The Friendly Health Issue Network to Support Computer-Assisted Education for Clinical Reasoning in Multimorbidity Patients
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Clinical Reasoning
2.2. Computer-Based Medical Education
3. HIN: A Formal Background
3.1. The Petri Nets for Modelling Health Evolutions
- It is based on two fundamental concepts, HI and evolution. The transition from one HI to another occurs through a well-defined evolution;
- It is generated by the entire additional set of evolutions connecting the patient’s HIs. At any given time, the set of active HIs identify the specific health status of the patient: this implies that the clinical history can be considered as a linear system;
- It can comprise independent sub-histories, therefore, it can be considered as a discrete distributed system: the evolution of an HI may be independent of (or may overlap with) another evolution;
- It is an asynchronous system because even though concurrent evolutions can occur, HIs are only accounted to evolve one per time. Accordingly, every single evolution is only capable to partially and locally affect the whole clinical history;
- It is a system without memory because the identification of the new potential evolutions from a given health status does not depend on how such status has been reached.
3.2. Main Features of HIN
4. The f-HINe Model
- f-HINe can have isolated nodes (i.e., non-developing HIs);
- Minimum f-HINe consists of only one HI node;
- f-HINe is a diagram with direct edges;
- f-HINe can be unconnected, i.e., made up of both several connected diagram parts (one per each developing HI) and isolated nodes;
- f-HINe features no cycles, except for recurrences;
- The static branch node is only an intermediate node and is always connected to HI nodes;
- Between two HIs there can at most stand one and only one evolution.
- red colour identifies issues that do not interfere with the remainder clinical evolutionary pathway; green is for endocrinological issues; light blue means ocular issues; yellow marks instead immunological pathophysiological conditions;
- the autoimmune process (pathophysiological issue) stands as the cause of clinical conditions;
- the clinical history depicted span over three years.
- Many details (the medication for arterial hypertension, the level of pain and muscle stiffness for the hip arthrosis) are “hidden” in the diagram but accessible to the user through the sheets associated with each HI and evolution;
- A difference exists between the evolution “recurrence” (see the non-complicated diverticular disease) and the “worsening-improvement” commuting dynamic (see hip arthrosis). While for the latter, the manifestations of the disease do not disappear, in the former each extemporaneous manifestation of the disease is independent of the previous/the following ones.
5. Software Application for The Design of f-HINe Diagrams
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Editor
- Each HI node has at most one input transition [0:1], excluding recurrences;
- Each HI node can have at most one integer output transition and unlimited dashed transitions (i.e., cause, complication, comorbidity);
- The aggregator node must have either two input or output transitions;
- The aggregator node must have at least one input and one output transition;
- If the inputs to an aggregator node are all dashed, then the output transitions are all dashed. If there is at least one solid input transition, then the output transitions are all solids;
- Input transitions of an aggregator must be of the same type (one type for dashed lines and one for solid lines);
- Output transitions of an aggregator must be either all solids or all dashed and report the same name;
- A transition cannot connect two aggregator nodes;
- A ‘Persistence’ transition can only connect two HI nodes;
- A ‘Persistence’ transition can only connect two HI nodes with the same health problem;
- Nodes connected to a ‘Persistence’ transition cannot have recurrences.
- {2} → {3}, worsening (Wo)
- {3} → {4}, cause with comorbidity (Ca1)
- {4} → {6}, cause (Ca2)
- {4} → {7}, cause (Ca2)
- {3} → {5}, cause (Ca3)
- {1} → {4}, cause with comorbidity (Ca1)
- {5} → {8}, examining in-depth with comorbidity (Ex)
- {7} → {8}, examining in-depth with comorbidity (Ex)
- {6} → {8}, examining in-depth with comorbidity (Ex)
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus & Food contamination → Chronic infection from helicobacter pylori → Epigenetic alterations → Epigenetic alterations → Epigenetic alterations & Anorexia → Gastric carcinoma;
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus & Food contamination → Chronic infection from helicobacter pylori → Epigenetic alterations → Epigenetic alterations & Anorexia → Epigenetic alterations → Gastric carcinoma.
