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Bias in Machine Learning: A Literature Review

Konstantinos Mavrogiorgos
Athanasios Kiourtis
Argyro Mavrogiorgou
Andreas Menychtas
Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 185 34 Piraeus, Greece
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(19), 8860;
Submission received: 27 August 2024 / Revised: 21 September 2024 / Accepted: 23 September 2024 / Published: 2 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances and Applications of Complex Data Analysis and Computing)


Bias could be defined as the tendency to be in favor or against a person or a group, thus promoting unfairness. In computer science, bias is called algorithmic or artificial intelligence (i.e., AI) and can be described as the tendency to showcase recurrent errors in a computer system, which result in “unfair” outcomes. Bias in the “outside world” and algorithmic bias are interconnected since many types of algorithmic bias originate from external factors. The enormous variety of different types of AI biases that have been identified in diverse domains highlights the need for classifying the said types of AI bias and providing a detailed overview of ways to identify and mitigate them. The different types of algorithmic bias that exist could be divided into categories based on the origin of the bias, since bias can occur during the different stages of the Machine Learning (i.e., ML) lifecycle. This manuscript is a literature study that provides a detailed survey regarding the different categories of bias and the corresponding approaches that have been proposed to identify and mitigate them. This study not only provides ready-to-use algorithms for identifying and mitigating bias, but also enhances the empirical knowledge of ML engineers to identify bias based on the similarity that their use cases have to other approaches that are presented in this manuscript. Based on the findings of this study, it is observed that some types of AI bias are better covered in the literature, both in terms of identification and mitigation, whilst others need to be studied more. The overall contribution of this research work is to provide a useful guideline for the identification and mitigation of bias that can be utilized by ML engineers and everyone who is interested in developing, evaluating and/or utilizing ML models.

1. Introduction

Bias is the tendency to promote prejudiced results due to erroneous assumptions. In the context of ML and AI in general, this could be caused due to erroneous data on which an ML model has been trained, or due to other factors that will be further analyzed later in this manuscript. Algorithmic or not [1], bias is not a recent discovery and has been recognized by the research community for many decades. Looking back in history, it is quite clear that bias not only exists but also has played—and still plays—a crucial negative role in the evolution of humanity since the very early stages of its existence. Regardless of the era that one lives in, the concept of bias remains the lack of internal validity or even false assessment between an exposure and an effect that is expected to have a certain outcome that does not equal the real value [2]. Bias from the “outside” world can infiltrate AI systems through, for instance, the data that have been used for training the underlying ML models, thus affecting the results of the said systems. In essence, bias finds its way into AI systems and, given the fact that the adaptation of those systems is increasing exponentially [3], it is of vital importance to identify it and try to mitigate it, by utilizing a plethora of tools, algorithms and approaches that people have in their disposal. It is no surprise that in a very recent survey [4], bias is, alongside data privacy, one of the key aspects about which people are concerned when using AI tools.
There have been several examples of AI tools, which have even been exploited in a production environment, that have produced erroneous results and predictions due to bias in the input data and/or the training process of the corresponding ML models. In deeper detail, an indicative example of such tools is Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, which are known for inheriting bias from the training data, since the data themselves are not bias-free [5,6]. This is a well-known issue of LLMs for which extensive research is being carried out to minimize such bias. Bias has occurred repeatedly in computer vision (CV) algorithms and applications as well. For example, in 2020 it was identified that the algorithm used by Twitter (now X) for cropping images favored light-skinned over dark-skinned individuals, whilst it also favored cropping female bodies instead of their faces, thus showcasing signs of both racial and gender bias [7]. This is not the only example of such an algorithm since both algorithms developed by Google and Apple for editing images have also showcased similar behaviors [8]. In those cases, the training data were also the culprit for the biased results generated by the algorithms. In another case, which sparked a nation-wide debate in the United States, a tool called COMPAS that was used as a Recidivism Prediction Instrument (RPI), was found to be biased in terms of race. The goal of this tool was to predict the probability of a criminal defendant reoffending at some time into the future [9]. It was discovered that this tool was biased against black defendants, and this was not only due to the training data but also due to the way that the underlying algorithm operates [10]. In the case of COMPAS, the nature of the algorithm relied on population effects, which were also wrong because the training data were biased. The law cares about individual cases and not population effects [11]; thus, the nature of the ML algorithm utilized in COMPAS was also responsible for the biased results that it produced.
The above highlights the vital importance of mitigating any form of bias that might occur in AI tools in different domains since the presence of bias will inevitably lead to wrongful decision making. The vast number of different algorithmic biases that exist have led to their classification, based on specific characteristics, in order to be easier to study them and propose appropriate ways to deal with them. Such a classification that covers all the different kinds of AI bias is based on the origin of bias. The bias that can be found in an AI system (i.e., algorithmic bias) can generally be derived from three sources. The first source is, obviously the data that the system utilizes, since if, for instance, an ML model is trained on biased data, it will produce biased results [12]. The second source is the design of the algorithm and the way that it operates. For instance, if the algorithm utilized does not fit the given problem, it may lead to biased outputs. In another example, the objective functions used in optimization algorithms may inject bias to maximize utility or minimize costs [13]. The third source of algorithmic bias is the human bias. Of course, bias found in the data can also be due to human bias. However, in the context of this paper, the reference to human bias as a “high-level” category of bias refers to the bias that originates from the ones that develop and/or evaluate an ML model [14]. An indicative example of such a bias is the confirmation bias, where ML engineers unconsciously process data in a way that affirms an initial hypothesis or a specific goal [15].
In the literature, there have been several attempts to identify the different forms of algorithmic bias that exist in order to guide the corresponding implementations towards bias-free AI tools. To this end, this manuscript summarizes the different types of algorithmic bias that have been identified in the literature by classifying them into one of the following three categories, namely data bias, algorithm bias and engineer bias, which are also essential parts of the ML lifecycle. Alongside the type of algorithmic bias, the corresponding methods that have been proposed in the literature are also mentioned, thus serving as a handbook for everyone who is interested in developing, evaluating and/or using an AI model and aims to identify and mitigate bias in such a model. What is more, this manuscript identifies that most of the literature focuses mostly on a specific type of bias, namely the data bias, whilst it completely omits other aspects of the ML lifecycle that can introduce bias. As a result, it provides a future direction with regard to other aspects of the ML lifecycle that should be better investigated and clarified in terms of the way that they can introduce bias and in what way this bias can be addressed.
The rest of the manuscript is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the methodology that was followed in order to perform the comprehensive literature review that is presented in this manuscript. Section 3 reports the types of algorithmic bias that originate from the data themselves and the diverse methods that have been proposed in the literature in order to mitigate them. More specifically, it analyzes general approaches that exist in the literature regarding the mitigation of bias in data and then dives into specific types of data bias, namely cognitive, selection and reporting, and presents the different methods and techniques that have been presented in the literature. Section 4 analyzes the set of algorithmic biases that are caused by the algorithms, as well as the corresponding approaches to deal with them. In deeper detail, this section analyzes how estimators, optimizers and different regularization methods can introduce bias and presents several comparative studies per different domains that aim to find the approach that achieves the least possible bias. In this section, specific bias-mitigation algorithms are also presented and analyzed. Section 5 describes the group of algorithmic biases that originate from the model builders and model evaluators and studies the analogous countermeasures that are proposed in the literature. Section 6 discusses the proposed approaches for the mitigation of algorithmic bias presented in the above-mentioned sections and potential unclear points that should be further researched. It also compares this literature review with other similar reviews and highlights the added value of this manuscript. Lastly, Section 7 summarizes the findings of this manuscript and provides future research directions with regard to bias identification and mitigation in ML. The sections of this manuscript are also depicted in Table 1.

2. Materials and Methods

As mentioned in the Introduction part, this manuscript aims to perform a comprehensive literature review regarding bias in ML, investigating the corresponding methods and approaches that have been proposed in order to identify and/or mitigate bias in the whole ML lifecycle. More specifically, in the context of this manuscript, the ML lifecycle consists of three (3) discrete stages for each there exist specific types of bias: (i) bias that can originate from the data themselves (i.e., data bias), (ii) bias deriving from the ML models that are utilized (i.e., algorithm bias) or, (iii) bias by the ML engineers that develop and/or evaluate the produced ML models (i.e., engineer bias). Having divided the ML lifecycle into those categories, the types of bias that can occur in each category were identified, which on the one hand allowed the definition of the said biases, and on the other hand aided the identification of the corresponding approaches in the literature that manage to tackle those biases. An overview of the types of bias that can occur in each of the three (3) categories can be shown in Figure 1.
When the different types of bias were identified, four (4) of the most widely known publications databases were selected, namely ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Scopus and Science Direct. For each database, the corresponding search query was generated. The search for relevant studies was based on the presence of specific search terms in the title, abstract or keywords of the said studies. For the data bias, the search terms consisted of the name of the corresponding bias (e.g., reporting bias), the phrase “machine learning”, since this manuscript is focused on ML approaches that aim to address the issue of bias presence in data, and words like “addressing”, “mitigating”, “identifying” to further limit the search to studies that actually propose a way to identify and/or mitigate data bias. Regarding algorithm bias, more specifically estimator bias, another set of search terms was used. In the estimator bias, only studies that compare different algorithms and also take into consideration the aspect of bias were needed. As a result, words like “bias”, “comparative study”, and “review” were used as search terms. Similarly, regarding the optimizers’ bias, search terms like “bias”, “optimizer”, “hyperparameter”, and “neural network” were used. The “hyperparameter” search term was used to only limit the search to studies that do not refer to optimization algorithms in general, but to them as a hyperparameter of neural networks. As for the bias caused by regularization techniques, a similar approach was followed, consisting of the search terms “regularization”, “machine learning” and the names of widely used regularization techniques. Lastly, regarding the engineer bias, there exist no studies that particularly address this bias from the point of view of ML engineers, rather than the point of view of researchers in general. As a result, for this specific type of bias, and its subtypes, no specific search queries were performed, and a more theoretical framework is analyzed in the corresponding section of this manuscript. A complete list of the search queries that were performed per type of bias and per publications’ database is shown in Table 2.
Having retrieved the research studies, a cleaning step took place where the duplicate studies were removed from the list of collected documents. Afterward, this list was further reduced, based on three (3) inclusion criteria (i.e., IC) and one (1) exclusion criterion (i.e., EC). The context of a study should obey the aforementioned IC in order to be considered for this literature review. More specifically, the IC and EC that are taken into consideration are the following:
  • IC#1: The study should contain a specific methodology, either theoretical framework or technical method/algorithm for identifying and/or mitigating bias.
  • IC#2: The study takes algorithmic bias into consideration when comparing different algorithms or optimizers.
  • IC#3: The study explains why a specific algorithm/optimizer/regularization method was chosen.
  • EC#1: The study was not peer reviewed.
IC#1 and EC#1 refer to the studies related to all three (3) categories of bias (i.e., data, algorithms and engineers). IC#2 refers to the studies related to the two (2) subtypes of algorithm bias, namely estimator bias and optimizer bias while IC#3 corresponds to the studies that are related to algorithm bias (i.e., including regularization bias). A visualization of the process followed to select the studies that are analyzed in this manuscript, which was also presented above, is depicted in Figure 2.

