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Peri-Implant Bone Stability Around Tapered Implant Prosthetic Connection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Different Cone Morse and Conometric Implants Angle Contact and Coupling Interface Designs

Department of Innovative Technologies in Medicine and Dentistry, University of Chieti–Pescara, 66100 Chieti, Italy
Department of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Tirana, Rruga e Dibres, 1001 Tirana, Albania
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2025, 15(3), 1237;
Submission received: 7 January 2025 / Revised: 21 January 2025 / Accepted: 22 January 2025 / Published: 25 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Implant Dentistry: Advanced Materials, Methods and Technologies)


Background/Objectives: Internal implant–abutment connection has been proposed to increase interface stability and reduce biological and prosthetic issues. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the influence of the implant abutment conical angle on marginal bone loss and mechanical complications. Methods: The literature screening was performed by considering Pubmed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Google Scholar sources. The eligibility process was conducted in order to perform a descriptive synthesis, determine the risk of bias, and carry out network meta-analyses. The following categories were considered for pairwise comparisons: external hexagon (EI), internal hexagon (HI), cone morse (CM) (<8° contact angle), and conometric joint (>8° contact angle). For the descriptive data synthesis, the following parameters were considered: sample size, implant manufacturer, prosthetic joint type, prosthetic complications, marginal bone loss, and study outcomes. Results: A total of 4457 articles were screened, reducing the output to the 133 studies included in the descriptive synthesis, while 12 articles were included in the statistical analysis. No significant differences in marginal bone loss were reported when comparing a cone angle of <8° and a cone angle of >8; Conclusions: Within the limits of the present investigation, the cone interface seems to produce lower marginal bone loss compared to external and internal hexagon connection. No differences were found when comparing a cone angle of <8° and a cone angle of >8°.

1. Introduction

The dental implant procedure represents a durable and highly predictive technique for edentulism treatment and oral rehabilitation. Considering the medium- and long-term function period, a key factor for dental implant success is the maintenance of healthy peri-implant tissues healthy and the preservation from marginal bone loss. Crestal marginal bone loss (MBL) around a dental implant is common in clinical practice; historically, Albrektsson et al. described a MBL of <0.2 mm/year after the first year of functional loading as one of the key factors for success in implantology [1]. Due to the complexity of this aspect, MBL should be considered a condition that is clinically supported by multifactorial conditions, which are both local and systemic [2,3].
The implant–abutment joint has been described as a key factor for two-stage implantology regarding the related biological and biomechanical implications. A submerged healing implant protocol is reported as a supportive procedure able to preserve the device from the pathogenic noxae induced by biofilm formation and proliferation, addressing the issue of osteointegration during the early healing phases [2,3]. The one-stage healing protocol, including the immediate functional loading, could emphasize the biological and bacterial exposure associated with the mechanical solicitations on the implant joint components, producing a ponderable risk to the peri-implant tissue stability [4]. Since evidence suggests that crestal alveolar bone resorption occurs as a result of the micro-gap present between the implant–abutment interface in dental implants [5], two-stage implantology, with the submerged implant protocol, prevents early colonization by bacteria, especially in the early stages of osseointegration, as well as local inflammatory stress during the bone healing process. On the other hand, there are also the implications of important biomechanical stresses to consider, such as the functional load to which the implant is subjected at the level of the peri-implant marginal components and which, therefore, leads to important instability in the peri-implant soft and hard tissues [2,3]. Immediate functional loading, on the other hand, could emphasize stresses at the level of the peri-implant marginal components and, thus, produce substantial instability in the peri-implant soft and hard tissues [5,6]. Therefore, the design of the implant–abutment interface, the length and stability of the prosthetic joint, and the tolerance of the platform components play a key role in creating a hypothetical bacterial reservoir and maintaining a chronic inflammatory state, triggering peri-implant marginal bone loss (MBL), a complication that after implant insertion exerts a significant influence on the future success and long-term stability of the implant [7]. In the literature, implant success is considered with an MBL of −1.5 mm during the first year after loading and <0.2 mm/year thereafter [1,8,9]. Since peri-implant marginal bone resorption is a multifactorial onset condition, among the various factors related to bone resorption is the peri-implant inflammatory reaction, defined as a consequence of bacterial colonization at the interfaces of dental implants [10]. In fact, after a few seconds of exposure of the implant surface to the oral environment, the process of biofilm adhesion sets in [10].
Such bacterial adhesion can lead to the formation of a true bacterial reservoir at the micro-gap level of the prosthetic joint, resulting in chronic inflammation in the surrounding tissues, which inevitably leads to marginal bone loss [11]. A mismatch generated by the prosthetic abutment joint components leads to microleakage, such that a pump effect is generated under a functional load [11,12]. It follows that in order to reduce marginal bone loss, it is of fundamental importance to prevent bacterial microleakage, a necessary condition for the design of transmucosal dental implants. In this regard, there are several prosthetic joint designs also documented in the literature that provide different implant interfaces [13,14]. The most common implant joints include the external connection, the internal connection and the conical/cone morse joint [9,15,16]. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the influence of the internal conical connection angle in terms of marginal bone loss.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Preliminary Screening Strategy

