Sieve Plate Pores in the Phloem and the Unknowns of Their Formation
:1. Introduction
2. Sieve Pores in the Sieve Plates of Angiosperms
3. Sieve Plates Vary in Size, Pore Diameter, and Overall Architecture
4. Sieve Pore Formation during Phloem Development
4.1. Lessons from Plasmodesmata
4.2. The cher1 Mutant Connects Plasmodesmata Maturation and Sieve Pore Morphogenesis
4.3. Origin of the Pore-Forming Plasmodesmata
4.4. Callose Deposition Replaces Primary Cell Wall
4.5. Pore Opening
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Kalmbach, L.; Helariutta, Y. Sieve Plate Pores in the Phloem and the Unknowns of Their Formation. Plants 2019, 8, 25.
Kalmbach L, Helariutta Y. Sieve Plate Pores in the Phloem and the Unknowns of Their Formation. Plants. 2019; 8(2):25.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKalmbach, Lothar, and Ykä Helariutta. 2019. "Sieve Plate Pores in the Phloem and the Unknowns of Their Formation" Plants 8, no. 2: 25.
APA StyleKalmbach, L., & Helariutta, Y. (2019). Sieve Plate Pores in the Phloem and the Unknowns of Their Formation. Plants, 8(2), 25.