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Wild Mushroom Classification Based on Improved MobileViT Deep Learning

College of Big Data and Information Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
Guiyang Aluminum and Magnesium Design and Research Institute Co., Guiyang 550009, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(8), 4680;
Submission received: 3 February 2023 / Revised: 29 March 2023 / Accepted: 2 April 2023 / Published: 7 April 2023


Wild mushrooms are not only tasty but also rich in nutritional value, but it is difficult for non-specialists to distinguish poisonous wild mushrooms accurately. Given the frequent occurrence of wild mushroom poisoning, we propose a new multidimensional feature fusion attention network (M-ViT) combining convolutional networks (ConvNets) and attention networks to compensate for the deficiency of pure ConvNets and pure attention networks. First, we introduced an attention mechanism Squeeze and Excitation (SE) module in the MobilenetV2 (MV2) structure of the network to enhance the representation of picture channels. Then, we designed a Multidimension Attention module (MDA) to guide the network to thoroughly learn and utilize local and global features through short connections. Moreover, using the Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) module to obtain longer distance relations, we fused the model features from different layers, and used the obtained joint features for wild mushroom classification. We validated the model on two datasets, mushroom and MO106, and the results showed that M-ViT performed the best on the two test datasets, with accurate dimensions of 96.21% and 91.83%, respectively. We compared the performance of our method with that of more advanced ConvNets and attention networks (Transformer), and our method achieved good results.

1. Introduction

Edible wild mushrooms are very nutritious, can improve the body’s immunity, and have a variety of anti-disease abilities. In recent years, wild mushrooms are also frequently found in the market, and more and more people go to pick wild mushrooms. Wild mushrooms can be identified based on their shape, color, smell, microscopic features, pselaphesia, and other characteristics. However, due to the diversity of wild mushrooms, the challenges facing the classification of wild mushrooms are that the characteristics of wild mushrooms are small, and the image angle, illumination, target background, and other factors in the natural scene lead to significant differences between wild mushrooms, which are difficult to distinguish. Poisoning incidents occur from time to time, even leading to death. It is essential to identify the inedible and edible mushrooms correctly. This study aims to classify wild mushrooms using a method based on a combination of Transformer and ConvNets [1,2,3] to provide an auxiliary identification method for people.
In recent years, there have been several methods that can classify wild mushrooms, among which the most reliable method is molecular identification. However, this method is time-consuming, has a high threshold, and is unsuitable for real-time classification detection. Most of the current articles on wild mushroom classification use machine learning methods. Methods used in the literature include [4] decision tree (DT), plain Bayesian (NB), AdaBoost (AB), and support vector machine (SVM) machine learning algorithms. However, these methods rely on features that people manually label and the method learns the labeled wild mushroom information, rather than the collected visual information, for classification.
Since the feature attributes of wild mushrooms are closely related to the species, their ability to adapt and generalize is reduced in the absence of prior knowledge of the species. The accuracy rate plummets when visual information collected from images is passed into machine learning methods; thus, this method is inapplicable to the visual classification problem of wild mushrooms. Little research has been done to identify wild mushrooms using deep learning methods. In recent years, attempts have been made using ConvNets for the visual classification problem of wild mushrooms with good results [5]. Although ConvNets can extract local information on images well and the model converges quickly, there are limitations to extracting global information. The accuracy obtained when putting wild mushroom data into pure ConvNets is not high, so we believe the pure ConvNets model has some limitations for wild mushroom classification.
Since the ViT (Vision Transformer) model was proposed in 2020, the Transformer architecture has created a boom in the field of vision, and many people have introduced the attention mechanism into vision tasks. Transformer has the advantage of global extraction, but the number of its parameters is too large and lacks the inductive bias ability of convolution, which leads to overfitting. Thus, it requires pretraining on large-scale datasets and requires strong regularity [6,7,8]. The currently proposed method of wild mushroom classification does not fully consider the characteristics of minor differences between wild mushroom classes and significant differences within classes. As described above, a new global attention feature fusion network, M-ViT, is proposed, using local and global information interaction. For the problem of minor differences in the characteristics of wild mushrooms, multidimensional attention is fused for feature mapping of global high-level information (such as semantic information), which can help locate significant objects and help reduce the interference of the background. In addition, the convolution network is used to enhance the receptive field, extract local low-level information (such as texture), and improve the generalization ability of the wild mushroom classification model. Few studies have used deep learning methods to identify wild mushrooms, and there is a lack of interpretable analysis related to studying deep learning methods for wild mushrooms. This work was conducted to address these issues, and the main contributions of our article are as follows:
  • The M-ViT network model was constructed and fine-tuned by adding an improved multidimensional attention module parallel to the MobileViT network. It enables the model to obtain a more effective interaction of local features and global feature information, more suitable for classifying wild mushroom datasets. A thorough search of the literature shows that this is the first study to use a combined Transformer and CNN model for the classification of wild mushrooms;
  • The MV2 module in the original network combined with an improved attention mechanism for enhanced representation of important channels;
  • For the “black box” problem of deep learning, we performed an interpretable analysis of the model, drawing the confusion matrix and heat map of the model.
We validated the effectiveness of the method on two datasets. The experimental results show that our method achieves advanced performance, providing an alternative to current CNN-based methods. Furthermore, our method improves the backbone model’s performance (MobileViT) by 5.72% and 3.63% on the mushroom and MO106 datasets, respectively. Our tests and ideas provide helpful information for others, not only for specific cases of wild mushroom images.

