Integration of Functional Link Neural Networks into a Parameter Estimation Methodology
:1. Introduction
2. Conventional LSM-Based RSM
3. Proposed Dual-Response Model Based on Functional Link NNs
3.1. Proposed Functional Link NN
3.2. Learning Algorithm
3.3. Number of Hidden Neurons
4. Case Study
5. Conclusions and Further Studies
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. The Estimated Regression Formulas of the Process Mean and Standard Deviation
Appendix B. MATLAB Codes to Perform Estimative Regression Functions of Means and Standard Deviations by Using the Proposed NN Method
MAIN FUNCTION %% Preparation %% data load dataprint.mat Target_mean = 500; y_mean = [dataprint(:,7)]; y_std = [dataprint(:,8)]; y_var = [dataprint(:,9)]; format long g %% prepare data X_NN = [dataprint(:,1:3)]’; y_mean_NN = y_mean’; y_std_NN = y_std’; y_var_NN = y_var’; samplesize_mean = size(y_mean_NN,2); sample_mean = size(y_mean_NN,1); samplesize_std = size(y_std_NN,2); sample_std = size(y_std_NN,1); [m,n] = size(X_NN); best1 = 1; best2 = 1; minBIC1 = 10e10; minBIC2 = 10e10; for i = 1:25 [net1, err1] = create_Poly2_mean(X_NN, y_mean_NN, i); mse1 = mse(err1); BIC1 = samplesize_mean*log(mse1/samplesize_mean) + m*log(samplesize_mean); if BIC1 <= minBIC1 minBIC1 = BIC1; best1 = i; end end Hidden_neuron_mean = best1; [net_mean_trained, err1] = create_Poly2_mean(X_NN, y_mean_NN, best1); mean_fun = @(x) sim(net_mean_trained, x); W_in_hid_mean = net_mean_trained.IW{1,1}; W_hid_out_mean = net_mean_trained.LW{2,1}; b_in_hid_mean = net_mean_trained.b{1,1}; b_hid_out_mean = net_mean_trained.b{2,1}; for j = 1:25 [net2, err2] = create_Poly2_std(X_NN, y_std_NN, j); mse2 = mse(err2); BIC2 = samplesize_std*log(mse2/samplesize_std) + m*log(samplesize_std); if BIC2 <= minBIC2 minBIC2 = BIC2; best2 = j; end end Hidden_neuron_std = best2; [net_std_trained, err2] = create_Poly2_std(X_NN, y_std_NN, best2); std_fun = @(x) sim(net_std_trained, x); W_in_hid_std = net_std_trained.IW{1,1}; W_hid_out_std = net_std_trained.LW{2,1}; b_in_hid_std = net_std_trained.b{1,1}; b_hid_out_std = net_std_trained.b{2,1}; %% NN_MSE: Optimal solutions options = optimset(‘Algorithm’,’interior-point’); objfun_NN = @(x) (mean_fun(x)-Target_mean)^2 + std_fun(x)^2; [x_opt_NN fval_opt_NN] = fmincon(objfun_NN, x0, [[], [[], [[], [[], lb, ub,[[],options); meanfun_opt_NN = mean_fun(x_opt_NN); stdfun_opt_NN = std_fun(x_opt_NN); results_MSE_NN = [x_opt_NN’ meanfun_opt_NN abs(meanfun_opt_NN-Target_mean) stdfun_opt_NN^2 fval_opt_NN] SUB-FUNCTION (TRAIN MEAN FUNCTION) |
function [net,err] = create_Poly2_mean(inputs, targets, numHiddenNeurons) Number_Input = size(inputs,1); Number_Output = size(targets,1); net = Poly2_mean(Number_Input,Number_Output,numHiddenNeurons); %% Train and Apply Network net.trainFcn = ‘trainlm’; net.performFcn = ‘mse’; net.trainParam.epochs = 1000; net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5; = 0.05; = 50; net.trainParam.showWindow = true; net.trainParam.max_fail = 100; net.divideFcn = ‘dividerand’; net = init(net); net.plotFcns = {‘plotperform’,’plottrainstate’,’plotregression’,’plotfit’}; [net,tr] = train(net,inputs,targets); bestEpoch = tr.best_epoch; trained = sim(net,inputs); err = targets-trained; end SUB-FUNCTION (TRAIN STANDARD DEVIATION FUNCTION) function [net,err] = create_Poly2_std(inputs, targets, numHiddenNeurons) Number_Input = size(inputs,1); Number_Output = size(targets,1); net = Poly2_std(Number_Input,Number_Output,numHiddenNeurons); %% Train and Apply Network net.trainFcn = ‘trainlm’; net.performFcn = ‘mse’; net.trainParam.epochs = 1000; net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5; = 0.05; = 50; net.trainParam.showWindow = true; net.trainParam.max_fail = 100; net.divideFcn = ‘dividerand’; net = init(net); net.plotFcns = {‘plotperform’,’plottrainstate’,’plotregression’,’plotfit’}; [net,tr] = train(net,inputs,targets); bestEpoch = tr.best_epoch; trained = sim(net,inputs); err = targets-trained; end SUB-FUNCTION (CREATE MEAN FUNCTION) function net = Poly2_mean(Number_Input, Number_Output, numHiddenNeurons) net = network; %% Architect net.numInputs = 1; net.numLayers = 2; net.biasConnect(1) = 1; net.biasConnect(2) = 1; net.inputConnect(1,1) = 1; net.outputConnect = [0 1]; net.layerConnect = [0 0; 1 0]; %% layer1 net.inputs{1}.size = Number_Input; net.layers{1}.size = numHiddenNeurons; net.layers{1}.transferFcn = ‘Polyfunc2’; net.layers{1}.initFcn = ‘initnw’; %% layer2net.layers{2}.size = Number_Output; net.layers{2}.transferFcn = ‘purelin’; net.layers{2}.initFcn = ‘initnw’; %% net functionnet.initFcn = ‘initlay’; end SUB-FUNCTION (CREATE STANDARD DEVIATION FUNCTION) function net = Poly2_std(Number_Input, Number_Output, numHiddenNeurons) net = network; %% Architect net.numInputs = 1; net.numLayers = 2; net.biasConnect(1) = 1; net.biasConnect(2) = 1; net.inputConnect(1,1) = 1;net.outputConnect = [0 1]; net.layerConnect = [0 0; 1 0]; %% layer1 net.inputs{1}.size = Number_Input; net.layers{1}.size = numHiddenNeurons; net.layers{1}.transferFcn = ‘Polyfunc2_std’; net.layers{1}.initFcn = ‘initnw’; %% layer2 net.layers{2}.size = Number_Output; net.layers{2}.transferFcn = ‘purelin’; net.layers{2}.initFcn = ‘initnw’; %% net function net.initFcn = ‘initlay’; end SUB-FUNCTION (INTEGRATE FUNCTIONAL LINK TRANSFER FUNCTION INTO NN-BASED MEAN FUNCTION) function out1 = Polyfunc2(in1,in2,in3,in4) fn = mfilename; boiler_transfer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name function n = name n = ‘Quadratic’; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Output range function r = output_range(fp) r = [-inf +inf]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Active input range function r = active_input_range(fp) r = [-inf +inf]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Defaults function fp = param_defaults(values) fp = struct; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Names function names = param_names names = {}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Check function err = param_check(fp) err = ‘‘; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Apply Transfer Function function a = apply_transfer(n,fp) a = n.^2 + n; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Derivative of Y w/respect to X function da_dn = derivative(n,a,fp) da_dn = 2*n +1; SUB-FUNCTION (INTEGRATE FUNCTIONAL LINK TRANSFER FUNCTION INTO NN-BASED STANDARD DEVIATION FUNCTION) function out1 = Polyfunc2_std(in1,in2,in3,in4) fn = mfilename; boiler_transfer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Name function n = name n = ‘Quadratic polynomial Function’; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Output range function r = output_range(fp) r = [-inf +inf]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Active input range function r = active_input_range(fp) r = [-inf +inf]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Defaults function fp = param_defaults(values) fp = struct; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Names function names = param_names names = {}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameter Checkfunction err = param_check(fp)err = ‘‘;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Apply Transfer Function function a = apply_transfer(n,fp) a = n + n.^2–11; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Derivative of Y w/respect to X function da_dn = derivative(n,a,fp) da_dn = 1 + 2*n; |
