Introduction to Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
:1. Introduction
2. CLFV in Standard Model Extensions
2.1. CLFV in Models That Generate Neutrino Mass at Tree Level
2.2. CLFV in Models That Generate Neutrino Masses at Loop Level
2.3. Two Higgs Doublet Model
2.4. CLFV in Supersymmetry
2.5. Effective Field Theory for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
3. Experimental Review
3.1. CLFV Searches Using Muons
- the endpoint of the spectrum corresponds to the energy of the electrons from conversion (CE);
- the overall spectrum is falling as , where E is the DIO energy;
- about of the spectrum is within the last MeV from the endpoint.
3.2. CLFV Searches Using Taus
4. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. μ → e Conversion in Nuclei
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Process | Bound |
[68] | |
[69] | |
[69] |
operators | |
operators | |
operators | |
Process | Experiment | Limit | C.L. |
MEG | [101] | 90% | |
SINDRUM | [136] | 90% | |
SINDRUM-II | Ti (Au) [137,138] | 90% | |
SINDRUM-II | [139] | 90% | |
BaBar | [140] | 90% | |
BaBar | [140] | 90% | |
Belle | [141] | 90% | |
Belle | [141] | 90% | |
Belle | [141] | 90% | |
Belle | [141] | 90% | |
Belle | [142] | 90% | |
BaBar | [143] | 90% | |
Belle | [142] | 90% | |
Belle | [142] | 90% | |
Belle | [144] | 90% | |
Belle | [144] | 90% | |
KTeV | [145] | 90% | |
kTeV | [145] | 90% | |
BNL E871 | [107] | 90% | |
BNL E865 | [146] | 90% | |
BESIII | [147] | 90% | |
BESIII | [148] | 90% | |
BESII | [149] | 90% | |
LHCb | [150] | 95% | |
BaBar | [151] | 90% | |
LHCb | [152] | 95% | |
BaBar | [153] | 90% | |
BaBar | [153] | 90% | |
BaBar | [154] | 90% | |
BaBar | [154] | 90% | |
LHCb | [150] | 90% | |
LHCb | [152] | 95% | |
ATLAS | [155] | 95% | |
OPAL | [156] | 95% | |
DELPHI | [157] | 95% | |
ATLAS | [68] | 95% | |
CMS | [69] | 95% | |
CMS | [69] | 95% |
MEG | 380 keV/c | 9.4 mrad | 2.4%/1.7% | 5 mm | 122 ps | 30% | 63% |
MEG-II | 100 keV/c | 6.7 mrad | 1.7%/1.7% | 2.4 mm | 70 ps | 65% | 69% |
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Ardu, M.; Pezzullo, G. Introduction to Charged Lepton Flavor Violation. Universe 2022, 8, 299.
Ardu M, Pezzullo G. Introduction to Charged Lepton Flavor Violation. Universe. 2022; 8(6):299.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArdu, Marco, and Gianantonio Pezzullo. 2022. "Introduction to Charged Lepton Flavor Violation" Universe 8, no. 6: 299.
APA StyleArdu, M., & Pezzullo, G. (2022). Introduction to Charged Lepton Flavor Violation. Universe, 8(6), 299.