5.3. Comparator
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions and Prospects
- Testing of the f-HINe model and the related fHINscene software as an innovative teaching method in the Departments of Public Health, and Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production, at the “Federico II” University of Naples.
- Further investigations to improve the retrieval of clinical cases from the GP’s EHRs that do not conform to the POMRs to make exercises based on the f-HINe diagram representing a real clinical case.
- Testing the possibility of incorporating the clinical history of a patient, drawn by f-HINe, with the related care pathway, to highlight the links between clinical-diagnostic reasoning and the various diagnostic–therapeutic phases followed by the patient in a primary care environment based on the social-health integration.
- Validating the f-HINe model and the related fHINscene software as an environment for the assessment of the CRM ability, through exercises based on the interpretation, completion, and design of HINs. In this regard, the ability of the software to compare two HINs and measure their “distance” is fundamental, because of the high number of students attending clinical courses. The functionality of comparison between the teacher’s and student’s solution could greatly alleviate the teachers’ workload for correcting the assignments. Studies are underway to extend the rules developed in the editor and comparator modules of the fHINscene software.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Evolution | f-HINe Primitive | Examples |
Recurrence | | A = acute diverticulitis Evolution = recurrence Meaning = the patient had recurrent episodes of acute diverticulitis |
Worsening/Examining in-depth/Improvement | | A = 2nd degree kidney failure B = 3rd degree kidney failure Evolution = worsening Meaning = a 2nd degree kidney failure worsened into a 3rd degree A = abdominal pain B = acute appendicitis Evolution = examining in-depth Meaning = an abdominal pain was interpreted as an acute appendicitis |
Complication/Cause | | A = diabetes B = diabetic foot Evolution = complication Meaning = diabetes complicates with a diabetic foot |
Worsening with co-morbidity | | A = mild dementia B = severe dementia C = pneumonia Evolution = worsening with comorbidity Meaning = dementia of a patient worsened after the onset of a pneumonia |
Complication with co-morbidity | | A = peripheral artery disease B = gangrene of the foot C = heart failure Evolution = complication with comorbidity Meaning = the peripheral artery disease of a patient complicates with gangrene of the foot after an episode of heart failure |
Function ComputeReachabilityGraph() |
function fireTransition(pathList)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
1 | {Ca1} | {Ca1,Ca2} | {Ca1,Ca2} | {Ca1,Ca2,Ex} | ||||
2 | {Wo} | {Wo,Ca1} | {Wo,Ca3} | {Wo,Ca1,Ca2} | {Wo,Ca1,Ca2} | {Wo,Ca1,Ca2,Ex}; {Wo,Ca3,Ex} | ||
3 | {Ca1} | {Ca3} | {Ca1,Ca2} | {Ca1,Ca2} | {Ca1,Ca2,Ex}; {Ca3,Ex} | |||
4 | {Ca2} | {Ca2} | {Ca2,Ex} | |||||
5 | {Ex} | |||||||
6 | {Ex} | |||||||
7 | {Ex} | |||||||
8 |
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Pecoraro, F.; Ricci, F.L.; Consorti, F.; Luzi, D.; Tamburis, O. The Friendly Health Issue Network to Support Computer-Assisted Education for Clinical Reasoning in Multimorbidity Patients. Electronics 2021, 10, 2075.
Pecoraro F, Ricci FL, Consorti F, Luzi D, Tamburis O. The Friendly Health Issue Network to Support Computer-Assisted Education for Clinical Reasoning in Multimorbidity Patients. Electronics. 2021; 10(17):2075.
Chicago/Turabian StylePecoraro, Fabrizio, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Fabrizio Consorti, Daniela Luzi, and Oscar Tamburis. 2021. "The Friendly Health Issue Network to Support Computer-Assisted Education for Clinical Reasoning in Multimorbidity Patients" Electronics 10, no. 17: 2075.
APA StylePecoraro, F., Ricci, F. L., Consorti, F., Luzi, D., & Tamburis, O. (2021). The Friendly Health Issue Network to Support Computer-Assisted Education for Clinical Reasoning in Multimorbidity Patients. Electronics, 10(17), 2075.