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Treatment Combinations | Coefficients | |
Constant | 327.630 | 34.883 |
177.000 | 11.527 | |
109.430 | 15.323 | |
131.460 | 29.190 | |
32.000 | 4.204 | |
−22.389 | −1.316 | |
−29.056 | 16.778 | |
66.028 | 7.720 | |
75.472 | 5.109 | |
43.583 | 14.082 |
Objective | Response Function | Training Algorithm | Structure | No. of Epoch |
Mean | mse | Trainlm | 3-21-1 | 13 |
Std | mse | Trainlm | 3-2-1 | 12 |
Weight | Bias | ||||
0.96075 | 0.11736 | 1.54028 | 2.10096 | 3.63174 | 1.00092 |
0.75123 | 0.38223 | 0.73934 | 1.62200 | 0.77913 | |
−0.28537 | −0.34012 | −0.80124 | 2.30133 | 3.88614 | |
1.17461 | 0.63199 | 1.11264 | 1.73056 | 1.68918 | |
0.27560 | 0.60510 | −0.26521 | −0.48992 | −0.70557 | |
−0.72625 | 0.41018 | 0.21240 | −0.11370 | −0.84332 | |
−0.45138 | −0.37180 | 0.56006 | −1.03860 | −0.39605 | |
−0.40578 | −0.11631 | −0.02559 | −0.09612 | −0.44870 | |
0.75884 | −0.59636 | −0.37276 | −0.29991 | −0.43415 | |
2.86524 | 1.95064 | 1.96605 | 4.72650 | 5.36510 | |
−1.13144 | −0.73588 | −1.17218 | 0.84079 | −1.47882 | |
−0.06226 | −0.41228 | −0.58818 | 0.40969 | 0.05234 | |
0.32760 | −0.75682 | −0.67588 | −0.11504 | −0.02238 | |
−0.01851 | −0.81573 | 0.01320 | −0.27318 | −0.58988 | |
0.11633 | 0.16928 | 0.17376 | −0.45037 | −0.88337 | |
−0.68532 | 0.37096 | −0.27889 | −0.27210 | 0.04470 | |
−0.27500 | −0.52907 | 0.34659 | −0.85252 | −0.31859 | |
0.91857 | 0.59698 | 0.76126 | 0.59614 | 0.80572 | |
0.29861 | −0.39570 | 0.10545 | 0.28709 | 0.51167 | |
0.56297 | −0.03477 | −0.09037 | 0.43088 | 0.67887 | |
0.10126 | −0.37625 | −0.01066 | −0.64268 | −0.36799 |
Weight | Bias | ||||
−2.04505 | −3.02946 | −4.90330 | 0.86246 | −4.32652 | −0.01267 |
−0.38368 | −1.22474 | −0.62419 | −2.32404 | −2.08030 |
Estimation Model | Optimal Factor Settings | Process Mean | Process Bias | Process Variance | EQL | ||
LSM | 1.0000 | 0.07153 | −0.25028 | 494.67226 | 5.32773 | 1977.53266 | 2005.91742 |
Proposed NN | 0.99999 | 0.99999 | −0.79327 | 496.39189 | 3.60810 | 450.64771 | 463.66611 |
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Le, T.-H.; Tang, M.; Jang, J.H.; Jang, H.; Shin, S. Integration of Functional Link Neural Networks into a Parameter Estimation Methodology. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 9178.
Le T-H, Tang M, Jang JH, Jang H, Shin S. Integration of Functional Link Neural Networks into a Parameter Estimation Methodology. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(19):9178.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLe, Tuan-Ho, Mengyuan Tang, Jun Hyuk Jang, Hyeonae Jang, and Sangmun Shin. 2021. "Integration of Functional Link Neural Networks into a Parameter Estimation Methodology" Applied Sciences 11, no. 19: 9178.
APA StyleLe, T.-H., Tang, M., Jang, J. H., Jang, H., & Shin, S. (2021). Integration of Functional Link Neural Networks into a Parameter Estimation Methodology. Applied Sciences, 11(19), 9178.