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Modeling of Texture and Starch Retrogradation of High-in-Fiber Bread Using Response Surface Methodology

Jarosław Wyrwisz
Małgorzata Moczkowska-Wyrwisz
2 and
Marcin A. Kurek
Department of Technique and Food Development, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Department Food Gastronomy and Food Hygiene, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(24), 11603;
Submission received: 25 October 2024 / Revised: 6 December 2024 / Accepted: 10 December 2024 / Published: 12 December 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in the Structure Characterization of Food)


The texture of bakery products is considered the most important trait for consumers, which needs to be explored in new products developed, such as high-in-fiber bread. This study aimed to develop models for texture attributes and starch retrogradation (based on initial enthalpy) as a function of porosity measured in non-complicated experimental processes—using Digital Imaging Analysis (DIA) of bread with various levels of dietary fiber (DF) content. Bread with high fiber content was prepared as the sample matrix by replacing part of the wheat flour with an oat fiber powder. The models for firmness, springiness, chewiness, cohesiveness, and enthalpy were developed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), a robust statistical technique. Results indicated that the bread crumb’s firmness depended more on porosity than DF content. Models for each texture attribute were established and verified, and it was found that no significant difference (p < 0.05) existed between the predicted and measured values, confirming the validation of the models developed.

1. Introduction

Bread constitutes basic food worldwide. European consumers are increasingly demanding in terms of bread’s quality, freshness, and nutritional and sensory properties. Sensory attributes and repeatable quality of bread affect the preferences of its consumers and decisions about its purchase [1,2]. In recent years, many research studies have been conducted to improve the quality of bread and bakery products, both nutritionally and technologically (e.g., texture, moisture retention, and starch retrogradation rate). The decreasing salt or carbohydrate content or increasing protein content [3,4] and dietary fiber (DF) [5] in bakery products were implemented. Cereal products contain high starch and low DF content. However, according to nutritional guidelines, consumers’ DF intake is too low and should be increased [6,7]. The high nutritional value of DF has been well-documented over the years as a preventive ingredient for certain diseases, including obesity, cardiovascular disorders, and high cholesterol levels [8,9]. Moreover, it has been noticed that the availability of bread products with high levels of DF is low. Therefore, product variety should be expanded to fulfill the need for functional foods (also with DF) that will be well-recognized and valued by consumers [10,11,12]. The use of fiber-rich ingredients in the dough causes changes in water absorption and quality of the bread; e.g., a mixture of fibers (inulin and white oat fiber) causes a decrease in specific volume and an increase in hardness [13]; the use of β-glucan in bread increases the moisture and decreases the particular volume [14]; and pectin in a bread sample causes an increase in moisture and color changes [15].
There is a widespread belief that for bakery products, only whole-grain bread products could provide satisfactory sources of DF for humans. However, whole-grain flour is made by milling the grains only once with little heat treatment, which could lead to a high food safety risk [16]. Therefore, fortifying wheat flour with other bioactive substances, such as β-glucan, is more reasonable. Beta-glucans are soluble fibers that can be of cereal ((1→3) (1→4) β-D-glucan), fungal, and microbial origin ((1→3)(1→6) β-D-glucan) [17]. In particular, consuming food fortified with β-glucan may have positive health influences as β-glucan can decrease low-density cholesterol (LDL) levels, leading to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease and hypertension [18,19].
Increasing DF (including β-glucan) content during bread making can deteriorate bread quality [20]. Beta-glucans are important molecules not only because of their nutritional properties but also because of their technological aspects, such as the rheological properties of dough and bread quality [21]. Texture is one of the most important factors influencing the perception of bread technological quality. Consumers often consider texture one of the most essential quality factors when they purchase food. Current methods available in the industry are mainly based on measuring the shear force, which is destructive. Therefore, it is necessary to develop novel strategies that could rapidly and easily estimate the texture properties of bread as influenced by factors such as porosity, which can otherwise be measured by traditional instrumental techniques such as textural profile analysis that are complicated, slow, and destructive. The pores in bread constitute a significant determiner of crumb texture development and, thus, are an important parameter for texture modeling [22]. Optimization studies can be carried out by using multivariate statistical methods. Response surface methodology (RSM) is an appropriate approach widely used to optimize food industry processes. This method helps optimize, design, develop, and improve processes where responses are affected by several variables. At the beginning of using the RSM approach, we need to select the correct experimental design that will designate which treatments should be conducted in the experimental region studied [23,24].
Many previous studies have shown that the porosity of bread is closely related to texture properties such as bread firmness [25,26,27]. However, no attempts have been made to correlate the DF content and porosity to the texture properties of bread [28]. Therefore, the current study aimed to develop models for describing the effects of pore characteristics, including size and density, and contents of DF on the texture properties (including firmness, springiness, chewiness, and cohesiveness) of high-in-fiber bread and the influence of DF content and porosity structure on starch retrogradation. The results available in the current study could be of significance to the bakery industry to provide rapid quality evaluation tools without complicated experimental procedures.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Raw Material and Preparation