1.1. Convolutional Networks (ConvNets)

Since the breakthrough of AlexNet [7] on vision problems, the main networks that followed are VGGNet [9], ResNet [10], MobileNet [11], EfficientNet [12], and RegNet [13], which are more profound and more effective. ConvNets have made a boom in vision tasks [7,12,14]. The authors of [15] compared three types of networks (AlexNet, VGGNet, and GoogLeNet). The best network accuracy of 82.63% was achieved on a small dataset of 1478 images to classify 38 wild mushroom species. The authors of [16] studied wild mushroom image classification based on deep learning, whose dataset has only seven classes, and its coverage of wild mushroom species is small, which is not practical in use. The authors of [17] explored the classification and recognition of wild mushrooms based on Xception and ResNet-50 networks, whose datasets were mostly from Kaggle, and the existence of few categories and poor image quality or inclusion of noise led to lower generalization performance in practical application. The experimental process may not reach the index. The authors of [18] established a dataset of 23 categories of wild mushrooms by collecting data online. The accuracy also reached 92.17%, but its images are all from the Internet, the image resolution may not be uniform, the photo environment is noisy, the number is expanded mainly by rotation, and the detailed information is easily lost. Meanwhile, because of the minor inter-class differences and significant intra-class differences, the recognition of wild mushrooms belongs to fine-grained visual classification (FGVT), which is more complicated than the typical classification recognition problem with minor inter-class differences. The method used in [19] recognizes wild mushrooms based on the Inception-ResNet-v2 model from the perspective of fine-grained image classification, but does not consider the influence of the complex background of the images, and the recognition accuracy is relatively low. All of the above are implemented based on ConvNets methods, although they can extract local area information on images well. The model converges quickly, but there are limitations in extracting global information, so the accuracy of a pure ConvNet is low when wild mushroom data are used as input. The pure ConvNets model has some limitations for wild mushroom classification.

