A Review of Plant Disease Detection Systems for Farming Applications
:1. Introduction
“Such a dream of transforming an agro-based economy into an information society must either be a flight of fancy or thinking hardly informed by the industrial economic background of developed economies that are in transition to informational economies. For an economy with about half of its adult population engaged in the food production sector, and about 70% of its development budget sourced from donor support, any talk of transition into an information society sounds like a far-fetched dream [8]”.
- What are the recent precision agriculture research developments, particularly for disease/pest/weed detection systems?
- What are the found limitations and gaps in the literature review?
- What are the arising opportunities for further research?
- Lastly, what topological amendments can be made to the traditional precision agricultural systems to make them more economical to employ in rural farms and make them more accessible?
2. Literature Review: Precision Agriculture Research Developments
2.1. Plant Disease/Pest/Weed Detection System Basic Principles
2.1.1. Image Processing
Image Acquisition
Image Pre-Processing
Image Segmentation
Feature Extraction
- Shape Features
- Circularity (C)—a feature defining the degree to which a leaf conforms to a perfect circle. It is defined as [60]:
- Rectangularity (R)—a feature defining the degree to which a leaf conforms to a rectangle. It is defined as [55]:
- Aspect ratio (AS)—ratio of width to length of a leaf. It is defined as [55]:
- Perimeter to length plus width ratio (PLWr)—ratio of the perimeter to length plus width of a leaf. It is defined as [64]:
- Narrow factor (NFr)—ratio of diameter to length of a leaf [60]:
- Area convexity (ACr)—area ratio between the area of a leaf and the area of its convex hull [59].
- Perimeter convexity (ACr)—the ratio between the perimeter of a leaf to that of its convex hull [60].
- Eccentricity (Ar)—the degree to which a leaf shape is a centroid [64].
- Irregularity (Ir)—ratio of the diameters of an inscribed to the circumscribed circles on the image of a leaf [59].
- Color Features
- Color standard deviation (σ)—a measure of how much the different colors found in an image match one another or are rather different from one another [60]. If an image is differentiated into an array of its basic building blocks (the pixels), then i is a pointer moving across the rows of pixels in an array from the origin to the very last row M, while j is a pointer moving across the columns of pixels in an array from the origin to the very last column N. At any point, a pixel color intensity is defined by p(i, j), where i and j denote the coordinate position of a pixel in an image array. Therefore, the color standard deviation is mathematically defined as follows:
- Color mean (μ)—a measure to identify a dominant color in a leaf image. This feature is normally used to identify the leaf type [63]. It is mathematically defined as follows:
- Color kurtosis (φ)—a measure to identify a color shape dispersion in a leaf image [65]:
- Texture Features
- Entropy (Entr)—this is a measure of the complexity and uniformity of a texture of a leaf image [68]:
- Energy (En)—this is a measure of the degree of uniformity of a gray image. It is also called the second moment [69]:
- Correlation (Cor)—this is a measure of whether there is a similar element in a sample picture that corresponds to the re-occurrence of a similar matrix within a large array of pixels [68].
- Difference moment inverse (DMI)—this is a measure of the degree of homogeneity in an image [69]:
2.1.2. Feature Classification
SVM Classifier
ANN Classifier
k-NN Classifier
- Take the uncategorized data point as input to a model.
- Measure the spatial distance between this unclassified point to all the other already classified points. The distance can be computed via Euclidean, Minkowski, or Manhattan formulae [80].
- Check the points with the shortest displacement from the unknown data point to be classified for a certain K value (K is defined by the supervisor of the algorithm) and separate these points by the class of belonging [80].
- Select the correct class of membership as the one with the most frequent vectors as the neighbors of the unknown data point [80].
Fuzzy Classifier
2.2. Literature Survey: Plant Disease/Nutrient Deficiency Monitoring Systems
2.2.1. Tabulated Summary of Plant Disease/Nutrient Deficiency Monitoring Systems publications
2.2.2. Research Opportunities Identified
- During the literature survey presented in earlier sections, the following opportunities that the authors of this paper believe have seen little interest from researchers are as follows:
- Little discussion of the real-time monitoring of the onset signs of diseases before they spread throughout the whole plant.