The electronic screening was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) and searched the Pubmed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science databases using the following keywords: (taper OR cone OR conical OR Cone morse) AND dental implant (Table 1). The PICO question is detailed as follows:
P = population/patient/problem—subjects needing a dental implant for prosthetic rehabilitations;
I = intervention—dental implant treatment positioning and fixed oral rehabilitation;
C = comparison—comparison between different internal, external and conical prosthetic joints;
O = outcome—marginal bone loss; major prosthetic complications.
The review process was registered in the NIHR—National Institute for Health and Care Research PROSPERO Database.

2.2. Inclusion Criteria

Articles written in English language were included with no restrictions regarding their date of publication. The titles and abstracts list was considered for a first-level initial screening by two independent reviewers (FL and IA). Clinical trials were included in the descriptive synthesis and meta-regression. For the descriptive synthesis and NMA, only the studies that investigated internal conical implant–abutment joint were considered for the present investigation. The exclusion criteria were implants with a bone regeneration procedure, in vitro studies, in silico studies, literature reviews, articles written in a foreign language, animal studies, zirconia implants, technical notes, and book chapters.

2.3. Study Data Extraction

The following parameters of the study data were extracted from the selected studies: publication date, study model design, population size, age, marginal bone loss, prosthetic complications, and follow-up. For this review, a specially designed electronic database form was used (Excel, Microsoft Office 360, Redmont, WA, USA).

2.4. Risk of Bias Assessment

The risk of bias (RoB) was measured using the OHAT tool while considering the studies included for the qualitative analysis. The RoB categories were low risk (lr), undefined risk (ur), and high risk (hr) [17].
The RoB analysis considered the following studies classes: randomization sequence, allocation, blinding of subjects and operators, outcomes measuring blinding, attrition bias, reporting bias, and other biases [17]. The RoB was calculated using the Review Manager software (RevMan 5.0, The Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark).

2.5. Heterogeneity Measurement and Meta-Analysis

The meta-regression was conducted using the freely available package for continuous variables using a full R code [18]. A Bayesian network meta-analysis was conducted, considering random effects hierarchical models. The forest plot was used to evaluate the significance and the consistency of the ranks. The I2 test considered a low heterogeneity result to have a value <40%, while a high heterogeneity result had an I2 test > 40%.

3. Results

3.1. Screening Output

A total of 4457 articles were detected during the electronic database search, and a total of 56 records were removed because they were duplicates. A total of 4401 papers were considered for the abstract assessment, and 2491 records were removed because they were off-topic. The full-text article was obtained for a total of 1910 manuscripts, and these were submitted for the eligibility assessment. A total of 1775 articles were removed for the following reasons: 505 papers described a contextual bone regeneration procedure, 586 described in vitro experiments, 210 described in silico investigations, 153 were literature reviews, 127 papers were written in a language other than English, 127 were pre-clinical studies conducted on animals, 59 were case reports/case series, 5 articles described a zirconia implants procedure, 2 were technical notes, and 1 was a book chapter. A total of 133 studies were included in the descriptive synthesis, and 12 articles were included in the meta-regression assessment (Figure 1).

3.2. General Characteristics of the Studies Included

The cumulative population sample was 19,637 patients [median: 44; mean: 141.27; sd: ±587.70], while a total of 44,109 implants were assessed [median: 88; mean: 329.18; sd: ±1134.0]. Different platforms were evaluated in the present investigation including: (1) cone morse [<8° internal angle] [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128], (2) internal conical connection [>8° internal angle] [27,30,58,120,122,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147], (3) external hexagon [30,39,56,57,64,78,86,102,120,122,127,132,140], (4) internal hexagon [20,39,58,63,64,65,67,68,78,122,130,133], (5) internal octagonal butt-joint [108], (6) internal polygonal butt-joint [148], and (7) internal trilobate joint [72] (Table 2). A total of 1 case-control, 5 cohort prospective studies, 4 cross-sectional studies, 58 non-randomized clinical trials (CTs), 28 randomized clinical trials, and 44 retrospective studies were included in the analysis (Table 2).

