The future of biofuels in the aviation industry depends on how much the induced changes in thermophysical properties affect the combustion process and all its stages, from spray formation to the preparation of the fuel/air mixture. One of the stages which produces a significant impact on the fuel/air mixture preparation is the impact of droplets on interposed surfaces. Additionally, due to the complexity of the several phenomena involved, the adequacy of numerical models to simulate the combustion process relies on accurately describing the outcome of drop impact on dry or wetted surfaces. This description includes the morphological behavior of hydrodynamic structures leading to the deposition of fuel or eventual secondary atomization, re-issuing part of the fuel to the combustion chamber, improving the fuel/air mixture preparation. However, due to the numerous variables that affect the outcome of drop impact, the best approach is to develop empirical correlations based on dimensionless numbers expressing the relation between the inertial, surface tension, and viscous forces involved.
1.1. Transition for Secondary Atomization after Drop Impact on Liquid Films
The two essential outcomes of drop impact on liquid films are the deposition of a liquid droplet in the film or the generation of secondary droplets through hydrodynamic mechanisms, such as a full or partial rebound of the initial droplet, or smaller droplets detaching from the bounding rim of an uprising crown associated with the splashing mechanism. However, the classification of these outcomes is not always unanimous.
Rioboo et al. [
1] defined detailed terminology for the several morphological structures emerging from drop impact—prompt splash, crown splash, rebound, and partial rebound being the most relevant for this study of droplet deposition.
Figure 1 presents illustrations of these phenomena organized by the required drop impact energy.
Identifying the differences in the droplet hydrodynamic behavior depending on the liquid film thickness (
) was a concern. Namely, Chandra and Avedisian [
2] reported that the spreading of the droplet changed significantly due to the liquid film. Later, focusing their work on distinguishing the spreading behavior between the impact on dry and wetted surfaces, Rioboo et al. [
3] showed how maintaining all the impact parameters constant, except the surface conditions, resulted in entirely different drop impact morphological structures. Therefore, it is reasonable to include the effect of the liquid film characteristics in the empirical correlations (in a dimensionless form as
, where
is the droplet diameter before impact) discerning the transition between deposition and the splash which generates secondary atomization.
The empirical correlations that categorize the outcomes of impacts depend on dimensionless parameters, such as the Weber (
) and Reynolds (
) numbers, followed by the Ohnesorge (
) and Laplace (
) numbers, dependent on the former, where
, and
are the density, surface tension, and dynamic viscosity of the liquid, respectively, and
is the droplet impact velocity. Most empirical correlations follow a relation between Weber and Reynolds numbers expressed as
is the criterion between a droplet spreading and splashing.
Table 1 summarizes the proposals for this criterion for wetted surfaces. There are several considerations about the origin of these criteria.
The first relates to the criterion of Bai and Gosman [
4], which considers the impact of a droplet on a wetted surface equivalent to its impact on a very rough surface (
m), and the data can be traced back to the original contribution of Stow and Stainer [
8] with experiments within the range indicated in
Table 1. The second consideration is the criterion of Cossali et al. [
5] which considers the influence of the liquid film thickness in the impact outcome. To enlarge their experimental data, they used not only pure water but also mixtures of glycerol and water, thereby increasing the range of thermophysical properties of the fluids. Additionally, they performed experiments using different dimensionless film thicknesses (
). The validation range of this criterion can be consulted in
Table 1. The third consideration refers to the correlation of Tropea and Roisman [
6], which includes a random element in the criterion
through the mass ratio
. This mass ratio can be above 1 in the sense that part of the liquid film may contribute to the mass of secondary droplets emerging from splash. In fact, Bai and Gosman [
4] consider a similar random element in the numerical model of spray impingement as
. In Roisman and Tropea [
9] a value for
is suggested, which would correspond to
; however, no explanation for this value is provided. Thus, in this review, we opt for the most general form for this criterion. Lastly, Vander Wal et al. [
7] determined an empirical correlation for the spreading/splashing transition of single droplets impinging on dry surfaces and thin liquid films. In the experimental data that they used to fit the correlation, different fluids were included providing a wide range of impact conditions. However, they only tested impacts with thin liquid films (
Figure 2 plots the criteria organized in
Table 1, showing the region for the Cossali et al. [
5] correlations depending on the dimensionless liquid film (
) and the region for the Tropea and Roisman [
6] correlation depending on
. Most correlations have a similar logarithmic slope, except for the correlation proposed by Vander Wal et al. [
7]. In scale, Vander Wall et al.’s correlation is close to the dimensionless film thickness condition of
. However, their experiments covered a broader range of Reynolds values, eventually, leading to a lower influence of Re, as the corresponding exponent points to with its lower value.