3. Data Bias

As discussed earlier, one major cause of biased results of ML models is the fact that the data used for training those models are also biased. Data bias is mostly related to the way that data are selected and collected, as well as the nature of the data. As a result, three categories of data bias can be identified, namely reporting bias, selection bias and cognitive bias.
Apart from approaches that exist for dealing with specific categories of data bias which will be analyzed in the following subsections, there are some more scenario-agnostic techniques that can be applied in order to reduce data bias. These techniques mostly refer to imbalanced datasets (i.e., one label occurs more often in the data than the other(s)) and aim to reduce the bias in the datasets by under-sampling or over-sampling [16].
In under-sampling, the number of data instances that belong to the majority class is reduced, whilst in over-sampling, the number of data instances that belong to the minority class is increased [17]. A common approach for performing under-sampling includes the application of a clustering algorithm to cluster the imbalanced dataset and then remove instances of the majority class, based on the cluster to which every instance belongs [18]. Other techniques that can be applied are random under-sampling and Tomek links under-sampling. In random under-sampling, as its name suggests, a random number of observations to keep is selected [19]. In Tomek links under-sampling, data instances that “overlap” each other are identified, thus removing instances of the majority class that belong to the class “boundaries” [20].
With regard to over-sampling, there exist two main approaches, namely the synthetic minority over-sampling technique (i.e., SMOTE) and adaptive synthetic sampling (i.e., ADASYN). SMOTE first identifies the minority class instances then selects the nearest neighbor and generates a synthetic data sample by joining the minority class instance and the corresponding nearest neighbor [21]. As for the ADASYN, it is similar to SMOTE; however, it generates a different number of samples based on the distribution of the minority class, thus also improving learning performance [22]. What is more, there exist approaches that perform over-sampling on multi-class datasets such as Mahalanobis distance-based over-sampling (i.e., MDO) and adaptive Mahalanobis distance-based over-sampling (i.e., AMDO) that are appropriate for numeric and mixed data, respectively [23].

3.1. Cognitive Bias

Cognitive bias is mostly related to the nature of the data. For example, text data from social media posts are quite likely to represent the cognitive bias of the people who wrote those posts. This kind of bias is several times identified in LLMs [24], since they are usually trained, among others, on this kind of data. At this point, it is important to note that this kind of human bias is not related to the bias caused by the ML model builders and evaluators. They are both caused by humans, but the first one is interconnected with the data, whilst the second one is associated with the implementation and evaluation of the ML models.
There have been several attempts to identify cognitive bias in text data such as the one presented in [25]. In this paper, the authors try to automatically detect 188 cognitive biases that are present in the 2016 Cognitive Bias Codex [26] and test its performance to both human and AI-generated text data, showcasing promising results. However, the authors also state that they need more human participants in their study in order to use their responses as the ground truth and establish a better understanding of the approach’s accuracy. In a similar approach that also focuses on text data [27], where the authors try to mitigate cognitive bias that can be found in text data, an ontology-based approach named Automatic Bias Identification (i.e., ABI) is showcased. The main idea of ABI is to consider the decisions made by the users in the past in order to identify whether new, different decisions made by the same users contain cognitive bias. In essence, based on the historical decisions available to the tool, it performs a Boolean classification regarding whether a new decision is biased or not.
In [28], the authors aim to identify four types of cognitive bias in ML models by allowing users to provide feedback to the said models and then examining whether this feedback increases or decreases the variance of future choices made by the ML models. In [29], BiasEye is introduced, which aims to identify and mitigate cognitive bias in text data and, more precisely, text data coming from curriculum vitae (i.e., CVs). BiasEye depends on an ML approach that models individual screening preferences so that it improves information transparency and accessibility, thus enhancing awareness regarding cognitive biases. Similarly, regarding text data from CVs, the authors in [30] propose a three-step approach for mitigating cognitive bias, consisting of pre-process, in-process and post-process steps. More specifically, for the pre-process step, they examine three techniques, namely optimized pre-processing (i.e., OPP), massaging–reweighting–sampling (i.e., MRS) and disparate impact reduction (i.e., DIR). Regarding the in-process step, they utilize adversarial debiasing (i.e., AD) and prejudice remover (i.e., PR). As for the post-process step, they test three techniques namely equalized odds post-processing (i.e., EOP), calibrated equalized odds post-processing (i.e., CEOP) and reject option classification (i.e., ROC). Based on their experiments, they conclude that the combination of DIR, AD and EOP achieves the best results but has higher complexity and computational cost, whereas without the utilization of AD, the accuracy is slightly lower but, still, quite promising. In [31], the integration of causal analysis results is suggested in order to mitigate cognitive biases. The authors argue that this integration, as well as the utilization of knowledge discovery mechanisms, alongside data-driven methodologies, will assist in avoiding cognitive biases.
In another study [32], the authors also propose an approach to not only identify cognitive bias but also mitigate it, utilizing a module that alters data attributes that cause cognitive bias and then evaluates the results by measuring the KL divergence value. Their approach has been tested in computer vision—related datasets and more specifically in image data, showcasing promising results. In [33], the authors propose a different approach for mitigating cognitive bias in medical LLMs. In their study, they propose “informing” the model that the provided input question may lead to an answer (i.e., model output) that contains some kind of cognitive bias. In this approach, the original training data are not altered in any way, but the model modifies the provided answers based on the assumption that the training data is biased.
A complete list of approaches that have been proposed to identify and/or mitigate cognitive bias can be found in Table 3.

3.2. Selection Bias

Another type of bias that can be identified in the data is the selection bias. Selection bias occurs when the data samples that are selected are not reflective of the real-world distribution of the data [34]. Under the umbrella of this kind of bias, there exists a plethora of subtypes of bias such as sampling, attrition, self-selection, survivorship, nonresponse and under-coverage bias [35].
In general, selection bias can be avoided by applying the proper techniques when sampling the population of interest and designing the corresponding study, thus understanding the connection between the data samples and the target population [36]. Except for the initial stages of a study, selection bias can also be addressed later on, when the data has already been collected.
To achieve this, there have been proposed several methods in the literature, mainly statistical ones. Those statistical methods include the delta-method, linear scaling, power transformation of precipitation [37], empirical quantile mapping, gamma quantile mapping and gamma-pareto quantile mapping [38]. Selection bias is quite common in historical climate-related data; thus, the aforementioned methods are greatly used in relevant use cases, such as rainfall-runoff processes [39]. Another approach that aims to identify selection bias in environmental observational data is presented in [40], where the authors introduce two methods. The first one relies on the uniqueness of members of exponential families over any set of non-zero probabilities. The second method depends on the invariances of the true generating distribution before selection. The authors claim that both approaches generate adequate results for identifying the variables affected by selection bias.
Similarly, in [41] an approach for mitigating selection bias in environment time series data is also presented. It consists of two cross-validation iterations. The outer one is used for identifying the set of variables based on which the corresponding predictor produces the minimum residual sum of squares (i.e., RSS), whilst in the inner iteration a grid search is performed to identify the optimal hyperparameters corresponding to the minimum RSS. Regarding computer vision, three approaches can be found in the literature. The first one is presented in [42] and makes use of a causally regularized logistic regression (i.e., CRLR) model for classifying data that contain agnostic selection bias. The model consists of a weighted logistic loss term and a subtly designed causal regularizer. The second one is showcased in [43], where the authors utilize an adapted triplet loss (i.e., ATL) method. In ATL, a matching loss term reduces the distribution shift between all possible triplets and the selected triplets, thus minimizing selection bias. The third one is presented in [44] and mainly focuses on medical images and utilizes a technique called Recalibrated Feature Compensation (i.e., RFC). RFC uses a recalibrated distribution to augment features for minority groups, by restricting the feature distribution gap between different sample views. With regard to the health domain, an additional five can be found in the literature.
In [45], the selection bias that can be found in electronic health records (i.e., EHRs), which is caused due to missing values can be reduced by implementing an inverse probability weighting (i.e., IPW) adjustment technique. Moreover, the authors utilized chained equations to fill any additional missing features, showcasing that data-cleaning techniques can also assist in mitigating data bias. Data cleaning is also used in [46] to address selection bias. A threshold of 30% is set which means that if a feature has more than 30% missing values, it should be eliminated. The goal of this procedure is to ensure that every feature consists of the approximately same number of missing values. Moreover, since the data come from different hospitals of different sizes, the dataset is clipped in order to contain an equal number of records from every hospital, thus avoiding the domination of large-sized hospitals.
Similarly, in [47] a clique-based causal feature separation (i.e., CCFS) algorithm is presented that theoretically guarantees that either the largest clique or the rest of the causal skeleton is the exact set of all causal features of the outcome. In [48], the authors address the issue of medical question-answering (i.e., Q&A) and propose label resetting in order to avoid the effects of selection bias in medical text data, simultaneously preserving the textual content and the corresponding semantic information. In another health-related approach [49], four propensity methods are presented and tested, including one-to-one matching with replacement, IPW and two methods based on doubly robust (i.e., DR) estimation that combines outcome regression and IPW.
In [50], IPW is also being used and a two-stage process if followed, consisting of a classification and a regression model that uses the reweighted results of the classification. In essence, this procedure enhances underrepresented records in the dataset and reduces the weights of overrepresented records. A group fairness metric for model selection called area delimited between classification (i.e., ABC) is introduced in [51] that is based on item response theory (i.e., IRT) and differential item functioning (i.e., DIF) characteristic curve and aims to identify selection bias, also showcasing promising results.
Apart from the above-mentioned methods, the authors in [52] introduce Imitate (Identify and Mitigate Selection Bias) for mitigating selection bias, which they have also released as a Python module [53]. The idea behind this approach is that the algorithm first calculates the dataset’s probability density and then adds generated points to smooth out the density. If the points are concentrated in certain areas and are not widespread, this could be an indication that selection bias is present in the dataset.
However, the Imitate algorithm assumes that there exists only one normally distributed cluster per class in the dataset. To this end, the authors in [54] propose MIMIC (Multi-IMItate Bias Correction), which utilizes Imitate as a building block, being, however, capable of handling multi-cluster datasets by speculating that the ground-truth data consists of a set of multivariate Gaussians. Even though this is a limiting assumption, MIMIC is able to deal with more datasets than Imitate. In another approach [55], the authors discuss selection bias in recommender systems, which is a common issue in such systems, since they heavily rely on users’ historical data [56]. Their proposed approach consists of a data-filling strategy utilizing, irrelevant to the users, items based on temporal visibility.
A complete list of approaches that have been proposed to identify and/or mitigate selection bias can be found in Table 4.