3.3. Complications

The most common prosthetic complications were crown loosening [29], chipping and veering material fracture [23,24,29,30,31,34,35,38,94,96,129,130,141,145], abutment fracture [21,28,31,32,95,110,112,118], screw loosening and fracture [20,21,22,31,32,33], aesthetic issues [24], osseointegration failure [36], marginal bone resorption [119,149], and implant joint and body fracture [21,28] (Table 2).
Table 2. Descriptive synthesis of the selected papers.
Table 2. Descriptive synthesis of the selected papers.
AuthorJournalYearStudy DesignPopulationImplantProducerCone Morse AngleConnectionMethodsProsthetic Complications
Canullo L [79]J. Prosthet. Dent.2022Retrospective study43 participants48 implants Premium Kohno; Sweden & Martina
Prama; Sweden & Martina (tissue level)
NACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Degidi M [23]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2018CT76 patients156 implantsAnkylos, Dentsply5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
One fixed prosthesis (0.76%) fractured [41 months]
do Vale Souza JP [48]Eur. J. Dent.2021CT25 patients25 implantsDSP BiomedicalNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
Insertion torque—ISQ
Hartmann R [139]J. Oral. Rehabil.2020RCT 37 patients47 implants Neodent TI Cortical, Brazil11.5°ConometricClinical assessment__
Sánchez-Torres A [31]J. Prosthet. Dent.2021Retrospective study56 patients288 implantsReplace tapered implants: Nobel Biocare AB
Multiunit abutments: Nobel Biocare AB
Cone morseOral Health Impact Profile (OHIP)
Abutment screw loosening (43%),
Fracture of the veneering material (25%),
Screw loosening (21%).
Sato RK [41]Implant Dent.2017Cohort prospective study 16 patients16 single implantsDrive cone Morse Acqua, Neodent, BrazilNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Abi Rached S [143]Minerva Dent. Oral. Sci.2023CT7 patients18 implantsStraumann® SP cylindrical implants
JD Octa® tapered implants
ConometricClinical and radiographic assessment
Ackermann KL [29]Int. J. Implant Dent.2020CT94 patients130 implantsConelog Screw-Line; Camlog Biotechnologies7.5°Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment
Marginal bone loss
Crown loosening (3)
Ceramic chipping (1)
Afrashtehfar KI [75]Evid Based. Dent.2022RCT24 patients48 implantsConelog, Camlog Biotechnologies, Basel, Switzerland7.5°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Al-Fakeh H [92]J. Stomatol. Oral Maxillofac. Surg.2022Retrospective study65 patients102 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Apaza-Bedoya K [97]J Periodontol.2023Cross-sectional99 patients266 implantsNANACone morse__
Baer RA [42]Clin. Oral. Investig.2022Cohort prospective study 67 patients81 implantsNANACone morse____
Baldi D [80]Minerva Stomatol.2020Retrospective study__26 implantsNANACone morse __
Bernard L [70]J. Prosthet. Dent.2019RCT15 patients 89 implantsAnkylos; Dentsply Sirona5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Cacaci C [45]Clin. Oral. Investig.2019CT 94 patients130 implantsConelog Screw-Line implants; Camlog Biotechnologies AG, Basel, Switzerland7.5°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Cannata M [20]Eur. J. Oral Implantol.2017RCT90 patients90 implantsJD Implant, Modena, ItalyInternal hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment Screw loosening (2) [HI group]
Canullo L [54]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2018CT22 patients22 implantsPremium Kohno, Sweden & Martina, Due Carrare, Padua, ItalyNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Canullo L [91]Int. J. Prosthodont.2022Retrospective study85 patients133 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Cassetta M [34]J. Oral Sci.2016Cohort prospective study 350 patients748 implantsNANACone morse__6 were early failures (0.8%) and 28 were late failures (3.7%)
Cassetta M [38]Int. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surg.2016CT350 patients648 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment 1 fracture of porcelain surface without metal exposure
Cassetta M [34]J. Oral. Sci.2016CT270 patients576 implantsOsseothread; ImplaDent, Formia, ItalyNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Ceruso FM [133]Materials2022CT30 patients30 Implants1: Nobel Parallel, Nobel Biocare, Swiss (12° Conical connection)
2: Prama, Sweden, and Martina, Italy HI
1: 12°
Internal hexagon
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
Cooper LF [130]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2021RCT141 patients141 implantsNANAConometric
Internal hexagon
__Six platform-switched interface and eight flat interface implants failed
Corvino E [67]Int. J. Oral. Implantol. (Berl)2020RCT33 patients53 implants NANAInternal hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
Dagher M. [60]J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.2022CT24 patients30 implantsUFII, DIOTM, DIO Implant Busan 612–020, KoreaNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
de Melo LA [56]J. Indian Soc. Periodontol.2017CT 23 patients 46 implants Neodent, Curitiba, Brazi11.5°External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
De Paoli S [62]Int. J. Periodontics
Restorative Dent.
2023CT12 patients24 implants NANACone morse____
