Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB
:1. Introduction
2. Bearing Diagnostics
2.1. Fault Signal Given by Amplitude Modulation
2.2. Simulation of Fault Signal
3. Diagnosis Using Simulation Data
3.1. Problem Definition (Lines 1–7)
3.2. Discrete Signal Separation (Lines 8–22)
3.3. Demodulation Band Selection (Lines 23–49)
3.4. Envelope Analysis (Lines 50–64)
4. Diagnosis of Korea Aerospace University (KAU) Bearing Faults
- -
- Line 2: rawData = load('bearing1');
- -
- Line 3: sampRate = 51.2e3;
- -
- Line 4: rpm = 1200;
- -
- Line 5: bearFreq = [4.4423 6.5577 0.4038 5.0079]*rpm/60;
- -
- Line 6: maxP = 390;
- -
- Line 7: windLeng = [2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7 2^8].
5. Diagnosis of CWRU Bearing Faults
- -
- Line 2: rawData = load (‘bearing270’);
- -
- Line 3: sampRate = 12e3;
- -
- Line 4: rpm = 1796;
- -
- Line 5: bearFreq = [3.053 4.947 0.382 1.994]*rpm/60;
- -
- Line 6: maxP = 82;
- -
- Line 7: windLeng = [2^4 2^5 2^6].
- aX = hilbert(rawData.vib); %=== (a) Raw signal
- envel = abs(aX);
- envel = envel-mean(envel);
- fftEnvel = abs(fft(envel))/Ne*2;
- fftEnvel = fftEnvel(1:ceil(N/2));
- freq = (0:Ne-1)/Ne*sampRate;
- freq = freq(1:ceil(N/2));
- figure(3)
- stem(freq,fftEnvel,’LineWidth’,1.5); hold on;
- [xx,yy] = meshgrid(bearFreq,ylim);
- plot(xx(:,1),yy(:,1),’*-’,xx(:,2),yy(:,2),’x-’,xx(:,3),yy(:,3),’d-’,xx(:,4),yy(:,4),’^-’)
- legend(‘Envelope spectrum’,’BPFO’,’BPFI’,’FTF’,’BSF’);
- xlabel(‘Frequency [Hz]’); ylabel(‘Amplitude[g]’); xlim([0 max(bearFreq)*1.8])
- aX = hilbert(e); %=== (b) Residual signal
- envel = abs(aX);
- envel = envel-mean(envel);
- fftEnvel = abs(fft(envel))/Ne*2;
- fftEnvel = fftEnvel(1:ceil(N/2));
- figure(4)
- stem(freq,fftEnvel,’LineWidth’,1.5); hold on;
- [xx,yy] = meshgrid(bearFreq,ylim);
- plot(xx(:,1),yy(:,1),’*-’,xx(:,2),yy(:,2),’x-’,xx(:,3),yy(:,3),’d-’,xx(:,4),yy(:,4),’^-’)
- legend(‘Envelope spectrum’,’BPFO’,’BPFI’,’FTF’,’BSF’);
- xlabel(‘Frequency [Hz]’); ylabel(‘Amplitude [g]’); xlim([0 max(bearFreq)*1.8])
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Bearing Fault Simulation
%% Bearing fault simulation signal % Parameter setting =================================================== fr = 600; % Carrier signal fd = 13; % discrete signal ff = 10; % Characteristic frequency(Modulating signal) a = 0.02; % Damping ratio T = 1/ff; % Cyclic period fs = 3e3; % Sampling rate K = 50; % Number of impulse signal t = 1/fs:1/fs:2; % Time A=5; % Maximum amplitude noise = 0.5; %===================================================================== for k = 0 : K-1 for i = 1 : length(t) if t(i)-k*T>=0 x1(i) = A*exp(-a*2*pi*fr.*(t(i)-k*T)); x2(i) = sin(2*pi*fr.*(t(i)-k*T)); x3(i) = x1(i).*x2(i); end;end;end x5 = normrnd(0,noise,1,length(x3)); x4 = 2*sin(2*pi.*t.*fd); vib = x3 + x4 + x5; save(‘Simulation’,’vib’,’t’)
Appendix B. Bearing Fault Diagnosis
1 %======================PROBLEM DEFINITION =========================== 2 rawData = load(‘Simulation’); % Data load 3 sampRate = 3e3; % Sampling rate (Hz) 4 rpm = 60; % Shaft rotating speed 5 bearFreq = [10]*rpm/60; % BPFO, BPFI, FTF, BSF 6 maxP = 300; % Maximum order of AR model 7 windLeng = [2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7]; % Window length of STFT 8 %==============Discrete signal separation (AR model) ================== 9 x=rawData.vib(:); N=length(x); 10 for p = 1 : maxP 11 if rem(p,50)==0; disp([‘p=‘ num2str(p)]); end 12 a = aryule(x,p); % aryule returns the AR model parameter, a(k) 13 X = zeros(N,p); 14 for i = 1 : p; X(i+1:end,i) = x(1:N-i); end 15 xp = -X*a(2:end)’; 16 e = x-xp; 17 tempKurt(p,1) = kurtosis(e(p+1:end)); 18 end 19 optP = find(tempKurt==max(tempKurt)); %==== Optimum solution 20 optA = aryule(x,optP); 21 xp = filter([0 -optA(2:end)],1,x); 22 e = x(optP+1:end) - xp(optP+1:end); % residual signal 23 %============Demodulation band selection (STFT & SK) ================= 24 Ne = length(e); 25 numFreq = max(windLeng)+1; 26 for i = 1 : length(windLeng) 27 windFunc = hann(windLeng(i )); %==== Short Time Fourier Transform 28 numOverlap = fix(windLeng(i)/2); 29 numWind = fix((Ne-numOverlap)/(windLeng(i)-numOverlap)); 30 n = 1:windLeng(i); 31 STFT=zeros(numWind,numFreq); 32 for t = 1 : numWind 33 stft = fft(e(n).