1.2. Vision Transformers

Transformer [20] debuted in 2017 as the first transformation model that relies entirely on self-attention to compute representations of inputs and outputs without using sequence-aligned recurrent neural networks or ConvNets for learning long sequences in NLP tasks. Inspired by the powerful representation capabilities of the transformer, the visual transformer (ViT) [21] was proposed in 2020 for computer vision tasks. This work divides images into multiple image patches (e.g., 16 × 16 pixels in size) and compares these image patches to tokens in NLP, which achieves, compared to ConvNets, image classification with impressive speed and accuracy. However, performing well requires a large-scale training dataset (i.e., JFT-300M). Subsequently, DeiT [22] introduced several training strategies to enable ViT to be effective using the smaller ImageNet-1K dataset. To consider the images’ local and 2D nature, the Swin Transformer aggregates attention in a shifted window in a hierarchical structure with greater flexibility and generality. However, only partial local feature extraction is considered. Recently, Transformer has made some improvements on modules, including sparse attention [23,24,25], improved locality [6,26], pyramid design [27,28,29], and improved training strategies [22,30,31,32], which have improved model data efficiency to different degrees. Nevertheless, an extensive literature review reveals that Transformer-based models for wild mushroom classification are still being determined. The authors of [33] were the first to use the visual transformer large network (ViT-L/32) for wild mushroom classification. However, the dataset has only 11 classes, which could not be more generalizable. The number of parameters of the original ViT network is too large, and the network migration is complicated and not conducive to deployment and use. Improvements have been made to ordinary ViT [22,31,32], but none of these ViT variants can outperform SOTA-only convolutional models for ImageNet classification with the same amount of data and computation [34,35]. This suggests that the standard transformer layer may lack the inductive biases that ConvNets have. Because of the slight inter-class variation and significant intra-class variation in wild mushrooms, they belong with the matter of fine-grained visual recognition (FGVR), and native visual transformers cannot directly exploit their advantages on FGVR. For example, the perceptual field of ViT does not scale effectively because the length of patch tokens does not change with the increase in its encoder block. In addition, the model may not effectively capture the regional concerns carried in the patch tokens and is unsuitable for the fine-grained classification of wild mushrooms. Combining the local extraction advantage of convolution with the global extraction advantage of attention, the hybrid design of transformer and convolutional layers will likely be a breakthrough for wild mushroom visual classification.
Moreover, this paper presents an improvement on the MobileViT [36] model, which combines the advantages of ConvNets and ViTs with the global modeling capability of Transformer and the inductive biasing capability of CNN. In this paper, the MobileViT block and the multi-axis attention module [37] in the original model are input side by side, and then their extracted information is fused, while making up for the lack of local information extraction in MobileViT to enable the model to obtain a more comprehensive and effective interaction of local features and global feature information. Also, in this paper, different training strategies are used to evaluate the model’s performance.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Datasets

In our experiments, we mainly used two wild mushroom datasets, where each dataset was divided into training and validation sets according to a ratio of 8:2, and used for training and validation of the model to increase the generalization ability of the model. The sources of the wild mushroom datasets and their types are briefly described next.

2.1.1. Mushroom

These 261 wild mushrooms species were then divided into four types: deadly, toxic, conditionally edible, and edible; the group of conditionally edible mushrooms includes 8 different types of wild mushrooms species, deadly comprises 40 different types of wild mushrooms species, edible contains 67 different types of wild mushrooms species, and there are 146 different types of toxic wild mushroom species. Some of the wild mushroom images are shown in Figure 1.

2.1.2. MO106

This dataset was constructed by cleaning and filtering two datasets, the 2018 FGVCx Fungal Classification Challenge dataset and the Wild Mushroom Observer website (MOW). MO106 [38] consists of 29,100 images in 106 categories, with the largest class having 581 elements and the most minor 105 elements, while the mean value is 275. The image sizes ranged between 97 × 130 (smallest area) and 640 × 640 (largest area). Some of the wild mushroom images are shown in Figure 2.

2.2. Data Enhancement

Training a CNN requires much image data to prevent overfitting. Therefore, this paper enhances the input image data using Pytorch’s built-in methods. We apply random cropping, random rotation, and random vertical and horizontal flipping to the image dataset for data enhancement during the training process. We apply the center crop to the images as a data enhancement operation during inference, and we apply the random order command to upset the order of all transform operations and increase the randomness of the operations. This is shown in Figure 3.

2.3. M-ViT Model

Due to the various appearance features of wild mushrooms, some have great similarities. There are considerable differences between the same wild mushrooms due to shooting angle, light, and target background. Improving the recognition accuracy of fine-grained images requires the network model to be able to learn richer features and have more vital detail feature learning ability. Although Transformer currently achieves promising results on many classification tasks, the Transformer model is more challenging to optimize with many parameters and requires higher arithmetic power. The absolute position bias it uses leads to a more cumbersome migration to other tasks, which is not conducive to deployment. However, MobileViT is a lightweight, low-latency network that combines the advantages of CNN and ViTs network attention mechanisms. So, we chose MobileViT as the network’s backbone and used a migration learning [39] approach. Our method uses the idea of splitting and fusion. First, we introduce the attention mechanism SE module in the MV2 structure of the Mobilenet network to enhance the representation of picture channels, then add the improved multidimensional attention module in the Block module, splice the features obtained from the attention module and the channels of the original feature map into 3C (3 channels), and finally, use the ASPP module to obtain a more long-distance relationship. The method uses dilated convolution to model, which performs multi-scale feature fusion on the input image. The structure of the M-ViT model is shown in Figure 4.

