Two-Level-Composite-Hashing Facilitating Highly Efficient Anonymous IoT and D2D Authentication
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
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- Updating-and-synchronizing pseudonym. The challenges of adopting pseudonyms to achieve anonymity include (a) how do we efficiently maintain the pool of pseudonyms, and (b) how do we synchronize the pseudonyms to avoid possible desynchronization-based DoS attacks. Preloading lots of pseudonyms are suggested in some publications; however, it is not suitable for those resource-limited devices. Other systems update and synchronize the pseudonym during each authentication session. Updating-and-synchronizing pseudonyms per session does not require large storage space, but it should tackle the threats of possible desynchronization attacks or it incurs very costly overhead to renew the corresponding certificates or CLPKs.
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- Group signature [27] and ring signature [28]. A group signature facilitates one member to sign a signature on behalf of its group without disclosing its identity. A ring signature enables the signer to generate signatures embedded with all members’ identities. These two mechanisms can hide the signer’s identity under the umbrella of a group of members, even to the authenticators; however, they all demand heavy computations, and have poor scalability and poor dynamic membership management.
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- Probabilistic encryption. Applying an IND-CCA2-secure encryption [29] on the identities could conceal the identities. The limitation of this approach is its heavy computations, and it does not fit resource-limited devices.
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- Double Hashing: Ohkubo et al. [30] used two hashing functions to protect untraceability: the first-level hashing is to update the seed, and another hash function is applied on the seed value to have a random pseudonym. Unfortunately, the scheme needs to perform exhaustive search, and replay attacks are not tackled.
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- Error correction codes (ECC) with secret parameters: Encoding the identities using a code word with some random errors can securely deliver the message to the entities who own the secret generator matrix. The schemes like [31,32,33,34] adopted this approach. However, the schemes either suffer from some security attacks [31] or demand costly computations that low-end devices cannot afford [32]. The schemes [33,34] have solved the previous weaknesses, but their scalability is limited.
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- Encryption of identities using an ephemeral Diffie–Hellman (D–H) key: In this approach, two parties try to establish an ephemeral Diffie–Hellman (D–H) key, and then encrypt the identities, using the key. The authentication between the level-1 devices and the server in [12] adopts this approach. This approach is promising as long as the device has the capacities to hold all the CLPKs or PKCs of the potential receivers.
3. The Proposed Schemes
3.1. The Initialization Phase and Two-Level Composite Hashing
3.1.1. Two-Level Composite Hashing
3.1.2. The Registration and Initialization Phase
3.2. The Device-to-Server (D2S) Anonymous Authentication
3.3. The S-Assist D2D Anonymous Authentication
3.3.1. The S-Assist-Always D2S2D Anonymous Authentication
3.3.2. The S-Assist-Once-A-While D2S2D Anonymous Authentication and Direct D2D Authentication
The S-Assist-Once-A-While D2S2D Anonymous Authentication
The Direct D2D Anonymous Authentication
4. Using Our D2S Anonymous Scheme in the MQTT 5.0 Context
5. Security Analysis and Performance Evaluation
5.1. The Formal Protocol Verification in AVSIPA and Security Analysis
5.1.1. Security Properties Verification in AVISPA
Verification on the Two-Party D2S Authentication
Verification on the Three-Party S-Assist-Always D2S2D Authentication
5.1.2. Security Properties Analysis
5.2. The Performance Evaluation
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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D; S. | Device; Server. |
, Mac() | Two cryptographic hashing functions. Mac(): message authentication code function, which could be implemented, using HMAC [42]. |
, | : ith device; : th device; : the secret key shared between and S. |
level-1 seed (a random value) for generating the chain of seed values. Each seed value is used to generate the corresponding level-1 pseudonym . | |
means being applied j times. | |
is the level-1 pseudonym vectors pre-calculated by S for . | |
two values respectively specify the window sizes of the precalculated level-1 and level-2 pseudonym vectors. | |
h1( is the first seed for the level-2 pseudonym chain of where is the D2D authentication initiator, is the responder, and is the matched pseudonym in the level-1 pseudonym vectors. | |
= for j > 0, where is current active seed for level-2 D2D authentication. | |