3.3. Reporting Bias

An additional type of bias that can be encountered in the data is the reporting bias. Reporting bias is quite common in Language Models (LMs) [57] and a plethora of studies have concluded that LMs such as RoBERTa and GTP-2 amplify reporting bias, due to the data that they have been trained on [58].
To address this issue, the authors in [59] propose a neural logic-based Soft Logic Enhanced Event Temporal Reasoning (SLEER) model in order to mitigate the reporting bias originating from the Temporal Common Sense (TCS) knowledge that is extracted from free-form text. In another paper, the authors focus on text-image datasets and the reporting bias that might occur in those cases [60]. They propose the bimodal augmentation (BiAug) approach that generates pairs of object-attributes to diminish the over-representation of recurrent patterns. However, the generation of data (i.e., pairs of object-attributes) is quite expensive in terms of computational resources due to the utilization of LMs. The authors suggest that this challenge can be mitigated by utilizing techniques such as parallel processing.
In a similar approach focusing on image data [61], the authors suggest that the reporting bias can be removed by using label frequencies. Those frequencies, which are the per-class fraction of labeled and positive examples found in all positive examples, are being estimated using Dynamic Label Frequency Estimation (DLFE); thus, an increased accuracy of the debiasing process is observed.
Similarly, in [62], it is suggested that a new variable should be added in the training dataset describing what is shown in every image, except for the image’s label. In that way, this technique leverages both the aspects of human performance and the algorithmic understanding, thus showcasing quite promising results.
In another approach [63], where the authors focus on the task of facial recognition, the authors experiment with five algorithms namely, logistic regression (i.e., LR), linear discriminant analysis (i.e., LDA), k-nearest neighbors (i.e., KNN), support vector machines (i.e., SVM) and decision trees (i.e., DT). Based on their results, DT seems to better address reporting bias that is present in the corresponding data. Regarding cybersecurity, two approaches can be found in the literature that focus on threat classification and malware detection, respectively. The first approach makes use of four techniques for mitigating reporting bias in the data, namely covariate shift, kernel mean matching, Kullback–Liebler importance estimation procedure (i.e., KLIEP) and relative density ratio estimation [64]. In the second approach, the authors split the private and public datasets that they have at their disposal in different ways prior to training and testing the implemented convolutional neural network (i.e., CNN). The training and testing of the model occur in a disjoint way, using different timescales, thus mitigating the reporting bias of the training data [65]. In [66], the authors utilize a statistical technique called repeated measures correlation (i.e., RMCorr) to avoid reporting bias from health-related data, by using multiple samples from each subject.
Similarly, the authors in [67] mainly focus on the data collection phase in order to avoid reporting bias by explicitly adjusting the survey responses related to the intention of patients to vaccinate. Those responses are then used to train a random forest (i.e., RF) algorithm that predicts whether a specific patient will be vaccinated on time. The approach presented in [68], also focuses on the data collection phase to mitigate potential reporting bias. In this case, the authors utilize specific software (, 22 March 2024) called audio computer-assisted self-interviewing (i.e., ACASI) and computer-assisted personal interviewing (i.e., CAPI) to provide a secure, private and confidential environment, thus increasing the level of answers’ honesty to questions related to sensitive behaviors such as illicit drug use. Focusing on an entirely different domain and trying to estimate the dropout rate in college institutions, the authors in [69] propose Disc-Less (Discrimination-Less) which is based on the advanced process optimizer (i.e., ADOPT).
In a similar case [70], where the authors try to predict whether a university student will fail a class, they compare three algorithms which are LR, Rawlsian and cooperative contextual bandits (i.e., CBB). LR has the highest accuracy but is prone to bias. Rawlsian is a fairness algorithm but in this specific case fails to remove bias. Finally, CBB consists of two Gradient Contextual Bandits, which not only mitigate reporting bias that is present in the data but are also easier to implement in contrast to other similar baseline models such as Learning Fair Representation (i.e., LFR) and Adversarial Learned Fair Representation (i.e., ALFR). In [71], a complete toolkit is presented that allows the users to compare thirteen ML algorithms and utilize twelve (12) evaluation metrics, as well as perform a significance test to reduce reporting bias. The results of this toolkit are very promising; however, it has been utilized only for aerospace prognostic data. In [72], Bosco is introduced to deal with imbalanced biology data. The main rule that Bosco follows is assigning samples in the major group with different important scores, thus mitigating potential bias in the data.
As for time series data, the authors in [73] compared two known techniques, namely quantile mapping and power transformation to correct the data coming from several different regional climate models. Their results showcased that power transformation outperformed quantile mapping, since the corrected data that power transformation generated, enhanced the accuracy of the model that was trained based on them. In [74], the authors suggest that Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Intelligence can also be utilized to avoid bias by training ML models over a network of autonomous entities without the training data being exposed. Except for the model training, data analysis can also take place in a distributed manner, which could also help mitigate bias.
In another approach [75], the authors focus on financial data and the mitigation of the corresponding reporting bias that might occur, either due to human error or deliberately as part of a fraud. In this case, a hybrid method is showcased that combines the input of human experts on the corresponding field, as well as the utilization of Shannon entropy analysis to evaluate the information that is provided by the experts. Finally, in order to identify reporting bias in social media data, the authors in [76], compare a set of traditional ML algorithms, namely, Naïve Bayes (i.e., NB), LR and SVM. SVM managed to achieve the highest accuracy in identifying the bias that is present in the data, showcasing that it can be a useful tool for identifying reporting bias in text data.
A complete list of approaches that have been proposed to identify and/or mitigate selection bias can be found in Table 5.

3.4. Common Mitigation Techniques for Data Bias

According to the above-mentioned findings, there exist some common issues with regard to data bias, as well as corresponding techniques that can be applied to mitigate it. More specifically, as stated in the beginning of this section, common techniques that can be applied to address data bias, regardless of the use case, are under-sampling and over-sampling. As for use-case-specific approaches, major issues regarding data bias are mostly common in NLP, computer vision and the health domain. The relatively common domains that are affected from data bias and the corresponding solutions that have been proposed in the literature and presented above are depicted in Figure 3.
By comparing the above-mentioned techniques, in terms of the domain that they are applied to, it is noticeable that methods like under-sampling, over-sampling, DIR, AD and ROC are interesting candidates that can be used for mitigating data bias, regardless of the domain. Moreover, IPW is also a useful technique when it comes to text data and can be applied to several domains as well, given the fact that the corresponding data are text data. With regard to image data, there exist specific techniques that are appropriate for this kind of data which can also be applied to several domains, like health, considering that the corresponding data are image data.