2.3.1. Inverted Bottleneck

The “inverted bottleneck” structure is adopted, in which the features undergo two steps of dimensionality enhancement and reduction during the convolution process. The inherent inductive bias of convolution improves the generalization ability and trainability of the model to a certain extent. In this paper, the SE attention mechanism module is added to the original residual structure to enhance the picture’s channel characterization ability. The structure is shown in Figure 5.
In order to get a richer feature representation, the channel is first up-dimensioned using point-by-point convolution. Depthwise convolution is performed in the up-dimensioned projection space, followed by SE (squeeze excitation) for enhancing the representation of virtual channels. Finally, the dimensionality is recovered using point-by-point convolution again, as expressed in the following equation:
M V 2 ( x ) = x + P r o j ( S E ( D W C o n v ( N o r m ( x ) ) ) )
where P r o j and N o r m represent 1 × 1 convolution, and D W C o n v is a convolution that reduces the number of parameters. Its input feature dimension is equal to the output feature dimension, and the kernel size is 3 × 3 in our experiment; S E is a common module. We do not go into details here.

2.3.2. M-ViT Block

As shown in Figure 6, we use both types of attention in parallel fusion to obtain more detailed local and global interaction information. We also use the typical structure of Transformer, gMLP [40], and common modules such as jump connection and LayerNorm. Since deep convolution can be considered conditional position encoding (CPE) [41], we introduce DW convolution in front of the attention module to replace the location encoding layer used in Transformer.
As shown in Figure 6, we input the feature map into the Multi-direction Attention and Global Attention modules to extract the local and global features of the image and then fuse the extracted features with the original feature map to obtain the feature map (3C) of three channels, and then restore the feature map through fusion ( 3 × 3 convolution). Where Conv is 1 × 1 convolution, the Window partition and Grid partition divide the window and grid into 4 × 4 , block attention executes self-attention in the window, and grid attention globally focuses on the pixels of the entire window and grid space. The Global Attention module in the MobileViT model is insufficient for extracting local information only in the “local representations” section (including 3 × 3 convolution extraction of local features and 1 × 1 convolution adjustment channel number). Interested parties can read the original paper. Therefore, we have added the MDA module to enhance feature extraction. We introduce the MDA module in Section 2.3.4.

2.3.3. gMLP Block

It is well known that self-attention is the dynamic introduction of inductive bias by computing the spatial relationship between inputs. In contrast, gMLP is based on the MLP without the self-attention structure module, and only static parameterized channel projections and spatial projections exist. Compared with MLP, gMLP is less parametric and more effective. The structure is shown in Figure 7. Let the input of gMLP module X R n × d , n is the sequence length, and d is the feature dimension. The gMLP module is expressed as shown in the following equation:
g M L P ( x ) = x + p r o j ( S G U ( G E L U ( p r o j ( n o r m ( x ) ) ) ) )
S G U ( x ) = ( p r o j ( n o r m ( s p l i t ( x ) ) )
where S G U is the acronym of spatial_gating_unit, the p r o j stands for linear projection, n o r m stands for regularization, and g M L P is a commonly used module. Those interested in the details of the g M L P module can read about it in the literature [40].