Degidi M [35]J. Prosthodont.2018CT 65 patients134 implantsANKYLOS; Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
2 prostheses (3.07%) fractured
3 patients reported small chips
Degidi M [43]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2017Cross-sectional 145 patients523 implantsAnkylos®, Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Degidi M [61]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2016CT39 patients78 implantsAnkylos®, Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment, ISQ__
Dev SV [131]J. Pharm. Bioallied. Sci.2021CT20 patients20 implantsNANAConometric____
Ding Y [93]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2023Retrospective study 33 patients218 implantsNANACone morse____
Doornewaard R [64]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2021RCT25 patients98 implantsDCC, Southern Implants, Irene, South AfricaNACone morse
External hexagon
Internal hexagon
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
Eerdekens L [36]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2015CT10 patients60 implants__NACone morse 2 out of 59 implants failed
Fabbri G [30]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2017Retrospective study601 patients965 implantsNobel Biocare
Biomet 3i
2: 11.5°
3: NA
External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical assessment Complication rates of 1.14%, 3.42%, and 0.62% for fractures, chipping, and unscrewing, respectively
Farronato D [68]BMC Oral Health2020RCT104 patients188 implantsGroup 1: Anyridge®, MegaGen, South Korea
Group 2: Core®, Kristal, Italy
Internal hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical, radiographic, and digital assessment__
Fernández-Figares-Conde I [52]Dent. J. (Basel)2023CT218 patients218 implantsProclinic S.A.U, Zaragoza, SpainNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Galindo-Moreno P [141]J. Clin. Med.2021RCT30 patients30 implantsN35/M12 implant, Oxtein Iberia S.L.11°ConometricClinical and radiographic assessment Ceramic chipping (1) [HI]
Gao WM [129]BMC Oral Health2021Retrospective study392 patients541 implants NANAConometricClinical and radiographic assessmentveneer chipping, with a frequency of 67.53%.
The complication-free rate for integrated abutment crowns was significantly greater than for gold porcelain crowns; molar regions were significantly greater than premolar regions, females performed significantly better than males.
Ghensi P [44]J. Craniofac. Surg.2019Cross-sectional120 patients261 implantsCLC CONICCone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Guarnieri R [71]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2015RCT77 patients78 implantsBioHorizonsNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Guarnieri R [85]Implant Dent.2014Retrospective study46 patients46 implants BioHorizonsNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Hamudi N [53]J. Clin. Med.2021CT21 patients42 implants NANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Heydecke G [51]Clin. Oral. Investig.2019CT 94 patients88 implantsNANACone morse____
Horwitz J [59]J. Oral. Implantol.2018CT60 patients117 implantsBranemark implantsNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Jin X [28]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2022Retrospective study6823 patients12.538 implants1: Straumann Bone Level, Straumann AG (contact angle 7.2°)
2: Ankylos, Dentsply Implants (contact angle 5.7°)
1: 7.2°
Cone morseClinical and radiographical assessmentImplant fracture (9): 4 Straumann; 5 Dentsply
Abutment fracture (28): 14 Straumann; 14 Dentsply
Koutouzis T [73]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2014RCT30 patients30 implants ANKYLOS CX, DENTSPLY Implant Manufacturing5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Koutouzis T [74]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2013RCT30 patients 30 implantsDentsply Ankylos System5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Koutouzis T [82]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2015Retrospective study25 patients30 implantsAnkylos®, Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Kruse AB [78]Int. J. Implant Dent.2021Retrospective study36 patients 93 implants 1. Ankylos©
2. Branemark©
3. ITI Bonefit©
Cone morse
Internal hexagon
External hexagon
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
Lin MI [88]J. Dent. Res.2013Retrospective study63 patients103 implants1: Brånemark System TMMK
2: IV TiUnite, Nobel Biocare, Sweden,
3: Atlas, Cowellmedi, South Korea
4: Ankylos Plus Implant, Friadent, Germany
1: NA
2: NA
3: NA
4: 5.7°
Cone morseClinical and radiographical assessment__
Linkevicius T [138]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2021RCT64 patients64 implantsMIS Implant Technologies Ltd., Bar-Lev Industrial Park, Israel12°ConometricClinical and radiographic assessment__
Linkevicius T [98]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2015CT__60 implants(1) BioHorizons, Birmingham, AL, USA
(2) Certain Prevail; Biomet/3i, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
NACone morse__
Lopez MA [89]J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents2016Retrospective study66 patients66 implantsFMD Falappa Medical Devices, ItalyNACone morseClinical and radiographical assessment__