4. Algorithm Bias

4.1. Estimators

Except for the bias that originates from the data and described above, bias can also occur due to the ML models that are being utilized. To begin with, the most obvious reason that leads to bias is the selection of an algorithm (i.e., estimator) that is not suitable for the given task (e.g., using a linear model to provide prediction on non-linear data). Another reason is that, given a certain task (e.g., classification), an algorithm might outperform others in a specific use case but fall behind in other use cases, due to the nature of the corresponding data. To this end, various comparative studies have been published that compare several ML algorithms and try to propose the most appropriate ones for specific use cases by minimizing the bias of the results and thus maximizing the accuracy of the predictions.
Prior to presenting the said comparative studies, a brief description of every estimator that will be mentioned later on should be provided so that the rest of the context will be more understandable by the readers of this manuscript. The names of the algorithms that are compared in the comparative studies that are analyzed below, as well as a brief description of the said algorithms, are shown in Table 6. The algorithms are sorted alphabetically.
Having presented the algorithms that will be discussed in this section, the corresponding comparative studies are now going to be analyzed. Starting from the agricultural domain, the authors in [117] compare three algorithms to estimate soil organic carbon (i.e., SOC), namely RF, SVM and Cubist. Based on the results of the experiments, an ensemble method that utilized all three algorithms was proposed, since it reduced the overall bias when modeling SOC, regardless of the different spectral measurement conditions. In [118], the authors compare several algorithms from reinforcement learning, including SWO, VBSS, BCO and TD, for the scheduling problem. They conclude that SWO performed better since it was particularly designed to solve that kind of problem.
Regarding biological data used to predict bacterial heterotrophic fluxomics, the authors in [119] test SVM, KNN and DT and conclude that SVM is the most appropriate one in this use case since it achieves the highest accuracy.
As for the business domain, the authors in [120] test the MNB and a CLSTM NN for the classification of clients’ reviews. Their results showcase that CLSTM NN is more appropriate for this classification task because the MNB produces biased results since it is learning a single class and neglects the other ones because the training data are imbalanced. In a similar approach [121], the authors compare RF, SVM and a DNN for predicting whether a machine in an assembly line will fail, based on its kinematic, dynamic, electrical current, and temperature data. Even though SVM reduced model overfitting and bias, it did not achieve the desired accuracy whilst the DNN not only improved the accuracy but also produced insignificant bias.
In [122], where the authors handle time series data of marine systems the authors experiment on a set of algorithms and methods including STL decomposition, ESM, ARIMA, LinearR, KNN, SVM, VAR, DT and ensemble methods that combine the previously mentioned methods. The authors suggest that the ensemble methods should be avoided since they have a higher computational cost. They also argue that for this specific use case, VAR should be used when many missing values are present in the time series, whilst ARIMA should be chosen if there are no missing values. In a computer vision problem [123], where data from remote sensing are available (e.g., data coming from satellites), the authors test RF, ET and GBRT. Out of the three, ET performed the best in terms of accuracy, while GBRT performed the worst. In [124], XGBoost, LightGBM and GEP are studied in the context of estimating the quality of steel-fiber-reinforced concrete. Even though all of them generate adequate predictions, GEP is selected for forecasting the shear strength considering the most important factors, such as the beam depth effect. The authors in [125] experiment with CART, ANFIS, SVM and an MLP NN for performing time series forecasting using hydro-meteorological data. They conclude that the CART algorithm can be a very useful tool since it generates the most promising results in terms of the Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (i.e., NSE), Kling–Gupta efficiency (i.e., KGE) and Percent Bias (i.e., PBias).
In another approach related to the environment [126], a fully connected NN, a CNN and an LSTM NN are trained on seismic data and the results showcase that the CNN and the LSTM NN were extremely effective both in terms of Mean Square Error (i.e., MSE) and statistical bias.
In [127], the authors utilize a set of algorithms to predict whether an account holder will be able to repay financial loans in time. Those algorithms include DDQN, SVM, KNN, RF and XGBoost. Based on the results of this comparative study, KNN outperformed all the other algorithms in terms of prediction accuracy, whilst DDQN provided interesting results, paving the way for the application of other reinforcement learning techniques in similar use cases.
With regard to the health domain, there have been several comparative studies that experiment on a diverse set of algorithms and datasets. Starting from [128], the authors compare LogR, an NN, SGD, RF, NB, KNN and DT by training them on a variety of open-source datasets concluding that LogR provided the best results based on a set of evaluation metrics that include, accuracy, precision, recall and F1-Score. In [129], the authors compare LinearSVC, LogR, MNB and RF in the context of identifying stereotypical patient characteristics in clinical science vignettes, concluding that LogR when combined with TF-IDF, can be quite useful for such use cases. In [130], the authors use Cox regression and an NN to predict the outcome of a COVID-19 infection. Even though both achieved high accuracy, the NN had significantly greater discriminatory ability. SVM, an NN and NB are tested in the context of [131], with regard to detecting leukemia and is showcased that SVM produced superior results in terms of classification accuracy. In [132], the authors make use of twenty-three (23) medical datasets and experiment with an NN, a DNN, C4.5, NB, KNN, LogR and SVM in order to find the most appropriate algorithm for medical datasets. Based on their results, SVM is the best-performing algorithm for medical datasets. Similarly, in [133] LogR, DT, RF and an NN are tested. NN had a greater accuracy but for a single class since it was affected by the bias present in the dataset. Taking this into consideration, the authors argue that RF performed the best with regard to all the classes present in the dataset. In [134], SVM and DT are compared. In this case, DT is slightly more accurate than SVM for diagnosing soft tissue tumors; however, it is more sensitive to the total number of parameters. As for medical images, the authors in [135] compare a non-recurrent NN and an LSTM NN, concluding that the LSTM-based approach improves the prediction accuracy, and the F1-Score compared to its non-recurrent counterpart. As for sentiment analysis, the authors in [136] experiment on a vast set of NN-based architectures, such as CNN-Bi-LSTM, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CNN and GRU, as well as non-NN-based algorithms such as RF and SVM. According to their results, CNN-Bi-LSTM outperformed all the other algorithms in terms of accuracy. Lastly, with regard to sensor data coming from smart homes for automatic activity recognition, the authors in [137] experiment on C-SVM, CRF and LDA by utilizing an imbalanced dataset. According to this study, CRF is more sensitive to overfitting on a dominant class, whilst SVM outperforms the other two with respect to class accuracy, making it a feasible method for this specific use case.
A complete list of comparative studies of algorithms that have been conducted and take bias into consideration can be found in Table 7. The comparative studies are sorted alphabetically based on the domain that each study refers to.
In the literature, there also exist algorithms that have been developed specifically for bias mitigation and thus can assist in reducing bias that is caused by an estimator like the ones that are presented above. An indicative example of such an approach is adversarial debiasing. Adversarial debiasing is based on adversarial learning and suggests the simultaneous training of a predictor and a discriminator where the first one aims to predict the target variable accurately, whilst the latter one aims to predict the protected variable (e.g., gender). The goal of adversarial debiasing is maximizing the ability of the predictor to predict the target variable while simultaneously minimizing the ability of the discriminator to predict the protected attribute based on the predictions made by the predictor [138]. What is more, a federated version of the aforementioned approach has been proposed in [139] which not only deals with privacy concerns related to the training data but also achieves almost identical performance with the centralized version of it.
Another mechanism that can help in tackling bias when training an estimator and thus, ensuring fairness, are the fairness constraints. A fairness constraint prevents a classifier from outputting predictions that correlate with a protected/sensitive attribute that is present in the data [140]. There exist numerous related approaches, including the one presented in [141], where the authors utilize an intuitive measure of decision boundary (un)fairness to implement fairness constraints while using datasets with multiple sensitive attributes. Similarly, the approaches that are presented in [142,143] are also able to handle multiple sensitive attributes but do not address the disparate impact’s business necessity clause [144].
Furthermore, in the literature, there exists a type of neural network architecture named variational autoencoders which are able to achieve subgroup demographic parity with regard to multiple sensitive attributes, thus reducing bias [145]. Moreover, other approaches that are used in the literature for bias mitigation are contrastive learning [146] and neural style transfer [147]. In the first one, contrastive information estimators are utilized to control the parity of an estimator by limiting the mutual information between representations and protected attributes of a dataset. The second one is an approach for performing image-to-image translation which, in the context of dealing with bias and improving fairness, can be used for mapping from an input domain to a fair target domain.

4.2. Optimizers

Aside from the selection of the appropriate estimator (i.e., algorithm), the utmost care should be taken when selecting optimizers and types of regularization, since all of them can contribute to biased algorithmic decisions, regardless of the absence or presence of bias in the input data [148]. Regarding optimizers, those are algorithms that are utilized in neural networks to change their attributes, such as weights and learning rate, thus minimizing the losses. There have been proposed several optimizers in the literature, from which the most widely used are Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and its variant Stochastic Gradient Descent with Gradient Clipping (SGD with GC), Momentum and its variant Nesterov, Adan (Adaptive Nesterov) and AdaPlus, AdaGrad (Adaptive Gradient), its variation Adadelta, RMSProp (Root Mean Square Propagation) and its variants NRMSProp and SMORMS3 (Squared Mean Over Root Mean Squared Cubed), as well as Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) and its variants Nadam, AdaMax and AdamW (Adam with decoupled Weight Decay).
SGD is used for unconstrained optimization problems. It is preferred in cases where there are requirements of low storage space and fast computation speed, and the data might be non-stationary or noisy [149]. However, SGD is one of the most basic optimizers [150]. Moreover, the selection of the learning rate is not an easy task and, if not tuned carefully, it might lead to not ensuring convergence [151]. In order to avoid the slow convergence issue of standard SGD, SGD with GC has been proposed [152]. The key difference between the two optimizers is that in the case of SGD with GC, the gradients are clipped if their norm exceeds a specified threshold, prior to updating the parameters of the model using (1). By doing so, the stability of SGD is enhanced, and convergence is ensured in more cases [153].
Momentum is a type of optimization technique that “accelerates” the training process of neural networks, being first studied in [154]. In contrast to the above-mentioned gradient descend optimizers, this technique does not directly update the weights of an ML model but rather introduces a new term named the “momentum term” that will update the weights by calculating the moving average of the gradients, thus guiding the search direction of the optimizer [155]. The momentum technique has been utilized in the SGD optimizer described above resulting in the variant of SGD with momentum. SGD with momentum works faster and generally performs better than SGD without momentum [156]. As mentioned above, a variant of the Momentum technique is the Nesterov Momentum [157]. In Nesterov Momentum, the main idea is that the “momentum term” mentioned previously can be utilized for the prediction of the next weights’ location, thus allowing the optimizer to take larger steps while trying to ensure convergence [158]. A recently proposed optimizer that utilizes the Nesterov Momentum is presented in [159] and is named Adan. Adan has been tested in a variety of use cases, including Deep Learning (DL) related tasks such as NLP and CV, surpassing other currently available optimizers. The source code of the optimizer is available in [160]. Another optimizer that utilizes the Nesterov Momentum and combines the advantages of other optimizers such as AdamW and Nadam is called AdaPlus [161]. AdaPlus has been evaluated in CV-related tasks by being utilized in CNNs and being compared with other state-of-the-art optimizers, showcasing promising results. The source code of the AdaPlus can be found in [162].
Another optimizer that is widely used in ML and DL is the AdaGrad [163]. AdaGrad is used for gradient-based optimization and the main idea behind AdaGrad is that it adjusts the learning rate per feature, based on the feature’s updates. If the feature is being updated often, this means that it frequently occurs in the dataset and the Adagrad optimizer assigns a smaller learning rate. On the other hand, if the feature is not being updated often, this means that this feature is infrequent in the dataset and the AdaGrad optimizer assigns a high learning rate for the corresponding parameters. This makes AdaGrad an appropriate choice when dealing with sparse data [164]. However, even though AdaGrad utilizes adaptive learning rates, as explained above, it is sensitive to the global learning rate that is being initialized at the beginning of the optimization and which may result in not arriving at the desired local optima [165]. In order to address the aforementioned issue, other variants of the AdaGrad have been proposed in the literature, including Adadelta. The main difference between AdaGrad and Adadelta is that the latter does not require to manually set the learning rate [166]. More specifically, Adadelta utilizes “delta updates” in which it calculates the ratio of the root mean squared (RMS) of past gradients and the RMS of the past updates so that it can adjust the learning rate. As a result, Adadelta can potentially outperform AdaGrad in use cases where the latter fails to reach the desired solution [167,168,169].
Another variation of AdaGrad is RMSProp. The main idea behind RMSProp, which is also the key difference with AdaGrad, is that a weight’s learning rate is divided by a running average of the magnitudes of the recent gradients of the aforementioned weight [170,171]. In [172], the authors propose a variant of RMSProp called NRMSProp that utilizes the Nesterov Momentum. NRMSProp is capable of convergence quicker than RMSProp without adding too much complexity as depicted in the experiments that the authors carried out. Another variation of RMSProp is SMORMS3 [173]. SMORMS3 is particularly useful in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), where the gradients have a high variance and it might prevent the learning rate from becoming too small, which could potentially slow down the optimization process [174].
Another optimizer that has also been proposed in the literature is Adam. Adam is a combination of AdaGrad and RMSProp and thus is able to work with sparse gradients and does not need a stationary objective [175]. It has very little memory requirements since it only requires first-order gradients. The authors that proposed Adam also proposed in the same manuscript AdaMax, which is a variant of Adam based on the infinity norm. Another variant of Adam is Adam with decoupled Weight Decay (AdamW). In AdamW a decay rate is introduced in order to insert a regularization based on the decay of weights during the process of the optimization [176].
In the literature, there have been specific studies that experiment on a set of optimizers to find the most appropriate ones for the corresponding use cases, whilst also taking the reduction in bias into consideration.
More specifically, the authors in [177] propose an NN architecture to estimate crop water requirements. In order to minimize the bias of the approach, they test the SGD, RMSProp and Adam optimizers. According to their results, they select SGD since it increases the accuracy of the NN whilst it is also quite simple to implement. In a similar approach [178], where the authors aim to predict frosts in southern Brazil, they test SGD and Adam for their NN. They observe that experiments using the ADAM optimizer present greater variability and slightly lower accuracy than those using SGD.
Adam and SGD are also compared in [179], where the authors develop an NN for human resources analytics and, more specifically, employee turnover. Based on the accuracy of the predictions, Adam is the optimal optimizer.
In another approach [180], where electricity consumption needs to be predicted, the authors experiment with Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, SGD, Nadam and Adam optimizers in their NN architecture. According to their results, for the given architecture, which is an LSTM, and for the given dataset, the SGD optimizer is the most suitable one. In [181], the authors aim to assess the Captcha vulnerability. They develop an NN architecture and experiment with Nadam, Adam and Adamax. They conclude that Nadam is the optimal optimizer since it achieves the highest accuracy. In a similar approach [182] for facial expression recognition, the authors test Adam and SGD for their implemented CNN. They conclude that Adam is the appropriate optimizer since it allows CNN to generalize better when dealing with unseen data.
Both those two optimizers are also tested in [183], alongside Adagrad, and RMSProp in order to be used in an NN that is trained on diabetic data. In this case, RMSProp is the preferred optimizer since it achieves the highest accuracy in the least possible time. In a similar approach [184] that focuses on epilepsy detection, SGD is compared with RMSProp and it is shown that SGD achieves the highest accuracy.
Lastly, in [185] the authors develop an LSTM NN for network-based anomaly detection and experiment with seven optimizers, namely Adam, Adagrad, Adamax, Ftrl, Nadam, RMSProp and SGD. Their results define Nadam as the optimal optimizer since it achieves the highest accuracy.
A complete list of comparative studies of optimizers that have been conducted and that also take bias into consideration can be found in Table 8.
Based on the above table, it would be useful to compare the selected optimizer per approach and understand when each one of them is more appropriate to be used, thus minimizing the bias introduced into the model. In general, the Adam optimizer converges faster and has fewer memory requirements than RMSProp, whilst SGD converges slower. However, SGD converges to optimal solutions and is able to better generalize than Adam [186]. As for Nadam, which, as mentioned previously, is a variant of Adam, it converges slightly faster than Adam, thus resulting in less training time. The above-mentioned optimizers are also summarized in Table 9.
Selecting the appropriate optimizer is not an easy or straightforward process, and excessive attention should be paid to this matter in order to minimize the bias that can be introduced. To achieve the above-mentioned goal, it is generally a good practice to experiment with a variety of optimizers based on the use case requirements, such as training time and computational resources, and monitor the training parameters to decide which one should be selected.

