Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding for Binary Classification of Sella Turcica
:1. Introduction
- The method proposed in this study introduces a novel approach for conducting a non-linear embedding with KL divergence for semi-supervised binary classification.
- The proposed semi-supervised deep subspace embedding (SSLDSE) methodology creates a shift-invariant image representation by first producing an augmented image set for each input. This approach addresses the limitations of existing models, such as Active SSL and Contrastive SSL, which struggle with dataset variability and shifts. SSLDSE improves feature representation and robustness to transformations by mapping each image set to a non-linear subspace defined by a KL divergence point.
- The model employs t-SNE for feature representations, utilizing manifold learning to capture non-linear structures that previous methods, such as GAN SSL and Contrastive SSL, may not effectively recognize. This enables SSLDSE to handle complex variations in medical images more effectively, improving classification performance by preserving essential relationships in the data.
- SSLDSE also integrates a zero-shot classifier (ZsC) that leverages KL divergence loss to classify previously unseen or unlabeled ST structures. This is particularly important in medical imaging, where acquiring labeled data is challenging. Unlike GAN SSL and Active SSL, which require retraining to adapt to new data, SSLDSE generalizes to unseen classes without additional labeling, enhancing model adaptability and efficiency.
- By combining real-time stochastic augmentation with KL divergence, SSLDSE generates shift-invariant features and generalizes better across different datasets, mitigating the risk of overfitting. In contrast, models like Active SSL, which may overfit with limited labeled data, show less consistency, while SSLDSE demonstrates accurate performance across diverse datasets.
- The SSLDSE model is benchmarked against state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning models, including Active SSL, GAN SSL, and Contrastive SSL. Through experiments on both our proprietary dataset and the IEEE ISBI 2015 dataset, SSLDSE achieves superior performance in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. It outperforms these models by delivering robust classification with fewer labeled data, demonstrating its effectiveness in real-world applications.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Dataset and Pre-Processing
2.2. Semi-Supervised Methods
2.2.1. Active Learning
2.2.2. Generative Adversarial Networks
2.2.3. Contrastive Learning
2.3. Proposed Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding (SSLDSE) Architecture
2.3.1. Exploring Non-Linear Embeddings with Kullback–Leibler Divergence
- [CNN-Based Feature Extraction and Probability Distribution Estimation] The rich representational power of intermediate CNN outputs, specifically from Inception-ResNet-v2 [59,60,61], allows for the utilization of these features as the primary inputs for the KL divergence calculations [62]. These CNN-extracted features encapsulate both low-level and high-level morphological traits in a reduced dimensional space, making them particularly suitable for this form of probabilistic analysis. The process begins with extracting deep features from each image, followed by converting these features into probability distributions. To estimate these distributions for a pair of images, a binning technique is employed, where features are binned into fixed intervals. The number of bins as well as the binning strategy (e.g., equal width or equal frequency) are optimized for the dataset. To ensure numerical stability and to avoid zero probabilities in the binning process, a smoothing constant is added to each bin count prior to normalization. Given two sets of features P (from image 1) and Q (from image 2), the KL divergence between the distributions of their CNN outputs is calculated as
- [Efficient Computation and Manifold Learning Integration] Computing the KL divergence for all image pairs in large datasets can be computationally prohibitive. Therefore, an optimized sampling method is applied to select a representative subset of image pairs for divergence calculation. This reduces the computational load significantly while maintaining analytical precision. Parallel processing across multiple cores further enhances the efficiency of these calculations, allowing for the rapid processing of large datasets without sacrificing detail. To capture the complex, non-linear relationships inherent in these features, manifold learning techniques, particularly t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), are incorporated [63,64]. t-SNE helps embed high-dimensional divergence values into a lower-dimensional space while preserving both the local and global structures of the data. This allows the model to generalize effectively across variations in ST. The embedding reveals clusters and patterns that are not immediately obvious in the original high-dimensional feature space.Let and denote the sets of images represented by bridging and non-bridging ST forms, respectively. For each image I in and , a feature representation is extracted. The KL divergence is computed for each image pair in and in , resulting in a matrix of divergence values. A non-linear embedding technique is then used to visualize these relationships in a lower-dimensional space. and are the sets of feature representations for the bridging and non-bridging ST images to formalize this process. The embedding of D in a lower-dimensional space is given by
- [Normalized KL Divergence and Information Distinguishability] While the KL divergence offers valuable insight into the separability of feature distributions, its unbounded nature can make comparisons across different datasets or conditions challenging. To address this, the Information Distinguishability measure proposed by Soffi et al. [65] is adopted, which normalizes the KL divergence into a bounded metric between 0 and 1:
2.3.2. Semi-Supervised Learning with Deep Subspace Descriptor
- [Algorithmic Framework] The framed algorithm follows this structure by applying stochastic augmentation to dataset SL, then processing it through a transfer learning approach using the Inception-ResNet-v2 network with fine-tuning and dropout [59,60,61]. The output from this network is then passed through a deep subspace descriptor, specifically, the deep embedding clustering algorithm [69,70], which further reduces the dimensionality and generates embeddings as illustrated in Figure 4.To effectively integrate labeled and unlabeled data, our approach employs a sophisticated semi-supervised learning framework that maximizes the utility of both datasets. This integration occurs through several key steps:
- Data Augmentation: Both labeled and unlabeled datasets undergo stochastic augmentation. This step enhances the diversity and robustness of the training samples by introducing variations in the data, such as rotations, translations, and noise, which helps the model generalize better to unseen data.
