2D Winograd CNN Chip for COVID-19 and Pneumonia Detection
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background
1.2. Research Goal
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
Test Data
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Design Chip of CNN
2.2.2. Enhance Convolutional Calculated Speed
2.2.3. Authentication Method
2.2.4. Automatic Layout and Routing
2.2.5. Model Selection
3. Results
3.1. Specification
3.2. Waveform
3.3. Curve of Model
4. Discussion
4.1. Calculating Time
4.2. Model Analysis
4.3. Limitations and Future Directions
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Item | Basic CNN | Winograd CNN | Winograd Pre-Sim | Winograd Post-Sim |
Technology | TSMC 1P6M 0.18 μm | TSMC 1P6M 0.18 μm | TSMC 1P6M 0.18 μm | TSMC 1P6M 0.18 μm |
Chip Size | ||||
Core Size | ||||
Package | CQFP144 | CQFP144 | CQFP144 | CQFP144 |
Gate Count | 17,502 | 90,236 | 83,787 | 84,426 |
Max Frequency | 100 MHz | 100 MHz | 100 MHz | 100 MHz |
Fault Coverage | 99.54% | 99.90% | 99.90% | 99.90% |
Power Supply | 1.62 V | 1.62 V | 1.62 V | 1.62 V |
Power Consumption | 72.48 mW@100 MHz | 211.12 mW@100 MHz | 170.9 mW@100 MHz | 221.8 mW@100 MHz |
Calculating Time | 2.937 ms | 1.734 ms | None | None |
Model | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F-Score |
Proposed | 87.87% | 88.48% | 86.67% | 87.37% |
Bi-LSTM | 81.83% | 80.52% | 79.08% | 79.57% |
GRU | 82.84% | 80.99% | 82.39% | 81.55% |
VGG16 | 85.49% | 84.56% | 84.21% | 84.17% |
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Fan, Y.-C.; Lin, K.-Y.; Tsai, Y.-H. 2D Winograd CNN Chip for COVID-19 and Pneumonia Detection. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12891. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412891
Fan Y-C, Lin K-Y, Tsai Y-H. 2D Winograd CNN Chip for COVID-19 and Pneumonia Detection. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(24):12891. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412891
Chicago/Turabian StyleFan, Yu-Cheng, Kun-Yao Lin, and Yen-Hsun Tsai. 2022. "2D Winograd CNN Chip for COVID-19 and Pneumonia Detection" Applied Sciences 12, no. 24: 12891. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412891
APA StyleFan, Y.-C., Lin, K.-Y., & Tsai, Y.-H. (2022). 2D Winograd CNN Chip for COVID-19 and Pneumonia Detection. Applied Sciences, 12(24), 12891. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412891