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Study on the Optimization of Site Selection for Emergency Supply Reserve Warehouses Based on Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model

College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China
School of Trafic & Logistics Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830046, China
School of Economics and Management, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(19), 8734;
Submission received: 29 July 2024 / Revised: 28 August 2024 / Accepted: 24 September 2024 / Published: 27 September 2024


To reasonably allocate emergency supply reserve warehouses and enhance the utilization efficiency of emergency supply reserves, this paper proposes a new optimization method for the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses based on gray system theory—the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model. This method innovatively incorporates the density of road networks, population density, economic density, and post-disaster response capability as key indicators. It then utilizes the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model to evaluate the synthetic effect. Based on the evaluation results, optimization recommendations for the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses are provided. To validate the credibility of the proposed method, a comparative analysis is then conducted using the EEM-TOPSIS and TOPSIS–Gray Correlation Degree methods, resulting in largely consistent evaluation results. The study demonstrates that the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model accounts for both hitting-the-target and missing-the-target scenarios for effect values and vectors of objectives. This approach effectively addresses the limitation of traditional multi-attribute evaluation methods, which can only rank evaluation schemes without effectively distinguishing between superior and inferior ones. This method also proves to be more user-friendly compared to others.

1. Introduction

In order to enhance the efficiency of rescue operations and improve the survival rates of disaster sufferers, it is essential to reserve emergency supplies [1]. Likewise, the reserve of supplies holds critical significance for a country’s military, economic, and social security [2]. How to achieve optimal resource allocation, enhance the efficiency of emergency supply reserve warehouses, scientifically evaluate existing emergency supply reserve warehouses, and optimize site selection are significant practical issues that require immediate resolution.
Extensive studies have been conducted by scholars both in China and abroad on the evaluation and optimization of site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses. The optimization of emergency facilities is influenced by a multitude of complex factors. Some scholars utilized Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) [3,4,5] to analyze various quantitative indicators that impact the input and output of site selection for emergency facilities. Most scholars employed multi-attribute decision-making techniques, such as fuzzy mathematics theory [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18], Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) [14,16,18,19,20,21], and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) [9,16,22,23,24,25,26].
Most scholars have considered the impact of economic, safety, service, and social factors on emergency supply reserve warehouses. While the aforementioned methods can rank alternative sites based on their superiority or inferiority, they do not offer a correct decision on the suitability of a site for establishing an emergency supply reserve warehouse. To uncover important information included in observational data of emergency systems, this study pioneers the application of the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model to the optimization of site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses. Deng [27] first introduced the concept of gray system theory. Building on the foundation of four types of uniform effect measure functions, Liu et al. [28] proposed the multi-attribute weighted gray target decision model. This model assists decision-makers in selecting the optimal decision from multiple objectives under conditions of limited information and sparse data. Currently, this model has been applied across various fields, yielding impressive outcomes. Examples include the selection of supply chain suppliers [29,30], maintenance decision for power transformers [31], selection of weapon procurement plans for artillery weaponry for a military unit [32], determination of the optimal mix ratio [33], selection of energy-saving service providers [34], synthetic effect measures of the leading industry objective system in the Kashgar urban agglomeration [35], fault localization [36], emergency plan selection after the outbreak of public health incidents [37], risk assessment for coal and gas outbursts [38], multi-attribute scheduling for mixed-flow production workshops of missile components [39], and the tendering process for civilian biogas energy projects [40]. Beyond theoretical discussions, the application of these methods is equally important. Some scholars have implemented these methods to optimize the allocation of emergency supply reserve warehouses at the national, municipal, and town levels [41,42,43,44].
This study utilizes the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model for a comprehensive evaluation of the site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses. Subsequently, the site selection is optimized based on the evaluation results. The innovations of this paper include the following:
It introduces a new evaluation method for the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses—the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model. This model comprehensively accounts for both hitting-the-target and missing-the-target scenarios and effectively addresses the limitation of other multi-attribute decision-making methods that can only rank schemes without distinguishing between superior and inferior ones. By evaluating whether the target is hit, the model can effectively identify which emergency supply reserves are unnecessary to establish;
It constructs a new evaluation indicator system for the site selection of the emergency supply reserve warehouse. To objectively evaluate the level of transportation development, the efficiency of economic activities, the degree of population concentration, and the allocation of medical resources in various regions, the density of road networks, population density, economic density, and post-disaster response capability are innovatively incorporated as key indicators for optimizing the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses.
The remainder of this study is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces a multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model for optimizing the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses. Section 3 presents a case study to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model. Section 4 concludes with a summary of the study’s findings and a discussion of future study directions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model

The multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model is a method derived from gray system theory, specifically from its suite of gray decision-making methods. It synergizes multi-attribute decision-making with gray target decision-making, offering a significant and practical solution for decision-making issues that involve a multitude of indicators and strategies. It transforms decision objectives with varying meanings, dimensions, and natures into uniform effect measures. By designating the gray target’s critical value as the demarcation point for positive and negative values (i.e., the zero point) of the uniform effect measure function, it serves as the bullseye for gray target decision-making, which fully accounts for the degree to which decision objectives are met or deviated.
At the essence of gray target decision-making, the bullseye represents the zone of satisfactory effects within the context of relative optimization. In many instances, attaining absolute optimality is unfeasible, prompting a shift toward a more achievable, satisfactory result. This approach involves aiming for the situation’s objective effect vector to reside within a specified proximity to the bullseye, a concept typically described as “hitting the target”. Failure to meet this criterion is referred to as “missing the target”.
Definition 1.
(1) If max 1 j m r i j = r i j 0 , then b j 0  is referred to as the optimal strategy for event a i  ;
(2) If max 1 i n r i j = r i 0 j ,   then a i 0 is referred to as the optimal event for strategy   b j ;
(3) If max 1 i n max 1 j m r i j = r i 0 j 0 ,   then s i 0 j 0 is referred to as the optimal solution.