- Feature Extraction: Features from both labeled and unlabeled datasets are extracted using the Inception-ResNet-v2 network. This deep learning model is fine-tuned to adapt to the specific task at hand, ensuring that the extracted features are relevant and informative for distinguishing between bridging and non-bridging ST shapes.
- Joint Training: The extracted features from both datasets are jointly utilized in the training process. The model performs supervised learning for the labeled data , using the ground truth labels to guide the learning process. This helps the model to learn the direct mappings from input features to the desired output labels. Simultaneously, the unlabeled data are used in unsupervised learning, where the model learns to identify and group similar patterns within the data. This unsupervised learning process aids in discovering the underlying structure of the data, which might not have been apparent from the labeled data alone.
- Deep Embedding Clustering: The deep subspace descriptor is employed to combine the strengths of supervised and unsupervised learning. This involves using a deep embedding clustering algorithm, which reduces the dimensionality of the feature space while preserving its essential characteristics. The algorithm generates embeddings representing the data in a lower-dimensional space, facilitating the clustering of labeled and unlabeled data. This clustering helps form a more coherent and discriminative feature space, improving the overall classification performance.
- [Deep Embedding and Clustering Process] The deep embedding layer operates similarly to t-SNE, as it seeks to find a lower-dimensional representation that preserved the clustering structure of the data. It accomplishes this by employing a clustering loss that refines the embeddings for better clustering as measured by the similarity between an embedding and the mean of a cluster :The use of non-linear embeddings, analyzed with KL divergence, ensures that the essential data structures are preserved while making the embeddings robust to shifts and variations. Non-linear embeddings capture complex patterns in the data, effectively reducing dimensionality and preserving important relationships. KL divergence, used as a clustering loss, helps maintain the structural integrity of the data by aligning the learned embeddings with the true data distribution. This combination of techniques enhances the clustering performance and ensures robust, shift-invariant embeddings. In all the experiments, the hyperparameter is set to 1.
2.3.3. Enhancing Model Robustness with Zero-Shot Classifier
- [Zero-Shot Classifier Integrated with KL Divergence] To execute using KL divergence loss, a CNN is initially trained on the existing data to extract significant features from the input examples. This pre-trained CNN produces robust feature representations , which serve as the foundation for subsequent classification tasks. Each class, including both known and unknown categories, is characterized by a semantic vector. These vectors are constructed using deep visual features extracted from pre-trained CNNs and enhanced with supplementary information such as textual descriptions or hierarchical attributes. The semantic vectors encapsulate the characteristics and relationships among various classes within a high-dimensional semantic space, thereby enabling the model to deduce the existence of unseen classes based on their semantic resemblance to familiar categories.The KL divergence loss plays a crucial role in this process by assessing the difference between the predicted probability distribution of input data embeddings and the target distribution defined by semantic vectors of known classes. As outlined in Equation (2), the KL divergence measures the disparity between the predicted distribution and the target distribution , and is defined asThrough iterative minimization of the KL divergence between predicted and target distributions, the model develops the ability to generalize effectively beyond the training data. This enables the classifier to map embeddings to appropriate class labels , even without explicit examples of those classes. The capacity to identify unseen classes is achieved by utilizing the semantic relationships encoded in the model, allowing it to deduce the existence of new classes based on their resemblance to known classes. This approach enhances the model’s resilience and adaptability, enabling it to function effectively in varied and dynamic settings where new classes may continually emerge. By aligning the learned embeddings with semantic distributions, the framework ensures enhanced performance in recognizing novel and unobserved classes, offering a scalable solution for real-world applications where data for certain classes may be limited or unavailable.