Figure 2 also shows the measurement region of the droplet characteristics used in this work. The region covers fuel mixtures that can be implemented in aero-engines since the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) presently authorizes jet fuel blends with 50% in volume with fuels derived from HEFA (hydroprocessed esters and fatty acids) in aviation turbines [
11]. HEFA fuels have proven to be able to replace conventional jet fuels [
12]. Gawron and Białecki [
13] compared the performance of a Jet A-1/HEFA blend with Jet A-1 on a miniature turbojet engine. The most significant differences in terms of operating parameters concern the fuel consumption, which is smaller for the blend. Moreover, the emission indices of CO, CO
, and NO
are smaller in comparison to Jet A-1.
1.2. Morphological Considerations on the Hydrodynamics of Splashing
The splashing mechanism is one of (if not) the most relevant and studied factors in the literature. On a typical vertical impact of a single droplet on a steady liquid film the droplet is initially spherical, and it does not suffer any deformation during the fall. A recent study [
14], using precisely the same fluids, studied the effect of a droplet’s initial deformation on the splashing dynamics. Due to the interaction between the droplet and an air flow before impact, the droplet deformed and assumed different shapes before impact. They reported that spherical droplets promote splashing, while deformed droplets promote spreading. The physical processes involved in fuel combustion include fuel atomization and impact, followed by the evaporation. The mixture preparation, including the impact upon dry and wetted surfaces, is recognized as of major importance. The secondary atomization produced by the splashing optimizes the fuel combustion efficiency. Considering this, a droplet falling vertically on a steady liquid film was studied for the fluids mentioned and the occurrence of splash was compared to the prediction of models presented in the literature. All models considered were designed for the impact of spherical droplets upon a liquid film. The morphology of this impact mechanism includes the formation of a crown with a rim in its upper bound, and from instabilities in this rim, the cusp can emerge, which disintegrates into droplets—thus, secondary atomization. Cossali et al. [
15] were among the first to characterize the crown diameter, thickness, and maximum height. The authors noticed that higher values for the Weber number led to smaller secondary droplets. A few years later, Cossali et al. [
16] focused their work on the time evolution of the crown of water droplets impinging upon thin liquid films. They reached several conclusions related to the crown diameter, the non-dimensional crown height, and the mean secondary droplet size. However, since they used only one fluid, it is not possible to identify whether their conclusions could be extended to other fluids.
Fedorchenko and Wang [
17] studied experimentally and theoretically, the region of the fully developed splashing. They used water but also a 70% glycerol-water solution. They developed a model for the central jet formation at the cavity collapse. Some considerations were made about the viscosity of the fluids related to the cavity, the central jet, and the crown ejection. In fluids with low viscosity, the interaction between the capillary wave and the cavity wall has a major influence on the cavity shape, and by consequence, on the central jet speed. On the other hand, for fluids with high viscosity, the influence of capillary waves is minor. Understanding the roles of the fluid physical properties is essential to understanding how they influence the impact regimes. For example, Range and Feuillebois [
18] reported that splashing is highly sensitive to surface tension values.
A parameter particularly relevant to the impacts of droplets on wetted surfaces is the dimensionless thickness of the liquid film and its influence in the droplet dynamic behavior. Vander Wal et al. [
19] studied droplets splashing upon liquid films of different depths. They reported that thinner liquid films decreased the critical Weber number, setting the transition between deposition and splash. They also found that the size and number of the splashed droplets depend upon the presence and thickness of the liquid film, and also on the fluid’s viscosity and surface tension. For
, both prompt and crown splash were spotted, but for
, prompt splash was limited and crown splash inhibited. Moreover, the number of ejected droplets decreased while their mean size increased, an outcome attributed to the increase of the surface tension and viscosity. In addition, a higher viscosity leads to an increase of the damping forces involved in the morphological development of splash, delaying both prompt and crown types. Therefore, while viscosity promotes splash after drop impact on dry surfaces, in the presence of thin liquid films, its role reverts. Lastly, high surface tension inhibits splashing both for dry or wetted surfaces.