- Few papers discussed real-time monitoring and real-time mitigation measures such as actuation operations, spraying pesticides, and spraying fertilizers, to name a few examples.
- Very little research discussed the combination of these monitoring and phenotyping tasks into one system to reduce costs and improve technology availability to farmers and add convenience.
- Little research discussed the post-harvest benefits of disease/nutrient deficiency detection or similar systems.
- Most research papers on plant disease detection models processed two-dimensional images captured from plant samples. In cases where samples were in the form of fruits, single-input cameras or a two-dimensional view may pose a challenge because of the spherical or cylindrical nature of most fruits. The authors noticed that the fruit disease symptoms or any types of defects are not always evenly distributed across the surface area of a sample fruit; Figure 14 shows an example. Therefore, in high-throughput and high-speed applications, a sample fruit might be oriented such that the diseased part is masked or hidden from the camera’s line of sight, so an incorrect classification is highly probable.
- Few studies discussed the importance of optimum optical or lighting conditions in the successful operation of an image-based plant disease detection model and their relationship to classification accuracy and efficiency.
- A multicamera-input fruit disease detection model
- A dynamic-input fruit disease detection model
- If at least one input image is classified as a diseased sample, set the final classification to a “diseased sample”.
- Otherwise, set the final classification to a “healthy sample”.
3. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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A Typical General Plant Disease Detection System | |
Summary of Image-Processing Steps | Different Classification Techniques |
| |
| |
Software Language of Implementation | Library | Description | Open Source |
R | Kern-Lab | Mechanisms for segmentation, modeling, grouping, uniqueness identification, and feature matching using kernel-based deep learning [27]. | https://cran.r-project.org/ (accessed on 17 February 2023) |
MICE | This method can deal with datasets with missing data by computing estimates and filling in the missing data values [28]. | ||
e1071 | Programming package containing functions for types of statistical methods; i.e., probability and statistics [29]. | ||
CA-RET | Offers a wide range of tools for creating forecasting analytics utilizing R’s extensive model library. It contains techniques for the pre-processing learning algorithm, determining the relevance of parameters, and presenting networks [30]. | ||
Rweka | Data pre-processing, categorization, analysis, grouping, clustering algorithms, and image-processing methods for all Java-based machine learning methods [31]. | ||
ROCR | A tool for assessing and displaying the accuracy of rating classifiers [32]. | ||
KlaR | Various categorization and display functions [33]. | ||
Earth | Utilizes the methods from Friedman’s publications “Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines” and “Fast MARS” to create a prediction model [34]. | ||
TREE | A library containing functions designated to work with trees [35]. | ||
R, C | Igraph | Contains functions for manipulating large graphs and displaying [34]. | |
Python, R | Scikit-learn | Offers a standardized interface for putting the machine into practicing the learning of algorithms. It comprises various auxiliary tasks such as data pre-processing operations, information resampling methods, assessment criteria, and search portals for adjusting and performance optimization of methods [36]. | |
Python | NuPIC | Software for artificial intelligence that supports Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) learning models purely based on the neocortex’s neurobiology [37]. | http://numenta.org/ (accessed on 17 February 2023) |
Caffe | Deep learning framework that prioritizes modularity, performance, and expression [38]. | http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/ (accessed on 17 February 2023) | |
Theano | A toolkit and processor that is optimized for working with and assessing equations, particularly those using array values [39]. | http://deeplearning.net/software/theano (accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
