1. Introduction
Natural radionuclides are found in all minerals and raw materials, the most important of which are radionuclides in the
238U and
232Th decay series, as well as
40K. In most human activities involving minerals and raw materials, exposure to these radionuclides is not significantly higher than normal background levels. However, human activities such as uranium mining can result in significantly high radiation exposures that may require regulation. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) [
1] cause these increased exposures. There are two ways people can be exposed to NORMs: external exposure, where the source remains outside the body, and internal exposure, where radioactive material is carried into the body through inhalation, ingestion, or absorption. Exposure to NORMs does not have the same acute and severe impacts as exposure to high radiation levels from artificial sources. Chronic NORM exposure exceeding the general public’s exposure guidelines or occurring in the absence of proper safety precautions may result in delayed effects such as the development of certain cancers [
2]. These NORMs can be found in a variety of applications, ranging from household to industrial applications, and their activity concentration (AC) can be increased because of human activities and industrial processes [
3]. Consumer products (CPs) containing NORMs are used directly and indirectly in our daily lives and are disposed of in landfills uncontrollably alongside other household wastes. This uncontrolled disposal exposes the public to a significant amount of radiation. In South Korea, some consumer goods (e.g., anion patches, necklaces, latex pillows, and mattresses) are made from raw materials containing NORMs. Some of these products contain a certain amount of radioactivity and may lead to a calculable dose to the user [
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) defines a CP as a device or manufactured item into which radionuclides have been intentionally incorporated or produced by activation or that generates ionizing radiation and can be sold or made available to members of the public without regulatory control after sale. The IAEA regards widespread use of CPs to be beyond effective regulatory control because of the uncontrolled supply to the public and the disposal of these products after usage. The accumulation of such materials at a waste disposal facility may pose a radiological risk and should be subjected to dose assessment to ensure that landfill workers and the public are protected from unjustified radiation exposure [
5]. The 10 Code of Federal Regulation 20, “Process for Alternative Disposal” of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, highlighted that very low level waste (VLLW) containing some residual radioactivity, such as NORMs, can be safely disposed of in hazardous or municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills to protect people and the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation [
6]. These wastes are classified as exempt due to their low ACs of less than 10 Bq/g. According to the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) Notice No. 2020–6, all exempt wastes can be incinerated, recycled, or disposed in municipal landfills [
7]. The Spanish government emphasizes the importance of minimizing the quantities of solid wastes by recycling or reusing those materials whenever possible or reducing the volumes, implying a concentration of activity through compression, incineration, or other methods before the disposal of final wastes into controlled landfills [
8]. The 147 guidelines of the European Commission for the regulatory control of CPs containing radioactive substances categorizes CPs into three categories: existing products, which are currently being manufactured and are readily available for public use; novel products, which require authorization by the competent authority; and historic products, which are currently not being manufactured but can be found in disposal facilities [
The growing population and rapid economic growth of South Korea have led to a steady increase in the amount of waste, especially industrial and household wastes. Such wastes may contain NORMs, posing a disposal concern to the public, and dose assessment is required to ensure that the site is safe for public use. In 2017, the total amount of waste generated was 429,531 tons/day, of which 12.5% and 87.5% were from industrial and household wastes, respectively. In South Korea, 61.6% of household wastes are recycled, 24.9% are incinerated, and approximately 13.5% are disposed in municipal landfills [
Managing MSW properly is a critical aspect of urban public health. However, landfill sustainability is a major concern, as increasing MSW takes up limited landfill space. Therefore, incinerating these wastes and reusing fly ash residues is a solution to reduce the burden on landfill space [
11]. Landfills are used to dispose of a variety of garbage, and the level of control increases as the hazard level of waste increases, and they are classified according to the type of disposal and regulatory requirements [
12]. Some researchers have used RESidual RADioactive (RESRAD)-ONSITE computer code to estimate environmental risk posed by mine tailing sites [
13]. The nuclides in question were
232Th, and
238U with very low ACs, resulting in low doses below the public dose limit of 1 mSv/year. RESRAD code has also been used to evaluate the risk of human exposure to NORMs in soil [
14]. A radiological impact assessment report must be prepared to comply with the Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984, Act 304, and the Guidelines LEM/TEK/30 SEM.2, September 1996, for the landfill disposal of NORM wastes in Malaysia. Most of Malaysia’s NORM issues are related to tin mining, mineral sand processing, and oil production [
15]. Several studies on the disposal of NORMs, technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials (TENORMS), VLLW, and other industrial wastes on landfills have been conducted, as well as studies on the use of RESRAD, HotSpot, and NORM and LegacY Site Assessment (NORMALYSA) codes. However, no study has been performed on the uncontrolled disposal of CPs containing NORMs via landfills and incineration, considering that such materials are used in everyday life and might be disposed of alongside other household wastes, which may result in uncontrolled radiation exposure [
19]. Similar studies have also been conducted to model radiological doses from sites contaminated with artificial radionuclides such as
129I, and
14C [
20]. Several studies have been conducted to assess radiological dose from the use of CPs containing NORMs; however, less attention has been paid to assessing radiological dose from the landfill disposal of CPs containing NORMs. This study performs a radiological dose assessment from the landfill disposal of CPs containing NORMs to the public in South Korea. This study is critical because understanding the estimation of radiation doses to members of the public living around landfill sites enables the competent authority to determine how the general public can be protected from an uncontrolled radiation exposure.
