From Time-Series to Hybrid Models: Advancements in Short-Term Load Forecasting Embracing Smart Grid Paradigm
:1. Introduction
- Unlike previous reviews, it uniquely focuses on a comprehensive analysis of STLF methodologies (statistical, intelligent computing, hybrid models), considering multiple sectors to provide a broader perspective while integrating the smart grid perspective.
- It provides a thorough background on load forecasting, emphasizing its importance, load curve characteristics, influencing factors, and categorization.
- Addressing the evolving landscape, the paper explores STLF in smart grids, highlighting the role of smart devices and storage systems in improving accuracy for efficient energy management.
- The study concludes with findings, research gaps, and future perspectives from a detailed literature review.
2. Methodology
- Objective: Short-term electrical load forecasting.
- Keywords: Short-term electrical load forecasting, time-series models, exponential smoothing methods, regression models, machine learning models, expert systems, hybrid models, and smart grids.
- Studies covering STLF supply/demand.
- Key novel/review publications on STLF models from renowned institutions/authors.
- This review exclusively incorporates research papers published in peer-reviewed journals, excluding contributions from conference papers.
3. Load Forecasting
4. Evaluation Criteria
- The largest negative and positive differences between a predicted value and the actual values are indicated by the terms maximum negative error (MNE) and maximum positive error (MPE), respectively. For some applications, these values may be more relevant than the typical error (e.g., fuel storage forecasting in a power plant).
- Relative root mean square error (rRMSE) normalizes the RMSE by dividing it by the range of actual values. This makes it easier to compare prediction accuracy across datasets of different scales.
- The coefficient of determination (R2), which is used in the literature to measure the fit of the prediction model [66]. If R2 is closer to 0, this indicates low predictive ability and poor fit of the data.
- Percentage error (PE) quantifies the relative discrepancy between forecasted and actual values, expressed as a percentage. It provides clarity on the direction and extent of forecast inaccuracies.
- The residual sum of squares (RSS), which represents the expected deviations from actual data values, is the sum of the squares of the residuals. It can be calculated using the RMSE. It measures how much divergence there is between the actual data and an estimated model.
- Pearson’s correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) measures the linear relationship between forecasted and actual values. A high correlation indicates a robust linear relationship, indicating that the forecasting models are effectively capturing the underlying patterns.
- The standard deviation of residuals is a statistical term used to represent the difference between the standard deviations of the observed values and the anticipated values, as indicated by the points in a regression analysis.
- Bias quantifies the consistent deviation of forecasts from actual values. Positive bias indicates consistently higher forecasts, while negative bias indicates consistently lower forecasts.
- Some authors also employ quality comparisons between the time series generated by different algorithms and the real validation data [67].
5. Methods for Short-Term Load Forecasting
5.1. Statistical Methods
5.2. Intelligent-Computing-Based Models
5.3. Hybrid Models
6. Smart Grid
7. Discussion
7.1. Accuracy
7.2. Time Analysis
7.3. Geographical Extent
7.4. Robustness and Reliability
7.5. Computational Efficiency and Its Impact
7.6. Implications of Scalability
7.7. Policy and Future Research
8. Outcomes
- The forecasting time, weather conditions, and system economy all have a significant impact on the accuracy of a given load forecasting model.
- To assess the reliability of a hybrid or single predictive model’s reliability, the values of MAE, RMSE, and MAPE can be employed.
- A multitude of articles consider a plethora of climatic variables based on the specific application and location in question, rendering the use of standard variables irrelevant for LF, as the LF fails to account for them.
- Geographical factors, such as temperature and humidity, render the STLF case sensitive, with location-specific variations impacting model performance and accuracy.
- Correlational analysis of the load-forecasting-related elements has a significant impact on the model’s accuracy. Any alterations to the region will have a detrimental effect on the model’s accuracy, given that these correlations are similarly dependent on the region in question.
- By incorporating econometric variables, loading data, or statistical processes, the values derived from STLF can be approximated to those of MTLF or LTLF.
- The ELM offers expedient training, the fuzzy C-means method offers a superior error analysis index, FRBS has the capacity to approximate all variables, and MLP and LSTM have the most precise classification of the single methods listed.
- From a literature perspective, the combination of various single predictive methods for load forecasting, such as ANN, SVM, or LSTM-based double predictive models, has demonstrated enhanced outcomes.
- In various studies, a variety of clustering techniques were employed, with K-means demonstrating superior performance.
- In load forecasting models, optimization strategies were employed with great frequency. Nevertheless, the GA and PSO techniques were predominantly applied due to their superior crossover and mutation performance and optimal fitness.
- The STLF plays a pivotal role in optimizing smart grid operations, particularly in the context of integrating advanced technologies such as smart meters, V2G, and second-life batteries.
- The use of smart meters provides valuable data for STLF, thereby enhancing forecasting accuracy.
- The integration of second-life batteries introduces a new level of adaptability, improving the stability and overall performance of the smart grid.
9. Research Gaps and Future Directions
10. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
EMS | Energy Management System | SVD-ES | Singular Value Decomposition-Based Exponential Smoothing |
EG | Electric Grid | PS | Power System |
RESs | Renewable Energy Sources | FFNN | Feed-Forward Neural Network |
STLF | Short-Term Load Forecasting | DERs | Distributed Energy Resources |
RNNs | Recurrent Neural Networks | BFGS | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno |
ELM | Extreme Learning Machine | NNs | Neural Networks |
DSM | Demand-Side Management | PF | Particle Filter |
LF | Load Forecasting | MF | Multi-Component Forecast |
EDF | Electricity Demand Forecast | LWR | Locally Weighted Regression |
RMSE | Root Mean Square Error | LWSVR | Locally Weighted Support Vector Regression |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error | NPR | Non-Parametric Regression |
MAPE | Mean Absolute Percentage Error | RMSPE | Root Mean Square Percentage Error |
ICM | Intelligent-Computing-Based Model | MLR | Multiple Linear Regression |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network | ILP | Integer Linear Programming |
GRU | Gated Recurrent Unit | PLAQ-RM | Partially Linear Additive Quantile Regression Model |
DNN | Deep Neural Network | SSVRE | Subsampled Support Vector Regression Ensemble |
ML | Machine Learning | PAR | Passive Aggressive Regression |
EVs | Electric Vehicles | SGDR | Stochastic Gradient Descent Regressor |
LTLF | Long-Term Load Forecasting | FTRLP | Follow-the-Regularized-Leader-Proxima |
MTLF | Medium-Term Load Forecasting | ARMA | Autoregressive Moving Average |
VSTLF | Very Short-Term Load Forecasting | PSO | Particle Swamp Optimization |
ABPA | Adaptive Back Propagation Algorithm | MLF-NN | Multi-Layer Feedforward Neural Network |
MARS | Multi-Variate Adaptive Regression Spline | BPNN | Back Propagation Neural Network |
LR | Linear Regression | ENN | Evolving Neural Network |
TD-CNN | Time-Dependent Convolutional Neural Network | SVMSA | Support Vector Machines with Simulated Annealing |
C-LSTM | Cycle-Based Long Short-Term Memory | GRNN | General Regression Neural Network |
MLP | Multi-Layer Perceptron | FNN | Fuzzy Neural Network |
GA | Genetic Algorithm | MRA | Multiple Regression Analysis |
NARX-NN | Non-Linear Autoregressive with Exogenous Inputs Neural Network | ADE-BPNN | Adaptive Differential Evolution with BPNN |
EMS | Energy Management System | WEFuNN | Weighted Evolving Fuzzy Neural Networks |
ES | Exponential Smoothing | RBFNN | Radial Basis Function Neural Network |
MMI | Modified Mutual Information | DEKF-RBFNN | Dual Extended Kalman Filter RBFNN |
FCRBM | Factored-Conditional-Restricted Boltzmann Machine | GRD-RBFNN | Gradient Decent RBFNN |
DT | Decision Tree | DCANN | Dynamic Choice Artificial Neural Network |
NLR | Non-Linear Regression | UDCANN | Updated Dynamic Choice Artificial Neural Network |
LSSVM | Least Squares Support Vector Machine | IBSM | Index of Bad Samples Matrix |
OSELM | Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine | DRNNs | Deep Recurrent Neural Networks |
EGARCH | Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity | D-SARIMA | Difference Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average |
ARIMA | Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average | MFES | Multi-Output FFNN with EMD-Based Signal Filtering and Seasonal Adjustment |
SARIMA | Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average | MFNN | Multi-Output Feed-Forward Neural Network |
SARIMAX | Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogeneous Input | MFE | Multi-Output FFNN with EMD-Based Signal Filtering |
