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Peer-Review Record

Land Cover Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing Databases for Al Baha Region Saudi Arabia

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(16), 8115;
by Raid Yahia Shrahily 1,*, Mohammad Ambarak Alsharif 1, Babikir Ahmed Mobarak 2 and Abdulrhman Ali Alzandi 3
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 2:
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(16), 8115;
Submission received: 21 June 2022 / Revised: 4 August 2022 / Accepted: 5 August 2022 / Published: 13 August 2022

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

Figure 2 must be explained in the text. There is no explanation about how study was developped. How accuracy was done? Part of methods is in the results. Figure 4: points_user or user_points? How they were choosen? Results must be discussed.

Author Response

Dear Editor Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi

We are grateful for the helpful feedback by the reviewers that helped us improve the quality of manuscript. We carefully considered all comments and modified the manuscript accordingly. The changes are shown in the annotated copy (highlighted in Red). Herein, we explain how we revised the paper point-by-point based on those comments and recommendations. 

Below are the answers:


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report


General comments

 The manuscript examines the land cover mapping by using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. The case study is the Al Baha region of Saudi Arabia, which belongs to the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries. It is therefore dealing with a matter of particular and international interest.

 In various regions of the country (Saudi Arabia), several studies have been done using almost the similar tools for the same purpose (land cover/land use mapping) as it of the manuscript. Authors should report what other scientists have done on this subject, what are their findings, which must comment on them. They should also comment on the differences and similarities between these studies in comparison with their findings. I encourage authors to deepen the literature review on this subject, to find texts (articles, books, etc.) with similar applications in Saudi Arabia. I propose kindly the following citations:

 Dafalla, M.S.; Ibrahim, I.S.; Abdel Magid, H.M.; Ibrahim, M.M.M.; Elhag, A.M.H. Mapping and Assessment of Land Use/ Land Cover Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Case study: Potential Area for Dates Palm in Al-Qassim Region, Central Saudi Arabia. Int J Sci Res Publ. 2013, 3(4), pp. 5.

 Alqurashi, A.A.; Kumar. L. Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection in the Saudi Arabian Desert Cities of Makkah and Al-Taif Using Satellite Data. Advances in Remote Sensing 2014, 3, 106-119; doi/10.4236/ars.2014.33009

Rahman, M.T. Detection of Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Urban Sprawl in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia: An Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data. ISPRS Int J Geo-Inf 2016, 5, 15; doi:10.3390/ijgi5020015.

 Rahman, M.T.; Aldosary, A.S.; Mortoja, Md. G. Modeling Future Land Cover Changes and Their Effects on the Land Surface Temperatures in the Saudi Arabian Eastern Coastal City of Dammam. Land 2017, 6, 36; doi:10.3390/land6020036.

 Salih, A. Classification and Mapping of Land Cover Types and Attributes in Al-Ahsaa Oasis, Eastern Region, Saudi Arabia Using Landsat-7 Data. J Remote Sensing & GIS 2018, 7(1); doi: 10.4172/2469-4134.1000228.

Abdallah, S.; Elmohemen, M.A.; Hemdan, S.; Ibrahem, K. Assessment of land use/land cover changes induced by Jizan Dam, Saudi Arabia, and their effect on soil organic carbon. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2019, 12, 350; doi:10.1007/s12517-019-4474-1

Alharthi, A.; El-Sheikh, M.A.; Elhag, M.; Alatar, A.A.; Abbadi, G.A.; Abdel-Salam, E.M.; Arif, I.A.; Baeshen, A.A.; Eid, E.M. Remote sensing of 10 years changes in the vegetation cover of the northwestern coastal land of Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Saudi J Biol Sci 2020, 27, 3169–3179; doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.07.021.

 However, the manuscript is not written well. It requires major effort to be publishable.


 The manuscript has to be written according to the instructions for Authors of the MDPI Applied Sciences Journal.


A general check of the references is needed (References list).


References have to be written in accordance with the Instructions for Authors of the journal.

a.         Pay attention to the Journal Name, which should be in italic and abbreviated form (see Instructions for Authors) and the year in bold.

b.         According to the “Reference List and Citations: Style Guide for MDPI Journals”:

For every Author, list the last name first, then the first letter of the first name and, if available, the first letter of the middle name.

Last names should be separated from first and middle name by a comma, first and middle names should end with a period: Lastname, F.M.; Lastname, F.M.; etc.

Grammar needs to be remedied at various places of the manuscript. The final text has to be prepared with more care. It includes linguistic errors, that sometimes make it difficult to follow. I would respectfully recommend that Authors have their manuscript professionally edited before resubmitting it or proofreading it with a colleague whose native language is English.