2.2. The Steps of the Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Algorithm

Step 1: The entirety of events within a given research scope is referred to as the event set within that research scope, denoted as A = a 1 , a 2 , , a n , where a i i = 1,2 , , n represents the i-th event. Correspondingly, the complete set of possible strategies forms the strategy set, denoted as B = b 1 , b 2 , , b m , where b j j = 1,2 , , n represents the j-th decision. Based on the event and strategy sets, the decision-making solution set, S = s i j = a i , b j | a i A , b j B , is constructed;
Step 2: Determine the decision objectives k = 1,2 , , s based on actual needs;
Step 3: Employ EEM to determine the indicator weights η 1 , η 1 , , η s ;
Step 4: For objectives k = 1,2 , , s , compute the corresponding matrix of target effect samples.
U k = u i j ( k ) = u 11 k u 12 k u 1 m k u 21 k u 22 k u 2 m k u n 1 k u n 2 k u n m k ;
Step 5: According to the different types of effect objectives (effect type objectives, cost type objectives, and moderate type objectives), set the critical value for the target effect, u i j k .
To ensure that the measures of various objective effects adhere to standardization, i.e., r i j k 1,1 , the following conditions are established:
For the benefit type objective, set the decision-making gray target u i j k 2 u i 0 j 0 k max i max j u i j ( k )   for the objective k ;
For the cost type objective, set the decision-making gray target u i j k 2 u i 0 j 0 k min i min j u i j ( k ) for the objective k ;
For the moderate type objective with the effect value falling below the lower limit critical value A u i 0 j 0 k , set the decision-making gray target u i j k A 2 u i 0 j 0 k for the objective k ;
For the moderate type objective with the effect value exceeding the upper limit critical value A + u i 0 j 0 k , set the decision-making gray target u i j k A + 2 u i 0 j 0 k for the objective k .
Step 6: Compute the matrix of uniform effect measures for the objective k .
Due to the varying meanings, dimensions, and natures of the effect values for different objectives, direct comparison of these values is typically impractical. To facilitate the generation of comparable values, it is essential to convert the effect values of the objective samples, u i j k , into uniform effect measure values. This conversion forms the basis for establishing the matrix of uniform effect measures for the objective samples.
R ( k ) = r i j k = r 11 k r 12 k r 1 m k r 21 k r 22 k r 2 m k r n 1 k r n 2 k r n m k
Step 7: According to r i j k = k = 1 s η k r i j k , the matrix of synthetic effect measures is computed as follows:
R = r i j = r 11 r 12 r 1 m r 21 r 22 r 2 m r n 1 r n 2 r n m
Step 8: Determine whether the value of the synthetic effect measure hits the gray target. If r i j k [ 0,1 ] , it indicates a hit on the gray target for the effect value of the objective k ; conversely, if r i j k [ 1,0 ] , it denotes a miss from the target for the effect value of the objective k . Following this, the optimal strategy b j 0 or the optimal solution s i 0 j 0 is identified in accordance with Definition 1.

3. Results

The subjects of this study include 96 county-level administrative divisions in Xinjiang. Each division, such as Tianshan District, Saybag District, High-tech Zone (Xinshi District), Shuimogou District, and Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District), is represented by the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…, respectively, as shown in Figure 1. The figure illustrates the distribution of 14 regions, prefectures, and cities, including Urumqi City, Karamay City, Hami Region, and Turpan Region, along with the railway network, expressways, national highways, and provincial highways.

3.1. Construction of Event and Decision Sets

The optimization issue of site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses is defined as the event set, denoted as A = a i . A decision set consisting of 96 districts and counties, including Tianshan District, Saybag District, High-tech Zone (Xinshi District), Shuimogou District, and Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District), is denoted as B = b 1 , b 2 , , 96 . From the event set and the decision set, a decision scheme set is constructed, denoted as S = s i j = a i , b j | a i A , b j B , i = 1 ; j = 1,2 , 96 .

3.2. Determination of Decision Objectives

Given the sudden and unpredictable nature of sudden incidents, the optimization of emergency supply reserve warehouses is influenced by multiple factors. Current scholars typically take into account factors such as cost, transportation, population, economy, environment, and public infrastructure, as presented in Table 1. However, each type of disaster may present distinctly different risks and is related to specific regional characteristics [45]. The site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses should satisfy the needs of both pre-disaster preparedness and post-disaster emergency response. Therefore, the density of road networks, population density, economic density, and post-disaster response capability are identified as decision objectives for the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses.

3.2.1. Density of Road Networks

The road vector data utilized in this study are sourced from the 1:1,000,000 scale public edition of basic geographic information data (Edition 2021), available through the National Catalogue Service for Geographic Information. The highway mileage, railway mileage, and land area within the 96 county-level administrative divisions in Xinjiang are computed based on these data. The density of road networks is defined as the absolute ratio of a region’s length of road networks to its land area [53]. To precisely depict road density and investigate the varying impacts of highways and railways within an administrative division, the densities of highway networks and railway networks for each region are computed. The Entropy Evaluation Method (EEM) is then utilized to weigh the densities of highway networks and railway networks, resulting in the comprehensive network density for the region. The computational formula is as follows:
V i 1 = L i / A i ,   i ( 1 ,   2 96 )
V i 2 = l i / A i ,   i ( 1 ,   2 96 )
V i = W 1 × V i 1 + W 2 × V i 2
where A i represents the land area within the region i (in k m 2 ); L i and l i represent the highway mileage (in k m ) and railway mileage (in k m ) within the region i , respectively; V i 1 and V i 2 represent the density of highway networks (in k m / k m 2 ) and the density of railway networks (in k m / k m 2 ) within the region i , respectively; W 1 and W 2 represent the weights for densities of highway network and railway network computed using the EEM, respectively; and V i represents the density of road networks within the region i .

3.2.2. Population Density

In this study, population density is utilized primarily to evaluate the vulnerability of bearers in natural disasters, specifically, the population vulnerability. Xi et al. [50] suggested that a higher population density indicator (population vulnerability) within a region is associated with increased vulnerability of local bearers to natural disasters, which amplifies the imperative for the establishment of emergency supply reserve warehouses within that region. This is represented by P i .
P i = P O P i / A i
where P O P i represents the total population within the region i (in persons); A i represents the land area within the region i (in k m 2 ); and P i represents the population density within the region i (in person/ k m 2 ).

