Sources and Radiations of the Fermi Bubbles
:1. Introduction: Sources of the Fermi Bubbles
2. Structure of the Fermi Bubbles
3. Envelope Disruption by Rayleigh–Taylor Instability
4. Energy and Spectrum of Hydrodynamic Fluctuations
5. Particle Acceleration by Alfvén Fluctuations and the Lighthill Radiation
6. Spectrum of MHD Turbulence in the Fermi Bubble Envelope
7. Leptonic and Hadronic Origins of the Radiation from the Fermi Bubbles
7.1. Origin of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Fermi Bubbles
- Leptonic model: The rate of gamma-ray production by relativistic electrons interacting with low-energy interstellar photons is (see [72])
- Hadronic model: Gamma rays can be produced by proton–proton (p-p) collisions. For calculations of the emission from p-p collision, Ackermann et al. [72] used the p-p cross-section from Kamae et al. [79]. The rate of gamma-ray production by p-p collisions isThe required spectrum of CR protons is expressed as , where TeV. The total required energy in CR protons above 1 GeV is erg for .
7.2. Microwave Origin in Cosmic-Ray Electron Model
7.3. Microwave Origin in Cosmic-Ray Proton Model
8. Number of Relativistic Electrons in the Fermi Bubble Envelope
8.1. Electrons Accelerated from Background Plasma in the Fermi Bubbles
8.2. Cosmic-Ray Electrons Re-Accelerated in the Fermi Bubbles
9. Cosmic-Ray Protons Escaping from the Fermi Bubbles into the Galaxy
Escape of Cosmic-Ray Protons Re-Accelerated by Supersonic Turbulence Inside the Fermi Bubbles
10. Summary
- The key point of the bubbles is a huge energy release of ∼ erg in the Galactic Center, whose origin is still unknown.
- We assume that the energy source of the bubbles could be a routine tidal disruption of stars near the central supermassive black hole. Each disruption of a star releases a total energy about ∼ erg. For a typical rate of stellar capture (once every years), this can provide a luminosity ≳ erg from the Galactic Center. These processes of stellar tidal disruption events can be directly observed in some external galaxies.
- Hydrodynamic models can describe the envelope of bubble propagation in the galactic halo where the gas distribution is nonuniform. The distribution is commonly characterized by an exponential or a power-law function. The observed shape of the Fermi bubbles seems to suggest an exponential halo. If the velocity of the top of the envelope prevails over the sound velocity in the halo, then the envelope may reach the size of 10 kpc.
- The surface of the top of the envelope propagates with acceleration in the halo. As a result, Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities are developed and they will destroy the bubble envelope at the top. We expect excitation of hydrodynamic instabilities and generation of hydrodynamic turbulence there.
- Turbulent motions act as a source of waves, which are manifested as a hierarchy of eddies, and act as a direct source of energy to the MHD waves (via the Lighthill mechanism). For small Mach numbers, a small fraction of the power radiated by the turbulent motion is Afvén waves.
- The coefficients of the spatial and momentum diffusion of the system of nonlinear kinetic equations of the cosmic-ray distribution function are derived from the spectrum of MHD waves. These coefficients were calculated analytically, but we were unable to estimate the numerical values for the bubbles because of the lack of available observations on the wave spectrum.
- We roughly estimated the spatial and momentum diffusion of cosmic rays in the envelope from the data of gamma-ray and microwave radiations from the Fermi bubbles.
- We concluded that the observed gamma-ray and microwave radiations from the envelope of the Fermi Bubbles are generated by cosmic-ray electrons only. The contribution of cosmic-ray protons can be neglected.
- We prefer the model that GeV cosmic-ray electrons from supernova remnants in the galactic disk are re-accelerated in situ in the bubbles to TeV energy range. With the help of a divergent flow, this can reproduce the data of both gamma-ray and microwave observations.
- On the other hand, high-energy cosmic ray protons can escape the bubbles and reach the Earth. Cosmic ray protons from supernova remnants can be accelerated in the bubbles by supersonic turbulence to higher energies. We found that the escaped high-energy protons that arrive the Earth can reproduce the spectrum and flux of cosmic rays in the range ∼ eV (from the ‘knee’ to the ‘ankle’), observed near Earth.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dogiel, V.A.; Ko, C.-M. Sources and Radiations of the Fermi Bubbles. Universe 2024, 10, 424.
Dogiel VA, Ko C-M. Sources and Radiations of the Fermi Bubbles. Universe. 2024; 10(11):424.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDogiel, Vladimir A., and Chung-Ming Ko. 2024. "Sources and Radiations of the Fermi Bubbles" Universe 10, no. 11: 424.
APA StyleDogiel, V. A., & Ko, C.-M. (2024). Sources and Radiations of the Fermi Bubbles. Universe, 10(11), 424.