacts of metaverse technology on social development and psychological well-being among Generation Z in the UAE.”


-          Instrument


Discuss the validity and reliability of the survey instrument. Explain how the validity of the questions was ensured and whether any pre-tests or pilot studies were conducted to assess reliability.

Thank you for raising this point. We ad conducted the pilot study with 40 individuals but as we have conducted SEM, we considered not adding the pilot study findings. Now we have added as follows.

“Further, before conducting the full-scale survey, pilot testing is conducted to determine the reliability of the study tool. Questionnaires were distributed among a sample of 40 individuals. Results indicated that the Cronbach Alpha values surpassed the threshold of 0.7 (Metaverse Technology 0.835, Social Development 0.865, and Psychological Wellbeing 0.901), suggesting that the research tool is reliable.”



Broaden Implications

Discuss the broader implications of the findings for various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and mental health professionals. How can they leverage the benefits of Metaverse technology while mitigating potential risks? Provide specific recommendations for effectively using the Metaverse in educational or mental health contexts based on the study’s findings.

Thank you for the suggestion. The study implications are further expanded as follows.

The findings of this study also offer practical insights for various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and mental health professionals, on how to leverage metaverse technology effectively while managing potential risks. For educators, the strong positive relationship between metaverse technology and social development suggests that incorporating virtual environments into learning can improve student communication skills, collaboration, and social interaction. Educators should consider integrating metaverse platforms into curricula to provide immersive learning experiences encouraging active participation and skill-building. However, they should also ensure that these platforms are used in moderation to prevent potential issues like excessive screen time or social isolation.

Policymakers can use these results to support the development of regulations and guidelines that promote the responsible use of metaverse technology. Since technology positively impacts social skills and psychological well-being, policymakers should advocate for initiatives incorporating metaverse tools in public services and community programs. They should also work to address any accessibility issues to ensure that all segments of the population can benefit from these technologies. Ensuring robust data privacy and security measures will be crucial to mitigate potential risks associated with virtual interactions.

Mental health professionals can leverage the metaverse’s ability to improve psychological well-being by using virtual environments as therapeutic tools. The study’s results suggest that metaverse technology can help manage stress, enhance mood, and foster a sense of belonging. Mental health programs could incorporate metaverse-based activities to create supportive virtual spaces where individuals can engage in stress-relief exercises and social interactions. Professionals need to monitor users’ engagement with these platforms to prevent dependency or overuse, which could potentially lead to adverse outcomes.

While metaverse technology presents significant opportunities for enhancing social and psychological outcomes, all stakeholders need to implement it thoughtfully, ensuring its benefits are maximized while mitigating any associated risks.”



  1. Improve Presentation

Aim for a more concise and focused discussion by avoiding repetition and ensuring that each point clearly supports the research objectives. Identify and discuss other potential limitations, such as the cross-sectional nature of the study, which prevents causal inferences. Suggest how future longitudinal studies could address these limitations and propose alternative research designs or methodologies that could provide additional insights or further validate the findings.

Thank you for the suggestion. We have modified the relevant part as follows.

“In discussing the current study's findings, it is important to note that the cross-sectional nature of our research limits our ability to make causal inferences about the impact of metaverse technology on social development and psychological well-being. This snapshot approach only provides a view of the data at a single time and does not account for changes that might occur over a more extended period. To address this limitation, future research should consider longitudinal studies that track participants over time to understand better how prolonged use of metaverse technology affects social skills and mental health. Additionally, exploring alternative research designs, i.e., experimental studies with control groups or mixed methods approaches, could offer more detailed insights and validate our findings further. These approaches clarify the long-term effects and mechanisms through which metaverse technology influences users. “


Comments on the Quality of English Language

Overall, the passage demonstrates a strong grasp of English and communicates its ideas effectively. However, there are several areas where the quality of the writing can be improved for clarity, coherence, and readability. Here are some specific comments and suggestions:


Clarity and Conciseness: Some sentences are quite complex and may benefit from simplification. Breaking down lengthy sentences into shorter, more direct ones can improve readability.

Thank you for this valuable suggestion. We have broken down complex sentence into brief ones for the better understanding.



Example: "The capability to re- main frequently connected has dramatically increased users' time online, making web and mobile applications a ubiquitous part of their lives" could be revised to "The ability to stay constantly connected has significantly increased the time users spend online, making web and mobile applications an integral part of their daily lives."


Thnak you. We have revised the relevant sentence as follows.

“The ability to stay constantly connected has significantly increased the time users spend online, making web and mobile applications an integral part of their daily lives."


Consistency and Terminology: Ensure consistent use of terminology and avoid redundancy. For instance, "Metaverse" is mentioned multiple times, but its definition and scope could be clarified earlier in the passage to avoid repetition.

Example: Introduce the term "Metaverse" with a brief definition or explanation before discussing its various aspects.