3.2.3. Economic Density

The rapid growth of the economy not only fosters social advancement, augments human capacity to alter the natural environment, and elevates the standards of material and living conditions but also precipitates ongoing population increase and expansion, substantial depletion of resources, and environmental pollution. Within the context of this study, economic density serves as an indicator of regional economic development levels. It is believed that a higher economic density within a region is indicative of more substantial losses in areas affected by disasters, which amplifies the imperative for the establishment of emergency supply reserve warehouses within that region.
The computational formula for the economic density of a region is as follows:
D i = G D P i / A i , i ( 1 , 2 , 3 n )
where G D P i represents the total economic output of the region i (in CNY 100 million); A i represents the land area within the region i (in k m 2 ); and D i represents the economic density of the region i (in CNY 100 million/ k m 2 ).

3.2.4. Post-Disaster Response Capability

In the event of sudden incidents, it is imperative to mobilize an array of medical resources to diminish and alleviate the consequences of disasters or incidents, illustrating that an augmentation in medical resources bolsters disaster response capabilities. Since the availability of beds reflects the reach of medical resources [54], this study measures the post-disaster response capability in terms of beds available per 1000 people at medical institutions.
B i = B E D i P O P i 1000 ,   i ( 1 , 2 , 3 n )
where B E D i represents the number of beds available at medical institutions within the region i (in beds); P O P i represents the total population within the region i (in persons); and B i represents the post-disaster response capability of the region i (in number of beds per 1000 people).

3.3. Determination of Decision-Making Power for Each Objective

Given the variations in work experience, professional knowledge, and understanding of the decision-making issue among experts, this study employs the EEM to determine the indicator weights in order to ensure the reasonableness and accuracy of the comprehensive evaluation results for emergency supply reserve warehouses. The specific computational steps are detailed in Appendix A. The basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang are presented in Table 2. Utilizing Formulas (4)–(9), the values for various indicators in the optimization scheme for the site selection of these warehouses are computed, as shown in Table 3. The weights of the density of road networks, population density, economic density, and post-disaster response capability, computed using the EEM, are 0.1216, 0.2396, 0.5815, and 0.0573, respectively.

3.4. Computation of Effect Sample Vector for Each Objective

According to Table 3, the values of each indicator in the optimization scheme for site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang are determined. The matrix of effect sample vectors for each objective is as follows:
U k = u i j ( k ) = 0.2826 3808.5881 16.4447 0.1979 1902.8941 8.4274 0.0056 0.7501 7.0811

3.5. Definition of Critical Values for Objective Effects

The density of road networks, population density, economic density, and post-disaster response capability are all benefit type indicators, with higher values indicating better effects. According to Table 4, the basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of region- and city-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang are used to compute the density of road networks, economic density, population density, and post-disaster response capability across 14 regions, prefectures, and cities, as presented in Table 5. The minimum value of each indicator is selected as the critical value for objective effect in optimizing the site selection for 96 district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses. Specifically, the density of road networks u i j ( 1 ) = 0.0145 , population density u i j ( 2 ) = 3.2011 , economic density   u i j ( 3 ) = 0.0016 , and post-disaster response capability u i j ( 4 ) = 4.1012 .