2.4. Experimental Settings
3. Results
3.1. Experimental Results of Binary Classification
3.2. Experimental Validation Results of Classification
3.3. Error Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ST | Sella Turcica |
SSL | Semi-Supervised Learning |
SSLDSE | Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding |
KL divergence | Kullback–Leibler Divergence |
t-SNE | t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
AL | Active Learning |
GAN | Generative Adversarial Network |
CL | Contrastive Learning |
Probability Density Function | |
ID | Information Distinguishability |
ZsC | Zero-Shot Classifier |
ROC | Receiver Operating Characteristic |
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Epochs | Precision | Recall | F1 Score | |||
Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | |
50 | 88.03% | 91.45% | 90.00% | 93.25% | 90.12% | 91.73% |
100 | 86.82% | 90.30% | 90.93% | 88.75% | 88.45% | 96.47% |
150 | 87.25% | 85.75% | 92.51% | 89.60% | 89.01% | 92.85% |
200 | 87.79% | 92.10% | 91.42% | 95.40% | 89.29% | 93.29% |
250 | 85.42% | 86.50% | 90.77% | 96.10% | 88.49% | 96.82% |
300 | 87.17% | 90.00% | 92.79% | 91.85% | 89.65% | 94.51% |
Average | 87.08% | 89.62% | 91.37% | 92.73% | 89.17% | 94.14% |
Epochs | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1 Score |
50 | 98.50% | 97.25% | 96.80% | 98.50% |
100 | 96.75% | 95.40% | 94.20% | 96.30% |
150 | 97.10% | 96.75% | 95.00% | 97.90% |
200 | 97.90% | 95.85% | 94.85% | 97.25% |
250 | 96.25% | 96.00% | 96.10% | 98.10% |
300 | 97.95% | 94.50% | 94.50% | 97.60% |
Average | 97.28% | 96.12% | 95.65% | 97.77% |
Epochs | GAN | Contrastive | Active | MIncepResV2 | SSLDSE | |||||
Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | Brd | NBrd | |
50 | 68.95% | 75.25% | 77.85% | 83.65% | 82.45% | 85.45% | 90.35% | 92.15% | 95.85% | 97.80% |
100 | 70.40% | 73.80% | 78.60% | 84.90% | 80.90% | 84.75% | 88.75% | 90.85% | 94.30% | 96.50% |
150 | 69.20% | 74.45% | 79.20% | 82.75% | 81.30% | 86.30% | 89.10% | 91.60% | 95.50% | 98.10% |
200 | 71.05% | 76.10% | 77.30% | 85.20% | 83.15% | 83.85% | 90.85% | 93.25% | 96.10% | 97.25% |
250 | 67.75% | 72.90% | 78.95% | 83.40% | 79.75% | 85.90% | 87.65% | 92.70% | 93.95% | 96.90% |
300 | 71.55% | 75.15% | 78.95% | 84.85% | 82.55% | 84.35% | 88.95% | 90.85% | 95.45% | 98.00% |
Average | 69.82% | 74.77% | 78.29% | 84.13% | 81.67% | 85.10% | 89.27% | 91.92% | 95.19% | 97.37% |
Models | Accuracy | AUC-ROC | F1 Score | |||
IEEE | Our | IEEE | Our | IEEE | Our | |
GAN SSL | 68.61% | 68.93% | 64.88% | 65.73% | 62.86% | 67.01% |
Contrastive SSL | 70.66% | 73.11% | 74.40% | 74.07% | 72.06% | 73.17% |
Active SSL | 84.92% | 85.64% | 83.73% | 83.00% | 83.00% | 85.07% |
MIncepResV2 | 85.07% | 86.12% | 85.97% | 84.03% | 83.02% | 82.00% |
Proposed SSLDSE | 90.06% | 92.72% | 91.02% | 93.57% | 92.08% | 95.37% |
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Shakya, K.S.; Alavi, A.; Porteous, J.; Khatri, P.; Laddi, A.; Jaiswal, M.; Kumar, V. Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding for Binary Classification of Sella Turcica. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11154.
Shakya KS, Alavi A, Porteous J, Khatri P, Laddi A, Jaiswal M, Kumar V. Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding for Binary Classification of Sella Turcica. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(23):11154.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShakya, Kaushlesh Singh, Azadeh Alavi, Julie Porteous, Priti Khatri, Amit Laddi, Manojkumar Jaiswal, and Vinay Kumar. 2024. "Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding for Binary Classification of Sella Turcica" Applied Sciences 14, no. 23: 11154.
APA StyleShakya, K. S., Alavi, A., Porteous, J., Khatri, P., Laddi, A., Jaiswal, M., & Kumar, V. (2024). Semi-Supervised Deep Subspace Embedding for Binary Classification of Sella Turcica. Applied Sciences, 14(23), 11154.