Chara zeylanica J.G.Klein ex Willd. (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae): First European Record from the Island of Sardinia, Italy
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Ecology
2.2. Morphological Description
2.3. Phylogenetic Analysis
3. Discussion
3.1. Taxonomical Remarks
3.2. Status and Threats
4. Material and Methods
4.1. Hydrochemical and Morphological Analyses
4.2. DNA Barcoding
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Marker | Species | Section/Subsection | Strain Designation and/or Collection Information | Accession | Reference | Redundant Accessions |
rbcL | Chara australis | Protochara/- | S002/Unknown | AB440260 | [71] | - |
Chara braunii | Charopsis/- | S036/Japan, Lake Ashino | AB440259 | [71] | - | |
S019/Japan, Lake Haryu-numa | AB440258 | [71] | KJ395929 | |||
GR10-UW37/Greece, Etoloakarnania | MK791476 | [59] | - | |||
Chara brittonii | Grovesia/Willdenowia | KGK2610/USA, Wisconsin | MG880194 | [72] | MG880191, MG880186 | |
KGK3120/USA, New Jersey | MG880206 | [72] | MG880205, MG880204, MG880203, MG880202, MG880201, MG880200, MG880199, MG880198, MG880197, MG880196, MG880195, MG880193, MG880192, MG880190, MG880189, MG880188, MG880187, MG880185, MG880184, MG880183 | |||
Chara corallina | Protochara/- | SK026/Japan, Hiroshima | AB359167 | [73] | - | |
Chara drouetii | Grovesia/Willdenowia | Proctor Loc 36/Guatemala, San Luis | HQ380445 | [74] | - | |
KGK0467/Mexico, Quintana Roo | HQ380444 | [74] | - | |||
Chara fibrosa | Agardhia/Agardhia | SK066/ Japan, Hiroshima | AB359168 | [73] | AB440261 | |
Chara foliolosa | Grovesia/Willdenowia | Proctor 138/Mexico | MG880213 | [72] | HQ380448 | |
NY 02146579/USA, Lake Erickson | MG880212 | [72] | MG880210, HQ380452, HQ380449 | |||
NY 02145914/USA, Clopper Lake | MG880211 | [72] | MG880208, MG880207, KY656911, HQ380451, HQ380447, HQ380446 | |||
NY 00739274/USA, Near New Deal | MG880209 | [72] | HQ380450 | |||
SJRP31534/Brazil, Neves Paulista | KY656915 | [57] | KY656914, KY656907 | |||
SJRP31929/Brazil, São Paulo | KY656912 | [57] | - | |||
Chara guairensis | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP31523/Brazil, São Paulo | KY656913 | [57] | - | |
Chara haitensis | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP28306/Brazil, Mato Grosso | KY656908 | [57] | - | |
NY02145934/Michigan, USA | KX431011 | [75] | - | |||
X-930/USA, Everglades | HQ380460 | [74] | HQ380459, HQ380458, HQ380457, HQ380456, HQ380455, HQ380454, HQ380453 | |||
Chara hornemannii | Agardhia/Wallmania | NY00739162/Peru, Lima | KX431012 | [76] | - | |
Chara hydropitys | Imahoria/- | SJRP28308/Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul | KY656910 | [57] | - | |
KGK0774/Puerto Rico, Lago Carite | HQ380464 | [74] | HQ380463, HQ380462, HQ380461 | |||
Chara kenoyeri | Grovesia/Willdenowia | TP118/Panama, Gatun Lake | HQ380465 | [74] | - | |
Chara longifolia | Agardhia/Wallmania | MB/Canada, Saskatchewan | AY170452 | [77] | - | |
Chara martiana | Grovesia/Willdenowia | Proctor X-952/Venezuela, Caracas | HQ380467 | [74] | - | |
Proctor TP097/Brazil, São Paulo | HQ380466 | [74] | - | |||
Chara rusbyana | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP28307/Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul | KY656909 | [57] | KY630506 | |
LG/ Unknown | AF097169 | [75] | AF097168 | |||
Chara zeylanica | Grovesia/Willdenowia | n|a/Taiwan, Gueishan Island | AY720934 | unpubl. | - | |
n|a/Australia: Elizabeth Creek | DQ076299 | unpubl. | - | |||
S111/New Caledonia | AB440257 | [71] | KT343914, KT343913, AB359169, HQ380480, HQ380479, HQ380477, HQ380475, HQ380474, HQ380473, HQ380472, HQ380471, HQ380469, HQ380468 | |||
Proctor X-574/Sri Lanka, Ceylon | HQ380481 | [74] | HQ380478, HQ380476, HQ380470 | |||
RB-CZ119A | MZ648319 | this study | - | |||
RB-CZ119B | MZ648320 | this study | - | |||
RB-CT1119-B | MZ648321 | this study | - | |||
Nitellopsis obtusa | S042/Germany, Lake Nehmitz | AB440263 | MK791482 | |||
matK | Chara braunii | Charopsis/- | GR10-UW37/ Greece, Etoloakarnania | MK791485 | [59] | - |
48/ Brazil, São Paulo | KY656917 | [57] | - | |||
Chara fibrosa | Agardhia/Agardhia | MY-33/Myanmar, Yezin | MT739760 | [43] | MT739765, MT739766, MT739768 | |
Chara foliolosa | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP31527/Brazil, Paulicéia | KY656925 | [57] | - | |
SJRP31929/Brazil, São Paulo | KY656923 | [57] | - | |||
SJRP31534/Brazil, Neves Paulista | KY656926 | [57] | - | |||
SJRP28309/Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul | KY656922 | [57] | - | |||
Chara guairensis | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP31523/Brazil, São Paulo | KY656924 | [57] | - | |
Chara haitensis | Grovesia/Willdenowia | SJRP28306/Brazil, Mato Grosso | KY656919 | [57] | - | |
Chara hydropitys | Imahoria/- | SJRP28308/Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul | KY656921 | [57] | - | |
Chara rusbyana | Grovesia/Willdenowia | n|a/Brazil. Mato Grosso do Sul | KY630507 | [57] | KY656916 | |
SJRP28307/Brazil. Mato Grosso do Sul | KY656920 | [57] | - | |||
Chara zeylanica | Grovesia/Willdenowia | MMYA-1/Myanmar, Inlay Lake | MT739758 | [43] | MT739759, MT739761, MT739762, MT739763, MT739764, MT739767 | |
RB-CZ119A | MZ648322 | this study | - | |||
RB-CZ119B | MZ648323 | this study | - | |||
RB-CT1119-B | MZ648324 | this study | - | |||
Nitellopsis obtusa | GEC4-1/Poland, Lake Lagowskie | MK791491 | [59] | - |
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Share and Cite
Becker, R.; Schubert, H.; Nowak, P. Chara zeylanica J.G.Klein ex Willd. (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae): First European Record from the Island of Sardinia, Italy. Plants 2021, 10, 2069.
Becker R, Schubert H, Nowak P. Chara zeylanica J.G.Klein ex Willd. (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae): First European Record from the Island of Sardinia, Italy. Plants. 2021; 10(10):2069.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBecker, Ralf, Hendrik Schubert, and Petra Nowak. 2021. "Chara zeylanica J.G.Klein ex Willd. (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae): First European Record from the Island of Sardinia, Italy" Plants 10, no. 10: 2069.
APA StyleBecker, R., Schubert, H., & Nowak, P. (2021). Chara zeylanica J.G.Klein ex Willd. (Charophyceae, Charales, Characeae): First European Record from the Island of Sardinia, Italy. Plants, 10(10), 2069.