Tensorflow | Toolkit for quick computation of numbers in artificial intelligence and machine learning [40]. | https://www.tensorflow.org/ (accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
PyBrain | A versatile, powerful, and user-friendly machine learning library that offers algorithms that may be used for a range of machine learning tasks [41]. | http://pybrain.org/ accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
Pylearn2 | A specially created library for machine learning to make learning much easier for developers. It is quick and provides a researcher with a great deal of versatility [42]. | http://deeplearning.net/software/pylearn2 (accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
Java | Java-ML | A collection of machine learning and data mining techniques that aim to offer a simple-to-use and extendable API. Algorithms rigorously adhere to their respective interfaces, which are maintained as basic for each type of algorithm’s interface [43]. | http://java-ml.sourceforge.net/ (accessed on 17 February 2023) |
ELKI | A data mining software that intends to make it possible to create and evaluate sophisticated data mining algorithms and study how they interact with database search architecture [44]. | http://elki.dbs.ifi.lmu.de/ (accessed on 16 February 2023) | |
JSAT | A library designed to fill the need for a general purpose, reasonably high-efficiency, and versatile library in the Java ecosystem that is not sufficiently satisfied by Weka and Java-ML [45]. | https://github.com/EdwardRaff/JSAT (accessed on 17 February 2023) | |
Mallet | Toolkit for information extraction, text categorization, grouping, quantitative natural language processing, and other deep learning uses for text [46]. | http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/ (accessed on 15 February 2023) | |
Spark | Offers a variety of machine learning techniques such as grouping, categorization, extrapolation, and data aggregation along with auxiliary features such as simulation assessment and data acquisition [47]. | http://spark.apache.org/ (accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
Weka | Provides instruments for categorizing, forecasting, clustering, classification techniques, and visualization of information [48]. | http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/mL/weka/ (accessed on 13 February 2023) | |
C#, C++, C | Shark | Includes approaches for neural networks, both linear and nonlinear programming, kernel-based learning algorithms, and other methods for machine learning [49]. | http://image.diku.dk/shark/ (accessed on 14 February 2023) |
mlpack | Provides the data-processing techniques as simplified control scripts, Python bindings, and C++ objects that can be used in more extensive machine learning solutions [50]. | http://mlpack.org/ (accessed on 18 February 2023) | |
LibSVM | A support vector machines (SVM) library [51]. | http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tcjlin/libsvm/ (accessed on 16 February 2023) | |
Shogun | Provides a wide range of data types and techniques for deep learning issues. It utilizes SWIG to provide interfaces for Octave, Python, R, Java, Lua, Ruby, and C# [52]. | http://shogun-toolbox.org/ (accessed on 13 February 2023) | |
Multiboost | Offers a quick C++ solution for enhancing methods for many classes, labels, and tasks [53]. | http://www.multiboost.org/ (accessed on 13 February 2023) | |
MLC++ | Supervised machine learning methods and functions in a C++ ecosystem [52]. | http://www.sgi.com/tech/mlc/source.html (accessed on 13 February 2023) | |
Accord | Fully C#-written machine learning platform with audio and picture analysis libraries [54]. | http://accord-framework.net/ (accessed on 13 February 2023) |
Pros and Cons of Different Classification Methods Most Used in Plant Phenomics and Disease Monitoring | |
1. Support Vector Machine (SVM) | |
Advantages | Disadvantages |
2. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) | |
3. k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) | |
4. Fuzzy Classifier | |
Classification Method | Plant/Crop | Reference | Number of Diseases | Disease | Results |
SVM Classification | Maize | [84] | 1 | Not specified | 79% accuracy |
Grapefruit, lemon, lime | [85] | 2 | Canker and anthracnose diseases | 95% accuracy for both | |