4.3. Regularization

As also mentioned earlier, apart from the selection of optimizers, equally great care should be taken when selecting a regularization method in order to avoid biased results from the algorithms. Regularization is a set of techniques and methods that are applied in order to deal with overfitting, which is a frequent phenomenon in ML where a model fits very well in the training data but fails to generalize when fed unseen data [187]. Regularization methods are known to suffer from a certain bias since they need to increase the weight of the regularization term [188]. At this point, the bias–variance tradeoff should be introduced and explained. As mentioned above, in ML, bias measures the difference between the predicted values and the ground true. Variance measures the difference between the predicted values across various applications of the model. Increasing variance means that the model fails to predict accurately on unseen data [189]. In other words, high variance indicates an error during testing and validation, whilst high bias indicates an error during training. Simultaneously decreasing bias and variance is not always possible, which leads to the adaptation of regularization techniques that aim to decrease a model’s variance at the cost of increased bias [190]. However, recent surveys suggest that the above-mentioned is not entirely true since it is possible to decrease both bias and variance [191].
Towards this direction, there have been proposed several regularization techniques in the literature. First of all, with regard to ML problems where linear models are utilized, three different types of regularization can be applied, namely Lasso (L1) regression, Ridge regression (L2) and elastic net regularization. Lasso introduces a regularization term that penalizes high-value coefficients and, practically, removes highly correlated features from the model [192]. The main difference between Lasso and Ridge is that the latter does not penalize high-value coefficients that much and thus does not remove features from the model [193]. With regard to the elastic net regularization, this combines both Lasso and Ridge, inserting the corresponding penalties in the sum of square errors (i.e., SSE) loss function, thus addressing the issue of collinearity and performing feature selectin [194].
In other ML problems, such as object recognition, speech synthesis and time series forecasting, regularization can also take place in the forms of data augmentation, early stopping, dropout and weight decay. Data augmentation is the process of artificially creating training data from the original data samples in order to enrich the training process of an algorithm [195]. Data augmentation is a quite common technique in DL [196], especially when it comes to text and image data [197]. The two main categories of regularization that can be found in the literature are data wrapping and oversampling, both achieving interesting results in specific use cases. However, it should be taken into consideration that the quality of the training and test data can inevitably affect the data augmentation phase; thus, any assumptions made for the distributions of the said data should be well justified [198]. Inappropriate data augmentation techniques can introduce bias in the ML lifecycle, but can also deflate bias coming from the dataset, as shown in numerous approaches such as the ones presented in [199,200,201,202].
With regard to early stopping, this is another popular regularization technique that is widely used in model training [203]. More specifically, early stopping refers to limiting the number of iterations (i.e., epochs), and training the model until it achieves the lowest possible training error before the validation error starts to increase. What is more, early stopping can improve the accuracy of ML algorithms and more specifically NNs by helping them to deal with noisy data, as discussed in [204].
Apart from early stopping, in NNs there also exist two additional strategies of regularization, namely dropout and weight decay. Regarding dropout, it randomly alters the architecture of an NN in order to allow the model to avoid pure generalization to unseen data [205]. Even though it is a simple concept, it still requires the finetuning of hyperparameters, such as the learning rate and the number of units in the NN’s hidden layer(s), so that it is indeed beneficial for the model [206].
As for the weight decay, it is quite similar to dropout; however, the latter penalizes the NN’s complexity exponentially, whilst dropout penalizes the NN’s complexity linearly [207]. Among the different weight decay methods that have been proposed in the literature, the most recent ones are Selective Weight Decay (i.e., SWD) [208] and Adaptive Weight Decay (AdaDecay) [209]. At this point, it should be mentioned that many sources in the literature conflict weight decay with L2 regression, while others clearly distinguish each other. This should be resolved in future scholarship, in order to avoid any confusion between those two concepts.
There exist several studies in the literature that utilize the aforementioned regularization techniques. In deeper detail, Lasso regression has been used alongside the RF algorithm for classifying long non-coding RNAs [210]. In [211], the authors compare early stopping with Bayesian regularization in an NN architecture that predicts the vapor pressure of pure ionic liquids, showcasing that the latter outperformed the first one in terms of generalization performance.
With regard to computer vision tasks, in [212], two versions of dropout are showcased, namely Biased and Crossmap dropouts. They both offer higher performance to the CNNs that utilize them. Similarly, in [213] weight decay, which is also used in [214], and dropout are also utilized in a CNN that performs facial emotion recognition, enabling it to achieve higher accuracy. In another computer vision task related to geological data, the authors utilize two types of data augmentation as a way of regularization in their developed CNN, namely CutOut and CutMix [215]. By doing so, they managed to minimize training loss and validation loss, thus achieving a performance equal to a transfer learning method that utilized a specific domain model. Moreover, in [216] the authors utilize a derivative of Lasso for an image classification task, and they prove that their approach is not only slightly inferior to other regularization techniques but also the corresponding NN needs fewer features to achieve those inferior results.
With regard to the energy domain, the authors in [217] use Lasso regularization in a linear regression model for time series forecasting while in another approach [218], a subtype of elastic net regularization named Adaptive Elastic Net is utilized in a multilevel regression model for estimating residential energy consumption. In [219], where the authors aim to predict rainfall runoff, they make use of early stopping and weight decay, thus simultaneously decreasing the model’s overall training time whilst ensuring the highest accuracy of predictions possible.
As for the health domain, numerous approaches can be found in the literature that make use of different types of regularization techniques. More specifically, Lasso regularization is used in [220] alongside a regression model for subgroup identification of conditioning regimens in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (i.e., AML) in Complete Remission (i.e., CR). A variation of Lasso is also used in [221], where the authors perform non-linear regression for tracking the position of the head and neck based on corresponding images. Elastic net is used in [222] and in [223]. In both cases, the authors make use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (i.e., MRI) data alongside a logistic regression model and a linear regression model, respectively, achieving remarkable results in terms of classification accuracy. A variation of elastic net, named adjusted adaptive regularized logistic regression (i.e., AAElastic), is also utilized in [224] for cancer classification since it also allows the corresponding model to achieve the highest classification accuracy. With regard to dropout, this has been used in the CNN presented in [225], where the authors work on the brain tumor segmentation task. In a similar case [226], the authors utilize a combination of dropout and data augmentation in their CNN in order to estimate brain age based on MRI images, thus achieving state-of-the-art results. In another case regarding the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, the authors make use of a combination of dropout and L2 regression in a CNN-LSTM classifier again achieving promising results [227].
With regard to the traffic domain, Lasso regression has been adopted by various approaches. In [228], Lasso is being used for the evaluation of short and long-term effects of traffic policies, based on data coming from vehicles. In [229], the same regularization method is being used for estimating how crowded the means of public transport are, based on a set of different parameters, such as time, origin and destination stop. For predicting the severity of a crash, Lasso is also being utilized alongside a linear regression model, as shown in [230], thus providing promising results. Lasso is also being used in the context of network traffic since the authors in [231] prove that it provides a good trade-off between bias and variance when trying to estimate the day-to-day network demand. Lastly, in two more generic approaches, the authors utilize early stopping [232] and L2 regression [233], respectively. In the first case, the utilized NN makes use of the SDG optimizer, whose bias is being reduced due to early stopping, whilst in the second case the authors use an NN with a single layer, whose bias is also being reduced due to the application of L2 regression.
A complete list of studies regarding regularization techniques and that also take bias into consideration can be found in Table 10.
Based on the above table, it would be useful to compare the selected regularization techniques per approach and understand when each one of them is more appropriate to be used, thus minimizing the bias introduced into the model. Generally, Lasso is used when the dataset consists of many features, since it is also able to perform feature selection, and when most coefficients are equal to zero. Ridge, on the other hand, is used when most of the coefficients are not equal to zero [234], while elastic net is a combination of them and can be used when the other two do not provide the appropriate results. Data augmentation is mostly suitable for image and text data where it is needed to increase the training samples. Dropout is more beneficial when it comes to training complex NN architectures on less complex datasets. Otherwise, weight decay is preferred [235]. Lastly, early stopping should usually be utilized regardless of the NN architecture, and the early stopping point should be set just before the model starts overfitting. The above-mentioned techniques are also summarized in Table 11.

4.4. Common Mitigation Techniques for Algorithm Bias

According to the above-mentioned findings, there exist some common mitigation techniques that can be applied to address the bias that can be caused by ML algorithms. Those, as stated above, include adversarial debiasing, fairness constraints, variational autoencoders, contrastive learning and neural style transfer. By comparing the above-mentioned techniques, it is clear that fairness constraints are a set of restrictions that can be applied to ensure fairness when training a model, adversarial debiasing is based on training two models simultaneously, whilst variational autoencoders, contrastive learning and neural style transfer are an entirely different set of algorithms and architectures. All of them mainly focus on mitigating bias with respect to the existence of protected attributes in the datasets, such as gender or race. With regard to the comparative studies of ML algorithms, optimizers and regularization techniques that were previously presented, a summarization of the most common estimators, optimizers and regularization techniques that performed the best is depicted in Figure 4, as a summary of Section 4.