3.6. Computation of the Uniform Effect Measure Vector

The matrix of uniform effect measures for the k objective is presented below.
R 1 = [ 0.8148 , 0.5574 , 0.6976 , 0.3762 , 1.0000 , 0.1567 , 0.1093 , 0.0786 , 0.1396 , 0.1838 , 0.1018 , 0.0995 , 0.0977 , 0.0207 , 0.0541 , 0.0607 , 0.0304 , 0.0626 , 0.0883 , 0.0724 , 0.0766 , 0.0585 , 0.0661 , 0.0995 , 0.0537 , 0.3815 , 0.3882 , 0.1182 , 0.1106 , 0.1139 , 0.0860 , 0.0688 , 0.0436 , 0.0706 , 0.0767 , 0.1117 , 0.1019 , 0.0748 , 0.0794 , 0.1136 , 0.0532 , 0.0644 , 0.0466 , 0.0881 , 0.0440 , 0.0506 , 0.0385 , 0.0554 , 0.0333 , 0.0455 , 0.0697 , 0.0812 , 0.0272 , 0.1042 , 0.1137 , 0.0421 , 0.0046 , 0.0160 , 0.0209 , 0.1668 , 0.0424 , 0.0583 , 0.0351 , 0.0091 , 0.0825 , 0.0578 , 0.0105 , 0.0968 , 0.0257 , 0.0392 , 0.0134 , 0.0457 , 0.0699 , 0.0114 , 0.0496 , 0.0422 , 0.2420 , 0.0528 , 0.1254 , 0.1139 , 0.2065 , 0.0845 , 0.0162 , 0.0069 , 0.0475 , 0.0751 , 0.0400 , 0.0022 , 0.2566 , 0.0055 , 0.0040 , 0.0047 , 0.0084 , 0.0194 , 0.0163 , 0.0272 ] R 2 = [ 0.9831 , 0.4908 , 1.0000 , 0.5079 , 0.3965 , 0.0011 , 0.0382 , 0.0037 , 0.0218 , 0.0532 , 0.0095 , 0.0013 , 0.0052 , 0.0008 , 0.0013 , 0.0010 , 0.0004 , 0.0003 , 0.0188 , 0.0047 , 0.0044 , 0.0046 , 0.0026 , 0.0040 , 0.0005 , 0.3137 , 0.0496 , 0.0202 , 0.0090 , 0.0205 , 0.0102 , 0.0096 , 0.0028 , 0.0039 , 0.0031 , 0.0090 , 0.0094 , 0.0039 , 0.0054 , 0.0045 , 0.0003 , 0.0013 , 0.0003 , 0.0045 , 0.0010 , 0.0000 , 0.0002 , 0.0018 , 0.0002 , 0.0004 , 0.0087 , 0.0023 , 0.0013 , 0.0015 , 0.0284 , 0.0017 , 0.0004 , 0.0008 , 0.0007 , 0.0123 , 0.0003 , 0.0004 , 0.0026 , 0.0119 , 0.0086 , 0.0039 , 0.0014 , 0.0078 , 0.0029 , 0.0050 , 0.0039 , 0.0006 , 0.0039 , 0.0015 , 0.0002 , 0.0000 , 0.1973 , 0.0236 , 0.0408 , 0.0196 , 0.0533 , 0.0236 , 0.0038 , 0.0044 , 0.0124 , 0.0157 , 0.0043 , 0.0004 , 0.2746 , 0.0013 , 0.0049 , 0.0010 , 0.0044 , 0.0005 , 0.0009 , 0.0006 ] U 3 = [ 0.4308 , 0.1941 , 1.0000 , 0.2675 , 0.4007 , 0.0010 , 0.0190 , 0.0010 , 0.0302 , 0.0927 , 0.0219 , 0.0010 , 0.0014 , 0.0004 , 0.0009 , 0.0008 , 0.0001 , 0.0004 , 0.0100 , 0.0039 , 0.0026 , 0.0030 , 0.0018 , 0.0060 , 0.0004 , 0.0906 , 0.0336 , 0.0038 , 0.0030 , 0.0063 , 0.0024 , 0.0026 , 0.0005 , 0.0006 , 0.0008 , 0.0199 , 0.0049 , 0.0026 , 0.0029 , 0.0019 , 0.0001 , 0.0003 , 0.0000 , 0.0015 , 0.0003 , 0.0000 , 0.0000 , 0.0009 , 0.0000 , 0.0002 , 0.0048 , 0.0014 , 0.0007 , 0.0128 , 0.0184 , 0.0005 , 0.0001 , 0.0003 , 0.0003 , 0.0050 , 0.0002 , 0.0003 , 0.0011 , 0.0031 , 0.0036 , 0.0008 , 0.0002 , 0.0017 , 0.0008 , 0.0008 , 0.0006 , 0.0000 , 0.0005 , 0.0001 , 0.0001 , 0.0000 , 0.0455 , 0.0032 , 0.0063 , 0.0023 , 0.0088 , 0.0027 , 0.0004 , 0.0008 , 0.0019 , 0.0018 , 0.0005 , 0.0002 , 0.0474 , 0.0001 , 0.0003 , 0.0001 , 0.0003 , 0.0002 , 0.0001 , 0.0003 ] R 4 = [ 1.0000 , 0.3505 , 0.5174 , 0.0408 , 0.1287 , 0.1043 , 0.0331 , 0.0956 , 0.0365 , 0.1189 , 0.0662 , 0.0613 , 0.1580 , 0.0499 , 0.0504 , 0.0565 , 0.0578 , 0.1711 , 0.0596 , 0.0336 , 0.0559 , 0.0092 , 0.0592 , 0.0972 , 0.1857 , 0.3168 , 0.4555 , 0.0116 , 0.0596 , 0.0487 , 0.0909 , 0.0058 , 0.1095 , 0.1377 , 0.0777 , 0.0962 , 0.3739 , 0.0782 , 0.1011 , 0.0162 , 0.1769 , 0.0822 , 0.4020 , 0.2022 , 0.2190 , 0.1201 , 0.0453 , 0.2077 , 0.0052 , 0.0665 , 0.2165 , 0.0073 , 0.2318 , 0.3978 , 0.1281 , 0.1993 , 0.0018 , 0.3321 , 0.3289 , 0.2172 , 0.0874 , 0.1213 , 0.2617 , 0.1287 , 0.0393 , 0.0648 , 0.0119 , 0.1681 , 0.1199 , 0.0327 , 0.0225 , 0.2759 , 0.3338 , 0.1018 , 0.2155 , 0.4139 , 0.2560 , 0.0771 , 0.2802 , 0.0239 , 0.3161 , 0.0520 , 0.2196 , 0.2337 , 0.0662 , 0.1232 , 0.0452 , 0.0855 , 0.0162 , 0.0948 , 0.1187 , 0.0242 , 0.0007 , 0.0400 , 0.1304 , 0.2414 ]

3.7. Computation of the Matrix of Synthetic Effect Measures

The matrix of synthetic effect measures is derived from r i j k = k = 1 s η k r i j k .
R = [ 0.6424 ,   0.3183 ,   0.9356 ,   0.3254 ,   0.4422 ,   0.0139 ,   0.0354 ,   0.0055 ,   0.0377 ,   0.0958 ,   0.0312 ,   0.0095 ,   0.0230 ,   0.0058 ,   0.0103 ,   0.0113 ,   0.0003 ,   0.0176 ,   0.0177 ,   0.0141 ,   0.0151 ,   0.0094 ,   0.0131 ,   0.0221 ,   0.0175 ,   0.1924 ,   0.1047 ,   0.0208 ,   0.0208 ,   0.0252 ,   0.0195 ,   0.0118 ,   0.0126 ,   0.0178 ,   0.0150 ,   0.0328 ,   0.0389 ,   0.0160 ,   0.0068 ,   0.0151 ,   0.0167 ,   0.0130 ,   0.0286 ,   0.0243 ,   0.0183 ,   0.0130 ,   0.0072 ,   0.0196 ,   0.0038 ,   0.0095 ,   0.0258 ,   0.0116 ,   0.0173 ,   0.0432 ,   0.0387 ,   0.0172 , 0.0006 ,   0.0167 ,   0.0160 ,   0.0386 ,   0.0103 ,   0.0143 ,   0.0205 , 0.0016 ,   0.0164 ,   0.0047 ,   0.0001 ,   0.0243 ,   0.0112 ,   0.0045 ,   0.0016 ,   0.0215 ,   0.0289 ,   0.0076 ,   0.0184 ,   0.0289 ,   0.1178 ,   0.0184 ,   0.0447 ,   0.0213 ,   0.0611 ,   0.0145 ,   0.0157 ,   0.0158 ,   0.0136 ,   0.0069 ,   0.0087 ,   0.0044 ,   0.1255 , 0.0058 ,   0.0076 ,   0.0021 ,   0.0002 , 0.0001 ,   0.0056 ,   0.0102 ]

3.8. Decision-Making

Since r 157 , r 164 , r 167 ,   a n d   r 190 are less than 0, the four administrative divisions of Yuli County, Aksu City, Shaya County, and Hotan County missed the target, suggesting they are currently unsuitable for establishing an emergency supply reserve warehouse. The remaining 92 districts and counties all hit the target. According to max 1 j m r i j = r 1 = 0.9356 , the High-tech Zone (Xinshi District) in Urumqi City demonstrated the best evaluation result.