The wheat flour was provided by a local manufacturer in Warsaw, Poland, and contained 14.10% moisture content and 10.34% protein, with 28.9% wet gluten and 0.75% ash. The proximate composition was measured using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRFlex N-500, Buchi, Flawil, Switzerland). The flour was replaced with oat fiber powder consisting of 44 g/100 g of DF, including 21 g insoluble fractions and 23 g soluble from which 16 g/100 g of concentrated β-glucan (Microstructure Inc., Warsaw, Poland). Wheat flour was replaced with oat fiber powder in amounts specified by the design of the experiment.
The bread production process was the same as previously described [29]. The ingredients were mixed for 5 min at 200 rpm to generate the dough in a TRQ-42 RM Spiral mixer (Gastropoland Sp. Z o.o., Czarnków, Poland). Moreover, 1% of salt and 2% of dried yeast were used to prepare the dough. Water was added based on rheological measurements by using Brabender farinograph model RSM65NG (Brabender OHG, Duisburg, Germany) to achieve a doughy consistency of 500 BU (Brabender Units). For one hour, preliminary fermentation was conducted at 37 °C and 80% relative humidity. The mixer bowl was turned around once after 30 min, and the dough was finally divided into pieces, weighing 350 g. Each piece was inserted into forms, where the proofing process occurred until reaching oven maturity (37 °C, 80% relative humidity). The direct single-phase method was used to bake the bread. Baking was performed in a convection oven (CPE 110, Küppersbusch Hausgeräte GmbH, Gelsenkirchen, Germany) for 25 min at 180 °C. The control sample, without adding DF, was made only from wheat flour and other dough components. All properties were evaluated 24 h after baking.

2.2. Porosity Measurements—Digital Imaging Analysis

TIFF images of the bread slices were acquired and analyzed to estimate porosity as previously described [11]. The loaf was cut into slices with 2.5 cm thickness using a slicer machine (Ma-Ga, model 210p CE, Bydgoszcz, Poland). The 3 central slices of 5 loaves of each bread variant were photographed. The slices were digitally photographed using fluorescent lamp light, with the color temperature at 5400 K. The measurement of porosity involved in archiving the images of the sample by a digital camera (Micro Publisher 5.0 RTV, QImaging, Surrey, BC, Canada) equipped with a linear polarizing filter of 46 mm (Keiser, Oakland, CA, USA) and a light system (RB-5004-HF, Kaiser, CA, USA) with four fluorescent lamps (Dulux L 36 W/954, AC 230 V/50 Hz, Osram GmbH, Munich, Germany) and a color temperature of 5400 K. Images were taken at a resolution of 2560 × 1920 pixels (Figure 1). The digital camera was connected to a PC using the Image Pro Plus 7.0 software (Media Cybernetics Inc., Rockville, MD, USA). The software was used to calculate the following parameters: the pore size (mm2) using the calibration ruler, the porosity (%) as the area covered by pores on the whole area of the examined slice, and the pore density as the number of pores per cm2.

2.3. Texture Measurements

As stated in the previous study, the texture properties of bread were recorded using an Instron 5965 universal testing machine (Instron, Norwood, MA, USA) operating in a double compression cycle [30]. The cell capacity was 500 N, with a 50% reduction in initial sample height obtained using a 40 mm diameter probe and a 3-second relaxation between compressions on crumb cubes, with a dimension of 20 × 20 × 20 mm and a speed of 20 cm min−1. The parameters analyzed were firmness (the peak force during the first compression; N), cohesiveness (area 2/area 1; -), springiness (the ratio between the recovered height after the first compression and the original sample height), and chewiness (firmness × cohesiveness × springiness; N). Each sample’s measurements were conducted in triplicates, and their average values were reported.

