?orphological Integration of Loan Words in Kaliardá
:1. Kaliardá: An Introductory Overview
(1) | Kaliardá loan | Origin | |
a. | vísita | Italian visita | |
‘visit’ | ‘visit’ | ||
b. | bládis | English blood | |
‘doctor’ | ‘blood’ | ||
c. | grífi | French griffe | |
‘nail’ | ‘claw’ | ||
d. | madó | Romani mařo | |
‘bread’ | ‘bread’ | ||
e. | kukáro | Spanish cucaracha | |
‘cockroach’ | ‘cockroach’ | ||
f. | papí | German papier | |
‘document’ | ‘paper’ | ||
g. | duvdéza | Albanian te vdes | |
‘coffin’ | ‘to die’ | ||
h. | secéri | Turkish şeker | |
‘sweet’ | ‘sugar’ |
(2) | ||
a. | animals (γuγúlfis ‘wolf’ < English wolf, papíʝa ‘butterfly’ < French papillon, xórsi ‘horse’< English horse, fidélis ‘dog’< Italian fidele ‘faithful’) | |
b. | food (fromázi ‘cheese’ < French fromage, kárno ‘meat’ < Italian carne, lakrími ‘onion’ < Italian lacrima ‘tear’) | |
c. | political and social organization (réna ‘queen’ < French reine, rénos ‘king’ < French reine ‘queen’, primátsos ‘prime minister’ < Italian primo ‘first’) | |
d. | professions (drávis ‘driver’ < English driver, telára ‘female tailor’ < English tailor, telóris ‘male tailor’ < English tailor) | |
e. | clothing (prezantasjón ‘formal clothing’ < French presentation ‘presentation’, drésa ‘cloth’ < English dress) | |
f. | religion (mirákli ‘miracle’ < French miracle ‘miracle’, Góda ‘goddess’< English God, sakrú ‘icon’< French sacrée ‘sacred’) | |
g. | body parts (scíni ‘skin’ < English skin, óci ‘ear’ < Italian occhio ‘eye’, grífi ‘nail’ < French griffe ‘claw’) |
(3) | Kaliardá | Model word | Donor language | |
a. | fívros.masc | fièvre.fem/fever | French/English | |
‘fever’ | ‘fever’ | |||
b. | enémis.masc | ennemi.masc/enemy | French/English | |
‘enemy’ | ‘enemy’ | |||
c. | plafóna.fem | plafone.masc/plafond.masc | Italian/French | |
‘ceiling’ | ‘ceiling’ | |||
d. | mirákli.neu | miracle.masc/miracle | French/English | |
‘miracle’ | ‘miracle’ | |||
e. | animáli.neu | animale.MASC/animal.mASC | Italian/French | |
‘animal’ | ‘animal’ | |||
f. | futúri.neu | futuro.masc/futur.MASC/future | Italian/French/English | |
‘future’ | ‘future’ |
2. Loan Word Accommodation in Kaliardá
(4) | Kaliardá klin-ár-o10 | < | English clean |
clean-dsuf-1sg | |||
‘I clean’ |
(5) | Kaliardá | Origin | |||
a. | to | buá | < | French bois | |
the.neu.sg | flower | wood.masc | |||
‘the flower’ | ‘wood’ | ||||
b. | o | tutafé | < | French tout à fait | |
the.masc.sg | absolute | ‘absolutely’ | |||
‘the panhedonist’ |
(6) | Kaliardá | English |
avélo kloz | to close | |
‘Ι close’ |
2.1. Verbal Loans
(7) | ||||
a. | English (to) film | -> | Greek film-ár-o ‘I film’ | |
film-ár-is ‘you film’ | ||||
film-ár-i ‘(s)he films’ | ||||
etc. | ||||
b. | French maquiller | -> | Greek makiʝ-ár-o ‘I make up’ | |
makiʝ-ár-is ‘you make up’ | ||||
makiʝ-ár-i ‘(s)he makes up’ | ||||
etc. |
(8) | Kaliardá | Origin | |
a. | vin-ár-o | Italian vino.masc | |
‘I drink’ | ‘wine’ | ||
b. | pleʝ-ár-o | English play | |
‘Ι play’ | |||
c. | stop-ár-o | English stop | |
‘Ι stop’ | |||
d. | kup-ár-o | French couper | |
‘Ι cut’ | ‘to cut’ | ||
e. | les-ár-o | French laisser | |
‘Ι leave, I abandon’ | ‘to leave’ |
(9) | Kaliardá | Origin | |
a. | virdziɲ-áz-o | English virgin | |
‘I close’ | |||
b. | mirakʎ-áz-o | French miracle.masc/English miracle | |
‘I admire’ | |||
c. | muts-év-o | Italian mucciare | |