*windFunc, 2*(numFreq-1)); 34 stft = abs(stft(1:numFreq))/windLeng(i)/sqrt(mean(windFunc.^2))*2; 35 STFT(t,:) = stft’; 36 n = n + (windLeng(i)-numOverlap); 37 end 38 for j = 1 : numFreq %==== Spectral Kurtosis 39 specKurt(i,j) = mean(abs(STFT(:,j)).^4)./mean(abs(STFT(:,j)).^2).^2-2; 40 end 41 lgd{i} = [‘window size = ‘,num2str(windLeng(i))]; 42 end 43 figure(1) %==== Results 44 freq = (0:numFreq-1)/(2*(numFreq-1))*sampRate; 45 plot(freq,specKurt); legend(lgd,’location’,’best’) 46 xlabel(‘Frequency[Hz]’); ylabel(‘Spectral kurtosis’); xlim([0 sampRate/2]); 47 [freqRang] = input(‘Range of bandpass filtering, [freq1,freq2] = ‘); 48 [b,a] = butter(2,[freqRang(1) freqRang(2)]/(sampRate/2),’bandpass’); 49 X = filter(b,a,e); % band-passed signal 50 %=======================Envelope analysis ============================ 51 aX = hilbert(X); % hilbert(x) returns an analytic signal of x 52 envel = abs(aX); 53 envel=envel-mean(envel); % envelope signal 54 fftEnvel = abs(fft(envel))/Ne*2; 55 fftEnvel = fftEnvel(1:ceil(N/2)); 56 figure(2) %==== Result plot 57 freq = (0:Ne-1)/Ne*sampRate; 58 freq = freq(1:ceil(N/2)); 59 stem(freq,fftEnvel,’LineWidth’,1.5); hold on; 60 [xx,yy]=meshgrid(bearFreq,ylim); 61 plot(xx(:,1),yy(:,1),’*-’) 62 % ,xx(:,2),yy(:,2),’x-’,xx(:,3),yy(:,3),’d-’,xx(:,4),yy(:,4),’^-’) 63 legend(‘Envelope spectrum’,’BPFO’,’BPFI’,’FTF’,’BSF’); 64 xlabel(‘Frequency [Hz]’); ylabel(‘Amplitude [g]’); xlim([0 max(bearFreq)*1.8])
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Parameter Name | Value | Parameter Name | Value |
Bearing type | NJ 2306 | Width (w) | 27 mm |
Inner diameter (id) | 30 mm | Dynamic load rating | 51,500 N |
Outer diameter (od) | 72 mm | Static load rating | 51,000 N |
Number of rollers (n) | 11 |
Data Name | RPM | LOAD |
bearing 1 | 1200 rpm | 0 N |
bearing 2 | 1200 rpm | 200 N |
bearing 3 | 1000 rpm | 0 N |
bearing 4 | 1000 rpm | 200 N |
Frequency Name | Value | Frequency Name | Value |
BPFO | FTF | ||
Parameter Name | Value | Parameter Name | Value |
Pitch diameter (D) | 1.122 inch | BPFO | 3.0530 |
Ball diameter (d) | 0.2656 inch | BPFI | 4.9469 |
Number of rolling element (n) | 13 | FTF | 0.3817 |
Contact angle () | 0 | BSF | 1.994 |
Data Set Name | Diagnosis | Prognosis | Failure Type | Operating Condition |
FEMTO [38] | X | O | Natural | Different load and speed |
MFPT [39] | O | X | Artificial | Different load |
IMS [40] | X | O | Natural | Single condition |
WT [41] | X | O | Natural | Single Condition |
Paderborn [42] | O | X | Artificial, Natural | Different operating condition |
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Share and Cite
Kim, S.; An, D.; Choi, J.-H. Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 7302. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207302
Kim S, An D, Choi J-H. Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(20):7302. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207302
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Seokgoo, Dawn An, and Joo-Ho Choi. 2020. "Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB" Applied Sciences 10, no. 20: 7302. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207302
APA StyleKim, S., An, D., & Choi, J.-H. (2020). Diagnostics 101: A Tutorial for Fault Diagnostics of Rolling Element Bearing Using Envelope Analysis in MATLAB. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7302. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10207302