BVAR | Bayesian Vector Autoregressive | RBF | Radial Basis Function |
GARCH | Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity | PDRNN | Pooling-Based Recurrent Neural Network |
SEGARCH | Seasonal Exponential Form of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity | KNN | K-Nearest Neighbor |
WNN | Wavelet Neural Network | CLD | Characteristic Load Decomposition |
WARCH | Winters Model with Exponential Form of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity | EMD-SVR | Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Support Vector Regression |
SES | Single Exponential Smoothing | IR | Interactions Regression |
DES | Double Exponential Smoothing | SWLR | Step-Wise Linear Regression |
TES | Triple Exponential Smoothing | DDBN | Distributed Deep Belief Network |
RM | Regression Model | OLS | Ordinary Least Square |
RM-W-SML | Regression Models without Utilizing Supervised Machine Learning | ResNet | Residual Neural Network |
RM-SML | Regression Models Utilizing Supervised Machine Learning | CGA | Chaos-Search Genetic Algorithm |
MTR | Medium Tree Regression | MFWNS | Meteorological-Forecast-Based Weighted Nearest Similar Day Method |
LgR | Logistic Regression | AGG | Aggregated Load with Measurement of One Node |
SWR | Step-Wise Regression | DTLP | Data-Type Conditioned Linear Prediction |
RRM | Robust Regression Model | MIMO | Multiple-Input Multiple-Output |
CTR | Coarse Tree Regression | DWT | Dyadic Wavelet Transform |
DL | Deep Learning | R-DNN | Recurrent Deep Neural Networks |
SOM | Self-Organizing Map | ||
FTR | Fine Tree Regression | RF | Random Forest |
LSVM | Linear Support Vector Machine | RELM | Recurrent Extreme Learning Machine |
QSVM | Quadratic Support Vector Machine | CSVM | Cubic Support Vector Machine |
FGSVM | Fine Gaussian Support Vector Machine | FTL-ANN | Follow the Leader ANN |
MGSVM | Medium Gaussian Support Vector Machine | MOFTL | Multi-Objective Follow the Leader |
CGSVM | Coarse Gaussian Support Vector Machine | MOWCA | Multi-Objective Water Cycle Algorithm |
RQGPR | Rational Quadratic Gaussian Process Regression | MOPSO | Multi-Population Coevolution-Based Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization |
SEGPR | Squared Exponential Gaussian Process Regression | NSGA-II | Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm |
M-5/2-GPR | Matern 5/2 Gaussian Process Regression | SVM | Support Vector Machine |
EGPR | Exponential Gaussian Process Regression | DR | Dynamic Regression |
BT | Boosted Tree | PSF | Pattern Sequence-Based Direct Time-Series Forecasting |
BgT | Bagged Tree | SCPSNSP | SOM Cluster Pattern Sequence-Based Next Symbol Prediction Method |
OP-ELM | Optimally Pruned Extreme Learning Machine | CSA-SVM | Support Vector Machine Optimized By Cuckoo Search Algorithm |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory | GA-BPNN | Genetic Algorithm-Based Back Propagation Neural Network |
AN | Abductive Network | TCMS-CNN | Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network with Time Cognition |
GP | Grey Prediction | DM-MS-CNN | Direct Multi-Step Multi-Scale CNN |
FCMs | Fuzzy C-Means | DM-GCNN | Direct Multi-Step Genetic CNN |
FR | Fuzzy Regression | FRBS | Fuzzy Rule Base System |
AIS | Artificial Immune System | CIS | Correlation-Based Input Selection |
GA | Genetic Algorithm | ABCO | Artificial Bee Colony Optimization |
FA | Firefly Algorithm | QGBRT | Quantile Gradient Boosting Regression Tree |
MA | Memetic Algorithm | CSA | Cuckoo Search Algorithm |
GSA | Gravitational Search Algorithm | BRNN | Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network |
SAA | Simulated Annealing Algorithm | SIWNN | Similar Day-Based Wavelet Neural Network |
ACO | Ant Colony Optimization | SSA-SVR | Singular Spectrum Analysis-Based Support Vector Regression |
CASO | Chaotic Ant Swarm Optimization | ANN-FA | ANN and Firefly Algorithm |
SVM-BFGSFA | SVM and Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno Firefly Algorithm | HMM | Hidden Markov Model |
SVM-HAS | SVM and Harmony Search Algorithm | MCRN | Multi-Column Radial Basis Function Neural Network |
SVM-FFOA | SVM and Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm | CEEMD | Complementary Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition |
SVM-GA | SVM and Genetic Algorithm | SecRPSO | Improved PSO with Second-Order Oscillation and Repulsive Force Factor |
SVM-PSO | SVM and Particle Swarm Optimization | WGRP | Weighted Gray Relation Projection Algorithm |
SVM-SAA | SVM and Simulated Annealing Algorithm | mRMR | Minimal Redundancy Maximal Relevance |
ANN-CT | ANN and Clustering Techniques | QRF | Quantile Regression Forest |
ANN-NFIS | ANN and Neural Fuzzy Interference System | QET | Quantile Extra Tree |
ANN-WT | ANN and Wavelet Transform | ANN-AIS | ANN and Artificial Immune System |
ANN-GA | ANN and Genetic Algorithm | ANN-PSO | ANN and Particle Swarm Optimization |
GNN-WT-GAFL | Generalized Neural Network-Wavelet Transform-Genetic Algorithm With Fuzzy Logic | FLR | Fuzzy Linear Regression |
EMD-PSO-SVR | Empirical Mode Decomposition-Particle Swarm Optimization-Support Vector Regression | KF | Kalman Filter |
EEMD-GLM-GOA | Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition-Extreme Learning Machine-Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm | IT2-FLSs | Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems |
GHSA-FTS-LS-SVM | Global Harmony Search Algorithm-Fuzzy Time Series-Least Squares-Support Vector Machine | IMF | Intrinsic Mode Function |
T-C-IEMD-DBN | T-Copula-Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition-Deep Belief Network | SDA | Stacked Denoising Autoencoder |
FCW-EMD & KF-BA-SVM | Fuzzy Combination Weight-Empirical Mode Decomposition And Kalman Filtering-Bat Algorithm-Support Vector Machine | GA-NARX-NN | Genetic Algorithm-Non-Linear Autoregressive with Exogenous Input-Neural Network |
GA-PSO-ANFIS | Genetic Algorithm-Particle Swarm Optimization-Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System | MetaFA | Metaheuristic Firefly Algorithm |
WRLS | Weighted Recursive Least Squares | GMM | Gaussian Mixture Model |
BNN | Bayesian Neural Network | BFGSFA | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno Firefly Algorithm |
PSO-ARMAX | Particle Swarm Optimization-ARMAX | DenseNet | Densely Connected Convolutional Network |
HSPO-ARMAX | Hybrid ARMAX Model Based on Evolutionary Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization | LSSVR | Least Square Support Vector Regression |
TSK | Takagi–Sugeno–Kang Models | RVFL | Random Vector Functional Link Network |
ILS | Iterative Least Square | DDPG | Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
TFM | Transfer Function Model | BSAS | Beetle Swarm Antennae Search |
CAViaR | Conditional Autoregressive Value at Risk | DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
CARE | Conditional Autoregressive Expectile | ESSO | Enhanced Shark Smell Optimization |
HFSM | Holistic Feature Selection Method | GNN | Grey Neural Network |
MA-C-WH | Moving Average Combined Hybrid Model and Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm | CB-FWNN | Clustering-Based Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network |
KP-SVR | Kernel-Penalized SVR | WD | Wavelet Decomposition |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation | TCN | Temporal Convolutional Network |
CR | Czech Republic | EUNITE | European Network on Intelligent Technologies |
SK | South Korea | PKNN | Parallel K-Nearest Neighbors |
ISO-NE | ISO New England | CGA-ANN | Continuous Genetic Algorithm ANN |
SA | South Africa | VAR | Vector Autoregression |
VARX | VAR with Exogenous Variables | SSWA | Single Scale Weighted Aggregation |
MSWA | Multi-Scale Weighted Aggregation | 2S-MSWA | Two-Step Multi-Scaled Weighted Aggregation |
ACORN | Geo-Demographic Characteristics of a Household | PLSTM | Pooling-Based LSTM |
DDF | Distributed Differential Privacy | LDF | Local Differential Privacy |
FL | Federated Learning | HC | Hierarchical Clustering |
LFT | Local Fine-Tuning | BELM | Bootstrap-Based Extreme Learning Machine Method |
RBM | Reconciled Boosted Model | LQREC | Linear Quantile Regression and Empirical Copula-Based Day-Ahead HPLF Method |
FWK | Functional Wavelet-Kernel Approach | CFWK | Clustering-Based Improvement of FWK |
ST-BTMLPVF | Spatiotemporal Behind-the-Meter Load and PV Forecasting | ST-GAE | Spatiotemporal Graph Autoencoder |
STGDL | Spatiotemporal Graph Dictionary Learning | CNN-Bi-GRU | Convolution Neural Network Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit |
CKDE | Conditional Kernel Density Estimation | QRTE | Quantile Regression Tree Ensemble |
CED | Conditional Empirical Distribution | DPMM | Dirichlet Process Mixture Model |
MCMC | Markov Chain Monte Carlo | STPLF | Short-Term Probabilistic Load Forecasting |
CQRA | Constrained Quantile Regression Averaging | BI | Best Individual |
NS | Naïve Sorting | MED | Median Value |
SA | Simple Averaging | WA | Weighted Averaging |
IPFE | Inner-Product Functional Encryption | CAT | Change and Transmit |
CGAE | Convolutional Graph Autoencoder | ST-BTMLPVF | Spatiotemporal Behind-the-Meter Load and PV Forecasting |
ST-GAE | ST-graph Autoencoder | STGDL | Spatiotemporal Graph Dictionary Learning |
BTM | Behind-the-Meter | M-LSTM | Multi-Task LSTM |
V2G | Vehicle-to-Grid | SCC | Schedulable Charge Capacity |
SDC | Schedulable Discharge Capacity | GBDT | Gradient Boosting Decision Tree |
PGBDT | Parallel Gradient Boosting Decision Tree | PRF | Parallel Random Forest |
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- United Nations List of Countries, Areas and Geographical Groupings. Available online: (accessed on 26 April 2023).