‘I tick, I deceive’ | ‘to escape, to slip away’ |
(10) | Loan | Origin | |
a. | Cypriot kunsentiázo | Gallo-Romance (Old Provençal) counsentir | |
‘I consent’ | ‘to consent’ | ||
b. | Pontic γantur-év-o | Turkish kandırmak | |
‘I trick’ | ‘to trick’ | ||
c. | Griko kunt-é-o18 | Salentino kuntare | |
‘I narrate’ | ‘to narrate’ | ||
d. | Greko spend-éggu-o19 | Calabrian spend-iri | |
‘I spend’ | ‘to spend’ |
(11) | ||||
a. | muxl-iáz-o | < | Greek múxl(a).fem20 | |
‘I mould’ | ‘mould’ | |||
b. | xor-év- | < | Greek xor(όs).masc | |
‘I dance’ | ‘dance’ |
(12) | Kaliardá | Italian | |
a. | tornáro | tornare | |
‘I return’ | ‘to return’ | ||
b. | trotáro | trottare | |
‘I travel’ | ‘to trot’ | ||
c. | kodináro | continuare | |
‘I continue’ | ‘to continue’ |
2.2. Nominal Loans
(13) | Kaliardá | Italian |
kudzínos.masc | cugino.masc | |
‘brother’ | ||
móndos.masc | mondo.masc | |
‘world’ | ||
lútsis.masc | luce.fem | |
‘sun’ | ‘light’ | |
vestíta.fem | vestito.masc | |
‘disguise’ | ‘dress’ | |
veritá.fem | verità.fem | |
‘truth’ | ||
tésta.fem | testa.fem | |
‘head’ | ||
kárbono.neu | carbone.masc | |
‘coal’ | ||
léti.neu | letto.masc | |
‘piece’ | ‘bed’ | |
kárno.neu | carne.fem | |
‘meat’ | ||
tuváli.neu | tovaglia.fem | |
‘handkerchief’ | ‘tablecloth’ | |
(14) | Kaliardá | French |
sakrú.fem | sacrée.fem | |
‘icon’ | ‘sacred’ | |
fransí.fem | Français.masc | |
‘gay man’ | ‘French’ | |
réna.fem | reine.fem | |
‘queen’ | ||
rénos.masc | reine.fem | |
‘king’ | ||
kabára.fem | cabaret.masc | |
‘pub’ | ||
musúro.neu | mouchoir.masc | |
‘towel’ | ‘handkerchief’ | |
grífi.neu | griffe.fem | |
‘nail’ | ‘claw’ | |
sjélos.masc | ciel.masc | |
‘sky’ | ||
súkra.fem | sucre.fem | |
‘sugar’ | ||
prézantasjón.fem | présentation.fem | |
‘formal wear’ | ‘presentation’ | |
(15) | Kaliardá | English |
batéro.fem | butter | |
‘fat’ | ||
skrúdza.fem | screw | |
‘screw’ | ||
drésa.fem | dress | |
‘cloth’ | ||
telóris.masc | tailor | |
‘male tailor’ | ||
ʝánkis.masc | Yankee | |
‘American’ | ||
cek.neu | cake | |
‘immature boy’ | ||
gífti.neu | gift | |
‘gift’ | ||
frídzo.neu | fridge | |
‘fridge’ | ||
léði.fem | Lady | |
‘gay man’ | ||
Gódis.masc | God | |
‘God’ |
(16) | ||
a. | xótsolos.masc ‘sun’ (another word for ‘sun’ beside lútsis, see (13)) < English hot + Italian sol(e) ‘sun’ + Greek inflectional suffix -os | |
b. | fastsiðerókaro.NEU ‘rapid train’ < English fast + Greek stem siðer- ‘iron’ + Greek compound marker -o- + English car + Greek inflectional suffix -o | |
c. | terolimnúðes.fem.PL ‘mud.PL’ < Italian terr(a)/French terre ‘earth’ + Greek compound marker -o- + Greek limn(i) ‘lake’ + Greek stem ending segments -uð- + Greek inflectional suffix -es | |
d. | ofitsóftero.NEU ‘air force officer’ < Italian uffici(o) ‘office’ + Greek compound marker -o- + Greek fter(ó) feather’ + Greek inflectional suffix -o |
(17) | Kaliardá | Italian | |
a. | kolóra.fem | colore.masc | |
‘painting’ | ‘color’ | ||
b. | kuóra.fem | cuore.masc | |
‘heart’ | ‘heart’ | ||
c. | letsóna.fem | lezione.fem | |
‘lesson’ | ‘lesson’ | ||
(18) | Kaliardá | English | |
a. | divórsa.fem | divorce | |
‘divorce’ | |||
b. | dzóka.fem | joke | |
‘game’ | |||
(19) | Kaliardá | French | |
a. | kabára.fem | cabaret.masc | |
‘pub’ | ‘pub’ | ||
b. | plafóna.fem | plafond.masc (or Italian plafone.masc) | |
‘ceiling’ | ‘ceiling’ |