2.3.4. Multidimension Attention

The multi-scale attention module decomposes the spatial axis into two sparse forms, local (block attention) and global (grid attention), to solve the quadratic complexity caused by global self-attention. Its structure is shown in Figure 8.
  • Block Attention: For the input feature map X R H × W × C , it is transformed into a shape tensor H P × W P , P × P , C to represent the division into non-overlapping windows, where the size of each window is P × P , and finally, the RelAttention computation is performed in windows. First, we define the block (·) operation to convert the input feature graph into a non-overlapping window of P × P size, and then we define unblock (·) to do the opposite. The Block-SA Block in Figure 6 is to divide the Block into Windows and then performs the RelAttention operation, as in the following equations:
    B l o c k : ( H , W , C ) H P × P , W P × P , C H W P 2 , P 2 , C
    R e l A t t e n t i o n ( Q , K , V ) = s o f t m a x ( Q K T ( d ) V
    where Q, K, and V represent query, key, and value matrices, respectively, and d is the dim of Q and K.
    B l o c k - S A ( x ) = ( x + U n b l o c k ( R e l A t t e n t i o n ( B l o c k ( D W C o n v ( L N ( x ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    x = x + g M L P ( L N ( x ) )
  • Grid Attention: Grid attention uses Grid(·) to convert input features into G × G uniform grid to grid the input tensor as G × G , H G × W G , C at which point the window of adaptive size is obtained H G × W G , and finally on G × G The RelAttention calculation is performed on the grid attention. Unlike the Block operation, we need additional transposes to place the grid dimension on the assumed spatial axis. Additionally, the Ungrid (·) is defined to perform the inverse operation to return it to 2D space, as in the follwoing equations:
    Grid : ( H , W , C ) G × H G , G × W G , C G 2 , H W G 2 , C H W G 2 , G 2 , C
    G r i d - S A ( x ) = x + U n G r i d ( R e l A t t e n t i o n ( G r i d ( D W C o n v ( L N ( x ) ) ) ) )
    x = x + g M L P ( L N ( x ) )
  • Global Attention: For the input feature map X R H × W × C , we first operate on the input with D W C o n v and 1 × 1 convolution to obtain X L R H × W × d . DW convolution is used to learn the local and channel spatial information to prevent the loss of spatial information of channels, and 1 × 1 convolution is used to project the input features into the high-dimensional space. A visual transformer (ViT) with multi-headed self-attentiveness is used for modeling to obtain longer-distance relations. However, ViT has many parameters and weak optimization capability because ViT lacks inductive bias. To enable the Transformer (ViT) to learn a global representation with spatial inductive bias, first, the X L is expanded into N non-overlapping patches X U R H × N × d , where P = w h , N = H W P is the number of patches and h n , w n is the height and width of the patches. Each pixel in the patches P { 1 , , P } is modeled by Transformer to get X G R P × N × d , as in the following equations:
    X G ( p ) = T r a n s f o r m e r ( X U ( P ) ) , 1 p P
Unlike ViT, which loses the spatial order of pixels, global attention does not lose either the patch order or the spatial order of pixels within each patch. As shown above, first collapsing the X G R P × N × d to obtain X F R H × W × d and then using a 1 × 1 convolution to X G adjustment to obtain the C dimensional features. Since X U ( p ) uses DW convolution to encode the local information, and X G ( p ) encodes the global information at the p-th position in the P patch, it is possible for the X G to make sense of the X perception of the global information.
Finally, the M-ViT Block module uses the Fusion convolution module to fuse the local and global features extracted from the Multi-scale Attention module and the Global Attention module.

3. Results

In this section, we present a detailed analysis of the experiments, including the dataset, performance metrics, detailed results, and an analysis of the ablation experiments to better illustrate the effectiveness of the M-ViT architecture.