5. Engineer Bias

The third factor that can affect ML models in terms of introducing bias is the ML engineers who are responsible for training and/or evaluating such models. ML model builders are prone to implicit bias, which occurs when the engineers make assumptions about the model that they are training based on their own experiences and personal beliefs that do not necessarily apply in general [236]. There exists a plethora of implicit biases in the literature, with the most identified one being when training and/or evaluating ML models, referring to confirmation bias. In confirmation bias, ML engineers unconsciously process the data and train the ML models in a way that will affirm their initial hypothesis or general beliefs [237].
Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias and, as such, there have been proposed several techniques that try to mitigate it. Those techniques are mainly theoretical frameworks that do not focus on ML engineers specifically but on analysts in general [238]. A plan for mitigating confirmation bias has been proposed in [239], where it is suggested that an analysis should be teamwork, and the analysts should exchange ideas prior to solving a problem. This, in the domain of ML model training, could be translated to discussing a possible solution to an ML problem with other ML engineers, who could possibly have different perspectives, thus leading to diverse approaches and techniques that could be applied to solve a specific problem, based on the perspectives of multiple engineers and not the perspective of just one. Another approach for reducing confirmation bias refers to “considering the opposite” [240]. In terms of ML, this means that the engineers would not keep on training a model until the results align with their initial hypothesis, thus avoiding the so-called experimenter’s bias [241].
ML engineers can also introduce bias during the model’s evaluation. More specifically, many proposed approaches in the literature do not apply adequate statistical methods for evaluating the proposed ML models [242]. Especially in NN architectures, k-fold testing (i.e., randomly partitioning original data sample in k equal-sized folds) is often being overlooked, even though it is well known that each different random initialization of the parameters of a model can drastically affect the model’s results [243]. Moreover, many approaches fail to compare the developed ML models to null (i.e., baseline) models. For instance, achieving 95% accuracy when classifying images of plants is trivial, while having the same accuracy for a model that predicts whether a person will develop cancer would be life-changing. On top of that, there is a lack of third-party evaluation and many NN architectures that are proposed in the literature cannot be verified [244]. Overall, ML engineers can introduce bias in their approaches due to the reasons that are depicted in Figure 5.
To mitigate those issues in model evaluation, the authors in [242] propose a three-step action plan that consists of statistically validating results, training a dataset estimator as a control model and conducting third-party evaluation of ML models. This action plan is summarized in Figure 6.
Following the above-mentioned methodology, the bias introduced by the ML engineers could be addressed to a great extent. In deeper detail, by experimenting with different values of random seed, performing hypothesis testing, subsampling the test data and monitoring and reporting the standard error of the trained estimator, would address the issue of the lack of statistical validation. Furthermore, the model training could be better controlled by observing how the model is affected by swapping targets and labels in the training dataset. With regard to the lack of third-party evaluation, this could be addressed by collaborating with other experienced engineers and providing access to source code, data and configuration, thus making the whole evaluation process more transparent and objective. To minimize the bias that could be caused by ML engineers, all the methods and techniques that were previously mentioned should be followed step by step as depicted in the above figure. They all aim to address the said bias during different stages of ML model training and evaluation, being complementary to each other.

6. Discussion

Bias, whether it originates from humans or the underlying mathematics of ML models, is a key factor in ML that actively affects the results of such models. The research community is aware of this influence, which is why several approaches have been proposed to try and mitigate it, as described in the previous sections. What is more, there also exist some initiatives, such as the AI Fairness 360 [245], Fairlearn [246] and Fairkit-learn [247] tools that aim to provide a more complete technical framework for mitigating bias when training ML models, thus promoting AI fairness. These kinds of frameworks have showcased promising results in terms of bias mitigation [248]; however, they still have a lot of room for improvement, which is why their developers request the active engagement of researchers so that they can be further enhanced and improved [249].
Removing all types of bias entirely from the ML lifecycle is not an easy task and some would argue that it is impossible. The first and foremost concern when training and/or evaluating ML models is identifying the existence of bias and the corresponding types of bias that might occur in terms of the provided data, the models themselves, as well as the bias that can be introduced by ML engineers, unconsciously or not. This identification can be conducted either empirically by taking into consideration other similar approaches and use cases or by utilizing algorithms that are capable of identifying bias, as the ones presented in this manuscript. Then, the corresponding countermeasures should be taken into consideration and applied in order to minimize the identified biases. To this end, this manuscript’s scope is to serve as a reference point for ML engineers and everyone who is interested in developing, evaluating and/or utilizing ML models, which they can consult so that they can firstly identify bias and then debias their approaches.
Based on the literature review that was undertaken, it appears that most of the current approaches mainly focus on the existence of bias in the training datasets (i.e., data bias) and claim to have applied some kind of corresponding bias mitigation technique, like the IPW adjustment technique, the Imitate algorithm and its derivatives. With regard to the bias caused by the ML models and especially the selection of the appropriate optimizer and regularization method, little attention is paid to this matter, whilst most of the proposed approaches do not take into consideration that the choice of an optimizer and regularization method can also introduce bias in the model, as mentioned in Section 4.2.
Overall, from all the research documents that were analyzed in the context of this manuscript, 39 papers analyzed methods and techniques for identifying and mitigating data bias, 21 comparative studies highlighted the importance of selecting the proper estimator to avoid the introduction of further bias and 24 comparative studies analyzed the way that a regularization technique may assist in reducing algorithmic bias. With regard to the way that an optimizer can affect a model in terms of bias and how an ML engineer can introduce bias, only nine and three studies were identified in the literature, respectively, as shown in Figure 7.
The latter signifies that future research approaches should aim to (i) better justify the selection of a specific optimizer and how it may minimize bias in contrast to other available optimizers and (ii) evaluate their proposed approaches based on the appropriate metrics and offer transparency to their trained models by allowing the evaluation from third-party evaluators and reviewers.
As for other literature reviews that talk about bias in machine learning, they mostly focus on data bias as well. More specifically, in [250] the authors mainly focus on selection bias and bias caused by imbalanced data, whilst they present the most common techniques to address these types of biases. Similarly, in [251] the authors provide a comprehensive review with regard to methods that can mitigate human bias (e.g., selection bias) that is present in the data. Another interesting comprehensive review is provided by the authors in [252], where they have gathered a noticeable amount of research studies to identify types of bias and methods to mitigate them, focusing on data bias and estimator bias. However, the above-mentioned review does not take into consideration either the fact that model builders may also introduce bias when training/evaluating their models (i.e., engineer bias), as depicted in Section 5 of this manuscript, nor the fact that the selection of an optimizer may also affect an ML model in terms of bias, as stated in Section 4. A similar comprehensive review that focuses on the same aspects as the last-mentioned review is presented in [253]. What is more, in contrast to this manuscript, the above-mentioned reviews do not categorize the provided approaches per use case domain, making it difficult to identify the most appropriate approach for a specific domain.
With regard to reviews that are more use-case-specific, those mostly refer to the health domain. More specifically, the authors in [254] provide a comprehensive study of the types of bias that can be encountered in health-related ML models and, more precisely, in ML models that assess the risk of cardiovascular disease (i.e., CVD). In this study, the authors also focused on data and estimator bias. In [255], the authors also investigate data bias in the context of CVD and provide ways to mitigate the bias that may be present in the electronic health records (i.e., EHRs) of patients. Similarly, the authors in [256] also provide a comprehensive list of approaches that tackle bias in radiology; however, they also refer to optimizers and regularization techniques, since they also identify that those can also introduce further bias. However, also in this case little to no attention is paid to the bias that can be introduced by the ML engineers. A summary of the above can be found in Table 12.
The above provides a direction for future research related to ML models towards improving methodological practices to incorporate the necessary bias mitigation techniques, thus providing more complete and meaningful results. Having said that, the findings of this manuscript regarding algorithm bias show that the SVM algorithm is preferred to reduce bias whilst the SGD optimizer and the regularization method Lasso are the most widely used optimizer and regularization method, respectively. However, it should be highlighted that the above does not suggest that SVM, SGD and Lasso always produce the least bias. As it has already been stated multiple times in the manuscript, the type of data and the corresponding ML task that must be undertaken will dictate the most appropriate algorithm, optimizer and regularization method in order to reduce bias. Having this in mind, it is also quite useful to have access to other similar approaches and the methods that they use so that the model builders have some guidance regarding what techniques seem to be more appropriate for their use case. As for the model’s evaluation, there also seems to be a lack of reference to the adaptation of appropriate techniques for mitigating bias and ensuring objectivity during the evaluation process. Based on the findings of this study, the three-step action plan presented in Figure 6 should become the cornerstone of the evaluation of ML models and related publications, thus leading to a widely adopted framework for achieving objective evaluation of ML approaches.
With regard to any limitations that this literature review may have, those are mainly related to potential selection bias when performing the selection process of the corresponding studies. The most representative search keywords were selected and used for each type of bias; however, the search was carried out based on the presence of these keywords on the title, abstract and the keywords of the corresponding manuscripts. This means that there might exist publications that refer to the concepts that are analyzed throughout this manuscript in the main text of the publications. In order to address the aforementioned possibility, the search queries could be further updated to also search the full text of the publications, although this is a capability that is not offered by every publication database. Moreover, all the publications that are taken into consideration are written in English. Based on the search results, there exist a few publications that are written in other languages. These publications, which are mostly written in Chinese, were not taken into consideration. This limitation can be addressed by communicating with scientific personnel that know these foreign languages, in order to help with translating the publications to English. What is more, as already stated, this research provides a literature review regarding the concept of bias in AI and how to identify/mitigate it. As a future direction of this research, a framework could be implemented that integrates several techniques and algorithms for bias identification/mitigation that are analyzed in this manuscript to further assist AI practitioners and enthusiasts in identifying and mitigating bias in their approaches.