(20) | Kaliardá | Origin | Native Greek | |
a. | kuóra.fem | Italian cuore.masc | karðʝá.fem | |
‘heart’ | ||||
b. | súkra.fem | French sucre.masc | záxari.fem | |
‘sugar’ | ||||
c. | prúfa.fem | English proof | apóðiksi.fem | |
‘proof’ | ||||
d. | lútsis.masc | Italian luce.fem | íʎos.masc | |
‘sun’ | ‘light’ | ‘sun’ |
(21) | Kaliardá | English | |
a. | batéro.fem.sg | butter | |
‘fat’ | |||
b. | batérʝa.neu.pl | butter | |
‘fat’ |
(22) | Kaliardá | Origin | Native Greek | |
a. | móndos.masc | Italian mondo.masc/ | kózmos.masc | |
‘world’ | French monde.masc | ‘world’ | ||
‘world’ | ||||
b. | sjélos.masc | Italian cielo.masc/ | uranós.masc | |
‘sky’ | French ciel.masc | ‘sky’ | ||
‘sky’ | ||||
c. | krósos.masc | English cross | stavrós.masc | |
‘cross’ | ‘cross’ |
(23) | Kaliardá | Origin | |
a. | kabára.fem | French cabaret.masc | |
‘pub’ | |||
b. | divórsa.fem | English/French divorce | |
‘divorce’ |
(24) | Kaliardá36 | Origin | |
a. | rovespácis.masc | French Robespierre.masc | |
‘democrat’ | |||
b. | fidentsáris.masc | Italian fidanzato.masc | |
‘fiancé’ | ‘fiancé’ | ||
c. | primatsos.masc | Italian primo.masc | |
‘prime minister’ | ‘first’ | ||
d. | amitsjóza.fem | Italian amicizia.fem | |
‘friendship’ | ‘friendship’ | ||
e. | muvjóni.neu | English movie | |
‘cinema’ |
(25) | |||||
a. | Greek | vasiλá-s | vasíl-isa-ø | French | |
‘king’ | ‘queen’ | ||||
Kaliardá | rén-os | réna-ø | reine.fem | ||
b. | Greek | líko-s | líc-ena-ø | English | |
‘male wolf’ | ‘female wolf’ | ||||
Kaliardá | γuγúlfi-s | γuγúlfo-ø | wolf |
3. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
List of Abbreviations
1 | The Lesbian community is added to Kaliardá speakers by Ιοannidi (1977). However, Petropoulos ([1971] 1993) disagrees with this view. |
2 | Unless necessary for explanatory purposes, in this article, Greek will be used as a cover term for both Standard Modern Greek and its regional varieties. |
3 | |
4 | In this article, Kaliardá words will be given in a broad phonological transcription with the characters of the International Phonetic Alphabet and stress will appear on the relevant vowel. |
5 | Petropoulos wrote his dictionary between 1968 and 1971. In the 1993 edition, he added some more entries to the original 3000 and suggested (p. 250) that the Kaliardá words could be around 5000. |
6 | Many of the Greek-based words display different gender, stress, inflection and meaning, e.g., ðáxtílo.fem ‘piano’ < Greek ðáxtilo.neu ‘finger’. There is also a considerable number of formations, derived or compound, which contain native Greek consitituents and structure, but they do not constitute Greek actual words, e.g., nuɲázome ‘I think’ < Greek nun.acc.sg ‘mind’ + -iaz.dsuf + -ome.1sg.pres.pass, nekroxartú.fem ‘photograph’ < Greek nekr(ós).masc ‘dead’ + xart(í).neu ‘paper’. |
7 | The interviewees were all Mr Rouvalis’ friends and gave an informal consent to check the accuracy of the data that are used in this work. |
8 | As shown by Melissaropoulou and Ralli (2019), languages can vary wih respect to categories other than nouns, the latter being the most frequently borrowed category cross-linguistically. |