4. Sensitivity Analysis

In this study, appropriate critical values for objectives were determined in order to optimize the site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses. This was achieved by adjusting the minimum values of indicators such as the density of road networks, economic density, population density, and post-disaster response capability in 14 regions, prefectures, and cities, with reductions of 5%, increases of 5%, and increases of 10%, respectively. The new optimal evaluation results and cities that miss the target were then identified, as presented in Table 6.
It was observed that as the critical values for objectives increase or decrease, the number of instances missing the target also rises or falls, but the final ranking remains unchanged. The changes in the critical values for objectives do not affect the optimal evaluation results for those hitting the target.
These results suggest that the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model is both scientifically robust and effective, which contributes to enhanced stability in site selection decisions.

5. Discussion

Considering that the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model is being applied for the first time to optimize the site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses and that a new evaluation indicator system has been constructed, the reliability of the model’s evaluation results is verified using both EEM-TOPSIS and Gray Correlation Degree–TOPSIS methods. The study results indicate that evaluation results obtained through the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model are largely consistent with those derived from the two commonly used evaluation methods (Table 7). The multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model identifies the High-tech Zone as the optimal decision, which is consistent with the results obtained using the EEM-TOPSIS method. Among the 96 district- and county-level administrative divisions, the four that missed the target are Shaya County, Yuli County, Aksu City, and Hotan County. Their respective EEM-TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation rankings are 95th (Shaya County), 94th (Yuli County), 88th (Aksu City), and 96th (Hotan County). Similarly, their Gray Correlation Degree–TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation rankings are 93rd (Shaya County), 94th (Yuli County), 89th (Aksu City), and 96th (Hotan County).
Through comparison, it is found that the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model not only ranks the target schemes but also effectively identifies the superiority or inferiority of schemes by distinguishing between hitting-the-target and missing-the-target scenarios. The computation process is simple, making it superior compared to other methods.
The analysis of the study results reveals an intriguing phenomenon. In Shaya County, despite all other indicators being above the critical value, the density of road networks falls below the critical value for the objective, resulting in the target being missed. Similarly, in Aksu City, although other indicators surpass the critical values, the post-disaster response capability is below the critical value for the objective, leading to the target being missed (Table 8). In this study, the density of road networks and post-disaster response capability significantly influence the comprehensive evaluation results. However, whether they can be considered key indicators affecting the evaluation of emergency supply reserve warehouses remains to be validated by further studies from other scholars.

6. Contributions

The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
The optimization of site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses based on the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target decision-making evaluation model accounts for both hitting-the-target and missing-the-target scenarios for effect values and vectors of objectives. It provides a definitive conclusion on the suitability of a site for establishing an emergency supply reserve warehouse and offers decision-makers a basis for their decision. It not only expands the application scope of gray system theory but also enriches the optimization method for the site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses;
This paper effectively addresses the issue of determining the critical value of the objective effect during optimization using the multi-attribute weighted intelligent gray target model. Given that the critical value greatly influences the comprehensive evaluation results, it is essential to exercise great caution in its determination. It proposes a method that adopts the minimum value of each indicator from the higher-level emergency supply reserve warehouse as the critical value for the current level, thereby addressing the issue of determining the critical value of the objective effect. This study presents a new approach to determining the critical value of the objective effect and offers a reference for other scholars encountering similar challenges in their studies;
The density of road networks and post-disaster response capability are critical factors in evaluating the site selection for emergency supply reserve warehouses. Case studies reveal that they significantly impact the evaluation results for site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses. However, it remains to be validated by further research whether they can become key indicators for optimizing site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses and whether similar research results are applicable to other subjects of study.

Author Contributions

All authors contributed to the study’s conception and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by L.L. and X.B. The first draft of the manuscript was written by L.L. Supervision and review were performed by H.X., and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Variations among decision-makers in terms of work experience, expertise, and depth of understanding regarding strategic issues lead to divergent views on the significance of this decision-making issue. To ensure the rationality and accuracy of the evaluation results, this study employs EEM to determine the weights of indicators. EEM, an objective method of assigning weights, leverages the concept of entropy value from information theory to gauge the level of informational disorder across various indicators. It measures the informational content of each indicator, thus determining its impact on the decision-making process. A higher entropy value indicates increased informational disorder, suggesting that the information has less utility and, thus, lesser importance of the indicator; conversely, lower entropy values denote greater importance of the indicator. The specific computational steps are as follows.
With n evaluation subjects and m evaluation indicators, a judgment matrix X is constructed:
X = x i j n × m ( i = 1 , 2 , , n ; j = 1 , 2 , , m )
Standardization Transformation
Given the varying dimensions and units of different indicators, standardization is implemented to render these indicators dimensionless to facilitate better comparability:
x i j = ( x i j x j ¯ ) s j
where x j ¯ represents the mean value of the j -th indicator and s j represents the standard deviation of the indicator values. To eliminate negative values, a coordinate shift is performed to identify the minimum value p j for each indicator. Let Z i j = p j + 0.01 + x i j , and substitute x i j with Z i j for evaluation.
Homogenization of Various Indicators
The weight f i j of the indicator value for the i -th solution under the j -th indicator is computed as follows:
f i j = Z i j i = 1 n Z i j , i = 1,2 , , n ; j = 1,2 , , m
Determination of the entropy value H i for the evaluation indicator
H j = e i = 1 n f i j l n f i j
where e = 1 ln n . If f i j = 0, it is defined that lim f ij 0 f i j l n f i j = 0 .
Then, G i = 1 H i . The greater the value of G i , the more important the indicator j is in the comprehensive evaluation.
Weight of the evaluation indicator, ω j
ω j = G j j = 1 m G j = 1 H j j = 1 m ( 1 H j )
It satisfies j = 1 m ω j = 1 , w i t h 0 ω j 1 .
The aforementioned formula reveals that lower entropy values are associated with higher weights, suggesting that the informational content of a particular evaluation indicator is more effective, and thus, the indicator is deemed more important. Conversely, an indicator with a higher entropy value is considered less important.
Computation of the synthetic indicator, v i
v i = j = 1 m ω j f i j
where v i represents the comprehensive evaluation value of the i-th solution.