2.4. DSC Measurements

The DSC measurement was performed on bread using a differential scanning calorimeter DSC 1 (Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH, USA). A 10 mg bread crumb sample was hermetically sealed in a 40 mL aluminum pan the day after baking. Then, heat effect registration was performed using the temperature program (10 °C—2 min; 10–200 °C with a heating rate of 5 °C/min). The peak reaction enthalpy was collected from each measurement. The measurements were conducted in triplicate. The reference sample was the empty 40 mL aluminum pan.

2.5. TDF Content Determination

Total DF content was assessed employing the enzymatical–gravimetrical method by Foss Inc. (Rockwall, TX, USA) as in the previous study [29].

2.6. Consumer Acceptance

To verify the models, the consumer acceptance of the control sample (K) was compared with the optimized sample (O). The consumer acceptance of bread was carried out according to Moczkowska et al. [31] and García-Gomez et al. [32] with several modifications. The consumer acceptance test of bread was conducted with 40 consumers (57.5% females and 42.5% males). Consumers aged between 21 and 43 years old. The bread samples were evaluated at room temperature 24 h after baking. A sample consisted of a slice of bread of each type, with thickness measuring 1.5 cm (including crumb and crust). Presented samples in a disposable dish were labeled with a three-digit code. The attributes of softness, moisture, porosity, color, and overall acceptance were evaluated on a hedonic 10 cm unstructured scale with defined marginal values (0—dislike significantly and 10—like extremely) according to Polish Norm PN-ISO 4121:1998 [33] and PN-ISO 6658:1998 [34].

2.7. Design of Experiment

The experiment used different DF content in the final product, ranging from 1.46 to 11.82. The pore size (0.769–1.389 mm2), porosity (18.89–32.29%), and pore number per cm2 (3.485–5.265) were measured and treated as factors.

2.8. Statistics

The statistics included employing response surface methodology with the design of the experiment based on historical data. Four factors (DF content, pore size, porosity, and pore number) influenced five responses (firmness, springiness, chewiness, cohesiveness, and enthalpy of retrogradation). The results were calculated using Design Expert 10 (Stat-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA). The models were presented as regression coefficients in linear, interaction, and quadratic terms with lack of fit and R2 as measures of model accuracy. The behavior of responses was presented as contour plots. After the successful analysis of statistical models, the point-prediction calculations were performed to compare the predicted and experimental data, which were compared with the ANOVA statistical test with a significance level of α = 0.05.

3. Results

3.1. Effects of DF on Porosity

The effects of DF content on the porosity of wheat bread are shown in Table 1. It could be observed that the DF content influenced the pore size, with the tendency for smaller pores to be observed in bread with higher DF content. The porosity was the highest in the samples, with 5.75% and 7.00% of DF. Therefore, the pore density was inversely proportional to the DF content.

3.2. Model for Firmness

The regression coefficients for the firmness model based on the DF and porosity properties are presented in Table 1. It could be observed that firmness was mainly affected by DF and pore size in quadratic terms (p ≤ 0.05 and p ≤ 0.01). Moreover, DF and porosity factor interaction was calculated as significant (p ≤ 0.05). The model was well-fitted (R2 = 0.807). The firmness decreased slightly with the DF content (Figure 2). DF is known for demonstrating a high water-holding capacity, meaning less water is available for the starch–gluten network [35]. High-fiber ingredients can bind available water, which assists in reducing moisture loss during storage due to the hydrogen bonding between the fiber and starch matrix, thus delaying starch retrogradation [36]. Higher levels of oat fiber inclusion yielded bread with a firmer texture and a denser crumb structure. During fermentation, the expansion of the air bubbles previously incorporated during mixing provides the characteristic aerated structure of bread, which is relevant to its appeal [37]. During proofing and baking, the growth of gas bubbles determines the expansion of the dough and, therefore, the ultimate volume and texture of the baked product [38]. Ortiz de Erive et al. [39] showed that the addition of soluble oat fiber higher than 14% was unacceptable because it caused the negative effect on crumb hardness.

3.3. Model for Springiness

The model calculated for springiness was well-fitted (R2 = 0.858) (Table 1). The most significant factors were DF and porosity (p ≤ 0.05). The higher the porosity, the higher the springiness achieved higher values (Figure 2). However, the addition of DF decreased the springiness of bread crumbs. Due to the high water-holding capacity of DF, the springiness, which indicates an ability to recover the initial form of the examined sample, can be decreased. The structure of bread is highly correlated to this feature. By replacing wheat flour with DF, the lower amount of gluten causes a lower ability to hold gases, resulting in an elasticity reduction in loaves of bread [40]. The elastic properties of oat dough added with wheat gluten were negatively affected with the increase in β-glucan content. This unfavorable effect is attributed to the concentration and viscosity conferred by β-glucans, since using lower molecular weight and less viscous β-glucans in a lower concentration counteracted the negative impact [41].