9 | See Ralli (2022) for details regarding the property of stem-based morphology in the Greek language and the analysis of inflected words into stems and inflectional suffixes. Note that the Kaliardá borrowed nouns and adjectives follow the Greek inflection in both singular and plural. Similarly, verbs are inflected in all paradigmatic tenses. Deviances from Greek inflection are always mentioned in this paper. |
10 | In the citation form, Greek verbs are given in the first person singular of the present tense, since the overtly expressed infinitival form was lost from the language in the Hellenistic period (ca. 3rd c. BC–3rd c. AD). |
11 | Another explanation for the absence of inflection in many French loans may be due to the desire of Kaliardá speakers to keep unaltered the French words due to the high prestige of French. The prominent status of French is also shown by the fact that some Greek words containing an /r/ are sometimes pronounced in Kaliardá with a Parisian /ʁ/, the latter being absent from the range of Greek consonants. |
12 | There is one instance in our corpus. However, there may be more of these formations with verbs from other languages, which we were not able to identify as such due to their etymological opacity. |
13 | For a variety of examples with avel and its different meanings in Romani, see the database of the University of Manchester Romani Project: https://romani.humanities.manchester.ac.uk//rms/browse/phrases/phraselist (accessed on 30 January 2022). We thank Evangelia Adamou for pointing this out to us. |
14 | However, in Petakto Korte it is listed with the Romani meaning ‘to come’. |
15 | See (Petropoulos ([1971] 1993, pp. 17–22) for more examples and the variety of meanings that these periphrases can have. |
16 | Greek verbs are inflected according to two inflection classes (VIC1 and VIC2), the endings of which differ as far as the present, imperfect and future continuous paradigms are concerned. In the paradigm of past perfective (the so-called ‘aorist tense’), and in that of future perfective the difference between the two verbal inflection classes is eliminated. See Ralli (2022) for more information. |
17 | -are shows as -ar in Venetian, an Italo-Romance dialect, which is the donor language for many Modern Greek regional varieties, such as Heptanesian and Cretan. Since there is no evidence whether Kaliardá has been directly influenced by Venetian, we assume here that it has used the exapted -ar- suffix of Standard Modern Greek. |
18 | In Griko, the South Italian Greek variety spoken in Salento, the intervocalic /v/ is dropped (Karanastasis 1997). |
19 | |
20 | Occasionally and for clarification purposes, segments that are not employed in loan adaptation appear in parentheses. |
21 | There is no instance of vuélo exhibiting a similar behaviour in our corpus, as it combines only with nouns. |
22 | In our corpus, there are only examples in the present tense. |
23 | |
24 | Nevertheless, for pópolo, the neuter gender assignment in Kaliardá could also be further instigated by the unspecified biological sex of the entity, as suggested by Kiranoudis (2001) for similar cases of lexical borrowing from Turkish in Northern Modern Greek dialects. |
25 | The masculine stem γuγúlfi is further enriched with a -ð- in the plural number, e.g., γuγúlfið-es ‘wolfs.masc.nom/acc/.pl’. In contrast, the plural stem of the feminine form does not contain any -ð- or the vowel /o/, e.g., γuγúlf-es ‘wolfs.fem.nom/acc.pl’ (See Ralli 2022 for details on the inflection of masculine and feminine nouns). |