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Figure 1. Distribution map of 14 regions, prefectures, cities, and 96 county-level administrative divisions in Xinjiang alongside situations of road networks.
Figure 1. Distribution map of 14 regions, prefectures, cities, and 96 county-level administrative divisions in Xinjiang alongside situations of road networks.
Applsci 14 08734 g001
Table 1. Analysis of factors and objectives influencing site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses.
Table 1. Analysis of factors and objectives influencing site selection of emergency supply reserve warehouses.
AuthorFactors and Objectives Influencing Site Selection of Emergency Supply Reserve Warehouses
[19]Natural conditions, transportation conditions, public facilities, social benefits, costs, etc.
[46]Adherence to convenient transportation and alignment with local socio-economic development
[9]Safety factor, transportation factor, social environment factor, public facility factor, and economic factor
[47]Population distribution, economic situation, transportation, etc.
[48]Natural conditions, environmental conditions, cost factor, policy environment, and other factors
[49]Level of regional economic development, natural geographical location, level of logistics development, extent of disaster impact, comprehensive transportation accessibility, infrastructure competitiveness, attention to emergency policies, etc.
[50]Population distribution, economic conditions, and transportation situation
[51]Potential disaster threats, population characteristics, economy, education, etc.
[18]Accessibility, operating costs, land utilization, impact on surrounding residents, and development costs
[52]Economy, transportation, logistics level, and disaster rate
Table 2. The basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
Table 2. The basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
District and CountyLength of Railways in
Operation (km)
Length of
Highways (km)
Land Area (km2)Permanent Population (Person)Gross Regional Product (CNY 100 Million)Beds Available at Medical Institutions (Bed)
Tianshan District27.77119.47171.40652,792376.3210,735
Saybag District46.79208.14420.17799,539416.006738
High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)45.42126.58261.081,011,4401330.0010,608
Shuimogou District12.71127.57279.06549,576380.662531
Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District)49.71244.44272.47419,022556.401053
Dabancheng District159.66851.534773.6535,54031.17100
Midong District72.08513.863398.55512,870335.232313
Urumqi County6.88732.914218.6273,59028.23215
Karamay District103.02677.663845.76337,188597.511231
Dushanzi District12.0692.85403.6084,395191.28470
Baijiantan District47.09108.161267.1850,825143.23250
Urho District51.55290.432229.4717,94014.8860
Gaochang District254.481953.7913,653.26317,443118.621921
Shanshan County292.172755.4639,646.63242,310152.281143
Toksun County184.011746.1516,566.66134,235102.51634
Yizhou District1477.787378.5381,370.88569,388454.992732
Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County0.004039.2837,098.7065,53176.47222
Yiwu County241.212247.2119,729.5338,46476.46239
Changji City25.251456.357976.84607,441420.172044
Fukang City75.831191.718530.27181,144185.31818
Hutubi County44.091527.959524.22192,638139.38923
Manas County33.781258.559168.50192,098153.48766
Qitai County115.062287.2616,664.93219,811177.621062
Jimsar County133.101251.228148.16153,197262.57812
Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County0.001934.5313,540.3167,25648.72430
Yining City28.00300.79639.01778,047295.876233
Kuytun City93.60418.431172.74229,122202.672228
Yining County51.96886.424492.40365,30794.661446
Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County0.00936.094143.77157,76469.96763
Huocheng County34.92560.492949.01243,30399.631144
Gongliu County0.00784.994131.46175,76656.58918
Xinyuan County0.001252.327591.95306,525111.181235
Zhaosu County0.001345.6710,498.39146,88745.82801
Tekes County0.001357.778100.05148,94538.18864
Nilka County55.701602.0810,161.28155,73757.55788
Khorgos City12.96384.011883.3471,466193.89378
Tacheng City37.03725.383997.67158,098106.601378
Wusu City88.562197.1014,399.19262,906214.181332
Shawan City63.312030.9612,464.11301,046204.90859
Emin County96.431777.889154.24188,642104.10736
Toli County79.142572.3320,009.1385,45143.77537
Yumin County0.00966.626095.7750,81919.57260
Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County173.663221.8528,806.1661,78544.51560
Altay City89.131779.4010,799.55221,454101.381461
Burqin County0.001337.1210,381.1672,89430.99496
Fuyun County280.013509.7532,306.4599,74857.53557
Fuhai County138.023451.7132,516.7675,53751.70352
Habahe County0.001188.658178.3782,52450.06550
Qinghe County0.001781.3915,750.7861,68026.73249
Jeminay County0.00933.637130.0434,33617.92169
Bole City44.74954.516662.60246,706174.101671
Jinghe County184.281274.5210,419.20125,96889.68528
Wenquan County0.00619.955946.4349,69629.44346
Alashankou City33.38157.691257.9511,09783.91100
Korla City131.641133.486881.04779,352654.934429
Bugur County112.561400.6614,191.42137,32762.12901
Yuli County195.022751.5859,208.56101,86676.92420
Ruoqiang County528.026356.33198,680.2243,04554.13353
Qiemo County0.004712.72138,745.6269,23634.80565
Yanqi Hui Autonomous County51.09572.022427.46122,96166.32834
Hejing County223.063655.0834,985.08147,85992.39766
Hoxud County135.371444.4612,763.4459,29938.88332
Bohu County0.00415.563587.9948,28825.80354
Aksu City74.41873.0614,499.15715,319251.251797
Kuqa City191.692031.9114,551.47530,328288.882432
Wensu County92.191829.8714,419.26266,00284.98878
Shaya County0.001571.4631,943.84278,51685.881183
Xinhe County106.81836.795848.78194,47360.891201
Baicheng County5.761607.2715,951.54231,11393.431290
Uqturpan County0.001113.199143.81205,57151.48760
Awat County0.001103.7113,119.44242,48162.88927
Kalpin County85.98887.089013.9150,61914.68380
Artush City76.452367.5615,795.05290,93669.752392