Grape | [86] | 2 | Downy mildew, powdery mildew | 88.89% accuracy for both | |
Oil palm | [3] | 2 | Chimaera, anthracnose | 97% and 95% accuracy respectively | |
Potato | [87] | 4 | Late blight, early blight | 95% for both | |
Grape | [10] | 3 | Black rot, Esca, leaf blight | Not specified | |
Tea | [88] | 3 | Not specified | 90% accuracy | |
Soybean | [85] | 3 | Downy mildew, frog eye, Septoria leaf | 90% accuracy average | |
Tomato | [89] | 6 | Not specified | 96% accuracy | |
Rice | [90] | Not specified | Pests, diseases | 92% accuracy | |
Soybean | [91] | 1 | Charcoal rot | 90% accuracy | |
Cucumber | [92] | 1 | Downy mildew | Not specified | |
Rice | [93] | 1 | Rice blast | 93% accuracy | |
Rice | [94] | 1 | Rice blight | 80% accuracy | |
Tea | [95] | 1 | Not specified | 90% accuracy | |
ANN Classification | Zucchini | [96] | 1 | Soft-rot | Not specified |
Not specified | [97] | 4 | Alternaria alternata, Anthracnose, bacterial blight, Cercospora leaf spot | 96% accuracy average | |
Grapefruit | [98] | 3 | Grape-black rot, powdery mildew, downy mildew | 94% accuracy average | |
Apple | [99] | 3 | Apple scab, apple rot, apple blotch | 81% accuracy average | |
Pomegranate | [100] | 3 | Bacterial blight, Aspergillus fruit rot, gray mold | 99% accuracy average | |
Not specified | [101] | 4 | Early scorch, cottony mold, late scorch, tiny whiteness | 93% accuracy average | |
Cucumber | [102] | 2 | Downy mildew, powdery Mildew | 99% accuracy average | |
Pomegranate | [103] | 4 | Leaf spot, bacterial blight, fruit spot, fruit rot | 90% accuracy average | |
Groundnut | [104] | 1 | Cercospora | 97% accuracy | |
Pomegranate | [105] | 1 | Not specified | 90% accuracy | |
Cucumber | [106] | 1 | Downy mildew | 80% accuracy | |
Rice | [107] | 3 | Bacterial leaf blight, brown spot, leaf smut | 96% accuracy average | |
Citrus | [108] | 5 | Anthracnose, black spot, canker, citrus scab, melanose | 90% accuracy average | |
Wheat | [109] | 4 | Powdery mildew, rust Puccinia triticina, leaf blight, Puccinia striifomus | Not specified | |
k-NN Classification | Not specified | [110] | 5 | (YS) yellow spotted, (WS) white spotted, (RS) red spotted, (N) normal, (D) discolored spotted | 86% accuracy |
Groundnut | [78] | 5 | Early leaf spot, late leaf spot, rust, early and late spot bud necrosis | 96% accuracy | |
Tomato, corn, potato | [111] | Not specified | No disease: leaf recognition | 94% accuracy (corn) 86% accuracy (potato) 80% accuracy | |
Tomato | [112] | 3 | Rust, early and Late spot bud necrosis | 95% accuracy | |
Banana | [113] | 2 | Bunchy top, sigatoka | 99% accuracy | |
Tomato | [114] | 3 | Rust, early and late spot bud necrosis | 97% accuracy | |
Rice | 4 | Bacterial blight of rice, rice blast disease, rice tungro, false smut | 88% accuracy average | ||
Fuzzy Classification | Mango | [83] | 3 | Powdery mildew, Phoma blight, bacterial canker | 90% accuracy average |
Strawberry | [115] | 1 | Iron deficiency | 97% accuracy | |
Cotton, wheat | [116] | 18 | Bacterial blight, leaf curl, root rot, Verticillium wilt, Anthracnose, seed rot, tobacco streak virus, tropical rust, Fusarium wilt, black stem rust, leaf rust, stripe rust, loose smut, flag smut, complete bunt, partial bunt, earcockle, tundo | 99% accuracy average | |
Soybean | [19] | 1 | Foliar | 96% accuracy | |
Cotton | 3 | Bacteria blight, foliar, Alternaria | 95% accuracy average |
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Share and Cite
Ngongoma, M.S.P.; Kabeya, M.; Moloi, K. A Review of Plant Disease Detection Systems for Farming Applications. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 5982. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13105982
Ngongoma MSP, Kabeya M, Moloi K. A Review of Plant Disease Detection Systems for Farming Applications. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(10):5982. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13105982
Chicago/Turabian StyleNgongoma, Mbulelo S. P., Musasa Kabeya, and Katleho Moloi. 2023. "A Review of Plant Disease Detection Systems for Farming Applications" Applied Sciences 13, no. 10: 5982. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13105982
APA StyleNgongoma, M. S. P., Kabeya, M., & Moloi, K. (2023). A Review of Plant Disease Detection Systems for Farming Applications. Applied Sciences, 13(10), 5982. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13105982