Robot Navigation Based on Human Trajectory Prediction and Multiple Travel Modes
:1. Introduction
- We present an improved socially conscious model in which a pooled layer between the current pedestrian trajectory sequence input and the pedestrian position estimation layer is added, which models pedestrian trajectories more accurately;
- we present a novel online path planning algorithm that integrates TEB with pedestrians’ predicted movement and feasibility detection, and is capable of generating efficient and safe trajectories in changing crowed space;
- we present multiple modes of travel to guide the robot to find the optimal navigation strategy under changing traffic situations in a crowed area; and
- we demonstrate the proposed algorithms with an experiment in eight scenarios.
2. Methods
2.1. Human Trajectory Prediction with an Improved Socially Conscious Model
Algorithm 1. Jugement of the effect the relative motion direction of p′ on p |
1: if θ∈I and θ < θ’ < 180° then fij[p,p′] = 1 2: elseif θ∈II and θ < θ’ < 180° then fij[p,p′] = 1 3: elseif θ∈III and 180° < θ’ < θ then fij[p,p′] = 1 4: elseif θ∈IV and 180° < θ’ < θ then 1ij[p,p′] = 1 5: else 1ij[p,p′] = 0 |
2.2. Trajectory Detection and Optimization Based on Predicted Pedestrians’ Positions
2.2.1. Local Trajectory for Obstacle Avoidance Optimization Based on Predicted Pedestrian Trajectory
2.2.2. Trajectory Chasing Cost Judgment
- If the pedestrian’s walking speed, 1.2 m/s, the robot will have difficulty to catch up with pi. It is judged as follows (as shown in Figure 4a): The predicted trajectory of pi is extended by 0.7m (safe separation) and intersects with L at point Oi, and the distance between Oi and zs is dri. The robot is assumed to follow L at a speed of 1.2 m/s. If the robot arrives at Oi before pi (as in Equation (8)), the trajectory of Gf(pi) can be chosen.
- If [0.5 m/s, 1.2 m/s], the robot is able to catch up with pi and the judgement method is as follows (as shown in Figure 4b): The robot is assumed to catch up at a speed of 1.2 m/s along with L′ at the angle of π/4 from L, which is along its detection area edge and is the worst case for chasing; similar to the previous method, if the robot catches up successfully (as in Equation (9)), the trajectory of Gf(pi) can be chosen.
- If vpi < 0.5 m/s, the robot will be sure to catch up with pi and any trajectory of Gf(pi) can be chosen.
- If there is a pedestrian, pj, walking towards L behind pi in the robot’s detection area, and the trajectory of Gb(pi) is also of Gf(pj), then the trajectory chasing cost of Gf(pj) is judged according to the above method. If it is successful, the trajectory of Gb(pi) can be chosen; if not, it is confirmed that the trajectory chasing cost of Gf(pj) is too high, and the trajectory of Gf(pj) is unfeasible, then go to the step of judging the trajectory chasing cost of Gb(pj).
- If there is no such pedestrian behind pi, the trajectory of Gb(pi) can be chosen.
2.2.3. The Overall Steps of the Trajectory Planning
- Sample a specified number of waypoints, ζi, that do not intersect with any predicted pedestrians’ occupied zones at t + 0.2 s and t + 0.5 s and obstacle regions by the probabilistic roadmaps (PRM) approach for faster computation [20].
- Construct an exploration graph, G = {V, E}, in which V is the set of vertices that include the robot’s current position, zs; goal point, zg; and waypoints, ζi. E is the set of forward-directed edges that connect waypoint seeds with the orientation close to the direction from zs to zg, and do not intersect with any predicted occupied zones and obstacle regions [15].
- Based on the resulting graph, G, extract each simple path from zs to zg by utilizing a depth-first search.
- Identify the relevant topologies implicated by the predicted pedestrians’ occupied zones and obstacle regions and calculate the H-signature for each resulting path (H-signature for trajectories of the same topology are equal). Only one initial trajectory is reserved for each topology and other trajectories are filtered out.
- Optimize these initial trajectories in parallel by the TEB approach [14], and sort them based on costs from low to high.
- Exclude the trajectories that penetrate groups detected by a modified Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) method [21].
- Judge the chasing costs of trajectories according to the method described in Section 2.2.2. If there is a feasible trajectory, the DATS is in the travelable state, and the first feasible trajectory found is the global optimal trajectory. If there is no feasible trajectory found, that current traffic state is no longer considered to be in the travelable state, and check if there is a low-speed-follow target and safe space ahead.
2.3. Navigation Based on Multiple Travel Modes and Predicted Pedestrians’ Positions
2.3.1. Follow Target Detection and Follow Mode Switching Method for Smooth and Slow-Moving States
2.3.2. Trajectory Planning Strategy for Completely Smooth and Congested States
3. Results and Analysis
3.1. Human Trajectory Prediction
3.2. Trajectory Planning
3.2.1. Validation Experiment with Simulated a Low-Density Crowd
3.2.2. Validation Experiments with a Real Low-Density Crowd
3.3. Navigation Based on Multiple Travel Modes and Predicted Pedestrians’ Positions
3.3.1. Comparation of Navigation with Multiple Travel Modes and with the Travelable Mode Only
3.3.2. Validation Experiment in a Complex Medium-Density Crowd Environment
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Distribution of Pedestrians in DATS | Traffic State | Travel Modes |
No pedestrians | completely smooth | free mode |
There are reachable pedestrians approaching the goal point at a high speed | smooth | high-speed-follow mode |
A travelable trajectory exists | travelable | travelable mode |
There are reachable pedestrians approaching the goal point at a low speed | slow-moving | low-speed-follow mode |
There is no feasible trajectory and no target can be followed | congested | probing mode |
Dataset | Socially Conscious Model | Improved Socially Conscious Model | ||
ADE Reduction Percentage | FDE Reduction Percentage | ADE Reduction Percentage | FDE Reduction Percentage | |
ETH-Univ | −5.6% | −4.7% | 0.1% | 1.3% |
ETH-Hotel | 11.3% | 8.4% | 18.5% | 14.3% |
UCY-Zara 1 | 8.6% | 9.6% | 14.6% | 13.9% |
UCY-Zara 2 | 7.2% | 9.2% | 10.0% | 12.7% |
UCY-Univ | 10.4% | 12.1% | 15.7% | 17.0% |
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Chen, Z.; Song, C.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, B.; Hu, Y.; Liu, S.; Zhang, J. Robot Navigation Based on Human Trajectory Prediction and Multiple Travel Modes. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 2205.
Chen Z, Song C, Yang Y, Zhao B, Hu Y, Liu S, Zhang J. Robot Navigation Based on Human Trajectory Prediction and Multiple Travel Modes. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(11):2205.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Zhixian, Chao Song, Yuanyuan Yang, Baoliang Zhao, Ying Hu, Shoubin Liu, and Jianwei Zhang. 2018. "Robot Navigation Based on Human Trajectory Prediction and Multiple Travel Modes" Applied Sciences 8, no. 11: 2205.
APA StyleChen, Z., Song, C., Yang, Y., Zhao, B., Hu, Y., Liu, S., & Zhang, J. (2018). Robot Navigation Based on Human Trajectory Prediction and Multiple Travel Modes. Applied Sciences, 8(11), 2205.