Thank you. We have defined metaverse in the introductory section. We believe that it will be helpful as a definition that further led to discuss its various aspects.


Grammar and Syntax: There are a few minor grammatical issues and awkward phrases that can be improved.

Example: "Typically, there are two metaverses: one that enables users to build the environment from scratch and another with a pre-existing environment that users can immediately probe" can be revised to "Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that allows users to build the environment from scratch, and another with a pre-existing environment that users can explore."

Thank you for raising this concern. We have revised this as follows.

““. Typically, there are two types of metaverses: one that users can build from scratch and another that offers a pre-existing environment for immediate exploration.”



Citation and Referencing: Ensure that citations are properly formatted and placed consistently. For academic writing, it's crucial to follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Example: The use of "(Kathuria, 2023)" is clear, but ensure that all citations are formatted consistently and appropriately according to your chosen style guide.


We have formatted all the citations according to the APA.



Logical Flow: Improve transitions between sections to ensure a smooth flow of ideas. Sometimes, the passage jumps between topics without clear connections.

Example: The transition between discussing the impact of ICTs on daily life and the specifics of the Metaverse could be smoother. You might add a sentence or two that links the general impact of technology to the specific example of the Metaverse.

Thank you for raising this concern. Please check the revised version. We have followed your kind suggestions and believe that the transitions are comparatively better.


Repetitive Phrases: Avoid repetition of phrases and ideas. Some concepts are mentioned more than once, which can make the text seem redundant.

Example: The idea of "social presence" is discussed in several places. It might be useful to consolidate these discussions to avoid repetition.

Thank you for this suggestion. We have revised the relevant parts and used some sysnonyms for the better presentation and to avoid redundancy.

Tone and Style: Maintain a formal and academic tone throughout the passage. Avoid colloquial expressions and ensure that the language is appropriate for the intended audience. Example: Instead of "This presents a captivating prospect for the users," you might say, "This offers a compelling opportunity for users."

Thank you for raising this issue. The manuscript has undergone a second round of proofreading.

Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The authors welcomed the suggestions and revised the paper based on them. It seems to me now that the structure and argumentation are clearer. 

My doubt remains related to the "conclusions." The results of such a specific study conducted in a specific area, from my point of view, should have been discussed in more detail precisely with reference to what they add to the knowledge of that specific context and how other studies can in the future improve the results obtained. This, beyond the certainly valid fact that applying the methodology to different contexts gives additional results on the "impact of metaverse technology on social development." However, my opinion of the work done to revise the paper is positive. 

Comments on the Quality of English Language

It seems to me that there are still some repetitions, but still the English seems to be much improved. 

Author Response

Reviewer 1 # Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The authors welcomed the suggestions and revised the paper based on them. It seems to me now that the structure and argumentation are clearer. 

We thank you for your constructive feedback earlier and now. We have made efforts to follow your kind suggestions and improve our work as much as we can. The suggestions not only helped us to improve our current work, but also it will be helping us in furture.



  1. My doubt remains related to the "conclusions." The results of such a specific study conducted in a specific area, from my point of view, should have been discussed in more detail precisely with reference to what they add to the knowledge of that specific context and how other studies can in the future improve the results obtained. This, beyond the certainly valid fact that applying the methodology to different contexts gives additional results on the "impact of metaverse technology on social development." However, my opinion of the work done to revise the paper is positive. 


Thank you for your kind suggestions and guidance. We have rewritten the conclusion as follows.

“The study's findings underline the significant role of metaverse technology in promoting social and psychological development among Generation Z in the UAE, offering new insights into the digital landscape of this specific context. The results highlight how metaverse technology, deeply integrated into Emirati society, is reshaping social interactions and contributing to the well-being of young individuals by providing immersive, geographically unbound virtual environments. These environments facilitate improved social skills, better communication, and a stronger sense of community, especially among those struggling with social interactions in traditional settings.

However, the conclusions drawn from this study, while significant, are context-specific and may not fully grasp the broader implications of metaverse technology in different cultural or social environments. Future research could build on these results by applying similar methodologies in diverse regions and populations, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of the metaverse's impact. Such studies would validate the current results and extend them to other contexts, thereby enriching the global discourse on the role of emerging technologies in social and psychological development. The potential of metaverse technology to improve social connections and support mental well-being could be further explored through continued research, leading to more refined applications and strategies that benefit a more comprehensive array of individuals across diverse settings.


  1. It seems to me that there are still some repetitions, but still the English seems to be much improved. 

Thank you for raising this concern. We have again sent the second revision for proofreading. We hope that you will find this version even better.  The manuscript has underwent professional editing service as well. The certificate of the editing is attached.


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The required modifications have been made and the procedures have been explained.

Author Response

Reviewer 2 # Comments and Suggestions for Authors

 The required modifications have been made and the procedures have been explained.

We thank you for your kind consideration, efforts to review the manuscript, and constructive feedback.

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