 Punctuations need to be revised.

 The section entitled “4. Results and Discussion” (Lines 199 – 379) is very unclear, not understood. It must be re-written carefully, clearly in correct English. According to the Instructions for Authors of the Journal, the results provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. Concerning the Discussion, Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted in perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible and limitations of the work highlighted. Future research directions may also be mentioned. This section may be combined with Results. I would kindly recommend the Authors to split the section “4. Results and Discussion” into two separate ones, namely "4. Results" and "5. Discussion". Attention should be paid to the captions of Figures and Tables.

 Specific comments

Lines 24 – 25

“Finally, the results obtained by this research can help Decision-makers and mangers for better naturel resources management..”

should be

“Finally, the results obtained by this research can help Decision-makers and managers for better naturel resources management of the Al Bahah region.”

Lines 32 - 33

“According to [2] FAO (2020), the land planted…”

should be

“According to FAO [2], the land planted…”

Lines 32 – 34

“According to [2] FAO (2020), the land planted with permanent and irrigated crops has increased, while the land allocated to permanent meadows and pastures has declined significantly.”

COMMENT: This sentence is unclear. “the land planted with permanent and irrigated crops has increased (with regard to what)???”

Lines 41 – 42

“In Central Puget Sound, [19] Morawitz et al., (2006) used normalized…”

should be

“In Central Puget Sound, Morawitz et al. [19] used normalized…”

Line 46

“…NDVI, [20] Jeevalakshmi et al. (2016)…”

should be

“…NDVI, Jeevalakshmi et al. [20]…”

Lines 48 – 49

“…databases, [21] Aredehey et al., (2018) analysed…”

should be

“…databases, Aredehey et al. [21] analysed…”

Line 52

“[14] Han et al., (2019) characterized…”

should be

“Han et al. [14] characterized…”

Lines 53 – 55

“The results revealed an improvement in the vegetable activity especially grass and forest due to their adaptation to climate change, where NDVI change.”

COMMENT: This sentence is unclear and not understood. It must be re-written clearly in correct English.

Line 57

“….Grasslands, [16] Baeza and Paruelo (2020) analysed…”

should be

“….Grasslands, Baeza and Paruelo [16] analysed…”

Line 63

“….Restoration 2021-2030 [22] (Waltham et al., 2020). Among…”

should be

“….Restoration 2021-2030 [22]. Among…”

Lines 64 – 65

“….whose area is estimated to be the area of the State of China.”

should be

“….whose area is estimated to be almost the size of India…”

Lines 65 – 66

“Where, its costs were estimated at about $200 billion annually by the year (???) [23]”.

COMMENT: Incomplete sentence.

Line 76

“…sions [26] (Nurunnabi 2017), particularly…”

should be

“…sions [26], particularly…”

Lines 74 - 81

“Decision makers see that reliance on seasonal pilgrimage returns and rentier economy such as oil export is not enough to build future visions [26] (Nurunnabi 2017), particularly, when the kingdom of Saudi Arabia plans to attract 100 million visitors annually in 2030 [27] and to raise the contribution of tourism to the economy from 5 to 18% and ecotourism is one of the future projects that will be applied, especially with the geographical location and its different surface and climate features contributed to the diversity of the natural environments there, where the vegetation cover varies from one place to another in terms of diversity, density and distribution.”

COMMENT: It is a very long and unclear sentence.

Lines 96 – 100

“As such, the research proposes in this note to analyze the land cover using remote sensing databases and time series analysis combined with spatial analysis in geographic information system (GIS) based on high-resolution Landsat 8 OLI, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery between the period of study 2017-2022.”

should be

“The aim of the present study is the analysis of the land cover using remote sensing databases and time series analysis  combined with spatial analysis in geographic information system (GIS) based on high-resolution Landsat 8 OLI, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery of the period of the study 2017-2022”.

Line 107

“The figure 1a explain of area of each district of Al Baha region.”

should be

“Figure 1a shows the Al Baha region and its districts.”

Lines 114

“Figure. 1b, c”

should be

“Figures 1b, c”

Line 124

“Figures. 1 e, f”

should be

“Figures 1e, f”

Line 131

COMMENT: Delete the above website from the main text and add it into the references list. At the same time, make the appropriate corrections in the numbering of citations.

Lines 135 – 136

COMMENT: Delete the above website from the main text and add it into the references list. At the same time, make the appropriate corrections in the numbering of citations.