3.1. Implementation Details and Performance Evaluation Metrics

We implemented the M-ViT model with the Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.7.0 framework. The input image size is 224 × 224 × 3 . Data enhancements, such as horizontal flipping, rotation, and random cropping, are used on the image to increase the data diversity. The proposed model is trained on a single high-performance NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090 graphics card. Optimization is performed using the AdamW [42] optimizer with a training epoch of 300, a batch size of 32, a learning rate of 5 × 10 4 , and a weight decay of 5 × 10 3 . Our experiments use accuracy, precision, recall, and specificity rubrics to evaluate the model’s performance.
  • Accuracy: This indicates the accuracy of the prediction result, the number of correctly predicted samples divided by the total number of samples, as in the following equation:
    A c c u r a c y = T P + T N T P + F P + T N + F N
  • Precision: This indicates the probability of correctly predicting a positive sample among the predicted to be positive in the prediction result, as in the following equation:
    P r e c i s i o n = T P T P + F P
  • Recall: Also known as the sensitivity, this indicates the probability that a positive sample of the original sample will be correctly predicted as a positive sample in the end, as in the follwing equation:
    R e c a l l = T P T P + F N
  • F1-Score: This represents the harmonic mean evaluation metric of precision and recall. The F1-score is a weighted average of the model’s precision and recall, with a maximum value of 1 and a minimum value of 0, as in the follwing equation:
    F 1 - S c o r e = 2 P r e c i s i o n R e c a l l P r e c i s i o n + R e c a l l
  • Specificity: This describes the proportion of identified negative samples to all negative samples, as in the following equation:
    S p e c i f i c i t y = T N F P + T N
where T P (true positive) indicates the number of samples judged to be positive and are positive; F P (false positive) indicates the number of samples judged to be positive but are negative; T N (true negative) indicates the number of samples judged to be negative and are negative; and F N (false negative) indicates the number of samples judged to be negative but are positive. Negative indicates the number of samples judged to be negative but are positive.

3.2. Experimental Results and Analysis

We validated the effectiveness of our proposed model on two wild mushroom datasets for the visual classification task of wild mushrooms. We compared the results obtained by the method in this paper on the MO106 and mushroom datasets with the Mobilenet-V2, Efficienetb0, and ConvNeXt networks, which are typical convolutional networks, as well as the more recent advanced attention networks Transfomer and Swin-transformer networks. Table 1 compares the performance of the proposed method with the methods proposed in other published studies and shows that our method outperforms several other methods in terms of accuracy. As can be seen from the data in the table, our method outperforms MobileViT, and both our method and MobileViT network use images with a resolution of 224 as input. The accuracy obtained by this method on the mushroom dataset (91.83%) is 5.72% higher than that obtained by the base model backbone on this dataset (86.1%) and 11.59% higher than that obtained by ConvNeXt (80.24%), a variant of the current state-of-the-art convolutional neural network; the accuracy obtained on the MO106 dataset (96.21%) is 11.59% higher than that obtained by the base model backbone network on this dataset. The accuracy obtained on the MO106 dataset (96.21%) is 3.63% higher than that obtained by the base model backbone network on this dataset (92.58%). The method in this paper achieved good results. The method in this paper is based on the standard MobileViT network improvement, which has the potential for further improvement. Table 2 shows the classification performance of the M-ViT model on the mushroom dataset for each class of wild mushrooms. The results show that the scores of the M-ViT model achieved good results in each wild mushroom category. For edible and poisonous types of wild mushrooms, M-ViT models had higher F1-score of 94.9% and 92.9%, respectively. Conditionally_edible (87.3%) and deadly (81.9%) are less effective in wild mushrooms; this is because the number of mushrooms species in the poisonous group accounts for a relatively small proportion in the Conditionally_edible and deadly groups. The data imbalance in deep learning skews results in favor of those with more data, therefore, we conducted the experimental verification on the MO106 dataset with relatively uniform data distribution, and there was no such difference. Thus, our model achieved good performance.