3.4. Model for Chewiness

The chewiness model was significantly influenced by DF, pore size, and porosity, as well as the interactions between DF–pore size and pore size–pore density. Such behavior could be explained by how chewiness is determined as a multiplied result of firmness, cohesiveness, and springiness. However, this model was still well-fitted (R2 = 0.937).

3.5. Model for Cohesiveness

The regression coefficients for cohesiveness are presented in Table 1. It could be observed that the DF decreased cohesiveness significantly (p ≤ 0.05), and in quadratic terms, the porosity was also the significant decreasing factor. Cohesiveness indicates how well the bread withstands a second deformation (after the second compression cycle) and how well the product can regain its original position, respectively [42]. Crumb cohesion is a desirable trait of bread and is measured by the bread crumb cohesiveness, or the force required to break the crumb apart. The cohesiveness of samples with high DF addition decreased irrespective of the crumb structure. The increase in cohesiveness reflects a decreasing tendency of the bread to fracture and crumble. Cohesiveness of crumbs shows a decreasing trend as the level of soluble oat fiber increases. Cohesiveness of bread crumbs, similarly to springiness, is related to the flexibility of the gluten network, the ability of starch to gelatinize, and the adherence of fiber to the gluten network [39].

3.6. Model for Enthalpy

Enthalpy could be regarded as a measure of starch retrogradation. Staling is a complex aging phenomenon characterized by physical and chemical changes in the crust and the crumb. The retrogradation of starch generally causes crumb staling. Retrogradation is the back-formation of the gelatinized starch into a crystallized structure, which results in a reduced water binding capacity [43]. In the present study, we calculated the model of enthalpy values, which decreased with increasing DF content (Table 1). However, the most significant factors were pore size and the interaction between DF and pore density (p ≤ 0.05) (Figure 3). Retrogradation of starch was lower in the samples with beta-glucan fiber, which is consistent with previous studies [27]. These lower values are due to the limiting of water by beta-glucan, which creates an environment for starch crystallization and retrogradation [44].

3.7. Verification of the Models

The verification of the model was completed in the following way. Two different bread recipes used 2.22% and 6.80% DF in the final product. Then, the measured porosity parameters were applied to the model based on the formulae from regressions and contour plots. The texture attributes were then calculated and checked, and the comparison is listed in Table 2. No significant differences existed between the predicted and measured values, constituting positive verification of the fitted models. Therefore, the bias factors for all responses would suggest a strong association between the predicted and experimental factors.

3.8. Consumer Acceptance of Measured Samples

To verify the models, the consumer acceptance of the control sample (K) was compared with the optimized sample with 2.22% DF (O1) and 6.80% DF (O2) (Figure 4).
The addition of DF at O1 and O2 levels did not significantly change the evaluated sensory quality attributes of the bread. Increasing the DF content of the bread had a positive effect on its softness and moisture, regardless of the amount of its addition. On the other hand, porosity and color were rated lower in samples with fiber addition compared to the control group. This is related to the fact that adding DF to bread resulted in a darker color of bread. A similar effect was observed in the study by Smith and Yu [45] and Šporin et al. [46]. This is because most fiber preparations are intensely colored. The higher the DF addition was, the lower the porosity and color of the bread was assessed. The O1 and O2 samples had similar overall acceptability as the control sample. However, adding fiber will positively affect the evaluation of this attribute. The O1 sample was rated even higher than the control sample. Similar results for evaluating the sensory characteristics of bread were obtained by Salehifar and Shahedi [47], who showed that the bread with substitution up to 20% of oat flour was similar to the control bread.

4. Conclusions

There is an issue of predicting the quality of new bread products, such as bread with high β-glucan content. The bakery industry needs the application of model prediction, which could be accurate in pointing out the quality of bakery products. The current study established models that could correlate the level of DF and porosity to texture properties that constitute the critical quality indicators of bread perceived by consumers. These models could satisfy the industrial need for rapid texture prediction according to the quality of bread with high β-glucan content by using simple tools such as imaging. By using RSM, assuming a certain level of DF in the product, and applying a rapid method of measuring bread porosity with Digital Imaging Analysis, it is possible to predict the texture components and consumer acceptance of the final product.