Lines 136 – 137

“For more detail about the reader cordially invited to consult the paper of [31-33.”

should be

“For more detail about the reader invited to consult the paper of [31-33].”

Line 153

( accessed on 13/03/2022.

COMMENT: Delete the above website from the main text and add it into the references list. At the same time, make the appropriate corrections in the numbering of citations.

Lines 165 – 166

“( cover/) accessed on 13/03/2022”

COMMENT: Delete the above website from the main text and add it into the references list. At the same time, make the appropriate corrections in the numbering of citations.

Line 176

“In the case of this paper, the NDVI…”

should be

“In the present case, the NDVI…”

Line 185

(Figure. 4)

should be

(Figure 4)

Lines 186 – 187

“In the case of this paper, 70 user points were used to assess the supervised classification.”

should be

“They were used 70 user points to assess the supervised classification.”

COMMENT: What is the meaning of the term “user points”? Clarify, please.

Lines 187 – 188

“The equations gives below were applied to calculate the overall accuracy and kappa test”.

should be

“The user accuracy, producer accuracy, overall accuracy and kappa coefficient calculated by the equations (3)-(6), respectively:”

Lines 194 – 195

“The figure 2 indicates flowchart diagram used in this study for assessing land …”

should be

“Figure 2 indicates the flowchart diagram used for assessing land …”

Line 198

“Figure 2. Flowchart diagram used in this study”

should be

“Figure 2. Flowchart diagram used”

Lines 201 -204

“The Table 1. Represent the application of Man Kendall (MK) [34-35] and Sen Slope estimator [36] tests on long terms time series of NDVI for each year. Where the observations of NDVI reach 37 values each year”.

COMMENT: This part of the text is unclear and unintelligible.

Line 206

“(Tab 1)” should be “(Table 1)”

Lines 207 – 209

“The figure 3a illustrates the temporal distribution of NDVI and rainfall of all Al Baha region between the period 31/09/2013 and 01/07/2020 with 12 observation each year,  whereas the figure 3b indicate the relationship between NDVI and rainfall”.

COMMENT: The above text must be re-written clearly in correct English.

Line 401

“….and mangers…” should be “….and managers…”

Lines 430 – 431

“FAO. Available online 2022. Accessed (01/05/2022)”

should be

“FAO. Land Use in Agriculture by the Numbers. Available online: (accessed  on May 01, 2022)”

Line 433

“Groundwater for Sustainable Development”

should be

“Groundw  Sustain  Dev”

Line 528

“GIScience & Remote Sensing”

should be

“GIsci Remote Sens”

Line 529

SPA 2021. Available online Accessed (28/03/2022

should be

SPA 2021. (Add title, if possible) Available online (accessed on March 28, 2022) (in Arabian)

Author Response

Dear Editor Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi

We are grateful for the helpful feedback by the reviewers that helped us improve the quality of manuscript. We carefully considered all comments and modified the manuscript accordingly. The changes are shown in the annotated copy (highlighted in blue). Herein, we explain how we revised the paper point-by-point based on those comments and recommendations. 

Below are the answers:


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

Authors have considerably improved the manuscript.

Author Response

Dear Editor Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi

We are grateful for the helpful feedback by the reviewers that helped us improve the quality of manuscript. We carefully considered all comments and modified the manuscript accordingly. The changes are shown in the annotated copy (highlighted in blue). Herein, we explain how we revised the paper point-by-point based on those comments and recommendations. 

Below are the answers:


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

1.         The Authors made effort to improve the quality of the manuscript. However, it is still not well written. There are errors, ambiguities, omissions, etc., that must be corrected before its publication. Consequently, the manuscript needs major try to become publishable. For details please, see my comments

2.         The manuscript is not written well. It requires major effort to be publishable.

3.         The manuscript has to be written according to the instructions for Authors of the MDPI Applied Sciences Journal.

4.         A general check of the references is needed (References list).

5.         The references are still not written in accordance with the Instructions for Authors of the journal.

a.    Pay attention to the Journal Name, which should be in italic and abbreviated form (see Instructions for Authors) and the year in bold.

b.    According to the “Reference List and Citations: Style Guide for MDPI Journals”:

c.     For every Author, list the last name first, then the first letter of the first name and, if available, the first letter of the middle name.

d.    Last names should be separated from first and middle name by a comma, first and middle names should end with a period: Lastname, F.M.; Lastname, F.M.; etc.

e.    Delete the symbol “&” before the name of the last co-author in the references with multiple co-authors.