Over the years, researchers wanted to produce thinner liquid films and study these particular impacts. For example, Wang and Chen [
20] did experiments centered on the splashing of a single droplet upon very thin liquid films (
). They confirmed that the critical Weber number and the splashing dynamics remain influenced by the thickness of the liquid film. However, the authors also noticed that the critical Weber number converges to a minimum value as
decreases, which depends on the fluid viscosity and surface characteristics underneath the liquid film.
In the study of drop impact on wetted surfaces, it is important to understand whether the surface underneath the liquid film influences the outcome. With that in mind, Vander Wal et al. [
21] combined the influence of a rough surface and a thin liquid film upon the splashing limit and dynamics. They recognized that both cases substantially changed the splashing limit and dynamic. A rough surface decreased the critical Weber number drastically for the transition to splash, and the surface topography overtakes the importance of other governing parameters, especially in the splashing regime. For example, considerable differences in the surface tension and viscosity became less significant and made the outcome of impact very similar. The splashing behavior of a rough surface covered by a thin liquid film was a combination of both cases.
Boundaries between the different impact regimes are common and widely reported. Moreira et al. [
22] synthesized several empirical correlations in the literature which established boundaries between the different impact regimes and classified them as very distinct. The main differences were due to the distinct impact conditions which originated them.
Concerning the effect of fluid properties, Zhang et al. [
23] centered their work on the numerical simulation of a droplet impinging upon films and remarked that while surface tension and viscosity decreases, more momentum is imparted on the crown development, increasing its height and decreasing its thickness. In the same way, the formation of prompt splashing is enhanced by the decrease in surface tension and viscosity of the fluid. They found that Weber number plays a more important role in droplet impact behavior than the Reynolds number. Increasing the Weber number accelerates the impact process and increases the number of splashing droplets.
Other studies concern droplet impacts upon immiscible liquid films (e.g., water and oil), such as the work performed by Che and Matar [
24]. Immiscibility induces completely different hydrodynamic behaviors. A water droplet impinging on an oil film creates a compound crown, followed by the formation of a central jet; contrarily, an oil droplet impinging on a water film causes quick spreading. They also studied the influences of some parameters, such as the Weber and Ohnesorge numbers, the viscosity ratio, and the dimensionless thickness of the liquid film. Namely, concerning the last parameter, thicker films show a behavior similar to miscible liquids, with the timescales delayed relative to thinner liquid films. Recently, Burzynski and Bansmer [
25] studied the droplet splashing on a thin moving film only for high Weber number (
). They reported that the liquid film velocity affects the crown geometry considerably. The high inertial force of the droplet enlarges the expansion of the crown, which causes a larger diameter. Increasing the liquid film velocity leads to an increase in crown thickness, and consequently, will decrease the dimensionless crown diameter, due to the higher inertial forces of the film that alter the spreading process.
In addition to those described above, several other research works have been developed [
26], including multiple droplet impacts, impacts upon heated surfaces, and impacts upon inclined walls, among many others. There was something missing in all those studies. The most common fluids used were water, glycerol, ethanol, and solutions with different fluids. However, since one of the applications where drop impacts on liquid films is relevant concerns the fuel injection in internal combustion engines, fuel mixtures should be tested. Therefore, the assessment of empirical models, and the morphological hydrodynamic structures associated with drop impact on wetted surfaces, are worthy of further investigation.
One of the goals of this work is to contribute for the implementation of biofuels in the aviation sector. For this reason, the working fluids considered were 100% Jet A-1 and two mixtures with 75%/25% and 50%/50% of Jet A-1 and NExBTL (Neste Renewable Diesel), respectively. Pure water was also used as reference fluid. The designed and built experimental facility that visualizes drop impact outcomes, enables precise control over the liquid film thickness (
mm) [
27]. According to its dimensionless thickness, the liquid films can be classified as thin, intermediate, and thick, and even as shallow or deep pool [
28]. In the experiments reported, three relative thicknesses were considered and identified as thin (
), intermediate (
), and thick (
) liquid films. After this introduction, the following section details the experimental procedure used.
Section 3 explores the results obtained in the experiments in three lines of research: (1) the morphology of drop impact; (2) its outcome; and (3) the application of transition criteria to evaluate their limitations when fuels are considered. These fuel mixtures fill all the demands defined by civil aviation to be applied in aero-engines, and predicting the splashing occurrence will enhance their efficiency in the combustion process. Finally, the article ends with some concluding remarks.