Akto County29.791905.4224,721.23226,00547.831211
Akqi County0.001588.5911,603.9144,36915.63300
Ulugqat County0.002425.5919,238.9260,91236.03561
Kashgar City31.85316.901020.72782,662238.275683
Shufu County2.62384.302777.00263,01450.081329
Shule County15.32494.122208.69355,54474.172688
Yengisar County73.86553.243496.09276,64147.051216
Poskam County23.09295.361024.20214,54347.701717
Yarkant County66.441482.269104.91860,800137.812978
Kargilik County55.592381.9429,175.73525,436109.463579
Makit County0.00824.7411,053.97224,15463.281566
Yopurga County0.00426.383186.01162,67535.76800
Payzawat County78.95885.286642.52424,82170.721096
Maralbexi County144.501789.2518,598.97366,14175.111706
Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County0.001483.7324,202.3539,94617.79206
Hotan City7.53180.50470.03501,028114.282155
Hotan County10.072318.1741,584.54342,60346.361004
Karakax County44.111365.3025,841.94571,64878.943182
Pishan County140.892367.3239,954.05281,57341.461239
Lop County0.00743.5914,220.47286,90042.651179
Qira County0.001151.0031,810.59157,79226.85725
Keriya County0.001597.9339,228.52257,03840.631468
Niya County0.001411.9456,855.6242,64915.14302
Table 3. The values of each indicator in the optimization scheme for site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
Table 3. The values of each indicator in the optimization scheme for site selection of district- and county-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
No.District and CountyDensity of Road Networks (km/km2)Population Density (Person/km2)Economic Density
(CNY 100 Million/km2)
Post-disaster Response Capability (Number of Beds per 1000 People)
1Tianshan District0.28263808.58812.195616.4447
2Saybag District0.19791902.89410.99018.4274
3High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)0.24413874.06165.094210.4880
4Shuimogou District0.13831969.38291.36414.6054
5Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District)0.34351537.86472.04212.5130
6Dabancheng District0.06617.44500.00652.8137
7Midong District0.0505150.90850.09864.5099
8Urumqi County0.040417.44410.00672.9216
9Karamay District0.060587.67790.15543.6508
10Dushanzi District 0.0750209.10560.47395.5691
11Baijiantan District0.048040.10870.11304.9188
12Urho District0.04738.04680.00673.3445
13Gaochang District0.046723.25030.00876.0515
14Shanshan County0.02146.11170.00384.7171
15Toksun County0.03248.10270.00624.7231
16Yizhou District0.03456.99740.00564.7981
17Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County0.02451.76640.00213.3877
18Yiwu County0.03511.94960.00396.2136
19Changji City0.043676.15060.05273.3649
20Fukang City0.038421.23540.02174.5157
21Hutubi County0.039720.22610.01464.7914
22Manas County0.033820.95200.01673.9875
23Qitai County0.036313.19000.01074.8314
24Jimsar County0.047318.80140.03225.3004
25Mulei Kazakh Autonomous County0.03224.96710.00366.3935
26Yining City0.14001217.58190.46308.0111
27Kuytun City0.1422195.37320.17289.7241
28Yining County0.053481.31670.02113.9583
29Qapqal Xibe Autonomous County0.050938.07260.01694.8363
30Huocheng County0.052082.50330.03384.7020
31Gongliu County0.042842.54330.01375.2229
32Xinyuan County0.037240.37500.01464.0290
33Zhaosu County0.028913.99140.00445.4532
34Tekes County0.037818.38820.00475.8008
35Nilka County0.039815.32650.00575.0598
36Khorgos City0.051337.94640.10305.2892
37Tacheng City0.048139.54750.02678.7161
38Wusu City0.039218.25840.01495.0664
39Shawan City0.040724.15300.01642.8534
40Emin County0.051920.60710.01143.9016
41Toli County0.03204.27060.00226.2843
42Yumin County0.03578.33680.00325.1162
43Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County0.02992.14490.00159.0637
44Altay City0.043520.50590.00946.5973
45Burqin County0.02907.02180.00306.8044
46Fuyun County0.03123.08760.00185.5841
47Fuhai County0.02722.32300.00164.6600
48Habahe County0.032810.09050.00616.6647
49Qinghe County0.02553.91600.00174.0370
50Jeminay County0.02954.81570.00254.9219
51Bole City0.037537.02850.02616.7732
52Jinghe County0.041312.09000.00864.1915
53Wenquan County0.02358.35730.00506.9623
54Alashankou City0.04888.82150.06679.0114
55Korla City0.0519113.26080.09525.6829
56Bugur County0.02849.67680.00446.5610
57Yuli County0.01301.72050.00134.1231
58Ruoqiang County0.00930.21670.00038.2007
59Qiemo County0.00770.49900.00038.1605
60Yanqi Hui Autonomous County0.069450.65420.02736.7826
61Hejing County0.02854.22630.00265.1806
62Hoxud County0.03374.64600.00305.5987
63Bohu County0.026113.45820.00727.3310
64Aksu City0.017549.33520.01732.5122
65Kuqa City0.041736.44500.01994.5858
66Wensu County0.033618.44770.00593.3007
67Shaya County0.01118.71890.00274.2475
68Xinhe County0.046433.25020.01046.1757
69Baicheng County0.023014.48840.00595.5817
70Uqturpan County0.027422.48200.00563.6970
71Awat County0.019018.48260.00483.8230
72Kalpin County0.02965.61570.00167.5071
73Artush City0.037518.41940.00448.2217
74Akto County0.01839.14210.00195.3583
75Akqi County0.03093.82360.00136.7615
76Ulugqat County0.02843.16610.00199.2100
77Kashgar City0.0941766.77440.23347.2611
78Shufu County0.031994.71160.01805.0530
79Shule County0.0558160.97510.03367.5602
80Yengisar County0.052079.12870.01354.3956
81Poskam County0.0825209.47370.04668.0031
82Yarkant County0.042394.54240.01513.4596
83Kargilik County0.019918.00940.00386.8115
84Makit County0.016820.27810.00576.9863
85Yopurga County0.030251.05920.01124.9178
86Payzawat County0.039263.95480.01062.5799
87Maralbexi County0.027719.68610.00404.6594
88Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County0.01381.65050.00075.1570
89Hotan City0.09901065.94900.24314.3012
90Hotan County0.01288.23870.00112.9305
91Karakax County0.013222.12090.00315.5664
92Pishan County0.01617.04740.00104.4003
93Lop County0.011820.17510.00304.1094
94Qira County0.00824.96040.00084.5947
95Keriya County0.00926.55230.00105.7112
96Niya County0.00560.75010.00037.0811
Table 4. The basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of region- and city-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