Reference | Year | Review Type | Remarks |
[33] | 1982 | Systematic | Categorized modeling techniques reflect load demand. Multi-variable identification methods model load demand at key nodes in large power systems. |
[34] | 1987 | Tutorial | Emphasized the critical role of STLF in EMS online scheduling and security operations and addressed practical implementation challenges. |
[35] | 2001 | Methodological | Presented a comprehensive review of CI approaches to STLF in power plants without relying on traditional models. It includes eight case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach under different conditions. |
[36] | 2001 | Critically evaluated | Evaluated skepticism of NNs in STLF in various publications, suggesting that more research on large NNs with stringent standards is needed for conclusive results. |
[37] | 2015 | Systematic | Reviewed and evaluated AI-based LF models, highlighting the importance of factors such as ANN architecture, input combinations, activation functions, training procedures, and exogenous variables on accuracy. |
[38] | 2016 | Tutorial | Reviewed probabilistic LF, including research directions and LF strategies. |
[39] | 2017 | Systematic | Organized LF techniques with a focus on scenario-specific model selection. Provided a taxonomy for model selection based on challenges. |
[40] | 2017 | Comparative | Compared STLF using different RNN architectures. |
[41] | 2020 | Comprehensive | Examined STLF using single, hybrid, and combined approaches. |
[42] | 2021 | Narrative | An analysis of the residential, commercial, industrial, and off-grid sectors was reported. It highlighted the limitations of current LF models and proposed solutions. |
Benefits | Beneficiaries | Impact on Beneficiaries | |||||
Government | Environment | Power Utility | Industrial | Commercial | Residential | ||
Ahead-of-load demand | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Aids decision-making. |
Planning and execution | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Plan and make decisions to avoid disruptions. |
Maintaining infrastructure | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Prioritize infrastructure advancements. |
Purchasing and conserving fuel | - | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Pre-negotiation and warehouse preparation. |
Resource calculation | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Management of spinning and non-spinning reserve. |
Asymmetrical energy preparation | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Production facilities and uncertainties management. |
Development of facilities | - | - | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | Improvements in generation and resource addition. |
Continuous power supply | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Intelligent power supply management. |
Calculation of theft and loss | ✓ | - | ✓ | - | - | - | Disclosing problems that are overloading the system. |
Contribution of renewable energy | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Permits efficient integration of RESs. |
IPP contribution | ✓ | - | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Prevent cascading collapse effects. |
Digitalization in industry | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - | Intelligent forecasting-based operational decisions. |
Implementation of smart cities | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | Intelligently manage distributed energy resources. |
Market bidding and investment | ✓ | - | ✓ | - | - | - | Efficient handling of bids and investments. |
Decline in CO2 emission | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | - | - | RES integration leads to reduction in CO2 emission. |
Factors | Affects |
Time | Influences load patterns, requires historical data analysis [45]. |
Meteorology | Temperature, humidity, wind, etc. influence load consumption [46]. |
Region | Unique climates affect regional electricity demand, adaptation is crucial [47]. |
Application | Model effectiveness depends on the intended grid application [38]. |
Economics | Industrialization and consumer behavior [48]. |
Events | Pandemic and special events impact load patterns and sectors differently [49]. |
Past information | Historical data vital for training, model direction, and properties adaptation [50]. |
Data quality | Reliable data are essential for accurate LF and model performance [51]. |
Technology | Advancements bring greener power systems but also introduce uncertainty in LF [51]. |
DERs | Commercial and residential input affects LF accuracy, necessitates meter-level LF [52]. |
Criterion Name | Formula |
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) | |
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) | |
Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE) |
Models | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Time-Series Models | ||
ARMA | High computational speed for stationary time series. | Unable to respond immediately, resulting in a certain lag. |
ARIMA | Fast computation for non-stationary time series. | Exhibits some lag and is highly sensitive to outliers. |
SARIMA | Outperforms ARIMA in predicting cyclical datasets. | Lacks the advantage of exogeneous variables. |
ARMAX | Combines time series and regression for optimization. | Covariate coefficients are hard to interpret. |
BVAR | Manages large datasets and prior beliefs in modeling. | Sums lower-frequency data, ignores high-frequency data. |
GARCH | Simple and generates volatility clustering. | Symmetrical at positive and negative prior returns. |
SEGARCH | Includes autoregressive errors and GARCH variances. | Lags behind other GARCH models in performance. |
EGARCH | Achieves accuracy via unconstrained likelihood maximization. | Volatility, by its very nature, is unpredictable. |
Exponential Smoothing | ||
SES | More significance to recent observations. | Does not project trends. |
DES | Projects trends. | Seasonal patterns are not recognizable. |
TES | Recognizes seasonal patterns. | Captures the multiplicative aspect of seasonality. |
Regression Models | ||
RM-W-SML | ||
LR | Performs remarkably well for linearly separable data. | Linearity links independent and dependent variables. |
NLR | Unbiased and produces smaller residuals. | Mass computation required. |
LgR | Resists overfitting, avoids feature space disturbances. | Tendency for model overfitting in linear regression. |
NPR | Assumes no parametric form of predictor dependency. | Larger sample size required. |
SWR | Manages large potential predictor variables effectively. | Variable selection influenced by multi-collinearity. |
RM-SML | ||
LR | Easy implementation, extrapolation beyond dataset. | Sensitive to outliers and multi-collinearity. |
IR | Improves variable relationship understanding. | Complicates model with multiple interactions. |
RRM | Detects outliers in contaminated data. | Less effective with Gaussian residuals than OLS. |
SWLR | Manages various potential predictor variables. | Estimates high absolute values. |
MTR | Offers medium-sized functions for flexible responses. | Takes longer time to train the model. |
CTR | Offers a few large leaves for coarse response function. | Model flexibility is low. |
FTR | Offers several small leaves for flexible response. | Very leafy tree tends to overfit. |
LSVM | Finds decision boundary in separable data. | Low flexibility, time-consuming feature selection. |
QSVM | Capable of separating non-linearly separable data. | Class overlap increases with noisy datasets. |
CSVM | Effective when classifier’s kernel function is cubic. | Medium-level flexibility. |
FGSVM | Precise class divisions with a specific kernel scale. | Flexibility decreases with the kernel scale setting. |
MGSVM | Efficient with a specific kernel scale. | Classifies only medium-complexity data. |
CGSVM | Makes coarse distinctions between classes. | Classifies low-complexity data effectively. |
RQGPR | Fit for large datasets, smooth interpolating functions. | Tricky to detect errors in multi-dimensional data. |
SEGPR | Handles large datasets in higher dimensions. | Interpretability is difficult. |
M-5/2-GPR | No measure concentration issue in higher dimensions. | Effective within dataset range boundaries. |
EGPR | Handles smooth functions with minimum error. | Struggles with smooth functions with discontinuities. |
BT | Capable to capturing complex patterns. | May overfit if the data are noisy. |
BgT | Increases with the number of learners, high flexibility. | Introduces a loss of interpretability of a model. |
Models | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Machine Learning Models | ||
ANN | Powerful prediction, discovers non-linear relations. | Low interpretability, limited scalability. |
DL | Improved initial values, general purpose learning. | Training process could get stuck at bad local optima. |
MLP | Higher accuracy and superior for non-linear problems. | Local minima affect training; slow convergence. |
SVM | Accurate even with non-separable datasets. | Large memory utilization, high computational cost. |
ELM | Fast training with good generalization. | Generality degradation and ambiguity hinder ELM. |
SOM | Superior interpretation with few training samples. | Scalability issues; inputs must be vectors. |
DT | Non-parametric with scalability for handling large data. | Poor prediction performance. |
RNN | Processes any length of time-series data. | Slow recurrent computation. |
LSTM | Addresses RNN issues with long-term memory. | High memory bandwidth demand, overfitting. |
AN | Simplifies problems via numeric subdivision functions. | Elusive completeness, identifies all alternatives. |
Expert Systems | ||