7. Conclusions

To summarize, bias is a key factor in ML that will further trouble researchers during the exponential growth and adaptation of AI systems in everyday life. It is imperative for everyone who is involved in training, evaluation or even using AI systems to (i) identify the biases that may be present in the underlying ML model and (ii) apply the appropriate methods to mitigate them. As mentioned earlier, bias is almost impossible to eliminate, but a more realistic goal is to minimize it. As shown in this manuscript, bias has many forms that can be identified during the different stages of the ML lifecycle. In the context of this manuscript, the types of bias were grouped into three main categories, namely bias originating from the data, the ML models and the ML engineers, respectively. For each of those categories, the types of bias were presented, as well as the methods and approaches that have been proposed in the literature in order to mitigate them. Based on the findings of this study, it appears that the current literature mainly focuses on specific biases in ML, mostly related to the data, whilst it either underestimates or omits other types of biases, especially when it comes to evaluating the proposed ML models.
Researchers undoubtedly try to mitigate bias in their approaches; however, they should start exploring other aspects of it and try to mitigate it throughout the whole ML lifecycle and not on isolated stages. To this end, this manuscript not only serves as a guideline for ML engineers regarding possible biases and ways to mitigate them but also provides a direction for future research, especially focusing on the existing terms and approaches of ML models’ biases, where the ML engineers should better concentrate on. Of course, this manuscript could be further extended in terms of the existing AI fairness tools that, in the context of this study, were briefly described. Moreover, the context of this manuscript could be transformed into a technical implementation that would pave the way for a more complete mitigation of bias in ML, regardless of the provided use case scenario. The aforementioned technical implementation could then also be evaluated in the context of several related EU projects in which the authors of this manuscript have participated [257,258,259,260,261,262] to extract more valuable results and potentially update the technical implementation accordingly to better tackle bias-related challenges in the corresponding use cases.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.M.; methodology, K.M., A.M. (Argyro Mavrogiorgou) and A.K.; validation, A.M. (Argyro Mavrogiorgou), A.K. and K.M.; formal analysis, K.M.; investigation, K.M. and A.M. (Andreas Menychtas); resources, K.M. and A.K.; writing—original draft preparation, K.M. and A.M. (Argyro Mavrogiorgou); writing—review and editing, K.M., A.M. (Argyro Mavrogiorgou), A.K. and A.M. (Andreas Menychtas); visualization, K.M.; supervision, A.M. (Andreas Menychtas) and D.K.; project administration, D.K.; funding acquisition, D.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research leading to the results presented in this paper has received funding from the European Union’s funded Projects AI4Gov under grant agreement no 101094905 and XR5.0 under grant agreement no 101135209.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Types of bias per ML lifecycle category.
Figure 1. Types of bias per ML lifecycle category.
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Figure 2. Selection process of relative studies.
Figure 2. Selection process of relative studies.
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Figure 3. Relatively common domains and solutions with regard to data bias.
Figure 3. Relatively common domains and solutions with regard to data bias.
Applsci 14 08860 g003
Figure 4. A summarization of the most common estimators, optimizers and regularization techniques.
Figure 4. A summarization of the most common estimators, optimizers and regularization techniques.
Applsci 14 08860 g004
Figure 5. How can engineers introduce bias in the ML lifecycle?
Figure 5. How can engineers introduce bias in the ML lifecycle?
Applsci 14 08860 g005
Figure 6. Action plan for reducing bias during the evaluation of ML models.
Figure 6. Action plan for reducing bias during the evaluation of ML models.
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Figure 7. Number of research studies per bias type.
Figure 7. Number of research studies per bias type.
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Table 1. Table of the contents of this manuscript.
Table 1. Table of the contents of this manuscript.
Section 1Introduction to the scope of this manuscript and the overall work conducted
Section 2Methodology followed to carry out the comprehensive literature review
Section 3Analysis of approaches for identifying and mitigating data bias
Section 3.1Analysis of approaches for identifying cognitive bias in data
Section 3.2Analysis of approaches for identifying selection bias in data
Section 3.3Analysis of approaches for identifying reporting bias in data
Section 3.4Summarization of the most common approaches for mitigating data bias based on the findings of Section 3.1, Section 3.2 and Section 3.3
Section 4Analysis of approaches for identifying and mitigating algorithm bias
Section 4.1Research regarding the different estimators that have been utilized in the literature, in diverse domains, and the way that they may introduce bias
Section 4.2Research regarding the different optimizers that have been utilized in the literature, in diverse domains, and the way that they may introduce bias
Section 4.3Research regarding the different regularization methods that have been utilized in the literature, in diverse domains, and the way that they may introduce bias
Section 4.4Summarization of the most common approaches for mitigating algorithm bias based on the findings of Section 4.1, Section 4.2 and Section 4.3
Section 5Analysis of approaches for identifying and mitigating engineer bias
Section 6Discussion of the findings of this manuscript and comparison to other literature reviews about bias
Section 7Summarization of the findings of this manuscript and provision of future research directions with regard to bias in ML
Table 2. List of search queries performed.
Table 2. List of search queries performed.
Bias TypePublications DatabaseSearch Query
ReportingACM[[Abstract: “reporting bias”] OR [Abstract: “reporting biases”]] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [[Abstract: mitigation] OR [Abstract: mitigating] OR [Abstract: identifying] OR [Abstract: identification] OR [Abstract: addressing]]
IEEE Xplore((“Abstract”:reporting bias) OR (“Abstract”:reporting biases)) AND (“Abstract”:machine learning) AND ((“Abstract”:mitigation) OR (“Abstract”:mitigating) OR (“Abstract”:identifying) OR (“Abstract”:identification) OR (“Abstract”:addressing))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY ((“reporting bias” OR “reporting biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR identification OR addressing))
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: ((“reporting bias” OR “reporting biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR addressing))
SelectionACM[[Abstract: “selection bias”] OR [Abstract: “selection biases”]] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [[Abstract: mitigation] OR [Abstract: mitigating] OR [Abstract: identifying] OR [Abstract: identification] OR [Abstract: addressing]]
IEEE Xplore((“Abstract”:selection bias) OR (“Abstract”:selection biases)) AND (“Abstract”:machine learning) AND ((“Abstract”:mitigation) OR (“Abstract”:mitigating) OR (“Abstract”:identifying) OR (“Abstract”:identification) OR (“Abstract”:addressing))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY ((“selection bias” OR “selection biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR identification OR addressing))
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: ((“cognitive bias” OR “cognitive biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR addressing))
CognitiveACM[[Abstract: “cognitive bias”] OR [Abstract: “cognitive biases”]] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [[Abstract: mitigation] OR [Abstract: mitigating] OR [Abstract: identifying] OR [Abstract: identification] OR [Abstract: addressing]]
IEEE Xplore((“Abstract”:cognitive bias) OR (“Abstract”:cognitive biases)) AND (“Abstract”:machine learning) AND ((“Abstract”:mitigation) OR (“Abstract”:mitigating) OR (“Abstract”:identifying) OR (“Abstract”:identification) OR (“Abstract”:addressing))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY ((“cognitive bias” OR “cognitive biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR addressing))
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: ((“cognitive bias” OR “cognitive biases”) AND “machine learning” AND (mitigation OR mitigating OR identifying OR addressing))
EstimatorsACM[[Abstract: “comparative study”] OR [Abstract: “review”]] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [Abstract: “algorithm”] AND [Abstract: “bias”]
IEEE Xplore((“Abstract”:”comparative study” OR “Abstract”:”review”) AND (“Abstract”:”machine learning”) AND (“Abstract”:”algorithm”) AND (“Abstract”:”bias”))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY (“comparative study” AND “machine learning” AND “algorithm” AND “bias”) AND (LIMIT-TO (SUBJAREA, “COMP”))
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: (“comparative study” AND “machine learning” AND “algorithm” AND “bias”)
OptimizersACM[Abstract: “optimizer”] AND [Abstract: “hyperparameter”] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [Abstract: “neural network” AND [Abstract: “bias”]
IEEE Xplore(((“Abstract”:optimizer) AND (“Abstract”:hyperparameter) AND (“Abstract”:machine learning) AND (“Abstract”:neural network) AND (“Abstract”:bias)))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY (“optimizer” AND “hyperparameter” AND “machine learning” AND “neural network” AND “bias”)
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: (“optimizer” AND “hyperparameter” AND “machine learning” AND “neural network” AND “bias”)
RegularizationACM[Abstract: “regularization”] AND [Abstract: “machine learning”] AND [Abstract: “bias”] AND [[Abstract: “lasso”] OR [Abstract: “ridge”] OR [Abstract: “elastic net”] OR [Abstract: “data augmentation”] OR [Abstract: “early stopping”] OR [Abstract: “dropout”] OR [Abstract: “weight decay”]]
IEEE Xplore((“Abstract”:”regularization”) AND (“Abstract”:”machine learning”) AND ((“Abstract”:”lasso”) OR (“Abstract”:”ridge”) OR (“Abstract”:”elastic net”) OR (“Abstract”:”data augmentation”) OR (“Abstract”:”early stopping”) OR (“Abstract”:”dropout)” OR (“Abstract”: “weight decay”)))
ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY (“regularization” AND “machine learning” AND “bias” AND (“lasso” OR “ridge” OR “elastic net” OR “data augmentation” OR “early stopping” OR “dropout” OR “weight decay”))
Science DirectTitle, abstract, keywords: (“regularization” AND “machine learning” AND “bias” AND (“lasso” OR “ridge” OR “elastic net” OR “data augmentation” OR “early stopping” OR “dropout” OR “weight decay”))
Table 3. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate cognitive bias.
Table 3. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate cognitive bias.
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryType
CB12023[25]Natural Language Processing (i.e., NLP) (Generic)TextIdentification
CB32020[28]GenericNot specificIdentification
CB42024[29]NLP (Business)TextIdentification and Mitigation
CB52020[30]NLP (Business)TextIdentification and Mitigation
CB62024[31]GenericNot specificIdentification and Mitigation
CB72022[32]Computer VisionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
CB82024[33]NLP (Health)TextIdentification and Mitigation
Table 4. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate selection bias.
Table 4. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate selection bias.
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryType
SB12019[39]EnvironmentTime series Identification
SB22023[40]EnvironmentObservations (numeric)Identification
SB32021[41]EnvironmentTime seriesIdentification and Mitigation
SB42018[42]Computer VisionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
SB52022[43]Computer VisionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
SB62023[44]Computer Vision (Health)ImagesIdentification and Mitigation
SB72019[45]HealthEHR data (numeric and text)Identification and Mitigation
SB82023[46]HealthMixed (text and numeric)Identification and Mitigation
