Abstract Rotations for Uniform Adaptive Control and Soft Modeling of Mechanical Devices
:1. Introduction
- 1.
- For the free system, the two dimensional vectors and were augmented to three-dimensional ones of identical Frobenius norms and exactly as it was performed in the rotations-based abstract deformations applied in [29]. In the case of the controlled model the three-dimensional vectors and were similarly augmented to produce the four dimensional ones of identical norms as and in which and were the “dummy components” without any physical interpretation. Their role was to guarantee equal norms.
- 2.
- Coarse resolution grids were introduced in for the values, and in for the values. In the center points of the grids, the appropriate and Q values were computed from the available exact model of the van der Pol oscillator. Following that, the abstract rotations defined in (7) were calculated that rotated into , and transformed into , respectively. Each grid cell was associated with a “neuron” that had the “activation function”. It executed the rotations according to (7), and had the following parameters:
- Its cell-limits as , for the free motion, and , , for the controlled system, respectively;
- The orthogonal unit vectors and of which the generator of the rotation in (7) can be computed, and the angle of the necessary rotation, .
- 3.
- These neurons were arranged in a single layer in which each neuron obtained its input value for the “teaching process” as for the free system, and for the dynamic model. If the input signal belonged to the “range of competence” of the given neuron, , , and were computed. During the “normal operation” the neuron used the input for the free system modeling as and for “the use for control mode”. If the input data belonged to its range of competence, it computed , computed the rotated vector for the free system, and for the control application, and as its output, it provided the first component of the rotated vector that corresponded to the modeled value of and Q, respectively.
- 4.
- The last layer of the novel neural structure consisted of a single neuron that summarized the calculated outputs. Since the cells’ limits were determined in a way that the model had only disjoint cells, the output of the summarizing layer was the result of the “soft model”.
- 5.
- To reduce the effects of the jumps in the control signal at the cell boundaries, the really applied generalized force was smoothed by the tracking rule based on a positive constant in (8)
- 6.
- The data representation made it possible to apply real-time modification (“step-by-step learning”) of the neuron’s previously learned parameters as the unit vectors , and were refreshed according to a learning rule determined by the parameter asIt must be noted that even if and were orthogonal to each other, the new unit vectors and will not be exactly orthogonal ones. Consequently, the new skew symmetric matrix can generate rotations in the form , but, because , instead of (7) we can state only that
- 1.
- The controlled system is an underactuated two degree of freedom construction in which the directly controlled subsystem is dynamically coupled with a non-controllable one acting as “parasite dynamics”.
- 2.
- Instead of the simple CTC control and its robust variable structure/sliding mode-based correction (e.g., [88,89,90]), the “fixed point iteration-based adaptive control scheme” depicted in Figure 1 is applied to compensate the effects of the imprecisions of the coarse grid-based model with the application of the rotations-based adaptive controller announced in [29].
- 3.
- The effects of the measurement noises are investigated and reduced by a smoothing technique that is similar to the solution published in [91].
- 4.
- The computation time of the controller was measured for the hardware and software environment that was used in the simulations.
2. The Dynamic Model of the Controlled System
3. The Rotational Neural Model Structure Tailored to the Controlled System
4. Simulation Results
4.1. Comparative Analysis of the Performances of the Neural and the Exact Models
4.2. Estimation of the Computational Time of the Operations in the Control Cycles
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample Availability
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Parameter | Measurement Unit | Numerical Value |
Inertia momentum of the wheel | ||
Inertia of the mass-point m | ||
Spring constant k | ||
Spoke length r | ||
Gravitational acceleration g | ||
Damping constant along the spoke d |
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Bitó, J.F.; Rudas, I.J.; Tar, J.K.; Varga, Á. Abstract Rotations for Uniform Adaptive Control and Soft Modeling of Mechanical Devices. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 7939. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11177939
Bitó JF, Rudas IJ, Tar JK, Varga Á. Abstract Rotations for Uniform Adaptive Control and Soft Modeling of Mechanical Devices. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(17):7939. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11177939
Chicago/Turabian StyleBitó, János F., Imre J. Rudas, József K. Tar, and Árpád Varga. 2021. "Abstract Rotations for Uniform Adaptive Control and Soft Modeling of Mechanical Devices" Applied Sciences 11, no. 17: 7939. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11177939
APA StyleBitó, J. F., Rudas, I. J., Tar, J. K., & Varga, Á. (2021). Abstract Rotations for Uniform Adaptive Control and Soft Modeling of Mechanical Devices. Applied Sciences, 11(17), 7939. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11177939