GP | Minimizes external factors, less reliance on historical data. | Unreliable prediction effects with large datasets. |
FCMs | Superior error estimation index. | Sensitive to local minima, lengthy computation. |
FRBS | Short development time, no design parameters required. | Difficult to recognize optimal FRBS. |
FR | Mitigates LR limits, studies system’s structural uncertainty. | Problematic tasks; guidelines, setting accuracy. |
Metaheuristic Systems | ||
ABCO | Efficient for multi-variable optimization and flexibility. | Needs new fitness experiments for new factors. |
AIS | Decodes and encodes information efficiently. | Limited potential of extrapolation. |
GA | Does not break easily in presence of moderate noise. | Not scalable with complexity. |
FA | Able to find local and global optima synchronously. | Convergence speed is low and accuracy is imprecise. |
CSA | Low parameter setting and easy to implement. | Slow convergence rate. |
MA | Improves fitness using local research in GA. | Complexity linked to problem’s extrapolation. |
GSA | Precision in solving adaptive non-linear optimization. | Slow iteration’s search, post-convergence inactivity. |
SAA | Evades local maxima and finds near-optimal solutions. | Sensitive to input, slow optimal solution. |
HSA | Quick convergence and fewer modifiable parameters. | Needs improved parameter tuning for diverse applications. |
PSO | High training speed, efficient search algorithm. | Slow convergence, global optimum search issues. |
ACO | Parallelized concurrent processing and derivative free. | Uncertain convergence time. |
CASO | Overcomes untimely local optimum concern of SVR. | Insufficient impact of organization variable on ant. |
DE | Homogeneity around the mean compared to GA and PSO. | Unstable convergence risk, local optimum trapping. |
Models | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Hybrid Models | ||
SVM-BFGSFA | Minimum number of average value iterations. | Complexity allows optimal solution convergence. |
SVM-HSA | High prediction accuracy and training speed. | Complex architecture. |
SVM-FFOA | Able to quickly attain global optimum solution. | Optimal SVM parameter selection is challenging. |
SVM-GA | Finds optimal values for minimal forecast errors. | Protracted real-time SVR parameter optimization. |
SVM-PSO | Memory storage ability. | Early convergence, resistant to local minimization. |
SVM-SAA | Non-linear mapping capability. | Training error minimization not performed. |
ANN-FA | Solves local optimal shortcoming of NN. | More iterations needed with optimal parameters. |
ANN-CT | Models complex output/input relations. | Higher number of clusters and samples required. |
ANN-NFIS | Forecasts irregular datasets. | Increased training time for complex tasks. |
ANN-AIS | Fast search capability. | Limited extrapolation capability. |
ANN-WT | Separates multiple load frequency components. | Dependence on frequency resolution. |
ANN-PSO | Affordable computation useful in load variation. | Multiple function estimates need optimal solution. |
ANN-GA | Resolves the local minima convergence issue. | GA assists ANN parameter selection complexities. |
GNN-WT-GAFL | Mitigates concerns of BP and ANN algorithms. | Manual changes required for suitable fitness. |
EMD-PSO-SVR | Load data decomposition capability to IMF components. | Challenges in handling non-stationary and non-linear data. |
EEMD-GLM-GOA | Efficient for weight and threshold parametric solutions. | Unable to predict abnormal events and traditional parameters selection is complex. |
GHSA-FTS-LS-SVM | Good computational speed utilizing a bionic algorithm with high accuracy of prediction. | Manual parameter selection. |
T-C-IEMD-DBN | T-Copula enhances peak-time forecasting accuracy with DBN. | Process repetition required due to the stochastic nature of exogenous variables. |
GA-NARX-NN | Less complexity with fast convergence by utilizing elitist GA. | GA parameter manual selection. |
FCW-EMD & KF-BA-SVM | More prediction accuracy with improved selection and optimizing algorithm. | Incapability of learning input data temporal features. |
GA-PSO-ANFIS | Fast execution time and selects predictors that notably affect the load pattern. | Predictor selection is complex. |
Year | Data Duration | Contribution | Benchmarked Against | Accuracy (Best-Performing Model) | ||
RMSE | MAE | MAPE | ||||
ARMA | ||||||
1987 [72] | 1983–1984 USA | Enhanced ARMA with polynomial regression for a non-linear extension of TFM for optimal forecasting. | ARMA, TFM, non-linear, periodic ARIMA | – | 3.7 | – |
1994 [73] | >4 Weeks USA | Applied ARMA with WRLS algorithm for online model parameter estimation in power distribution. | Actual load | – | <2.5 | – |
2002 [74] | 1998–2000 USA | ARMA fitted after analyzing deseasonalized data; hyperbolic distribution offers an excellent fit. | Actual load | – | 1.3 | – |
2006 [75] | 2001–2002 Turkey | Combined offline learning with online forecasting while adjusting weights to conditions. | ARMA, hybrid | – | 1.6 | – |
2013 [70] | 2008–2010 ISO-NE | ARMA-GARCH models and performance evaluation of their modifications for STLF. | ARMA-GARCH(-M) variants | 7.4 | 0.2 | 14.5 |
ARIMA | ||||||
2000 [76] | 1994–1995 CR | Introduced a non-linear statistical dependence measure; compared ANN and non-linear models. | ARIMA, ARMAX, ANN | – | – | 0.8 |
2001 [77] | 1991–1997 Iran | Proposed modified ARIMA with operator estimation; outperformed ARIMA and ANN. | ARIMA, modified ARIMA, ANN | – | – | 1.98 |
2018 [78] | 2012–2015 Australia | MARS yielded most accurate results at 0.5 h and 1.0 h horizon, while SVR performed well at 24 h horizon. | ARIMA, MARS, SVR | 3.8 | 2.7 | – |
2020 [79] | 2017–2018 Japan | Suggested model integrates auto-ARIMA and K-means for peak load reduction. | ARIMA, hybrid ARIMA | – | – | 5.1 |
SARIMA | ||||||
2011 [80] | 2004–2009 China | Proposed MA-C-WH model excels against SARIMA in seasonal adjustments and trends. | SARIMA, actual load | – | – | 2.88 |
2012 [81] | 2007–2010 China | Fourier-based residual series enhance SARIMA precision optimized by PSO. FS-SARIMA excels. | SARIMA, F-SARIMA, S-SARIMA, FS-SARIMA | 4.9 | – | 2.19 |
2013 [82] | 2009–2009 Italy | SARIMA-SVM model outperformed SARIMA and SVM in PV power forecasting. | SARIMA, SVM, actual data | 9.4 | – | 2.73 |
2018 [83] | 2012–2015 Japan | Developed interactions-SARIMAX method; enhancing predictive performance and accuracy. | SARIMA, MLR | – | – | 0.7 |
2019 [84] | 2007–2008 UK, France | Proposed KP-SVR via SARIMA with feature selection for time series. | ARIMA, SARIMA, ANN, SVR, KP-SVR | – | – | 1.79 |
ARMAX | ||||||
2009 [85] | 1998–2005 Colombia | Included exogenous variables in the models, and TSK models perform well. | ARMAX, NN, TSK | 5.4 | – | – |
2008 [86] | 2005–2005 China | HSPO-ARMAX overcomes local optimal points via genetic algorithm crossover operation. | PSO-ARMAX, HPSO-ARMAX | – | – | 1.06 |
2011 [87] | 1995–2007 Spain | Explored diverse population growth effects on electric roads for tourism planning. | ARMAX, GARCH | – | – | – |
2012 [88] | 2006–2007 USA | ARMAX-GARCH models advance in long-horizon forecasting for MISO, USA. | ARMAX-GARCH | – | 2.63 | – |
2018 [89] | 2011 Netherlands | Developed hourly ARMAX for EDF and ILF, performed exceptionally in risk-aware activity decisions. | ARMAX-GARCHX, ILS, CAViaR, CARE | – | 1.79 | – |
BVAR | ||||||
2008 [90] | 2007 China | Utilized the Bayes method for input group selection to improve forecasting performance. | BP-NN, Bayesian-SVR | – | – | 1.61 |
GARCH | ||||||
2010 [91] | 2002 and 2006 Spain, USA | Combined ARMA and GARCH with wavelet transform for enhanced historical series. | ARIMA, ARIMA-GARCH, CNN | – | – | 1.16 |
2005 [92] | 1999–2000 Spain, USA | Proposed GARCH for deregulated electricity prices, outperforming ARIMA, enhanced by demand. | ARIMA, actual data | – | 9 | – |
2009 [93] | 2000–2002 Germany | Proposed k-factor GIGARCH, predicting long-memory seasonality in electricity prices. | SARIMA, GARCH | 3.63 | – | – |
SEGARCH | ||||||
2009 [94] | 1993–2007 Taiwan | Incorporated GARCH variances and autoregressive errors. | WARCH-ANN, SEGARCH-ANN | – | – | 2.56 |
EGARCH | ||||||
2008 [95] | 2007–2007 USA | Examined ARIMA and its EGARCH variant models’ in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting performance. | ARIMA-EGARCH, ARIMA-EGARCH-M | – | 10.5 | – |
2019 [96] | 2009–2016 Australia, Spain | Proposed EGARCH model for accurate electricity price estimation in the Australian and Spanish markets. | ARMA and extensions | – | – | 8.87 |
ES | ||||||
1971 [97] | 1966–1967 USA | Implemented general ES for STLF, which offered operational simplicity and high accuracy. | Actual data | – | 2 | – |
2010 [98] | 2001–2006 UK, France | Extended double seasonality methods capturing intra-year, intra-week, and intra-day cycles. | SES, DES, TES, actual data | – | – | 1.7 |
2012 [99] | 2007–2009 UK, France | Explored ES methods for STLF, introduced SVD-ES, enhanced efficiency for intra-day. | ES methods, ARMA, ANN, actual data | – | – | 2 |
2018 [100] | 2011 China | Created SES-GP model, using SES smoothing for GP sequence development. | GP model, actual data | – | 1.26 | – |
RM | ||||||
1990 [101] | 1982–1985 USA | Suggested novel LR model for holiday load forecasting using binary variables. | Actual data | – | – | 0.44 |
1998 [102] | 1997 USA | Introduced NPR-based method, forecasting directly from historical data with ANN outperformance. | NPR, NPR-Static, ANN | – | 2.64 | 3.57 |
2008 [103] | 1999–2003 Iran | Developed hybrid NN model using novel data clustering, surpassing hybrid LR. | Hybrid LR, proposed model | – | – | 1.5 |
