Construction Schedule versus Various Constraints and Risks
:1. Introduction
2. Scheduling Construction Processes
- Summary methods (estimated, statistical, comparative),
- Analytical methods (analytical research, analytical–computational).
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Time Coupling Method—TCM
- Continuity of work of brigades (zero coupling between activities performed by individual brigades);
- Continuity of work on the plots (zero coupling between activities);
- Sequence of activities, assuming minimization of the construction project completion time, without maintaining the continuity of work of teams and continuity of work on working plots.
- TCM I—continuity of work of individual work brigades is maintained;
- TCM II—continuity of work is maintained on working plots (sectors);
- TCM III—where the priority is to minimize the implementation time of the construction project, team downtime and failure to maintain continuity of work on work plots are possible;
- TCM IV, V, VI—minimum working time is taken into account with additional restrictions applied.
3.2. Multivariate Method of Statistical Models—MMSM
- Defining the problem;
- Obtaining and analyzing data;
- Variable analysis;
- Analysis of the occurrence of linear correlations of variables;
- Predictive modeling with application: Multiple Regression, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Generalized Additive Methods, Spiking Neutral Network, Support Vector Machine;
- Checking the correctness of calculations.
3.3. Standard Deviations
3.4. Cyclograms
3.5. Validation and Verification Studies of the Developed PTCM and the Obtained Solutions
4. Probabilistic Time Coupling Methods—PTCM
- tij—calculated implementation time of construction process j on plot i;
- σij—standard deviation of the completion time of construction process j on plot I;
- Σij—the sum of standard deviations of processes preceding the construction process j on plot i and the standard deviation σ(tij) of current work, calculated by the formula for the sum of deviations of independent variables;
- tijr—prognostic start time of the construction process j on plot i;
- tijz—prognostic time of completion of the construction process j on plot i (most probable);
- tijmin—prognostic minimum time for completing the construction process j on plot i (the most optimistic);
- tijmax—prognostic time of maximum completion of the construction process j on plot i (the most pessimistic).
4.1. PTCM I—Description of the Model and Method of Calculating the Time Characteristics of Construction Works in the Flow-Shop System, Assuming the Continuity of Work of Work Teams
4.2. PTCM II—Description of the Model and Methodology for Calculating the Time Characteristics of Construction Works in a Stream System and Assuming Continuity of Work in Working Sectors
4.3. PTCM III—Description of the Model and Methodology for Calculating the Time Characteristics of Construction Works in the Flow-Shop System and Assuming Minimization of the Work Time
4.4. Validation and Verification of the PTCM Methodology
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scheduling Method | The Most Optimistic (Minimum) Investment Implementation Time (Working Days) | The Most Probable Investment Implementation Time (Working Days) | The Most Pessimistic (Maximum) Investment Implementation Time (Working Days) | |
assumption of continuity of brigades’ work | PTCM I | 154.9 | 161.2 | 167.5 |
Real time of the process | - | 162.7 | - | |
RiskyProject Professional | 154.88 | 161.21 | 167.46 | |
assumption of continuity of work on work sectors | PTCM II | 180.7 | 187.8 | 194.9 |
Real time of the process | - | 191.3 | - | |
RiskyProject Professional | 197.71 | 188.08 | 194.90 | |
simultaneous assumption of continuity of work by brigade and in work sectors | PTCM III | 139.9 | 146.7 | 153.5 |
Real time of the process | - | 148.4 | - | |
RiskyProject Professional | 139.70 | 146.69 | 153.46 |
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Kostrzewa-Demczuk, P. Construction Schedule versus Various Constraints and Risks. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 196.
Kostrzewa-Demczuk P. Construction Schedule versus Various Constraints and Risks. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(1):196.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKostrzewa-Demczuk, Paulina. 2024. "Construction Schedule versus Various Constraints and Risks" Applied Sciences 14, no. 1: 196.
APA StyleKostrzewa-Demczuk, P. (2024). Construction Schedule versus Various Constraints and Risks. Applied Sciences, 14(1), 196.