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Peer-Review Record

Optimisation of Not-from-Concentrate Goji Juice Processing Using Fuzzy Mathematics and Response Surface Methodology and Its Quality Assessment

Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(18), 8393;
by Xintao Meng 1,2, Duoduo Ye 3, Yan Pan 1,2, Ting Zhang 1,2, Lixian Liang 3, Yiming Liu 3 and Yan Ma 1,2,*
Reviewer 1:
Reviewer 3: Anonymous
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(18), 8393;
Submission received: 25 August 2024 / Revised: 13 September 2024 / Accepted: 16 September 2024 / Published: 18 September 2024

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The manuscript presents an interesting, innovative and useful study on the optimalization of the procedure for processing a  not-from-concentrate goji juice. The use of fuzzy mathematics is a good choice to process experimental data. The study may be an example to be followed by researchers working on similar questions.

The design of the study is appropriate and the conclusions are scientifically sound.


Was the microbiological testing limited to E. coli? This procedure, although marginal for the study, should be presented under Materials ansd Methods.

A short introduction to/listing the fuzzy mathematical models used in the Material and Methods section could be useful for a reader.

Discussion should appear only once in the article; there are „Results and Discussion” and „Discussion and Conclusions”. In my opinion, the last section could be limited to „Conclusions”.

There is a problem, apparently with the reference database so not all references are cited in the text. The authors should check carefully the text and pdf before submitting.

References should be formatted according to the requirements of the journal (abbreviated journal titles, year of publication in bold, journal names and volumes in italics.

Line 425: „Escherichia coli”, names of gerera and species in italics, please, also in References.

Title of Table 4 should be more precise. The values are in fact given as fractions, not in %.

Title of Table 9. Shouldn’t it be …”of volatile substances…”?

Author Response

Thank you very much for reviewing this manuscript. We have modified the manuscript accordingly, and the detailed corrections are listed below point by point according to your suggestions.


Comments 1: Was the microbiological testing limited to E. coli? This procedure, although marginal for the study, should be presented under Materials and Methods.

Response 1: Thank you for suggestion. We agree with this comment. We tested for E. coli and colony counts (Table 8). This procedure have supplemented and improved(Line 149-157).


Comments 2: A short introduction to/listing the fuzzy mathematical models used in the Material and Methods section could be useful for a reader.

Response 2: Thank you for your useful comments. This part has been supplemented according to your suggestions. (Line 191-193)


Comments 3: Discussion should appear only once in the article; there are, Results and Discussion” and „Discussion and Conclusions”. In my opinion, the last section could be limited to „Conclusions”.

Response 3: It has been modified(line 475).


Comments 4: There is a problem, apparently with the reference database so not all references are cited in the text. The authors should check carefully the text and pdf before submitting.

Response 4:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified. The normative application of references has been re-examined, and the unsuitable references have been replaced and deleted, and the corrections are marked(line 520-600).


Comments 5: References should be formatted according to the requirements of the journal (abbreviated journal titles, year of publication in bold, journal names and volumes in italics.

Response 5:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified and the corrections are marked(line 520-600).


Comments 6: Line 425: Escherichia coli”, names of gerera and species in italics, please, also in References. Title of Table 4 should be more precise. The values are in fact given as fractions, not in %. Title of Table 9. Shouldn’t it be …”of volatile substances…”?

Response 6:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified and the corrections are marked(line 210).


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 2 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors

The present work reports on the properties of not-from-concentrate Goji juice, which may be extracted from Goji berries without additional concentration or reconstitution, with the purpose of preserving at best the natural flavor and nutritional  degrees. In the paper, the importance of parameters such as homogenization time, ultrasonication, and sterilization, are investigated for their influence on the nutritional and sensory quality, primarily adopting a methodology that exploits the response surface methodology in combination with fuzzy mathematics.  

A first significant result from this approach is the impact of homogenization time, in which the optimal duration of three minutes ensures maximum turbidity and a high sensory score; showing the delicate balance required to achieve stability in juice production, depleted by extending homogenization beyond such optimal point.  

The study also demonstrates the efficacy of ultrasonication in enhancing juice quality (although not unexpected in general), with a two-minute treatment delivering the best results. The novelty here lies in using ultrasonic cavitation. It is argued that the process would break down large molecules like pectin, thus improving texture and flavor. Again, the results show that extending ultrasonication time will deteriorate juice quality.