2009 [104] | 1970–2007 Italy | Forecasted Italy’s consumption using various regression models with stationary data. | Regression models, national forecasts | – | – | – |
2010 [105] | 2004–2008 UK | Combined time-series and ML models with filters, the LR model with PF and MF filters performs well. | Time series, machines learning | – | 2.01 | 0.17 |
2010 [106] | 1985–1991 1995–1998 EUNITE | Modified the SVR algorithm using LWR in risk function with Mahalanobis-based weighting. The LSWR outperformed other methodologies. | LWR, local SVR, LWSVR | – | – | 1.34 |
2011 [107] | 1974–2003 Iran | Designed experiments and proposed a conventional regression and ANN-MLP-based flexible model. | ANN-MLP, regression, actual data | – | 0.01 | 0.03 |
2016 [56] | 2002–2004 Poland | Mainly suggested straightforward models for daily STLF cycles using regression. | ARIMA, ES, MLP | – | – | 1.35 |
2017 [108] | 2014–2014 China | Proposed SVR for office building baseline forecasting, enhancing real-time effectiveness. | Simple average model, actual data | – | 1.57 | – |
2018 [71] | 2009–2012 SA | Incorporating non-linear trend variables and unit commitment enhances forecasting integration. | ILP, PLAQ-RM | – | – | 0.81 |
2018 [109] | 2007 and 2013 Australia, China | Developed SSVRE for precise SVR learning execution, enhancing computational accuracy. | SVR, SSVRE | 0.11 | – | – |
2020 [110] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Proposed a PAR-based model via group and distinct LF learning to address smart grid complexity issues. | SGDR, FTRLP, OSELM, PAR | – | – | 1.62 |
Year | Data Duration | Contribution | Benchmarked Against | Accuracy (Best-Performing Model) | ||
RMSE | MAE | MAPE | ||||
Machine Learning Methods | ||||||
1992 [111] | 1987 Taiwan | Proposed MLF-NN for STLF with an adaptive learning algorithm significantly accelerating convergence. | ANN, actual load | 0.88 | 0.69 | – |
1995 [112] | 1992 Greece | Introduced FNN for STLF; it performed similarly to neural networks but trained faster. | Actual load | – | 2.9 | – |
1995 [113] | 1992 China | Developed hybrid FNN for STLF using fuzzy set theory and logic. | Actual load | – | 0.62 | – |
1995 [114] | 1990 USA | Comparing adaptive NN and statistical methods for 7-day demand forecasting. | Statistical methods, actual load | – | – | 6 |
1998 [43] | 1989–1990 USA | Introduced ANN-based input variable identification, simplifying training and enabling compact ANNs. | Actual load | – | – | 1.67 |
2002 [115] | 1989–1999 Spain | Evaluated MLPs for specified classes using self-organizing maps and statistics. | Actual load | – | – | 1.15 |
2005 [116] | 1991–2001 Turkey | Utilized a feed-forward neural network for monthly, peak, and daily load forecasting. | ANN, actual load | – | – | – |
2006 [117] | 2000–2003 Australia | Introduced Euclidean norm-based similar day selection and proposed two ANN models. | ANN, actual data | – | – | 1.3 |
2007 [118] | 1985–1991 1997–1999 USA | Proposed autonomous NN-based STLF with Bayesian and SVM learning techniques. | BPN, gain scaling with CIS and SS | – | – | 1.75 |
2009 [119] | 2001 and 2003 USA | Used PSO methodology to modify NN weights and biases for training. | Actual data | – | – | 1.98 |
2009 [120] | 2000–2003 Iran | Developed an ideal large NN structure and connecting weights for STLF using CGA. | BP-ANN, CGA-ANN | – | – | 1.46 |
2012 [121] | 2000–2007 APEC | Utilized grey prediction for STLF, excelling with small, incomplete datasets. | BPN, SVR | – | – | 3.27 |
2012 [122] | 2001–2010 Spain | Proposed SOM neural network for STLF, optimized hourly input, and improved forecasting accuracy. | MLP, ARIMA | – | – | 2.18 |
2013 [123] | 2007 Taiwan | Combined SVR and DEKF for RBFNN, outperforming existing models in accuracy and stability. | DEKF-RBFNN, GRD-RBFNN | – | – | 0.6 |
2013 [124] | 2011–2011 Australia | Introduced MFES combining seasonal correction, EMD filter, and multi-output FFNN, overcoming limitations. | MFE, MFNN, MFES | – | – | 2.42 |
2015 [125] | 2004–2011 ISO-NE | Tested SVR, ELMs, DRNNs for STLF with common RBF networks, drawing insights. | Actual load | – | – | 1.78 |
2015 [126] | 2005, 2006, 2010, 2000–2001 Spain, Australia, USA | Suggested using a revolutionary pattern-sequence-based direct time-series LF approach. Clustering and next symbol prediction make up the two phases in the newly created SCPSNSP. The association between a specific length of a pattern sequence and its following pattern was trained using ANN. | DR, KNN, PSF | – | – | 2.97 |
2016 [127] | 2010 Australia | Developed DCANN and UDCANN based on IBSM, combining supervised and unsupervised learning. | BP-ANN, FNN, LSSVM, GARCH | – | – | 8.28 |
2016 [128] | 2011–2011 Australia | Proposed innovative STLF combining BP-ANN, ANFIS, and D-SARIMA for varied data. | BP, ANFIS, D-SARIMA | – | – | 1.65 |
2016 [129] | 2010–2011 France | A neural network for LV/MV networks boosts accuracy with varied models for intra-day and daily average power change. | Time-series models, naïve model | – | 3.63 | 10.3 |
2016 [130] | 2011–2014 Portugal | Novel RELM combines ELM and RNN for enhanced electricity LF. | ELM, LR, GRNN | 0.03 | – | – |
2016 [131] | 2009 ISO-NE | Proposed an ensemble method using wavelet transform, ELM, and PLS regression for STLF. | Actual load, WNN, SVR, ELM | – | – | 2.02 |
2017 [132] | 2010–2012 China | Implemented MLP for LF; claimed NN yields better results in several sectors. | LR, SVR, DNN, CNN | – | – | 1.41 |
2017 [133] | 1991–2012 SK | Compared forecasting techniques for South Korea using 20 variables, laying the foundation. | SVR, Fuzzy-Rough, MLP, MLR, ARIMA | – | – | 2.13 |
2017 [134] | 2013 Australia | Proposed EMD-based ensemble DL for STLF, integrating adaptive signal processing. | SVR, ANN, DBN, RF, EMD-SVR | – | – | 0.67 |
2017 [135] | 2016 Chile | Developed SOM for microgrid planning, identifying distinct family consumption patterns. | Actual load | – | – | – |
2018 [136] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Proposed a novel deep RNN architecture for household LF employing both conventional and recurrent layers. | ARIMA, RNN, SVR, DRNN, PDRNN | 0.45 | 0.25 | – |
2018 [137] | 2011–2012 Hungary | Introduced a prediction model considering the impact of EVs on building loads. | ARIMA, SVR, BRNN, RBFNN | – | – | 4.53 |
2018 [138] | 2013–2013 2013–2013 Australia, Singapore | Created a strategy of decomposition–reconstruction by integration of singular spectrum analysis. A variety of forecasting models, including ARIMA, ES, and NNs, were used in the ensemble to estimate future values of each component using historical data. | LSSVM, CSA-SVM, GA-BPNN | – | – | 0.59 |
2019 [139] | 2016 USA | Proposed a novel approach combining the copula model and DNN for accurate STLF. | NN, SVR, ELM, R-DNN, DBN | – | – | 2.36 |
2019 [140] | 2004–2007 Texas and ISO-NE, USA | Developed the MOFTL algorithm, evaluated on benchmarks, enhancing LF accuracy when combined with ANN (MOFTL-ANN) for weight optimization. | GRNN, MOWCA, MOPSO, NSGA-II | – | – | 4.59 |
2019 [141] | 2007, 1997–1998 China, EUNITE | Combined BRNNs and DBNs for STLF to effectively capture temporal and spatial dependencies. Input is processed by BRNN forwards/backwards, then fed to DBN for high-level representation learning. | SVR, LSTM, BPNN | 28.5 | – | 1.95 |
2019 [142] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Suggested an LSTM network with pinball loss for probabilistic forecasting on large consumer dataset. | QRNN, QGBRT | 2.18 | – | – |
2019 [143] | 2012–2016 SA | Developed AI and DL-based LF system, examined OP-ELM and LSTM models considering weather impact. | ANFIS, OP-ELM | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.13 |
2019 [144] | 2014–2018 Ireland | Proposed multi-scale CNN with time cognition for enhanced multi-step STLF. | DM-MS-CNN, DM-GCNN | – | – | 3.74 |
2019 [145] | 2013–2013 2002–2002 China, USA | Implemented subsampling to expedite SVR modeling. Progressively constructs SVR, presenting regression surface parameters, affirming model relevance and effectiveness. | Actual data, SGA-SVR, SSVR | – | 5.8 | – |
2020 [146] | 2010, 2013, 2014 USA, Australia | Proposed a synthetic STLF using a MIMO model with LSSVM, employing DWT to split the signal and integrating GSA for optimal input selection. | ANN-MIMO, ANN-LSSVM | – | – | 2.10 |
2020 [147] | 2015–2017 SK | Introduced COSMOS, a stacking ensemble model for accurate STLF predictions. | Shallow NN, MLR, KNN, DT, DNN | – | – | 6.97 |
2020 [148] | 2013–2016 Greece | Developed an FFNN and clustering hybridization model for historical bus load. | RBFNN, GRNN, ENN | – | – | 7.00 |
2020 [149] | 2017–2018 USA | Used RNNs for STLF in commercial buildings, optimal with mid-season training. | GRU, LSTM | 6.75 | – | – |
2020 [150] | 2016–2016 China | Proposed a novel QRF model with temperature and humidity factors, involving training multiple models. | EEMD + QRF, EMD + QRF, QET | – | – | 1.37 |
2020 [151] | 2018–2019 China | Used an ensemble of HMMs trained on industrial electricity data for accurate forecasting. | SVR-RBF kernel, CNN, LSTM | – | – | 7.07 |
2020 [152] | 2003–2015 ISO-NE | Suggested MCRN for STLF, leveraging k-d tree algorithm and error correction. | Actual load, SVM, ELM | – | – | 4.59 |
2020 [153] | 2015–2016 China | Proposed DBM model, incorporating DSM and leveraging RBM for features. | ARIMA, LSSVM, DBN | – | – | 3.86 |
2021 [154] | 2020 UK | Suggested an online adaptive RNN for LF, continuously adapting to new patterns. | LSTM, regression algorithms | – | – | 0.24 |
Expert Systems | ||||||
2005 [155] | 1960–1990 SK | The FLR model applies Tanaka’s fuzzy arithmetic for weekend holiday forecasting. | Actual load, NN-Fuzzy interface | – | 3.57 | – |