26 | The ø ending appears in the nominative, accusative and vocative cases of the singular number. In the plural number, all forms show overtly realized inflectional suffixes, -es for the nominative, accusative and vocative forms and -on for the genitive. |
27 | See Makri (2020) for examples in the Heptanesian dialect, Manolessou and Ralli (2020) for examples in South Italian Greek, and Ralli and Makri (2020) for evidence drawn from the Immigrant Greek spoken in Canada. |
28 | The inflectional ending in the citation form, that is, in the nominative singular is ø. See also footnote 26. |
29 | See Christofidou (2003) on the productivity notion in Greek feminine nouns in -a. |
30 | For the inflectional endings, see also footnotes 26 and 28. |
31 | The Kaliardá nouns and adjectives follow the Greek inflection in singular and plural. Similarly, verbs are inflected in all tenses. Deviances from Greek inflection are always noted. |
32 | The word-final /ə/ of monde is not overtly pronounced in standard French. Therefore, the word is considered as ending in a consonant. Even if /ə/ is considered as overtly realized, it does not match to any of the Greek endings. |
33 | In the entire corpus, there are another 3 occurrences of feminine nouns in -i, all of them originating from Romani. |
34 | In Petropoulos’ ([1971] 1993) dictionary, loan nouns from languages other than Italian, French and English are assigned in more or less equal numbers masculine, feminine and neuter gender values. |
35 | Another homonymous item is skrúdzo ‘stingy’ which comes from a different English base, Scrooge. |
36 | -s and -os are the inflectional endings of the NIC1 ands NIC2 masculine nouns in the nominative singular. A ø suffix is the inflectional ending for the NIC6 neuter nouns in -i (see Ralli 2022) for details and footnotes 26 and 28). |
37 | Due to the rules of Greek phonology, after the addition of the /a/, /i/ of vasili changes into a semi-vowel [j], and subsequently /l/ is palatalized into /λ/. Moreover, /k/ of lik is also palatalized into [c] before the front vowel /e/ of the derivational suffix -ena. |
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NIC1 (in -os) | NIC2 (in -is) | NIC3 (in -a) | NIC3 (in -i) | NIC3 (in -o) | NIC3 (in -u) | NIC5 (in -o) | NIC6 (in -i) | Total | |
Masculine | 10 | 7 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 17 |
Feminine | --- | 55 | 2 | 17 | 45 | -- | --- | 119 | |
Neuter | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 40 | 46 | 86 | |
Total | 10 | 7 | 55 | 2 | 17 | 45 | 40 | 46 | 222 |
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Ralli, A.; Rouvalis, A. ?orphological Integration of Loan Words in Kaliardá. Languages 2022, 7, 167. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7030167
Ralli A, Rouvalis A. ?orphological Integration of Loan Words in Kaliardá. Languages. 2022; 7(3):167. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7030167
Chicago/Turabian StyleRalli, Angela, and Andreas Rouvalis. 2022. "?orphological Integration of Loan Words in Kaliardá" Languages 7, no. 3: 167. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7030167
APA StyleRalli, A., & Rouvalis, A. (2022). ?orphological Integration of Loan Words in Kaliardá. Languages, 7(3), 167. https://doi.org/10.3390/languages7030167