Table 4. The basic data for the optimization scheme pertaining to the site selection of region- and city-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
No.Region, Prefecture, and CityLength of Railways in
Operation (km)
Length of
Highways (km)
Land Area km2Permanent Population (Person)Gross Regional Product (CNY 100 Million)Beds Available at Medical Institutions (Bed)
5Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture427.5610,840.18735,53.231,613,5851387.259542
6Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture277.919820.9855,763.412,778,8691266.0119,298
7Tacheng Prefecture539.9513,485.9294,926.271,108,747737.576115
8Altay Prefecture509.8513,953.10117,063.10648,173334.533740
9Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture263.623001.9824,286.17433,467377.142634
10Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture1380.8822,402.26471,470.801,509,2331106.299821
11Aksu Prefecture105.8811,854.38128,491.202,714,4221315.0515,409
12Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture556.038287.0871,359.11622,222169.248053
13Kashgar Prefecture491.5511,389.05112,491.104,496,3771130.2228,953
14Hotan Prefecture200.8711,121.46249,965.802,441,231406.3217,732
Table 5. The values of each indicator in the optimization scheme for site selection of regions, prefectures, and city-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
Table 5. The values of each indicator in the optimization scheme for site selection of regions, prefectures, and city-level emergency supply reserve warehouses in Xinjiang.
Emergency Supply Reserve WarehousesDensity of Road Networks (km/km2)Population Density (Person/km2)Economic Density (CNY 100 Million/km2)Post-Disaster Response Capability (Number of Beds per 1000 People)
Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture0.050321.93760.01895.9135
Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture0.058849.83320.02276.9446
Tacheng Prefecture0.048611.68010.00785.5152
Altay Prefecture0.04055.53700.00295.7701
Bortala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture0.046317.84830.01556.0766
Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture0.01703.20110.00236.5073
Aksu Prefecture0.029621.12540.01025.6767
Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture0.04198.71960.002412.9423
Kashgar Prefecture0.034839.97090.01006.4392
Hotan Prefecture0.01459.76630.00167.2635
Table 6. Effects of changes in critical values for objectives on optimal evaluation and missing-the-target situations.
Table 6. Effects of changes in critical values for objectives on optimal evaluation and missing-the-target situations.
Critical Value for Objective Density   of   Road   Networks   u i j ( 1 ) Population   Density   u i j ( 2 ) Economic   Density   u i j ( 3 ) Post - Disaster   Response   Capability   u i j ( 4 ) Optimal Site Based on Evaluation ResultMissing-the-Target and Ranking Situation
After a 5% reduction0.01383.04100.00153.8961High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)Aksu City > Hotan County
Unchanged0.01453.20110.00164.1012High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)Shaya County > Yuli County > Aksu City > Hotan County
After a 5% increase0.01523.36120.00174.3063High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County > Lop County > Qira County > Shaya County > Yuli County > Aksu City > Hotan County
After a 10% increase0.01603.52120.00184.5113High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)Pishan County > Awat County > Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County > Lop County > Qira County > Shaya County > Yuli County > Aksu City > Hotan County
Table 7. Comparison of ranking results by different models and methods.
Table 7. Comparison of ranking results by different models and methods.
District and CountyEEM-TOPSIS ClosenessEEM-TOPSIS RankingGray Correlation Degree–TOPSIS ClosenessGray Correlation Degree–TOPSIS RankingSynthetic Effect Measure for Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation ModelDecision Result of Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model
High-tech Zone (Xinshi District)0.965110.584220.9356Hit the target
Tianshan District0.482420.536710.6425Hit the target
Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe District)0.410130.497530.4422Hit the target
Shuimogou District0.292940.474840.3254Hit the target
Saybag District0.235450.474550.3183Hit the target
Qira County0.0042920.4144950Hit the target
Shaya County0.0039950.405693−0.0001Miss the target
Yuli County0.0040940.405694−0.0006Miss the target
Aksu City0.0063880.406289−0.0016Miss the target
Hotan County0.0027960.331896−0.0058Miss the target
Table 8. Comparison of various indicators with critical values in target-missing districts and counties.
Table 8. Comparison of various indicators with critical values in target-missing districts and counties.
District and CountyDensity of Road Networks
Population Density
Economic Density
(CNY 100 Million/km2)
Post-Disaster Response Capability
(Number of Beds per 1000 People)
Synthetic Effect Measure
Critical Value for Objective0.01453.20110.00164.1012
Shaya County0.01118.71890.00274.2475−0.0001
Yuli County0.01301.72050.00134.1231−0.0006
Aksu City0.017549.33520.01732.5122−0.0016
Hotan County0.01288.23870.00112.9305−0.0058
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, L.; Bai, X.; Xia, H. Study on the Optimization of Site Selection for Emergency Supply Reserve Warehouses Based on Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 8734.

AMA Style

Li L, Bai X, Xia H. Study on the Optimization of Site Selection for Emergency Supply Reserve Warehouses Based on Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(19):8734.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Linyan, Xiao Bai, and Hongshan Xia. 2024. "Study on the Optimization of Site Selection for Emergency Supply Reserve Warehouses Based on Multi-Attribute Weighted Intelligent Gray Target Decision-Making Evaluation Model" Applied Sciences 14, no. 19: 8734.

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