2008 [156] | 2002–2004 Canada | TSK fuzzy system predicts OEM peak price, compared to statistical methods. | ARMAX, ANN | 0.08 | – | – |
2009 [157] | 2000–2007 Jordan | A new fuzzy logic controller enhances LF accuracy and processing efficiency. | Actual load | – | – | 2.2 |
2012 [158] | 2000–2002 Iran | Developed Interval Type-2 FLS (IT2-FLSs) to improve LF accuracy by handling uncertainties in real datasets. | Traditional Type-1 TSK-based FLS | 0.16 | – | – |
2014 [159] | 2005–2007 ISO-NE | Fuzzy interaction regression for STLF outperforms other fuzzy and MLR models. | Multiple fuzzy regression, MLR | – | – | 3.68 |
2015 [160] | 2014 India | A novel weekday STLF algorithm combines WT, adaptive GA, fuzzy system, and GNN. | ANN, GNN | 0.05 | – | – |
2018 [161] | 2010–2012 Slovenia | An adaptive fuzzy model improves day-ahead STLF using recursive clustering and identification. | Gustafson–Kessel clustering, SARIMA | – | – | 0.13 |
2020 [162] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Fuzzy clustering and a crow optimization K-means algorithm improve large-scale user clustering accuracy. | RF, LSSVM, multiple hybrid models | – | – | 1.63 |
Year | Data Duration | Contribution | Benchmarked Against | Accuracy (Best-Performing Model) | ||
RMSE | MAE | MAPE | ||||
Hybrid Methodologies | ||||||
1995 [164] | 1993–1994 SK | Hybrid model integrates ANNs and fuzzy expert systems for STLF. | Actual load, ES | – | – | 1.3 |
2002 [166] | 1997–1999 India | ANN model for peak load demand forecasting using the Levenberg–Marquardt BP algorithm. | Levenberg–Marquardt BP, quasi-Newton BP, | – | – | 2.87 |
2003 [167] | 1993–1994 SK | Proposed GA with new operations to optimize FNN for De Jong’s functions. | Actual load, GA | – | – | 1.56 |
2004 [168] | 2001–2001 1998–1999 USA | Hybrid STLF technique combines LR and ANN for improved data load forecasting. | ANN, LR | – | – | 0.62 0.43 |
2005 [169] | 1998–2002 Belgium | STLF model utilizes periodic time series and autoregression for load forecasting. | Actual load | – | – | <3 |
2005 [170] | 1995–1997 Japan | Proposed fuzzy logic to correct neural network output for improved load forecasting. | Actual load, NN | – | – | 1.71 |
2006 [171] | 2000 Taiwan | Hybrid FNN with CGA and SA optimizes LF parameter choices. | ANN, FNN, GA-ANNN | – | – | 1.96 |
2008 [172] | 2006 Australia | Developed GRNN-based STLF model integrates prices, load, and weather data. | ANN-Fuzzy, ARMA | – | – | 1.85 |
2009 [173] | 1988–1992 USA | Hybrid forecast method combines WT, NN, and evolutionary algorithm (EA) for load prediction. | Actual load, single SVM | – | – | 2.02 |
2009 [174] | 1997–1999 EUNITE | Hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) optimizes SVR parameters for accurate electricity load forecasting. | GA-SVR, actual load | 7.73 | – | 0.76 |
2010 [175] | 2004–2006 Mongolia | SVM and ACO combined for efficient STLF and improved performance. | Actual load, ANN, SVM | – | – | 1.98 |
2013 [176] | 2008–2009 2003–2004 Iran, Australia | Two-step algorithm for STLF: WT and an ANN for primary forecasting, second step uses similar-hour method and ANFIS to enhance the results. | WNN, RBFNN, ANFIS | – | 1.60 | – |
2013 [177] | 2012 Australia | Separate forecast of seasonal and trend components; evaluated using statistical tests. | Actual load, RBFs, regression models | – | – | 2.09 |
2013 [178] | 2010–2010 China | Utilized harmony search with LS-SVM for the STLF model, GRNN analyzed influencing factors. | BPNN, LS-SVM, PSO, HS | – | – | 1.76 |
2013 [179] | 1994–1994 Greece | Introduced CB-FWNN model utilizing multiplication of WNN and multi-dimensional Gaussian activation functions, with fuzzy subtractive clustering and Gaussian mixture models employed for pre-processing. | ABPA, ANFIS, RBF | 3.31 | – | 0.87 |
2014 [180] | 2004 2010 USA, Iran | New STLF model combines WT and GP, improving accuracy through PSO. | Improved SSA, SSA-Recurrent algorithm | – | 1.96 | 3.12 |
2014 [181] | – Iran | Combines BP method (to determine suitable weighting and biasing factor parameters) and MFA for better LF. | ANN, ANN-GA, ANN-PSO, ANN-FA | 2.03 | – | – |
2015 [182] | 2008–2013 ISO-NE | BNN for selected inputs through correlation analysis and ℓ2-norm and DWT for improved daily LF. | ANN, SSA-SVR | – | – | 0.19 |
2015 [183] | 1999–2010 Italy | Proposed semantic-aware genetic programming for STLF, outperforming existing methods in south Italy. | LR, RBFNN, SVM | – | – | – |
2015 [184] | 2013–2013 China | New STLF method: WT removes errors, LSSVM optimized by fruit fly optimization algorithm for parameter selection. | WT-LSSVM, FOA-LSSVM, PSO-LSSVM | – | – | 1.07 |
2016 [185] | 2009–2010 ISO-NE | STLF with improved ELM, Levenberg–Marquardt, and partial least square regression for accuracy. | WNN, MLR, RBFNN | – | – | 0.21 |
2016 [186] | 2014, 2010, 2013 USA, Australia | Proposed hybrid algorithm integrates conditional feature selection, LSSVM, and wavelet packet signal decomposing for price/load forecasting. | ANN-MIMO, LSSVM-MIMO | – | – | 2.11 |
2016 [187] | 2012–2014 Algeria | Suggested adaptive two-stage model excels in daily peak LF. | HWT, BPNN, NARX | – | – | 1.64 |
2016 [188] | 2015–2015 Taiwan | Novel time-series LF model combines SARIMA and MetaFA-LSSVR models to handle non-linear data. | SARIMA, MetaFA-LSSVR | – | 0.03 | 14.8 |
2016 [189] | 2013 USA | Hybrid approach combining data-driven techniques and physics-based models for LF energy consumption. | ANN, SVR, LSSVM, GPR, GMM | – | – | 8.16 |
2016 [190] | 2006–2010 Greece | Modified ANN combined with clustering improves STLF accuracy for Greek interconnected system buses. | Actual load, FF-ANN | – | – | 3.5 |
2016 [191] | 2006–2008 Australia | Model with multiple seasonality, ANNs, non-positive constraint theory, and BFGSFA improves performance. | ARIMA, random walk, WNN, BPNN | – | – | 0.85 |
2016 [192] | 2014–2014 China | Hybrid EMD-PSO-SVR model: EMD decomposes data, SVR for individual forecasting, PSO for parameter selection. | SVR, EMD-SVR, PSO-SVER | 0.06 | 0.04 | 2.75 |
2017 [193] | 2012–2014 USA | SDA predicts hourly electricity prices, with RS-SDA outperforming other day-ahead models. | NN, MARS, SVM, SDA, RS-SDA | – | – | 2.47 |
2017 [194] | 2008 ISO-NE | A weak-ahead LF with FFNN of three layers optimized by global best PSO. | Actual load, BPNN, LMNN, PSONN | – | – | 1.41 |
2017 [195] | 2016 China | Combined WD, second-order GNN with ADF test to increase STLF accuracy. | WD-ELMAN, GNN | – | – | 2.40 |
2018 [196] | 2013–2015 India | Proposed STLF model considers regional climate using grasshopper optimization for SVM. | GA-SVM, PSO-SVM | – | – | 1.4 |
2018 [197] | 2015–2015 Taiwan | Article reviewed various ML techniques and emphasized the accuracy of hybrid models. | ANN, bagging ANN | – | 0.03 | 15.7 |
2018 [198] | 2015–2016 China | Combined RF with EEMD where EEMD decomposes data, which are analyzed in time–frequency domain. | EEMD-BPNN, EEMD-LSSVM | – | – | 4.45 |
2018 [199] | 2011–2012 Spain | Proposed 3-stage hybrid model utilizing wavelet and Kalman machines and Kohonen self-organizing map for load forecasting. | ARIMA, FNN, WNN | – | 17.6 | – |
2018 [200] | 2014 USA | Introduced a 2-step hybrid optimization using the grid traverse algorithm and PSO for superior SVR load LF. | ARIMA, GA-SVM, ANN | – | – | 2.53 |
2018 [201] | 2013–2015 Australia | A hybrid approach using DWT, EMD, and RVFL for enhanced forecasting. | Actual load, ANN | – | – | 2.08 |
2018 [202] | 2014–2015 China | Considering multiple decomposition factors: FCW (select dense days), EMD (decompose into IMF series), BA (optimize SVM parameters), and KF (fine tuning) to optimize SVM, the hybrid model was developed. | Multiple hybrid models | – | – | 1.91 |
2019 [203] | 2017 SK | A CLD-based STLF with LSTM using similar-day and pilot signals. | WNN, MFWNS, AGG, DTLP, CLD | – | – | 3.38 |
2019 [204] | 2 months China | Proposed hybrid GA-PSO-BPNN for STLF, overcoming local optimum in predictions. | GA-BPNN, PSO-BPNN | – | – | 1.25 |
2019 [205] | 2014 Australia | Hybrid PSO and GSA for optimal weight determination in STLF models, increasing prediction accuracy. | BPNN, WNN, SVM | – | – | 0.79 |
2019 [206] | 2017 China | Introduced DRL algorithm, DDPG with autoencoder for improved HVAC energy prediction. | BPNN, BSAS-BPNN, SVM, BSAS-SVM | – | 3.47 | – |
2019 [207] | 2018 Australia | Proposed EEMD-ELM-GOA hybrid model for accurate 1-step-ahead LF, using grasshopper optimization. | WD-ELM, EMD-ELM, EEMD-ELM | – | – | 0.46 |
2019 [208] | 2010, 2009, 1988–1992 Australia, USA | Developed Elman NN-based forecast engines with feature selection, ESSO optimized parameters. | ARIMA, SVR, RBFNN, WT-RBFNN | 3.11 1.34 | – | 1.43 1.31 |
2019 [209] | 2014–2016 China | Suggested GA-PSO-ANFIS for STLF utilizing binary genetic algorithm to eliminate less predictive features. | NN, ARIMA | – | – | 6.78 |
2020 [210] | 2003–2006 ISO-NE | Introduced E-ELITE, a 2-layer NN framework based on a three-stage methodology with optimized structure. | ANN, SIWNN, GP, SSA-SVR, ELITE | – | – | 1.18 |
2020 [211] | 2019 Tanzania | Proposed LSTM with pinball loss for probabilistic forecasting in consumer studies. | ANN-, ARIMA-, LSTM-, SVM-AD | 0.69 | – | – |
2020 [212] | 2017 Australia | A pre-processing method using CEEMD and SSA for LF, then combined with RBF, GRNN, and ELM models. | BP, GRNN, RBF, ELM, SVR, WNN | – | – | 1.74 |
2020 [213] | 2017 Singapore | Hybrid model enhances SVM accuracy with intelligent feature selection and optimization. | GRP-SecRPSO-SVM, mRMR-WGRP | – | – | 0.04 |
2020 [214] | – Egypt, Canada | Novel STLF models with clustering, WNN, and ANN exhibit high accuracy. | ANN-WNN, ANN-KF, WNN-KF | 0.02 | – | 1.83 |