3. Results
In this scenario, we assumed that no meat and milk obtained from the site would be consumed and that the water used for drinking would come from a non-contaminated source. External irradiation and inhalation pathways were considered. The external pathway was used in this study because one of the NORM used was potassium 40, which emits both beta particles and gamma rays that humans are exposed to externally. Uranium and thorium are alpha emitters and lack the energy to penetrate even the outer layer of the skin, and therefore external exposure is not the main concern; however, they can be fatal when inside the body. The input values used in RESRAD codes are shown in
Table 4.
Figure 4 shows the results for RESRAD-ONSITE for a resident scenario with AC below and above 1 Bq/g. In this scenario, we calculated the total dose (mSv/y) obtained from RESRAD-ONSITE with AC ranges below and above 1 Bq/g for an onsite resident who settles on a former landfill site contaminated with CPs containing NORMs. The pathways considered were inhalation and external exposure pathways using a modeling period of 40 years. The radiological dose rate for ACs above 1 Bq/g, as indicated by the orange values, was high, with a maximum value of 2.30E + 01 mSv/y. This was due to the high AC that is caused by the inhalation of radon and thoron decay products with little contribution to the external pathway from the decay of
40K. The radiological dose for AC below 1 Bq/g, indicated by the blue line, shows that the values were all below the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y, with a maximum value of 8.80E–01 mSv/y because of the low AC considered in the simulation.
Figure 5 shows the total dose rate (mSv/y) obtained from the RESRAD-OFFSITE scenario with AC ranges below and above 1 Bq/g. In this scenario, the offsite resident was assumed to live within the vicinity of a landfill site but does not eat or drink water from the contaminated site. The only exposure pathway considered in this scenario was the inhalation of radon and thoron decay products of NORMs over a 40-year modeling period. The total dose for both categories of AC is below the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y, with the highest dose of 5.28e–03 mSv/y for AC below 1 Bq/g and 0.132 mSv/y for AC above 1 Bq/g, respectively. These results show that it is safe for people to reside within a vicinity of a landfill site as offsite residents.
Table 5 summarizes all input parameters considered in calculating radiological dose from the incineration of CPs containing NORMs. The HotSpot module considered in this study was the general fire module.
As shown in
Figure 6, the highest dose for stability class A was 0.47 mSv/y at a distance of 0.03 km from the release point for AC below 1000 Bq/kg. The dose dispersed within a distance of 10 km from the release point depends on the stability class, receptor height, long sampling time used, and the effect of meteorological conditions considered in the study. Thin lines were used for clarity. Therefore, people living within the vicinity of 10 km from the release point tend to be more exposed than those living outside the boundary of the release point.
As shown in
Figure 7, the highest dose for stability class A at a distance of 0.03 km from the release point for ACs above 1000 Bq/kg was 4.3 mSv/y, which was above the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y. Just as shown in
Figure 6, thin lines were used for clarity. The dose shown in
Figure 8 was much higher than the dose shown in
Figure 6 because of the high AC above 1000 Bq/kg. People are not advised to live within 10 km of the incinerator because it makes them prone to higher exposure doses.
A similar scenario used in RESRAD-ONSITE code was used in NORMALYSA to validate the dose obtained from RESRAD-ONSITE. External exposure and inhalation were the pathways considered. Radionuclide concentrations in the contaminated landfill and air of the contaminated site were used as input data for dose calculations.
Table 6 summarizes all input parameters used in calculating the dose using NORMALYSA computer code.
The main input data to the NORMALYSA code for the exposure dose evaluation was AC, which was categorized into two groups, below and above 1 Bq/g, as used in RESRAD codes. The results for both categories of AC are summarized in
Figure 8. The total dose obtained using NORMALYSA code with AC below 1000 Bq/kg over the modeling period of 40 years was 1.29 mSv/y, which is above the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y. However, the total dose from AC above 1000 Bq/kg was 32 mSv/y, which is significantly above 1 mSv/y. This high dose was due to the high AC that is mainly contributed by
232Th. In comparison, the results from RESRAD-ONSITE and NORMALYSA codes were significantly high, and people should not settle on NORM-contaminated landfill sites without regulatory control.