, | ,…, is the precalculated level-2 pseudonym vectors for identifying by . Likewise, denotes that vector for to identify . |
Encryption using the key . | |
, P, q | is a cyclic multiplicative group of an order q, where the Computational Diffie–Hellman Problem (CDHP) is hard; P is a generator of . Here, we let be a group in the elliptic curve setting for the short key size. |
Schemes | Security Properties |
D2S authentication | Mutual authentication between a device and a server; anonymity of devices; unlinkability of devices’ successful connections; resistance to desynchronization-based DoS attacks; session key forward secrecy. |
S-assist-always D2S2D authentication | Mutual authentication between the two communicating devices; Authentication of a server to devices; anonymity of devices; unlinkability of devices’ successful connections; resistance to desynchronization-based DoS attacks; session key forward secrecy. |
S-assist-once-a-while D2S2D authentication | Mutual authentication between the two communicating devices; authentication Of a server to devices; anonymity of devices; unlinkability of devices’ successful connections; resistance to desynchronization-based DoS attacks; session key forward secrecy. |
Direct D2D authentication | Mutual authentication between the two communicating devices; anonymity of devices; unlinkability of devices’ successful connections; resistance to desynchronization-based DoS attacks; session key forward secrecy. |
Target Scenario | Security Goals | Mechanism for Anonymity | Cryptographic Alg. | ||
Ours | D2S authentication/D2D authentication | D2S authentication/D2D authentication/anonymity/unlinkability | 2LCH anonymous identification | Hash/DHECC/Sym. | |
Chien [11,25] | D2S authentication [11,25]/D2S group authentication [25] | D2S authentication/D2S group authentication | Not consider | Hash/ECC/pairing [25] | |
Fang et al. [12] 1 | D2S authentication/D2S group authentication | D2S authentication/D2S group authentication/unlinkability of the level-1 device authentication/anonymity of level-2 devices | Level-1 IoT: pseudonym-bound CLPK. Level-2 IoT: fixed pseudonyms | Level-1 IoT: Hash/Sym./ECC-CLPK.Level-2 IoT: Hash/Sym. | |
Wang-Yan [13] | D2D group authentication | D2D authentication/D2D group authentication/anonymity | Pseudonym-bound PKC | Hash/pairing-based PKC/Sym. | |
SeDS [15] | D2D authentication/data sharing | D2D authentication/non-repudiation/ anonymity | pseudonym-bound PKC | Hash/sym./pairing-PKC | |
AAKA-D2D [16] | D2D authentication | D2D authentication/anonymity | pseudonym-bound PKC | Hash/sym./pairing-PKC | |
Sec-D2D [18] | Near field D2D authentication | D2D authentication | Not consider | Hash/Physical Layer Security (acceleration sensor/speaker/microphone) | |
Shang et al. [20] | D2D group authentication | D2D group/anonymity | Pseudonym-bound CLPK | Hash/Sym./ECC-CLPK | |
Sun et al. [22] | D2S authentication/D2D group authentication | D2S authentication/D2D group authentication/anonymity/unlinkability | Pairing-based IDPE [26] | Hash/Sym./signature/batch signature/pairing-based IDPE |
Schemes | Computation | Communication | |
Ours | D2S authentication | : 6 × ; S: 6 × | 9Lh + 3LID; 3 msg. steps |
S-assist-always D2S2D authentication | : 7 × + 2; : 6 × + 1; S: 6 × + 3 | 18Lh + 7LID; msg. steps | |
S-assisted-once-a-while D2S2D authentication | : 8 × + 2; : 6 × + S: 9 × + 3 | 22Lh + 7LID; 4 msg. steps | |
Direct D2D | : 7 × ();: 7 × | 9Lh + 7LID; 3 msg. steps | |
Fang [12] | Level-1 IoT: D2S authentication | 5 × (1.79 ms) | 12Lh; 3 msg. steps |
Level-2 IoT: D2S authentication 3 | 2 × + (0.00008 ms) | 2Lh + 2LID + 1LENC; 3 msg. steps | |
Level-2 IoT: D2S group authentication 4 | 3 × + (0.0014 ms) | (2n + 1)Lh + (2n + 1)LID + 2nLENC, where n is the number of the group; 7 msg. steps | |
SeDS [15] 2 | D2S2D authentication + data sharing | (transmitter): 2 × + 2; : 4 × (55.036 ms) | 16Lh + 21LID + (2LENC + 2Lsig); 8 msg. steps |
AAKA-D2D [16] | D2S2D authentication | :3 × +; | 10Lh + 12LID; 7 msg. steps |
Sun et al. [22] | Direct D2D group authentication | (n + 3) × +n | (n + 3)Lh + (5n + 5)LID + nLENC + 1LSIG; (n + 2) msg. steps |
Chien [25] | D2S authentication | (6+2/m) + 2/m 1 (0.64 ms for m = 40; 0.31 ms for m = 1200) | 4Lh + 1LID + (4Lh + 3LID)/m; 3 msg. steps |
13.6736 | 0.3418 | 0.2986 | 0.00004 | 0.00002 |
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Chien, H.-Y. Two-Level-Composite-Hashing Facilitating Highly Efficient Anonymous IoT and D2D Authentication. Electronics 2021, 10, 789.
Chien H-Y. Two-Level-Composite-Hashing Facilitating Highly Efficient Anonymous IoT and D2D Authentication. Electronics. 2021; 10(7):789.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChien, Hung-Yu. 2021. "Two-Level-Composite-Hashing Facilitating Highly Efficient Anonymous IoT and D2D Authentication" Electronics 10, no. 7: 789.
APA StyleChien, H.-Y. (2021). Two-Level-Composite-Hashing Facilitating Highly Efficient Anonymous IoT and D2D Authentication. Electronics, 10(7), 789.