2020 [215] | 2010–2015 China | Developed using specific ratios and SVR optimized with improved adaptive genetic algorithm (IAGA). | ELM, WNN, BPNN, RBFNN | 20.3 | 20.4 | – |
2020 [216] | 2011–2016 Canada | Model combined wavelet packet transform and multi-layer NNs, utilizing the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. | NN, traditional WT-NN, actual load | – | – | 1.52 |
2020 [217] | 2010–2012 2014–2018 Greece | Proposed fuzzy clustering for ensemble predictions using novel RBFNN architecture, analyzed using CNN. | Actual load, ML-SVM, fuzzy RBFNN | – | – | 3.66 |
2020 [218] | 2016 China | Hybrid approach; EMD to decompose load data, PSO to optimize ANFIS model (EMD-PSO-ANFIS). | PSO-ANFIS, BPNN, ARIMA | – | – | 9.86 |
2020 [219] | 2013–2017 Australia | EGA-STLF employs Bi-GRU, attention mechanism, and distributed representation for LF. | SVR, MLP | – | – | 3.06 |
2021 [220] | 2016–2019 ISO-NE | Developed DBNN with Markovian dynamic topology to enhance network resilience to attacks. | DBN, DDBN | – | – | 2.05 |
2021 [221] | 2006, 2018, 2002, 2009 ISO-NE | Proposed method includes wavelet transform, feature selection, and LSTM networks to enhance load and price prediction accuracy. | Multiple hybrid models | – | – | 0.93 4.38 2.2 2.67 |
2021 [222] | 2015–2016 2005–2006 China, USA | Combined improved FCMs, RF, and DNNs, addressing historical load data disparity for better load profiling. | Actual load, multiple hybrid models | – | – | 0.03 0.08 |
2021 [223] | 2017, 2018–2021 ISO-NE, China | Hybrid NN constituting CNN and bidirectional GRU (CNN-BiGRU) using multi-model fusion. | CNN-NN, CNN-GRU, CNN-LSTM | – | – | 4.22 5.08 |
2022 [224] | 2012–2013 2003–2014 ISO-NE, China | Model with improved TCN and DenseNet, incorporating correlation analysis and self-attention. | Multiple hybrid models | – | – | 0.91 0.87 |
2022 [225] | 2017–2021 Australia | Integrated WNN and self-adaptive momentum factor (SAMF) for accurate and stable forecasting. | Multiple hybrid models | – | – | 0.79 1.08 |
2023 [226] | 2006–2010 Australia | Based on ResNet and LSTM, a hybrid model to enhance STLF performance, ResNet used to extract data features. | MLR, ResNat, CNN-LSTM, ResNet-LSTM | – | – | 0.61 |
2023 [66] | 2016–2016 2009–2009 USA, Denmark | Model consisting of SVM, BPNN, GRNN predictors, and deep ensemble model. The predictors’ performance was optimized using GA and the bat algorithm. | BPNN-PSO, ELM-GA, RBF | 0.01 | – | – |
2023 [165] | 2015–2017 Switzerland | Researched feed-forward LSTM, introducing HFSM for optimal feature selection. | LSTM, CNN, FC, HFSM-LSTM | – | – | 2.21 |
Advantages | Smart Grid System: Advantages for STLF | Traditional Power Grid: Limitations in STLF |
Energy efficiency | Improved load forecasting accuracy through real-time data monitoring and adaptive control systems. | Reduced forecasting precision due to limited visibility and control capabilities. |
Reliability | Self-healing mechanisms minimize forecasting disruptions, leading to more reliable load predictions. | Increased forecasting errors due to slower fault detection and recovery capabilities. |
Renewable integration | Advanced integration of renewable sources allows for improved prediction of variable load patterns. | Difficulty in predicting load due to limited renewable integration and fluctuating generation profiles. |
Demand response | Real-time demand response improves load forecasting by adjusting for immediate consumption changes. | Challenges in managing peak demand lead to less accurate load forecasting. |
Fault detection | Quick detection of system anomalies allows for rapid adjustments in load forecasting. | Longer reaction times to faults hinder accurate load forecasting. |
Grid security | Enhanced security features protect forecasting systems from external threats. | Vulnerability to cyber disruptions leads to compromised load forecasting accuracy. |
Data analytics | Utilization of sophisticated analytics for predictive load modeling and optimization. | Basic data processing capabilities restrict the refinement of forecasting models. |
Flexibility | Agile grid infrastructure supports evolving forecasting models for dynamic load patterns. | Rigid grid design limits the ability to adapt forecasting models to changing load profiles. |
Aspect | Traditional Models | Adaptive Learning Models |
Deterioration in forecasting | Suffers with variable inputs, negatively affecting energy management forecasts. | Retains precision and accuracy even after changes in parameters, application, and sectors. |
Impact of parameter changes | Significant impact; model limitations and errors in results. | Minimal impact; adapts to changes dynamically without significant errors. |
Nature of data modeling | Models static data; cannot capture dynamic changes in input parameters. | Adapts to dynamic changes; self-regulatory for updates in parameters, features, and patterns. |
Automated model updates | Lacks automatic updates; tuning cannot be performed in real time. | Automatically updates with new features and patterns in real time, ensuring accuracy. |
Adaptability approach | Static; lacks self-regulation. | Semi- and fully adaptive approaches; dynamically adjusts with fundamental improvements. |
Impact on operations and costs | May cause losses of millions due to poor forecasts and operational challenges. | Ensures stability, reducing operational costs and potential losses. |
Year | Data Duration | Contribution | Benchmarked Against | Accuracy (Best-Performing Model) | ||
RMSE | MAE | MAPE | ||||
2014 [241] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Introduced a novel clustering-based approach, enhancing short-term intra-day household LF performance using smart meter data. | FWK, CFWK | – | – | – |
2014 [243] | 2012 Poland | Proposed accurate STLF at individual household level, enhancing smart meter intelligence for better customer understanding and cost management. | ANN, SVM | – | – | – |
2015 [244] | 2012–2013 USA, Ireland | Enhanced system-level load forecasting using clustering based on household smart meter data for improved grid efficiency. | Actual load | – | – | 3.68 |
2015 [245] | 2011–2013 Portugal | Improved solar power forecasting using VAR framework for smart grid efficiency. | VAR, VARX | 8.5 | – | – |
2016 [246] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Boosted additive quantile regression increases probabilistic LF, particularly advantageous for disaggregated demand predictions. | Unconditional quantiles, conditional quantiles, additive models | – | – | – |
2016 [247] | 2014 SK | Examined a big-data-driven EV charging demand LF model, integrating real-world traffic data, aiding power system planning and infrastructure decisions. | Actual data | – | – | – |
2017 [248] | 2011–2013 USA | Sparse coding increases individual household LF accuracy by 10% over classical methods. | ARIMA, Holt–Winters, group sparse | – | – | 20.6 |
2017 [249] | 2008 UK | Seer grid offers a 2-level energy prediction framework utilizing smart meter data, minimizing privacy–utility trade-offs for smart grids. | SARMA, SVM, actual data | – | – | – |
2018 [250] | 2009–2010 Ireland, Australia | Novel ensemble method utilizing hierarchical clustering for improved aggregated LF with fine-grained subprofiles. | Actual data, individual forecast | – | – | 5.08 |
2018 [52] | - Canada | LSTM-based deep learning framework advances residential LF, leveraging appliance consumption sequences for better accuracy. | LSTM, FNN, KNN | – | – | 4.24 |
2018 [251] | 2013–2016 2009–2010 ISO-NE | Introduced CQRA for probabilistic LF, achieving superior ensemble performance and effectively minimizing pinball loss. | BI, NS, MED, SA, WA, QRA variants | – | – | – |
2018 [136] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Developed a novel pooling-based deep RNN for household load forecasting, overcoming overfitting challenges effectively. | ARIMA, SVM, deep RNN, pooling-based deep RNN | – | – | – |
2018 [252] | 2012–2014 Israel | Offered sliding-window-based ARIMA algorithms integrating non-seasonal and seasonal time-series models for accurate STLF using smart meter data. | Four sliding-window-based ARIMA models | – | – | 9.05 |
2019 [253] | 2010–2013 Australia | Pioneered Bayesian deep-learning-based LSTM for superior probabilistic net LF, leveraging subprofile clustering and PV visibility. | MLR, QR, QRF, LSTM | 17.2 | 13.9 | 0.09 |
2019 [254] | 2015–2016 China | A parallel gradient boosting decision tree algorithm for EV schedulable capacity forecasting was developed, outperforming other methods in accuracy and efficiency in big data environments. | SCC-PGBDT, SCC-PRF, SCC-PKNN, SDC-PGBDT, SDC-PRF, SDC-PKNN | 3.99 | – | 3.97 |
2019 [255] | 2009–2010 Ireland | A novel clustering-based approach for efficient LF and demand-side management using smart meter data demonstrated improved accuracy and reduced computational burden. | MLR, ANN | – | – | 4.64 |
2020 [256] | 2009–2010 2010–2014 Ireland, Australia | Multi-task Bayesian NN improves probabilistic LF, offering superior accuracy and addressing over-fitting challenges in deep learning for smart grids. | SVR, GBRT, RF, PLSTM | 0.74 0.81 | 0.44 0.52 | – |
2020 [257] | 2010 Ireland | Machine-learning-based LF with expert aggregation for improved accuracy by exploiting smart meter data in smart grid management. | SSWA, MSWA, 2S-MSWA | 21.1 | 14.2 | 5.5 |
2020 [258] | 2013 UK | Efficient hierarchical clustering using dissimilarity measures captures diverse household consumption patterns in smart meter data. | ACORN-Grouped | – | – | – |
2020 [259] | 2013 Australia | Proposed a CNN-LSTM hybrid for individual household STLF, outperforming state-of-the-art models. | LSTM, BPNN, KNN, ELM | – | – | 40.3 |