Lops D [90]Materials2020Retrospective study 93 patients410 implantsAnyridge, MegaGen Implant Co., South KoreaCone morseClinical and radiographical
assessment, marginal bone loss
Machtei EE [86]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2006Retrospective study27 patients73 implantsOsseotite/Osseotite TG (3I Implant Innovations Inc., USA)External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographical
assessmentMarginal bone loss
Mangalvedhekar M [120]J. Pharm. Bioallied. Sci.2022CT50 patients__Nobel Biocare12°Conometric
External hexagon
Clinical and radiographical assessment__
Mangano C [94]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2015Retrospective study49 patients 178 implantsMac System, Milan, ItalyNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment Prosthetic complications (10.3%)
Mangano F [24]Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2019Retrospective study25 Patients 40 implantExacone®, Leone Implants, Florence, ItalyNACone morseFull-digital Protocol (SCAN-PLAN-MAKE-DONE®)Occlusal issues (2/40 crowns: 5%), interproximal issues (1/40 crowns: 2.5%), and aesthetic issues (1/40 crowns: 2.5%).
Overall incidence of issues at delivery of 10% (4/40 crowns).
Mangano F [55]J. Craniofac. Surg.2018CT578 patients612 implantsLeone Implants, Florence, ItalyNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
McGuire MK [72]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2015RCT12 patients12 implants(1) OsseoSpeed, Dentsply Implants
(2) NobelSpeedy Replace, Nobel Biocare
(3) NanoTite Certain Prevail, Biomet 3i
1: NA
2: NA
3: NA
Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Melo LA [57]Braz. Dent. J.2017CT20 patients40 implantsNeodent11.5°External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
Meloni SM [76]Dent. J. (Basel)2020Retrospective study82 patients152 implants
NobelReplace CC PMC or NobelReplace Tapered GroovyCone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Mihali SG [136]J. Oral Implantol.2021RCT49 patient 98 implantsMis Implant System12°ConometricClinical and radiographical assessment__
Moergel M [22]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2021CT24 patients52 implantsConelog Screw-Line; Camlog Biotechnologies7.5°Cone morseClinical and radiographical
assessment, marginal bone loss
Screw fracture (1)
Moroi A [69]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2020RCT43 patients88 implantsNobel Biocare, SwedenCone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
Naumann M [37]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2023RCT20 patients-NANACone morse 1 restoration failed after 6 months due to the loss of the abutment interface.
Obreja K [25]Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent.2022Cross-sectional 44 patients57 implantsNA Cone morseClinical and radiographical assessmentNone
Oda Y [39]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2021Retrospective study65 patients 592 implants 1: Brånemark system implant
2: Ankylos implant
3: Straumann system tissue-level implant—Zimmer screw-vent
1: NA
2: 5.7°
3: 7.2°
Internal hexagon
External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographical assessment
Marginal bone loss
Ogino Y [66]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2021RCT25 patients30 implantsGC Aadva implantsNACone morseClinical and radiographical assessment, marginal bone loss__
Paganelli OEB [132]Gen. Dent.2022CT9 patients36 implantsNANAConometric
External hexagon
Clinical evaluation via magnetic transduction
resonance frequency analysis
Palaska I [148]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2016RCT81 patients105 implants1: Osseospeed, Astratech Dental, Sweden
2. Prevail, Biomet 3i, USA
1: 6°
Internal polygonal butt-joint
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographical assessment
Marginal bone loss
Pariente L. [150]J. Oral Implantol.2020CT33 patients50 implantsNANAConometricClinical and radiographic assessment__
Park H [77]J. Periodontal Implant Sci.2021Retrospective study12 patients24 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Penitente PA [102]Clin. Ter.2023Retrospective study319 patients1227 implantsNANAExternal hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment
Pessoa RS [140]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2017RCT12 patients 48 implantsUNITITEVR, SIN—Sistema de Implante,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
16°External hexagon
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
Pieri F [65]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2011RCT40 patients40 implants__NAInternal hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographical
assessmentMarginal bone loss
Radaelli MTB [135]J. Periodontal Res.2020CT33 patients109 implantsNeodent, Curitiba, PR, Brazil11.5°ConometricClinical and radiographic assessment__
Raj HK [134]J. Contemp. Dent. Pract.2022CT20 patients 20 implantsNobel Biocare12°ConometricClinical and radiographical assessment__
Romanos G [83]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2016Retrospective study247 patients634 implantsAnkylos®, Dentsply Implants, Mannheim, Germany5.7°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Romanos GE [87]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2011Retrospective study122 patients488 implants __NACone morse __