3.3. Ablation Experiments

This paper proposes a Transformer network M-ViT based on multidimensional fine-grained attention information fusion with MobileViT as the base network. To address the problem that the attention module of the MobileViT network is not comprehensive for fine-grained feature extraction of wild mushrooms, firstly, we propose a local and Global Attention module MDA, which is input to the network side by side with the attention module of the backbone network for complete feature extraction of local and global features; secondly, an attention SE module is introduced into the residual module in MobileViT for enhancing the representation of the channel, and then a multi-scale information extraction module ASPP is introduced to feature maps at different scales are fused. Finally, different training strategies are used for training comparison to optimize the model’s performance. In order to verify the effectiveness of each module in the model proposed in this paper, this section conducts ablation experiments on two datasets, MO106 and mushroom, and compares them with the backbone network.
First, the function of the MDA module is verified, and then the different arrangements of the MDA module are added to Layer2, Layer3, and Layer4 based on the MobileViT network. As shown in Table 3, “√” indicates that the MDA module is added to the corresponding layer in the MobileViT network, and “×” indicates that it is not added, but the original attention block is used.
Table 3 shows the seven cases of the original MobileViT model with MDA modules added to different layers. On the MO106 dataset, the accuracy of adding the MDA module to Layer2, Layer3, and Layer4 is 94.74%, 94.69%, and 95.04%, respectively, which is 2.16%, 2.11%, and 2.46% higher compared with the backbone. On the mushroom dataset, the accuracy of adding the MDA module to Layer2, Layer3, and Layer4 was 90.13%, 90.20%, and 90.34%, respectively, which improved by 4.02%, 4.09% and 4.23%, respectively, compared with the backbone. However, after adding two or three MDA modules at different locations in Layer2, Layer3, and Layer4 simultaneously, the model’s accuracy decreased, which was affected by overfitting after the model became complex. Therefore, considering the accuracy and the number of network parameters, this study chose to add MDA at Layer 4 for the next improvement. We then investigated the effect of different MLPs in the MDA module on the network, and the results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4 shows the effect of adding different MLP modules to the model. From the experimental results, the gMLP module improved both datasets’ accuracy, so we chose to include the gMLP module.
Table 5 shows the effect of having the SE module on the model. The SE module is an attention mechanism that enhances the channels’ representational ability. In contrast, our MDA module is an attention module that blends global and local attention. After adding the SE module, the accuracy of the two datasets improved a little, indicating that the SE module impacts the characterization ability of the mushroom access channel.
Table 6 shows the effect of the ASPP module on the model. We added the ASPP module after Layer5 of the model for fusing the different scale information of the model, and the ASPP module increased the perceptual field of the network without downsampling, which made up for the lack of the Transformer’s perceptual field and enhanced the network’s ability to obtain multi-scale contextual information. As shown in Table 6, the model’s accuracy was improved to 91.83% on the mushroom dataset and 96.21% on the MO106 dataset after adding this module.

3.4. Model Evaluation and Interpretability Analysis

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed network M-ViT, the model with the best training results was saved for testing. For the “black box” problem of deep learning, the models were analyzed for interpretability, and the models’ confusion matrix and heat map were plotted.

3.4.1. Confusion Matrix

The confusion matrix is a common metric for judging model results and belongs to the model evaluation section. In order to evaluate the classification effect of the model on each category, we drew the confusion matrix for visual analysis of the mushroom dataset on the M-ViT model and other models, as shown in Figure 9. The ShuffleNet network performed worst in the category conditionally_edible, all models have better results in the edible category, and our model has higher accuracy than the other eight models in all four categories.

3.4.2. Grad-CAM

We used Grad-CAM [43] to draw the following heat map, which can be used to analyze whether the network learns the correct features or information, increasing the interpretability of the model. The formula is shown below in the following equations:
L G r a d - C A M c = R E L U k α k c A k
where A represents a specific feature layer, which in our model is the feature layer output from the last convolution layer; k represents the feature A of the k channel; c represents the category; and A k represents the feature layer A in the channel k in the feature layer. α k c represents the data for the A k .
The weights of the α k c in the calculation formula are as in the following equation:
α k c = 1 Z i j y c A i j k
where y c represents the score predicted by the network for the category c; A i j k represents the feature layer A in the channel k with coordinates i j as the position of the data; and Z is equal to the width of the feature layer × height. We visualized the backbone model and our model drawing heat maps for the mushroom datasets for analysis, and the results are shown in Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12. It is clear from the image results that our model can focus more comprehensively on the characteristics of wild mushrooms.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we propose an M-ViT model that increases the impact of fine-grained recognition by combining low-level features and high-level feature information of wild mushrooms. Our approach uses multidimensional attention to sample the planar and spatial information of wild mushroom images and decompose the spatial axis information to reduce the computational complexity of the attention operator for image representation extraction. Add the multidimensional and Global Attention modules to the process of extract potential representations, use ASPP fusion modules to fuse the extracted image information of different sizes, and improve the distinguish ability of possible image representations. In this study, MobileViT, a lightweight model combining convolution and Transformer, is introduced into the visual classification transformer model of wild mushrooms for the first time and achieves a better recognition rate with small model parameters. Many experiments have been carried out using the MO106 and mushroom datasets.Through experiments, our method was 91.83% accurate on the mushroom dataset and 96.21% on the MO106 dataset, which is higher than the Mobilenet-V2, ConvNeXt, Transformer, and Swin-transformer networks; it can be used as an auxiliary identification method of wild mushrooms.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.P. and Y.X.; methodology, Y.P. and Y.X.; software, Y.P. and J.S.; validation, Y.P. and Y.X.; formal analysis, Y.P. and S.J.; investigation, Y.P. and S.J.; resources, Y.P.; data curation, Y.P., J.S. and S.J.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.P.; writing—review and editing, Y.P. and J.S.; visualization, Y.P.; supervision, Y.P. and Y.X.; funding acquisition, Y.X. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was supported by Guizhou Provincial Key Technology R&D Program [2021] General 176.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are available in the Mushroom repository and MO106 repository at (accessed on 16 July 2022) and (accessed on 5 August 2022).