2020 [260] | 2017 SK | Developed a hybrid DL scheduling algorithm for smart grids, improving accuracy and processing time efficiency. | Ring buffer, class-means K-means, CosSim, incremental DL | 0.09 | – | – |
2020 [261] | 2017 USA | Introduced ST-BTMLPVF problem, developed ST-GAE and STGDL optimization for accurate BTM load and PV forecasting. | SVR, GRU, LSTM, DRNN | 0.19 | 0.13 | 8.01 |
2020 [262] | 2012–2016 Czech Republic | Offered a DRNN Bi-LSTM model for accurate STLF, enhancing microgrid operational scheduling effectiveness. | RNN, FFNN, Copula-DBN, CNN-RNN, D-CNN | – | – | 1.18 |
2020 [263] | 2016–2018 Australia | Combining best-basis stationary wavelet packet transform and Harris-hawk-optimization-based feed-forward NN model for STLF in microgrids, significantly outperforming existing models. | PSO-ANN, PSO-LSSVM, BPNN | – | – | 0.48 1.27 1.43 1.02 |
2021 [264] | 2012 Australia | Optimized accuracy in aggregated baseline load estimation under high behind-the-meter PV penetration using a 2-stage decoupled approach. | Low5of10, High5of10, Mid4of6, MLR, SVR | – | – | 26.5 |
2021 [265] | 2016–2018 China | Proposed bottom-up method for HV load forecasting, achieving superior accuracy and narrow intervals, aiding grid management. | Bottom-up, ES method, BELM | 0.32 | 2.47 | 2.48 |
2021 [266] | 2017–2019 Spain | Proposed parallel processing for fast, accurate STLF, favoring decision tree over other models. | DT, LR, NN, SVR, RF, GBRT | – | – | 10.9 |
2021 [267] | 2012 USA | Examined graph ANN for spatial–temporal STLF, achieving significant gains over traditional methods, and proposed self-adaptive models. | FC-LSTM, CNN-GRU | – | 0.97 0.59 0.58 | 4.53 6.36 6.5 |
2021 [268] | 2010–2014 Australia | Introduced a novel multi-task multi-information fusion DL framework, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in forecasting accuracy. | SVR, XGBoost, pooling-based deep RNN, CNN-LSTM, M-LSTM | – | 0.14 | – |
2021 [269] | UK 2019 | A CNN-LSTM time-series LF model for V2G services was developed, demonstrating improved predictive capability over regression models and adaptability to market events, crucial for service reliability. | CNN-LSTM, actual load | – | 21.9 | – |
2022 [270] | 2011–2014 UK | A hybrid scheme balancing perturbation and cryptography ensures efficient and privacy-preserving smart meter data publishing. | DDF, LDF, raw data | – | – | 3.3 |
2022 [271] | 2019 USA | Efficient reduced model leverages hierarchical dimension reduction for scalable and accurate STLF using fine-resolution smart meter big data. | Cluster-based approach, aggregated model, reduced model | 0.8 | – | – |
2022 [272] | 2013 UK | FL using LSTM and FL + HC optimize residential load forecasting with improved accuracy and computational efficiency. | FL, FL + HC, FL + HC → LFT | 0.02 | – | – |
2022 [273] | 2020–2021 Taiwan | A CNN-Bi-GRU hybrid model was developed for short-term 3-phase LF in smart solar microgrids, outperforming traditional models. | RNN, LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM, Bi-GRU | – | 0.03 | – |
2022 [274] | 2013 Canada | Presented a superior STPLF methodology using DPMM, MCMC, and ensemble learning, surpassing benchmarks in uncertainty modeling. | CKDE, ARIMA, QRTE, CED | – | – | – |
2022 [275] | 2019 UK | Explored the potential of electric vehicle batteries in home energy management systems, offering optimal designs and insights. | Actual load | – | – | – |
2022 [276] | 2016–2019 Panama | Addressed STLF for smart grids, emphasizing the significance of deep learning in achieving superior accuracy, as evidenced in Panama case study. | DLR, Bi-LSTM, GRU, SVR, XGB, AdaBoost, random forest | – | – | 2.9 |
2022 [277] | 2018 India | Developed a pooling-based DL algorithm, utilizing Copula function and Hankel matrix, significantly enhancing EMS forecasting accuracy. | SVM, DBN | 2.86 2.46 | – | – |
2023 [278] | 2022 India | Introduced an IoT-based STLF model for electric power consumption and RES generation, enhancing demand-side management in smart buildings. | Decision tree regression, random forest regression | – | – | 0.55 |
2023 [279] | 2022 Iraq | An innovative IoT-based smart meter with high data rates was developed, featuring cloud-based storage and energy estimation, contributing to smart grid structure. | Actual load | – | – | – |
2023 [227] | 2010–2013 Australia | Examined privacy-preserving and communication-efficient federated learning for net metering, combining hybrid DL predictor, IPFE, and CAT for superior results. | CNN, LSTM, CNN-LSTM | 0.57 | 0.32 | – |
2023 [280] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Offered flexible probabilistic LF approach using Bernstein polynomial stabilizing flow, demonstrating superior performance over Gaussian and QR-based methods, especially in low-data scenarios. | Fully connected NN, dilated 1D convolution NN | – | – | – |
2023 [281] | 2018 USA | Customized pricing scheme for an electricity market, enhancing the agent’s profit by 4% to 130% compared to uniform pricing utilizing LSTM, considering BTM PV and energy storage. | Actual load | 17.8 | – | 1.31 |
2023 [242] | 2009–2010 Ireland | Proposed a global modeling framework for LF in distribution networks, outperforming local models and offering scalability and efficiency. | MLR, LSTM, N-BEATS, K-means LSTM | – | 0.80 | 8.26 |
Research Gap | Future Direction |
Time-of-use considerations | Explore the incorporation of time-of-use factors into STLF models, with a particular focus on the impact of varying electricity demand patterns during different times of the day. |
Edge computing applications | The potential of edge computing in STLF to enhance local processing capabilities, reduce dependencies on centralized systems, and improve forecasting accuracy should be explored. |
Consistency in LF models | Incorporate meteorological, economic, and regional data for correlational analysis in future STLF models. |
LF in isolated grid sectors | Conduct additional research and design custom parameters to address the prediction challenges in isolated grid sectors. |
Model adaptability concerns | Develop adaptability STLF models capable of adjusting to diverse generation modalities and varying circumstances. |
Demand-side management | The integration of LF into consumer demand-side management plans has the potential to enhance the quality of the power system. Such integration may result in more economical power use, lower prices, and increased system reliability. |
Anomaly detection in LF | Anomaly detection in LF is underexplored, despite the complexities introduced by smart grids. The development of models capable of anticipating and detecting anomalies could enhance the accuracy of the results obtained. |
Evolutionary and metaheuristic optimization techniques | Combining evolutionary and metaheuristic optimization techniques can enhance the learning capabilities of ANNs, thereby improving the accuracy of their outputs. The hybridization strategy warrants investigation for better forecasting. |
Lack of STLF analysis in developing countries | The lack of STLF analysis in developing countries is due to data availability issues. It is of the utmost importance to improve data collection methods and to explore alternative data sources in order to achieve more accurate forecasting in these regions. |
Uncertainty quantification | A research gap exists in the field of uncertainty quantification for STLF. Further methodologies should provide probabilistic forecasts and quantify uncertainty through scenario analysis, ensemble forecasting, and other appropriate techniques. |
STLF integration with smart technology | Integration of STLF with smart technology can enhance power systems, leading to smart grids, buildings, and microgrids. It improves energy efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances system reliability. |
Data imputation techniques | The gaps in STLF caused by missing data points must be researched and the implementation of effective data imputation techniques must be carried out. |
Transferability across regions | Assess the transferability of STLF models across different regions, considering variations in power system structure, climate, and load behaviors. |
Grid resilience considerations | Explore how STLF models can contribute to grid resilience by incorporating factors related to grid robustness and adaptability in the forecasting process. |
Privacy-preserving forecasting | Development of privacy-preserving techniques for STLF models is important, ensuring that sensitive data are protected while still allowing for accurate forecasting. |
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Ali, S.; Bogarra, S.; Riaz, M.N.; Phyo, P.P.; Flynn, D.; Taha, A. From Time-Series to Hybrid Models: Advancements in Short-Term Load Forecasting Embracing Smart Grid Paradigm. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4442.
Ali S, Bogarra S, Riaz MN, Phyo PP, Flynn D, Taha A. From Time-Series to Hybrid Models: Advancements in Short-Term Load Forecasting Embracing Smart Grid Paradigm. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(11):4442.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAli, Salman, Santiago Bogarra, Muhammad Naveed Riaz, Pyae Pyae Phyo, David Flynn, and Ahmad Taha. 2024. "From Time-Series to Hybrid Models: Advancements in Short-Term Load Forecasting Embracing Smart Grid Paradigm" Applied Sciences 14, no. 11: 4442.
APA StyleAli, S., Bogarra, S., Riaz, M. N., Phyo, P. P., Flynn, D., & Taha, A. (2024). From Time-Series to Hybrid Models: Advancements in Short-Term Load Forecasting Embracing Smart Grid Paradigm. Applied Sciences, 14(11), 4442.