Concerning sterilization, the findings are particularly relevant for guaranteeing both microbiological safety and product quality. The curve for sterilization temperature demonstrates that 100°C is the optimal point, beyond which thermal degradation of nutrients and flavor compounds begins to negatively impact the juice. 

Such three findings above are novel in the context of NFC Goji juice, globally they highlight the need for compromises between ensuring safety and preserving sensory attributes.  Tables provide further details of relevance for a fully concerned reader. The study is relevant since it points out consistently that one cannot exceed without depleting food quality which is governed by the critical issues explored. It can be expected that the approach would find broader applicability for the food industry, dominated by struggles for a continual challenge in efficiency, safety, and product quality.

In summary, the study not only provides a thorough optimization of NFC Goji juice processing but also contributes with methodological novelties in experiments as the cavitation mentioned above and modern interpretation thorough the response surface methodology and related quite explicating figures. 

Author Response

Thank you very much for reviewing this manuscript. 

Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

Reviewer 3 Report

Comments and Suggestions for Authors


The objective of this Manuscript (ID applsci-3200055) entitled ,,Optimization of not-from-concentrate goji juice processing using fuzzy mathematics and response surface methodology and its quality assessment”  was to aim to provide technical guidance and a theoretical reference for the diversified development and production of processed goji products.

The paper is well written, with adequate background information; however, some minor corrections are needed to improve the quality of the manuscript, which I specified below:

Materials and Methods

Lines 87-88: Authors should provide the manufacturers and cities for the organic solvents procured and used.

Lines 89-95: It is unusual to separately list the instruments used. The authors should mention the instruments used in the description of the method itself where they were used. e.g. Line 141: “The PAL-BX/ACID2 sugar acidity meter was used to measure TSS in 20 μL samples.” should be “The PAL-BX/ACID2 sugar acidity meter (Atago Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used to measure TSS in 20 μL samples.”

Lines 348. 358, and 369 the term “extremely” should be replaced with an adequate term that is used in the interpretation of the statistics results.

Line 425: “Escherichia coli” should be italicized.

Line 444: instead of “Table 1” it should be “Table 9”

Figure 7. should be improved. It is not clear from Figure 7. what refers to the freshly pressed goji juice, and what to the goji juice after processing. Further, the meaning of different colors should be in English, and the title of the picture should be corrected.

Lines 441-445: The sentences do not make sense. Authors should check and correct them.

Line 476: “4. Discussion and cnclusions” should be “4. Conclusions” only.

Author Response

Thank you very much for your suggestions. We have modified the manuscript accordingly, and the detailed corrections are listed below point by point according to your suggestions.


Comments 1: Materials and Methods

Lines 87-88: Authors should provide the manufacturers and cities for the organic solvents procured and used.

Response 1: Thank you for pointing this out. We agree with this comment. This part has been revised according to your suggestions. (Line 83-85)


Comments 2: Lines 89-95: It is unusual to separately list the instruments used. The authors should mention the instruments used in the description of the method itself where they were used. e.g. Line 141: “The PAL-BX/ACID2 sugar acidity meter was used to measure TSS in 20 μL samples.” should be “The PAL-BX/ACID2 sugar acidity meter (Atago Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was used to measure TSS in 20 μL samples.”

Response 2: Thank you for your useful comments. This part has been revised according to your suggestions. (Line 86-92)


Comments 3: Lines 348. 358, and 369 the term “extremely” should be replaced with an adequate term that is used in the interpretation of the statistics results.

Response 3: We are sorry for our negligence. This issue have been modified. (line 353-354, 363, 375)


Comments 4: Figure 7. should be improved. It is not clear from Figure 7. what refers to the freshly pressed goji juice, and what to the goji juice after processing. Further, the meaning of different colors should be in English, and the title of the picture should be corrected.

Response 4:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified. Fresh juicing: It refers to the direct juicing of wolfberry fruits; Processed juice: refers to the juice made from fresh fruit juice, processed by means, ultrasound and sterilization, and the juice has a good state and a long shelf life after processing.( line 440)


Comments 5: Lines 441-445: The sentences do not make sense. Authors should check and correct them.

Response 5:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified and the corrections are marked. ( line 443-447)

Comments 6: Line 476: “4. Discussion and cnclusions” should be “4. Conclusions” only.

Response 6:  We are very sorry for our negligence, and this issue have been modified and the corrections are marked.(Line 475)


Author Response File: Author Response.pdf

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