Author Contributions

J.W.: conceptualization, formal analysis, data curation, investigation, methodology, laboratory work, writing—original draft, and writing—review and editing; M.A.K.: conceptualization, laboratory work, investigation, methodology, and writing—original draft; M.M.-W.: laboratory work and writing—original draft. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The datasets generated for this study are available upon request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. (a) The authentic and (b) binary structure images of bread crumbs with 0% (control sample), 2.5%, 4.0%, 5.75%, 7.0%, and 9.0% of oat DF content, respectively.
Figure 1. (a) The authentic and (b) binary structure images of bread crumbs with 0% (control sample), 2.5%, 4.0%, 5.75%, 7.0%, and 9.0% of oat DF content, respectively.
Applsci 14 11603 g001
Figure 2. Response surface of: (a) firmness, (b) springiness, (c) chewiness, and (d) cohesiveness values for the bread depending on the different oat DF (factor A) and pore sizes (factor B).
Figure 2. Response surface of: (a) firmness, (b) springiness, (c) chewiness, and (d) cohesiveness values for the bread depending on the different oat DF (factor A) and pore sizes (factor B).
Applsci 14 11603 g002
Figure 3. Response surface of enthalpy values for the bread depending on the different oat DF (factor A) and pore sizes (factor B).
Figure 3. Response surface of enthalpy values for the bread depending on the different oat DF (factor A) and pore sizes (factor B).
Applsci 14 11603 g003
Figure 4. Scores of consumer acceptance analysis of bread: K—control; O1—optimized sample with 2.22% oat DF; and O2—optimized sample with 6.80% oat DF.
Figure 4. Scores of consumer acceptance analysis of bread: K—control; O1—optimized sample with 2.22% oat DF; and O2—optimized sample with 6.80% oat DF.
Applsci 14 11603 g004
Table 1. The regression coefficients of the TPA values and enthalpy of bread crumb as a response to DF and porosity parameters.
Table 1. The regression coefficients of the TPA values and enthalpy of bread crumb as a response to DF and porosity parameters.
A—DF−0.034−0.026 *−0.19 **−0.032 **−5.51
B—pore size−0.0310.0210.10 **0.0132.63 **
C—porosity−0.190.035 **0.12 **0.0396.52
D—pore density0.074−0.014−0.058−0.020−2.88
AB0.024−0.023−0.16 **−0.0160.59
AC−0.55 **0.0170.0330.023−6.38
AD−0.098−0.083−0.067−0.097−2.64 ***
BD0.190.04870.031 ***0.068−1.48
A2−0.071 ***0.031 *0.0430.017 *8.73 **
B20.30 *−0.017−0.033−0.0211.86
C20.18−0.023 *−0.075−0.024 **−1.72
Lack of fit0.82940.85830.93730.90370.6681
Level of significance: p ≤ 0.1—*; p ≤ 0.05—**; p ≤ 0.01—***.
Table 2. The verification of the model with the measured values of texture parameters and enthalpy.
Table 2. The verification of the model with the measured values of texture parameters and enthalpy.
DF (%)Pore Size (mm2) Porosity (%)Pore Density (per cm2) Firmness (N)Springiness (−)Chewiness (N)Cohesiveness (−)Enthalpy (J/g)
2.221.0425.324.28C *4.810.591.930.59295.05
M **4.710.521.90.54287.15
*—calculated; **—measured.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wyrwisz, J.; Moczkowska-Wyrwisz, M.; Kurek, M.A. Modeling of Texture and Starch Retrogradation of High-in-Fiber Bread Using Response Surface Methodology. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 11603.

AMA Style

Wyrwisz J, Moczkowska-Wyrwisz M, Kurek MA. Modeling of Texture and Starch Retrogradation of High-in-Fiber Bread Using Response Surface Methodology. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(24):11603.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wyrwisz, Jarosław, Małgorzata Moczkowska-Wyrwisz, and Marcin A. Kurek. 2024. "Modeling of Texture and Starch Retrogradation of High-in-Fiber Bread Using Response Surface Methodology" Applied Sciences 14, no. 24: 11603.

APA Style

Wyrwisz, J., Moczkowska-Wyrwisz, M., & Kurek, M. A. (2024). Modeling of Texture and Starch Retrogradation of High-in-Fiber Bread Using Response Surface Methodology. Applied Sciences, 14(24), 11603.

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