Figure 9 compares the results for RESRAD-ONSITE, RESRAD-OFFSITE, HotSpot, and NORMALYSA codes. For RESRAD-ONSITE, doses for ACs above 1 Bq/g were high, with a maximum value of 2.30E + 01 mSv/y, because of high ACs that are mainly contributed by the inhalation of radon and thoron decay products, whereas doses for ACs below 1 Bq/g were all below the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y, with a maximum value of 8.80E–01 mSv/y, because of a significant low AC considered in the simulation. The total dose obtained from RESRAD-OFFSITE for AC ranges below and above 1 Bq/g for an offsite resident was below the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y. Therefore, it is safe for people to reside within a vicinity of a landfill site as offsite residents. The highest dose obtained using the HotSpot code for stability class A with ACs below and above 1000 Bq/kg at a distance of 0.03 km from the release point was 0.47 mSv/y, which is below the ICRP-recommended dose limit of 1 mSv/y, and 4.3 mSv/y, which is above the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y. Higher doses were due to high ACs above 1000 Bq/kg. The total dose from NORMALYSA code with AC below 1000 Bq/kg was 1.29 mSv/y, which is above the ICRP-recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y, whereas the total dose from AC above 1000 Bq/kg was 32 mSv/y, which is significantly above 1 mSv/y. The high dose is attributed to the high AC, which is mainly caused by the decay of
238U and
232Th. Therefore, people should not settle on NORM-contaminated landfill sites without clearance from the competent authority.
4. Discussion
In this study, evaluation of radiological dose from landfill disposal of CPs containing naturally occurring radioactive materials in South Korea was conducted using various ranges of AC below 1 Bq/g and above 1 Bq/g. Results for RESRAD-ONSITE for AC below 1 Bq/g show that the doses were below the ICRP recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y for both pathways, which makes the site safe for onsite dwellers. For AC above 1 Bq/g, the dose was far above the recommended public dose limit of 1 mSv/y for all pathways considered, which makes the landfill sites hazardous for onsite dwellers; hence, the competent authority needs to provide further protection actions to ensure that the public is safe from unjustified radiation exposure. Results from RESRAD-OFFSITE show that dose from both categories of AC ranges were all below the public dose limits of 1 mSv/y, which makes it safe for offsite dwellers and visitors to live within the vicinity of a landfill site. The results of HotSpot code from incineration of NORM waste considering inhalation pathway to the offsite dwellers for AC below 1 Bq/g were all less than the public dose limit for all stability classes considered, while for AC above 1 Bq/g, the doses were all above the specified IRCP dose limit.
Thus, people living within the vicinity of 10km from the incinerator are prone to unjustified exposure from incineration of CPs containing naturally occurring radioactive materials. This is due to gaseous decay of NORMs incorporated in the incinerated waste. People living outside 10 km from the release point are safer from unjustified exposure from the incinerator. Therefore, the competent authority needs to apply a protection action for people living at a close distance to the incinerator. Comparison of results of RESRAD-ONSITE with the results of NORMALYZA code show that the dose for both categories of activity concentration are all above the public dose limit recommended by the ICRP. Therefore, it is not advisable for people to settle on a former landfill site without clearance from the competent authority. This is key to limit undue and unjustifiable radiation exposure to the general public. Comparison of results from all the codes used in this study show that landfill sites with activity concentration above 1 Bq/g are not safe for dwellers until further clearance is given from the competent authority. Moreover, evacuation is recommended for people living within the vicinity of the incinerator. This is due to the release of gaseous decay of NORMs that contaminate the atmosphere, giving rise to high inhalation dose.
5. Conclusions
The ICRP dose limits are intended to serve as a margin state by avoiding deterministic consequences and regulating the possibility of stochastic effects. Doses above 1 mSv/y require the implementation of public protection measures. In this study, the radiological dose from the disposal of CPs containing NORMs was performed using appropriate dose assessment tools: RESRAD-ONSITE, RESRAD-OFFSITE, HotSpot, and NORMALYSA computer codes. Household wastes containing NORM-added CPs were categorized into combustible and noncombustible CPs. These were further classified based on the range of their AC (i.e., below and above 1 Bq/g). This was to ensure that all outliers were considered to obtain a more accurate value after dose calculations. All AC values for CPs containing NORMs were below 10 Bq/g, which is acceptable by the NSSC of South Korea for the landfill disposal of such waste. The competent authority needs to apply a protection action for the people living at a close distance that is within 10 km from the incinerator and landfill sites for the purpose of public health. In previous studies, much research has been conducted on the disposal of NORMs, such as TENORMS, VLLW, and other industrial waste; however, no research has been conducted on the landfill disposal of CPs containing NORMs. CPs containing NORMs are widely used around the world, and it is critical to assess their safety, particularly how and where they are disposed of, to ensure the safety of people and the environment.