Saglanmak A [101]Quintessence Int.2021Retrospective study__ 44 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
Scarano A [63]J. Periodontol.2016CT15 patients 37 implantsNANACone morse
Internal hexagon
Sharma V [26]J. Indian. Prosthodont. Soc.2022CT10 patients20 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographical assessmentnone
Simonpieri A [84]Quintessence Int.2017Retrospective study42 patients334 implantsIn-Kone Universal System, Global DCone morseClinical and radiographic assessment __
Smojver I [47]Int. J. Mol. Sci.2022CT__100 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Spinelli A [40]Materials (Basel)2023Cohort prospective study 36 patients41 implantsTapered Tissue-level Laser-Lok, Biohorizons, Birmingham, AL, USANACone morseClinical and radiographical assessment__
Stacchi C [137]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2023RCT102 implants51 patientsNANAConometricClinical and radiographical assessment__
Studenikin R [142]Int. J. Dent.2021CT15 patients 15 implantsNobel Biocare12°Conometric
Sun Y [100]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2023RCT19 patients42 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment
Szyszkowski A [58]Implant Dent.2019CT214 patients540 implants(a) Alpha-Bio Tec, Petach Tikwa, Israel
(b) MIS Implant Technologies, Shlomi, Israel
1: NA
2: 12°
Internal hexagon
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
Tallarico M [96]Eur. J. Dent.2022Cohort prospective study 90 patients 243 implantsOsstem TSIII, Osstem Implant Co. Ltd., Seoul, South KoreaNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment Four prostheses failed
Tetè G [49]J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents2020CT__-NANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Thomé G [81]Int. J. Oral. Maxillofac. Implants2020Retrospective study101 patients453 implantsHelix Acqua GM, NeodentNACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
Toia M [116]Clin. Oral Implants Res.2022RCT50 patients119 implantsOsseoSpeed Astra Tech Implant System1: 6°Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment(a) Screw loosening (2):
[abutment level group (AL) (1); implant level group (IG) (1)]
(b) Screw fracture (2):
[abutment level group (AL)]
van Hooft J [46]J. Clin. Med.2022CT16 patients23 implantsNANACone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
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2: CC®, Nobel Biocare, Gothenberg, Sweden,
3: Bone Level Implant®/Bone Level Tapered Implant®, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland
1: 6°
2: 11°
3: 15°
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessmentnone
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Abutment screw loosening (ASL) (12)
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Screw loosening (417)
Abutment fracture (102)
Implant fracture (31)
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Control: Brånemark
1: 6°
Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessment__
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Internal octagonal butt-joint
Clinical and radiographic assessment __
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1 crown recemented after 18 months
1 crown replaced due to fracturing of the porcelain
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Occlusal screw loosening (8.7%)
Solid conical abutment loosening had a 3.6% occurrence rate
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31 (1.7%) abutments loosened.
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Nobel Biocare AB
NACone morse____
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T. group: no abutment fracture, loosening screws (11.3%)
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Mangalvedhekar M [120]J. Pharm. Bioallied. Sci.2022CT50 patients 50 implants1: Nobel Biocare
2: Nobel Biocare
1: 6°
2: NA
Cone morse
External hexagon (EH)
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
Pozzi A [146]Int. J. Periodontics
Restorative Dent.
2021Retrospective study281 patients686 implantsNANAConometric__
Eskan MA [147]Int. J. Implant Dent.2020Retrospective study42 patients171 implantsStraumann11.5°ConometricClinical and radiographic assessment__
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Mundt T [122]Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants2006Retrospective study159 patients 663 implants1:Ankylos Implant
2: Branemark Systems
3: NP MkIII Ti Unite
4: Frialit CELLplust
5: Replaces
6: Select Tapered Ti Unite
8: Osseotite XPt
9: Straumann
1: 5.7°
2: NA
3: NA
4: NA
5: 6°
7: NA
8: 11.5°
Cone morse
Internal hexagonal
External hexagonal
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
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Pozzi A [127]Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res.2014RCT34 patients68 implants1: NobelActive, Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden
2: Nobel Speedy Groovy, Nobel Biocare AB, Sweden
1: 6°
2: 6°
External hexagon
Cone morse
Clinical and radiographic assessment__
Pozzi A [128]Eur. J. Oral Implantol.2015CT54 patients118 implantsNobel Replace Conical Connection implants,
Nobel Biocare, Swiss
Cone morseClinical and radiographic assessmentCrown failure (1)