SB92023[47]HealthNumericIdentification and Mitigation
SB102023[48]HealthText (NLP—Q&A)Identification and Mitigation
SB112021[49]HealthMixed (text and numeric)Identification and Mitigation
SB122017[50]Not specificNot specificIdentification and Mitigation
SB132023[51]Mixed (text and numeric)Several (binary classification)Identification
Table 5. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate reporting bias.
Table 5. Approaches to identify and/or mitigate reporting bias.
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryType
RB12022[59]Not specificText Identification and Mitigation
RB22023[60]Computer VisionText and ImagesIdentification and Mitigation
RB32021[61]Computer VisionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
RB42016[62]Computer VisionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
RB52021[63]Facial RecognitionImagesIdentification and Mitigation
RB62018[64]SecurityNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB72019[65]Security (Malware Detection)NumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB82023[66]HealthNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB92023[67]HealthNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB102020[68]HealthNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB112023[69]EducationNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB122020[70]EducationNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB132019[71]AerospacePrognostic DataIdentification and Mitigation
RB142017[72]BiologyMixedIdentification and Mitigation
RB152023[73]EnvironmentTime series dataIdentification and Mitigation
RB162023[74]GenericMixedIdentification and Mitigation
RB172021[75]FinanceNumericIdentification and Mitigation
RB182018[76]Social mediaTextIdentification
Table 6. High-level description of the algorithms that are tested in the corresponding literature.
Table 6. High-level description of the algorithms that are tested in the corresponding literature.
Algorithm (Estimator) NameAbbreviationDescription
Autoregressive Moving AverageARIMAMostly used in time series forecasting, where the current value of the series can be explained as a function of past values [77]
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System ANFISType of a Neural Network that is based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy system [78]
Bee Colony Optimization BCOSystem that consists of multiple agents for solving complex optimization problems [79]
Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural NetworkBi-LSTM NNSpecific type of LSTM neural network that enables additional training by traversing the input data [80]
Cascade Support Vector MachineC-SVMEnsemble ML technique that consists of several SVMs stacked in a cascade [81]
C4.5 ClassifierC4.5Type of a decision tree classifier [82]
Classification and regression tree CARTType of a decision tree algorithm that can be used for both classification and regression tasks [83]
CNN-Bi-LSTM CNN-Bi-LSTMType of a Bi-LSTM NN that also utilizes a convolutional layer [84]
Conditional Random Fields CRFStatistical modeling method that is mostly used in pattern recognition and ML for structured predictions, since it models predictions into graphs [85]
Convolution Long Short-Term MemoryCLSTMType of an LSTM NN that also utilizes a convolutional layer [86]
Convolutional Neural Network CNNA type of feed-forward NN that consists of at least one convolutional layer and is widely used in computer vision tasks [87]
Cox proportional hazards modelCox regressionType of a survival model. That kind of models try to associate time prior to one event happening with one or more covariates [88]
CubistCubistRule-based model that contains a tree whose final leaves use linear regression models [89]
Decision TreesDTFundamental ML algorithm that uses a tree-like model of decisions and can be used for both regression and classification tasks [90]
Deep Neural NetworkDNNA type of an NN that has multiple hidden layers between the input and the output [91]
Double Deep Q-NetworkDDQNConsists of two separate Q-networks that are a type of reinforcement learning algorithms [92]
Exponential smoothing methodsESMMethod used in time series forecasting that utilizes an exponentially weighted average of past values to predict a future value [93]
Extra Trees ETAn ensemble ML approach that utilizes multiple randomized decision trees [94]
Extreme Gradient Boosting XGBoostIteratively combines predictions of multiple individual models, usually DTs [95]
Gene Expression Programming GEPType of evolutionary algorithm that consist of complex trees that adapt and alter their structures [96]
Gradient Boosted Regression TreesGBRTType of additive model that makes predictions by combining decisions from a set of other models [97]
Gated Recurrent Unit NetworksGRUType of Recurrent Neural Network, similar to LSTM, that utilize less parameters, thus having less computational cost [98]
k-Nearest NeighborsKNNA fundamental ML algorithm used for classification and regression based on proximity of data points [99]
Light Gradient Boosting Machine LightGBMEnsemble method that is based on gradient boosting [100]
Linear Discriminant Analysis LDASupervised ML algorithm for classification that aims to identify linear set of features that identify classes into a dataset [101]
Linear Regression LinearRFundamental algorithm that estimates the linear relationship between two variables [102]
Linear Support Vector Classification LinearSVCSubtype of SVM used for perfectly linear data [103]
Logistic RegressionLogRUsed for estimating the parameters of logistic models [104]
Long-Short Term Memory LSTMType of recurrent neural network that is particularly useful for time series forecasting, since it is capable to “remember” [105]
Multi-Layer Perceptron neural networkMLPSubtype of a DNN [106]
Multinomial Naive BayesMNBProbabilistic classifier that is based on the Bayes’ theorem and focuses on calculation of text data’s distribution [107]
Neural NetworkNNStructure that is made of artificial neurons that receive signals from other connected neurons and create an output that can be forwarded to other neurons [108]
Random ForestRFFundamental ML algorithm that makes use of the output of multiple decision trees for classification, regression and other tasks [109]
Squeaky Wheel Optimization SWOAn optimization technique based on a greedy algorithm [110]
Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess STLMethod used in time series where linear regression models are applied to decompose a time series into separate components [111]
Support Vector MachinesSVMClassification algorithm that finds an optimal line or hyperplane to maximize the distance between each class [112]
Temporal Difference (lambda)TDReinforcement learning method that share common characteristics with Monte Carlo method and Dynamic Programming methods [113]
Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency of recordsTF-IDFA measure calculating the relevancy of a word in a series of words or entire corpus [114]
Value-Biased Stochastic Search VBSSRandomization method that can be used for determining stochastic bias [115]
Vector AutoregressionVARModel that can be used for multiple time series that influence each other [116]
Table 7. Complete list of comparative studies of ML algorithms (estimators).
Table 7. Complete list of comparative studies of ML algorithms (estimators).
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryEstimatorsMost Suitable Estimator
CS12022[117]AgricultureSpectra DataRF, SVM, CubistEnsemble Method
CS22009[118]AutomobilesMixed (text–numeric)SWO, VBSS, BCO, TDTS and SWO
CS32016[119]BiologyNumericSVM, KNN, DTSVM
CS42020[120]BusinessText (reviews)MNB, CLSTMCLSTM
CS52022[121]BusinessNumericRF, SVM, DNNDNN
CS62020[122]BusinessTime seriesSTL decomposition, ESM, ARIMA, LinearR, KNN, SVR, VAR, DTVAR or ARIMA (based on missing values presence)
CS72015[123]Computer VisionRemote SensingRF, ET, GBRTET
CS82024[124]ConstructionNumericXGBoost, LightGBM, GEPGEP
CS92018[125]EnvironmentTime seriesCART, ANFIS, MLP NNCART
CS102021[126]EnvironementSeismic dataDense NN, CNN, LSTMCNN and LSTM
CS112022[127]FinancialNumericDDQN, SVM, KNN, RF, XGBoostKNN
CS122022[128]HealthNumericLogR, NN, SGD, RF, NB, KNN, DTLogR
CS132021[129]HealthTextLinearSVC, LogR, MNB, RFLogR with TF-IDF
CS142020[130]HealthNumericCox regression, NN NN
CS152017[131]Health Numeric SVM, NN, NB SVM
CS162021[132]HealthNumeric NN, C4.5 Classifier, NB, KNN, Logistic Classifier, SVM, DNN. SVM
SC172020[133]HealthNumeric LogR, DT, RF, NNRF
CS182022[134]Health NumericSVM, DTSVM
CS192021[135]Health ImagesSimple NN, LSTMLSTM
CS202023[136]Sentiment AnalysisTextCNN-Bi-LSTM, LSTM, Bi-LSTM, CNN, GRU, RF, SVMCNN-Bi-LSTM
CS212012[137]Smart HomesSensor DataC-SVM, CRF, LDA C-SVM
Table 8. Complete list of comparative studies of optimizers.
Table 8. Complete list of comparative studies of optimizers.
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryOptimizersMost Suitable Optimizer
OCS12021[177]Agriculture Numeric SGD, RMSprop, AdamSGD
OCS22023[178]Agriculture Time Series DataAdam, SGDSGD
OCS32024[179]Business NumericAdam, SGDAdam
OCS42022[180]Civil NumericAdagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, SGD, Nadam, AdamSGD
OCS52021[181]Computer Vision ImagesNadam, Adam, AdamaxNadam
OCS62021[182]Computer Vision ImagesAdam, SGDAdam
OCS72021[183]Health (diabetes)NumericSGD, Adagrad, Adam, RMSPropRMSProp
OCS82023[184]Health NumericSGD, RMSPropSGD
OCS92023[185]SecurityNumericAdam, Adagrad, Adamax, Ftrl, Nadam, RMSProp, SGDNadam
Table 9. Recommended usage of Adam, RMSProp, SGD and Nadam.
Table 9. Recommended usage of Adam, RMSProp, SGD and Nadam.
OptimizerRecommended Usage
AdamTraining time needs to be reduced
RMSPropMemory requirements are not important
SGDThere is no time constraint
NadamAdam does not produce sufficient results
Table 10. Complete list of studies related to regularization techniques.
Table 10. Complete list of studies related to regularization techniques.
IDYearRef.DomainData CategoryRegularization Technique
RS22017[211]ChemisrtyNumericEarly stopping
RS32018[212]Computer VisionImagesDropout
RS42023[213]Computer VisionImagesWeight Decay and dropout
RS52020[214]Computer Vision ImagesWeight Decay
RS62022[215]Computer Vision (Geology)ImagesData augmentation
RS72017[216]Computer vision ImagesLasso
RS82021[217]EnergyTime series DataLasso
RS92019[218]EnergyNumericElastic Net
RS102012[219]EnvironmentNumericEarly stopping and weight decay
RS132022[222]HealthImagesElastic Net
RS142015[223]HealthImagesElastic Net
RS152015[224]HealthNumericElastic Net
RS172021[226]Health ImagesData augmentation and dropout
RS182022[227]Health SignalsL2 and Dropout
RS192020[228]TransportVehicle DataLasso
RS212020[230]Transport NumericLasso and Elastic Net
RS222018[231]Networks NumericLasso
RS232020[232]Not Specific Not Specific Early stopping
RS242019[233]Not Specific NumericL2
Table 11. Recommended usage of Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net, Data Augmentation, Dropout, Weight Decay.
Table 11. Recommended usage of Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net, Data Augmentation, Dropout, Weight Decay.
Regularization MethodRecommended Usage
LassoMost feature coefficients are equal to zero
RidgeMost feature coefficients are not equal to zero
Elastic NetNeed a combination of Lasso and Ridge
Data AugmentationImage and text data with not sufficient samples
DropoutComplex NN architectures and less complex data
Weight DecayDropout is not suitable
Early StoppingGood practice as long as the threshold is set just before the model starts overfitting
Table 12. Comparison of reviews related to bias mitigation.
Table 12. Comparison of reviews related to bias mitigation.
Estimator Bias Optimizer BiasRegularization BiasEngineer Bias
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mavrogiorgos, K.; Kiourtis, A.; Mavrogiorgou, A.; Menychtas, A.; Kyriazis, D. Bias in Machine Learning: A Literature Review. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 8860.

AMA Style

Mavrogiorgos K, Kiourtis A, Mavrogiorgou A, Menychtas A, Kyriazis D. Bias in Machine Learning: A Literature Review. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(19):8860.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mavrogiorgos, Konstantinos, Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Andreas Menychtas, and Dimosthenis Kyriazis. 2024. "Bias in Machine Learning: A Literature Review" Applied Sciences 14, no. 19: 8860.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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