The authors would like to thank the editors and the anonymous reviewers for their valuable suggestions.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Images of some species of mushrooms included in Mushrooms.
Figure 1. Images of some species of mushrooms included in Mushrooms.
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Figure 2. Images of some species of mushrooms included in MO106.
Figure 2. Images of some species of mushrooms included in MO106.
Applsci 13 04680 g002
Figure 3. Images data augmentation.
Figure 3. Images data augmentation.
Applsci 13 04680 g003
Figure 4. The M-ViT pipeline.
Figure 4. The M-ViT pipeline.
Applsci 13 04680 g004
Figure 5. The MV2 Block.
Figure 5. The MV2 Block.
Applsci 13 04680 g005
Figure 6. The M-ViT Block.
Figure 6. The M-ViT Block.
Applsci 13 04680 g006
Figure 7. The gMLP Block.
Figure 7. The gMLP Block.
Applsci 13 04680 g007
Figure 8. The MDA Block.
Figure 8. The MDA Block.
Applsci 13 04680 g008
Figure 9. Confusion matrices of the classification results for the mushroom dataset of all models.
Figure 9. Confusion matrices of the classification results for the mushroom dataset of all models.
Applsci 13 04680 g009
Figure 10. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
Figure 10. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
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Figure 11. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
Figure 11. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
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Figure 12. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
Figure 12. The thermodynamic diagrams of backbone model and ours.
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Table 1. Comparison with other methods on two datasets.
Table 1. Comparison with other methods on two datasets.
MethodEpochBatch SizeAccuracy (%)Loss
ShuffleNet3003289.54 83.5 0.120.164
Backbone3003292.58 86.11 0.6030.90
Our method30032 96.21 91.83 1.0530.871
Table 2. Classification evaluation results of M-ViT on the mushroom dataset.
Table 2. Classification evaluation results of M-ViT on the mushroom dataset.
ClassPrecision (%)Recall (%)Specificity (%)F1-Score (%)
Table 3. The effect of Multidimension Attention on the model at different locations.
Table 3. The effect of Multidimension Attention on the model at different locations.
Layer2Layer3Layer4DatasetAccuracy (%)DatasetAccuracy (%)
3××MO106 95.04 mushroom 90.34
Table 4. Effect of different MLPs on the model at different locations.
Table 4. Effect of different MLPs on the model at different locations.
BlockDatasetAccuracy (%)DatasetAccuracy (%)
gMLPMO106 96.15 mushroom 91.42
Table 5. Impact of SE module on the model.
Table 5. Impact of SE module on the model.
SEDatasetAccuracy (%)DatasetAccuracy (%)
Table 6. Impact of the ASPP module on the model.
Table 6. Impact of the ASPP module on the model.
ASPPDatasetAccuracy (%)DatasetAccuracy (%)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Peng, Y.; Xu, Y.; Shi, J.; Jiang, S. Wild Mushroom Classification Based on Improved MobileViT Deep Learning. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4680.

AMA Style

Peng Y, Xu Y, Shi J, Jiang S. Wild Mushroom Classification Based on Improved MobileViT Deep Learning. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(8):4680.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Peng, Youju, Yang Xu, Jin Shi, and Shiyi Jiang. 2023. "Wild Mushroom Classification Based on Improved MobileViT Deep Learning" Applied Sciences 13, no. 8: 4680.

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