6.         Grammar needs to be remedied at various places of the manuscript. The final text has to be prepared with more care. It includes linguistic errors, that sometimes make it difficult to follow. I would respectfully recommend that Authors have their manuscript professionally edited before resubmitting it or proofreading it with a colleague whose native language is English.

7.         The sections entitled “1. Introduction” (Lines 31 – 128) and “2. Study area” (Lines 130 – 153) must be reworded and they must be re-written carefully, clearly in correct English.

8.         The section entitled “5. Discussion” (Lines 403 – 469) is unclear, not understood. It must be re-written carefully, clearly in correct English.

9.         Line 8

Please, check the email of the author: Babikir Mobarak. Is the “[email protected]” correct?

10.     Line 33

“eg” should be “e.g.”

COMMENT: “e.g.” is the abbreviation of “exempli gratia”", a Latin word, that means “for example”.

11.     Line 129

3. Study area

should be

“2. Study area”

12.     Line 132

“Figure. 1” should be “Figure 1”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

13.     Line 207

“….of the World available at the link [47]. The map values…”

should be

“….of the World [47]. The map values…”

14.     Line 225

“Figure. 4” should be “Figure 4”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

15.     Line 227

“…Arcgis (For example), and it is …”

should be

“…ArcGIS and it is …”

16.     Lines 228 & 229

“In the case of this paper, they were…”

should be

“In the present study, they were…”

17.     Line 241

“….by the below formula. If kappa…”

should be

“….by the equation (6). If kappa…”

18.     Line 248

“…the study area (Fig. 1), by downloading ….”

should be

“…the study area (Figure 1), by downloading ….”

19.     Line 280

“…and Table 2, 3 …”

should be

“…and Tables 2, 3 …”

20.     Lines 286 & 287

“…on table 3 and 4 respectively. Where, Figures …”

should be

“…on Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Where, Figures …”

21.     Line 292

“Figure. 5a” should be “Figure 5a”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

22.     Line 294

“Figure. 5b” should be “Figure 5b”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

23.     Figure 6 Legends

Replace “kilometeres” with the symbol “km”

24.     Line 326

“…in figure 8a to 8j. While, the…”

should be

“…in Figures 8a to 8j. While, the…”

25.     Line 353

“…figure 7, a great…”

should be

“…Figure 7, a great…”

26.     Line 360

Figure. 8 Chang in area…”

should be

“Figure 8. Change in area…”

27.     Line 367

“Figure. 8c” should be “Figure 8c”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

28.     Line 379

(Figs. 7, 8d, 9d). Another…”

should be

“(Figures 7, 8d, 9d). Another…”

29.     Lines 393, 396, 398

“(Figures. 7, 8e, 9e)”

should be

“(Figures 7, 8e, 9e)”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

30.     Line 401

“Figures. 7, 8f, 9f”

should be

“Figures 7, 8f, 9f”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

31.     Lines 419 – 437

This part of the main text must be transferred into the section entitled “1. Introduction”.

32.     Lines 438 – 440

This part of the main text must be transferred into the section entitled “3. Study area”.

33.     Line 443

“…by the projection of figure 1c on figure 4, which…”

should be

“…by the projection of Figure 1c on Figure 4, which…”

34.     Line 462

Figures. 7, 8g

should be

“Figures 7, 8g”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

Author Response

Ref: Ms. No. applsci-1804300

Title: Land Cover Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing Data-bases for Al Baha Region Saudi Arabia

Journal: Applied Sciences.

Author: Raid Shrahily


Alsharif Mohammad, Babikir Mobarak, and Abdulrhman Ali Alzandi

Dear Editor Prof. Dr. Takayoshi Kobayashi

We are grateful for the helpful feedback by the reviewers that helped us improve the quality of manuscript. We carefully considered all comments and modified the manuscript accordingly. The changes are shown in the annotated copy (highlighted in blue). Herein, we explain how we revised the paper point-by-point based on those comments and recommendations. 

Below are the answers:




Response to Reviewer # 2

  1. The manuscript is not written well. It requires major effort to be publishable

Reply and revision: As suggested by the reviewer. The paper was revised accordingly

  1. The manuscript has to be written according to the instructions for Authors of the MDPI Applied Sciences Journal.

Reply and revision: The paper was written according to IMRaD format refers to a paper that is structured by four main sections (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). IMRaD is the most used methodology for MDPI journal. The authors welcome any a new methodology that can be suggested by the reviewer

  1. A general check of the references is needed (References list).
  2. The references are still not written in accordance with the Instructions for Authors of the journal.
  3. Pay attention to the Journal Name, which should be in italic and abbreviated form (see Instructions for Authors) and the year in bold.
  4. According to the “Reference List and Citations: Style Guide for MDPI Journals”:
  5. For every Author, list the last name first, then the first letter of the first name and, if available, the first letter of the middle name.
  6. Last names should be separated from first and middle name by a comma, first and middle names should end with a period: Lastname, F.M.; Lastname, F.M.; etc.
  7. Delete the symbol “&” before the name of the last co-author in the references with multiple co-authors.