3.4. Risk of Bias Assessment (RoB)

The RoB is reported in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The randomization bias [50.00% wlr; 28.34% ur; 41.66% whr], selection bias [100% wlr; -% ur; -% whr], performance bias [25.03% wlr; 36.82% ur; 16.66% whr], detection bias [50.02% wlr; 24.99% ur; 24.99% whr], attrition bias [100% wlr; -% ur; -% who], reporting bias [100% wlr; -% ur; -% whr], and other biases [100% wlr; -% ur; -% whr] are reported. A total of five studies reported a low risk of bias.

3.5. Meta-Analysis

A higher surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) indicates better performance of the study groups. The SUCRA plot represents the residual deviance for the network meta-analysis, indicating the consistency on the x-axis and the unrelated mean effect inconsistency models on the y-axis. On other hand, the radial SUCRA plot showed higher values, indicating better treatments, while the node sizes represent the sample size in terms of the number of participants. The thickness of the lines indicates the number of trials screened. At the baseline, no significant difference in marginal bone resorption is detected when comparing the cone morse group (CM) with the conometric joint design group (p > 0.05) [MD:−0.20; 95%CI:−0.15; 0.55]. The forest plot a significantly higher marginal bone loss at the baseline when comparing the EH and CM groups [MD: 0.38. 95%CI: 0.13, 0.62] and in the HI group compared to the CM group [MD: 0.64. 95%CI: 0.27, 1.02] (p < 0.05). A significant difference in marginal bone loss was detected when comparing the EH and conometric joint groups [MD: 0.183; 95% CI:−0.527, 0.899] (p < 0.05) and the HI and conometric implant groups [MD: 0.47; 95% CI:−0.00484, 0.956].

3.6. Meta-Regression MBL

The forest plot reporting the relative effects emerged from random effect assessment is reported in Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7.

4. Discussion

This study was conducted to analyze the geometric characteristics of the implant–abutment connection, their effects on the long-term stability of the connection, and the marginal bone loss of the conical interface joint. In the first instance, the major limitation of the present review is represented by the risk of bias of the articles included which, in most cases, described a non-randomized study model design. This aspect could affect and significantly indicate the strength of a study’s effectiveness. Long-term peri-implant stability under loading represents a critical factor when evaluating implants under functional conditions. This aspect is determinant, especially considering the epidemiological consistency of peri-implant-related disease, which represents the most frequent non-disease-free survival condition, with a prevalence of >50% for mucositis and peri-implantitis [151]. The microleakage of the implant–abutment interface occurs in all implant systems, with variability between systems [152]. Cone morse joints with an 8° internal angle in implant dentistry were first proposed by the ITI group [93] in order to provide a more stable mechanical coupling of the implant–abutment interface [153]. Today, other manufacturers use cone morse designs with different cone angles. However, comparative evaluations of the clinical performance of implants with different conical angles are rare in the literature. The NMA approach could represent an optional approach able to overcome these limits offering the possibility to evaluate the marginal bone loss obtained from different studies. Considering the wide range of variability of the study designs and methodologies, the present analysis considered only one experimental time 6 months after the loading in order to avoid the risk of indirectness bias. The main advantage of the increased mechanical stability of the implant/abutment coupling is the reduction in the micro-gap and microleakage at the interface [63]. Morse taper connections have proven to be more stable from a biomechanical point of view [154,155]. The main advantage of the conical interface with or without a geometrical index is determined by the cone-in-cone principle, where the joint stability is consistently increased by the abutment’s lateral contact with the internal chamber walls.
Different types of implant connections were evaluated in this review, considering a cone angle cut off >8° to be a conometric joint and a cone morse with a joint angle <8° to have an external and internal hexagon. The purpose of this review was to investigate marginal bone loss and the mechanical complications related to dynamic function [93]. The main findings were that conical connections seem to provide a better reduction in mechanical complications and a lower incidence of marginal bone loss compared to internal and external implant–abutment designs. On the other hand, no significant difference in marginal bone loss has been reported when comparing both of the conical implant joints. The higher mechanical stability of conical joint profile seems to support the hypothesis of its influence on the maintenance of peri-implant health. Several studies reported that the formation of micro-gaps could be correlated with the micromovements generated during masticatory loading, with the forces producing possible biological and mechanical sequelae [152]. Biologically, the bacteria infiltration could represent a critical factor, and the cone morse design seems to reduce the risk of interface penetration at the level of the joint interface [154,155]. The biological response associated with the two types of connections was also evaluated, and it turns out that the biological response is the same, although differences may occur when evaluating the mechanical part. The taper connection is, therefore, analyzed both in the evaluation of the marginal micro-gap with consequent bacterial proliferation in situ, and from the point of view of tissue biology and biomechanics [156]. As previously descripted, the interface micro-gap between the implant and the prosthetic abutment is related to biological and mechanical implications [63]. In vitro studies documented that bacterial penetration has been detected in static conditions and could increase under the loading, producing an inflammatory cell infiltrate (infiltrated connective tissue [ICT]) [157]. On other hand, this crestal sufferance is not visible in sleeping implants, and the reason for this is not completely clarified [157]. As such. the bacterial and mechanical factors are currently considered to be the presumed risk factors for this purpose [158]. The implant’s functional connection is determinant and could be presumed to be the trigger step where the cone morse joint demonstrates a superior effectiveness in terms of marginal bone stability. Regarding the micro-gap, it could create an unfavorable distribution of the mechanical loading and stresses on the implant–abutment interface, producing mechanical issues. A previous study reported that the length of the implant–abutment joint is a key factor that produces differences in terms of bacterial penetration. This particular aspect was not investigated in the present study due to there being very little information available publicly in accordance with the patent specifications of the implant devices that were considered; this could be considered a future perspective for novel studies. It is clear from the literature that the interface space generated between the abutment and the implant joint can produce a niche that could favor bacterial penetration, compromising the peri-implant tissue seal [159]. Another aspect to be evaluated are possible prosthetic complications that may occur [160]. The major complications reported in the present review were crown loosening, ceramic chipping, abutment/fixation screw loosening and fracture, and implant loss [45,145]. The biological response between the two types of conical connections appeared similar, lacking the mechanical response, which is, however, superior to the internal and external hexagon. On other hand, other mechanical factors could contribute to the mechanical behavior of conical connections, including the abutment walls’ contact length, the screw pitch and length, the implant chamber volume, and the presence/absence of a connection index. This could be considered as a significant limit of the present comparison. In addition, the present investigation did not separately consider tilted and straight implants. In fact, the biomechanics could also contribute significantly to the medium- and long-term complications, both biologically and prosthetically. Also, the methodological differences could be considered as a potential flaw, including differences in insertion torque, implant–abutment fixation coupling torque, prosthetic finalization protocols, and, consequently, the number of interventions on the fixation screw.
These aspects should be considered separately for future pairwise comparisons considering large sample size studies and randomized clinical trials.