Reply and revision: As suggested by the reviewer. A general check of the references was applied.

  1. The sections entitled “1. Introduction” (Lines 31 – 128) and “2. Study area” (Lines 130 – 153) must be reworded and they must be re-written carefully, clearly in correct English.

Reply and revision: we agree completely with the reviewer. A general check of these parts have been applied. Thank you so much for this observation.

  1. The section entitled “5. Discussion” (Lines 403 – 469) is unclear, not understood. It must be re-written carefully, clearly in correct English.

Reply and revision: we agree with the reviewer and as suggested, some sentences have been improved. Thank you.

  1. Line 8

Please, check the email of the author: Babikir Mobarak. Is the “[email protected]” correct?

Reply and revision: we agree with the reviewer and as suggested, the email was added.

  1. Line 33

“eg” should be “e.g.”

COMMENT: “e.g.” is the abbreviation of “exempli gratia”", a Latin word, that means “for example”.

Reply and revision: we thank the reviewer about this comment.

  1. Line 129

“3. Study area”

should be

“2. Study area”


Reply and revision: we thank the reviewer about this observation.

  1. Line 132

“Figure. 1” should be “Figure 1”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

Reply and revision: We thank the reviewer about this observation. All the text has been checked. Thank you.

  1. Line 207

“….of the World available at the link [47]. The map values…”

should be

“….of the World [47]. The map values…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The sentence has been improved.



  1. Line 225

“Figure. 4” should be “Figure 4”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure



Reply and revision: We thank the reviewer about this observation. All the text has been checked. Thank you.

  1. Line 227

“…Arcgis (For example), and it is …”

should be

“…ArcGIS and it is …”

Reply and revision: We thank the reviewer about this observation.

  1. Lines 228 & 229

“In the case of this paper, they were…”

should be

“In the present study, they were…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The sentence has been improved.

  1. Line 241

“….by the below formula. If kappa…”

should be

“….by the equation (6). If kappa…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The sentence has been improved.

  1. Line 248

“…the study area (Fig. 1), by downloading ….”

should be

“…the study area (Figure 1), by downloading ….”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 280

“…and Table 2, 3 …”

should be

“…and Tables 2, 3 …”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Lines 286 & 287

“…on table 3 and 4 respectively. Where, Figures …”

should be

“…on Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Where, Figures …”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 292

“Figure. 5a” should be “Figure 5a”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Figure 6 Legends

Replace “kilometeres” with the symbol “km”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 326

“…in figure 8a to 8j. While, the…”

should be

“…in Figures 8a to 8j. While, the…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 353

“…figure 7, a great…”

should be

“…Figure 7, a great…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

“Figure. 8 Chang in area…”

should be

“Figure 8. Change in area…”


Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.


“Figure. 8c” should be “Figure 8c”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figure


Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 379

“(Figs. 7, 8d, 9d). Another…”

should be

“(Figures 7, 8d, 9d). Another…”

  1. Lines 393, 396, 398

“(Figures. 7, 8e, 9e)”

should be

“(Figures 7, 8e, 9e)”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Line 401

“Figures. 7, 8f, 9f”

should be

“Figures 7, 8f, 9f”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

  1. Lines 419 – 437

This part of the main text must be transferred into the section entitled “1. Introduction”.

  1. Lines 438 – 440

This part of the main text must be transferred into the section entitled “3. Study area”.

Reply and revision: These citations are used to agree and disagree with the obtained results. The authors cordially suggest the current position. Thank you so much for your recommendation.

  1. Line 443

“…by the projection of figure 1c on figure 4, which…”

should be

“…by the projection of Figure 1c on Figure 4, which…”

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.


  1. Line 462

“Figures. 7, 8g”

should be

“Figures 7, 8g”

COMMENT: Delete “.” at the end of the word Figures

Reply and revision: as suggested by the reviewer. The mistake has been corrected.

Thanks for the accurate observations and for for this discussion, all errors are modified based on these comments.

We hope that these revisions improve the paper such that all reviewers now deem it worthy of publication in “Applied Sciences ". 

Sincerely Yours,



Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

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