5. Conclusions

Within the limits of the present systematic review, the marginal resorption evidence suggests that the implant abutment design seems to influence the peri-implant health and the maintenance of the bone levels in the short-term. The conical joint design seems to provide more efficient stabilization of the marginal bone compared to the internal and external hexagon designs. No significant differences were detected in marginal bone stability when comparing different cone angles. Differences in methodology and follow-up times did not allow a pairwise effectiveness evaluation to be conducted in the medium- and long-term.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, I.A., A.S., B.S. and F.L.; software, I.A. and F.L.; validation, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L.; formal analysis, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L.; investigation, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L.; data curation, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L.; writing—original draft preparation, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L.; writing—review and editing, I.A., A.S., B.S., E.X. and F.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All experimental data to support the findings of this study are available by contacting the corresponding author upon request. The authors have annotated the entire data building process and the empirical techniques presented in the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Screening of papers in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines [19] [** the step has been conducted by human with no automation tools].
Figure 1. Screening of papers in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines [19] [** the step has been conducted by human with no automation tools].
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Figure 2. Risk of bias graph: cumulative assessment of each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies.
Figure 2. Risk of bias graph: cumulative assessment of each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included studies.
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Figure 3. Risk of bias graph: cumulative assessment of each risk of bias for each study considered.
Figure 3. Risk of bias graph: cumulative assessment of each risk of bias for each study considered.
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Figure 4. Chart summarizing the Litmus Rank-O-Gram and radial chart: surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) values and cumulative ranking curves are indicative of higher clinical performance.
Figure 4. Chart summarizing the Litmus Rank-O-Gram and radial chart: surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) values and cumulative ranking curves are indicative of higher clinical performance.
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Figure 5. Network meta-analysis summarizing the comparative performance and the interactions between the groups.
Figure 5. Network meta-analysis summarizing the comparative performance and the interactions between the groups.
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Figure 6. Forest plot summarizing the comparative performance and the interactions between the groups.
Figure 6. Forest plot summarizing the comparative performance and the interactions between the groups.
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Figure 7. Forest plot summarizing the direct comparative performance between the groups.
Figure 7. Forest plot summarizing the direct comparative performance between the groups.
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Table 1. Search strategy for the electronic database screening.
Table 1. Search strategy for the electronic database screening.
Search Strategies
Keywords search:(taper OR cone OR conical OR Cone morse) AND dental implant
TimespanNo limitations (1995–2023)
Electronic DatabasesPubmed/Medline, EMBASE, Google Scholar
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MDPI and ACS Style

Alla, I.; Scarano, A.; Sinjari, B.; Xhajanka, E.; Lorusso, F. Peri-Implant Bone Stability Around Tapered Implant Prosthetic Connection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Different Cone Morse and Conometric Implants Angle Contact and Coupling Interface Designs. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 1237.

AMA Style

Alla I, Scarano A, Sinjari B, Xhajanka E, Lorusso F. Peri-Implant Bone Stability Around Tapered Implant Prosthetic Connection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Different Cone Morse and Conometric Implants Angle Contact and Coupling Interface Designs. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(3):1237.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Alla, Iris, Antonio Scarano, Bruna Sinjari, Edit Xhajanka, and Felice Lorusso. 2025. "Peri-Implant Bone Stability Around Tapered Implant Prosthetic Connection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Different Cone Morse and Conometric Implants Angle Contact and Coupling Interface Designs" Applied Sciences 15, no. 3: 1237.

APA Style

Alla, I., Scarano, A., Sinjari, B., Xhajanka, E., & Lorusso, F. (2025). Peri-Implant Bone Stability Around Tapered Implant Prosthetic Connection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Comparing Different Cone Morse and Conometric Implants Angle Contact and Coupling Interface Designs. Applied Sciences, 15(3), 1237.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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